ATC121026: Budgetary Review And Recommendations Report Of The Standing Committee on Finance on The Performance of the National Treasury, dated 25 October 2012
NCOP Finance
25 OCTOBER 2012
The Standing Committee on Finance, having
assessed the performance of the National Treasury for the 2011/12 financial
year, reports as follows:
In terms of section 5(2) of the Money
Bills Amendment Procedure and Related Matters Act No. 9 of 2009, committees
must annually submit budgetary review and recommendation reports for tabling in
the National Assembly for each department. A budgetary review and
recommendation report must provide an assessment of a departments service
delivery performance given available resources, an assessment on the
effectiveness and efficiency of a departments use and forward allocation of
available resources, and it may include recommendations on the forward use of
2. The
Mandate and Role of the Committee
The Standing Committee on
Finance was established in terms of section 4(1) of the Money Bills Amendment
Procedure and Related Matters Act No. 9 of 2009. The mandate of the Committee
is conferred to it by the Constitution, legislation, the standing rules or a
resolution of a House, including consideration and report on the following:
The national macro-economic and fiscal policy;
Amendments to the fiscal framework, revised fiscal framework and
revenue proposals and Bills;
Actual revenue published by the National Treasury; and
Any other related matter set out in the Money Bills Amendment
Procedure and Related Matters Act No. 9 of 2009.
Furthermore, the mandate
encompasses the committees function to legislate, conduct oversight on the
Executives actions and its entities. The Money Bills Amendment Procedure and
Related Matters Act No. 9 of 2009 make provisions for a procedure for this
committee to amend money bills.
3. Methodology.
In complying with section 5(2) of the
Money Bills Amendment Procedure and Related Matters Act, Act No 9 of 2009, the
Standing Committee on Finance held a meeting on the 2011/12 Annual Reports of
National Treasury. The Office of the Auditor-General was also invited to give
input during the budget review and recommendation report process. The report
therefore reflects key issues that were identified by the Committee.
4. Mandate
and role of National Treasury
The National Treasury is responsible for
The budget process was enhanced as a
result of the
Bills Amendment Procedure and Related Matters Act, (Act 9 of 2009) and National
Treasurys capacity was increased by creating a division handling international
and regional economic policy.
The legislative mandate of the National
Treasury includes developing and prescribing measures to ensure equitable
resource allocation and proper expenditure control in each sphere of
government, as well as to ensure that this function is executed in a
transparent manner.
The National Treasury
does this by advocating and ensuring adherence to the following guidelines and
Generally Recognised Accounting Practice.
Uniform Expenditure Classifications.
Uniform treasury norms and standards.
As the custodian of state funds, the
National Treasury is therefore responsible for coordinating departments
budgets in all spheres of government.
The Treasurys role in this regard is to ensure that appropriated funds
are transferred to departments for implementation of government priorities, and
that government expenditure is continuously monitored.
Strategic Overview of National Treasury
National Treasury is responsible for managing
and draws its mandate from Chapter 2 of the Public Finance Management Act, together
with Chapter 13 of the Constitution.
Treasury contributes directly to outcomes
(Decent employment through inclusive economic growth
A responsive,
accountable, effective and efficient local government system
) and
An efficient, effective
and development oriented public service and an empowered, fair and inclusive
During the
reporting period, National Treasury continued to respond to the 2008 recession
with appropriate fiscal and other measures to promote sustainable growth. A
framework was also developed which provided for a shift in expenditure planning
so that budgeting occurred by function rather than by department.
One of the
main focus areas of National Treasury is to promote greater accountability and
transparency in government. National Treasury developed fraud detection
guidelines and issued instruction notes strengthening supply chain management
forecasts projected GDP growth of 2.7 per cent in 2012, set to rise to around 4
per cent by 2014. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) latest growth forecast
is 2.6 per cent this year and 3.0 per cent next year. Inflation moderated
during the course of the year and is expected to remain within the target band.
Investment was supported largely by government and public corporations.
Two credit
rating agencies have downgraded
Analysis of Expenditure Reports and Budget allocation
National Treasury indicated that the total
appropriation for the Department amounted to R23.8 billion (2010/11: R50.2 billion)
and is divided into operational budget, transfers and payments for financial
assets. The National Treasurys operational budget amounted to R1.5 billion
(2010/11: R1.4 billion) and comprised of R601 million (2010/11: R553 million)
for compensation of employees, R899 million (2010/11:R810 million) for goods
and services and R21 million (2010/11: R16 million) for acquisition of capital.
The transfer budget of R21.6 billion (2010/11: R28.1 billion) includes
transfers to provinces, municipalities, universities, departmental agencies and
foreign institutions, as well as payment of post-retirement benefits for
specific category of former employees and members of the liberation movement.
A virement of R58.2 million from programme
2: Economic Policy, Tax, Financial Regulation and Research (R18 million) and
programme 5: Financial Systems and Accounting (R40.2 million) was made to curb
programme 6: International Financial Relations expenditure for transfer
payments for the Common Monetary Area Compensation.
The total
appropriation for the Administration programme amounted to R281 million
(2010/11: R277 million). Expenditure incurred on compensation of employees was
R117 million (2010/11: R109 million), goods and services R129 million (2010/11:
R134 million), transfers R2.4 million (2010/11: R1.5 million) and capital
expenditure R6 million (2010/11:R4 million).
total appropriation for the Economic Policy, Tax, Financial Regulation and
Research programme amounted to R210 million (2010/11: R106 million). Expenditure
incurred on compensation of employees was R56 million (2010/11: R51 million),
goods and services R63 million including a once-off adjustment to the payment
of bank charges to the South African Reserve Bank (2010/11: R21 million), and
transfers of R20 million due to an increase in the annual funding of Economic
Research Southern Africa (2010/11: R13.5 million) and capital assets R408000
(2010/11: R351000).
total appropriation for the Public Finance and Budget Management programme
amounted to R210 million (2010/11: R187 million). Current expenditure incurred
totalled R196 million (2010/11: R160 million) and mainly comprised compensation
of employees R131 million (2010/11: R110 million) and goods and services R30
million (2010/11: R18 million). Transfers amounted to R35 million (2010/11: R31
total appropriation for the Asset and Liability Management programme amounted
to R826 million (2010/11: R20.8 billion). Total expenditure incurred amounted
to R822 million (2010/11: R20.8 billion) and mainly consisted of compensation
of employees R53 million (2010/11: R47 million), goods and services R18 million
(2010/11: R19 million) and payments for capital assets R289 000 (2010/11: R598
000). Payments for financial assets amounted to R750 million (2010/11: R20.8
total appropriation for the Financial System and Accounting programme amounted
to R608 million (2010/11: R639 million). Current expenditure incurred totalled
R505 million (2010/11: R559 million) and comprised compensation of employees
R126 million (2010/11: R108 million) and goods and services R304 million
(2010/11: R386 million). Capital expenditure amounted to R1 million (2010/11:
R2 million). Transfer payments amounted to R73 million (2010/11: R62 million).
total appropriation for the International Financial Relations programme
amounted to R877 million (2010/11: R565 million). Total expenditure incurred
amounted to R858 million (2010/11: R559 million) and comprised of compensation
of employees R18 million (2010/11: R16 million), goods and services R8 million
(2010/11: R10 million). Transfer payments amounted to R832 million (2010/11:
R532 million) for economic research
total appropriation for the Civil and Military Pensions, Contributions to Funds
and Other Benefits programme amounted to R3.8 billion (2010/11: R2.7 billion).
Expenditure for the period under review amounted to R3.3 billion (2010/11: R2.7
billion) which comprised of civil pensions and other contributions R3.1 billion
(2010/11: R2.5 billion) and military pensions and other contributions R181
million (2010/11: R165 million). Compensation of employees amounted to R1
million (2010/11: R0) and goods and service amounted to R64 million (2010/11:
R38 million).
total appropriation for the Technical Support and Development Finance programme
amounted to R4.6 billion (2010/11: R13.3 billion). Expenditure for the period
under review amounted to R2.9 billion (2010/11: R10.5 billion) which comprised
of compensation of employees R36 million (2010/11: R34 million), goods and
services R118 million (2010/11: R67 million). Transfer payments amounted to
R2.7 billion (2010/11: R10.4 billion).
total appropriation for the Financial Intelligence and State Security programme
amounted to R3.8 billion (2010/11: R3.5 billion) which comprised of transfers
made to the Secret Services R3.6 billion (2010/11: R3.3 billion) and Financial
Intelligence Centre R137 million (2010/11 R181 million).
National Treasury indicated that the Department under spent by R2.5 billion
mainly due to the Employment Creation Facilitation Fund. Reasons for under
spending include the following:
The Jobs Fund requires the submission of project
proposals (applications) over the term of the project. Upon receipt, all
applications are assessed on a competitive basis against the Funds funding
The Jobs Fund operates as a Challenge Fund as it
has an open architecture and predetermined assessment criteria;
Grants are allocated by an independent
Investment Committee only if the application is competitive and the funding
criteria are met;
The Fund cannot predetermine with accuracy how
many applications it will receive; nor can it determine the quality of the
applications; the value of the requests; nor the disbursement schedule
associated with these projects;
Funds cannot be transferred to the Development
Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) before projects have been approved by the
Investment Committee; and
Grants cannot be disbursed to applicants until
they have met the conditions precedent set by the Investment Committee and
until they have signed contracts with DBSA.
National Treasury reported that the total revenue received during the reporting
period amounted to R3.4 billion (2010/11: R3.3 billion) and consisted of sales
of goods and services of R71 million (2010/11: R51 million) fines, interest and
dividends of R2.9 billion (2010/11: R2.6 billion) and other recoveries
amounting to R0.5 million (2010/11: R0.7 million). The report further cited
that the local and foreign assistance received in cash during the reporting
period amounted to R6 million (2010/11: R11 million). Expenditure incurred
amounted to R4 million (2010/11: R12 million). Other funds amounting to R0.2
million (2010/11: R34.2 million) were transferred to external spending agencies
on behalf of the Reconstruction and Development Fund.
The appropriation statement includes a
summary of information in the Appropriation and Adjusted Appropriation Acts,
which relates to the allocations of the various programmes and sub-programmes
and is classified between current payments, transfers and subsidies, payment
for capital asset as well as a summary of economic classification.
analysis of National Treasurys Appropriation statement, which includes all
programmes, indicated that there was marginal under spending in all programmes.
appears to be cases of virements for the 2011/12 fiscal year. As explained by
PFMA, this means cases occurred during the year where National Treasury
utilised savings in the amount appropriated under main division within its vote
towards defrayment of expenditure under another main division of its vote. The
following programmes experience a shift in virements:
Administration - R21 000 from the payment for
capital assets classification;
Technical Support and Development Finance
Programme - R21 000 to the payment for capital assets classification;
Economic Policy, Tax, Financial Regulation and
Research - R18 million from current payment classification;
Financial System and Accounting programme - R40.2
million from current payment classification; and
International Financial Relations programme - R58.2
million to transfers and subsidies classification.
Table 1 below represents
National Treasurys expenditure per programme.
Table 1: Expenditure per programme: 2011/12
Budget allocation
2011/12 Outcome
per cent
1. Administration
281, 067
254, 534
26, 533
2. Economic Policy, Tax,
Financial Regulation and Research
210, 364
140, 467
69, 897
3. Public Finance and Budget
209, 878
196, 429
13, 449
4. Asset and Liability
825, 860
821, 907
3, 953
Operational budget
75, 860
71, 907
Transfer to Land Bank
750, 000
750, 000
5.Financial Systems and
608, 020
504, 861
103, 159
Operational budget
534, 416
431, 662
73, 604
73, 199
6. International Financial
876, 839
857, 787
19, 052
Operational budget
34, 120
25, 930
842, 719
831, 857
3, 012, 028
2, 775, 985
236, 043
Operational budget
1, 597, 899
1, 363, 188
234, 711
Transfer budget
22, 241, 572
19, 998, 860
2, 242, 712
Operational vs Transfer
7.2 per cent
6.8 per cent
10.5 per cent
7. Civil and Military
Pensions, Contributions to Funds and other Benefits
3, 776, 909
3, 314, 173
462, 736
8. Technical Support and
Development Finance
4, 641, 940
2, 863, 296
1, 778, 644
Operational budget
178, 590
4, 463, 350
2, 694, 236
9. Revenue Administration
8, 653, 573
8, 653, 573
10. Financial Intelligence
and State Security
3, 755, 021
3, 755, 021
Grand Total
23, 839, 471
21, 362, 048
2, 477, 423
Source: National Treasury (2012)
7. Programme
It is in the interest of good ethical
reporting to present accurate, fair and correct information regarding the National
Treasurys annual performance against its planned objectives as set out in the
different documents to Members of Parliament and the public at large. The
purpose of this section is to draw attention to targets that were not met
during the 2011/12 fiscal year. The focus is on output performance, targets,
actual performance and reasons why the targets were not met.
7.1 Economic policy,
tax, financial regulation and research
Within the Financial Sector Policy sub-programme,
National Treasury had set a target to implement the proposal published in the
February 2011 policy document entitled
safer financial sector to serve
7.2 Public Finance and
Budget Management
Within the Intergovernmental Relations sub-programme,
National Treasury had set a target to finalise the amendment to the Municipal
Fiscal Powers and Functions Act (No. 12 of 2007). However, this process has not
commenced. The Annual Report has further set a target to prepare background
research work in terms of annual reporting of municipal non-financial
information, with specific focus on quality and scope. The research work is
still under way and no timeframe has been provided.
7.3 Assets and Liability
Within the State-owned Entity Financial
Management sub-programme, National Treasury had set a target to determine a
benchmark for appropriate target structure for 12 State-owned Enterprises
(SOEs). This target was not met; as the Department only piloted 6 SOEs.
7.4 Financial Accounting
and Reporting
Within the Supply Chain Management Policy
sub-programme, National Treasury had set a target to roll out strategic
sourcing principle to 42 medium-capacity municipalities. There is no
report-back on this target, instead the Department indicates an achieved target
relating to the training of officials on the strategic sourcing principle,
which is not related to the target. The Annual Report has indicated further
that the department had set a target to develop Terms of Reference for the
comprehensive review in consultation with the National Economic Development and
Labour Council. The target was not met as the Department has only commenced
with the consultation with the relevant stakeholders. In addition, the
Department had set a target to renew 32 transversal-term contracts. However,
only 3 transversal-term contracts were renewed, 1 service contract was extended
and 12 pharmaceutical contracts were transferred to the national Department of
7.5 International
Financial Relations
Through this division, National Treasury
significant strides in advancing the interests of SA in bilateral and
multilateral engagements, with a strong focus on economic development of the
African continent. Some of the
in 2011/12, included:
Engagements dominated by an uncertain global economy, especially the
euro debt crisis;
Actively engaged in a lobby for the reform of the international
financial architecture;
Strengthened the operations of the SA, Nigeria, Angola constituency
in the World Bank, and of the African constituency in the IMF;
Strengthened cooperation with other departments to enhance
advancement of SA policy imperatives in BRICS and G20;
Forged relations with a selected number of BRICS, G20, African and
Nordic Finance Ministers;
Engagement in Africa premised on economic opportunities, institutional
reform; and outreach;
Participated in development of regional economic integration
strategies and infrastructure financing mechanisms;
Negotiated changes to SACU revenue sharing formula with BLNS
AfDB constituency
office, and facilitated the opening of a Regional Resource Centre of the
AfDB; and
Strengthened PFM outreach programmes through CABRI.
7.6 Technical and
Management Support and Development Finance
Within the Technical and Advisory Support
sub-programme, National Treasury had set a target to fund 100 Neighbourhood
Development Partnership Grant Programmes. This target was not met and only 95
Neighbourhood Development Partnership Grant Programmes were funded during the
period under review.
Within this programme provides leadership, strategic management and
administrative support is provided to National Treasury department.
Treasury managed to increase awareness on risk management and corruption.
National Treasury was the first national department to close its financial
books for the year. Strategic sourcing and its economies of scale was yielding
desired cost reduction and through a secured environment, National Treasury
ensured there were no leakage of economic or financial policy matters
8. Human Resources
Treasury had a total staff complement of 1 150, of which 55 per cent were
female, and 80 per cent black. At senior management level, 57 per cent were
black and 43 per cent were female.
Treasury highlighted that the key challenge was to reduce the vacancy rate and
improve turnaround times for the recruitment process. The current vacancy rate was
at 9.5 per cent (121 positions) with a recruitment turnaround time of 20 weeks.
In addressing the challenge around improving the turnaround time, discussions
were held with the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) to address the
verification process that takes longer than expected. The termination rate has
also increased compared to the previous financial year, which has had an impact
on the vacancy rate and the replacement rate.
Of 239
offers made, 223 accepted while 16 declined, with r
easons for declining offers relating to salaries, counter offers, and
other developmental career choices.
Treasury filled a total of 125 critical skills positions during the financial
year. In partnership with Disabled People South Africa, National Treasury was
increasing attraction of candidates with disabilities. National Treasury
achieved 1.04 per cent of the 2 per cent target.
Treasurys employee lifestyle management programme was utilised by 87.3 per
cent of employees, with 68 per cent of directors and 85 per cent of Chief Directors
participating in the Leadership development programme.
Treasury also highlighted that the focus shifted to internal hiring with 34 per
cent of positions being filled by National Treasury employees. The other
challenge is to increase gender representation of female to meet the national
target of 50 per cent, as well as the recruitment of employees with
disabilities, which is currently 1.3 per cent vs. the 2 per cent national
Report of the Auditor General
Auditor-General expressed an unqualified audit opinion with the following
findings on the financial position of the Department:
9.1 Material impairments
AGs report indicated that the National Treasury had receivables for other
debtors (as a result of beneficiaries investigated by independent consulting
firms on Programme 7: Civil and Military Pensions, Contributions to Funds and
Other Benefits) totalling R17, 165 million at 31 March 2012. This amount was
disclosed as irregular expenditure in the prior years financial statements.
9.2 Material under spending of the vote
AGs report indicated that the department has materially under-spent the budget
by R2.477 billion.
9.3 Report on other legal and regulatory
objectives Usefulness of information
framework for Managing Programme Performance Information (FMPPI) requires that
the time period or deadline for delivery be specified. A total of 42 per cent
of the targets relevant to all programmes were not time bound. Even though
management was aware of the requirements of the FMPPI, they did not apply the
principles contained in the FMPPI correctly.
9.4 Compliance with the laws and
Strategic planning and performance
AGs report indicated
that the strategic plan did not include
measurable objectives, expected outcomes, programme outputs, indicators (measures)
and targets of the institutions programme 8, including sub-programmes and
activities, particularly the Employment Creation Facilitation Fund (i.e. Jobs
Fund) as required by Treasury Regulations 5.2.3(d).
Annual financial statements,
performance and annual report
financial statements submitted for auditing were not prepared in all material
respects in accordance with the requirements of section 40(1)(a) and (b) of the
PFMA. Material misstatements of current assets, liabilities and disclosure items
identified by the auditors were subsequently corrected, resulting in the
financial statements receiving an unqualified audit opinion.
Procurement and contract management
AGs report cited that the employees of the Department performed remunerative
work outside their employment in the Department without written permission from
the relevant authority as required by section 30 of the Public Service Act (No.
103 of 1994). The report further indicates that sufficient appropriate audit
evidence could not be obtained to prove that goods and services of a
transaction value above R500 000 were procured by means of inviting competitive
bids, and that deviations were only approved by the Accounting officer if it
was impractical to invite competitive bids, as required by the National
Treasury Regulations 16A6.1 and 16A.6.4.
Human resource management and
AGS report cited that a Human Resource Plan was not in place as required by
Public Service Regulation 1/III/B.2(d).
9.5 Internal Control
did not adhere to internal policies and procedures and as a result there were
instances of non-compliance with the PFMA and TR. In addition, no guidance was
given on the development and implementation of an Annual Performance Management
System, which contributed towards the targets in the Strategic Plan not being
time bound.
Financial and performance management
AG report cited that the financial statements contained material misstatements
that could have been avoided had there been effective review processes in
place. This is a recurring matter and the action plan in place to address this
matter seems to be inadequate, as management is not monitoring the
effectiveness of this action plan.
AG report indicated that a forensic investigation was conducted by Internal
Audit and an independent consulting firm into allegations received from the
Public Service Commission (PSC). The investigation was initiated based on the
allegations of procurement irregularities, use of public resources for private
purposes and leave irregularities. The official was suspended and disciplinary
processes were followed. Disciplinary processes concluded that the official was
guilty of these allegations, and the official was dismissed with effect from 20
February 2012. A criminal case has been opened with the South African Police
Services (SAPS).
investigation is being conducted by the PSC based on an allegation received
relating to the irregular appointment of service providers by the National
Treasury. The National Treasury has supported the investigation, which is still
with the PSC. The investigation was still ongoing at the reporting date.
Performance audit
the year under review, a performance audit was conducted on the readiness of
government to report on its performance. The focus of the audit is on how
government institutions are guided and assisted to report on their performance,
as well as the systems and processes that they have put in place. The audit is
currently in the reporting phase and the findings will be reported in a
separate report.
10. Deliberations
Following the
interaction with the National Treasury, the Standing Committee on Finance made
the following comments:
The Committee noted the
training of councillors as one of National Treasury's major achievements.
The Committee wanted to
know if there was follow-up training, and whether it was sufficient, and
if there was an assessment tool.
The Committee noted that
National Treasury targeted 100 partnership development grant programmes,
but had met only 95, and wanted to know what happened to the other five
The Committee wanted to
know the progress of National Treasurys intervention in the provinces,
and when National Treasury intended to withdraw.
The Committee wanted to
know how far had National Treasury progressed in its focus on value for
money and shifting of resources from construction to infrastructure.
A question was raised to
ascertain whether the procurement office was now established.
The Committee
noted that t
he debt service costs of 2.6 per cent of the GDP was a worry, and
wanted to know how much of this 2.6 per cent was used to service the
'borrowed loan'.
With reference to the
establishment of the Government Technical Advisory Centre, the Committee
wanted to know how this centre was different from the technical and
management support and development finance that was already in place
within National Treasury.
The Committee raised
concern with reference to the deviations and virements on the payment for
capital assets of R21 million under Programme 8, and wanted to know why
the virements were made to the capital assets.
The Committee noted that
South Africa was declining faster than the rest of the world, especially
as to the sustainability of the state finances as reflected by the credit
ratings downgrade, and wanted to know National Treasury's approach to the
credit ratings.
The Committee wanted to
know what bail-out mechanisms existed for South Africa, if any.
The Committee noted that South
Africa was growing at only 2 per cent and wanted to know what measures
were in place to accelerate this growth.
The Committee noted hold-up of the youth wage subsidy at NEDLAC, and
wanted to know why this particular proposal need consensus, as other proposals
emerged from NEDLAC without consensus.
The Committee noted the detail given on the under spending on the
jobs fund, and noted the cost per job was slightly higher, but it was
still relatively good value. Of concern, however, was that National
Treasury underspent by R2.5 billion on this item.
The Committee noted, in
terms of the framework for managing programme performance, 42 per cent of
targets were not time-bound, and expressed concern as it came from a
department like National Treasury.
In terms of the R15 billion
guarantee for the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA), the
Committee wanted to know how long this guarantee was in place. The Committee
also wanted to know what the risk was if the R15 billion guarantee might
be called upon from National Treasury.
The Committee wanted to
know, as to the Alexkor contingent liability of R1.19 million, would
National Treasury give guarantees to private mining companies that
competed with Alexkor.
The Committee noted the R60
billion loan to Eskom, of which R20 billion was added last year, and
wanted to know if this amount was recoverable.
In terms of investment by government
and public corporations in infrastructure, the Committee requested whether
National Treasury could provide detailed figures in this regard.
The Committee asked for
more information in terms of the R2.4 billion under spending.
The Committee noted that there
had been interventions in terms of Section 216(2) of the Constitution,
whereby the funds of municipalities could be withheld in terms of the
Division of Revenue Act (DoRA) allocation, and commented that it would be
strengthened even further by the establishment of the procurement office.
The Committee noted that
there was a draft construction procurement standard for use by provincial
treasuries to improve compliance by implementing departments, and wanted
to know what time frames there were for implementation.
The Committee noted that
within human capital, there was a need to account for youth employment in the
percentages, as well as the number of women and the number of blacks
The Committee noted that the
inability to meet the target of 2 per cent of people with disabilities,
and wanted to know why it was so difficult to employ people with
11. Responses by
National Treasury
With regard to questions raised and
comments made by the Standing Committee on Finance, the National Treasury
responded/commented as follows:
Treasury reported that t
he Limpopo
intervention had worked from a financial point of view, and that the
provincial treasury now had a new head of department. There were some new
staff members appointed in key positions, but some staff still needed to
be appointed, to ensure proper cash management and budgeting.
The Minister offered to give the Committee, together with the
National Council of Provinces (NCOP) Committee, a more comprehensive
report in due course.
National Treasury indicated
that it would not withdraw from Limpopo, because current situation was not
sustainable. There were about 30 cases with the South African Police
Service (SAPS), where charges had been laid. There were another 30 cases
where disciplinary action needed to be taken.
Over the past three years National Treasury had gone quite far in
introducing the concept of savings, of reprioritisation within
departments, and of contributing to a pool from which other programmes
could actually be serviced. Work was being done by the National Treasury
and the Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation to
establish which would indicate what programmes in Government could be
slowed down, which programmes could be cut, and which programmes could be
Treasury indicated that t
he 2.6 per
cent of GDP for the debt service cost was in line with projections. As the
debt levels rose, as projected, then the debt service cost would increase.
Foreign investors provided support; currently they took up about 32 per
cent of the bond portfolio, and this had helped to drive down the cost of
borrowing. When Moody's Investors Services downgraded South Africa's
credit rating, the interest rate increased by about 20 basis points. This
pushed up the cost of debt. Fluctuations or weaknesses of the exchange
rate increased the cost of servicing foreign debt. There was also a
floating rate portfolio which was linked to inflation.
In terms of the procurement office, National Treasury indicated it had
done an internal reorganisation. The central procurement office was not
being created from the very beginning, but it was required to serve a very
different purpose from what National Treasury had for some time.
National Treasury reported that the Infrastructure Delivery
Improvement Programme (IDIP) was part of the Public Private Partnership
(PPP) that provided support and financial management programmes.
In terms of the capital assets, National Treasury had not taken
money from capital assets, but it was a shift. Money had been taken from
Programme 1 Administration and moved to Programme 8. It was purely a matter
of reprioritisation within the National Treasury.
In terms of training of councillors, National Treasury indicated
that it would give councillors a file on the Municipal Finance Management
Act (MFMA), and a guide on what to do and what not to do. National
Treasury recognised the need for an intense programme of training and
induction. In terms of follow-up, the National Treasury had a MFMA
Coordinators Forum, which was placed in each of the treasuries.
National Treasury indicated that it took the issues raised by the Auditor-General
very seriously. National Treasury had responded to each of the issues
raised, in terms of ensuring that they were addressed going forward.
National Treasury reported that it was not a big capital-spending
department, and that the bulk would be transfers. The greater part of the
under spending related to what were small project.
In terms of Eskom, National Treasury indicated that the R20 billion
allocated last year was part of the R60 billion allocation. The loan was drawn
down in three phases of R10 billion, and a further R30 billion in 2010/11;
and then the final R20 billion in 2011/12. These loans could be described
as a R60 billion subordinated loan, which meant that it would rank behind
Eskom's other debt that it had issued. In the event that Eskom was liquidated,
the other bond issuers would be paid out first, and only thereafter the
subordinated loan.
In terms of the R15 billion in respect of the DBSA, this referred to
an increase in the callable capital. This was done to improve the DBSA's
capacity to lend.
The R119 million for Alexkor was a contingent liability, not a
guarantee. It had arisen because there was a land claim on Alexkor's
assets. A deed of settlement had been agreed between the community,
Alexkor, and Government. In respect of that there was a settlement that
had to be made. In the 2012/13 budget National Treasury had made
allocations to Alexkor to settle this outstanding liability as well as
other outstanding amounts owed by Alexkor or Government.
In terms of credit ratings,
South Africa did not extend borrowing frivolously, it did so to ensure
that the country did not suffer the worst when the recession hit. South
Africa would not have borrowed this money as it had a 5 per cent growth
rate, revenue was flowing in, and Government could not spend all the money
that it had in 2008 before the recession hit.
In terms of the Youth Wage Subsidy, National Treasury indicated there
were political processes under way. It would compromise both business and
labour simply to go ahead and implement the Youth Wage Subsidy. Government
preferred the route of consensus.
National Treasury indicated
it would be useful for the Committee to receive a briefing on the matrices
and methodologies of the credit rating agencies.
12. Conclusion and Recommendations
on the deliberations with the National Treasury, the Standing Committee on Finance
recommends that the Minister of Finance should ensure that:
12.1 The
National Treasury provides the House with a report on loans, guarantees,
contingent liabilities, callable capital, promissory notes, and
other forms of financial assistance extended to the parastatals, and the
effect on state debt if they are called-in in their entirety, within 90 days of
the adoption of this report by the House.
National Treasury provides the House with a
comprehensive report on their interventions into provinces within 90 days of
the adoption of this report by the House.
National Treasury provides the House a report with
proposals to strengthen National Treasurys human resource system within 90
days of the adoption of this report by the House.
National Treasury provides the House with a
detailed report on interventions to rectify errors highlighted by the Auditor General,
The fact that 42 per cent of targets are not
time bound in the Framework for Managing Programme Performance
The finding that employees performed work
outside without written permission;
The insufficient evidence that bids were used
for tenders of R500 000.00;
That the human resource plan is not in place;
The non-compliance with Public Finance Management
Act (PFMA) and Treasury Regulations; and
That the Annual Financial Statements had
material misstatements that could have been avoided if there was an
effective review mechanism in place.
This report
should be submitted within 90 days of the adoption of this Report by the House.
Treasury ensures that all programmes have measurable objectives and expected
The Standing Committee on Finance further recommends that the Minister of
Finance and the Minister in the Presidency: Performance Monitoring and
Evaluation, ensure that the National Treasury and Statistics South Africa
(Stats SA), report on a quarterly basis the progress made in reprioritising
programmes within all national departments to indicate which programmes slowed
down and which programmes were deferred.
Report to be considered.
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