43447 matches

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  • 26 Oct 1999

    World Heritage Convention Bill: discussion

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Agriculture, Land Reform and Mineral Resources | National Council of Provinces

    ... proposed amendments for her province (see Appendix 1). Ms Coetzee (Department of Environmental Affairs ... confirmed that regulation functions had been set up in 16(1). The Committee agreed to these changes. Ms Coetzee ...

  • 27 Oct 1999

    Subcommittee on Delegated Legislation

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Rules of the National Council of Provinces | National Council of Provinces

    ... NCOP meeting is scheduled for the following date: 1 November 2000 It was suggested that Professor Hugh ...

  • 14 Jun 2005

    Older Person’s Bill: Final Mandates and adoption

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Social Services | National Council of Provinces

    ... Mpumalanga Older Persons Bill: final mandate (see Appendix 1 Free State Older Persons Bill: final mandate Gauteng ... also tried to be thorough. She said that Clauses 2(1)(b) and Clause 2(2) were of especial concern. The ...

  • 13 Sep 2005

    State of Eastern Cape Municipalities: Department and SALGA briefings

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Cooperative Governance & Public Administration | National Council of Provinces

    ... municipalities would be ready to implement the MFMA by 1 July 2006. The Department had been involved in capacity ...

  • 28 Jul 2008

    Constitution 14h Amendment Bill, Constitution 15th Amendment Bill & General Laws Amendment Bill: public hearings

    Committee Meeting | Justice and Constitutional Development | National Assembly

    ... deleting clause 1 of the GLA Bill. The Committee endorsed the position that clause 1 of the GLA Bill ... to a 2005 report of the Committee. Clause 1 Clause 1 sought to repeal section 16A of the Electoral ...

  • 12 Oct 2004

    Department Annual Report and Provincial Oversight Committee Report: adoption

    Committee Meeting | Agriculture | National Assembly

    ... was no money on the budget for the CASP but that on 1 April 2003 there was. Before 31 March 2003 there was ... available for drought assistance but this ended on 1 April 2003. The ARC was also transferred from Programme ...

  • 05 Nov 2004

    Regional Electricity Distributor One (RED 1): briefing

    Committee Meeting | Mineral and Petroleum Resources | National Assembly

    ... Industry (EDI) Restructuring and Establishment of RED 1 RED 1 Creation: Program for City of Cape Town PowerPoint ... November 2004 REGIONAL ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTOR ONE (RED 1): BRIEFING Acting Chairperson: Professor I Mohammed ...

  • 17 Nov 2004

    Petro SA and Mining Qualifications Authority Annual Reports: briefings

    Committee Meeting | Mineral and Petroleum Resources | National Assembly

    ... for 720 learners, small-scale mining training for 1 500 learners, tertiary bursaries for scarce skills ...

  • 10 Nov 1999

    SA-EU Trade Agreement; SADC Trade Protocol

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Economic and Business Development | National Council of Provinces

    ... Appendix 1: Briefing Document on the RSA - EU Trade, Development and Co-operation Agreement 1. Background ... the industry. ANNEX 1 AGREED ELEMENTS OF A COMPROMISE PACKAGE ON WINES AND SPIRITS 1.South Africa reconfirms ...

  • 08 May 2000

    National House of Traditional Leaders Amdendment Bill

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Cooperative Governance & Public Administration | National Council of Provinces

    ... Mokake made a presentation on clauses 1, 2, and 6.   Clause 1 The amendment in this clause is to correct ... that the bill be processed through parliament before 1 July 2000 as the financial year of municipal councils ...

  • 07 Mar 2000

    National Land Transport Transition Bill: briefing

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Public Services | National Council of Provinces

    ... earlier than 1 October 2006. Also, by a date to be set by the Minister, not earlier than 1 October 2004 ... The Bill is divided into four chapters: Chapter 1 deals with introductory matters. Chapter 2 deals ...

  • 15 Sep 1999

    National Small Business Regulatory Review: briefing

    Committee Meeting | Trade, Industry and Competition | National Assembly

    ... questions and the meeting was adjourned. Appendix 1: Plan for Small Business Development Presentation ... (CSBP) A. The National Small Business Policy Framework 1. Key Objectives of the National Small Business Strategy ...

  • 26 Oct 1999

    European-South Africa Trade Development & Co-operation Agreement: hearings

    Committee Meeting | Trade, Industry and Competition | National Assembly

    ... year 1 to 12% in year 8.In exchange the EU duties on fabrics from SA will reduce from 7% in year 1 to 0% ... a matter of urgency in accordance with Article 16(1) (i.e. accelerated tariff elimination by the Republic ...

  • 30 Oct 2002

    Finalisation of National Environmental Management Amendment Bill.

    Committee Meeting | NCOP Agriculture, Land Reform and Mineral Resources | National Council of Provinces

    ... Adviser Adv O Kellner - State Law Adviser AGENDA: 1. Finalisation of National Environmental Management ... Act, 2001, (the Act), would come into operation on 1 April 2002. In attempting to implement this Act, however ...

  • 02 Apr 2003

    Banks Amendment Bill:adoption

    Committee Meeting | Finance Standing Committee | National Assembly

    ... the Act). They proposed deleting the proposed 61(1)(b) and replacing it with: "any person contemplated ...

  • 01 Apr 2003

    SADC Protocol on Politics, Defence & Security Co-Operation; Protocol on Establishment of Peace & Security Council of African Uni

    Committee Meeting | International Relations | National Assembly


  • 10 Apr 2003

    Public Protector Amendment Bill: deliberations

    Committee Meeting | Justice and Constitutional Development | National Assembly

    ... Amendments to Public Protector Amendment Bill: Draft 1 Public Protector Amendment Bill [B6-2003] SUMMARY ... to the 1999 elections through items 6(3)(a) and 11(1)(a) of the Final Constitution. The provisions of the ...

  • 21 May 2003

    National Ports Authority Bill: briefing by Department

    Committee Meeting | Transport | National Assembly

    ... some of the general issues in the Bill. Chapter 1, Clause 2 deals with the objects of the Bill, which ...

  • 11 Jun 2003

    Justice Budget: input by Legal Aid Board & SA Human Rights Commission

    Committee Meeting | Justice and Constitutional Development | National Assembly

    ... Statement by Legal Aid Board: 9 June 2003(see Appendix 1) SA Human Rights Commission presentation: 11 June ... Annual Report: April 2001 - March 2002:cover chapter 1 and 2 chapter 3 and 4 SA Human Rights Commission ...

  • 17 Jun 2003

    Department on Human Resource Development Plan: briefing

    Committee Meeting | Health | National Assembly

    ... rural incentive programme would be rolled-out on 1 July and that there were plans to immediately extent ...