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26 August 2024

From the Government Gazette and Media Statements (26 August 2024)

NEW LEGISLATION Except for section 8 (providing for a complaints mechanism), the National Prosecuting Authority Amendment Act, 2024, came into effect on 19 August 2024 by proclamation in the Government Gazette. Regulations published as a schedule to...
26 August 2024

The Week Ahead: President Appears & Women’s Day Commemoration

The President's oral question session - on Thursday - is the high point of the parliamentary week. The President is required to answer up to six questions of national or international importance once per term in accordance with the annual...
19 August 2024

The Week Ahead: Second Term starts

MPs head back to Parliament this week for the second term. This session runs for five weeks and will be packed with activities. Some highlights include Committee and oversight work, oral questions to the Executive, important debates, lawmakers'...
18 August 2024

From the Government Gazette and Media Statements (19 August 2024)

ELECTRICITY REGULATION AMENDMENT ACT   The Presidency issued a media statement announcing that the Electricity Regulation Amendment Bill’s ‘B’ version has been signed into law. At the time of writing, the new Act had not yet been gazetted. However,...
16 August 2024

7th Parliament: Write to a Parliamentary Committee

Committees are important venues for parliamentary activities. They are also where most of Parliament’s business is organised and the primary forum for oversight and executive scrutiny. Committees have more time to study, interrogate, and debate...
13 August 2024

Ramaphosa Cabinet

Still unsure as to who's who in the Ramaphosa Executive? Hopefully, our graphic will assist you. The Cabinet boasts a total of 32 portfolios and 32 Ministers. These Ministers are assisted by 43 Deputy Ministers.     
12 August 2024

From the Government Gazette and Media Statements (12 August 2024)

EMPLOYMENT EQUITY The Department of Employment and Labour issued a media statement on a series of nationwide workshops arranged to ‘broaden consultation’ on: the Employment Equity Amendment Act, 2022, and proposals for sector-specific employment...
05 August 2024

From the Government Gazette and Media Statements (5 August 2024)

NEW LEGISLATION The Presidency issued a media statement announcing the enactment of the Independent Police Investigative Directorate Amendment Bill. Not yet in force, the new Act: responds to a 2016 Constitutional Court ruling popularly known as the...
29 July 2024

Highlights of Parliament's Budget Debate

Highlights of Parliament’s Budget Debate Last week’s debate on Parliament’s 2024/25 budget was noteworthy as the presiding officers and lawmakers made interesting comments about the functioning of the legislature. They also highlighted some of the...
29 July 2024

The Week Ahead: End of the First Term

After several intense weeks, there is a lull in the parliamentary agenda for the coming week. The National Assembly’s constituency period commences today, while the NCOP concludes its term on Wednesday. Both will resume on 19 August 2024. A lot was...