Questions & Replies: Question & Replies No 2376 to 2400

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20 NOVEMBER 2009

2338. Mr M H Steele (DA) to ask the Minister for the Public Service and Administration:

(a) What is the content of the proposed Integrity Management Framework which will deal with conflict of interest amongst public servants, (b) what measures are proposed to deal with these conflicts of interest, (c) what are the expected performance outcomes against which the success of this framework will be measured and (d) officials, departments or sections are responsible for monitoring the success of this framework? NW3050E



The proposed Public Service Integrity Management Framework will amongst others address gaps that exist in the Financial Disclosure Framework, the Code of Conduct with respect to Gifts and Benefits, Remunerative Work outside the Public Service and Post-public employment.

(b) Some of the proposed measures cover the following areas:

(i) The Financial Disclosure System be extended to other officials in the public service,

(ii) Public servants be prohibited from directly or indirectly soliciting or accepting gifts, hospitality or private benefits of any value from any private entity that is contracted to the department to which the public servant is an employee;

(iii) Post-public employment restrictions be applied in the public service; and

(iv) Restriction of remunerative work outside the public service.

(v) Ethics officers be deployed/assigned in departments to implement the

(c) The performance outcomes against which the success of this framework will be measured will be concluded and indicators will be developed once the framework is finalised.

(d) The comprehensive framework will include an assessment of all existing policy and legislative framework regulating probity in the public service by identifying gaps and proposing additional measures to close the gaps.

Upon finalisation of the Framework, it will be submitted to Cabinet for approval and detail with regard to its monitoring will be made known thereafter.