
in Bills

1103 matches
  • ... section 2 of Act 24 of 1935 1. Section 2 of the Performing Animals Protection Act, 1935 (Act No. 24 of ... referred to as the "principal Act"), is hereby repealed. Repeal of section 3 of Act 24 of 1935 2. Section ...

  • Customs Control Bill

    Bill | B45-2013

    ... under existing 1964 Act for purposes of this Act, Customs Duty Act and Excise Duty Act 929. Continued application ... GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 23 July 2014 Act No. 31 of 2014 Customs Control Act, 2014 ACT To provide for customs control ...

  • ... Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002) (“The Disaster Management Act”). Various sets of ... the Bill is to amend the Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002) in order to amend the duration ...

  • Division of Revenue Bill

    Bill | B4-2012

    ... Deposits Act, 1984 (Act No. 46 of 1984); "Disaster Management Act" means the Disaster Management Act, 2002 ... Management Act; 50 "Public Finance Management Act" means the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act No. ...

  • ... section 158 of Act 66 of 1995, as amended by section 44 of Act 42 of 1996 and section 36 of Act 12 of 2002 ... 68A in Act 66 of 1995 1. The following section is hereby inserted in the Labour Relations Act,1995 (hereinafter ...

  • ... 44 of Act 69 of 1962, substituted y section 7 of Act 13 of 1965, and by secti Iin 2 (2) of Act 5 of 1998; ... follows:- Section 2(1) of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1951 (Act No. 57 of 1951) is amended- (a) by the substitution ...

  • ... 5 of Act 72 of 1963, section 8 of Act 55 of 1966, section 7 of Act 95 of 1967, section 7 of Act 76 of ... 8 of Act 89 of 1969, section 7 of Act 88 of 1971, section 5 of Act 104 of 1980, section 5 of Act 96 of ...

  • ... SERVICE AMENDMENT ACT, 2012 Act No. Uld Year Act No. 200 of 1993 1996 Act No. 12 of2004 SCHEDULE ... section 6 of Act 68 of 1995 1. Section 6 of the South African Police Service Act, 1995 (Act No. 68 of ...

  • ... ‘‘Public Finance Management Act’’ means the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act No. 1 of 1999); ‘‘regulation’’ ... Commission Act, 1996 (Act No. 19 of 1996), and the NationalYouth CommissionAmendmentAct, 2000 (Act No. 19 ...

  • ... the [Auditor-General Act, 1995 (Act No. 12 of 1995)] Public Audit Act, 2004 (Act No. 25 of 2004).’’. ... section 5 of Act 51 of 1996, as amended by section 94 of Act 117 of 1998 and section 1 of Act 1 of 2019 ...

  • ... INTRODUCTION The Co-operatives Act, 2005 (Act No.14 of 2005) (‘‘the Act’’), came into operation on 2 May ... section 91D in Act 14 0f 2005 1. The following section is hereby inserted in the principal Act after section ...

  • ... Special Investigating Units and Special Tribunals Act, Act No 74 of 1996, by amending the procedure for the ... 3 of Act 74 of 1996 1. Section 3 of the Special Investigating Units and Special Tribunals Act 1996 ...

  • ... section 1 of Act 92 of 1996, as amended by section 68 of Act 32 of 2007 and section 1 of Act 1 of 2008 ... of Pregnancy Act, 1996 (Act No. 92 of 1996) (hereinafter referred to as the ‘‘principal Act’’), is hereby ...

  • ... Registries Act, 1937 (Act No. 47 of 1937); (b) the Mining Titles Registration Act, 1967 (Act No. 16 of ... APPLICATION OF ACT 1. Definitions 2. Objects of this Act 3. Application of Act CHAPTER 2 ...

  • Electricity Regulation Bill

    Bill | B29-2005

    ... terms of this Act, [electiricity Act] the Elec- tricity Regulation Act, 2005, the Gas Act or the Petroleum ... “National Energy Regulator Act” means the National Energy Regulator Act, 2004 (Act No. 40 of 2004); “person” ...

  • ... the juristic person; ‘‘Companies Act’’ means the Companies Act, 2008 (Act No. 71 of 2008); ‘‘credit rating’’ ... ‘‘Financial Services Board Act’’ means the Financial Services Board Act, 1990 (Act No. 97 of 1990); ‘‘FSB ...

  • ... administering this Act and the Royalty Act. (2) For purposes of this section, ‘‘administering this Act and the ... for carrying out this Act or the Royalty Act. Applicability of Income Tax Act 18. (1) The provisions ...

  • Broadcasting Amendment Bill

    Bill | B39-2015

    ... section 1 of Act 4 of 1999, as amended by section 23 of Act 13 of 2000, section 2 of Act 64 of 2002, section ... section 97 of Act 36 of 2005 and section 45 of Act 1 of 2014 1. Section 1 of the Broadcasting Act, 1999 (Act ...

  • Defence Amendment Bill

    Bill | B18-2017

    ... 4A of Act 42 of 2002, as inserted by section 2 of Act 22 of 2010 1. Section 4A of the Defence Act, 2002 ... 4A of Act 42 of 2002, as inserted by section 2 of Act 22 of 2010 1. Section 4A of the Defence Act, 2002 ...

  • Customs Duty Draft Bill

    Bill | X-2009

    ... of this Act 3. Goods to which this Act applies 4. Territorial application of this Act 5. Application ... ADMINISTRATION OF THIS ACT Part 1: Interpretation of this Act Definitions 1. (1) In this Act, unless the ...