Outstanding Reports & Minutes

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Mineral and Petroleum Resources

05 November 2019
Chairperson: Mr Luzipo (ANC)
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Meeting Summary

The Committee reviewed ten Committee meeting Minutes, which were amended and adopted and moved for. The Chair advised that the next meeting would take place on Tuesday 13 November for completion of the remaining three sets of Minutes that could not be covered on 05 November 2019. 

The Oversight Report of 26 to 30 October was also reviewed.

Meeting report

  1. Discussion of Minutes

The Chair of the Committee, Mr Luzipo (ANC), opened by acknowledging the Presidential Investment Project and sending condolences to the family of the Gauteng MEC for Social Development upon the death of the MEC. He further went on to congratulate the Springbok Rugby team on their win of the Rugby World Cup 2019.   

  1.  26 – 30 October 2019, Oversight Report

The speakers: Mr Mahlaule (ANC), Ms Phillips (DA), and Ms Malinga (ANC) contributed towards making the relevant amendments in the report, by highlighting spelling and grammatical errors that rendered the confusing.

The highlighted amendments included changes in:

  • Section 3.1, paragraph 1, sentence 6
  • Section 3.2.3, sentence 1
  • Page 3 of the Minutes
  • Page 30, bullet 1

The Chair and the Committee confirmed the need for the proposed changes and a move for the adoption of the report was made.

Ms Malinga moved for the adoption of the amendments and was seconded by Mr Mahlaule.  

  1. 21 August 2019, Committee Meeting Minutes

The speakers: Ms Malinga, Ms Phillips, and Mr Mahaule, identified errors in grammar and spelling on the following sections of the minutes:

  • Section 2.2
  • Page 7
  • Page 8, bullet 2 and bullet 8
  • Page 9

The Chair and the Committee confirmed the need for the proposed changes to grammar and spelling in order to make the minutes more understandable, a move for the adoption of the minutes was made.

Mr Kula (ANC) moved for the adoption of the amendments and was seconded by Mr Bilankulu (ANC). 

  1. 10 September 2019, Committee Meeting Minutes

Ms Malinga, Mr Kula, Ms Phillips, Mr Mthenjane (EFF) motioned for corrections on grammar and spelling; with Mr Mthenjane highlighting that page 4, bullet 4 did not make sense as it suggested that government was negotiating on behalf of companies to get deals, a statement which was not true. Other changes in the minutes were spelling and grammar as follows:

  • Page 3, section 3.3, bullet 12
  • Page 4, bullet 4
  • Page 6

Ms Phillips moved for the adoption of the changes and was seconded by Ms Malinga.

  1. 13 September 2019, Committee Meeting Minutes

Mr Mahlaule, Mr Kula, Ms Phillips, and Ms Malinga identified grammatical errors on:

  • Page 4, Section 2.2, bullet 5 and bullet 9
  • Page 5, section 3.1, bullet 2

Ms Malinga moved for the adoption of the amendments and was seconded by Mr Mahlaule.

  1. 08 October 2019, Committee Meeting Minutes

Ms Malinga, Mr Nxumalo (IFP), Ms Phillips and Mr Kula, contributed to changes in grammar and spelling on the following sections of the minutes:

  • Page 3
  • Page 4, section 2.2
  • Page 5

Mr Kula moved for the adoption of the minutes and was seconded by Mr Bilankulu.

  1. 09 October 2019, Committee Meeting Minutes

The Committee members found no relevant changes to be made in these minutes.

Mr Kula moved for the adoption of the minutes without any changes and was seconded by Ms Malinga

  1. 10 October 2019, Committee Meeting Minutes

Committee members found no relevant changes to be made in Minutes from  10 October 2019.

Mr Kula moved for the adoption of the minutes without any changes and was seconded by Ms Malinga

  1. 15 October 2019, Committee Meeting Minutes

Mr Mahlaule identified corrections in grammar that needed to be made on the following sections

  • Page 2, Bullet 3
  • Bullet 14
  • Section 2.2 and 3.1

Mr Mahlaule then proceeded to move for the adoption of the changes and was seconded by Ms Malinga.

  1. 22 October 2019, Committee Meeting Minutes

The Committee Members did not make amendments to the Minutes under review. Mr Mahlaule moved for the adoption of the minutes and the motion was seconded by Mr Bilankulu. The Chair acknowledged the adoption.

  1. 29 October 2019, Committee Meeting Minutes

The Committee found no errors in these Minutes, Mr Mahlaule moved for the adoption of the Minutes as they were and was seconded by Ms Malinga.

  1. 30 October 2019, Committee Meeting Minutes

Mr Mahlaule requested clarity from the Chair regarding point on 1662(a) and the Chair stated that the point would be clarified on the next meeting

Ms Malinga moved for the adoption of the minutes and was seconded by Mr Mahlaule.

The meeting was adjourned, by the Chair, informing the Members that the next meeting would be held on Tuesday 13th of November 2019.


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