Committee 2nd term programme; Committee Legacy report

NCOP Social Services

15 March 2024
Chairperson: Mr E Njadu (ANC, Western Cape)
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Meeting Summary


The Select Committee on Health and Social Services convened virtually to address several important agenda items, including the consideration of the Committee's second-term program, the adoption of the Committee's Legacy report, and the adoption of Committee minutes.

The Committee Secretariat then presented the Draft Second-term Program, highlighting the recently assigned Statistics Amendment Bill, a section 75 bill. Plans for public engagement, including advertising through parliamentary social media platforms until 15 April 2024, were outlined. After the Easter break on 23 April 2024, the Committee aims to deliberate on written submissions and finalise the bill by 30 April 2024.

Next, the Committee Secretariat presented the draft Legacy Report, providing a comprehensive review of the Committee's work from 20 May 2019 to the present 6th Parliament term. The report included reflections, Departmental engagements, key statistics, and legislative accomplishments, such as the Social Assistance Amendment Bill and the ongoing work on the Statistics Amendment Bill.

Upon the presentation, a Member commended the report's thoroughness and proposed its adoption, a sentiment echoed by another Member, leading to the adoption of the Legacy report.

The meeting then proceeded to consider the adoption of Committee minutes, covering various dates in February and March 2024. Despite minor concerns raised regarding the absence of a Member's name in one set of minutes, all minutes were eventually adopted after amendments were made and seconded accordingly.

Concluding the meeting, a Member proposed concluding the term with a lunch, a suggestion welcomed by Members and the Chairperson. With no further business to address, the meeting was adjourned.

Meeting report

The Chairperson called upon the Committee Secretariat to conduct the roll call.

The Chairperson asked about the attendance of Ms K Muthwa (EFF, KZN) and confirmed her invitation to the meeting.

The Committee Secretariat affirmed Ms Muthwa's invitation and outlined the meeting agenda, comprising of Committee minutes, the Legacy Report, and the Second Term Programme. It was an in-house meeting, therefore, there were no external presentations.

Formally opening the meeting, the Chairperson welcomed all Members and support staff, addressing quorum concerns promptly.

The agenda was promptly moved to discuss the Committee's second-term programme.

Draft Second Term Programme 2024, dated 15 March 2024

The Committee Secretariat presented the Draft Second Term Programme, beginning with an overview of the recently assigned Statistics Amendment Bill, a section 75 bill. She elaborated on plans for public engagement, including advertising through parliamentary social media platforms until 15 April 2024, to gather input.

Upon reconvening after the Easter break on 23 April 2024, the Committee aims to deliberate on written submissions and address any public concerns, with Stats SA providing insights. The programme aims to finalise the bill by 30 April 2024, marking the end of the second term.

The Chairperson thanked the Committee Secretariat and invited Members ‘queries.

Ms E Nkosi (ANC, Mpumalanga) moved for the adoption of the programme, garnering support from two other Members.

The programme was adopted.

Draft Committee Legacy Report, Dated 15 March 2024

The Committee Secretariat presented the draft Legacy Report, offering a comprehensive review of the committee's work from May 2019 to the present 6th Parliament term. The report included reflections, departmental engagements, and key statistics, highlighting challenges faced and recommendations made. Noteworthy were the legislative accomplishments, such as the Social Assistance Amendment Bill, the Children's Amendment Bill, and ongoing work on the Statistics Amendment Bill.

Mr E Nchabeleng (ANC, Limpopo) commended the report's thoroughness and proposed its adoption, a sentiment echoed by Ms N Ndongeni (ANC, Eastern Cape), who seconded the motion.

The report was duly adopted. See full report here

Committee Minutes

  • Minutes dated 06 February 2024 were moved for adoption by Mr Nchabeleng and seconded by Ms Nkosi and were duly adopted.
  • Minutes dated 05 March 2024 were moved and seconded by Mr Nchabeleng and Ms Nkosi. The minutes were duly adopted.
  • Minutes dated 08 March 2024 were moved for adoption by Mr Nchabeleng. Ms S Lehihi (EFF, North West) raised concerns about her name's absence and moved for adoption with amendments, seconded by Ms Ndongeni. The minutes were duly adopted duly adopted.
  • Minutes dated 12 March 2024 were moved for adoption by Mr Nchabeleng and seconded by Ms Nkosi. The minutes were duly adopted.

Mr M Bara (DA, Gauteng) proposed concluding the term with a lunch.

The Members and the Chairperson welcomed the idea.

The meeting was adjourned.


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