ATC211203: Report of the Joint Standing Committee on the Financial Management of Parliament on the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa’s 2020/21 Annual Report, dated 26 November 2021
Joint Standing Committee on Financial Management of Parliament
Report of the Joint Standing Committee on the Financial Management of Parliament on the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa’s 2020/21 Annual Report, dated 26 November 2021
The Joint Standing Committee on the Financial Management of Parliament, having considered the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa’s 2020/21 Annual Report, reports as follows:
1. Introduction
1.1 Section 4 of the Financial Management of Parliament and Provincial Legislatures Act, No 10 of 2009 (FMPPLA) provides for the establishment of an oversight mechanism to maintain oversight of the financial management of Parliament. The Joint Standing Committee on the Financial Management of Parliament (the Committee) was established in terms of the Joint Rules of Parliament. The Committee has the powers afforded to parliamentary committees under sections 56 and 69 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, No 108 of 1996 (the Constitution) . In addition, section 4 of the FMPPLA mandates the Committee to, amongst others, consider Parliament’s Annual Report.
1.2 Parliament’s 2020/21 Annual Report was tabled on 10 September 2021, and referred to the Committee for consideration. The Speaker of the National Assembly presented the Annual Report to the Committee on 10 November 2021. On the same day, the Committee received briefings from the Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA) and the acting Secretary to Parliament—the accounting officer—and her senior management team.
1.3 This report should be read along with Parliament’s 2019-2024 Strategic Plan, the 2020/21 Annual Performance Plan and budget, the institution’s 2020/21 Annual Report, as well as the Committee’s quarterly reports on the institution’s performance in the financial year under review.
1.4 This report comprises five parts: Part A, containing a summary of the institution’s financial and performance information for the period under review; Part B, containing the AGSA’s key findings; Part C, containing the Audit Committee’s recommendations; Part D, containing the Committee’s observations; and Part E, containing the Committee’s recommendations.
Part A: Performance in the 2020/21 Financial Year
2. Mandate
2.1 Parliament derives its mandate from:
- chapter 4 of the Constitution, which sets out its composition, powers and functions;
- the FMPPLA which regulates the institution’s financial management;
- the Money Bills Amendment Procedure and Related Matters Act, No 9 of 2009 which provides procedures to amend money bills; and
- the Powers, Privileges and Immunities of Parliament and Provincial Legislatures Act, No 4 of 2004 which defines and declares the national and provincial legislatures’ powers, privileges and immunities.
2.2 Mission and Vision
2.2.1 The institution has identified six values according to which it conducts its business i.e. openness; responsiveness; accountability; teamwork; professionalism; and integrity.
2.2.2 In pursuit of its vision to be “activist and responsive” so as to improve the quality of life in South Africa and to ensure enduring equality, the institution has, as its mission, to provide:
- a vibrant people’s assembly that intervenes and transforms society and addresses the developmental challenges of the people;
- effective oversight over the Executive by strengthening its scrutiny of actions against South Africans’ the needs;
- the participation of all citizens in the decision-making processes that affect South Africans’ lives;
- a healthy relationship between the three arms of the State in order to promote efficient cooperative governance, and to ensure appropriate links within the region and the world; and
- an innovative, transformative, effective and efficient parliamentary service and administration that enables Members of Parliament to fulfil their constitutional responsibilities.
2.3 Strategic Priorities: 2019-2024
2.3.1 Having taken into account Parliament’s budgetary constraints in the face of South Africa’s poor economic performance and the low growth forecast, Parliament identified only two strategic priorities for the Sixth Parliament: to strengthen oversight; and to enhance public involvement in Parliament’s activities.
2.3.2 In order to achieve the above outcome, the Sixth Parliament will:
- improve committee oversight work in relation to the budget cycle in particular, through allowing more time in the parliamentary programme for oversight activities and encouraging committees to undertake joint oversight activities; and
- improving the effectiveness of public hearings through greater public participation by expanding public education, better dissemination of information, effective use of broadcasting, technology and social media, the use of more official languages, and encouraging committees to undertake joint public hearings.
2.3.3 To aid the above activities, the institution will:
- enhance research and legal support in respect of oversight activities;
- improve members’ capacity through capacity-building programmes that will empower parliamentarians to be effective and efficient in executing their oversight responsibilities;
- improve oversight and accountability through better monitoring, tracking and evaluation in respect of Parliament’s own work, as well as the work of the Executive;
- ensure openness and accessibility through the use of modern technology in respect of social media, tools-of-trade, workflows and automation; and
- cut costs to allow for operational sustainability.
3. Financial performance
3.1 Overview
3.1.1 Parliament received an unqualified audit report with no material findings on performance information and compliance with laws and regulations.
3.1.2 In 2020/21 Parliament received an appropriated budget amounting to R2.015 billion, R195.293 million less than in the previous financial year. The statutory appropriation amounted to R476.474 million, R30.683 million less than the previous year.
3.1.3 In addition to the above, Parliament received R26.117 million in donor funds from the European Union, for the purposes of strengthening public participation and representation, strengthening capacity in law making and oversight, building an efficient and effective legislative sector and to strengthen the sector's capacity to engage, participate in, and oversee international relations. The donation may not be used for any other business.
3.1.4 Parliament’s ability to generate revenue was impacted negatively by the lockdown which saw most employees, parliamentarians and other users of the catering services, working from home and therefore not making use of parliamentary restaurants. This resulted in the revenue generated decreasing from R11.344 million in 2019/20 to R2.294 million in 2020/21.
3.1.5 The institution’s interest income also decreased from R16.815 million in 2019/20 to R13.906 million in 2020/21, despite the institution having had more money in the bank. The decrease is ascribed to interest rate cuts.
3.2 Budget vs Expenditure
3.2.1 Table 1 below illustrates the institution’s budget versus its actual expenditure. The variances are clarified in paragraphs 3.2.2 to 3.2.6 below.
Line Item |
Final Budget R‘000 |
Actual Amounts R‘000 |
Variance R’000 |
Variance in percentage |
Compensation of employees |
1217,642 |
1,117,091 |
100,551 |
8% |
Compensation of members |
476,474 |
510,613 |
-34,139 |
-7% |
Goods and services |
365,493 |
189,470 |
176,023 |
48% |
Transfer to non-profit organisations |
500,302 |
495,400 |
4,902 |
1% |
Acquisition of Property, plant and equipment |
30,005 |
18,208 |
11,797 |
39% |
Purchase of intangible and heritage assets |
328 |
316 |
12 |
4% |
Total |
2,590,244 |
2,331,098 |
259,146 |
10% |
Table 1: Budget vs Expenditure (Source: Parliament of the Republic of South Africa presentation to the JSCFMP, 2021)
Compensation of employees
3.2.2 The 8 per cent underspending on compensation of employees is ascribed to terminations during the year, and delays in filling critical vacant positions owing to the suspension of recruitment processes as a result of the national lockdown. The amount underspent will be made available in 2021/22 and will mitigate the impact of the R257 million budget reduction of 2021/22.
Compensation of members
3.2.3 The overspending of 7 per cent on compensation of employees is ascribed to the payment of loss of office and exit gratuities to retired/resigned/deceased members of parliament. The National Treasury’s decision to reduce the initial allocation for Direct Charges by R30.683 million also contributed to the over-expenditure. The National Treasury refunded the amount in terms of section 23(4) of the FMPPLA.
Goods and services
3.2.4 The 48 per cent underspending on Goods and Services is ascribed to the national lockdown and the accompanying travel restrictions. The restrictions resulted in a significant reduction in local travel and the halting of all international travel. Furthermore, as most work was taking place remotely, printing and stationery use and related rentals, and catering were radically reduced. The monies not spent will be made available for spending in 2021/22.
Transfers to non-profit organisations
3.2.5 The one per cent under-expenditure was the result of the withholding of monies from political parties that spent funds in contravention of the policy on transfers to political parties. The reasons for the non-compliance were found to be inadequate and hence the transfers were not made. The money will be made available in the next financial year.
Acquisition of property, plant and equipment, purchase of intangible and heritage assets
3.2.6 The 39 per cent underspending on property, plant and equipment, and 4 per cent on intangible and heritage assets, is ascribed to delivered assets that had not been paid by the end of the financial year, and lockdown restrictions which contributed to the late delivery of computer assets. The amount owed for these assets is accounted for as part of payables from exchange transactions. The monies that were not spent will be used to make outstanding payments.
3.3 Financial position
Non-current liabilities
3.3.1 Parliament reported a net liability amounting to R1,480,588 billion, due to the post-retirement medical aid provision for former members of Parliament and provincial legislatures. The contribution increased by 2 per cent from R1,3 billion in 2020 to R1,33 billion in 2021. The increase is due to an increase in discount rates, and in the number of members receiving the benefit.
3.3.2 The provision for Members' gratuities is calculated for all current parliamentarians with service of five years and longer. The liability also includes members with service shorter than five years so as to provide for any members that may exit before five years have passed. The provision is calculated at four months’ pensionable salary for every five years in service or a pro-rata share of the five-year period. Pensionable salary is 60 per cent of the total gazetted remuneration package. The 14 per cent increase from R89.969 million in 2020 to R102.257 million in 2021 is ascribed to the increase in the years of service. 2020/21 also saw significant payments being made to former members of parliament who had lost their seats.
3.3.3 The exit gratuity is payable to parliamentarians who are members of the Political Office Bearers Pension Fund. The gratuity is calculated as the difference between the value payable in terms of the new fund rules and the value payable in terms of old fund rules. This amount increases with the CPI each year up until it is paid to a member when they exit the fund. The institution reported a 4 per cent reduction from R166.254 million paid in 2019/20 to R160.293 million paid in 2020/21.
3.3.4 Parliament provides domestic travel benefits to former parliamentarians, and former ministers and deputy ministers and their spouses. Beneficiaries receive a travel allocation each calendar year. Unused allocations do not carry over to the following year. The travel privileges come into effect on the first day after they have exited office and exclude journeys made when vacating state-owned residences to the places where they intend to settle. The institution reported a 15 per cent decrease from R132.702 million in 2019/20 to R112,763 million in 2020/21.
3.3.5 Long service awards are paid to employees with a certain number of years of service to the institution. Effective from 1 April 2019 employees are rewarded in terms of monetary value. The one per cent increase from R9.397 million in 2019/20 to R9.515 million in 2020/21 is ascribed to an increase in recipients.
Current liabilities
3.3.6 The Finance lease liability consists of cellphone, tablet and modem lease contracts averaging two years. The 63 per cent decrease from R15.823 million in 2019/20 to R5.898 million in 2020/21 is attributed to the significant increase of the lease contracts for these devices I the previous financial year, and which have now decreased owing to amortisation.
3.3.7 Payables from exchange transactions relate to monies owed to service providers for goods and services provided. The 9 per cent increase from R38.627 million in 2019/20 to R42.258 million in 2020/21 is attributed to services rendered close to year end which were not paid, and service providers not submitting invoices for services listed on their statements.
3.3.8 The Payables from non-exchange transactions-item consists of disability support provided to all represented political parties to ensure the needs of all parliamentarians with disabilities are met. The 45 per cent increase from R3.585 million in 2019/20 to R5.187 million in 2020/21 is due to disability support that was not paid by the end of the previous financial year.
3.3.9 The current employee benefits-item relate to short-term benefits owed to employees for services rendered such as provisions for leave liability, performance bonuses, salary savings, long service awards and overtime. The item also includes Members’ benefits for gratuities i.e. current post medical and travel benefits as per actuarial evaluation. Overall, this item increased from R186.348 million in 2019/20 to R188.797 million in 2020/21: employee benefits increased by 24 per cent due to an increase in the accrued leave; member benefits decreased due to the likelihood that post-retirement, medical and travel benefits will decrease the following year.
3.3.10 The provisions-item relates to legal cases where Parliament is liable to pay costs but where the bill of costs has not yet been granted. The amount is estimated based on past experience. The 218 per cent increase from R5.339 million in 2019/20 to R16.966 million in 2020/21 is ascribed to delays in the State Attorney providing reconciliation and billing owing to challenges related to the national lockdown.
Non-current assets
3.3.11 The main purpose of the cash and cash equivalents is to fund Parliament’s business, and not for investment. The 186 per cent increase from R113.892 million in 2019/20 to R326.140 million in 2020/21 is ascribed to low spending in the previous financial owing to the national lockdown.
3.3.12 The Property, Plant and Equipment-item relates to furniture, equipment, motor vehicles, computer equipment and library books. The 11 per cent reduction in spending on this item from R70.319 million in 2019/20 to R62.907 million in 2020/21 is ascribed to fewer additional purchases having been made, and an increase in depreciations in the period under review.
3.3.13 The 33 per cent decrease in intangible assets from R10.400 million in 2019/20 to R6.965 million in 2020/21 is attributed to fewer purchases of software and greater amortisation of initial costs in the period under review.
3.3.14 Heritage assets are defined as assets that have a cultural, environmental, historical, natural, scientific, technological or artistic significance, and are held and preserved indefinitely for the benefit of present and future generations. The change in the value of the assets is minimal—R55.437 million in 2019/20 to R55.493 million in 2020/21—due to heritage assets’ long economic life and because few additions were made in the period under review.
Current Assets
3.3.15 The 54 per cent over-expenditure in relation to the statutory allocation—an increase from R22.185 million in 2019/20 to R34.139 million in 2020/21—was due to the reduction of the initial allocation to R30.683 million.
3.3.16 Prepayments include payments in advance for contingencies, S&T and petty cash advances and other pre-payments for subscriptions to professional bodies. Contingencies, S&T and petty cash advances decreased as a result of the enforcement of the S&T policy which provides travel expenses must be claimed within 20 days after the trip, and the deduction of advances from salaries should the travel documents for trips not be submitted within the prescribed time.
3.3.17 Prepaid expenses relate to the portion of annual subscriptions and membership fees that relate to the next financial year. The 34 per cent decrease from R13.011 million in 2019/20 to R8.641 million in 2020/21 is ascribed to prepayments in the previous year for open tickets amounting to R5.704 million which were not used and for which monies were refunded. The membership fees of employees to professional bodies increased as a result of increases in subscription fees.
3.4 Irregular, and Fruitless and Wasteful Expenditure
3.4.1 Table 2 below, illustrates that Parliament recorded and incurred no irregular expenditure in the period under review. However, Parliament has incurred fruitless and wasteful expenditure amounting to R23 000. The closing balance of R51 000 therefore includes fruitless and wasteful expenditure relating to the previous financial years.
Details |
2021 |
2020 |
Irregular Expenditure Opening balance Add: Irregular Expenditure - current year Less: Condoned |
R0 R0 R0 |
R336’ R0 R336’ |
R0 |
R336’ |
Fruitless and Wasteful Expenditure Opening Balance Add: Fruitless and Wasteful expenditure – current year Less: recoverable Less: written off |
R40’ R23’ R0 R12’ |
R299’ R12’ R4’ R267’ |
R51 |
R40’ |
Details of Fruitless and Wasteful Expenditure Interest on Late Payments |
R51’ |
R38’ |
Table 2: Irregular, and Fruitless and Wasteful Expenditure (Source: Parliament of the RSA)
4. Performance across programmes
In 2020/21 Parliament had 14 performance indicators, of which only 9 were met or exceeded. This section summarises the purpose of each of the five programmes, and the reported performance against targets.
4.1 Programme 1: Strategic Leadership and Governance
4.1.1 This programme provides for political and strategic leadership, governance and institutional policy, executive communication and coordination, and oversight of the development and the implementation of Parliament’s strategic plan, APP and Budget. It comprises the following sub-programmes: Office of the Speaker, Office of the Chairperson. Office for Institutions Supporting Democracy (OISD), and the Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO).
4.1.2 Of the two indicators measured under this programme, only one was met i.e. the percentage analysis of reports to support parliament on ISD-related matters, provided within agreed timeframes. In respect of the percentage of legal and procedural advice to support parliament on ISD-related matters, and provided within 7 days, the institution only managed to deliver 83,33 per cent such advice within 7 days i.e. 6,67 per cent less than planned. Although the target was not met, the performance represents a 3.33 per cent increase on the previous year. The under-performance was ascribed to an increase in demand from committees.
4.2 Programme 2: Administration
4.2.1 Programme 2 provides for strategic management, institutional policy and governance, development programmes for parliamentarians, overall management and administration, financial management and internal audit, and a registry of Members’ interests. It comprises the following sub-programmes Office of the Secretary; Strategic Management and Governance; Finance Management Office; Internal Audit; Registrar of Members’ Interests; and Legislative Sector Support.
4.2.2 There were two indicators under this programme: percentage of programmes implemented (Number of programmes implemented); and number of reports prepared on implementation of Sector Strategy. All targets in respect of this programme were met.
4.2.3 The following four members’ capacity building programmes were implemented as planned: Advanced Governance and Public Leadership (University of the Witwatersrand); Continuing Education Programme (University of Johannesburg); Post Graduate Diploma in Public Policy and African Studies (University of Johannesburg); and Personal Mastery Course (In-House).
4.2.4 All four reports on the implementation of the sector strategy were prepared.
4.3 Programme 3: Core Business
4.3.1 Programme 3 provides for procedural and legal advice, analysis, information and research, language, content and secretarial and legislative drafting services for meetings of the NA, National Council of Provinces (NCOP) and their committees. It also provides for public education, information and access to support public participation, and analysis, advice and content support, and support for international engagements. It comprises the following sub-programmes: NA, NCOP, Core Business Support, Knowledge and Information Services, International Relations and Protocol.
4.3.2 There were six indicators in relation to this programme, and 50 per cent were met. All targets in relation to the adoption of an annual parliamentary framework, and quarterly programmes for the NCOP and NA were met.
4.3.3 The institution set out to ensure that 93 per cent of information in relation to the Service Charter levels would be available, but only succeeded in having 87,19 per cent available. Overall, 7 of the 13 sub-indicators met their target. Some services were impacted by Covid-19 lockdown conditions and this led to under-performance.
4.3.4 In respect of the percentage of the population having access to participate in the processes of Parliament, the institution set out to ensure 16 per cent participation. Owing to the lockdown only 13 per cent participation was possible.
4.3.5 In respect of the percentage of the population participating in house and committee activities, Parliament failed to meet the 10 per cent-improvement target. Instead the institution’s performance declined by 2 per cent on the previous year’s. The decline is ascribed to lockdown restrictions which resulted in a decline in participation.
4.4 Programme 4: Support Services
4.4.1 Programme 4 provides facilities and support services to Parliament. It comprises the sub-programme Human Resources Management; Information Communication Technology (ICT); Parliamentary Communication Services (PCS); Institutional Support Services (ISS); and Members’ Support Services (MSS).
4.4.2 Of the four indicators under this programme, three were met: the percentage of the population aware of the business of Parliament (24 per cent), percentage of universal access (94,12 per cent), and percentage increase in the Talent Management Index (9 per cent). The 8 per cent over-achievement in respect of the TMI was attributed to the faster than anticipated implementation of the succession planning programme, and the low staff turnover in the period under review.
4.4.3 In respect of the percentage of clients satisfied with the services received, the institution under-performed by 22 per cent. The ISS division achieved a satisfaction rate of 48 per cent: customer satisfaction is defined as the number of customers, or percentage of total customers, whose reported experience with services (Household, Catering, Protection Services, Fleet Management, SHE, Mail Distribution, and Post/Courier Services) exceeded specified satisfaction targets. During the financial year, ISS-services did not operate as normal due to remote working and lockdown conditions. This resulted in under-performance.
4.5 Programme 5: Associated Services
4.5.1 Programme 5 provides for travel, communication and other facilities for parliamentarians to enable them to fulfil their duties as elected representatives, and for financial support to political parties represented in Parliament, their leaders and constituency offices. The programme comprises the following sub-programmes Members’ Facilities, and Transfers to Political Parties. There are no performance indicators attached to this programme.
Part B: Report of the Auditor General of South Africa
5. Audit Outcome
5.1 The AGSA submitted that Parliament has sustained its unqualified audit outcome with no material findings.
5.2 The AGSA also evaluated the usefulness and reliability of the reported performance information in accordance with criteria developed from the performance management and reporting framework, in relation to Programme 3: Core Business Support. No material findings were made on the usefulness and reliability of the reported performance information.
6. Financial health
6.1 Parliament’s overall assessment for financial health improved in 2020/21. The improvement is mainly attributed to the increase in cash reserves from R113 million in 2019/20 to R326 million in the 2020/21. This is a direct result of a decrease in operating expenditure as a result of the lockdown.
6.2 Parliament also improved its net liability position because the majority of its members exited the fund as a result of the general elections that took place in May 2019. This resulted in the liability for the exit gratuities decreasing.
6.3 It should be noted that the creditor’s payment days increased from 27 to 46 days in the current year.
Part C: Report of the Audit Committee
7. Audit Committee recommendations
7.1 The Audit Committee reviewed the reports of management, internal and external auditors on the design, implementation and effectiveness of internal controls. No material breakdown was reported in the system of internal control. However, concerns about the long-standing vacancies in key positions including that of the Secretary to Parliament, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Audit Executive remain of concern. The asset management controls, and the financial health of the institution too remain of concern, particularly as budget constraints continue to threaten the ability of the institution to deliver on its mandate.
7.2 Although the Audit Committee remains concerned about the effectiveness and maturity of the institution’s risk management processes, it has noted the appointment of the Senior Manager: Risk and Compliance, and that risk management processes and a risk management committee were in place.
7.3 Although the Audit Committee noted challenges in the resourcing and structure of the Internal Audit Unit, it was satisfied that the unit operated independently from management and in compliance with the approver charter and risk-based annual audit plan. The unit operated effectively.
7.4 The Audit Committee reviewed the institution’s implementation plan for audit issues raised in the previous year and was satisfied that the matters raised were substantially resolved.
7.5 The responsibility to oversee combined assurance was delegated to the Committee in terms of the Charter. However, combined assurance is still in its infancy, and the Audit Committee committed to working with the management team towards a fully integrated and streamlined assurance provision across all lines of assurance. The Internal Audit Unit has been mandated to facilitate the development of a combined assurance framework.
7.6 The Audit Committee was satisfied by the progress made in improving the quality of financial and non-financial performance reporting but recommended that a robust monitoring and evaluation process be put in place to sustain the improvements.
Part D: Observations
8. Observations
8.1 The Committee welcomes the unqualified outcome with no material findings, which the institution has sustained for the past seven financial years.
8.2 The Committee is pleased that concerns around the lack of reporting on the quality of performance/services have been noted, and that the institution is in the processing of improving its performance management system.
8.3 The Committee noted the under-achievement of certain targets under Programme 3: Core Business, related to public awareness and participation, and recognises the impact the lockdown restrictions may have had.
8.4 Furthermore, the Committee welcomes proposals to perform an audit of constituency offices to ascertain where they are situated, their effectiveness, and how they may be resourced to ensure that they play their role as far as connecting citizens to Parliament
8.5 The Committee notes efforts underway to increase public access to Parliament’s business and activities, particularly through broadcasting, memoranda of understanding with Sentech and National Community Radio Forum, and efforts to acquire licensing for an exclusive television channel. These efforts should be accelerated so as to ensure that all citizens have equal access to information about and participation in Parliament’s business and processes. While the Committee notes arguments that Channel 408 on the DSTV platform is accessible to many South Africans, it is not convinced that the cost, however low it may be, allows for equal access. Furthermore, the high cost of data and the inaccessibility of the internet continue to prevent citizens from accessing the broadcasts via YouTube and other social media.
8.6 The Committee welcomes the appointment of the Head: Treasury Advice Office, and looks forward to progress being made in respect of resolving the long-standing challenges around the contributions paid in respect of Parmed Medical Aid Scheme (Parmed).
8.7 The Committee continues to be concerned about Parliament seemingly being at the National Treasury’s mercy for its budget allocation. Parliament’s dependence on the National Treasury, and the fact that it is subjected to budget reductions that are seemingly decided without any meaningful input from Parliament, undermines Parliament’s position as an independent arm of the state, and its ability to perform oversight of the executive. We have noted that the recently appointed Minister of Finance and the Executive Authority are in the process of discussing how this challenge may be resolved, and look forward to progress finally being made in this regard.
8.8 The Committee has noted that Parliament has failed to meet targets related to Hansard, Policy Advice, and Procedural Advice since the 2018/19 financial year but that the under-performance in 2020/21 was ascribed to the impact of the national lockdown.
8.9 The Committee has noted that Parliament recorded a surplus of R326 140 million at 31 March 2020. For the 2022/21 financial year, Parliament has generated a surplus amounting to R179 580. Even though the Committee welcomes the generated surplus, it is concerned that this surplus is accompanied by underspending amounting to R247.3 million.
8.10 The Committee notes with concern the delay in filling critical senior vacancies. Despite the Committee’s recommendations that the Secretary to Parliament, Chief Financial Officer, and Chief Audit Executive posts be filled as a matter of urgency, these have now been vacant for more than two years. We have noted the explanation that the filling of the vacancies has been impacted by the lockdown, but find this explanation disingenuous, particularly as the heads of the Parliamentary Budget Office, and Treasury Advice Office were appointed under lockdown conditions.
Part E: Recommendations
9. Recommendations
The Executive Authority should, within 30 days of the adoption of this report by both houses of Parliament, provide the Committee with a report on the implementation of these recommendations, and /or the reasons why implementation is not possible.
9.1 The Committee has noted the implementation of client satisfaction surveys as part of the performance management process. The Committee should receive a report on how the system works, in particular how it relates to the existing system for managing employees’ performance.
9.2 The Committee is of the firm opinion that, in light of the ongoing challenges around the management of the Covid-19 pandemic, and the likelihood that this will be the new normal, the administration must develop innovative ways of ensuring that citizens are informed of the business of Parliament, and given opportunities to make their voices heard.
9.3 The Committee should receive an update on progress as far as the constituency office audit, particularly its scope and implementation plan.
9.4 The Committee should be provided with quarterly updates on efforts to increase access and participation including the impact of the above-mentioned MOUs, and progress made as far as securing broadcast licencing.
9.5 The Committee recommends that discussions around how to resolve the Parmed matter be expedited so as to ensure Parliament does not bear the liability. The Committee should be provided with a progress report detailing the proposals that have been made for an alternative vehicle for this liability.
9.6 The Committee again recommends that the Executive Authority and the Minister of Finance find a constructive solution to the budgetary challenges, which will ensure that Parliament can deliver on its constitutional mandate.
9.7 The Committee acknowledges that Parliament’s negotiations with National Treasury would benefit from a well-informed budget process, that includes processes to guide negotiations with National Treasury, and recommends that such be developed and tabled for the Committee’s information within 90 days of the adoption of this report.
9.8 Parliament should provide the Committee with a detailed report on the performance in the areas referred to in paragraph 8.8 over the last five years, including the mitigation plans that were put in place to ensure each year’s shortcomings were addressed.
9.8 The Committee should be provided with a report clarifying how the surplus was arrived at, and how it will be utilised.
9.9 The Committee should be provided with a detailed report on efforts made to fill the posts referred to in paragraph 8.10, and precisely how the lockdown had impacted the process. Furthermore, the posts should be filled as a matter of urgency, ideally by the end of 2021/22.
Report to be considered.
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