Committee Reports on Lilly Mine and Optimum Coal Mine

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Mineral and Petroleum Resources

25 August 2020
Chairperson: Mr S Luzipo (ANC)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee considered its Reports on Optimum Coal Mine and the Lily Mine Disaster. The Reports were adopted with minor changes. The Committee also received the apology of the Chief Executive Officer of Vantage Gold for not having attended an earlier meeting, and a letter from lawyers representing the three miners who had lost their lives in the Lily Mine Disaster in which they requested a meeting with the committee. The Committee indicated that it would meet the lawyers when it visited Lily Mine and the families of the deceased

Meeting report

Report of the Portfolio Committee on Mineral Resources and Energy on the Engagements with regards to Optimum Mine held in Parliament on 23rd June 2020

The Committee considered the observations and recommendations in its Report on Optimum Coal Mine.

The Report was adopted with no amendments.

Report of the Portfolio Committee on Mineral Resources and Energy on the Engagements with regards to Lilly Mine held in Parliament on the 23rd June 2020

The Committee considered the observations and recommendations in its Report on the Lily Mine disaster.

Mr M Wolmarans (ANC) suggested a rewording of an observation about the three miners who had lost their lives.

The Chairperson suggested a rewording of a recommendation about the three deceased miners, and that the date for the business rescue practitioners to submit finalised plans to the Committee should be changed from 28 August to 12 September 2020. He told the Committee that he had received a letter from the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Vantage Goldfields apologising for not attending a meeting of the Portfolio Committee. The CEO had not realised that he had been expected at the meeting. He had also received a letter from the lawyers representing the three deceased miners requesting a meeting with the Committee to report on developments on the case since February 2020 and the way forward. The Chairperson was of the opinion that the Committee could meet the lawyers when it visited Lily Mine and the families of the deceased. He noted that the Portfolio Committee would only be able to deal with matters connected to the recovery of the bodies at this stage, and not the commercial issues.

Mr M Mahlaule (ANC) agreed that the Committee could hear from the lawyers during its visit to the mine and the families.

Mr D Mthenjane (EFF) also agreed. He asked if a date for the visit had been set.

The Chairperson said that a date would probably be announced the next week.

The Report was adopted with the changes discussed.

The Chairperson noted the passing of Member of Parliament, Adv H Mohamed (ANC).

The meeting was adjourned.



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