ATC200821: Report of the Portfolio Committee on Transport on the Road Accident Benefit Scheme Bill [B 17B – 2017], dated21 August 2020


Report of the Portfolio Committee on Transport on the Road Accident Benefit Scheme Bill [B 17B – 2017], dated21 August 2020


The Portfolio Committee on Transport, having considered the Road Accident Benefit Scheme Bill [B 17B – 2017](National Assembly – sec 75), referred to it, reports that it does not agree to the Bill.


The Committee reports further as follows:


  1. The Road Accident Benefit Scheme Bill [B 17 – 2017] was considered by the Portfolio Committee on Transport in the 5th Parliament.
  2. The Committee amended the Billand reported accordingly to the Assembly on 20 November 2018.
  3. The Bill was debated by the 5th Parliament and placed before the National Assembly for Second Reading, but was not considered at the time because the term of the National Assembly had ended.
  4. The Road Accident Benefit Scheme Bill [B 17B – 2017] was revived and referred to the Portfolio Committee on Transport in the 6thParliament by resolution of the National Assembly on 29 October 2019.
  5. The Committee deliberated on the Bill on 18 and 26 February and 17 March, and on 19 August 2020 decided that the Bill be rejected. The Committee, having considered the presentations made on the B-version of the Bill, rejected the Bill in its entiretyand was of the view that amendments to the Road Accident Fund Act, 1996(Act No. 56 of 1996 (as amended)),may be more prudent at this time.
  6. The Committee recommends that the National Assembly does not pass the Bill.


Report to be considered.




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