Questions & Replies: Questions & Replies No 1526 to 1550
1526. Dr D T George (DA) to ask the Minister of Finance:
Whether any cases referred to the Office of the Pension Funds Adjudicator were outstanding as at 31 March 2010; if not, why not; if so, (a) how many cases in total were outstanding for (i) 30 days, (ii) 60 days, (iii) 90 days and (iv) over 120 days and (b) what steps will he take to resolve the backlog? NW1782E
I am informed by the Office of the Pension Fund Adjudicator (OPFA) that there were 8696 cases referred to the OPFA which were outstanding (or open) on 31 March 2010.
The OPFA considers a file that is older than 9 months after close of correspondence or failed conciliation, a backlog. For clarification, once a complaint is received at the OPFA, it is assessed for proper formulation. If not, further information is sought. This often takes time as complainants are ill equipped to provide the necessary information. Only when the complaint has been properly formulated, will it be sent to the respondents in terms of the Act. Whilst the Act provides for a response within 30 days, respondents often delay or seek more time to formulate their responses. Once received, the responses are forwarded to the complainant for comment. Whilst a period of 14 days is allowed for the complainant to respond, this is seldom strictly adhered to by the complainant. Extensions are generally allowed.
A case may be indentified for conciliation. This process means getting parties to meet. Parties are allowed 21 days' notice to attend a conciliation hearing. However, there are often requests for adjournments, thereby further delaying the process of finalising the complaint. Only when all these processes are exhausted does the file find its way to the adjudication process. This may also require the seeking of further information or the joining of other interested parties. It is only thereafter that a draft determination may be prepared for final approval by the Adjudicator.
(a) Based on information from the OPFA:
(i) 30 days: 8 245 cases were open on 28 February 2010;
(ii) 60 days: 7 784 cases were open on 31 January 2010;
(iii) 90 days: 7 289 cases were open on 31 December 2009.
(iv) over 120 days: 7 216 cases were open on 30 November 2009.
The new Pension Fund Adjudicator, who assumed office on 1 April 2010, has instituted an audit of the entire system of cases referred to that office, and the above statistics are subject to this audit. Once completed, it is likely that the above numbers will be revised, for the following reasons: duplications (which were not currently identified); inconsistency of the data capturing; and files not being closed off on the system after their resolution. These problems were also exacerbated by the closure of the Cape Town office of the OPFA and its absorption into the Johannesburg office.
(b) The new Pension Funds Adjudicator (OPFA) assumed office on 1 April 2010, and has indicated to the National Treasury that he has since launched a program to deal with the backlog and improve the case management system, with instruction to staff that:
· Files that are outside jurisdiction are to be resolved within a week;
· Properly formulated complaints are to be dispatched to respondents within strict timelines;
· Where there is a need to resolve a complaint by guidance and referral to the correct forum, that this be done immediately.
The OPFA anticipates that the backlog will be eliminated within this fiscal year.
Since his appointment, the Adjudicator has released 136 determinations and the teams appointed to deal with the backlog and current case load have doubled their output to ensure that the strategic plan to eliminate the backlog within the year is achieved.
DATE OF PUBLICATION: 21 MAY 20101527. Dr D T George (DA) to ask the Minister of Finance:
Whether the South African Revenue Service pursued any cases with regard to prosecution of persons and companies for tax evasion; if not, why not; if so, (a) how many cases, (b) what is the tax amount in each case, (c) how many resulted in conviction and (d) what is the total amount of outstanding tax recovered? NW1783E
SARS has a range of punitive measures available to address tax evasion which are not limited to the pursuance of criminal prosecution only. Such measures include the seizure and forfeiture of goods or the equivalent value thereof, liquidations and sequestrations, additional taxes of up to 200%, penalties and punitive interest.
On average, SARS selects approximately 68 000 taxpayers for audit each year based on risk factors including verification of taxpayer declarations against information provided to SARS by third parties. During this process, the findings of audits identify risks warranting criminal investigation.
In terms of an existing memorandum of understanding with the South African Police Force (SAPF), SARS conducts criminal investigations on behalf of and in support of the SAPF. On average, SARS concludes approximately 500 criminal investigations per year. These cases are done in alignment with the capacity of the NPA to prosecute offenders. On this basis, there are currently 382 criminal investigations in progress.
In terms of another existing memorandum of understanding with the NPA which has a dedicated capacity to prosecute tax and customs related offences, SARS hands over completed criminal investigations for consideration of prosecution. There are currently 1584 cases awaiting consideration by the NPA.
In the majority of these cases, the outcome of the criminal investigation is that the taxpayer rectifies all non-compliance and pays all outstanding taxes, penalties (of up to 200%) and interest.
Other types of offences pursued by SARS include those related to the failure to submit tax returns or refusal to provide information on request to SARS. These cases also have the alternative option of an admission of guilt, provided by the NPA, which results in the disclosure of the required information to SARS and a payment of a fine ranging between R 300.00 to R 600.00 to the Department of Justice. On average, SARS conducts approximately 75 000 enquiries of taxpayers in this category per year. In most cases, when confronted by the possibility of criminal prosecutions, the majority of recalcitrant taxpayers immediately comply.
The following statistics relate to completed investigations that have resulted in criminal prosecutions and exclude cases currently ongoing within the justice system.
SARS Financial Year | Number of criminal investigations concerning serious offences resulting in prosecutions (trial only) | Number of criminal investigations concerning failure to submit returns or information on request resulting in prosecutions (trial or admission of guilt) | Actual amounts recovered by SARS as result of criminal prosecutions (excluding fines imposed by court payable to Department of Justice) |
2007/2008 | 597 | 6789 | R64, 000, 000.00 |
2008/2009 | 571 | 7555 | R 6,730,000.00 |
2009/2010 | 299 | 8373 | R48,000,000.00 (An additional amount of R 35,000,000.00 was also recovered by criminal investigators relating to outstanding PAYE) |
Ms E More (DA) to ask the Minister of Health:
(1) Whether a model has been developed for primary health care; if not, why not; if so, (a) what are the details of the model, (b) how is it being implemented, (c) when did it come into effect and (d) when last was it updated;
(2) whether all clinics in all provinces adhere to the primary health care model; if not, (a) why not, (b) which clinics in each province do not adhere, (c) which aspects of the model are not implemented in each case, (d) when will all clinics adhere to the model and (e) what will the cost be to ensure that all clinics adhere to the model; if so, what are the relevant details?
Since 1996 the South African Government has adopted a primary health care approach to health services. In order to concretise this approach, Government developed a comprehensive package of primary health care services for the whole country in 2001 together with set of norms and standards for PHC. The implementation of the package is mediated by service delivery platform characterised by mobile clinics, fixed facilities and community health centres (CHCs). Professional nurses are the primary providers of this level of care. Professional nurses are, in turn supported by sessional doctors, doctors from district hospitals and other allied health professionals. Where a facility is unable to provide a service, patients are transferred/referred to the next level, for example from a clinic to a CHC, or from a CHC to a district hospital principally within the same sub-district/catchment area.
There have been developments since the declaration of free PHC at the point of service in 1996. The health sector has been responding to various challenges such as the provision of prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV and Multi-Drug Resistance Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) amongst other things. The National Department of Health has undertaken to review the model of service delivery in the country. In addition, the process of reviewing and revising the comprehensive package for PHC has been begun. This process reviews all the 26 service elements in the package.
There is every attempt to ensure that our service delivery platform (mobile clinics, fixed facilities and CHCs) increase access and coverage to our communities. Due to certain challenges such as human resource space, some facilities cannot provide the required package of service. For instance, the provision of cervical screening services is not possible in a mobile clinic. The infrastructure and other logistical considerations, i.e privacy and confidentiality) in a mobile clinic do not support this kind of service.
Furthermore, some of the facilities are managed by one professional nurse. In response to these challenges, the Department of Health, in consultation with all the relevant stakeholders, is developing a human resource development plan for the health sector to determine demand and supply of human resources for health in South Africa.
The Department is undertaking several audits during this MTEF period. One of these audits, i.e PHC Audit, addresses PHC package including infrastructure, equipment and human resources. The terms of reference for the PHC audit prescribes that the audit will give an "indication of the status of these facilities, services that are offered within these facilities and the capacity levels in which the PHC system is operating under".
The provincial departments of health are presently reviewing their service transformation plans (STPs). The finalisation of these plans would indicate what shape would service platforms look like in the broader public health sector.
The STPs, review of the PHC package, revision of the PHC model and the PHC audit outcomes will assist the Department to identify gaps in terms of different aspects of service delivery platform including the service elements. These gaps will contribute towards quantification of the costs of providing PHC under an emerging service delivery model.
Question 1529 for written reply: National Assembly DR L L Bosman (DA) to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Whether her department and/or any of its entities have purchased any tickets for (a) the 2010 Fifa World Cup Soccer tournament, (b) the Cape Town International Jazz Festival and (c) any other entertainment event in the (i) 2009-10 financial year and (ii) during the period 1 April 2010 up to the latest specified date for which information is available; if not, what has been the position in each case; if so, in each case, (aa) what is or has been the date of the event, (bb)(i) how many tickets have been purchased and (ii) why, (cc) what has been the total cost of the tickets and (dd)(i) to whom has each of these tickets been allocated and (ii) on what was the decision for the allocation of these tickets based? NW1785E
(a) No
(b) No
(c) (i) & (ii) No
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) (i) & (ii) No
(aa) 2010 FIFA World Soccer Tournament
(bb) (i) 12 tickets
(ii) OBP is running a sales campaign where customers stand to win a ticket if they purchase vaccines to the value of minimum of R600-00
(cc) R24 000
(dd) (i) Each of the lucky eligible 6 customers (double tickets)
(ii) Tickets were allocated based on a draw. The competition closed on 15th May 2010
1530. Dr A Lotriet (DA) to ask the Minister of Arts and Culture:
Whether her department and/or any of its entities have purchased any tickets for (a) the 2010 FIFA World Cup Soccer tournament, (b) the Cape Town International Jazz Festival and (c) any other entertainment event in the (i) 2009-10 financial year and (ii) during the period 1 April 2010 up to the latest specified date for which information is available; if not, what has been the date of the event, (bb)(i) how many tickets have been purchased and (ii) why, (cc) what has been the total cost of the tickets and (dd)(i) to whom has each of these tickets been allocated and (ii) on what was the decision for the allocation of these tickets based?
Parliamentary question:
(a) No tickets have been purchased or are intended to be purchased by the Department for the 2010 FIFA World Cup Soccer Tournament.
(b) Yes the Department purchased tickets for the Cape Town International Jazz Festival.
(c) Yes the Department purchased tickets for other entertainment events such as the following:
(i) 2009-2010 financial year for Standard Bank Joy of Jazz from 27-29 August 2009 and the South African Heroes Jazz Festival on 30 August 2009.
(ii) Cape Town International Jazz Festival from 3-4 April 2010.
(bb) Cape Town International Jazz Festival (2009-2010)
(i) 250 tickets
(ii) To continue to nurture and strengthen relationships between the Department of Arts and Culture and its stakeholders.
(cc) R121 250,00
(dd) (i) 50 Tickets to the Minister of Arts and Culture
50 Tickets to the Deputy Minister of Arts and Culture
50 tickets to the DG of Arts and Culture
50 tickets to the Acting DDGs of the Department of Arts and Culture (10 each)
50 to the Media, Associated Institutions of the Department of Arts and Culture and Department of Arts and Culture staff willing to attend the Festival on own expense.
(ii) The Minister, the Deputy Minister and the Director-General are at liberty to extend invites to politicians and stakeholders who have supported and still continue to support the Department.
(c) (ii) Cape Town International Jazz Festival 2010
(bb) (i) 300 tickets
(ii) To continue to nurture and strengthen relationships between the Department of Arts and Culture and its stakeholders.
(cc) R149 500,00
(dd) (i) 50 Tickets to the Minister of Arts and Culture
50 Tickets to the Deputy Minister of Arts and Culture
50 tickets to the DG of Arts and Culture
40 tickets to the Media based in Cape Town
50 to associated institutions of the Department of Arts and Culture and Department of Arts and Culture staff willing to attend the Festival on own expense.
60 tickets to 3 Community Art Centers based in Cape Town to allow their members to attend the Jazz Festival
(ii) The Minister, the Deputy Minister and the Director-General are at liberty to extend invites to politicians and stakeholders who have supported and still continue to support the Department.
Mr J R B Lorimer (DA) to ask the Minister of Basic Education:
Whether her department and/or any of its entities have purchased any tickets for (a) the 2010 Fifa World Cup Soccer tournament, (b) the Cape Town International Jazz Festival and (c) any other entertainment event in the (i) 2009-10 financial year and (ii) during the period 1 April 2010 up to the latest specified date for which information is available; if not, what has been the position in each case; if so, in each case, (aa) what is or has been the date of the event, (bb)(i) how many tickets have been purchased and (ii) why, (cc) what has been the total cost of the tickets and (dd)(i) to whom has each of these tickets been allocated and (ii) on what was the decision for the allocation of these tickets based? NW1787E
The above question has been circulated to all directorates in the Branch for Social Responsibility and Support Services. All managers and their subordinates have responded that their units have not purchased any 2010 FIFA World Cup Tickets or Cape Town International Jazz Festival Tickets or tickets to any other entertainment event during the 2009-10 financial year.
DATE OF REPLY: 27 May 2010
Mr N J van den Berg (DA) to ask the Minister of Communications:
Whether his department and/or any of its entities have purchased any tickets for (a) the 2010 Fifa World Cup Soccer tournament, (b) the Cape Town International Jazz Festival and (c) any other entertainment event in the (i) 2009-10 financial year and (ii) during the period 1 April 2010 up to the latest specified date for which information is available; if not, what has been the position in each case; if so, in each case, (aa) what is or has been the date of the event, (bb)(i) how many tickets have been purchased and (ii) why, (cc) what has been the total cost of the tickets and (dd)(i) to whom has each of these tickets been allocated and (ii) on what was the decision for the allocation of these tickets based?
I am informed that"
(a) The SABC , Sentech and SAPO have purchased tickets for the 2010 FIFA World Cup
(aa) 11 June to 11 July 2010
(bb) (i) two thousand one hundred and ninety tickets (SABC) ; 96 tickets (Sentech) and 800 Fan Park tickets (SAPO)
(ii) stakeholder relationship building needs
(cc) R 3,332,250.00 (SABC); R1 067 325.00 (Sentech) and R800 000.00 (SAPO)
(dd) (i) to identified groups of stakeholders or representatives thereof
(ii) stakeholder relationship building needs and SAPO issued tickets to top 50 customers
(b) Sentech bought tickets for the Cape Town International Jazz Festival
(aa) 03 to 04 April 2010
(bb) (i) 15 tickets
(ii) stakeholder relationship building needs
(cc) R62 073.00
(dd) (i) identified groups of stakeholders of representatives thereof
(ii) stakeholder relationship building needs
(c) (i) SAPO bought tickets IPL Cricket Tournament
(aa) 10 – 22 May 2009
(bb) 52 tickets
(cc) R93 000.00
(dd) (i) customers
(ii) top 50 customers
(c) SAPO bought tickets for the Trinations Rugby in Cape Town and Bloemfontein, the Durban Curry Cup and the Durban Test Match.
(aa) 2009
(bb) 176 tickets
(cc) R158 500
(dd) (i) customers
(ii) top 50 customers
c. (ii) during the period 1 April 2010 up to the latest specified date - none.
Mr W P Doman (DA) to ask the Minister for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs:
Whether his department and/or any of its entities have purchased any tickets for (a) the 2010 FIFA World Cup Soccer tournament, (b) the Cape Town International Jazz Festival and (c) any other entertainment event in the (i) 2009-10 financial year and (ii) during the period 1 April 2010 up to the latest specified date for which information is available; if not, what has been the position in each case; if so, in each case, (aa) what is or has been the date of the event, (bb)(i) how many tickets have been purchased and (ii) why, (cc) what has been the total cost of the tickets and (dd)(i) to whom has each of these tickets been allocated and (ii) on what was the decision for the allocation of these tickets based? NW1789E
(a) The Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs and neither its entities have purchased any tickets for the upcoming world soccer spectacular,
(b) The Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs and its entities have not purchased tickets for the Cape Town International Jazz Festival in April 2009 and April 2010.
(c) The Department has not purchased any tickets for any entertainment events in the previous and current financial year.
QUESTION no: 1534
Mr J Selfe (DA) to ask the Minister of Correctional Services:
(1) Whether the National and/ or Provincial Department and/ or any of its entities purchased any tickets for (a) 2010 FIFA World Cup Games, (b) Cape Town International Jazz Festival, (c) any other entertainment event in the (i) 2010/ 11 financial year; if not, why not; if so, (aa) what was the name of the event (bb) what was the date of the event (cc) how many tickets were purchased, (dd) what is the total cost of tickets purchased, (dd) what are the reasons for purchasing the tickets, (ee) (aaa) to whom will each of these tickets be allocated and (bbb) on what was the decision based for the allocation/ distribution of these tickets?
(a), (b) and (c)
No tickets were purchased.
Mr D.C. Smiles (DA) to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans:
1. Whether the SA National Defence Force and/or any of its entities have purchased any tickets for (a) the FIFA World Cup Soccer Tournament , (b) the Cape Town International Jazz Festival and (c) any other entertainment event in the (i) 2009/10 financial year and (ii) during the period 1 April 2010 up to the latest specified date for which information is available; if not what has been the position in each case; if so, in each case, (aa) what has been the date of the event, (bb) (i) how many tickets have been purchased and (ii) why? (cc) what has been the total cost of the tickets and (dd) (i) to whom has each of these tickets been allocated and (ii) on what was the decision for the allocation of these tickets based? NW1791E
1. (a) No
(b) No
(c) (i) No
(ii) No
(aa) Not applicable
(bb) (i) None
(ii) Not applicable
(cc) Not applicable
(dd) (i) Not applicable
(ii) Not applicableQUESTION NO.: 1536
Dr P J Rabie (DA) to ask the Minister of Economic Development:
Whether his department and/or any of its entities have purchased any tickets for (a) the 2010 Fifa World Cup Soccer tournament, (b) the Cape Town International Jazz Festival and (c) any other entertainment event in the (i) 2009-10 financial year and (ii) during the period 1 April 2010 up to the latest specified date for which information is available; if not, what has been the position in each case; if so, in each case, (aa) what is or has been the date of the event, (bb)(i) how many tickets have been purchased and (ii) why, (cc) what has been the total cost of the tickets and (dd)(i) to whom has each of these tickets been allocated and (ii) on what was the decision for the allocation of these tickets based? NW1792E
The Economic Development Department (EDD) did not purchase any tickets for any of the events referred to in the question. The following entities were transferred to EDD with effect from the 2010/2011 financial year: the Industrial Development Corporation, Khula, the South African Micro Apex Fund, the International Trade Administration Commission, the Competition Commission and the Competition Tribunal. The Honourable Member is accordingly referred to the attached reply submitted by the Minister of Trade and Industry on 10 June 2010 regarding these entities.
1537. Mr S C Motau (DA) to ask the Minister of Energy:
Whether her department and/or any of its entities have purchased any tickets for (a) the 2010 Fifa World Cup Soccer tournament, (b) the Cape Town International Jazz Festival and (c) any other entertainment event in the (i) 2009-10 financial year and (ii) during the period 1 April 2010 up to the latest specified date for which information is available; if not, what has been the position in each case; if so, in each case, (aa) what is or has been the date of the event, (bb)(i) how many tickets have been purchased and (ii) why, (cc) what has been the total cost of the tickets and (dd)(i) to whom has each of these tickets been allocated and (ii) on what was the decision for the allocation of these tickets based?
The Department did not spend any money on all of the above mentioned events.
EDI Holdings (Pty) Ltd
(b) No
(c) (i) No
(ii) None
(aa) N/A
(bb) (i) N/A
(ii) N/A
(cc) N/A
(dd) (i) N/A
(ii) N/A
National Nuclear Regulator (NNR) The NNR has not purchase any tickets for (a) the 2010 FIFA World Cup Soccer Tournament, or (b) the Cape Town International Jazz Festival or any other entertainment event during the financial year 2009-10. CEF Group (CEF) a) CEF (Pty) Ltd purchased tickets to the value of $18 5000 for the FIFA World Cup Soccer Tournament b) CEF (Pty) Ltd purchased tickets for the Cape Town Jazz Festival to the value of R38 750 c) CEF also purchased 17 double tickets for the Standard Bank Jazz Festival at a cost of R81 900. Ten tickets were also purchased for the Super 14 Rugby Final (dd)(i) In all the events the tickets were made available to business and media guests of CEF (ii). The decision to offer these hospitality opportunities is informed by the need for CEF to create platforms to network with business and industry stakeholders, and build better relations with the media. PETROSA – subsidiary of CEF (a) Yes, PetroSA has purchased a limited number of tickets for the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup. (b). No, PetroSA has not purchased tickets for the Cape Town International Jazz Festival this year (c) The only other event PetroSA has purchased tickets for is the J&B Met. (bb)(i) 1000 tickets (ii) PetroSA has taken a decision to utilise South Africa's hosting of the World Cup as a platform to engage, build and strengthen relationships with targeted local and international stakeholders. The ticket package purchased by the company allows PetroSA an opportunity to host these stakeholders at games in Johannesburg, Port Elizabeth and Cape Town. (cc) The cost of the tickets for the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup was approximately R12, 5 million. The ticket prices were US dollar denominated. Participation at the 2010 J&B Met cost R365 000. PetroSA utilised the opportunity to network with targeted stakeholders (including customers and staff) critical to its further functioning and success (dd)(i) Local and International stakeholders and Staff (50%) (ii) PetroSA has taken a decision to utilise South Africa's hosting of the World Cup as a platform to engage, build and strengthen relationships with targeted local and international stakeholders. The ticket package purchased by the company allows PetroSA an opportunity to host these stakeholders at games in Johannesburg, Port Elizabeth and Cape Town. Some of these stakeholders include foreign government representatives, executives of counterpart National Oil Companies, customers and business associates. PetroSA has consciously also set aside 50% of the tickets for usage by staff, who have embraced the event as a rare morale boosting team building initiative. Staff tickets have been largely allocated by random draw. National Energy Regulator of South Africa (NERSA) (a) NERSA has been running Football Friday Competition which started in February 2010.The objective of the NERSA Football Friday Competition was to enhance & instil a "Proudly South African" culture whereby staff is motivated and encouraged to show their support for the National Soccer Team, Bafana Bafana, during the historic (once in a life time) event of the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup hosted by South Africa from 11 June 2010 to 11 July 2010. The winner of the competition received two tickets to attend one of the 2010 FIFA Soccer match. The cost of the two tickets is R2240.00. The winner of the competition was announced on Friday, 4 June 2010. The rules of the completion are as follows: · Three questions (related to National Anthem, SA Coat of Arms, Country Flag and FIFA World Cup) were asked at the monthly staff meeting · Staff who qualified to enter the competition were those that wore "Bafana" T-Shirts, consistently, on "Football Fridays" · Competition forms were distributed to staff members to complete and placed in the competition box · Panel members were constituted that looked through the competition forms and ensured that correct answers were placed in a secure box. · Every month there was a winner – the monthly winner qualified to take part in the final draw to be made on 4 June 2010 – the winner will get the two tickets. (b) – None (c) - None South African Nuclear Energy Corporation (NECSA) No tickets were purchased on behalf of Necsa for any entertainment event as outlined.
Mr M Swart (DA) to ask the Minister of Finance:
Whether the National Treasury and/or any of its entities have purchased any tickets for (a) the 2010 Fifa World Cup Soccer tournament, (b) the Cape Town International Festival and (c) any other entertainment event in the (i) 2009-10 financial year and (ii) during the period 1 April 2010 up to the latest specified date for which information is available; if not, what has been the position in each case; if so, in each case, (aa) what is or has been the date of the event, (bb)(i) how many tickets have been purchased and (ii) why, (cc) what has been the total cost of the tickets and (dd)(i) to whom has each of these tickets been allocated and (ii) on what was the decision for the allocation of these tickets based?
The following are the responses from the accounting officers of each of the entities. Several of the entities, like the OBSA and PIC, report to their own boards.
Institution | (a) The | (b) Cape | (c) Any Other | (aa),( bb )(i),(ii),( cc ),( dd(i),(ii) | ||
2010 FIFA | Town | Entertainment | ||||
World Cup | International | Event | ||||
Festival | ||||||
National | None | None | None | Falls away | ||
Treasury | ||||||
Accounting | None | None | None | Falls away | ||
Standards | ||||||
Board | ||||||
Cooperative | None | None | None | Falls away | ||
Banks | ||||||
Development | ||||||
Agency | ||||||
Development | Yes | Yes | None | See Annexure A | ||
bank of | ||||||
Southern | ||||||
Africa | ||||||
Financial | None | None | None | F ails away | ||
Intelligence | ||||||
Centre | ||||||
Financial | None | None | None | Falls away | ||
services | ||||||
Board | ||||||
Government | None | None | None | Falls away | ||
Employees | ||||||
Pension | ||||||
Fund | ||||||
Independent | None | None | None | F ails away | ||
Regulatory | ||||||
Board for | ||||||
Auditors | ||||||
land and | None | None | None | Falls away | ||
Agricultural | ||||||
Bank of | ||||||
South Africa | ||||||
Pension | None | None | None | Falls away | ||
Fund | ||||||
Adjudicator | ||||||
Ombud for | None | None | None | Falls away | ||
Financial | ||||||
Service | ||||||
providers | ||||||
Public | None | None | Yes | See Annexure B | ||
Investment | ||||||
Corporation | ||||||
South | None | None | None | Falls away | ||
African | ||||||
Revenue | ||||||
Services | ||||||
South | None | None | None | Falls away | ||
African | ||||||
Special Risk | ||||||
Insurance | ||||||
Association | ||||||
Mr M Swart (DA) to ask the Minister of Finance:
Whether the National Treasury and/or any of its entities have purchased any tickets for (a) the 2010 FIFA World Cup Soccer tournament, (b) the Cape Town International Festival and (c) any other entertainment ~vent in the (i) 2009-10 financial year and (ii) during the period 1 April 2010 up 10 the latest specified date for which information is available; if not. wh