ATC:121109: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry on the Co-operatives Amendment Bill [B 17 – 2012] and the Co-operatives Second Amendment Bill [B18-2012], dated 9 November 2012:

Trade, Industry and Competition

Report of the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry on the Co-operatives Amendment Bill [B 17 – 2012] and the Co-operatives Second Amendment Bill [B18-2012], dated 9 November 2012:

Report of the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry on the Co-operatives Amendment Bill [B 17 – 2012] and the Co-operatives Second Amendment Bill [B18-2012], dated 9 November 2012:

The Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, having considered the subject of the Co-operatives Amendment Bill [B 17 – 2012] (National Assembly – sec 75) and the Co-operatives Second Amendment Bill [B18 – 2012], referred to it and classified by the Joint Tagging Mechanism (JTM) as section 75 Bills, presents a redraft of the Bills [B 17B – 2012].

The Committees wishes to report further as follows:

1. On 25 May 2012, the Minister of Trade and Industry introduced the Co-operatives Amendment Bill [B17-2012] (National Assembly – proposed sec 75) and the Co-operatives Second Amendment Bill (National Assembly – proposed sec 76).

2. The Bills were referred to the JTM for classification in terms of Joint Rule 160.

3. According to the ATC dated 15 June 2012, the JTM in terms of Joint Rule 160(6) classified the Bills as section 75 Bills.

4. Since both Bills were classified as section 75 Bills by the JTM and since both deal with the same subject matter, i.e. amending the Co-operatives Act, No 14 of 2005, the Committee agreed to consolidate the provisions of the Co-operatives Amendment Bill and the Co-operatives Second Amendment Bill into one Bill.

5. After deliberation, the Committee decided to present a redraft of the Bill to the House.

Report to be considered.


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