Questions and Replies
08 January 2025 - NW215
Marawu, Ms TL to ask the Minister of Police
(1) What is the total number of reported cases of (a) stolen cattle and (b) guns of members of the SA Police Service (SAPS) that were used in (i) gang violence and (ii) livestock theft in border towns, particularly in Ficksburg and its surrounding areas;
(1)(a) A total number of 1 283 cases of stolen cattle, specifically in Ficksburg and its surrounding areas, were reported in the 2023/24 financial year.
(b)(i)(ii) No firearms that have been assigned to members of the South African Police Service (SAPS), were identified as being involved in crimes associated with gang violence and livestock theft, in border towns, particularly in Ficksburg and its surrounding areas. In the event of a firearm being positively linked to a members of the SAPS, the SAPS will ensue that the matter is fully investigated, without fear or favour.
- The mandate of Stock Theft and Endangered Species Unit is to investigate all cases of stock theft and crimes related to endangered species, without any exception. It is, therefore, the responsibility of the Stock Theft and Endangered Species Units to investigate any member of society, including any police officials, who are involved in stock theft.
(3)(a)(b) Cattle-theft, gang violence and police corruption in areas such as Ficksburg are being prioritised by the management of the SAPS in the Free State Province.
In addressing rural safety and cross-border crime affecting border towns, the following measures are in place:
- Regular cross-border and bi-lateral operations are conducted between the SAPS in the Free State and the Lesotho Mounted Police.
- The province conducts regular rural safety meetings, Stock Theft Information Centre (STIC) meetings and crime awareness campaigns with the relevant communities.
- Weekly “Blue-White-Light” Operations in the rural areas are conducted with the community and other security companies, to address general and cross-border crime.
- A designated police official has been appointed as the Rural Safety Coordinator, at all Rural Stations, and serves as the link between the rural community and the police, to enhance safety.
- Rural Safety Committees and Stock Theft Forums have been established at station, district and provincial levels, to deal with rural safety in general. This includes planning joint operations, the conducting of intelligence briefings, attending reported cases, and providing complainants with feedback on the status of cases.
(4) Quarterly bi-lateral meetings are convened between SAPS in the Free State, the Eastern Cape, Kwazulu-Natal and Gauteng, and the Lesotho Mounted Police, chaired by the Deputy Provincial Commissioner: Policing of the Free State, to address cross-border crime, extraditions, repatriations, stock theft, theft and robbery of vehicles, human trafficking, gangs, drugs and firearms proliferation. The Province has also submitted a request for the amendment of the Animal Identification Act, 2002 (Act No. 06 of 2002), as well as the Stock Theft Act, 1959 (Act No. 57 of 1959), since both acts are outdated and do not enable the addressing of emerging challenges.
The province conducted a Rural Safety Summit with stakeholders, from 28 August to 29 August 2024, to enhance the collaborative implementation of Rural Safety Strategy.
(5) The Free State Province has 11 units whose primary mandate is to investigate all cases of stock theft e.g. cattle, goats, sheep etc. The Office of the Provincial Commissioner intervenes as and when necessary, to supplement personnel numbers assigned to these units, by tasking members from other visible and investigative units in the province, to conduct integrated operations, with a host of other stakeholders to prevent, combat and investigate stock theft.
08 January 2025 - NW1746
Schickerling, Ms LM to ask the Minister of Police
Considering that it is imperative that all members serving in the higher echelons of the SA Police Service have valid, up-to-date security clearance certificates, what total number of high-ranking police officers have (a) had their application for a security clearance certificate declined (b) expired certification? NW1931E
(a) A total of 15 high-ranking police officers (Senior Management Service Members) have had their applications for a security clearance certificate declined.
(b) A total of 24 high-ranking police officers have expired security clearance certificates
08 January 2025 - NW1887
James, Ms DE to ask the Minister of Police
(1) Given the alarming rise of pella pos (gangster hangouts) in the Western Cape, where children as young as 10 are recruited into gang activities in exchange for drugs and food, what (a) immediate-term, (b) medium-term and (c) long-term strategies does the SA Police Service have in place to address the crisis;
(1) To address the immediate problem of gangsterism, especially in the Western Cape, the official launch of the Anti-Gang Unit took place at the Downberg Sports Field, Hanover Park, Western Cape on Friday, 2 November 2018. The establishment of Anti-Gang Units was approved by the National Commissioner of Police, on 26 June 2019. In addition, the South African Police Service (SAPS) issued directives that relate to the policing of gang-related crime and violence. These directives, issued as instructions from the National Crime Combating Forum (NCCF), provide guidance on the roles and responsibilities of police stations, specialised units and police management at district, provincial and national levels. Dedicated baseline funding of R7 062 000 has been allocated to the Anti-Gang Unit in the province, in 2024/25, as this capability has been prioritised for capacitation by the SAPS over the medium-term, despite prevailing budget restrictions.
A dedicated capacity was also established in the Organised Crime Investigation (OCI) Component, of the Division: Detective and Forensic Services, to coordinate investigation into gang-related crime. Operational Command Centres, at district, provincial and national levels, further provide for coordination between the SAPS, relevant national and provincial departments and local government and other law enforcement agencies, as well as civil sector partners.
The medium- to long-term approach to addressing violent crime, in addition to gang-related violence, particularly with regard addressing socio-economic factors, is encapsulated within the Integrated Crime and Violence Prevention Strategy (ICVPS). Cabinet adopted the ICVPS in March 2022, which represents a “whole of government” and “whole of society” approach to addressing crime and violence, including the underlying causes of violent crime. The ICVPS was informed by, inter alia, the 2016 White Papers on Policing and Safety and Security and the National Development Plan: Vision 2030, which have been integrated into the SAPS National Policing Strategy, 2022 to 2025. This approach acknowledges the interdependent relationship between interventions addressing socio-economic factors including poverty, inequality, unemployment, social welfare, health and education, as essential components of a comprehensive response to building safer communities.
(2)(a)(i) The approach that is adopted by individuals who drive or are involved in gang-related activities, cannot be described as being rigid and formally structured. This implies that the locations that are used by gangs change and are rapidly relocated, when confronted by either conventional or unconventional (intelligence-driven) policing approaches. The dismantling of a gangster hideout would, therefore, necessitate that the entire gang be dismantled.
(2)(b)(ii) A total of 98 gangster hideouts were raided, during the period 1 April 2024 to 30 November 2024.
(3) The SAPS conducts numerous crime awareness campaigns in various communities, including schools, crime hot spots (such as gang-infested areas), which focus on the youth, and also participates in various proactive programmes that are led by the Department of Education (DBE).
The Provincial Joint Operation and Intelligence Structures (PROVJOINTS) have a multi-disciplinary Priority Committee dealing with school safety. The Priority Committee consists of the SAPS, the DBE and the Community-in-Blue Patrollers, who are deployed at schools. The Priority Committees on School Safety meets on a monthly basis to provide feedback reports on all incidents, identify and address challenges at schools.
The SAPS has also introduced the School Safety Programme, to ensure effective implementation of the School Safety Protocol, which focuses on educating the youth on crime and violence, as well as create safe areas for learners at schools. The SAPS has also developed and implemented specific strategies to address policing focus on the youth, including the Community Policing Strategy, Traditional Policing Strategy and the Youth Crime Prevention Strategy. The collective effect of the implementation of these strategies is to create a more robust and responsive policing approach that not only addresses crime, but also fosters trust and cooperation, between the police and the community.
08 January 2025 - NW743
Maimane, Mr MA to ask the Minister of Police
What is the (a) total number of staff employed and/or provided as Ministerial support in (i) his and (ii) the Deputy Minister’s private offices and (b)(i) job title, (ii) annual remuneration package and (iii) highest level of academic qualification of each specified member of staff?
(a)(i)(ii)(b)(i)(ii)(iii) The total number of staff employed and/or provided as Ministerial support in his and the Deputy Ministers’ private offices, the job titles, annual remuneration packages and highest level of academic qualifications, of each specified member of staff, is reflected in the table below:
LEVEL 16 |
R2 545 854,00 |
NQF 9 |
LEVEL 14 |
R1 436 022,00 |
NQF 7 |
LEVEL 13 |
R1 216 824,00 |
NQF 7 |
LEVEL 13 |
R1 216 824,00 |
NQF 7 |
LEVEL 13 |
R1 216 824,00 |
NQF 8 |
LEVEL 11 |
R849 702,00 |
NQF 7 |
R444 036,00 |
NQF 8 |
R216 417,00 |
GRADE 12 |
R155 148,00 |
GRADE 12 |
LEVEL 13 |
R1 458 723,00 |
GRADE 12 |
LEVEL 11 |
R849 702,00 |
NQF 7 |
LEVEL 11 |
R849 702,00 |
NQF 8 |
R216 417,00 |
NQF6 |
R155 148,00 |
GRADE 12 |
R155 148,00 |
GRADE 12 |
R308 154,00 |
GRADE 12 |
R155 148,00 |
GRADE 10 |
LEVEL 13 |
R1 412 172,00 |
NQF 9 |
LEVEL 12 |
R1 003 890,00 |
NQF 7 |
LEVEL 11 |
R849 702,00 |
NQF 7 |
LEVEL 11 |
R849 702,00 |
NQF 8 |
R216 417,00 |
GRADE 12 |
R155 148,00 |
R155 148,00 |
GRADE 11 |
R322 233.00 |
GRADE 12 |
LEVEL 12 |
R1 003 890,00 |
NQF 7 |
R500 352,00 |
GRADE 12 |
R457 596,00 |
NQF 6 |
R362 994,00 |
GRADE 12 |
R247 449,00 |
GRADE 12 |
R296 760,00 |
GRADE 12 |
R443 403,00 |
GRADE 12 |
R357 627,00 |
GRADE 12 |
R342 006,00 |
NQF 5 |
R219 663,00 |
GRADE 12 |
R150 087,00 |
GRADE 10 |
R150 087,00 |
GRADE 12 |
R145 683,00 |
GRADE 12 |
R145 683,00 |
GRADE 12 |
R183 279,00 |
GRADE 12 |
R229 698,00 |
GRADE 12 |
R336 951,00 |
GRADE 12 |
Reply to Question 743 recommended/ not recommended
Reply to Question 743 approved/ not approved
08 January 2025 - NW1977
Taaibosch, Mr G to ask the Minister of Finance
Whether, with reference to his Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement where it became clear that South Africans are not usually easily allowed to own business or to buy property in other countries, while it is very easy for foreign nationals in the Republic to open a business or to buy property whilst paying the same taxes, the National Treasury has conducted a study to quantify the benefits of making it easy for people from other countries to buy a property and/or to own a business in the Republic; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
The National Treasury has not conducted a study to quantify the benefits of making it easy for people from other countries to buy a property and/or own a business in South Africa.
08 January 2025 - NW2248
Reddy, Mr VG to ask the Minister of Police
(1) Whether he has been informed of the case of a certain person (name and details furnished), who was dismissed in August 2020 via the Expeditious Disciplinary Process despite recommendations by commissioned officers indicating that the specified person committed no workplace offence; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
(1) No, there were no details provided to the South African Police Service (SAPS) regarding this matter, as the actions described are not part of the SAPS’ internal administration protocols.
(2) None, in accordance with the SAPS’ Discipline Regulations, 2016, specifically Regulation 13, which states “In the event that an employee has been found guilty and sanctioned, such employee may within the time period determined in the Safety and Security Sectoral Bargaining Council (SSSBC) Constitution and Rules refer the matter to the Council for resolution.”
(3) No, no locus standi has been received on the matter, as the SAPS’ internal remedies have been exhausted.
08 January 2025 - NW889
Zibi, Mr SS to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure
What (a) number of residential properties is his department renting, (b) amount is being paid in rent on each specified property and (c) amount in rent is being paid annually on each property and (d) are the details of what each property is being used for and (e) for how long has his department been renting each property?
The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure:
DPWI rents (uses) private properties from private individuals, private companies, parastatals, provinces and municipalities on behalf of Client Departments and pay rental (payables).
DPWI rents:
- 16 residential properties;
- At a monthly rental of R792 634,05 as at end of September;
- At a total annual rental of R9 492 481,80 as at end of September 2024;
- Used for various purposes (refer to the attached spreadsheet); and
- Rented for different periods (refer to the attached spreadsheet).
08 January 2025 - NW2235
Gana, Mr M to ask the Minister of Police
(1) What total number of phone calls were fielded by the 10111 Crime Stop Call Centre (a) in the 2023-24 financial year and (b) during the period 1 April to 31 October 2024;
(1)(a) The South African Police Service’s (SAPS) 10111 Call Centres received 17 706 689 phone calls, during 2023/24.
(b) The 10111 Call Centres received 9 782 089 calls, for the period 1 April 2024 to 31 October 2024.
(2)(a) SAPS members stationed at 10111 Call Centres responded 6 602 592 calls, during 2023/24 and 4 205 600 calls, during the period 1 April 2024 to 31 October 2024.
(b) The 10111 Command Centres do not have a formal mechanism in place to monitor the number of hoax calls that are received. This requirement is, however, being addressed by the SAPS, within the context of the 10111 modernisation project that is currently being implemented, under the auspices of Operation Vulindlela.
(3) A total of 1 747 personnel are deployed at the SAPS’ 10111 Call Centres.
(4) All 10111 Call Centre personnel are permanently employed by the SAPS.
(5) No services are outsourced, all members are permanent SAPS employees.
08 January 2025 - NW2376
Beesley, Mr AD to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies
Whether he will furnish Mr A D Beesley with a complete breakdown of all official travel for (a) him and (b) the Deputy Minister since they assumed office, including the (i) purpose and justification for each trip, (ii) destination details, (iii) costs incurred, including but not limited to transport, accommodation, meals and other related incidental expenses, (iv) names and roles of all accompanying support staff and their respective costs and (v) additional costs associated with each specified trip; if not, why not, in each case; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?
Office of the Minister official travel:
A breakdown of the costs for the Minister and ministerial staff is attached as a spread sheet (under tab labelled Ministry), which includes as far as possible, a breakdown as requested.
Office of the Deputy Minister official travel
A breakdown of the costs for the Deputy Minister and his staff is attached as a spread sheet (under tab labelled Deputy Ministry), which includes as far as possible, a breakdown as requested.
Mr Alfred Mashishi
08 January 2025 - NW2319
Bath, Mr EM to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure
Whether, with reference to his reply to question 900 on 22 October 2024, (a) he has found the data in the annexure of the reply to be reliable; if not, why not; if so, (a) what are the full details of the data or project management system used to provide the data on the annexure and (b) what are the reasons that several projects on the annexure feature either R0 or missing project values;
The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure:
1(a) The data in the annexure is sourced from the Works Control System (WCS) and Monthly Reports produced by the department, which serve as the primary tools for tracking and managing project information.
(b) The project that had Nil (R0) project values was the Maclear Magistrate’s Office Structural Repair Work (WCS 044631) in Eastern Cape Province. This project is currently at the procurement stage for a new contractor, and the new project values will be updated once the service provider is appointed. The Annexure reflects contract details for the terminated service provider.
2. The information provided in the Annexure is accurate in terms of identifying the projects disrupted by the so-called construction mafia. Other disruptions were categorised under community-related issues, such as disputes over labour rates and working conditions, which differ from the deliberate disruptions caused by the so-called construction mafia.
08 January 2025 - NW2250
Booysen, Mr M to ask the Minister of Finance
Considering that the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture, Corruption and Fraud in the Public Sector including Organs of State, otherwise referred to as the Zondo Commission, inter alia identified a grey area in the Republic’s regulatory framework on financial sector legislation, and noting that the Zondo commission condemned unchecked weaponisation of reputational risk and called on the National Treasury to introduce amendments to the relevant legislation, what progress has been made with regard to the specified issue since the Zondo Commission report was released more than two years ago?
Whilst I acknowledge that the Zondo Commission made recommendations for the amendment of the country’s banking laws to prevent, amongst other things, the arbitrary closure of banking accounts, the Honourable Member would be aware that any recommendations or proposed changes to legislation still need to be thoroughly evaluated before any proposed draft changes to legislation are submitted to Cabinet and/or tabled in Parliament.
Notwithstanding the conclusions and recommendations of the Zondo Commission on any proposed amendments to financial sector legislation to address the perceived arbitrary closure of bank accounts, it is not immediately clear to me, in the absence of further research and analysis, that changes to the country’s banking laws are immediately needed.
The Honourable member should also note that a bank has the legal right to refuse to take on a customer, or terminate its services to a client, for many reasons, provided the reasons for such refusal or termination do not violate public policy or constitutional values. In exercising this right, it is important that financial institutions treat their customers fairly, while also supporting increased financial inclusion and market access. To help promote this, section 106 of the Financial Sector Regulation Act 9 of 2017 empowers the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA) to issue conduct standards for financial institutions. In this respect, the FSCA issued Conduct Standard 3 of 2020 (Banks) which came into effect on 3 July 2020. This was the first step towards rolling out a comprehensive framework for the banking sector to ensure the fair treatment of financial customers.
In terms of the Conduct Standard, banks must:
- conduct their business in a manner that prioritises the fair treatment of their customers;
- adopt and implement processes and procedures relating to the withdrawal or termination of a financial product or financial service, including closure of a bank account;
- provide reasonable notice of the intention to withdraw or terminate a financial product or financial service, including closure of a bank account;
- provide reasons for the proposed withdrawal, termination or closure, unless the following circumstances prevail:
- the bank is compelled to do so by the law;
- the bank has reasonable suspicion that the financial product or financial service is being used for any illegal purpose; and
- the bank has made the necessary reports to the appropriate authority.
The Conduct Standard furthermore provides that contractual agreements between banks and financial customers must make provisions for circumstances in which the contractual agreement may be terminated or withdrawn by the bank. This implies that the closure, termination or withdrawal of a financial product or service will not be done unilaterally, but as part of enforcing contractual obligations and remediating breaches. The circumstances in which termination may occur must be disclosed to the customer in terms of the contract. The 2010 legal case between Bredenkamp and Others v Standard Bank of SA deals specifically with the issue of reputation as a reason to close an account, with the judgment concluding that when it comes to contractual matters, fairness applies to both contracting parties.
I will request National Treasury and the FSCA, working together with the Financial Intelligence Centre and the Prudential Authority, to engage banks and the Banking Association South Africa (BASA), to evaluate any potential improvements that may be needed to enhance the Conduct Standard and ensure that financial customers continue to be suitably protected. Any proposed improvements will further be supported by the Conduct of Financial Institutions Bill, which will be submitted for Cabinet’s consideration in due course, once the drafting process has been concluded.
08 January 2025 - NW440
Sithole, Mr KP to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure
What is the latest update about Operation Bring Back;
The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure:
- What is the latest update about Operation Bring Back:
The Department is anticipating to appoint service providers to deal with the illegal occupation, stolen and illegal transferred properties under OBB by the end of the financial year and currently referring cases to law enforcement agencies and necessary legal actions is underway.
- Expanded Public Works Programme
- Recruitment of EPWP Participants
The department is embarking on a process to review the EPWP Recruitment Guidelines to ensure that the programme recruits participants in a fair, transparent and equitable manner. This will be done and finalised in the 2025/26 financial year. Furthermore, the department is working towards the EPWP Policy which will guide public bodies on how to implement EPWP.
- Skills Development
The programme needs to move beyond short-term employment by making skills development the central pillar of EPWP. There is also a need to shift the focus from “piece jobs” to creating certifiable skills that are in demand across various sectors. Training must therefore be sufficiently supported to enable training on all EPWP projects through EPWP funds from various sources.
These will be achieved through partnerships with Training Institutions, establishment of certification frameworks for EPWP graduates, ensuring their skills are recognised in the formal job market and integrating on-the-job training, internships, and apprenticeships to enhance skills development, linking participants with formal employment opportunities.
- Enterprise Development
Enterprise development must be strengthened and improved for sustainable livelihoods. That will be achieved through the promotion and strengthening the enterprise development in projects by providing the training at the initial implementation stage of the project. This, with the aim of encouraging participants to identify business opportunities that they might venture into while they are in a project.
08 January 2025 - NW2368
James, Ms DE to ask the Minister of Police
What was the total cost to his department for the SA Police Service VIP Protection Unit of each member of the Executive (a) in the (i) 2020‑21, (ii) 2021‑22, (iii) 2022‑23 and (iv) 2023-24 financial years and (b) since 1 April 2024?
- The budget and expenditure for the rendering of protection and security services by the South African Police Service (SAPS) to the Executive are managed as a national budget and unfortunately not per Member of the Executive. The total costs for these services (excluding salary and benefits) amounts to:-
- The total cost for the 2020/21 financial year is R168 764 564, 00 for in-transit protection services and R17 313 958, 00 for static protection services.
- The total cost for the 2021/22 financial year is R237 358 012, 00 for in-transit protection services and R22 164 695, 00 for static protection services.
- The total cost for the 2022/23 financial year is R250 981 442, 00 for in-transit protection services and R90 673 284, 00 for static protection services.
- The total cost for the 2023/24 financial year is R221 349 041, 00 for in-transit protection services and R50 012 246, 00 for static protection services.
- The total cost for the 2024/25 to date financial year is R215 581 228, 00 for in-transit protection services and R40 303 757, 00 for static protection services.
08 January 2025 - NW1352
Webster, Ms NL to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure
What (a) total number of incidents of infrastructure failure have been reported to his department in the past three years and (b) actions were taken to address the reported incidents?
The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure:
- The department has Maintenance Portfolio and Infrastructure Projects Portfolio. Within the ambit of the Maintenance Portfolio, calls are reported to the department utilising internal business systems. An approximate total of 198 599 class were received for maintenance services in the past (3) three years. Additionally, the Infrastructure Projects Portfolio, has recorded approximately 83 delayed infrastructure projects due to various contractual challenges. This includes 8 infrastructure projects impacted by disruptions caused by construction mafia groups at project sites.
- Several measures have been implemented to address these incidents in the portfolios, including:
Maintenance Portfolio
- Through term contracts for specific disciplines and components for interval-based servicing or inspections and repairs when there are unforeseen breakdowns.
- Through service provides appointed on an as-and-when process, for day-to-day maintenance calls.
- Utilising internal resources, via the Department’s Regional Workshops.
- Utilising the Total Facilities Management Contract.
- Through refer backs to Client Departments, whereby calls logged fall within the Client Department’s delegation.
Infrastructure Projects Portfolio
- Requesting Supply Chain Management (SCM) to procure contractors for projects requiring replacements.
- Consolidating a list of affected projects and resolving contractual disputes to unblock construction progress.
- Leveraging alternative delivery mechanisms, such as Programme Management Units (PMUs), Infrastructure South Africa’s (ISA), approach and Implementing Agents, to accelerate service delivery.
- Requesting the Finance-Project Budget Administration (PBA) to fast-track the allocation on budgets for implementing projects on behalf of client departments.
08 January 2025 - NW1491
Tinto, Ms B to ask the Minister of Police
Whether, given that illegal firearms and ammunition confiscated by the SA Police Service tend to circulate back into the hands of criminals, there are records at each police station across the Republic of the number of weapons that are confiscated and destroyed so that every weapon in circulation is accounted for; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) how frequently is such information captured and (b) what are the relevant details?
- Recovered, found and/ or confiscated firearms are circulated/ updated within the prescribed seven days and firearms are destroyed bi-annually (by melting the firearms).
- A total of 5 715 firearms were recovered, found and/or confiscated in the 2023/24 financial year and circulated as such. A total of 32 672 firearms were destroyed in 2024 with 18 077 destroyed on 22 February 2024 and a further 14 595 on 11 July 2024.
08 January 2025 - NW2202
Kobe, Ms MP to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure
What (a) steps are being taken to ensure that provinces submit the requisite agreements and project lists for the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) Integrated Grant in a timely manner and (b) total amount of the EPWP Integrated Grant budget remains unspent as a result of delayed and/or non-submission of the necessary agreements and project lists by provinces;
The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure:
(1)(a) To ensure that provinces submit the requisite agreements and project lists for the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) Integrated Grant in a timely manner, on annual basis the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure (DPWI) conducts annual workshops in each province on the management and compliance requirements of conditional grants in accordance with the Division of Revenue Act (DoRA). Additionally, across all provinces the DPWI EPWP Branch ensures all eligible receives communication with dates of when the signed integrated grant agreements and projects lists are due for submission. Moreover, the DPWI officials based in Regional Offices provide ongoing support to the public bodies, to assist with the preparation of project lists and the timely submission of these grant agreements.
(b) As of 03 December 2024, all eligible provincial departments and municipalities have submitted their grant agreements and project lists for the EPWP Integrated Grant for the 2024/25 financial year, enabling the transfer of the first tranche of allocations. In the same reporting period, a total of R259 million, representing 83% of the total allocation of R311 million, has been transferred to eligible provincial departments. The remaining balance of R53 million was withheld due to departments failing to report projects funded by the grants, and also not being able to spend the funds transferred to them.
(2) Overall, 68 provincial departments are eligible to receive the EPWP Integrated Grant for provinces. Of these, 41 departments across all provinces submitted their (a) signed grant agreements and (b) project lists within the stipulated deadline of 12 April 2024, ensuring compliance with the grant requirements. Details of the compliant departments are provided in Table 1 below for reference.
Table 1: List of compliant provincial departments
NO |
Provincial Department |
Full Time Equivalents (FTE) Target |
Allocation (R'000) |
1 |
Eastern Cape - Co-op Governance and Traditional Affairs |
26 |
2 000 |
2 |
Eastern Cape - Economic Development and Environmental Affairs |
40 |
3 066 |
3 |
Eastern Cape - Education |
34 |
2 582 |
4 |
Eastern Cape - Human Settlement |
31 |
2 384 |
5 |
Eastern Cape - Public Works and Infrastructure |
88 |
6 806 |
6 |
Eastern Cape - Rural Development and Agrarian Reform |
27 |
2 080 |
7 |
Eastern Cape - Sports, Recreation, Arts and Culture |
27 |
2 058 |
8 |
Free State - Agriculture and Rural Development |
26 |
2 000 |
9 |
Free State - Education |
43 |
3 328 |
10 |
Free State - Community Safety, Roads and Transport |
46 |
3 536 |
11 |
Free State - Sports, Arts, Culture and Recreation |
26 |
2 000 |
12 |
Gauteng - Agriculture and Rural Development |
40 |
3 055 |
13 |
Gauteng - Infrastructure Development |
117 |
9 010 |
14 |
Gauteng - Education |
36 |
2 759 |
15 |
KwaZulu-Natal - Agriculture and Rural Development |
48 |
3 721 |
16 |
KwaZulu-Natal - Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs |
26 |
2 000 |
17 |
KwaZulu-Natal - Education |
27 |
2 045 |
18 |
KwaZulu-Natal - Health |
90 |
6 951 |
19 |
Limpopo - Agriculture and Rural Development |
62 |
4 753 |
20 |
Limpopo - Co-operative Government, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs |
28 |
2 128 |
21 |
Limpopo - Economic Development, Environment and Tourism |
28 |
2 116 |
22 |
Limpopo - Education |
29 |
2 224 |
23 |
Limpopo - Health |
43 |
3 290 |
24 |
Limpopo - Public Works, Roads and Infrastructure |
113 |
8 698 |
25 |
Limpopo - Social Development |
29 |
2 245 |
26 |
Mpumalanga - Agriculture, Rural Development, Land and Environmental Affairs |
63 |
4 809 |
27 |
Mpumalanga - Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs |
30 |
2 309 |
28 |
Mpumalanga P - Public Works, Roads and Transport |
71 |
5 490 |
29 |
North West - Agriculture and Rural Development |
37 |
2 855 |
30 |
North West - Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs |
30 |
2 284 |
31 |
North West - Education |
26 |
2 024 |
32 |
North West - Economic Development, Environment, Conservation and Tourism |
40 |
3 112 |
33 |
North West - Health |
26 |
2 004 |
34 |
North West - Social Development |
26 |
2 017 |
35 |
Northern Cape - Agriculture, Environmental Affairs, Rural Development and Land Reform |
29 |
2 227 |
36 |
Northern Cape - Co-operative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs |
26 |
2 000 |
37 |
Northern Cape - Sport, Arts and Culture |
27 |
2 098 |
38 |
Western Cape - Cultural Affairs and Sport |
39 |
2 992 |
39 |
Western Cape - Environmental Affairs and Development Planning |
43 |
3 331 |
40 |
Western Cape - Health |
27 |
2 092 |
41 |
Western Cape - Infrastructure |
63 |
4 852 |
Total |
Total |
1 733 |
133 331 |
A total of 27 provincial departments did not comply, as they submitted their signed grant agreements and project lists after the deadline. Details of the non-compliant departments are provided in Table 2 below for reference.
Table 2: List of non-compliant departments
NO |
Provincial Department |
FTE Target |
Allocation (R'000) |
1 |
Eastern Cape - Health |
26 |
2 010 |
2 |
Eastern Cape - Transport |
613 |
47 168 |
3 |
Free State - Economic, Small Business Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs |
29 |
2 256 |
4 |
Free State - Human Settlement |
27 |
2 055 |
5 |
Free State - Police, Roads and Transport |
46 |
3 536 |
6 |
Gauteng - Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs |
26 |
2 000 |
7 |
Gauteng - Economic Development |
26 |
2 000 |
8 |
Gauteng - Health |
26 |
2 023 |
9 |
Gauteng - Human Settlements |
70 |
5 373 |
10 |
Gauteng - Roads and Transport |
43 |
3 343 |
11 |
KwaZulu-Natal - Sport, Arts and Culture |
26 |
2 000 |
12 |
KwaZulu-Natal - Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs |
66 |
5 076 |
13 |
KwaZulu-Natal - Human Settlement |
82 |
6 331 |
14 |
KwaZulu-Natal - Public Works |
48 |
3 722 |
15 |
KwaZulu-Natal - Transport |
537 |
41 339 |
16 |
Limpopo - Sports, Arts and Culture |
27 |
2 049 |
17 |
Limpopo - Transport and Community Safety |
28 |
2 161 |
18 |
Mpumalanga - Culture, Sports and Recreation |
26 |
2 000 |
19 |
Mpumalanga - Economic Development and Tourism |
45 |
3 438 |
20 |
Mpumalanga - Education |
27 |
2 074 |
21 |
Mpumalanga - Health |
29 |
2 212 |
22 |
North West - Public Works and Roads |
268 |
20 610 |
23 |
Northern Cape - Education |
29 |
2 243 |
24 |
Northern Cape - Roads and Public Works |
44 |
3 394 |
25 |
Western Cape - Agriculture |
33 |
2 531 |
26 |
Western Cape - Education |
29 |
2 266 |
27 |
Western Cape - Mobility |
32 |
2 432 |
Total |
2 309 |
177 642 |
(2) (ii) The main barrier or challenge that provinces face in submitting the agreements and project lists on time is mainly due to delays to secure internal approvals for the agreements and project lists by the Heads of Departments of the Provincial Departments.
08 January 2025 - NW1766
Gana, Mr M to ask the Minister of Police
(1) What (a) are the reasons that 900 000 suspects were arrested in Operation Shanela and (b) is the breakdown of the offences that each specified suspect was arrested for;
(1)(a) The suspects arrested through Operation Shanela, which involves weekly high-density operations in prioritised station precincts, are arrested for various crimes that were committed and include both suspects (wanted persons) and accused persons. By implication, the number of persons that are arrested through Operation Shanela increases on a weekly basis and, as at 29 December 2024, a total of 1 075 107 suspects had been arrested by the South African Police Service (SAPS). This total comprises of 845 317 persons who were arrested as suspects in respect of specific crimes and a total of 227 790 suspects who had been circulated as wanted suspects, by the SAPS’ Detective Service capability, and who had been traced and subsequently arrested.
(1)(b) The breakdown in terms of the crimes for which the above-mentioned 1 1075 107 suspects were arrested is indicated in the table below:
Crimes in respect of which arrests were made |
Total number of arrests |
Contravening the Firearms Control Act, 2000 (Act No 60 of 2000) |
6 631 |
Illegal possession of firearms |
8 445 |
Illegal possession of ammunition |
7 503 |
Illegal possession of explosives |
289 |
Possession of a dangerous weapon |
24 706 |
Dealing in drugs |
27 173 |
Failure to keep prescribed records (2nd Hand Dealers) |
1 714 |
Possession of illegal cigarettes |
3 604 |
Illegal dealing in liquor |
36 751 |
Second Hand Goods Act |
3 059 |
Possession of counterfeit goods |
6 920 |
Possession of gold bearing material |
1 361 |
Possession of precious metals |
905 |
Possession of drugs |
98 323 |
Attempted business robbery |
224 |
Attempted house robbery |
136 |
Car-hijacking |
1 714 |
Robbery aggravating (armed robbery)- not listed elsewhere |
6 788 |
Robbery, business |
3 227 |
Robbery, residence |
4 019 |
Murder |
11 237 |
Attempted Murder |
8 762 |
Rape |
16 438 |
Attempted Rape |
907 |
Assault GBH |
119 991 |
Assault Common |
72 878 |
Burglary (Business premises) |
6 566 |
Burglary (Residential) |
18 989 |
Theft of motor vehicle and motorcycle |
1 421 |
Theft off or from motor vehicle |
4 078 |
Malicious Damage to Property |
25 450 |
Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs |
34 044 |
Illegal migrants |
89 442 |
Wild Life Act |
968 |
Illicit mining |
7 175 |
Wanted suspects (see footnote) |
25 598 |
Human Trafficking |
393 |
Other crimes Total |
157 488 |
Total |
845 317 |
Grand Total, including wanted suspects arrested by the SAPS’ Detective Service |
1 075 107 |
(2) It should be noted that with regard to arrests that are made during the course of the execution of Operation Shanela, the SAPS applies case docket management only in respect of the 17 community-reported crimes, due to the large number of arrests that are effected. Arrests during Operation Shanela, therefore, include the 17 community-reported crimes and other crimes, including, for example less serious crimes that are related to by-law contraventions. The totals that are provided for the various subdivisions of the response to paragraph (2), will, therefore, not be equal to the total number of arrests that are reflected in the response to paragraph (1), i.e. 1 075 107.
(2)(a) As at 2024-12-29, total of 21 104 suspects have been released due to insufficient evidence.
(2)(b) A total of 386 198 cases are currently before the courts.
(2)(c)(i) A total of 210 693 suspects have previous convictions.
(2)(c)(ii) A total of 131 590 suspects were released on bail.
08 January 2025 - NW2234
Gana, Mr M to ask the Minister of Police
(1) With reference to donations of equipment and/or services to the SA Police Service (SAPS), what (a) total number of donations were received by (i) specific police stations and/or (ii) mobile police stations, for the (aa) 2023/24 financial year and (bb) first six months of the 2024/25 financial year and (b) is the total monetary value of each type of donation;
(1)(a) A total of 21 donations were received during the 2023/24 financial year for furniture and office equipment, machinery and equipment, maintenance and repairs of office buildings, domestic equipment and vehicles.
(1)(i)(aa)(b)(2)(a)(b) The details of the specific police stations in the 2023/24 financial year, the total monetary value of each type of donation and which organisations and/or individuals donated to the South African Police Service (SAPS), are reflected in the table below:
PAS Classification |
(1)(a)(i) Station |
(1)(b) Amount |
(2)(a)(b) Donation Received |
Furniture and office equipment |
Riversdale |
R6 262,00 |
Business Against Crime Western Cape |
Furniture and office equipment |
Redelinghuys |
R9 628,74 |
Business Against Crime Western Cape |
Furniture and office equipment |
Muizenberg |
R9 628,74 |
Business Against Crime Western Cape |
5 x Bar Stools |
Furniture and office equipment |
Sinoville |
R2 500,00 |
Sinoville Nissan |
Hydraulic Spreader and Accessories |
Furniture and office equipment |
JHB Central |
R321 395,00 |
USA Embassy |
Furniture and office equipment |
Lwandle |
R12 227,73 |
Business Against Crime Western Cape |
Blankets |
Furniture and office equipment |
Western Cape Provincial Office |
R75 000,00 |
Chinese Community of Cape Town |
Burglar Gate |
Machinery and Equipment |
Pacaltsdorp |
R11 200,00 |
Mr Theo Jacobs |
2x Falcon FH25 Handheld Night Vision |
Machinery and Equipment |
Dullstroom |
R160 470,54 |
Trans African Concessions |
Bar Fridge |
Domestic Equipment |
Grootvlei |
R1 200,00 |
Mr Maree |
Furniture and office equipment |
Embalenhle |
R15 000,00 |
Vukanini Taxi Association |
Cellebrite UFED Device |
Machinery and Equipment |
Commercial Crime Investigation |
R466 000,00 |
British High Commission |
Painting of building |
Maintenance and Repairs of Office Building |
Langebaan |
R368 000,00 |
Indawa |
Diesel Generator, W Heeled, 5.KVA, Electric Start |
Domestic Equipment |
Pinetown |
R35 000,00 |
Pro Hydraulics |
Domestic Equipment |
Richard Bay |
R6 072,00 |
One Stop Water |
Furniture and office equipment |
Durban Central |
R19 050,00 |
Cross-roads International |
Sign, Welcome, Police Logo |
Machinery and Equipment |
Struisbaai |
R4 946,66 |
Community of Struisbaai |
Furniture and office equipment |
Kwanoqaba Detective Service |
R272 800,00 |
Western Cape Government Department of Health |
Office Chairs |
Furniture and office equipment |
Booysens |
R1 500,00 |
Gold Reef City Casino Hotels and Entertainment |
3 x Hybrid Trolley Inverters |
Machinery and equipment |
Sinoville |
R36 000,00 |
Oakley Group |
10 x Truck, Utility, Toyota Hilux Dc 2.4 Gd-6 |
Vehicle |
Ogies |
R648 084,00 |
Ceriti Power Community Trust |
Vosman |
R648 084,00 |
Vosman |
R648 084,00 |
Phola |
R648 084,00 |
Morgenzon Transvaal |
R648 084,00 |
Kriel |
R648 084,00 |
Kriel |
R648 084,00 |
Witbank |
R648 084,00 |
Witbank |
R648 084,00 |
Bethal |
R606 322,41 |
TOTAL - R8 272 959,82 |
(1)(ii) No donations were received for mobile police stations.
(1)(ii)(bb) A total of 13 donations were received during the first six months of the 2024/25 financial year for furniture and office equipment, machinery and equipment, maintenance and repairs of office buildings, domestic equipment and vehicles.
(1)(ii)(bb)(b)(2)(a)(b) The details of the specific police stations in the first six months of the 2024/25 financial year, the total monetary value of each type of donation and which organisations and/or individuals donated to the SAPS, are reflected in the table below:
Description |
PAS Classification |
(1) (a) (i) Station |
(1) (b) Amount |
(2)(a)(b) Donations Received |
Furniture and office equipment |
Linden |
R4 000,00 |
Linden Community Policing Forum |
2 x Occasional Chairs |
Furniture and office equipment |
Plettenberg Bay Victim Empowerment Room |
R12 000,00 |
Bay Décor |
1 x Fridge, 1 x Fan, 1 x Heater |
Domestic equipment |
Plettenberg Bay Victim Empowerment Room |
R3 360,00 |
Meterkamps |
Paint |
Building Construction material |
Plettenberg Bay Victim Empowerment Room |
R7 084,80 |
Dulux |
1 x Rug |
Furniture and office equipment |
Plettenberg Bay Victim Empowerment Room |
R5 000,00 |
Nolans |
1 x Bean Bag |
Furniture and office equipment |
Plettenberg Bay Victim Empowerment Room |
R3 200,00 |
Bobbincraft |
Furniture and office equipment |
Plettenberg Bay Victim Empowerment Room |
R32 862,40 |
Studio Designs |
Install plug 4 x points and install 2 x ceiling light points |
Building construction material |
Plettenberg Bay Victim Empowerment Room |
R6 200,00 |
Robberg Electrical |
Installation of existing TV, Supply TV Bracket |
Building construction material |
Plettenberg Bay Victim Empowerment Room |
R1 000,00 |
Plett Auto |
2 x Ceiling lights, 2 x Hanging pendants |
Domestic equipment |
Plettenberg Bay Victim Empowerment Room |
R3 771,00 |
Glow Lighting |
2 x Blinds |
Domestic equipment |
Plettenberg Bay Victim Empowerment Room |
R4 500,00 |
Curtain Magic |
4 x Posters, 4 x Frames, 1 x Toy Chest, 1 x Side Table |
Furniture and office equipment |
Plettenberg Bay Victim Empowerment Room |
R2 900,00 |
Johanna Botha |
2 x Office chairs, 2 x Scatter pillows |
Furniture and office equipment |
Plettenberg Bay Victim Empowerment Room |
R2 500,00 |
Tanya Engelbrecht |
TOTAL - R88 378.20 |
(1)(ii) No donations were received for mobile police stations.
(1)(b) Monetary value of each type of donation:
PAS Classification |
Total |
Furniture and Office Equipment |
R807 454, 61 |
Machinery and Equipment |
R678 617,20 |
Domestic Equipment |
R53 903,00 |
Building Construction Material |
R14 284,80 |
Vehicles |
R6 439 078.41 |
Maintenance and repairs of office building |
R 368 000,00 |
Financial year 2023/24 and first six months of financial year 2024/25 |
R8 361 338,02 |
(3) No private security companies have donated equipment and/or services to SAPS in the time periods indicated.
(3)(a) None.
(3)(b) None.
08 January 2025 - NW1710
James, Ms DE to ask the Minister of Police
(1) With reference to the distressing state of the KwaThema Police Station, which, among other things, lacks critical resources to the extent that 18 detectives share one computer, has one vehicle to service the region and no functional holding cells, (a) what are the relevant details of all previous departmental commitments made to improve the conditions at the specified police station and (b) which of these interventions (i) have been fully implemented and (ii) remain outstanding;
(1)(a) The Kwa Thema Police Station is resourced in terms of vehicles and information technology (IT) equipment, however, as is the case with the overwhelming majority of business units in the South African Police Service (SAPS), it is not resourced to ideal levels, due to prevailing financial constraints.
The replacement of outdated IT equipment, for the Gauteng Province, has been earmarked for the 2025/26 financial year. The police stations and units and the operational policing capability in the province will, however, be prioritised to strengthen the SAPS’ frontline policing capability.
The Kwa Thema Police Station building is a nominal lease facility owned by the City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality. The SAPS requested alternative accommodation for the Kwa Thema Police Station in 2010. Procurement or leasing of government buildings is mandated to the National Department of Public Works and Infrastructure (NDPWI). The owners of the building have already been requested to execute planned maintenance.
To address the accommodation challenges brought about by the facility's condition, the SAPS undertook a project in 2019 to place additional accommodation in park homes.
Various possible options are being explored by the NDPWI which include e.g. land swap, possible donation by municipality and the securing of alternative accommodation. A request to transfer the police station to the National Government was submitted to the City of Ekurhuleni Municipality. This option will enable the DPWI and SAPS to effect repairs to the Station.
The number of vehicles at the police station, in relation to the number of personnel at the Detective Service capability, is within the accepted norms.
(1)(b)(i) No IT equipment was replaced at the police station, due to current budget constraints. No new vehicles were allocated to the police station, due to the current vehicle strength at the station conforming to departmental norms.
(1)(b)(ii) The replacement of outdated IT equipment has been rescheduled for the 2025/26 financial year. All outstanding matters pertaining to the non-functional holding cells at the Station remains to mandate of the lessor (City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality).
(2)(a) The Kwa Thema Police Station is a non-devolved (leased property), therefore, refurbishment remains the responsibility of the lessor. The SAPS accepts responsibility for day-to-day maintenance e.g. replacement of broken glass, leaking plumbing etc.
(2)(b) The SAPS has approached the NDPWI to secure approval from the City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality, to confirm the intention to donate the building to the National Government.
(2)(c) The SAPS has approached the NDPWI, requesting that alternative accommodation be identified and procured, by the NDPWI.
(3)(a)(i) The Kwa Thema Police Station is currently staffed at 89.51%. No IT equipment was allocated to the police station in the current financial year. The police station currently has 100% of its granted vehicle allocation.
(3)(a)((ii)(aa) The cells at the police station are non-devolved (leased property), therefore, refurbishment remains the responsibility of the lessor. The SAPS accepts responsibility for day-to-day maintenance e.g. replacement of broken glass, leaking plumbing etc.
(3)(a)(ii)(bb) Restoration of holding cells at the police station remains the responsibility of the lessor.
(3)(b) During the current post promotion phase, which ended on 1 November 2024, two critical posts were advertised and filled. The staffing level has increased to 90.90%.
During phase 2 of the 2024/25 financial year entry-level trainees project, the police station will be allocated additional entry-level members.
The replacement of outdated IT equipment has been rescheduled for the 2025/26 financial year.
07 January 2025 - NW979
Gasa, Ms NM to ask the Minister of Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities
Whether there are any specific plans to ensure that learners who are living with disabilities are provided with skills after they finish school; if no, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
Pleasr refer the question to the Department of Higher Education and Training.
07 January 2025 - NW1644
Wana, Ms T to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training
(1) What total number of meetings did each Deputy Director-General (DDG) of her department attend which was part of their allocated unit for which they had (a) to do a presentation and respond to questions of Members of Parliament and (b) no presentation to the committee (i) in the past three financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2024 to date;
Kindly receive the consolidation of inputs in response to this question.
Financial Year |
2021/22 |
R 0.00 |
R 0.00 |
0 |
0 |
2022/23 |
R 0.00 |
R 0.00 |
0 |
0 |
2023/24 |
R16 495.26 |
R756.31 |
2 |
Not known (DDG resigned) |
2024/25 |
R 0.00 |
R 0.00 |
0 |
0 |
Financial Year |
2021/22 |
R 0.00 |
R 0.00 |
0 |
0 |
2022/23 |
R 0.00 |
R 0.00 |
0 |
0 |
2023/24 |
R8,234.08 |
R1,285.56 |
1 |
0 |
2024/25 |
R53,035.84 |
R10,355.01 |
8 |
0 |
Financial Year |
2021/22 |
R 0.00 |
R 0.00 |
0 |
0 |
2022/23 |
R 0.00 |
R 0.00 |
0 |
0 |
2023/24 |
R 17 495 |
R 6 920 |
0 |
2 |
2024/25 |
R 76 897 |
R 19 495 |
6 |
4 |
Financial Year |
2021/22 |
R 0.00 |
R 0.00 |
0 |
0 |
2022/23 |
R 309 259.07 |
R 39 944.00 |
15 |
5 |
2023/24 |
R 249 452.18 |
R 50 802.29 |
20 |
6 |
2024/25 |
R 329 974.77 |
R 50 456.64 |
18 |
4 |
Financial Year |
2021/22 |
R 0.00 |
R 0.00 |
0 |
0 |
2022/23 |
R 101 931 |
R 21 986 |
13 |
0 |
2023/24 |
R 135 104 |
R 43 936 |
22 |
0 |
2024/25 |
R 69 858.54 |
R 25 010 |
8 |
3 |
Financial Year |
2021/22 |
R 0.00 |
R 0.00 |
0 |
0 |
2022/23 |
193 003.10 |
77 533.74 |
21 |
8 |
2023/24 |
356 188,66 |
143 267,97 |
10 |
9 |
2024/25 |
362 624, 34 |
74 106.72 |
5 |
4 |
Financial Year |
2021/22 |
2022/23 |
R478 103,90 |
R144 423,46 |
226 |
197 |
2023/24 |
R466 170,96 |
R122 196,4 |
108 |
53 |
2024/25 |
R288 784,71 |
R357 971,55 |
45 |
14 |
Financial Year |
2021/22 |
R 0.00 |
R 0.00 |
0 |
0 |
2022/23 |
R 0.00 |
R 0.00 |
0 |
0 |
2023/24 |
R18 073.86 |
R12 039.51 |
2 |
22 |
2024/25 |
R72 181.24 |
R24 875.00 |
2 |
15 |
Financial Year |
2021/22 |
4 (assumed duty on 1 November 2021) |
R0.00 (zoom meetings) |
R0.00 |
2022/23 |
18 (1 physical meeting) |
R18 891.92 |
R14 700.00 |
2023/24 |
24 (5 physical meetings) |
R76 703.00 |
R0.00 (own place) |
2024/25 |
20 (8 physical meetings) |
R67 790.00 |
R0.00 (own place) |
CONTACT: 012 312 6181
It is recommended that the Minister signs Parliamentary Question 1644.
DATE: 06/01/2025
07 January 2025 - NW2086
Ngobeni, Ms LM to ask the Minister of Small Business Development
Given the alarming underperformance of her department in meeting its target of supporting township and rural enterprises, where only 6,116 out of the targeted 30,000 have been assisted to date, (a) how does her department realistically plan to meet its end-of-year target, considering the severe time constraints and its abysmal failure thus far to reach even half of its own goal and (b) what (i) was the original budget allocation for the programme, (ii) total amount of the budget remains unspent, despite her department’s dismal progress and (iii) specific remedial actions are being taken to address this gross shortfall and ensure that taxpayers’ money is effectively used to support struggling township and rural enterprises?”
- We do not have an alarming underperformance or even underperformance in relation to our targets of supporting township and rural enterprises:
Please see the details below from the Small Enterprise Development Finance Agency (SEDFA) on financial and Non-Financial Support
Quarters |
Quarterly Target |
Quarterly Achievement |
Variance |
Comments |
Q1 |
5 000 |
6 116 |
1 116 |
Quarterly target exceeded |
Q2 |
5 000 |
8 212 |
3 212 |
Quarterly target exceeded |
Q3 |
10 000 |
3 044 |
On track, as the Quarter 3 has not ended |
Q4 |
10 000 |
- |
Not tracked yet |
Total |
30 000 |
17 372 |
The annual target is 30 000 and Year to date achievement is 17 372. Therefore, the organisation is on track to meet or exceed the annual target on non-financial support. |
SEDFA – Financial Support Township & Rural-based Enterprises – 2024/25 financial year
Through the two channels of SEDFA, business services support and lending and investments, 109 590 MSMEs have been supported. The SEDFA operations of the 2024/25 financial year of quarter 3 and quarter 4, are well underway to ensure the achievement of the set targets.
07 January 2025 - NW1888
Letlape, Dr TKS to ask the Minister of Small Business Development
Whether she will furnish Mr T K S Letlape with a complete breakdown of all official travel for (a) her and (b) the Deputy Minister since they assumed office, including the (i) purpose and justification for each trip, (ii) destination details, (iii) costs incurred, including but not limited to transport, accommodation, meals and other related incidental expenses, (iv) names and roles of all accompanying support staff and their respective costs and (v) additional costs associated with each specified trip; if not, why not, in each case; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?”
The response to the question is outlined below. It should be noted that the travel agency had not yet billed the department for all travelling.
Minister's foreign travel |
(a)(ii) |
(a)(i) |
(a)(iii) |
Name |
Dates |
Destination |
Purpose |
Air ravel |
Accommodation |
Shuttle services |
Daily allowance |
Total |
Ndabeni-Abrahams ST |
Aug-24 |
94 611.30 |
25 388.10 |
49 795.24 |
11 839.19 |
181 633.83 |
Sep-24 |
159 486.80 |
168 280.00 |
- |
5 121.41 |
332 888.21 |
Sep-24 |
UK |
104 193.30 |
- |
- |
14 715.28 |
118 908.58 |
Total |
358 291.40 |
193 668.10 |
49 795.24 |
31 675.88 |
633 430.62 |
Accompanying staff |
(iv) |
(v) |
Names |
Dates |
Destination |
Role |
Flights |
Accommodation |
Shuttle services |
Daily allowance |
Total |
Manzini T |
Aug-24 |
180 556.30 |
50 960.00 |
- |
5 154.94 |
236 671.24 |
Holomisa-Mtirara B |
Aug-24 |
37 121.00 |
29 155.00 |
- |
12 726.71 |
79 002.71 |
Nong T |
Aug-24 |
51 159.30 |
33 320.00 |
- |
10 910.25 |
95 389.55 |
Marutla P |
Sep-24 |
57 764.80 |
4 900.00 |
- |
4 615.19 |
67 279.99 |
Murray A |
Sep-24 |
44 004,30 |
48 800,00 |
- |
5 121,41 |
97 925,71 |
Dayile V |
Sep-24 |
UK |
57 192,30 |
- |
- |
15 396,61 |
72 588,91 |
Delwa Q |
Sep-24 |
70 052,30 |
43 000,00 |
- |
5 121,41 |
118 173,71 |
Total |
511 610.80 |
210 135.00 |
- |
497 850,30 |
210 135,00 |
07 January 2025 - NW1407
Marais, Mr EJ to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure
Whether he will furnish Mr E J Marais with a list of names of (a) current and (b) former Members of Parliament who owe monies to his department for accommodation and related services; if not, why not; if so, what actions will his department take to recover the debts from current and former public representatives?
The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure:
I have been provided with the list of requested information and I am currently reviewing its credibility. The first version of the aforementioned was requested by the Portfolio Committee Chairperson and was tabled to the committee on 18 October 2024.
As soon as I am satisfied that the updated list is correct, I will duly provide the details.
07 January 2025 - NW2254
Maotwe, Ms OMC to ask the Minister of Finance
What (a) total number of consultants were appointed by the National Treasury in the 2023-24 financial year, (b) are the names of the consultants, (c) were they appointed for and (d) total amounts were paid?
The National Treasury received parliamentary question number 2254 [W3634E], which is responded to below. With regards to section (d) enquiring about the total amounts paid to consultants, the National Treasury responds to this question in general terms without indicating the amount paid to each consultant due to limitations imposed by the provisions of the Protection of Personal Protection Act (POPI Act). Disclosing financial information of identifiable person (natural or juristic person) without their consent would constitute a violation of the POPI Act.
Information relating to the rest of the questions is already publicly available due to a requirement of the Public Finance Management Act that awarded tenders be published.
Here below are responses to parliamentary question number 2254 [W3634E]:
- Total number of consultants – 41
- Names of consultants - (see attached spreadsheet)
- Project Description/Services - (see attached spreadsheet)
- Total paid to consultants in the 2023/24 financial year - R39 415 024,86
07 January 2025 - NW275
Bath, Mr EM to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure
What safeguard measures are being implemented by his department to ensure that previous allegations against a certain person (name and details furnished) do not affect the integrity and effectiveness of the Extended Public Works Programme considering its strategic importance to his department?
The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure
Upon receipt of this enquiry, the department resolved to write to the KZN Provincial Government inquiring about the circumstances leading to the termination or exit of and the status of the investigation by the Special Investigation Unit against the specified person.
Upon clarification, the Department will decide on the appropriate measures to be implemented to safeguard the integrity and effectiveness of the Expanded Public Works Programme. In addition, the department is in the process of advertising and filling the position of Deputy Director-General: Expanded Public Works Programme permanently.
The department has already acquired the concurrence of the Minister of Public Service and Administration in line with the directive on the implementation of control measures aimed at assisting executive authorities in managing fiscal sustainability during the process of creating and filling vacant posts in Departments.
07 January 2025 - NW1770
Taaibosch, Mr G to ask the Minister in the Presidency
Whether, given the ever-increasing reality of cybercrime as evidenced by the frequent media incident reports, the State Security Agency in recent times found any materialisation of threats against and/or breaches of the Republic’s cybersecurity, especially those that targeted our critical infrastructure; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details ?
It is indeed accurate that South Africa, like many countries globally, is seeing an increasing occurrence of cybercrime incidents and cyber-attacks. These affect all sectors of our economy, such as telecommunications, financial, transportation, energy, education, health and so on, all of which are considered to be critical sectors in our economy.
In the past year the most prevalent threat has been ransomware attacks in both the private and the public sector. Some of the most widely reported incidents in the public sector include the National Health Laboratory Service and Denel.
Threats to the country’s critical information infrastructure will continue to rise and some of these threats will materialise, exacerbated by South Africa’s advanced Communications Infrastructure, the country’s standing in the global community and other geopolitical events. The State Security Agency continues to collaborate with entities both in the public and private sectors to monitor, detect and respond to these threats to our critical information infrastructure.
Name :
Designation :
Contacts :
Recommended / Not recommended
Ambassador Nozuko Bam
Acting Director-General: State Security Agency
Approved / Not Approved
Khumbudzo Ntshavheni , MP,
Minister in The Presidency
07 January 2025 - NW728
Mekgwe, Ms NL to ask the Minister of Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities
What (a) total number of consultants are currently utilised within the core programmes of her department, (b) is the total cost incurred and (c) is the (i) time frame set for the use of consultants and (ii) reason for sourcing the consultants?
The consultants are appointed through the EU GEWE donor funding. The “term” consultants is used due to the fact that the appointments are done on donor funding, and these individuals are not appointed in terms of the Public Service Act as normal public servants. This is to minimise the challenge of fringe benefits, etc as the appointments are project based and linked to funding.
07 January 2025 - NW2165
Reddy, Mr VG to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure
How does he account for the visible decay of critical infrastructure across the
The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure:
In accordance with Section 14(1) of the Government Immovable Asset Management Act 19 of 2007 (GIAMA), the Accounting Officer of a user is required to compile, in accordance with Section 8, a user Immovable asset manageable plan (UAMP) that will form part of the strategy plan of that user and submit their UAMP to National Treasury in accordance with Section 9 of the Act.
The object of GIAMA include, inter alia, ensuring accountability for capital and recurrent works, the acquisition, reuse, and disposal of an immovable asset and the maintenance of existing immovable assets.
The Minister of Public Works is aware of the maintenance challenges and the decay of critical infrastructure across the Republic.
The Department of Public Works and Infrastructure (DPWI) has comprehensive maintenance programme measures in place to ensure that the immovable infrastructure is sustained and refurbished. The DPWI maintenance approach is a blend of both Preventative and Corrective aligned to the National Immovable Asset Maintenance Management (NIAMM) Framework. Under Corrective maintenance, there are two asset renewal programmes that ensure up keep of facilities, namely Repairs and Refurbishments (R&R) and Capital programmes which are carried out on a regular basis.
The department’s infrastructure is refurbished regularly, the process of which is triggered by the Facilities Condition Assessment (FCA) that is regularly carried out by the department. The FCA is the requirement of the Government Immovable Asset Management Act (GIAMA). The FCA output is a comprehensive report that details the maintenance plans for both preventative and corrective measure that encompasses Capital, Repair and Refurbishment.
The department’s Property Portfolio Management prioritise the projects based on compliance, age, wear and tear and other relevant criteria, which is carried out on an annual basis aligned to the Medium Term Expenditure Framework. Furthermore, the department has a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Development Bank of South Africa (DBSA), Coega and Independent Development Trust (IDT). There are in implementing agents (IA) and assist DPWI in fast tracking some of the maintenance implementation.
Furthermore, in pursuit of the long-term strategy in the management of government properties, DPWI is introducing a Refurbish, Operate and transfer (ROT) Programme to be implement for DPWI’s High Priority Facilities. The plan is to collaborate and form partnerships with private sector, wherein the private sector will invest their resources to refurbish, operate these facilities for a period of twenty (20) to twenty five (25) years (including maintenance) and handover the facilities back to government after this period. The government will repay the private investor for the duration of the lease through the User Accommodation Charges collected from the Client Departments.
The Department has capital and refurbishment projects in various stages ranging from planning to implementation and are available in the procurement plans from the National Treasury for your perusal and the department’s Programme Implementation Plan (PIP).
07 January 2025 - NW1642
Wana, Ms T to ask the Minister of Higher Education and Training
What (a) was the cost for hiring venues for (i) her department and (ii) each entity reporting to her (aa) in the past five years and (bb) since 1 January 2024 to date and (b) is the breakdown of each venue for each year with reference to the (i) name of the venue, (ii) address, (iii) reason for the venue hire, (iv) attendees of each event, (v) total cost and (vi) cost of any additional items related to the event?
Kindly receive the consolidation of inputs in response to this question.
(a)(i)(aa) Total cost of events arranged for the past five years? |
R79 364 729.77 |
(a)(i)(bb) Total cost of events arranged since 1 January 2024 to date? |
R38 349 298.37 |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
Diep-in die berg |
929 Disselboom Street, Wapadrand, Pretoria |
Strategic Planning Workshop |
Director-General and DHET Senior Managers |
566477.50 |
Facilitation |
Polokwane Royal Hotel |
Polokwane Central, Polokwane 0699 |
Problematic Learning Area Workshop for 3 days to capacitate lecturers on poor performing learning areas |
CET College Lecturers and DHET Regional Officials |
389 635.00 |
Breakaway rooms |
Bolivia Lodge |
P.O Box 11309 Bendor Park Polokwane 0699 |
Regional CASS moderation for Appointed moderators, Regional, Districts and College officials, Umalusi and DHET verifiers R354 860.00 Breakaway rooms 4 days to moderate GETC Level 4 portfolios |
Appointed moderators, Regional, Districts and College officials, Umalusi and DHET verifiers |
354 860.00 |
Breakaway rooms |
Nutting House Lodge Nelspruit |
Address: Burnside Road Burnside, Mbombela, 1200 |
Mpumalanga Sub-region Development of AET |
229 800.00 |
Mercure Hotel Nelspruit |
Address: Corner N4 &, Graniet St, West Acres, Mbombela, 1200 |
Mpumalanga Sub-region Setting of AET Level 3 |
DHET Stakeholders |
111 913.20 |
The Regency Hotel |
Address: 27 Matroosberg Road Ashlea Gardens, Menlyn, Pretoria, 0065 |
Ministerial Finance Programme Dept Compliance |
DHET Stakeholders |
37 960.00 |
Fortis Hotel Capital |
390 Van Der Walt, Lilian Ngoyi St - Pretoria |
Planning & feedback Branch TVET Strat Planning |
DHET Stakeholders |
17 600.00 |
Fortis Hotel Capital |
390 Van Der Walt, Lilian Ngoyi St - Pretoria |
Induction of newly appointed officials |
DHET Stakeholders |
75 600.00 |
Birchwood Hotel & Conference |
Address: 44 Viewpoint Street, Bartlett, Boksburg, 1459 |
Transformation oversight Committee meeting |
DHET Stakeholders |
10 440.00 |
Cape Town ICC |
Address: Convention Square, 1 Lower Long Street, Cape Town, 8001 |
2019 TVET Month National debate |
DHET Stakeholders |
135 206.31 |
The Lakes Hotel & Conference |
1 Country St, Lakefield, Benoni |
WSSA Send Off ceremony to Abu Dhabi |
DHET Stakeholders |
244 000.00 |
The Aviator Hotel O.R.Tambo |
2 Bosch Ave, Kempton Park, |
Closed Meeting Principals and Managers TVET |
DHET officials: CET College DPAs, Regional officials, stakeholders and Head office officials |
7 470.00 |
Orion Promenade Hotel Nelspruit |
Address: Corner Samora Machel Dr &, Henshall St, Mbombela Central, Mbombela, |
Internal Moderations of AET level 03 papers. |
DHET Stakeholders |
38 159.00 |
Garden Court Polokwane |
Address: Corner of Thabo Mbeki & President P, President Paul Kruger St, Polokwane Central, |
Nat Artisan Development Workshop in Polokwane |
DHET Stakeholders |
75 600.00 |
Protea Hotel Hatfield |
Address: 1141 Burnett St, Hatfield, Pretoria, 8001 |
International Scholarships pre-departure orientation. |
DHET Stakeholders |
421 369.50 |
The Aviator Hotel O.R.Tambo |
2 Bosch Ave, Kempton Park, |
Nat Artisan Development Workshop in Gauteng |
DHET officials: CET College DPAs, Regional officials, stakeholders and Head office officials |
336 000.00 |
Premier Hotel Regent East London |
Address: 22 Esplanade St, Quigney, East London. |
Nat Artisan Development WorkShop East London |
DHET Stakeholders |
90 920.00 |
Fortis Hotel Witbank |
Address: 167 Jellicoe Street, eMalahleni |
Nat Artisan Development WorkShop Witbank |
DHET Stakeholders |
79 800.00 |
President Hotel Bloemfontein |
Address: 1 Union Ave, Bloemfontein Central, Bloemfontein, |
Nat Artisan Development Workshop Bloemfontein |
DHET Stakeholders |
79 720.00 |
Orion Promenade Hotel Nelspruit |
Address: Corner Samora Machel Dr &, Henshall St, Mbombela Central, Mbombela |
Training of CET Lecturers as Moderators ABET Level 4 |
DHET Stakeholders |
77 839.00 |
Palmetto Guest House |
Address: 56 Proctor Ave, Golf View, Mahikeng |
Meeting of CETC snd CET Officials 2019 |
DHET Stakeholders |
28 708.00 |
Protea Hotel Fire & Ice Cape Town |
Address: 64 New Church St, Tamboerskloof, Cape Town |
Primary Teacher Education retreat |
DHET Stakeholders |
19 500.00 |
Diep in die Berg Pretoria |
Disselboom Ave, 929, Pretoria, GP, |
Senior Management Strategic workshop |
DHET Stakeholders |
189 940.00 |
Avianto Hotel |
Address: 69 R114, Muldersdrift, 1747 |
NSF Strategic Planning Meeting |
DHET Stakeholders |
27 900.04 |
Kopanong Hotel & Conference |
Address: 243 Glen Gory Rd, Norton's Home Estates, Benoni |
ECP Framework Workshop |
DHET Stakeholders |
48 320.00 |
The Aviator Hotel O.R.Tambo |
2 Bosch Ave, Kempton Park, |
Curriculum coordinating committee meeting |
DHET officials: CET College DPAs, Regional officials, stakeholders and Head office officials |
30 975.00 |
Hilton Hotel Howick |
Address: 1 Hilton Ave, Hilton, Pietermaritzburg |
Setting of AET Sub-levels common Assessment task |
DHET Stakeholders |
89 135.00 |
Protea Hotel O.R.Tambo |
Address: Corner Of York &, Gladiator St, Rhodesfield, Kempton Park, 1619 |
NASCA Workshop |
DHET Stakeholders |
27 339.99 |
Premier Hotel Pretoria |
Address: 573 Stanza Bopape St, Arcadia, Pretoria |
CET Senior Management strategic planning w/shop |
DHET Stakeholders |
84 800.00 |
The Lakes Hotel & Conference |
1 Country St, Lakefield, Benoni |
Pre-Vocational Learning awards ceremony |
DHET Stakeholders |
91 000.00 |
Kalahari Lodge Kimberley |
Address: Landbou Rd &, Memorial Rd, South Ridge, Kimberley |
Nat Artisan Development WorkShop Kimberley |
DHET Stakeholders |
37 000.00 |
Premier Hotel Pretoria |
Address: 573 Stanza Bopape St, Arcadia, Pretoria |
TVETMISS Forum Meeting |
DHET Stakeholders |
98 840.00 |
Premier Hotel O.R.Tambo |
Address: 73 Gladiator St, Rhodesfield, Kempton Park |
National Co-Ordinator’s Meeting |
DHET Stakeholders |
33 250.00 |
Nutting House Lodge Nelspruit |
Address: Burnside Road Burnside, Mbombela, 1200 |
MP Regional moderation of ABET Level 4 portfolios |
DHET Stakeholders |
370 500.00 |
Bolivia Lodge Polokwane |
Address: Plot 162, Tweefontein (R81), Polokwane, 0699, Limpopo |
Limpopo Regional Moderations for ABET Level4 |
DHET Stakeholders |
354 860.00 |
Holiday Inn Johannesburg |
Address: The Zone, Oxford Rd, Rosebank, Johannesburg |
Annual National Dialogue of the Primary Teacher Ed |
DHET Stakeholders |
205 398.00 |
Africa Lodges t/a TRGV 366 Investments |
Corner Michael/Deena street NO: 8 Michael Street Thabazimbi |
Thabazimbi Stakeholders conference |
DHET Stakeholders |
28 955.00 |
Durban ICC |
Address: Inkosi Albert Luthuli ICC Complex,, 45 Bram Fischer Rd, Durban |
NAD Conference & Career Festival in Durban |
DHET Stakeholders |
11 656 796.39 |
Kleinkaap Boutique Hotel Centurion |
87 Jim Van Der Merwe St, Clubview, Centurion |
Stakeholders engagement with DEAF Association |
DHET Stakeholders |
14 725.00 |
Africa Lodges t/a TRGV 366 Investments |
Corner Michael/Deena street NO: 8 Michael Street Thabazimbi |
NSFAS activation and PCO Visit |
DHET Stakeholders |
26 000.00 |
Inter-Continental Hotel O.R.Tambo |
Address: Opposite Int'L Arrivals Hall, Arrivals, O.R. Tambo, Kempton Park |
Meeting with SETA Forum EXCO 1 |
DHET Stakeholders |
10 725.00 |
Leisure Hotels t/a Best Western Fountains |
Address: 1 St Georges Mall, Cape Town CBD, 8001, Western Cape |
Regional Office Regional Strategic Meeting |
DHET Stakeholders |
26 330.00 |
RH Hotel Pretoria |
Address: Corner Steve Biko Road and, Trevenna St, Sunnyside |
Audit debrief NSF Staff and management |
DHET Stakeholders |
37 050.00 |
Peermont Emperors Palace Hotel |
Address: 64 Jones Rd, Kempton Park, Johannesburg |
Ministerial Task team on 4IR Project |
DHET Stakeholders |
11 405.00 |
The Aviator Hotel O.R.Tambo |
2 Bosch Ave, Kempton Park, |
Registrar's meeting |
DHET Stakeholders |
50 575.00 |
The Aviator Hotel O.R.Tambo |
2 Bosch Ave, Kempton Park, |
Regional Managers TVET & CET Principals meeting |
DHET Stakeholders |
7 290.00 |
Fortis Capital Hotel |
390 Van Der Walt, Lilian Ngoyi St - Pretoria |
National Social Inclusion Forum (NSIF) |
DHET Stakeholders |
9 800.00 |
The Aviator O.R.Tambo Hotel |
2 Bosch Ave, Kempton Park, |
Steering Committee Meeting National Framework. |
DHET Stakeholders |
13 050.00 |
TRGV 335 INV - Africa Lodges |
Corner Michael/Deena street NO: 8 Michael Street Thabazimbi |
Stakeholders Consultative workshop student pledge |
DHET Stakeholders |
19 500.00 |
Birchwood Hotel & Conference |
Address: 44 Viewpoint Street, Bartlett, Boksburg, 1459 |
Task team to review initial Teacher Education @UNISA |
DHET Stakeholders |
10 503.80 |
Burgers Park Hotel Pretoria |
Address: 0001 CNR Lilian Ngoyi and, Minnaar St, Pretoria Central, Pretoria |
Planning monitoring evaluation session |
DHET Stakeholders |
18 750.00 |
Kopanong Hotel & Conference |
Address: 243 Glen Gory Rd, Norton's Home Estates, Benoni |
Strategic Co-Ordinating Meeting |
DHET Stakeholders |
50 050.00 |
Fortis Capital Hotel |
390 Van Der Walt, Lilian Ngoyi St - Pretoria |
Preparatory workshop on 18 Feb 2020 |
DHET Stakeholders |
12 250.00 |
Protea Hotel Edward Durban |
Address: 149 Marine Parade, South Beach, Durban, |
KZN CET Regional Meeting -Durban |
DHET Stakeholders |
42 400.00 |
The Royal Polokwane |
72-62 President Paul Kruger St, Polokwane, |
Problematic Learning Areas Workshop -Polokwane |
DHET Stakeholders |
389 635.00 |
Fortis Capital Hotel |
390 Van Der Walt, Lilian Ngoyi St - Pretoria |
Corporate Services Strategic Planning Workshop |
DHET Stakeholders |
77 700.00 |
CSIR - Pretoria |
Pretoria, Gauteng CSIR main site, Meiring Naude Road, Pretoria |
Ethics and Integrity Awareness campaign |
DHET Stakeholders |
175 012.90 |
Manhattan Hotel Pretoria |
Address: 247 Scheiding St, Pretoria Central, Pretoria, 0002 |
CET Strategic Planning Workshop |
DHET Stakeholders |
20 060.00 |
Southern Sun OR Tambo Hotel |
Jones Road, Johannesburg |
To host strategic coordination meeting Our department doesn't have a venue to accommodate 50 people. |
CET Management from Head office; Colleges Principals; Regional Managers; Regional Directors; CET Chairpersons of Councils; Admin staff from Head Office |
57 904.20 |
Premier Hotel |
73 Gladiator Street, Rhodesfield, Kempton Park |
Special Strategic Coordination Meeting Our department doesn't have a venue to accommodate 60 people. |
DHET Management; Colleges Principals; Regional Managers; Regional Directors; CET Chairpersons of Councils; DHET Admin staff |
40 400.00 |
Durban ICC and Durban Expo Centre |
Inkosi Albert Luthuli ICC Complex, 45 Bram Fischer Rd, Durban |
WSZA National Competition, Conference & Career Festival (Russia) Venue required for competition (11000m2), conference (500 delegates) and Career Expo (5000 learners and NEET Youth) |
Competitors, WSZA Officials, SETAs, TVET Colleges, Industry Representatives |
20 145 410.27 |
TOTAL COST: 38 070 113.10 |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
Protea Hotel, Polokwane Landmark |
N1 Northbound Next to shell ultra city Polokwane 0699 |
Regional CASS moderation to moderate GETC Level4 Portfolios |
Appointed moderators, Regional, Districts and College officials, Umalusi and DHET verifiers |
551 107.00 |
Breakaway rooms |
Kopanong hotel and Conference Centre |
243 Glen Gory Rd, Norton's Home Estates, Benoni, 1501 |
To host Strategic coordination workshop. Our department doesn't have a venue to accommodate 60 people. |
DHET Management; Colleges Principals; Regional Managers; Regional Directors; CET Chairpersons of Councils; DHET Admin staff |
48 000.00 |
Zebula Lodge |
Farm 534, D1000 Road, Bela Bela, Limpopo, 0480 |
NAD Strat Plan Session |
NAD Management |
91 065.60 |
TOTAL COST: 690 172.60 |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
Bolivia Lodge |
P.O Box 11309 Bendor Park Polokwane 0699 |
Regional CASS moderation for 3 days to moderate GETC level 4 portfolios |
Appointed moderators, Regional, Districts and College officials, Umalusi and DHET verifiers |
661 345.74 |
Breakaway rooms |
Ekurhuleni West TVET College meeting held on |
EWC Corporate Centre - Corner Flag & Rose Innes Street, Germiston |
To host a Data Management Forum |
CET College Principals; Deputy Principals responsible for Data; College data managers, CET M&E officials; DHET HETMIS officials and strategic partners |
16 500. 00 |
TOTAL COST: 677 845.74 |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
Bluenote Media and Technologies |
28 Augrabies Street Mooikloof Pretoria 0081 |
WSZA 2022 Competition Send-Off Function and Team Building |
WSZA & DHET Officials, Expants, Students participating in the World Skills Competitors |
644 602.57 |
Courier of Luggage |
Emerald Resort and Casino |
777 Frikkie Meyer Boulvrd Vanderbijlpark |
Send-Off Function and Team Building for WorldSkills Africa Competition |
WSZA Officials & DHET Officials Competitors, SETAs, TVET Colleges, Industry Representatives |
1 030 532.25 |
Champagne Sports Resort |
R600 Road Champagne Valley Central Drakensberg |
Indlela /NAD Strategic Planning Session |
DHET NAD Officials |
213 650.00 |
Durban International Convention Centre & EXPO Centre |
Inkosi Albert Luthuli ICC Complex, 45 Bram Fischer Rd, Durban |
WSZA National Competition, Conference & Career Festival Venue required for competition (11000m2), conference (500 delegates) and Career Expo (5000 learners and NEET Youth) |
WSZA Delegation inclusive of Competitors, Experts, Technical Team, DHET Officials, SETAs, QCTO, NYDA, and TVET Colleges, Industry Representatives |
22 332 959 .64 |
Production Security Accommodation Exhibition; Branding & design; Car rentals and shuttles (Other services sourced from different service providers) |
Drakensburg Sun |
Artisan Development Strategic Planning Session |
Artisan Development Staff |
287 284.31 |
The Lakes Hotel |
No 1 Country Lane, Lakefield, Benoni, East Rand, Gauteng |
WSZA Team South Africa To Attend The 46th Worldskills Competition Special Edition 2022 (Wsc2022se) Held In Europe, Korea And Americas, During September & November 2022 |
Competitors, WSZA Officials, DHET, SETAs, TVET Colleges, Industry Representatives |
3 753 065.89 |
Branding & signage Uniforms and Media Travel and Accommodation (Total cost is inclusive of other services sourced from different service providers) |
Protea Hotel Fire And Ice Menlyn |
221 Garsfontien Road Menlyn 0181 |
Corporate Services Strategic Planning - |
DHET Officials |
52 800.00 |
None |
Protea Hotel Fire and Ice Menlyn |
221 Garsfontien Road Menlyn 0181 |
DG Meeting with Stakeholders |
DHET Officials |
4 800.00 |
None |
Birchwood Hotel And OR Tambo Conference Center |
120 North Rand Road Bartlet Boksburg 1459 OR Tambo Inter Airport |
DG Meeting with Stakeholders |
DHET Officials |
3 600.00 |
None |
The Caledon Hotel Spa And Casino |
1 Nerina Avenue Caledon 7230 |
Northern and Western Cape Region officials: CET |
39 705.72 |
None |
Nutting House N/A G |
Plot 6 Burnside Road 1200 Mbombela |
Mpumalanga Regional Moderation workshop |
DHET Officials & TVET Moderators |
515 300.00 |
None |
Bon Hotel Rustenburg |
Plot 37 Waterglen Waterglen R24 Rustenburg 2999 |
North – West: Capacity Building for TVET Lecturers on National Open Learning Systems (NOLS) |
DHET Officials & Lecturers |
238 995.00 |
None |
Protea Hotel Fire And Ice Menlyn |
221 Garsfontien Road Menlyn 0181 |
Interviews for the DDG Position |
DHET Panel Members |
4 886.00 |
None |
Birchwood Hotel And OR Tambo Conference Center |
120 North Rand Road Bartlet Boksburg 1459 OR Tambo Inter Airport |
Financial Planning and Management meeting with CET |
Deputy Principal Finance CET Unit Directors Chairperson of Finance Committees DHET Officials: CET Colleges Financial Planning and Management |
32 120.00 |
None |
The Capital Zimbali |
5 Corkwood Drive Zimbali Coastal Estate Dolphin Coast 4420 |
DG Meeting with Stakeholders |
DHET Officials |
4 368.00 |
None |
Pretoria Hotel |
230 Hamilton Street Arcadia 0001 |
CET Data Forums Meeting – Scalling up the Data Management system |
DHET CET Officials, CET Regional Officials, College Staff responsible for CET Data Management and Community Learning Centres (CLCs) |
64 800.00 |
None |
Park Inn By Radisson Polokwane |
Dorp Street Polokwane 0700 |
Limpopo: Capacity Building for TVET Lecturers on National Open Learning Systems (NOLS) |
DHET Officials & Lecturers |
238 920.00 |
None |
Premier Hotel Roodevalley (Pty) Ltd |
Plot 81, Zeekoegat Kameeldrift East. 0039 |
Team Building & Operational Session for Lecture Development & Support |
DHET Officials |
34 450.00 |
None |
Manhattan Hotel |
247 Scheiding Street Pretoria 0002 |
Men’s Summit Conference |
DHET Officials: Men |
44 400.00 |
None |
Sheraton Hotel |
Church) &, 643 Corner Stanza Bopape, Wessels St, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0007 |
Women’s conference |
DHET officials: Women |
49 840.00 |
None |
Premier Hotel Roodevalley (Pty) Ltd |
Plot 81, Zeekoegat Kameeldrift East. 0039 |
ICT Strategic Meeting |
DHET -IT Officials |
22 286.88 |
None |
Emperor’s Palace Peermont |
64 Jones Road Kempton Park 1620 |
The purpose of the meeting was to review the TVET Branch and TVET Colleges’ strategic direction and prepare for the 2023 academic year |
TVET College Principals and DHET TVET Branch officials |
104 983.05 |
Holding room for the Director-General |
Zebula Lodge |
Farm 534, D1000 Road, Bela Bela, Limpopo, 0480 |
PSET Sector-Wide Strategic Planning Workshop |
Minister and Sector-wide Stakeholders |
678 517.98 +237 000.00 |
Facilitation |
Bolivia Lodge |
P.O Box 11309 Bendor Park Polokwane 0699 |
Problematic Learning Area workshop for 3 days to capacitate lecturers on Poor performing learning areas |
CET College Lecturers and Regional Officials |
461 860.00 |
Breakaway rooms |
Meropa casino and hotel |
59 Prov Roodepoort str Ivypark X14 Polokwane 0699 |
Regional moderation for 5 days to moderate GETC Level 4 portfolios |
Appointed moderators, Regional, Districts and College officials, Umalusi and DHET verifiers |
820 256.17 |
Breakaway rooms |
Premier Hotel Pretoria |
573 Stanza bopape street, Arcadia |
To host a strategic coordination meeting and our department doesn't have a venue to accommodate 40 people. |
Regional Managers, Regional Directors, Principals, CET Branch, Communications officials, CET Chairpersons of Council |
32 705.00 |
None |
Birchwood hotel |
44 Viewpoint Street, Barlett, Boksburg |
To host the Capacity building workshop for Centre Managers Our department doesn't have a venue to accommodate 60 people. |
Centre Managers, CET Branch officials, CET Principals, Higher Health |
44 480.00 |
None |
The Lakes hotel |
1 Country Street, Lakefield, Benoni |
To host Strategic coordination meeting Our department doesn't have a venue to accommodate 60 people. |
CET Management from Head office; Colleges Principals; Regional Managers; Regional Directors; CET Chairpersons of Councils; Admin staff from Head Office |
55 000 |
None |
A New Hotel Witbank |
167 Jellicoe Street, Emalahleni |
Our department doesn't have a venue to accommodate 60 people. |
CET Principal, CET branch officials, Communication officials, CET Deputy Principals |
22 850 |
None |
Polokwane Royal |
Suite 343, Polokwane |
To host a Peer Mentoring Training for SRC and Students were from different provinces and grouped according to the nearest distance and our department doesn’t have the capacity to hold more than 52 people |
Higher Health, Student Support Services Representatives, SRCs (LP, NW and MP) CET Management from Head office, Admin staff from Head Office and communications officials. |
43 888.00 |
None |
Premier Hotel Cape Town |
01 Marais road, sea point, Cape Town |
To host a Peer Mentoring Training for SRC and Students were from different provinces and grouped according to the nearest distance and our department doesn’t have the capacity to hold more than 50 people |
Higher Health, Student Support Services Representatives, SRCs (EC, WC and NC) CET Management from Head office, Admin staff from Head Office and communications officials. |
47 042.45 |
None |
Garden Court, Marine Parade Hotel |
149 OR Tambo Parade, Durban |
To host a Peer Mentoring Training for SRC and Students were from different provinces and grouped according to the nearest distance and our department doesn’t have the capacity to hold more than 52 people |
Higher Health, Student Support Services Representatives, SRCs (KZN, GP, FS) CET Management from Head office, Admin staff from Head Office and communications officials. |
53 205.76 |
None |
Sheraton hotel Pretoria |
643 Corner Stanza Bopape, Wessels St, Arcadia, Pretoria |
To host a meeting with Director-General and the Chairpersons of Council |
Director- General, CET Chairpersons of Council, CET Principals, CET Management from Head office, Admin staff from Head Office |
16 394.70 |
None |
Ekurhuleni West TVET college |
EWC Corporate Centre - Corner Flag & Rose Innes Street, Germiston |
To host a Data Management Forum |
CET College Principals; Deputy Principals responsible for Data; College data managers, CET M&E officials; DHET HETMIS officials and strategic partners |
32 200,00 |
None |
TOTAL COST: 32 263 749.37 |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
CSIR International Convention Centre |
Meiring Naude Road Brummeria Pretoria |
Exco Meeting |
DHET – Executives |
22 401.20 |
None |
Safari Hotel Convention Center |
1donkerhoek Road Rustenburg 0300 |
North- West CET Annual Planning Workshop |
DHET – CET Officials |
149 020.00 |
None |
Khaya Ibhubesi |
12 Kopjeskraal Rd Die Eiland Parys 9585 |
WSZA Strategic Planning Session |
DHET – WSZA Officials |
190 220.92 |
None |
Rh Hotel Pretoria |
Steve Biko And Trevena St Sunnypark Sunnyside Pretoria, 0136 |
Financial Planning and Management workshop |
Deputy Principal Finance CET Unit Directors Chairperson of Finance Committees DHET Officials: CET Colleges Financial Planning and Management |
24 000.00 |
None |
Garden Court South Beach |
73 Marine Parade OR Tambo Parade Durban 4001 |
International Scholarships Interviews |
Interviews |
5 240.00 |
None |
Ocean Breeze Hotel |
17 Beach Road Strand 7140 |
International Scholarships Interviews |
Interviews |
2 875.00 |
None |
Birchwood Hotel and OR Tambo Conference Center |
120 North Rand Road Bartlet Boksburg 1459 OR Tambo Inter Airport |
National Examination Assessment Lekgotla |
DHET Staff |
547 184.40 |
None |
Villa Paradiso Country Manor |
Plot 8, Cable View Road Melodie Hartbeespoort |
Operational Planning 2023/24 for INDLELA and NAMB Sub-Directorates |
DHET- NAMB Officials |
301 451.00 |
None |
Anew Resort Hazyview Kruger Park |
Sabi Road Route 536 Hazyview 1242 |
Mpumalanga: Capacity Building for TVET Lecturers on National Open Learning Systems (NOLS) |
DHET Officials & Lecturers |
221 100.00 |
None |
The Lakes Hotel |
1 Country Controller Lake Field Benoni |
Provide Strategic direction and support to the regions and colleges through sub programmes and functions |
DHET Officials and CET Colleges Management & governance support |
76 760.00 |
None |
Sheraton Pretoria Hotel |
643 Cnr Church And Wessel Arcadia Pretoria 0083 |
Strategic Session for the Office of the CFO |
DHET- CFO Branch Senior Managers, Middle and Junior Managers |
54 400.00 |
None |
Coastlands Hotel Umhlanga |
329 Umhlanga Rocks Drive Umhlanga Durban 4320 |
Principal Performance Meeting |
DHET Officials |
18 090.00 |
None |
Protea Hotel Fire And Ice Menlyn |
221 Garsfontien Road Menlyn 0181 |
HRD Strategic Meeting |
DHET – Human resource Training & Dev Officials |
30 030.00 |
None |
Skukuza Safari Lodge |
Skukuza Safari Lodge Skukuza, 1350 |
BRICS Educational Senior Officials Meeting |
BRICS – Education Ministers DHET Senior Managers DHET Officials |
3 114 887.99 |
Accommodation Excursion Gala Dinner Shuttle services and Car rentals Media & Branding Translation and Interpretation Promotional Items (Other services sourced from different service providers) |
Protea Hotel Fire and Ice Menlyn |
221 Garsfontien Road Menlyn 0181 |
Senior Management Exco Meeting |
DHET – Senior Management |
105 900.00 |
None |
Rpm Events & Decor Company (Ditsong Museum |
Pretoria CBD |
Women's Month Commemoration |
DHET – Women Officials |
231 236.25 |
None |
The Edward |
149 OR Tambo Parade Marine Parade Durban 4001 |
TVET KZN Moderation Committee Meeting |
None |
Olive Convention Centre |
81 Somsteu Road Durban 4001 |
National Plan for PSET System meeting |
DHET Minister & DHET Official |
132 159.15 |
Catering for additional delegates Stage Flowers |
Premier Hotel OR Tambo Airport |
73 Gladiator Street Rhodesfield Kempton Park Johannesburg |
Research Colloquium on Technical and Vocational and Training Colleges: Institutions of Choice |
DHET Official, Representatives from SETA, TVET Colleges, Universities, research organizations, Professional Bodies and Organised business and Labour |
340 570.00 |
Holding Rooms On Site Technicians |
The Blyde Resort |
The Blyde, Riverwalk Estate, Bronkhorstspruit Rd, Willow Park Manor, Pretoria, 0184 |
CET Governance Management and Support CET Act Workshop for CET Colleges Councils. |
DHET Management; Colleges Principals; Regional Managers; Regional Directors; CET Councils of 9 CET Colleges; DHET Admin staff |
232 000.00 |
Meeting projection equipment and streaming |
Kievits Kroon Gauteng Wine Estate |
Plot 41 Reier Road Kameeldrift East Tshwane |
SA-EU Event-Launch of the Regional Teacher Programme for Africa |
65 357.50 |
Accommodation |
The Royal Hotel |
267 Anton Lembede Street Durban 4001 |
Conducting Disciplinary Hearing Meeting for DHET Official |
DHET Officials |
10 300.00 |
None |
The Royal Hotel |
267 Anton Lembede Street Durban 4001 |
Conducting Disciplinary Hearing Meeting for DHET Official |
DHET Officials |
11 960.00 |
None |
Coastlands Convention Centre |
47 Dr Pixley Kaseme Street Durban 4001 |
Conducting Disciplinary Hearing Meeting for DHET Official |
DHET Officials |
8 760.00 |
None |
Indaba Lodge Richards Bay ) |
Cnr Davison And Launder Lane Meerensee Richards Bay , 3901 |
Conducting Disciplinary Hearing Meeting for DHET Official |
DHET Officials |
27 060.00 |
None |
Southern Sun Beverley Hills Durban |
Lighthouse Road, Umhlanga, Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa |
Conducting Disciplinary Hearing Meeting for DHET Official |
DHET Officials |
R4 653. 60 |
None |
Bolivia Lodge |
P.O Box 11309 Bendor Park Polokwane 0699 |
Workshop on Problematic Learning Area to capacitate lecturers on Poor performing learning areas |
CET College Lecturers ad Regional Officials |
540 518.70 |
Breakaway rooms |
BRICS Northwest University |
Potchefstroom Campus |
Our department doesn't have a venue to accommodate people sleep over and conference room |
DHET: Research support and Policy Development officials |
160 710.53 |
Translators |
SANBI Botanical Gardens in Pretoria |
2 Cussonia Ave, Brummeria, Pretoria, 0184 |
Our department doesn't have a venue to accommodate 150 people. |
DHET: Research support and Policy Development officials |
48 737 |
None |
Tshwane North TVET College - Pretoria Campus |
420 Helen Joseph Street (former Church Street), Pretoria |
The Department does not have a venue that can accommodated the number of attendees |
Deputy Principal Finance CET Unit Directors Chairperson of Finance Committees DHET Officials: CET Colleges Financial Planning and Management |
15 750.00 |
None |
Protea Hotel O.R. Tambo Airport |
Corner Of York &, Gladiator St, Rhodesfield, Kempton Park, 1619 |
Curriculum Co-ordinating Committee Meeting (30-31 March 2023) |
DHET officials: CET College DPAs, Regional officials, stakeholders and Head office officials |
58 664.90 |
None |
Bon Hotel |
Bloem Plaza, East Burger Street, Bloemfontein |
CET Colleges do not have venues and capacity to host national workshops. Attendees travel to a central point and sleep over 2 nights to complete the master training plans as part of the workshop outcomes. |
DHET, CET Colleges and Regional officials |
28 495.55 |
None |
Kel Way Hotel |
Brookes Hill St, Dr, Gqeberha, 6001 |
CET Colleges do not have venues and capacity to host national workshops. Attendees travel to a central point and sleep over 2 nights to complete the master training plans as part of the workshop outcomes. |
DHET, CET Colleges and Regional officials |
26 269.50 |
None |
Southern Sun Hotel Pretoria |
Cnr. Steve Biko and, Pretorius St, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0083 |
Our department does not have a venue to accommodate the requested number of attendees and types of equipment needed for a workshop and Master Training Plan Workshop |
DHET, CET Colleges and Regional officials |
30 009.05 |
None |
Motheo TVET College, Bloemfontein Campus, |
Motheo TVET College, Bloemfontein Campus, |
Our department doesn't have a venue to accommodate 50 people.
Venue was provided for free, we only paid for Catering. |
CET Branch Officials, Reginal Managers, CET Regional Directors, CET DPAs, and Stakeholders. |
75 325.00 |
None |
The Fountain Hotel |
1St George’s Mall, Cape Town City Centre, 8001 |
To host Strategic Coordination Meeting. Our department doesn't have a venue to accommodate 60 people. Strategic Coordination Meetings are hosted in different provinces |
CET Management from Head office; Colleges Principals; Regional Managers; Regional Directors; CET Chairpersons of Councils; Admin staff from Head Office. |
38 322.88 |
None |
RH Hotel – Pretoria (Data Management Forum – Conferencing 28-29 March 2023). |
Corner Steve Biko Road and, Trevenna St, Sunnyside, Pretoria, 0002 |
To host a Data Management Forum |
CET College Principals; Deputy Principals responsible for Data; College data managers, CET M&E officials; DHET HETMIS officials and strategic partners |
51 083.10 |
None |
TOTAL COST: 7 662 848.96 |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
Durban International Convention Centre |
45 Bram Fisher Rd Durban |
WSZA 2024 National Competition, Conference and Career Festival Venue required for competition (11000m2), conference (500 delegates) and Career Expo (5000 learners and NEET Youth) |
WSZA Delegation inclusive of Competitors, WSZA Officials, SETAs, TVET Colleges, Industry Representatives |
28 762 211.44 |
Videography and photography Media, One School one Province Catering for the students, Graphic Design, Accommodation, Exhibition shell scheme, Rapporteur Services, Scholar Transportation, IT Skills Consumables, Security & EMS (Other services sourced from different service providers) |
Premier Hotel OR Tambo Airport |
73 Gladiator Street Rhodesfield Kempton Park Johannesburg |
Ministerial Task Team Committee Meeting |
Ministerial Task Team & DHET Officials |
17 640.00 |
None |
Ebandla Hotel And Conference Centre |
Portion 571 Of Farm Lot56 No 931, Blowen Farm Balito 4420 |
Director General meeting with stakeholders |
Director- General & DHET Officials |
8 119.00 |
None |
Peermont Metcourt Emperors Palace |
Emperors Palace 64 Jones Street Jet Park Kempton Park 1620 |
Minister's Meeting with Vice Chancellors |
Minister & Vice Chancellors |
1 034.00 |
None |
Southern Sun Pretoria |
Crn Church And Beatrix St Arcadia Pretoria 0007 |
Induction And Orientation of Technical W |
36 208.00 |
None |
South African National Biodiversity Institute |
2 Cussonia Avenue Brummeria Pretoria |
Internationalisation Strategies Meeting |
DHET Officials |
34 315.00 |
None |
Pepper Club Hotel |
Cnr Loop And Pepper Strt Cape Town 8001 |
DG Meeting with stakeholders |
Director General & Stakeholders |
29 445.00 |
None |
Southern Sun Pretoria |
Crn Church And Beatrix St Arcadia Pretoria 0007 |
DG engagement with Student Support (SAUS) |
DG DHET officials SA -Union for Students |
7 600.00 |
None |
Diep In Die Berg |
929 Disselboom Street Wapadrand Pretoria |
PSET System Planning meeting |
DHET officials |
30 940.00 |
None |
Anew Hotel and Convention Centre OR Tambo |
1 Country Controller Lake Field Benoni |
National Examination & Assessment Task Team |
DHET – NEA Task Team |
899 998.60 |
Accommodation |
Rh Hotel Pretoria |
Steve Biko And Trevena St Sunnypark Sunnyside Pretoria, 0136 |
Departmental Orientation |
DHET officials |
96 600.00 |
None |
Ekurhuleni West TVET College, Germiston. |
Cnr. Driehoek and Sol Roads, Germiston. |
The stakeholder engagement was a debriefing of the 2023 strategic planning process. Since the department doesn't have a venue to accommodate 150 people, the workshop was held at an external venue. |
DHET officials and TVET College strategic planning officials |
120 000.00 |
None |
Premier Hotel, OR Tambo International Airport |
73 Gladiator Street, Rhodesfield, Johannesburg |
The purpose of this workshop was to assist the council and principals of TVET colleges to comply with the responsibilities as outlined in CET Act. Since the department doesn't have a venue to accommodate 300 people, the workshop was held at an external venue. |
DHET officials, TVET College Principals and TVET College council members [section 10(4)] |
202 550.00 |
None |
Anew Hotel and Convention Centre OR Tambo |
1 Country Controller Lake Field Benoni |
Launch of National Apprenticeship and Artisan Development Strategy 2030 (NAADS 2030) and National Apprenticeship and Artisan Development Advisory Body (NAADAB) |
DHET Officials and induction delegates |
1 028 996.00 |
Videography & Graphic Design. |
The Maslow Time Square |
(209 Aramist Avenue, Waterkloof Glen Ext 02, Pretoria Gauteng, 0181) |
Maturity Model and Systems Debriefing Workshop A discussion and handover on (1) SOP implementation monitoring, (2) performance reporting, (3) TVET data submission and verification and (4) maturity model implementation and monitoring. The department doesn't have a venue to accommodate 120 people. |
DHET officials and Regional Officials |
29 243. 54 |
None |
B and E Conference Centre |
14 – 20 Pickering Park, Pickering Street. Newtown Park, Gqeberha |
To host Strategic Coordination Meeting and Introductory Meetings of SRC Forum to Chairpersons of Councils. Our department doesn't have a venue to accommodate 50 people. Strategic Coordination Meetings are hosted in different provinces |
CET Management from Head office; Colleges Principals; Regional Managers; Regional Directors; CET Chairpersons of Councils; Exams officials; Legal Services representatives; Admin staff from Head Office; SRC Forum Members. |
72 424.96 |
None. |
Misty Hills Country Hotel |
69 Drift Blvd, Muldersdrift Estate, Johannesburg |
To host National capacity building workshop for SRCS. Our department doesn't have a venue to accommodate 127 people. |
DHET CET officials; Colleges’ SRCs; College officials; Speakers |
277 686.55 |
None |
Southern Sun OR Tambo |
OR Tambo International airport, Jones Road. Johannesburg |
To host advocacy workshop. Our department doesn't have a venue to accommodate 37 people. |
DHET CET officials; Colleges officials; Regional offices officials |
42 565.03 |
None |
Ekurhuleni West TVET college (Data Management forum |
EWC Corporate Centre - Corner Flag & Rose Innes Street, Germiston |
To host a Data Management Forum |
CET Colleges Deputy Principals responsible for Data and DHET officials working with CET Data, CET Senior, and middle managers. |
44 000. 00 |
None |
Ekurhuleni West TVET college |
EWC Corporate Centre - Corner Flag & Rose Innes Street, Germiston |
Streamlining & reviewing of CET Monitoring Instruments and the M&E policy |
CET Regional managers and CET Senior, middle and junior managers. |
28 000. 00 |
None |
Ekurhuleni West TVET college |
EWC Corporate Centre - Corner Flag & Rose Innes Street, Germiston |
Refresher Training for verification of student enrolment data in CET colleges. |
CET Colleges Deputy Principals responsible for Data, regional officials from 9 regions and DHET officials working with CET Data. |
18 000. 00 |
None |
The Lakes Hotel and Conference Centre |
1 Country St, Lakefield, Benoni |
NAADAB Induction and NAADS 2030 Launch |
NAADAB Representatives and Artisan Development Stakeholders |
1 270 056.33 |
None |
Protea Hotel Pretoria Hatfield |
1141 Burnett Street Hatfield Pretoria 8001 |
Quarterly Review Meeting |
45 560.00 |
None |
Coastlands Hotel Umhlanga |
329 Umhlanga Rocks Drive Umhlanga Durban 4320 |
Dg Meeting |
Director- general and DHET Management |
15 317.00 |
None |
River Meadow Manor |
1 Twin River Estate Jan Smuts Avenue Irene 0062 |
South Africa Germany Bilateral Expert G |
DHET TVET Officials |
49 050.00 |
None |
Birchwood Hotel and OR Tambo Conference Center |
120 North Rand Road Bartlet Boksburg 1459 OR Tambo Inter Airport |
Career Adaptability Works |
DHET Career Dev Officials & UNISA Staff |
195 830.80 |
None |
Time Square |
209 Armist Avenue Waterkloof Glen, Menlyn, 0181 |
TVET Monitoring Evaluation 21 May-2024 |
DHET TVET Officials |
27 719 |
None |
Khayalami Hotel Mbombela |
29 Van Wijk Street Mbombela 1201 Mpumalanga |
Indlela NAD Strategic Planning |
WSZA – DHET Officials |
242 909.76 |
None |
Southern Sun Pretoria |
Crn Church And Beatrix St Arcadia Pretoria 0007 |
National Integrated Career Development (NICDS) strategy- Hybrid Policy Dialogue |
DHET – Career Development Official |
70 995.00 |
Technical Team & Control Desk, Videographer |
Aha The Gateway Hotel |
Corner Boulevard and Twilight Drive Gateway 4321 |
TVET Curriculum & Institutional Support |
DHET TVET Officials |
33 329.00 |
None |
Anew Hotel and Convention Centre OR Tambo |
1 Country Controller Lake Field Benoni |
PAASDC Multi Steering Committee Workshop |
DHET – NAD Officials |
288 900.00 |
None |
Birchwood Hotel and OR Tambo Conference Center |
120 North Rand Road Bartlet Boksburg 1459 OR Tambo Inter Airport |
Programmes curriculum and support/ training of AET SUB LEVELS 1-3 examiners |
DHET CET Officials |
138 500.00 |
None |
The Venue at The Houghton Hotel |
Lloys Ellis Avenue, Houghton Estates, Johannesburg 2198 |
Meeting With the Minister |
Deputy Minister DHET Stakeholders |
8 777.96 |
None |
Protea Hotel OR Tambo |
Cnr York & Gladiator Str Rhodesfield Kempton Park 1619 |
NASCA Mtt (Ministerial Task Team)- 04 Ju |
DHET Ministerial Task Team |
8 215.00 |
None |
Protea Hotel, Polokwane Landmark |
N1 Northbound Next to Shell Ultra City Polokwane, 0699 |
Regional moderation for 5 days to moderate GETC level 4 portfolios |
Appointed moderators, Regional, Districts and College officials, Umalusi and DHET verifiers |
661 345.74 |
None |
Protea Hotel OR Tambo |
Cnr York & Gladiator Str Rhodesfield Kempton Park 1619 |
NASCA Mtt Meeting |
DHET Ministerial Task Team |
5 955.00 |
None |
Protea Hotel OR Tambo |
Cnr York & Gladiator Str Rhodesfield Kempton Park 1619 |
Curriculum Coordinating Committee Meeting |
DHET CET Officials |
43 753.72 |
None |
River Meadow Manor |
1 Twin River Estate Jan Smuts Avenue Irene 0062 |
DHET Executive (EXCO) meeting |
DHET Executives |
53 800.00 |
None |
Ascot Conference Centre |
210 Woodhouse Road Pietermaritzburg 3201 |
TVET KZN: PMDS and IQMS Committee Meeting |
DHET – TVET KZN PMDS and IQMS Committee |
8 360.00 |
None |
River Meadow Manor |
1 Twin River Estate Jan Smuts Avenue Irene 0062 |
Public Service Woman Management Week Meeting |
DHET – Deputy Minister, DG, Senior Managers, Middle & Junior Managers |
97 800.00 |
None |
The Capital Empire |
177 Empire Place Sandton Johannesburg 2196 |
Deputy Minister Meeting with Stakeholders of the DHET |
Deputy Minister DHET Stakeholders |
19 087.00 |
None |
River Meadow Manor |
1 Twin River Estate Jan Smuts Avenue Irene 0062 |
Dialogue Technical Working Group Workshop |
DHET – Career Development Officials |
113 020.00 |
Breakaway Rooms |
Birchwood Hotel and OR Tambo Conference Center |
120 North Rand Road Bartlet Boksburg 1459 OR Tambo Inter Airport |
Meeting for Minister and Stakeholders |
DHET Minister & DHET Staff DHET Stakeholders |
51 250.00 |
None |
Ditsong Museum (T/Arpm Events & Decor Company |
17 George Street Glen Austin Midrand 1665 |
Heritage Day Celebration |
DHET – Head Office Staff |
207 782.00 |
None |
The Venue at The Houghton Hotel |
Lloys Ellis Avenue, Houghton Estates, Johannesburg 2198 |
Meeting With the Minister |
DHET –Ministry & DG |
6 414.94 |
None |
Southern Sun O R Tambo International **** H |
Airport Grounds Jones Road O.R. Tambo International Kempton Park, 1620 |
CET Advocacy Workshop |
DHET – CET Head Office Team |
41 935.00 |
None |
Anew Hotel and Convention Centre OR Tambo |
1 Country Controller Lake Field Benoni |
Setting of AET SIB Level 1 -3 SBAS |
DHET – CET Head Office Team |
141 650.00 |
None |
Birchwood Hotel and OR Tambo Conference Center |
120 North Rand Road Bartlet Boksburg 1459 OR Tambo Inter Airport |
Ministerial Gala Dinner with stakeholders |
Minister, DHET SMS & Vice Chancellors |
92 125.00 |
None |
River Meadow Manor |
1 Twin River Estate Jan Smuts Avenue Irene 0062 |
Audit Debrief Session |
DHET Senior Management |
154 900.00 |
None |
Splendid Inn by Premier Umhlanga |
3umhlanga Ridge Boulevard Umhlanga Durban 4319 |
KZN Regional Office Meeting State of Readiness |
DHET – CET KZN Regional Office Team |
73 000.00 |
None |
Garden Court Marine Parade |
167 OR Tambo Parade Durban 4001 |
Regional Moderation KZN CET College |
DHET – CET KZN Regional Office Team |
263 833.00 |
Accommodation |
Sparkling Water Hotel |
48 Kruger Street Groblersdal 0470 Limpopo |
Northwest CET Curriculum, Sub-Regional Moderation of Abet Level 4 |
DHET – CET Northwest Regional Office Team |
561 300.00 |
Accommodation |
Khayalami Hotel Mbombela |
29 Van Wijk Street Mbombela 1201 Mpumalanga |
Mpumalanga SBA Regional Moderation |
DHET – CET Mpumalanga Regional Office Team |
520 750.00 |
Accommodation |
Protea Hotel Polokwane Ranch Resort |
25 Km South of Polokwane On The N1 Highway South Africa |
CET Limpopo Regional Moderation GETC ABET L4 Portfolios |
DHET -CET Limpopo Regional Office Team |
1 008 000.00 |
Accommodation |
(Ekurhuleni West TVET College), Two Day CET Non-formal Working Group Section |
Ekurhuleni West TVET College |
Our department doesn't have a venue to accommodate 50 people. Venue was provided for free, we only paid for Catering |
DHET: CET Officials, DVV Officials, CET Colleges Officials and CET Regional Officials |
40 500 |
None |
TOTAL COST: 38 349 298.37 |
(a)(i)(aa) Total cost of events arranged for the past five years? |
R 6 423 616,36 |
(a)(i)(bb) Total cost of events arranged since 1 January 2024 to date? |
R 3 942 672,39 |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
n/a |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
Bloemfontein Glen College |
Bloemfontein |
Career Summit |
500 attendees |
R388 616.40 |
Gert Sibanda College |
Mpumalanga |
Career Summit (Mpumalanga) |
580 attendees |
R354,740.04 |
Century City Conference Centre |
Cape Town |
Annual General Meeting |
250 attendees |
R587,572.31 |
Premier Hotel Pretoria |
Pretoria |
Management Policy Workshop |
25 attendees |
R27 945.00 |
Premier Hotel Pretoria |
Pretoria |
Men’s conference |
40 |
R26 028.00 |
Cedara College of Agriculture |
KwaZulu Natal |
Career Summit |
500 attendees |
R 352,455.95 |
Taung Agricultural college |
Taung |
Career Summit |
450 attendees |
R359 631,36 |
Madzhivandila college |
Venda |
Career Summit |
500 attendees |
R 365 526,00 |
Grootfontein College |
Gauteng |
Career Summit |
500 attendees |
R349 782.00 |
Emporers Palace |
Gauteng |
SCC Meeting |
65 |
R37 161.10 |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
Fairview country lodge |
Tzaneen Limpopo |
Breakfast meeting |
20 attendees |
R12,786.50 |
Garden Court Umhlanga |
Umhlanga |
Mandatory Grants Training |
100 attendees |
R 74 490,00 |
Birchwood Hotel OR Tambo |
Gauteng |
Mandatory Grants Training |
150 attendees |
R95 472,00 |
Emperors’ palace |
Gauteng |
Research colloquium |
50 attendees |
R 94,712.76 |
Protea Hotel OR Tambo |
Gauteng |
Road shows |
185 attendees |
R 115 612,57 |
Radisson Blu Umhlanga |
Kwazulu Natal |
Road shows |
80 attendees |
R 73 509,80 |
Protea hotel Stellenbosch |
Stellenbosch |
Road shows |
95 attendees |
R 55 052,50 |
Protea hotel Klerksdorp |
Klerksdorp |
Road shows |
25 attendees |
R 47 318,00 |
Protea hotel Bloemfontein |
Bloemfontein |
Road shows |
30 attendees |
R 37 636,18 |
Radisson blu pe |
Port Elizabeth |
Road show |
50 attendees |
R 40 125,00 |
Upington inn |
Upington |
Road show |
25 attendees |
R24,455.00 |
Premier Hotel Pretoria |
Pretoria |
Bid Evaluations |
8 attendees |
R 14 169,60 |
Waterberg TVET college - Bela Bela |
Bela-Bela |
Career summit |
700 attendees |
R 614,552.40 |
Ungu District |
Ungu District |
Career summit Esayidi |
1470 attendees |
R961 686.00 |
The Capital Zimbali |
Zimbali |
Annual General Meeting |
200 attendees |
R 1,312,579.89 |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
Letaba TVET College |
Limpopo |
Career Summits |
600 attendees |
R 510 675,00 |
Bela Bela community hall |
Bela Bela |
Career summits |
600 attendees |
R561 412,50 |
Evaton community hall |
Evaton |
Career Summits |
600 attendees |
R 502 040,00 |
Manhattan hotel |
Pretoria |
Bid Evaluations |
8 attendees |
R 6 880,00 |
Unisa senate hall |
Pretoria |
Research Colloquium |
60 Attendees |
R 40 055,00 |
Emperor’s palace |
Brakpan |
Sector Skill committee meeting |
40 attendees |
R 25 178,17 |
Indaba hotel |
Fourways Gauteng |
Annual General Meeting |
300 attendees |
R 1 413 984,26 |
Evaton community hall Gauteng |
Gauteng Evaton |
Career Summit |
1000 attendees |
R540,320.00 |
Fountains valley |
Pretoria |
Wellness day |
108 attendees |
R 85,557.20 |
UNISA Senate hall |
Agricultural Symposium |
320 attendees |
R 256 570,26 |
(a)(i)(aa) Total cost of events arranged for the past five years? |
R 918 468, 40 |
(a)(i)(bb) Total cost of events arranged since 1 January 2024 to date? |
R 694 792, 28 |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
2020-2021 Financial Year |
04 December 2020 Royal Elephant Hotel |
Cnr Willem Botha &, Wierda Rd, Eldoraigne, Centurion |
Annual General Meeting |
60 |
R71 433,40 |
R4 700 Photography services |
2021-2022 Financial Year |
Stone Wedding and Conference Centre 03 December 2021 |
75 West Rd, Austin View, Midrand |
Annual General Meeting |
60 |
R149 675,00 |
None |
2022-2023 Financial Year |
Courtyard Hotel 09 June 2022 |
13 Karkloof Cres, Waterfall City, Midrand |
Board Capacity Building Session |
32 |
R24 675,00 |
None |
03 – 05 August 2022 Premier Hotel |
187 Third Rd, Halfway Gardens, Midrand |
Strategic Planning Session |
40 |
R140,340.50 |
None |
Villa Africa Boutique Hotel 18 November 2022 |
272 Furrow Rd, Equestria, Pretoria |
Annual General Meeting |
100 |
R173 150,00 |
R15 600 Photography services |
2023-2024 Financial Year |
Villa Africa Boutique Hotel 21 June 2023 |
272 Furrow Rd, Equestria, Pretoria |
Stakeholder Engagement Session |
37 |
R149 845.00 |
None |
Accolades Boutique 10 November 2023 |
72 Dale Road, President Park AH, Midrand |
Annual General Meeting |
102 |
R172 362,00 |
R18 000,00 Photography services |
Avianto Hotel 26 January 2024 |
Board and Management Face-to-Face Informal Engagement Session |
24 |
R26 988,00 |
None |
2024-2025 Financial Year |
Radisson Blu Gautrain Hotel 19 June 2024 |
Rivonia Rd & West Street, Sandton Johannesburg |
Board, Stakeholder and Management Engagement Session |
18 |
R 146 755,09 |
None |
26 Degrees South Boho Bush Hotel 15-17 July 2024 |
26 Beyers Naude’ Drive, Zwartkop, Muldersdrift |
Strategic Planning Session |
15 July, 35 attendees 16 July, 35 attendees 17 July, 36 attendees |
R 250 376,18 |
None |
The Capital on Park 5 August 2024 |
101 Kathrine Street, Sandton, Johannesburg |
Board Capacity Building Session |
25 |
R 64 582,36 |
None |
Hotel Sky 8 November 2024 |
150 West Street, Sandton, Johannesburg, Gauteng |
Annual General Meeting |
124 |
R 194 778,65 |
R10 070,00 Photography services |
(a)(i)(aa) Total cost of events arranged for the past five years? |
R6 104 516.00 |
(a)(i)(bb) Total cost of events arranged since 1 January 2024 to date? |
R4 392 095.00 |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
Garden Court Nelson Mandela Blvd |
Melbourne Str & Walmer Es, Cape Town 800 |
2020 Discretionary Grant Workshops |
• Levy paying employers within CATHSSETA sub-sectors |
R47 800.00 |
None |
Protea Hotel Midrand |
Ext 20, 14th Street, Noordwyk, Midrand, 1685 |
R61 000.00 |
None |
Protea Kimberly |
The Kimberley Big Hole, W Circular Rd, Kimberley, 8300 |
R15 862.75 |
None |
Bloem Spa Lodge |
Rayton Road Lilyvale Rayton |
R16 700.00 |
None |
Khayalami Lodge |
29 Van Wijk Street Nelspruit |
R12 247.50 |
None |
Polokwane Royal |
Polokwane Central, Polokwane, 0699 |
R15 782,50 |
None |
The Capital on Empire |
177 Empire Place, Cnr Rivonia Road Sandhurst, Sandton |
CATHSSETA 2020 AGM – December |
CATHSSETA stakeholders, Board members |
R57 371.80 |
Live streaming - R38 168.50 |
Gallagher Convention Centre |
19 Richard Drive Midrand 1685 |
CATHSSETA 2021 AGM – November |
CATHSSETA stakeholders, board members |
R29 043.00 |
Live streaming - R29 698.75 |
Constitution Hill |
11 Kotze St, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2017 |
Heritage Day workshop – September 2022 |
CATHSSETA internal staff |
R57 308,41 |
Drumming service provider: R12 880.00 |
Mellow Spa |
64 King Willow Cres, Randjesfontein, Midrand, 1683 |
Empowerment Workshop – September 2022 |
CATHSSETA internal Staff (Head Office, WC regional office and KZN regional office) |
R82 600.00 |
WC Regional Office - R4 075.00 KZN Regional Office - R4 365.00 |
Misty Hills Country Hotel, Conference Centre |
Muldersdrift Estate, 69 Drift Blvd, Muldersdrift, Johannesburg, 1747 |
2022 Board Strategic Planning Session |
Board members and CATHSSETA Executives |
R107 640.93 |
None |
Anew Hotel Centurion |
Cnr.G. Hood & H. Verwoerd, Centurion |
CATHSSETA 2022 AGM – December |
CATHSSETA stakeholders, board members |
R51 852.00 |
Motheo TVET College |
94 Saint Georges Street, Bloemfontein, FS, 9301, South Africa |
2023 SSP Workshops |
CATHSSETA Stakeholders (Employers, Skills Development Facilitators, Training Providers) and CATHSSETA employees |
R8 400.00 |
None |
Southern Sun Mbombela |
15 Government Boulevard, Riverside Park Exit 1, Nelspruit, ZA 1200 |
R15 750.00 |
None |
Gateway Hotel |
Cnr Centenary Blvd &, Twilight Dr, Umhlanga Ridge, Umhlanga, Durban |
R22 839.60 |
None |
The Ranch Resort Polokwane |
Plot 1, 98 Cussons Road Polokwane |
R15 000.00 |
None |
Southern Sun the Cullinan |
1 Cullinan Street, Cape Town, Western Cape |
R21 505.00 |
None |
Protea Hotel |
Gauteng |
2023 Discretionary Grant Workshops |
• Levy paying employers within CATHSSETA sub-sectors |
R82 470.25 |
None |
Fountains Hotel |
1 St. Georges Mall, Cape Town City Centre, Cape Town, 8001 |
R57 245.00 |
None |
Protea Hotel |
30 Jerepico Street, Orchards, Nelspruit, Mpumalanga |
R28 756. 24 |
None |
Garden Court – Marine Parade |
167 Marine Parade, North Beach, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, 4001 |
R83 262. 05 |
None |
Kuruman Inn |
Corner of Main and De Jager Streets, Kuruman, Northern Cape |
R16 665.25 |
None |
Polokwane |
R24 321. 10 |
None |
Mayfair Hotel |
Errol Spring Avenue, Mayfair Plaza, Mthatha, Eastern Cape |
R28 858. 50 |
None |
Blue Lagoon |
21 Blue Bend Place, Beacon Bay, East London, 5241 |
R28 222.50 |
None |
Garden Court O.R Tambo |
2 Hulley RoadJnb International Airport1627 |
2023 Mandatory Grant Workshop |
Levy paying employers within CATHSSETA sub-sectors |
R47 500.00 |
None |
Vuwa Lodge |
C/O Cestrum & Tamarisk St, Flora Park, Polokwane |
R22 500.00 |
Tropicana Hotel |
85 Marine Parade, Durban, 4056 |
R39 952.00 |
Cape Town International Convention Centre |
Convention Square, 1 Lower Long Street |
R150 000.00 |
Premier Hotel ICC East London |
22 Esplanade, Quigney, East London, 5201 |
Horseshoe Inn, Kimberley |
101 Memorial Rd, Royldene, Kimberley, 8301 |
The Blades |
Plot 75, Zeekoegat, Kameeldrift Rd, East, Pretoria, 0035 |
2023 Board Strategic Planning Session |
Board members and CATHSSETA Executives |
R145 706.55 |
None |
Raddison Blu, OR Tambo |
3rd Ave, Bredell AH Kempton Park, Bredel, Johannesburg, 1619 |
CATHSSETA 2023 AGM – November |
CATHSSETA stakeholders, board members |
R81 380.03 |
Sign language - R6 900.00 Live streaming - R120 656.00 AGM gift packs - R24 508.23 |
Protea Marriott Bloemfontein |
202 Nelson Mandela Dr, Brandwag |
2024 Discretionary Grant Workshops (Jan & Feb 2024) |
• Levy paying employers within CATHSSETA sub-sectors |
R300 000.00 |
None |
Protea Hotel Landmark |
N1 Northbound, Polokwane, 0700 |
Garden Court Kimberley |
120 Du Toitspan Rd, Civic Centre, Kimberley, 8300 |
The Capital Mbombela |
4 Penny Gum St, West Acres, Mbombela, 1211 |
Southern Sun Elangeni & Maharani |
63 Snell Parade, North Beach, Durban, 4001 |
Hotel Sky Cape Town |
9 Lower Long St, Foreshore, Cape Town, 8000 |
Protea Hotel King George |
King George Dr, King George Park, George, 6529 |
Boardwalk Hotel |
Beach Rd, Summerstrand, Gqeberha, 6019 |
Garden Court East London |
Corner John Bailie And, Moore St, Quigney, East London, 5200 |
Premier Hotel Midrand |
187 Third Rd, Halfway Gardens, Midrand, 1682 |
Orion Safari Hotel & Convention Centre |
Protea Hotel by Marriott Landmark Polokwane |
N1 Northbound, Polokwane, 0700 |
2024 Mandatory Grant Workshop (March & April 2024) |
Levy paying employers within CATHSSETA sub-sectors |
R20 250.00 |
None |
Premier Hotel EL ICC |
22 Esplanade, Quigney, East London, 5201 |
R24 920.00 |
None |
The Capital Mbombela |
4 Penny Gum St, West Acres, Mbombela, 1211 |
R26 400.00 |
None |
Protea Hotel by Marriott Bloemfontein |
202 Nelson Mandela Dr, Brandwag |
R21 500.00 |
None |
Southern Sun Elangeni Maharani |
63 Snell Parade, North Beach, Durban, 4001 |
R18 870.00 |
None |
Garden Court Marine Parade |
167 OR Tambo Parade Durban 4001 |
2024 Stakeholder Information Sharing Workshop |
CATHSSETA management and staff CATHSSETA stakeholders |
R36 215.00 |
None |
East London ICC Hotel |
22 Esplanade, Quigney, East London, 5201 |
2024 Art, Culture and Heritage Sub-sector - High Impact Project Workshop |
Subsector Stakeholders and CATHSSETA staff |
R41 751.40 |
None |
Emperors Palace |
64 Jones Rd, Kempton Park, Johannesburg, 1620 |
2024 Gaming and Lotteries Sub-sector - High Impact Project Workshop |
Subsector Stakeholders and CATHSSETA staff |
R39 217.00 |
None |
The Pearl of Umhlanga |
6 Lagoon Dr, Umhlanga, Umhlanga, 4320 |
2024 Hospitality, Travel and Tourism Sub-sector - High Impact Project Workshop |
Subsector Stakeholders and CATHSSETA staff |
R77 000.00 |
None |
The Premier Hotel Winkler |
R538 & Numbi Gate Road, White River, 1240 |
2024 Conservation Sub-sector - High Impact Project Workshop |
Subsector Stakeholders and CATHSSETA staff |
R40 149.98 |
None |
Cape Town International Convention Centre |
Convention Square, 1 Lower Long Street, Cape Town, 8001 |
2024 Sport, Recreation and Fitness Sub-sector - High Impact Project Workshop |
Subsector Stakeholders and CATHSSETA staff |
R149 997.72 |
None |
Premier Hotel – OR Tambo |
73 Gladiator St, Rhodesfield, Kempton Park, 1619 |
2024 Board Strategy Session |
Board and Committee Members, CATHSSETA Management |
R172 560.00 |
None |
Premier Hotel Midrand |
187 Third Rd, Halfway Gardens, Midrand, 1682 |
2024 Continuation of Board Strategic Plan Session |
Board members and CATHSSETA Executives |
R16 777.60 |
None |
Cresta Grande Hotel |
Corner Strand, 37 Loop St, Cape Town City Centre, Cape Town, 8001 |
Master’s Hockey Volunteer Handover Event (October 2024) |
CATHSSETA Board Member, CEO, training providers, staff, volunteers, officials from the Masters Hockey (WC) |
R63 065.80 |
Uniform – R23 920.00 Promotional Material – R26 910.00 + R19 136.00 |
Birchwood Hotel |
44 Viewpoint Street, Bartlett, Boksburg, 1459 |
Sector Skills Conference (3 – 4 September 2024) |
Government Officials CATHSSETA Board, Committee Members, Stakeholders from all sub-sectors and management Levy paying employers within CATHSSETA sub-sectors. TVET Colleges Public Higher Education Institutions (HEI) Training providers accredited with CATHSSETA qualifications. Government Institutions within CATHSSETA’s sub-sectors Private Sector |
R1 408 228.28 |
Events Management - R497 496.00 Facilitation Services – R297 850.00 Conference Packages – R181 684.00 Social media & PR – R49 048.42 Branding - R49 048.42 Uniform - R11 700.00 Photography & Videography - R82 750.00 Entertainment – R28 800.00 Sign Language – R20 815.00 |
Capital Empire Hotel |
177 Empire Pl, Sandhurst, Sandton |
Annual General Meeting (29 November 2024) |
CATHSSETA Board Members, Committee Members, Stakeholders and staff |
R 330 715.71 |
RSVP Management & Onsite Registration – R94 965.48 Photography & Videography – R94 645.00 Livestreaming - R118 872.00 Sign Language Interpreters – R6 842.50 |
(a)(i)(aa) Total cost of events arranged for the past five years? |
R2,591 203.13 |
(a)(i)(bb) Total cost of events arranged since 1 January 2024 to date? |
R1,087 436.53 |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
Tsogo Sun, Nelspruit |
Nelspruit |
WSP Workshop |
CETA levy payers |
R 50, 750 |
Riverside Meadow Manor |
Pretoria |
WSP Workshop |
CETA levy payers |
R 91,500 |
Protea Hotel, The Ranch |
Polokwane |
WSP Workshop |
CETA levy payers |
R 34,880 |
Anew Hunter’s Nest |
Rustenburg |
WSP Workshop |
CETA levy payers |
R 30,960 |
Capital Zimbali |
Durban North |
WSP Workshop |
CETA levy payers |
R133, 307 |
The Boardwalk |
Prot Elizabeth |
WSP Workshop |
CETA levy payers |
R57,688.25 |
Protea Hotel |
Midrand |
Policy Review |
Policy review workshop |
R12,262.50 |
Anew Hunter’s Nest |
Rustenburg |
Operational Plan Session |
R184,080 |
Vivari Hotel & Spa |
Krugersdorp |
Board Strat Session |
Board Members & EXCO |
R149,179 |
Radisson Hotel |
Kempton Park |
MANCO Strat Session |
R247,487.68 |
ICC – Weston |
Cape Town |
Stakeholders and CETA |
R95 342.10 |
(a)(i)(aa) Total cost of events arranged for the past five years? |
R 1,402,625.85
(a)(i)(bb) Total cost of events arranged since 1 January 2024 to date? |
R2,338,453.32 |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
Emperors Palace
64 Jones Street Kempton Park
Higher Education Conference 2024:
229; participants including participants from 5 African countries and participants from South Africa. The countries which were represented are: Lesotho, Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe |
R 689,014.33
28 February 2024 |
Garden Court OR Tambo |
2 Hulley Rd, Isando Ext 3, Kempton Park, Johannesburg |
Joint HEQC and Council Strategic Planning workshop and Council meeting |
Council and HEQC members; and CHE management |
R 74,568.75
11 and 12 March 2024 |
Mongena Private Game Lodge |
Dinokeng Game Reserve, Rust de Winter Road, Hammanskraal, 0400 |
QA Writing Retreat for Manuals |
14 Attendees |
R 44,082.00
14 July - 17 July 2024 |
Birchwood Hotel Boksburg |
44 Viewpoint Street, Bartlett, Boksburg, 1459
Dental Technology Workshop |
40 Attendees |
R 43,650.00 |
9-October -2024
Southern Sun Arcadia
Cnr. Steve Biko and, Pretorius St, Arcadia
Consultation and Capacity development on Modes of learning and teaching provision
80 Attendees |
R 39,785.00
30 October 2024 |
Birchwood Hotel Boksburg |
44 Viewpoint Street, Bartlett, Boksburg, 1459
2025 Higher Education conference |
250 Attendees |
R 797,353.24 |
26 - 27 February 2025 |
Sun City |
R556, Sun City, 0316 |
INQAAHE 2026 Forum |
600 Attendees |
R 650,000.00 |
24 to 27 February 2026 |
The 2025 Higher Education conference and INQAAHE 2026 forum is committed already but not yet paid hence their dates reflect February 2025 and 2026.
(a)(i)(aa) Total cost of events arranged for the past five years? |
R2 949 340,00 |
(a)(i)(bb) Total cost of events arranged since 1 January 2024 to date? |
R692 748,00 |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
2020/2021 FINANCIAL YEAR |
Annual General Meeting |
General meeting |
134 |
R89 750,00 |
Skills development |
Stakeholder Forum |
234 |
R134 999,00 |
Skills development |
Stakeholder Forum |
298 |
R149 875,00 |
Regional Skills Forum – Gauteng Regional |
Skills development |
Stakeholder Forum |
340 |
R173 745,00 |
2021/2022 FINANCIAL YEAR |
Annual General Meeting |
General meeting |
148 |
R108 800,00 |
Strategic session |
Planning |
Strategic planning |
48 |
R33 550,00 |
Regional Skills Forum – KZN regional |
Skills development |
Stakeholder Forum |
318 |
R174 850,00 |
Regional Skills Forum – WC regional |
Skills development |
Stakeholder Forum |
378 |
R198 785.20 |
Regional Skills Forum – Gauteng Regional |
Skills development |
Stakeholder Forum |
400 |
R206 850,00 |
2022/2023 FINANCIAL YEAR |
Annual General Meeting |
General meeting |
148 |
R98 800,00 |
2023/2024 FINANCIAL YEAR |
2023/2024-Annual General Meeting - |
General meeting |
150 |
R108 070.00 |
0 |
HR SETA Forum |
Human Capital |
Sector Planning |
28 |
R26 250,00 |
Innovation bootcamp |
Entrepreneurial session |
Capacity building |
104 |
R250 750,00 |
2023/2024 - Regional Skills Forum – KZN Region |
Skills development |
Stakeholder Forum |
R149 250,00 |
2023/2024 - Regional Skills Forum – WC Region |
Skills development |
Stakeholder Forum |
R165 378,00 |
2023/2024 - Regional Skills Forum – WC Region |
Skills development |
Stakeholder Forum |
R186 890,00 |
2024/2025 FINANCIAL YEAR |
Stakeholder awards |
Skills Development |
Levy paying employers |
170 |
R416 790,00 |
Men’s Conference |
International men’s |
Men’s conference |
68 |
R108 000,00 |
Women’s Day |
Women initiatives |
Women’s Event |
78 |
R89 700,00 |
Strategic Session |
Skills Planning |
Skills Planning |
80 |
R78 258,00 |
(a)(i)(aa) Total cost of events arranged for the past five years? |
(a)(i)(bb) Total cost of events arranged since 1 January 2024 to date? |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
@Sandton Hotel |
Benmore Road, Benmore Gardens Sandton |
Annual General Meeting |
ETDP SETA Stakeholders |
R271 309.45 |
No |
Zebula Golf Suites and Conference Centre |
Farm 534 Mabula, Bela-Bela |
Strategic Session |
R645 450.00 |
No |
Tsogosun Montecasino |
Montecasino Boulevard Fourways |
Strategic Session |
ETDP SETA Broad Management |
R96 325.66 |
No |
Emperors Palace |
64 Jones Rd, Kempton Park, Johannesburg |
WSP Review Session |
Research Team |
R30 412.00 |
No |
City Lodge Lynnwood |
Hilden Rd, Lynnwood Manor, Pretoria |
SCM Strategic Session |
CFO and SCM Team |
R40 538.00 |
No |
Protea Hotel Fire and Ice Melrose Arch |
Melrose Arch Precinct, 22 Whiteley Rd, Johannesburg |
APP Implementation Session |
R11 400.00 |
No |
Hotel Osner |
Court Cres, Esplanade, East London |
WSP Workshop Eastern Cape Constituency |
Research Team, Eastern Cape Office Team and Stakeholders |
R26 300.00 |
No |
The Capital Mbombela |
4 Penny Gum St, West Acres, Mbombela |
WSP Workshop |
Research Team, Mpumalanga Office Team and Stakeholders |
R23 100.00 |
No |
Eskulaap Park Hotel |
54 Rissik Street, Polokwane |
WSP Workshop |
Research Team, Limpopo Office Team and Stakeholders |
R13 700.00 |
No |
Hotel Sky Sandton |
150 West Street Corner West Street and, Maude St, Sandton |
Corporate Services Strategic Session |
Corporate Services Team |
R56 790.00 |
No |
Garden Court Marine Parade |
KZN SES Induction Seminar |
R309 029.05 |
No |
The Catalyst Hotel |
100 Pretoria Ave, Wierda Valley, Sandton |
Brainstorming Session for EXCO and Audit Committee |
SMT, EXCO and Audit Committee |
R37 433.65 |
No |
Coastlands Ridge Hotel Musgrave |
315-319 Peter Mokaba Ridge, Musgrave, Durban |
KZN DoE Senior Management Induction |
R343 980.00 |
No |
Hotel Sky Sandton |
150 West Street Corner West Street and, Maude St, Sandton |
ETDP SETA Strategic Session |
R538 327.50 |
No |
Radisson Blu Gautrain |
Rivonia Rd & West St Sandton, Benmore, Johannesburg |
WSPR Workshop |
Research Team, Gauteng Office Team and Stakeholders |
R63 400.00 |
No |
Tsogosun Montecasino |
Montecasino Boulevard Fourways |
Annual General Meeting and Accounting Authority Meeting |
Board, ETDP SETA Management and Stakeholders |
R194 130.90 |
No |
Holiday Inn OR Tambo |
100 North Rand Rd, Bardene, Boksburg |
Worker Education Conference |
ETDP SETA Broad Management and Stakeholders |
R51 720.00 |
No |
Savoy Hotel Kimberley |
19 Old De Beers Road, City Centre, Kimberley |
WPE and Graduate interns Induction |
WPE and Graduate Interns |
R17 100.00 |
No |
Devereux Lodge |
79 Devereux Ave, Berea, East London |
CEO’s Eastern Cape Provincial Stakeholder Engagement |
CEO and Team, Eastern Cape Team, Stakeholders |
R36 000.00 |
No |
Protea Hotel Nelspruit |
30 Jerepico St, Orchards, Mbombela |
CEO’s Mpumalanga Provincial Stakeholder Engagement |
CEO and Team, Mpumalanga Team, Stakeholders |
R19 625.00 |
No |
Savoy Hotel Kimberley |
19 Old De Beers Road, City Centre, Kimberley |
Inter-SETA Forum |
Delegates from different SETA’s |
R6 550.00 |
No |
The Catalyst Hotel |
100 Pretoria Ave, Wierda Valley, Sandton |
CEO’s Debriefing Session |
Broad Management |
R71 570.00 |
No |
Premier Hotel OR Tambo |
73 Gladiator St, Rhodesfield, Kempton Park |
TED Steering Committee |
TED Steering Committee Members |
R57 500.00 |
No |
The Capital Empire |
177 Empire Pl, Sandhurst, Sandton |
Annual General Meeting |
Board Members, ETDP SETA Broad Management and Stakeholders |
R161 673.00 |
No |
The Capital Melrose |
Atholl Oaklands road, cnr, Kernick Ave, Melrose North, Johannesburg |
Finance Division Strategic Planning Session |
Finance and SCM Team |
R56 500.00 |
No |
Premier Hotel OR Tambo |
73 Gladiator St, Rhodesfield, Kempton Park |
Staff Meeting and Women’s Day Commemoration |
R479 800.00 |
No |
Birchwood Hotel and Conference Centre |
44 Viewpoint Street, Barlett Boksburg |
Stakeholder Engagements |
ETDP SETA Team and Stakeholders |
R577 459.65 |
No |
Hotel @ Tzaneen |
1 Makakota St, Tzaneen |
Limpopo DoE Curriculum Advisors Induction |
DoE Curriculum Advisors |
R94 500.00 |
No |
Holiday Inn OR Tambo |
100 North Rand Rd, Bardene, Boksburg |
SMT Strategic Session |
SMT Members |
R14 400.00 |
No |
(a)(i)(aa) Total cost of events arranged for the past five years? |
Total: R 6 707 865,04 |
(a)(i)(bb) Total cost of events arranged since 1 January 2024 to date? |
Total: R995,168.10 |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
The Capital on the Park |
Kathrine street Sandton |
Mancom |
18 Pax |
9,659.57 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
DG project management |
10 pax |
12,484.19 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
Disciplinary Hearing |
7 |
7,987.61 |
The Capital on the Park |
Kathrine street Sandton |
Employee Engagement Session |
55 |
75,529.60 |
The Capital Melrose |
Melrose |
DGC Strategy Workshop |
9 |
5,239.07 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
Organisational Design Staff meeting |
34 |
17,790.00 |
GC Milpark Hotel |
Milpark |
HR Planning Session |
2 |
1,049.57 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
HR Planning Session |
2 |
1,335.34 |
River Meadow Hotel |
2 rivers Centurion |
EXCO Management Strat session |
18 |
68,680.00 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
Disciplinary Hearing |
5 |
12,834.73 |
GC Nelson Mandela Boulevard |
Cape Town |
QA Dev meeting |
10 |
49,926.26 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
Disciplinary Hearing |
6 |
6,697.45 |
GC Polokwane |
Polokwane Limpopo |
Meeting between EWSETA & TPN Learners |
10 |
13,091.50 |
@Sandton Hotel |
5 Benmore Gardens |
Mancom & EXCO meeting |
23 |
19,613.27 |
Southern Sun Rosebank |
Rosebank |
Borehole Pump Operator Assessment instruments development meeting |
15 |
29,435.69 |
@Sandton Hotel |
5 Benmore Gardens |
Super User Champion meeting |
15 |
52,583.80 |
Hotel Sky |
Sandton |
DG Window Evaluation |
6 |
80,083.20 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
HR Planning Session |
2 |
1,226.48 |
The Catalyst Hotel |
Pretorius Street Sandton |
QCTO Capacity building |
10 |
6,908.23 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
Power Plant Electrical Controller |
10 |
4,601.60 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
Board Strat Session |
7 |
5,951.69 |
The Capital Melrose |
Melrose |
Internal Exco |
5 |
4,720.71 |
@Sandton Hotel |
5 Benmore Gardens |
200 |
559,847.24 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
Strategic Risk Workshop |
25 |
10,453.64 |
River Meadow Hotel |
2 Rivers Centurion |
Executive Management Strat Session |
20 |
92,676.03 |
The Capital Empire |
Sandton |
Water Control Qualification |
25 |
107,049.37 |
The Capital Melrose |
Melrose |
HR Planning Session |
2 |
3,036.03 |
The Capital Melrose |
Melrose |
SETMIS Testing Session |
12 |
7,848.99 |
@Sandton Hotel |
Sandton |
Water Use Specialist Dev meeting |
10 |
33,709.34 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
Disciplinary Hearing |
7 |
3,500.00 |
The Capital Empire |
Sandton |
ICT UA conduct meeting |
20 |
11,519.02 |
Southern sun Rosebank |
Rosebank |
UAT meeting |
14 |
14,619.82 |
Hyatt House Rosebank |
Rosebank |
Managers Monthly Performance & BBBEE Training |
7 |
3,371.31 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
Gas Turbine Instrument Dev Meeting |
10 |
5,380.06 |
GC Nelson Mandela Boulevard |
Cape Town |
Water data collector Qualification Development meeting |
15 |
87,239.63 |
The Capital on the Park |
Kathrine Street Sandton |
50 |
85 422.78 |
The Capital on the Park |
Kathrine street Sandton |
Finance OPS Model |
10 |
6,677.62 |
The Houghton Hotel |
Houghton |
ARC Workshop |
14 |
10,710.05 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
Water Resource Dev meeting |
12 |
8,900.00 |
Radisson blu Sandton |
Daisy Street |
Board Meeting |
12 |
15,490.00 |
Protea Hotel Fire n Ice |
Melrose Arch |
SDQA Team |
35 |
25,053.12 |
OR Tambo Protea |
Gladiator Street |
Board Meeting |
20 |
18,072.23 |
Premier Roodevalley |
Pretoria |
Management Strat Session |
20 |
102,550.41 |
Hyatt Regency Hotel Cape Town |
Cape Town |
Industrial Water Process Controller |
10 |
54,521.90 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
Disciplinary Hearing |
7 |
4,057.23 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
First Aid Training |
10 |
5,145.98 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
Risk Workshop |
10 |
3,512.85 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
Disciplinary Hearing |
5 |
1,106.71 |
Holiday Inn Rosebank |
Rosebank |
OD Change Management meeting |
15 |
13,422.36 |
Radisson Blu Rosebank |
Rosebank |
New PMS Inception |
11 |
7,432.35 |
Protea Hotel Fire & Ice Melrose |
Melrose Arch |
Water Data Collector & Water Control Officer |
35 |
68,342.52 |
Hilton Hotel Sandton |
Sandton |
Performance Management System Training |
20 |
14,078.08 |
Burgers Park Hotel |
Pretoria |
CSTO Steering Committee Meeting |
10 |
4,955.49 |
Southern Sun Rosebank Hotel |
Rosebank |
OD Training |
10 |
8120.00 |
The Catalyst Hotel |
Pretorius Street |
EWSETA InteGREAT System Training |
35 |
50,133.87 |
Kieviets Kroon Hotel |
Pretoria East |
DG Module ICT Gathering |
13 |
136,878.60 |
Southern Sun Rosebank |
Rosebank |
Power Plant QAS meeting |
30 |
35,252.14 |
The Houghton Hotel |
Houghton |
Finance Branch Meeting |
10 |
4,844.36 |
Southern Sun Rosebank |
Rosebank |
QA & QCTO Meeting |
15 |
13,199.00 |
@Sandton Hotel |
Benmore Gardens |
DG Training Meeting |
45 |
35,640.35 |
The Capital Empire |
Sandton |
DG Training |
30 |
18,506.55 |
The Hotel Sky |
Sandton |
30 |
31,058.23 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
Health & Safety meeting |
7 |
3,022.90 |
Radisson Blu Sandton |
Sandton |
OD Transition Plan |
7 |
5,553.91 |
NH Hotels |
Sandton |
Water Reticulation |
35 |
52,323.35 |
Hyatt Hotel Rosebank |
Rosebank |
Management Performance Meeting |
7 |
2,514.93 |
The Capital Melrose |
Melrose |
DGC Testing and Evaluation |
10 |
11,466.73 |
The Houghton Hotel |
Houghton Estate |
Board Meeting |
20 |
64,589.70 |
The Capital Empire |
Sandton |
Industrial Water Process Controller QAS |
10 |
47,344.62 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
Disciplinary Hearing |
7 |
9,065.48 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
Disciplinary Hearing |
3 |
2,625.50 |
Hyatt Hotel |
Rosebank |
Manager Performance Monthly meeting |
6 |
3,847.79 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
Mental Health Workshop |
27 |
30,448.56 |
Protea Fire & Ice Menlyn |
Pretoria |
Strategic Support Interviews |
7 |
4,922.15 |
Birchwood Hotel |
Boksburg |
EISA Implementation Capacity Building |
20 |
13,964.85 |
Hyatt House Sandton |
Water & Sanitation Project Facilities Qualification |
12 |
14,461.32 |
The Capital Melrose |
Melrose |
Sanitation Water Qualification Dev |
15 |
44,412.98 |
The Protea Hotel Balalaika |
Sandton |
Partnership Workshop |
10 |
8700.00 |
Avianto Hotel |
Johannesburg |
EWSETA Executive Strategy and Implementation Session |
6 |
27,050.40 |
The Capital Melrose |
Melrose |
InteGREAT System Mandatory Grant User Acceptance Workshop |
10 |
9,469.08 |
Safari Hotel |
Rustenburg |
Conference Orbit & NASFI |
10 |
8,793.33 |
River Meadow Hotel |
2 Rivers Estate Centurion |
Career Guidance Activation Team Induction |
16 |
16,523.41 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
Disciplinary Hearing |
7 |
19,765.08 |
The Capital Melrose |
Melrose |
PMR Ops Model Workshop |
10 |
5,372.47 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
EWSETA & SASAWU meeting |
5 |
4,318.56 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
BEC for SCM Co Sourcing |
5 |
1875.00 |
The Capital Melrose |
Melrose |
QAC Evaluation of Accreditation |
10 |
10,522.30 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
Disciplinary Hearing |
6 |
12,395.38 |
The Houghton Hotel |
Houghton |
Advance Excel Training |
18 |
14,552.94 |
Hyatt House Rosebank |
Rosebank |
SCM SOP Workshop |
5 |
4,727.90 |
Valley Summit Hotel |
Pretoria |
EWSETA Staff meeting |
64 |
57,888.27 |
@Sandton Hotel |
Benmore Gardens |
Water Control Officer Qualification Dev Meeting |
25 |
61,238.38 |
Protea Hotel Midrand |
Protea Hotel |
InteGREAT System RPL Advisor Workshop |
10 |
13,308.32 |
The Capital Empire |
Sandton |
DG Module Application System Workshop |
10 |
11,380.14 |
The Capital Pearls |
Umhlanga |
Solar Plant Dev meeting |
10 |
71,616.00 |
Southern Sun Sandton |
Sandton |
PME Evaluation |
10 |
10,992.76 |
Anew Hotel Capital Pretoria |
Pretoria |
CSTO Meeting |
10 |
5,951.69 |
Holiday Inn Rosebank |
Rosebank |
OD Talent & Skills Reporting |
3 |
3,957.52 |
The Capital Empire |
Sandton |
New IIMS Project Induction |
15 |
8,838.51 |
Kievitskroon Hotel |
Pretoria East |
Executive Strat Session |
7 |
55,455.41 |
Birchwood Hotel |
Boksburg |
Audit & Risk and Board Strat Session |
25 |
132,876.89 |
The Capital Melrose |
Melrose |
Governance Workshop |
15 |
34,991.24 |
The Hyatt Hotel Sandton |
Sandton |
Vision Activ Performance Contract Workshop |
10 |
8,322.23 |
The Capital Melrose |
Melrose |
CFO Interviews |
7 |
2,956.65 |
Radisson Blu Sandton |
Sandton |
User Acceptance Testing for RPL Advisor and Feedback on the L4 changes |
10 |
10,871.21 |
The Houghton Hotel |
Houghton |
Executive Meeting |
6 |
5,532.54 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
DG Recommendation meeting |
12 |
10,034.51 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
ICT Workshop |
15 |
6,360.03 |
River Meadow Hotel |
2 Rivers Centurion |
10 |
12,212.00 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
Disciplinary Hearing |
6 |
4,057.23 |
Birchwood Hotel |
Boksburg |
QA Session with SMEs |
10 |
11,221.19 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
Disciplinary Hearing |
7 |
8,324.46 |
The Houghton Hotel |
Houghton |
Staff Connect |
60 |
65,408.20 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
Health & Safety Workshop |
7 |
5,610.91 |
Hyatt Hotel Rosebank |
Rosebank |
SCM & HR Meeting |
6 |
2,032.15 |
@Sandton Hotel |
Benmore Gardens |
Plant Operating Manager Qualification |
12 |
23,045.03 |
Foxwood House |
Johannesburg |
DGC Window Evaluations |
8 |
6,957.66 |
Anew Parktonian Hotel |
Braamfontein |
OD Job Evaluations |
5 |
3,556.40 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
Disciplinary Hearing |
6 |
2,820.44 |
The Capital Melrose |
Melrose |
Plant Operating Manager |
25 |
41,164.13 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
Mancom Workshop |
10 |
8,864.30 |
The Houghton Hotel |
Houghton |
Finance & PMU Meeting |
15 |
10,077.14 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
Disciplinary Hearing |
6 |
4,057.23 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
Disciplinary Hearing |
6 |
3,225.44 |
Glenburn Lodge |
Krugersdorp |
DGC Strategic Planning Session |
60 |
49,666.06 |
GC Milpark Hotel |
Milpark |
Water Data Collector Qualification Dev meeting |
15 |
24,426.20 |
@sandton Hotel |
Benmore Garden |
Plant Operating Manager Qualification |
12 |
21,342.22 |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
Organizational Dev HR Workshop |
5 |
3,978.58 |
GC Umhlanga Hotel |
Umhlanga |
SDF Capacity Training |
50 |
39,992.46 |
Maslow hotel |
Sandton |
Mancom |
12 |
15,389.35 |
The Capital on the Park |
Kathrine Street Sandton |
QCTO & EWSETA Quarterly |
8 |
6,399.19 |
@Sandton Hotel |
Kathrine street |
Water use Specialist Qualification Dev Meeting |
25 |
68,756.19 |
Southern Sun Sandton |
Sandton |
Power Generation OPS Manager Qualification |
10 |
9,531.30 |
Hyatt House Rosebank |
Rosebank |
Conference Rosebank |
4 |
2,924.93 |
The Regency Apartments Hotel |
Pretoria |
Management Strat Session |
10 |
11,288.16 |
Holiday inn Johannesburg Rosebank |
Rosebank |
Bid Committee Training |
10 |
11,765.22 |
The Venue Houghton Hotel |
Houghton |
Staff Connect Meeting |
60 |
54,603.27 |
The Houghton Hotel |
Houghton |
Join Branch meeting |
15 |
22,666.75 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
OPS Branch Management Meeting |
15 |
11,553.31 |
The Capital Empire |
Sandton |
EWSETA Board Strat Session |
20 |
79,961.22 |
The Capital Melrose |
Melrose |
APP AOP Managers Follow up Meeting |
5 |
5,318.28 |
Southern Sun Rosebank |
Rosebank |
Conference |
5 |
7,012.01 |
Radisson Red Rosebank |
Rosebank |
Provincial Dept Conference |
12 |
9,282.28 |
Houghton Hotel |
Houghton |
Mancom |
7 |
7,802.59 |
Protea Midrand |
Midrand |
ICT Strategy Session |
6 |
21,307.46 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
DG Strategy Session |
6 |
6,779.15 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
Review RPL Policy |
10 |
8,499.33 |
The Houghton Hotel |
Houghton |
Internal Exco Meeting |
4 |
7,519.24 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
Health & Safety meeting |
8 |
5,472.59 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
Staff Workshop |
10 |
7,867.85 |
O R Tambo Premier Hotel |
Gladiator Street |
Board Strat Session |
18 |
20,682.43 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
Disciplinary Hearing |
5 |
4,267.23 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
Disciplinary Hearing |
5 |
4,202.73 |
The Capital Melrose |
Melrose |
Skills Dev Quality Assurance |
25 |
27,271.38 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
Disciplinary Hearing |
5 |
9,439.25 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
Disciplinary Hearing |
6 |
5,135.13 |
Radisson Blu Sandton |
Sandton |
Strategic Stakeholder Breakfast Engagement |
80 |
62,525.58 |
The Catalyst Hotel |
Pretorius street Sandton |
Performance Contracting |
12 |
14,170.41 |
Tsogo Sun the Edward Hotel |
Durban |
QA development meeting |
25 |
28,787.69 |
The Capital Melrose |
Melrose |
EWSETA PR Strategies |
4 |
5,060.42 |
The Houghton Hotel |
Houghton Hotel |
Management Strat Session |
25 |
38,069.94 |
The Hyatt Hotel Rosebank |
Rosebank |
QAC Capacity Building |
8 |
5,065.96 |
Holiday Inn Rosebank |
Rosebank |
OD Management Meeting |
22 |
24,403.14 |
River Meadow Hotel |
2 Rivers Centurion |
EWSETA Staff Strategic Session |
60 |
600 700 |
Protea Parktonian Hotel |
Braamfontein |
Risk Workshop |
10 |
11,908.58 |
Protea by Marriot O R Tambo |
O R Tambo |
AA Meeting |
25 |
30,870.65 |
GC Milpark |
Milpark |
QA Development |
6 |
4,285.34 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
DG Plan Project finalization |
6 |
6,359.97 |
54 on BATH HOTEL |
Rosebank |
Media Meet & Greet Breakfast Engagement |
35 |
30,135.39 |
The Forum Hyde Park |
Hyde Park |
AGM 2023 |
200 |
487,830.00 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
First Aid Training |
8 |
5,145.98 |
GC Nelson Mandela Boulevard |
Cape Town |
Power Generation Operations Manager qualification development meeting |
15 |
113,578.53 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
Radiation Protection Practitioner QAS addendum Meeting |
10 |
9,228.78 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
Disciplinary Hearing |
4 |
2,685.44 |
The Capital Melrose |
Melrose |
Governance Extras |
4 |
3,066.50 |
The Capital Melrose |
Melrose |
HR Planning Meeting |
3 |
2301.02 |
O R Tambo Premier Hotel |
Gladiator Street |
Board Strat Session |
25 |
84,052.89 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
QCTO AOP Capacity |
15 |
10,889.14 |
The Capital Melrose |
Melrose |
PFMA workshop |
10 |
10,256.45 |
Villa Roma Boutique |
Mpumalanga |
RE Skills Workshop |
35 |
56,589.41 |
@Sandton Hotel |
Benmore Gardens |
Plant Operating Manager |
15 |
18,504.94 |
Kievits Kroon |
Pretoria East |
DG Advert Evaluation |
9 |
61,593.42 |
The Capital Melrose |
Melrose |
Staff Connect |
45 |
31,844.34 |
The Hyatt Regency CPT |
Cape Town |
Radiation Workshop |
10 |
69,523.76 |
54 on Bath Hotel Rosebank |
Rosebank |
Industrial QAS Workshop |
15 |
12,652.49 |
The Houghton Hotel |
Houghton |
AGM 2021 |
200 |
216,671.66 |
Strand Hotel Swakopmund |
Windhoek |
World skills SA Breakfast for Competitors / experts |
50 |
35,978.38 |
Protea Ranch Hotel |
Polokwane |
50 |
62,414.23 |
The Capital Melrose |
Melrose |
IT Conduct UAT session |
15 |
11,569.60 |
O R Tambo Premier Hotel |
Gladiator Street |
Just Energy Transition Session |
100 |
98,701.45 |
Forum Homini Hotel |
Krugersdorp |
Exco Strat Session |
7 |
62,527.46 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
CSE Branch Session |
7 |
3,502.00 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
Industrial Water Workshop |
10 |
30,786.04 |
Protea O R Tambo Hotel |
Kempton Park |
Board meeting |
11 |
8,066.89 |
The Catalyst Hotel |
Pretorius Street |
Skills Dev QA |
27 |
24,625.09 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
IT UAE Induction |
20 |
14,429.19 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
Subject Matter Expert Session |
10 |
6,768.25 |
Holiday Inn Sunnyside Park Hotel |
32 Princess of Wales Parktown |
QAC Capacity Building |
15 |
6,768.25 |
Kieviets Kroon Hotel |
Pretoria East |
Executive Management Strategy |
7 |
45,954.64 |
Southern Sun Sandton |
Sandton |
Water Resource meeting |
12 |
26,507.78 |
(a)(i)(aa) Total cost of events arranged for the past five years? |
R 3 183 087.85 |
(a)(i)(bb) Total cost of events arranged since 1 January 2024 to date? |
R1 173 957.10 |
2024 |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
The Maslow |
Sandton |
CEO Roadshow, Johannesburg 10 Aril 2024 |
External Stakeholders/Implementors |
R170 996.81 |
The Capital Pearls |
Umhlanga |
CEO Roadshow, Durban 11 April 2024 |
External Stakeholders/ Implementors |
R108 938.11 |
Southern Sun Cape Town |
Cape Town |
CEO Roadshow, Cape Town 12 April 2024 |
External Stakeholders / Implementors |
R112 711.12 |
Protea Hotel OR Tambo |
Kempton Park |
Blind SA Umcebo Ngemfundo Launch, 6 June 2024 |
FASSET, beneficiaries, blind SA |
R87 727.30 |
@Sandton Hotel |
Sandton |
Service Excellence Awards 23 August 2024 |
FASSET staff |
R395 378.23 |
@Sandton Hotel |
Sandton |
Annual General Meeting 28 November 2024 |
FASSET, stakeholders, beneficiaries, implementors |
R298 205.53 |
2023 |
Premier Hotel Quartermain |
Sandton |
CEO Roadshow, 11 May 2023 |
External Stakeholders / Implementors |
R77 716.00 |
The Venue, Melrose Arch |
Melrose |
Annual General Meeting 29 November 2023 |
FASSET staff, external stakeholders, beneficiaries and implementors. |
R354 119.01 |
Birchwood Executive Hotel (200) |
EMT Strategic planning session |
R164 970.00 |
The capital apartments and hotel |
Board strategy session |
Board Members |
R254 730.55 |
The Venue At The Houghton (Pty)Ltd |
Service Excellence Awards 25 August 2023 |
R481 258.96 |
2022 |
A S H Monate(pty) Ltd |
EMT Strategic planning session |
R124 550,23 |
Birchwood Hotel & OR Tambo, Conference Centre |
Annual General Meeting |
R249 959,60 |
Misty Hills |
PO Box 6801, Cresta, Gauteng |
Board strategic session |
Board members |
R167 552,50 |
2021 |
The Venue Country Hotel and Spa |
Pelindaba Road (R512),140 Kalkheuvel,Farm 493 North West Diepsloot 7001 |
EMT Strategic planning session |
R52 573,00 |
Birchwood Executive Hotel (200) |
Annual General Meeting |
R81 700,90 |
(a)(i)(aa) Total cost of events arranged for the past five years? |
R 1 296 581 |
(a)(i)(bb) Total cost of events arranged since 1 January 2024 to date? |
R 529 531 |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
Glenburn Lodge |
Kromdraai Road, Zwartkops, Muldersdrift, 1747 |
25 |
R 41 480 |
Premier Hotel |
Ext 20, 14th Street, Noordwyk, Midrand, 1685 |
Annual General meeting |
100 |
R80 228 |
Indaba Hotel |
Winnie Mandela Drive, Pieter Wenning Road Johannesburg, Fourways, Sandton, 2191 |
Audit Readiness session |
15 |
R28 102 |
Indaba Hotel |
Winnie Mandela Drive, Pieter Wenning Road Johannesburg, Fourways, Sandton, 2191 |
Strategic planning, performance alignment and review including AGSA report. |
15 |
R33 171 |
17Indaba Hotel |
Winnie Mandela Drive, Pieter Wenning Road Johannesburg, Fourways, Sandton, 2191 |
Strategic planning, performance alignment and review including AGSA report. |
10 |
R24 733 |
329 uMhlanga Rocks Dr, Umhlanga Ridge, uMhlanga, 4000 |
Discretionary & Mandatory grant workshops |
100 |
R 59 373 |
The Fairway Hotel and Spa |
Setperk Rd, Randpark 268-Iq, Randburg, 2125 |
Discretionary & Mandatory grant workshops |
150 |
R 114 975 |
101 Buitengracht Street, Cape Town, South Africa, 8001 |
Discretionary & Mandatory grant workshops |
100 |
R 112 000 |
Corner Tyrwitt and, Sturdee Ave, Rosebank, Johannesburg, 2132 |
Strategic planning, performance alignment and review including AGSA report. |
15 |
R23 625 |
Premier Hotel |
187 Third Rd, Halfway Gardens, Midrand, 1682 |
100 |
R 75 666 |
Ext 12, 661 Pendulum Rd, Halfway House, Midrand, 2010 |
150 |
R235 724 |
187 Third Rd, Halfway Gardens, Midrand, 1682 |
Discretionary & Mandatory grant workshops |
100 |
R62 608 |
329 uMhlanga Rocks Dr, Umhlanga Ridge, uMhlanga, 4000 |
Discretionary & Mandatory grant workshops |
100 |
R 93 630 |
101 Buitengracht Street, Cape Town, South Africa, 8001 |
Discretionary & Mandatory grant workshops |
100 |
R77 500 |
Indaba Hotel |
Winnie Mandela Drive, Pieter Wenning Road Johannesburg, Fourways, Sandton, 2191 |
Strategic planning, performance alignment and review including AGSA report - 2 days |
25 |
R 90 563 |
The Zone, Oxford Rd, Rosebank, Johannesburg, 2196 |
15 |
R12 570 |
Winnie Mandela Drive, Pieter Wenning Road Johannesburg, Fourways, Sandton, 2191 |
25 |
R130 633 |
Winnie Mandela Drive, Pieter Wenning Road Johannesburg, Fourways, Sandton, 2191 |
6 |
R 6 958 |
60 W Rd S, Morningside, Johannesburg, 2196 |
40 |
R 81 274 |
60 W Rd S, Morningside, Johannesburg, 2196 |
25 |
R 101 948 |
Winnie Mandela Drive, Pieter Wenning Road Johannesburg, Fourways, Sandton, 2191 |
200 |
R 262 917 |
Ext 20, 14th Street, Noordwyk, Midrand, 1685 |
20 |
R22 672 |
Ext 20, 14th Street, Noordwyk, Midrand, 1685 |
25 |
R 53 792 |
(a)(i)(aa) Total cost of events arranged for the past five years? |
(a)(i)(bb) Total cost of events arranged since 1 January 2024 to date? |
Financial Year |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
2019/2020 (9 December 2020) |
Virtual |
Virtual |
Hosting of a virtual Annual General Meeting.
150, excluding AGSA, Management and Board |
R385 343.37 |
Not applicable |
2020/2021 (26 November 2021) |
Cape Town International Convention Centre) |
Hybrid (Physical, Online and You tube) |
Hosting of an Annual General Meeting. |
200, excluding AGSA, Management and Board |
Not applicable |
2021/2022 (23 & 24 November 22) |
Radisson Hotel, Kempton Park |
154, Corner 3rd & 6th Avenue, Bredell, Kempton Park, Johannesburg |
Hosting of Annual General Meeting & First Stakeholder Recognition and Appreciation Awards |
150 physical AGM 120 physical Awards 100 virtual (AGM) |
R478 093.00 |
Not applicable |
2022/2023 (17 November 2023) |
Premier Hotel, Umhlanga Kwa-Zulu Natal |
3, 7 Umhlanga Ridge Blvd, uMhlanga, Durban, |
23rd Annual General Meeting |
100 physical attendees 114 virtual attendees |
R 903 454.00 |
Not applicable |
2023/2024 (27 November 2024) |
Southern Sun, Cape Sun |
23 Strand Street, Cape Town |
24th Annual General Meeting & Stakeholder Recognition and Appreciation Awards |
165 physical attendees 149 virtual attendees |
R1 288,074.86 |
Not applicable |
2024/2025 (17 July 2024) |
Chairperson’s & Executives Engagement Event and Capacitation of New Corporate Identity to stakeholders |
Stakeholders Engagement |
50 physical attendees |
R 238 239.10 |
Not applicable |
(a)(i)(aa) Total cost of events arranged for the past five years? |
R 15 555 169.38 |
(a)(i)(bb) Total cost of events arranged since 1 January 2024 to date? |
R 1 158 098.55 |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
Orion-Safari lodge |
Po Box 31416, Braamfontein Johannesburg |
WSP workshops |
70 |
R 28 108. 09 |
Fortis Hotel Manor |
1050 Burnett Street Hatfield Pretoria |
Profiling of SAW |
25 |
R 20 303.09 |
Holiday Inn |
100 North Rand Road, Boksburg |
RPL Training |
45 |
R 3 375.00 |
Holiday Inn |
100 North Rand Road, Boksburg |
RPL Training |
45 |
R 3 375.00 |
Crown Plaza |
Crown plaza -the Rosebank |
IR training |
13 |
R 975.00 |
Fortis Hotel manor |
Brackens Gardens Po Box 146020 |
Counseling and Curriculum training |
40 |
R 3000.00 |
Stay Easy Eastgate |
8 South Boulevard Bruma |
7 |
R 2 285.00 |
Protea hotel, King George |
King George drive King George Park 6529 |
Discretionary grant |
30 |
R 13 390.50 |
Golden Valley Casino |
Brand Wag and Roux Roads, Worcester |
Discretionary grant workshop |
20 |
R 9 844.00 |
Ermelo Inn |
Ermelo inn Mpumalanga 2351 |
Discretionary grant |
80 |
R 33 897.60 |
Premier hotel regent |
Protea Hotel East London, 22 Esplanade Street |
Discretionary grant |
100 |
R 46 164.60 |
Wind town lagoon resort and spa |
9 Bree Street, Langebaan 7357 |
Discretionary grant |
25 |
R 7 891.50 |
Stay Easy Hotel |
8 South Boulevard Bruma |
E.M Interviews |
7 |
R 2 027.10 |
Stay Easy Hotel |
8 South Boulevard Bruma |
E.M Interviews |
6 |
R 1 802.40 |
Peermont Met Court Emperors |
64 Jones Road, OR Tambo |
RPL Workshops |
44 |
R 115 373.27 |
Protea hotel, Mafikeng |
80 Nelson Mandela Dr, Mafikeng |
Discretionary grant |
15 |
R 17 028.50 |
Protea hotel, The Richards |
3 Hibberd Dr Richards Bay |
Discretionary grant |
22 |
R 8 582.48 |
Protea hotel Pretoria |
416 Kirkness Street Arcadia |
Discretionary grant |
67 |
R 31 591.75 |
Protea hotel The Edward |
149 marine Parade |
ETQA workshop |
35 |
R 16 761.00 |
Garden court Or Tambo |
2 Hulley road, Isando |
Counselling and cv training |
15 |
R 16 636.36 |
Bon Hotel, Bloemfontein |
Bloem plaza |
Discretionary grant |
65 |
R 23 502.00 |
Stay Easy Hotel |
8 South Boulevard Bruma |
Exco special meeting |
7 |
R1 808.30 |
Muofhe Grace land lodge |
14 D, short street, Thohoyandou |
Discretionary grant workshop |
81 |
R 29 515.40 |
Sun Flamingo |
Flamingo Casino, Kimbelry |
Discretionary grant workshop |
40 |
R 13 969.00 |
Park Inn by Raddison Polokwane |
Dorp Street, Polokwane |
ERP ETQA workshop |
45 |
R 10 501.50 |
Orion Hotek Promenade |
Promenade shopping center,14 louis Street, Mbombela |
Discretionary grant workshop |
50 |
R 18 794.00 |
Ibhayi Guest lodge |
Ibhayi logde, Guest house, Gqebherha |
Discretionary grant workshop |
85 |
R 29 627.75 |
Destiny exclusive hotel |
Bredell Ave, Kempoton park |
Capacity Building |
15 |
R 22 653.61 |
Royal hotel Durban |
267 Anton Lembede Durban central |
Discretionary grant workshop |
25 |
R 28 314.33 |
Destiny exclusive hotel |
Bredell Ave, Kempoton park |
Capacity Building |
45 |
R 214 069.00 |
Destiny exclusive hotel |
Bredell Ave, Kempoton park |
Stakeholder session |
15 |
R 16 900.00 |
Peermont Mmabatho |
1 Nelson Mandela, Mahikeng |
Discretionary grant workshop |
30 |
R 11 025.80 |
Desert Place |
1 Olifantshoek road, Keidebees, Upington |
Discretionary grant workshop |
20 |
R 10 767.93 |
The Aviator Hotel |
2 Bosch Avenue Kempton Park |
Discretionary grant workshop |
121 |
R 6 547.85 |
President hotel and conference |
4 Alexandra Road, Cape Town |
90 |
R 167 499.00 |
Protea hotel Klerksdorp |
Barend Street, Klersdorp |
Discretionary grant workshop |
30 |
R 12 074.40 |
Town Logde -George |
1 Knysna Road, George |
RPL workshop |
12 |
R 56 150.31 |
Two weeks |
Stanville Inn |
Daybreak, Lejweleputswa |
80 |
R 65 572.09 |
Stellenbosch Lodge |
Paradyskloof, Stellebosch |
RPL workshop |
80 |
R 110 997.19 |
Ngwenya hotel conference |
Shifontein, Klerksdorp |
RPL workshop |
50 |
R 74 798.72 |
Premier hotel-East London |
22 Esplanade Street, East London |
RPL workshop |
90 |
R 283 799.89 |
Kopanong Hotel |
243 Glen gory road, Benoni |
RPL workshop |
20 |
R 213 649.25 |
Two weeks |
Garden court |
Cnr John Baile, Mooi Street, East London |
RPL workshop |
30 |
R 39 477.75 |
Kel way hotel |
Brookes Hill, Gqeberha |
Discretionary grant workshop |
25 |
R 25 774.75 |
Fortis hotel |
Van der Walt, Pretoria |
Saw review session |
30 |
R 23 425.09 |
Grden court Mthatha |
Nelson Mandela drive, Mthatha |
Discretionary grant workshop |
60 |
R 28 620.99 |
Tsogo Sun Or Tambo |
Or Tambo Airport, Jones Road, Johannesburg |
RPL workshop |
25 |
R 68 264.82 |
Tsogo Sun Or Tambo |
Or Tambo Airport, Jones Road, Johannesburg |
RPL workshop |
25 |
R 68 069.69 |
Ritsako Lodge |
Kaalgate, Cullinan |
WSP workshop |
90 |
R 53 463.19 |
George Lodge |
Davison Road, George |
WSP worshop |
30 |
R 10 379.59 |
Durbanville conference center |
Durbanville town center, Cape town |
WSP workshop |
80 |
R 106 000.68 |
Premier Hotel -Or Tambo |
Gladiator Street, Kempton Park |
Skills development workshop |
150 |
R 76 917.22 |
I Zimbali Lodge |
Forie Street, Ermelo |
WSP workshop |
70 |
R 29 262.12 |
Protea Hotel Landmark |
Northbound, cape town |
Fraud and risk training |
16 |
R 8 283.39 |
Durbanville conference center |
Durbanville town center, Cape town |
WSP workshop |
70 |
R 32 117.63 |
Margate hotel |
Marine drive, Margate |
WSP workshop |
40 |
R 17 850.09 |
Fortis hotel |
Van der Walt, Pretoria |
WSP workshop |
90 |
R 36 693.59 |
Garden court-Kings Beach |
La Roche Drive, Gqeberha |
WSP workshop |
65 |
R 32 261,.47 |
Gold reef city theme park hotel |
14 Northern Parkway Road, Johannesburg |
WSP workshop |
60 |
R 29 814.04 |
Melkboomdrift guest lodge |
Farm Street, Vredendal |
WSP workshop |
20 |
R 15 012.42 |
Protea hotel Cumberland |
Stocken Strom Street, Worcester |
WSP workshop |
30 |
R 20 916.34 |
The Shakespeare Inn |
Vanderbiljpark, Vaal |
Stakeholder seating |
65 |
R 27 322.02 |
Molopo Travel |
Naas Raubenhelmer, Vryburg |
WSP workshop |
80 |
R 33 906.06 |
Protea hotel By Marriot |
Protea hotel, Bloemfontein |
WSP workshop |
50 |
R 19 522.59 |
Protea Hotel Landmark |
Northbound, plk |
WSP workshop |
75 |
R 27 466.97 |
Hotel savoy |
Nelson Mandela drive, Mthatha |
WSP workshop |
65 |
R 50 084.74 |
Horseshoe inn |
Memorial Road, Kimberly |
WSP workshop |
30 |
R 6 031.09 |
Horseshoe inn |
Memorial road, Kimbelrly |
WSP workshop |
20 |
R 4 024.09 |
Protea hotel hotel, Mafikeng |
80 Nelson Mandela Drive, Mahikeng |
ETQA capacity building |
45 |
R 19 578.34 |
Khayalami Lodge |
Vaneijk.Mbombela |
ETQA capacity building |
50 |
R 18 923.28 |
Durbanville conference center |
Durbanville town center, Cape town |
WSP workshop |
6 |
R1 266.70 |
Premier hotel regent |
Protea Hotel East London, 22 Esplanade Street |
ETQA capacity building |
80 |
R 33 225.94 |
Orion-Safari lodge |
Po Box 31416, Braamfontein Johannesburg |
ETQA capacity building |
80 |
R 28 108.09 |
Fortis hotel |
Van der Walt, Pretoria |
ETQA capacity building |
30 |
R 20 303 |
Hotel Osner |
Court Crescent, East London |
WSP workshops |
70 |
R 54 143.34 |
Premier Hotel, the Richards |
3 Hibberd drive Meerensee,3901 |
Discretionary grant workshop |
22 |
R 8 582.48 |
Durbanville conference center |
Durbanville town center |
Discretionary grant workshop |
100 |
R 35 384.35 |
R 2 898 666.50 |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
Juffrouhshoogte guest house |
R45 Vredenburg, 7380 |
WSP&ATR workshop) |
35 |
R5 808.90 |
Waterfront hotel and spa |
40 Gandhi Road, beachfront, Durban,4001 |
Capacity building workshop |
50 |
R 30 000.00 |
The venue must comply with covid regulations, hand sanitizers and disinfect surfaces and toilets regularly |
Waterfront hotel and spa |
40 Gandhi Road, beachfront, Durban,4001 |
Capacity building workshop |
50 |
R 64 000.00 |
The venue must comply with covid regulations, hand sanitizers and disinfect surfaces and toilets regularly |
Mmabatho Palms |
Nelson Mandela drive, Mmabatho, Mafikeng, Northwest |
Assessor training project |
21 |
R 64 450.00 |
The venue must comply with covid regulations, hand sanitizers and disinfect surfaces and toilets regularly |
Horseshoe Inn |
Horseshoe Centre, Memorial Weg, Kimberely |
Assessor training project |
22 |
R 21 700.00 |
The venue must comply with covid regulations, hand sanitizers and disinfect surfaces and toilets regularly |
The shamrock lodge |
81 Kleineberg street, Bendor, Polokwane, Limpopo |
Assessor training project |
26 |
R 34 450.00 |
The venue must comply with covid regulations, hand sanitizers and disinfect surfaces and toilets regularly |
Mercure hotel Nelspruit |
Cnr N4 & Graniet street, Nelspruit, 1200 |
Assessor training project |
28 |
R 46 450.00 |
The venue must comply with covid regulations, hand sanitizers and disinfect surfaces and toilets regularly |
40 Gandhi Road, beachfront, Durban,4001 |
Capacity building workshop |
20 |
R 64 000.00 |
The venue must comply with covid regulations, hand sanitizers and disinfect surfaces and toilets regularly |
Kopanong hotel |
243 Glen Glory Rd, Norton’s home Estate, Benoni |
CYC RPL Top Up training |
44 |
R 443 250.00 |
The venue must comply with covid regulations, hand sanitizers and disinfect surfaces and toilets regularly. Provide a sound system, flip charts, markers and overhead projector. |
Ingwenyama sports & conference Centre |
PO Box 484 White river, Mpumalanga, 1240 |
CYC RPL Top-Up training |
47 |
R 172 750.00 |
The venue must comply with covid regulations, hand sanitizers and disinfect surfaces and toilets regularly |
Anew hotel |
167 Jellicoe Street, Witbank, Mpumalanga,1035 |
CYC RPL Top-Up training |
47 |
R 175 450.00 |
The venue must comply with covid regulations, hand sanitizers and disinfect surfaces and toilets regularly |
R 1 122 308.90 |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
Kopanong Hotel |
243 Glen Glory Rd, Norton’s home Estate, Benoni |
CYC RPL and top up training for two weeks |
44 |
R 443 500.00 |
Ingwenyama Conference & Sport Resort |
Farm 64, White River, 1240 |
CYC RPL and top up training for two weeks |
49 |
R 172 750.00 |
A New Hotel Witbank |
167 Jellicoe Street, eMalahleni,1035 |
CYC RPL and top up training for two weeks |
47 |
R 78 250.00 |
Anew Hotel Hatfield |
1054 Burnett Street, Hatfield, Pretoria,0028 |
Moderator Training |
32 |
R 45 050.00 |
Garden Court Kimberley |
120 Du Toitspan Road, Kimberly, 8301 |
Moderator training |
21 |
R 27 130.00 |
Ingwenyama Conference & Sports Resorts |
Farm 64, white River,1240 |
Moderator training |
28 |
R 38 890.00 |
Protea Hotel Mafikeng |
80 Nelson Mandela, Mafikeng, Mmabatho, North West province |
Moderator training |
19 |
R 29 890.00 |
The Shamrock Lodge |
81 Kleinenberg, Bendor, Polokwane |
Moderator Training |
26 |
R 25 418.00 |
Lakama Resort and Casino |
R101 Old Warmbaths Road, Temba |
WSP Workshop in Hammanskraal |
104 |
R 67 200.00 |
Peermont Walmont Mmabatho Palms |
Nelson Mandela Drive, Mmabatho, Mafikeng, Northwest |
WSP/ATR Workshop in Klerksdorp |
70 |
R 40 240.00 |
Southern Sun The Marine |
Marine Drive, Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth |
WSP /ATR workshop in Port Elizabeth |
60 |
R 34 545.00 |
Silverstar Casino |
R28, Muldersdrift, Mogale City, Krugersdorp |
WSP workshop in Westrand |
84 |
R 49 350.00 |
Lavender Hill Country |
Bethlehem, Kestell Road, N5 2.5 km from Bethlehem Free State |
WSP and ATR workshop in Bethlehem |
35 |
R 29 499.75 |
Blue Marlin Guest House |
11 Kabeljoukade, Meerensee, Richards, Umhlathuze |
WSP workshop on Richards Bay |
65 |
R 23 887.50 |
Graceland Hotel Casino |
Embalenhle Road, Secunda,2302 |
WSP/ATR workshop |
36 |
R 14 742.00 |
Marung Restaurant & Bar T/A Ubuntu Kraal |
11846A, Senokonyana Street, Orlando West Extension |
WSP workshop |
100 |
R 75 343.40 |
Protea Hotel Upington |
24 Schroder Street, Upington, 8801 |
WSP/ATR Capacity building session in Upington |
30 |
R 13 177.50 |
Protea Hotel Kimberley |
The Kimberley Big Hole, West Circular Road, Kimberly CBD,8301 |
WSP/ATR Capacity building session in Kimberly |
54 |
R 5 953.50 |
Protea Hotel Kimberley |
The Kimberley Big Hole, West Circular Road, Kimberly CBD,8301 |
WSP/ATR Capacity building session in Kimberly |
54 |
R 20 685.00 |
Springbok Inn |
Voortrekker- Road 399, Springbok, 8240 |
WSP/ATR Capacity building session in Springbok |
20 |
R 11 602.50 |
Southern Sun Emnotweni |
15 Government Blvd, Riverside Park, Ext 1, Nelspruit,1200 |
WSP/ATR training workshop |
60 |
R 30 555.00 |
Coastlands Musgrave |
315-319 Petermokaba Ridge, Musgrave, Durban,4001 |
WSP workshop |
85 |
R 40 105.35 |
Holiday Inn |
100 North Rand Rd, Boksburg, 1462 |
WSP workshop |
100 |
R 39 900.00 |
Premier Hotel EL Icc-East London |
Marine Park complex, 22 Esplanade Drive, Beachfront, East London |
WSP/ATR workshop in East London |
130 |
R 53 707.50 |
Bon Hotel Bloemfontein Central |
East burger St Bloemfontein, |
WSP/ATR workshop in Bloemfontein |
50 |
R 19 267.50 |
La Provence Accommodation Polokwane Royal |
59 Cillier- Street, De Aar, Northern Cape |
WSP/ATR capacity building session |
40 |
R 20 004.60
Peermont Metcourt |
Cnr Mphepu Phalaphala, Thohoyandou, 0950 |
WSP/ATR workshop |
103 |
R 57 698.03 |
Premier Express Inn |
123 Yolk Road, George,Garden Route, Western Cape |
WSP/ATR workshop |
30 |
R 15 067.50 |
Klondike Lodge Vryburg |
3km out of Vryburg, on the N14 to Kurum |
WSP/ATR workshop |
70 |
R 19 530.00 |
Burgers Park Pretoria |
Crn Minnar & Van der Wald, Pretoria, 0001 |
WSP workshop |
124 |
R 45 570.00 |
Knysna Hallow Country |
5 Welbedacht Ln, Kanonkop, Knysna,6570 |
WSP/ATR workshop |
30 |
R 18 900.00 |
Beacon Island Lifestyle Resort |
Beacon Isle Crescent, Plettenberg Bay, 6600 |
WSP/ATR workshop |
30 |
R 15 907.50 |
Ntuthuko Academy Centre |
Stand No707 Kwaggafontein C Mpumalanga |
WSP/ATR workshop |
80 |
R 39 794.92 |
De Berge Guest House |
72 Long Street, Piketberg, Western Cape |
WSP/ATR workshop |
30 |
R 9 450 |
Garden Court Blackrock |
100 Allen Street, Newcastle,2940 |
WSP workshop in Newcastle |
45 |
R 24 439.10 |
Royal Hotel |
73 Dorp St, Polokwane,0700 |
WSP/ATR workshop in Polokwane |
54 |
R 20 500 |
King’s Gate Rusternburg |
Donkerhoek Road, Rusternburg, 0300 |
WSP/ATR workshop in Rusternburg |
40 |
R 25 620 |
Kopanong Hotel |
243 Glen Gory Road, Norton Estate, Benoni, 1501 |
Moderator Training |
30 |
R 48 30 |
R 1 747 951.15 |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
Holiday Inn |
Princess of Wales Terrace, Parktown, Johannesburg, 2041 |
Veterinary science career guidance launch |
75 |
R38 325.00 |
Loerie guest house |
85 Jakkals Street, Hoedspruit, 1380 |
Discretionary grant workshop |
20 |
R4 089.75 |
Blue Bay Lodge |
Henry Witch Avenue, Blouwaterbaai, Saldanha |
Discretionary grant workshop |
20 |
R14 437.50 |
Bon Hotel Bloemfontein |
Bloem Plaza, East Burger Street, Bloemfontein, 9301 |
Discretionary grants workshop |
50 |
R19 435.50 |
The Caledon Casino |
1 Nerina Avenue, Caledon, Western Cape, 7230 |
Discretionary grant workshop |
20 |
R8 883.00 |
Blue Marlin Guesthouse |
3 Hibberd Drive, Meerensee, Richards Bay, 3901 |
Discretionary grant workshop |
20 |
R8 085.00 |
Knysna Hallow Country |
5 Wlbedacht Ln, Kanop, Knysna, 6570 |
Discretionary grant workshop |
20 |
R12 600.00 |
Margate hotel |
Marine drive, Margate, KwaZulu Natal |
Discretionary grant workshop |
20 |
R10 395.00 |
Dubbs Castle Guesthouse |
R399 Velddrift Road, Piketberg, 7320 |
Discretionary grant workshop |
15 |
R4 482.50 |
Anew Hotel - Parktonian |
120 De Korte Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001 |
Expression of interest workshop |
80 |
R32 760.00 |
The Shamrock Lodge |
81 Kleineberg street, Bendor, Polokwane |
Discretionary grant workshop |
40 |
R16 590.00 |
Taung hotel school and convention centre |
N18Road between Vryburg, Taung, 8580 |
EUI workshop |
60 |
R19 250.00 |
Graceland Hotel |
eMbalenhle road, Secunda, 2302 |
Discretionary grant workshop |
30 |
R13 860.00 |
Tramonto boutique hotel |
40 Uranus Crescent, Signal Hill, Newcastle, 2940 |
Discretionary grant workshop |
25 |
R10 257.50 |
Die Keldery |
PO Box 75, Vredendal, 8160, Northern Cape |
Discretionary grant workshop |
20 |
R9 030.00 |
Matoppo Inn |
Beaufort west, 6970 |
Discretionary grant workshop |
20 |
R 9 100.00 |
Khoroni hotel convention resort |
Mphephu street, Thohoyandou, Sibasa, Limpopo |
Discretionary grant workshop |
95 |
R51 271.50 |
Burgers Park |
Cnr Minnar & Van Der Wald, Pretoria, 0001 |
Expression of interest workshop |
60 |
R23 625.00 |
Nongoma Inn |
Nongoma Inn Lot 38/38, Nongoma, 3950 |
Discretionary grant workshop |
30 |
R 15 592.50 |
Ntuthuko Academy |
Ntuthuko Academy Centre, Kwaggafontein C, Mpumalanga |
Discretionary grant workshop |
80 |
R41 576.92 |
Uitsig boutique hotel |
20 Uitkyk Street, Flamingo Park, Welkom, 9459 |
Discretionary grant workshop |
30 |
R22 575.00 |
Hotel Savioy |
173 Kelvin Drive, Morningside, Benmore, 2010 |
Discretionary grant workshop |
31 |
R17 886.75 |
Protea hotel - Klerksdorp |
Between Berend & Magaretha-Prinsloo Str, Klerksdorp, 2570 |
EOI workshop(24 May 2022) |
60 |
R25 536.00 |
Serubele boutique hotel |
894 Arthurseat on the R40, Bushbuckridge, 1360 |
Discretionary grant workshop |
30 |
R24 097.50 |
Goodersons Tropicana |
85 OR Tambo Prade, Durban |
Discretionary grant workshop |
70 |
R25 725.00 |
Protea hotel - Kimberely |
The big hole, West Circular Road, Kimberly CBD,8301 |
EOI workshop capacity building |
50 |
R29 925.00 |
Anew Hotel Hunters Rest |
R24 Rusternburg/Krugersdorp, North west, 0300 |
EOI workshop |
50 |
R30 450.00 |
De Herberg Lodge |
49 Schhreiner street, De Aar 7000 |
EOI workshop capacity building |
30 |
R10 710.00 |
Anew Hotel Highveld |
Financial Square, Cnr Mandela Drive & Woltemade street, Witbank |
RPL induction |
8 |
R17 955.00 |
Venue requested for 3days |
President Hotel |
1 Union Avenue, Naval Hill |
RPL Induction |
39 |
R135 116.10 |
Manhattan Hotel |
247 Scheiding Street, Berea Park, Pretoria |
Assessor Workshop |
23 |
R42 866.25 |
Venue requested for 5 days |
Premier Hotel ICC |
Marine Park Complex, 22 Espalande Drive, East London |
Capacity building workshop |
70 |
R234 693.00 + R26 250.00 |
Venue requested for 3 days. Added amount for 50 people |
The Edward 149, OR Tambo Parade, Durban, 4001 |
Assessor Training workshop |
26 |
R66 208.80 |
Venue requested for 5 days |
Mercure Hotel - Nelspruit |
Cnr N4 & Graniet Street, Nelspruit, 1200 |
Assessor Training workshop |
16 |
R 29 400.00 |
Venue requested for 5 days |
Bon Hotel - Bloemfontein |
Bloem Plaza, East Burger Street, Bloemfontein, 9301 |
Assessor Training workshop |
28 |
R39 138.75 |
Venue requested for 5 days |
Kalahari Lodge |
Cnr Landbou, & Memorial(12), Kimberly |
Assessor Training workshop |
16 |
R18 060.00 |
Venue requested for 5 days |
Peermont Emporer’s palace |
64 Jones Road, Kempton Park, 1620 |
Stakeholder engagement session. |
35 |
R19 155.66 |
Peermont – Mmabatho Palms |
Nelson Mandela Drive, Mmabatho, North West |
WSP/ATR workshop |
121 |
R64 278.38 |
Valley Lodge and Avenue |
Perseel 2 J6 N18 From 15km From Taung Hartwater |
WSP/ATR workshop |
120 |
R 23 520.00 |
Manhattan Hotel |
247 Scheiding Street, Berea Park, Pretoria |
WSP/ATR workshop |
58 |
R 24 055.00 + R 8 295.00 |
There were 20 more people who came and made it 78 |
Garden Court - OR Tambo |
2 Hulley Road, Isando, Kempton Park,1619 |
WSP/ATR workshop |
70 |
R 35 337.75 |
Gold Reef City |
14 Northern Parkway, Ormonde, 2091 |
WSP/ATR workshop |
45 |
R 21 262.50 |
Ramkiki hotel |
35 Peter Road, Ruimsig, Roodeport, 1724 |
WSP/ATR workshop |
50 |
R 47 612.25 |
Peermont – Mmabatho Palms |
Nelson Mandela Drive, Mmabatho, North West |
WSP/ATR workshop |
95 |
R 14 864.85 |
Emarald Resort & Casino |
777 Frikkie Meyer Blvd, Vanderbijlpark, Gauteng |
WSP/ATR workshop |
40 |
R1 8 270.00 |
Protea Hotel - Klerksdorp |
Flamwood, Klerkdorp, 2572 |
WSP/ATR workshop |
70 |
R 25 074.00 |
Savoy Hotel Beaufort |
1 Church street, Beaufort West |
WSP/ATR workshop |
10 |
R 4 481.40 |
Desert Palace Hotel |
Golf Course Road, Keidebees, Upington |
WSP/ATR workshop capacity building |
35 |
R 14 171.08 |
Coastlands on the ridge |
315-319 Peter Mokaba Ridge, Musgrave, Durban 4001 |
WSP/ATR workshop in Bloemfontein |
200 |
R 103 469.00 |
Protea hotel Marriot Bloemfontein |
202 Nelson Mandela Drive, Bloemfontein |
WSP/ATR workshop in Bloemfontein |
50 |
R 25 600.00 |
Blue diamond lodge |
19 Unie Street, Simonsig, Springbok |
WSP/ATR workshop |
33 |
R 16 617.10 |
Springbok Inn |
Voortreker Road, Springbok |
WSP/ATR workshop |
20 |
R 3 564.75 |
Kuruma Inn |
Cnr Main & De Jager Street |
WSP/ATR workshop |
20 |
R22 155,00 |
Newcastle Inn |
Cnr Victoria Road & Hunter |
WSP/ATR workshop |
75 |
R 33 468.75 |
Orion Safari Lodge |
Rusternburg Kloof Road, 0300 |
WSP/ATR workshop |
75 |
R 35 550.00 |
Morning View BnB |
30 High Street, Ixopo |
WSP/ATR workshop |
40 |
R 18 826.50 |
The Caledon Casino |
1 Nerina Avenue, Caledon, WC,7230 |
WSP/ATR workshop |
20 |
R 10 710.00 |
Blue bay Lodge |
Henry Witch Avenue, Blouwaterbaai, Saldhana |
WSP/ATR workshop |
10 |
R7 875.00 |
Idma@Kapel |
Kapel Farm, Vredendal |
WSP/ATR workshop |
10 |
R 4 872.00 |
Garden Court Eastgate |
Ernest Oppenheimer Avenue, Bruma, 2026 |
WSP/ATR workshop |
10 |
R 11 697.00 |
Venue requested for 5 days |
The Shamrock Lodge |
Cnr Thabo Mbeki & Pul Kruger Street, Polokwane, 0699 |
WSP/ATR workshop |
45 |
R 22 811.25 |
Table Mountain Guesthouse |
19 Percheron Street, Malmesbury, WC |
WSP/ATR workshop |
10 |
R 4 515.00 |
Peermont frontier |
Johan Blignaut drive, Betlehem |
WSP/ATR workshop |
30 |
R 15 889.50 |
Provide a sound system, flip charts, markers and overhead projector. |
Royal marang hotel |
Portion 30 of the farm, Boekenhoutfontein, Route R565, 0300 |
RPL Top-Up training |
38 |
R 210 683.00 |
Nongoma Lodge |
Lot 21, Masson Street, Nongoma, 3950 |
WSP/ATR workshop |
50 |
R25 000.00 |
Heiimat guesthouse |
261 Stateway, Jim Fouche Park, Welkom,9640 |
WSP/ATR workshop |
20 |
R12 005.40 |
Riverside Sun Resort |
P.O Box 740, Vanderbijlpark, 1900 |
WSP/ATR workshop |
108 |
R37 380.00 |
Margate Hotel |
Marine Drive, Kwa-Zulu Natal |
WSP/ATR workshop |
30 |
R14 175.00 |
Hotel Osner |
P.O Box 5061, Quigney, 5211 |
WSP/ATR workshop |
107 |
R47 962.00 + 6 018.75 for extra delegates |
Oppi-Koppi Guesthouse |
La Porte Vase 22, Kroonstad, Freestate |
WSP/ATR workshop |
20 |
R16 170.00 |
Phumelela guesthouse |
23 Voortrekker Street, Trompsburg, 9913, |
WSP/ATR workshop |
25 |
R9 630.00 + 2 140 for an extra delegate |
Protea Hotel - Cumberland |
2 Stockenstrom Street, Worcester, WC,6850 |
WSP/ATR workshop |
30 |
R19 530.00 |
Hotel Savoy |
Nelson Mandela Drive, Mthatha, Eastern Cape |
WSP/ATR workshop |
60 |
R35 175.00 |
49 Schreiner Street, De Aar, 7000 |
WSP/ATR workshop |
69 delegates |
R10 528.80 |
Anew Hotel - Hluhluwe |
104 Main Road, Hluhluwe, Kwa-Zulu Natal |
WSP/ATR workshop |
60 delegates |
R30 174.00 |
Kelway Hotel |
Brookes Hill Drive, Humewood, Port Elizabeth, 6130 |
WSP/ATR workshop |
44 delegates |
R 51 360.00 |
Blue bay Lodge |
Henry Witch Avenue, Blouwaterbaai, Saldanha |
WSP/ATR workshop |
9 |
R 2 289.00 |
Xilumani Hotel |
Vuxakeni, Giyani Main Rd |
WSP/ATR workshop |
60 |
R 57 356.25 |
Peermont – Mmabatho Palms |
Nelson Mandela Drive, Mmabatho, Mafikeng |
Moderator Training |
11 |
R 94 185.00 |
Venue booked for 5 days |
Morning View B&B |
30 High Street, Ixopo |
WSP/ATR workshop |
40 |
R 17 930.00 |
Mercure Hotel - Nelspruit |
Cnr N4 Graniet Street, Nelspruit, 1200 |
Discretionary grant workshop |
50 |
R 20 475.00 |
Peermont – Mmabatho Palms |
Nelson Mandela Drive, Mmabatho, Mafikeng |
EOI workshop |
2 Ten Hotel |
1446 Mphephu street |
WSP/ATR workshop |
80 |
R 75 710.00 |
Kweekkraal Guest Farm |
69nRiversdal 6670 |
WSP/ATR workshop |
20 |
R 12 285.00 |
Knysna Hallow Country |
5 Welbedatch Lane, Knysna |
WSP/ATR workshop |
20 |
R 12 705.00 |
Premier hotel Regent |
22 Espalande, Beachfront, East London |
RPL Top-Up training |
118 |
R 328 816.00 |
118 delegates separated in each room; venue must comply with Covid 19 regulations. 5 days conference |
Birchwood Executive Hotel |
Birchwood & OR Tambo Conference Centre |
Moderator Training |
39 |
R 76 644.10 |
venue must comply with Covid 19 regulations. 5 days conference |
Premier Hotel - Pretoria |
573 Stanza Bopepe, Church Street, Arcadia, Pretoria |
Moderator Training |
22 |
R 45 903.00 |
venue must comply with Covid 19 regulations. 5 days conference |
P.O Box 18065 |
Moderator Training |
13 |
R 41 542.75 |
Kings’s Gate Rusternburg |
Donkerhoek Road, Rusternburg, 0300 |
Moderator Training |
23 |
R 76 734.00 |
venue must comply with Covid 19 regulations. 5 days conference |
Mercure Hotel - Nelspruit |
Discretionary grant workshop |
50 |
R 20 475.00 |
Peermont – Mmabatho Palms |
Nelson Mandela Drive, Mmabatho, Mafikeng |
EOI workshop |
150 |
R 93 439.50 |
Polokwane Royal Hotel |
Cnr Jorrisen & Dorp Street,Polokwane |
Discretionary grant workshop |
50 |
R 21 656.25 |
Anew Hotel - Parktoian |
120 De Korte Street, Braamfontein, 2001 |
Discretionary grant workshop |
250 |
R 124 950.00 |
Holiday Inn |
100 North Rand Road, Boksburg, 1462 |
Development of clinical engineer occupational |
15 |
R 15 750.00 |
Mercure Hotel |
33 Bradford Road, Bedfordview |
Development of clinical engineer occupational |
15 |
R 9 765.00 |
R 4 438 240.72 |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
Orion-Safari lodge |
Po Box 31416, Braamfontein Johannesburg |
WSP workshops |
70 |
R 28 108.09 |
Fortis hotel Manor |
1050 Burnett Street Hatfield Pretoria |
Profiling of SAW |
25 |
R 20 303.09 |
Holiday Inn |
100 North rand Road, Boksburg |
RPL Training |
45 |
R 3 375.00 |
Holiday Inn |
100 North Road, Boksburg |
RPL Training |
45 |
R 3 375.00 |
Crown Plaza |
Crown plaza -the Rosebank |
IR training |
13 |
R 975.00 |
Fortis Hotel manor |
Brackens Gardens Po Box 146020 |
Counselling and Curriculum training |
40 |
R 3000.00 |
Stay Easy Eastgate |
8 South Boulevard Bruma |
7 |
R 2 285.00 |
Protea hotel, King George |
King George drive King George Park 6529 |
Discretionary grant |
30 |
R 13 390.50 |
Premier Hotel, the Richards |
3 Hibberd drive Meerensee,3901 |
Discretionary grant workshop |
22 |
R 8 582.48 |
Golden Valley Casino |
Brand wag and roux roads, Worcester |
Discretionary grant workshop |
20 |
R 9 844.00 |
Ermelo Inn |
Ermelo inn Mpumalanga 2351 |
Discretionary grant |
80 |
R 33 897.60 |
Premier hotel regent |
Protea Hotel East London, 22 Esplanade Street |
Discretionary grant |
100 |
R 46 164,60 |
Wind town lagoon resort and spa |
9 Bree Street, Langebaan 7357 |
Discretionary grant |
25 |
R 7 891.50 |
Stay Easy Hotel |
8 South Boulevard Bruma |
E..M Interviews |
7 |
R 2 027.10 |
Stay Easy Hotel |
8 South Boulevard Bruma |
E..M Interviews |
6 |
R 1 802.40 |
Peermont Metcourt Emperors |
64 Jones Road, OR Tambo |
RPL Workshops |
44 |
R 115 373.27 |
Protea hotel hotel, Mafikeng |
80 Nelson Mandela Dr, Mafikeng |
Discretionary grant |
15 |
R 17 028.50 |
Pretea hotel, The Richards |
3 Hibberd Dr Richards Bay |
Discretionary grant |
22 |
R 8 582.48 |
Protea hotel Pretoria |
416 Kirkness Street Arcadia |
Discretionary grant |
67 |
R 31 591.75 |
Protea hotel The Edward |
149 marine parades |
ETQA workshop |
35 |
R 16 761.00 |
Garden court Or Tambo |
2 Hulley road, Isando |
Counselling and cv training |
15 |
R 16 636.36 |
Bon Hotel, Bloemfontein |
Bloem plaza |
Discretionary grant |
65 |
R 23 502.00 |
Stay Easy Hotel |
8 South Boulevard Bruma |
Exco special meeting |
7 |
R 1 808.30 |
Muofhe grace land lodge |
14 d, short street, Thohoyandou |
Discretionary grant workshop |
81 |
R 29 515.40 |
Durbanville conference center |
Durbanville town center |
Discretionary grant workshop |
100 |
R 35 384.35 |
Sun Flamingo |
Flamingo Casino, Kimbelry |
Discretionary grant workshop |
40 |
R 13 969.00 |
Park Inn by Raddison polokwane |
Dorp st, Polokwane |
ERP.ETQA workshop |
45 |
R 10 501.50 |
Orion Hotek Promenade |
Promenade shopping center,14 louis st, Mbombela |
Discretionary grant workshop |
50 |
R 18 794.00 |
Ibhayi Guest lodge |
Ibhayi logde, Guest house, Gqebherha |
Discretionary grant workshop |
85 |
R 29 627.75 |
Destiny exclusive hotel |
Bredel ave, Kempoton park |
Capacity Building |
15 |
R 22 653.61 |
Royal hotel Durban |
267 Anton Lembede Druban central |
Discretionary grant workshop |
25 |
R 28 314.33 |
Destiny exclusive hotel |
Bredel ave, Kempoton park |
Capacity Building |
45 |
R 214 069.00 |
Destiny exclusive hotel |
Bredel ave, Kempoton park |
Stakeholder session |
15 |
R 16 900.00 |
Peermont Mmabatho |
1 Neslosn mandela, Mahifekng |
Discretionary grant workshop |
30 |
R 11 025.80 |
1 Olifantshoek road, Keidebees, uping ton |
Discretionary grant workshop |
20 |
R 10 767.93 |
The aviator hotel |
2 Bosch Avenue Kempton Park |
Discretionary grant workshop |
121 |
R 6 547.85 |
Extras |
President hotel and conference |
4 Alexandra Road, cape town |
90 |
R 167 499.00 |
Protea hotel Klerksdorp |
Barend street, Klerksdorp |
Discretionary grant workshop |
30 |
R 12 074.40 |
Town Logde -George |
1 Kysna road, George |
RPL workshop |
12 |
R 56 150.31 |
Two weeks |
Stanville Inn |
Dabreake, Lejweleputswa |
80 |
R 65 572.09 |
Stellenbosch Lodge |
Paradyskloof, stellebosch |
RPL workshop |
80 |
R 110 997.19 |
Ngwenya hotel conference |
Shifontein, klerksdorp |
RPL workshop |
50 |
R 74 798.72 |
Premier hotel-East london |
22 Esplanade Street, East London |
RPL workshop |
90 |
R 283 799.89 |
Kopanong Hotel |
243 Glen gory road, Benoni |
Rpl workshop |
20 |
R 213 649.25 |
Two weeks |
Garden court |
Cnr John Baile, Mooi str, East London |
RPL workshop |
30 |
R 39 477.75 |
Kelway hotel |
Brookes hill, Gqeberha |
Discretionary grant workshop |
25 |
R 25 774.75 |
Fortis hotel |
Van der Walt, Pretoria |
Saw review session |
30 |
R 23 425.09 |
Grden court Mthatha |
Nelson Mandela drive, Mthatha |
Discretionary grant workshop |
60 |
R 28 620.99 |
Tsogo Sun Or Tambo |
Or Tambo airport, Jones Road, Johannesburg |
RPL workshop |
25 |
R 68 264.82 |
Tsogo Sun Or Tambo |
Or Tambo airport, Jones Road, Johannesburg |
RPL workshop |
25 |
R 68 069.69 |
Ritsako Lodge |
Kaalgate, cullianan |
WSP workshop |
90 |
R 53 463.19 |
George Lodge |
Davison road, George |
WSP workshop |
30 |
R 10 379.59 |
Durbanville conference centre |
Durbanville town centre, Cape town |
WSP workshop |
80 |
R 106 000.68 |
Premier Hotel -Or Tambo |
Gladiator Street Kempton Park |
Skills development |
150 |
R 76 917.22 |
Izimbali Lodge |
Forie st, Errmelo |
Wsp workshop |
70 |
R 29 262.12 |
Protea hotel Landmark |
Northbound, cape town |
Fraud and risk training |
16 |
R 8 283.39 |
Durbanville conference centre |
Durbanville town centre, Cape town |
WSP workshop |
70 |
R 32 117.63 |
Margate hotel |
Marine drive, Margate |
WSP workshop |
40 |
R 17 850.09 |
Fortis hotel |
Van der Walt, Pretoria |
WSP workshop |
90 |
R 36 693.59 |
Garden court-Kings Beach |
La Roche drive, Gqeberha |
WSP workshop |
65 |
R 32 261,.47 |
Gold reef city theme park hotel |
14 Northern Parkway Road, Johannesburg |
WSP workshop |
60 |
R 29 814.04 |
Melkboomdrift guest lodge |
Farm street, Vredendal |
WSP workshop |
20 |
R 15 012.42 |
Protea hotel Cumberland |
Stockenstrom Street, Worcester |
WSP workshop |
30 |
R 20 916.34 |
The Shakespeare Inn |
Vanderbilpark, Vaal |
Stakeholder seating |
65 |
R 27 322.02 |
Molopo Travel |
Naas Raubenhelmer, Vryburg |
WSP workshop |
80 |
R 33 906.06 |
Protea hotel By Marriot |
Protea hotel, Bloemfontein |
WSP workshop |
50 |
R 19 522.59 |
Protea hotel Landmark |
Northbound, Polokwane |
WSP workshop |
75 |
R 27 466.97 |
Hotel savoy |
Nelson Mandela drive, Mthatha |
WSP workshop |
65 |
R 50 084.74 |
Horseshoe inn |
Memorial road, Kimbelry |
WSP workshop |
30 |
R 6 031.09 |
Horseshoe inn |
Memorial road, Kimbelry |
Wsp workshop |
20 |
R 4 024.09 |
Protea hotel, Mafikeng |
80 Nelson Mandela Dr, Mafikeng |
ETQA capacity building |
45 |
R 19 578.34 |
Khayalami Lodge |
Vaneijk.Mbombela |
ETQA capacity building |
50 |
R 18 923.28 |
Protea hotel, Mafikeng |
80 Nelson Mandela Dr, Mafikeng |
Wsp workshop |
70 |
R1 266.70 |
Premier hotel regent |
Protea Hotel East London, 22 Esplanade Street |
ETQA capacity building |
80 |
R 33 225.94 |
Orion-Safari lodge |
Po Box 31416, Braamfontein Johannesburg |
ETQA capacity building |
80 |
R 28 108.09 |
Fortis hotel |
Van der valt, Pretoria |
ETQA capacity building |
30 |
R 20 303 |
Hotel Osner |
Court Crescent, East London |
Wsp workshops |
70 |
R 54 143.34 |
Birchwood hotel |
Viewpoint road, Barriett,1627 |
Assessor and moderator training |
39 |
R 114 966.15 |
Peermont met court |
64 Jones Road, Kempton Park |
WSP workshop |
100 |
R 52 736.02 |
Protea hotel Bloemfontein |
202 Nelson Mandela drive |
Wsp workshop |
60 |
R 28 569.00 |
The shamrock Hotel |
81 Kleinberg Street |
Wsp workshop |
50 |
R 31 698.75 |
Hotel Osner |
Quinney East London |
Wsp workshop |
107 |
R 48 321.20 |
Garden court-Kings Beach |
La Roche drive, Gqeberha |
WSP workshop |
90 |
R 56 817.00 |
Protea hotel Klerksdorp |
Barend street, Klerksdorp |
Wsp workshop |
60 |
R 27 560.00 |
Protea hotel Cumberland |
Stockenstrom str, Worcester |
Graduation |
50 |
R 20 916.34 |
Town Lodge-George |
1 Kysna road, George |
Wsp workshop |
32 |
R 16 777.60 |
Radisson blu-Durban |
7Lagoon drive, Umhlanga rocks |
AGM - |
200 |
R 227 293.69 |
Kleivits Kroon country estate |
Plat 41, Reier street, Kameelfrift |
Graduation |
264 |
R314 166.12 |
President hotel& conference |
1 Union Avenue, Naval, bfn |
Graduation |
109 |
R 102 164.67 |
RH hotel -Pretoria |
Trevena street, Sunny Park, Pretoria |
RPL workshop |
50 |
R 156 755.00 |
Birchwood Hotel |
Viewpoint road, Boksburg |
RPL Workshop |
90 |
R 281 137.50 |
Garden court Eastgate |
Ernest Oppenheimer Bruma, Johannesburg |
Finance workshop |
20 |
R 12 550.65 |
Mercure hotel |
33bradford hotel, Bedfordview |
Finance and SDP workshop |
30 |
R 19 206.00 |
Birchwood Hotel |
Viewpoint road, Boksburg |
RPL Workshop |
90 |
R 239 662.50 |
Khoroni Hotel |
Casino Blvd., Thohoyandou,0950 |
Wsp workshop |
120 |
R 80 692.50 |
Desert Place |
1 Olifantshoek road, Keidebees, Upington |
WSP workshop |
45 |
R 19 419.75 |
Frontier Inn |
Johan Blignaut drive |
WSP workshop |
30 |
R 17 325.00 |
Emnotweni casino |
13666 Benmore Street, Mbombela |
WSP workshop |
80 |
R 35 280.00 |
Dumikiyo Bakery |
652212 Benmore Street, Mbombela |
WSP workshop |
100 |
R 49 027.00 |
Hotel 224 |
Leyds street, Arcadia, Pretoria |
WSP workshop |
80 |
R 38 134.37 |
Garden court Marine Parade |
167 Or Tambo Parade, Durban |
WSP Workshop |
144 |
R 77 754.60 |
Royal Hotel Durban |
267 Smith Street, Durban |
Expression of Interest workshop in Durban |
200 |
R 83 674 |
Protea Hotel Bloemfontein |
101 Henry Street, Willows Bloemfontein |
Discretionary grant workshop in Bloemfontein |
60 |
R 28 890 |
Hotel Osner |
P.O Box 18065, Quigney, 5211 |
Discretionary grant workshop in East London |
111 |
R 49 567.75 |
Two Oceans Aquarium |
Dock Road, V& A waterfront, Cape Town |
Discretionary grant workshop in cape Town |
150 |
R 191 594.94 |
Garden Court Kimberly |
120 Du Toitspan Road, Kimberly, 8301 |
Expression of Interest workshop in Kimberly |
50 |
R 19 795 |
Turnup Society (PTY) LTD |
592 Dalphuim Street Midrand, 1685 |
Catering for health care quality improvement |
25 |
R 18 742.50 |
R 5 348 002.11 |
(i) Name of the venue |
ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
Garden Court Polokwane |
Corner Thabo Mbeki and Paul Kruger Street Polokwane, 0699 |
Discretionary Grant workshop In Polokwane |
50 |
R 21 750 |
Blackrock Tsogo Sun |
100 Allen Street, Newcastle, 2940 |
WSP /ATR workshop in Newcastle |
60 |
R 36 433.50 |
Horseshoe Motel |
Horseshoe Centre, Memorial Weg, Kimberley |
Expression of Interest workshop in Kimberly |
50 |
R 13 910 |
A New Hotel Parktonian |
120 De Korte Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001 |
Expression of Interest workshop in Johannesburg |
120 |
R 60 990 |
Hotel Osner |
P.O Box 18065, Quigney,5211 |
Discretionary Grant workshop In East London |
120 |
R 57 459 |
Birchwood Executive Hotel |
Viewpoint Road, Bartlett, Boksburg |
Audit Workshop for financial period 2023-2024 |
60 |
R 70 192 |
Mercure Hotel Nelspruit |
Corner N4 and Graniet Street, Nelspruit,1200 |
Expression of Interest workshop in Nelspruit |
70 |
R 31 458 |
Royal Hotel Durban |
267 Anton Lembede Street, Durban |
Discretionary Grant workshop In Durban |
80 |
R 37 139.70 |
Holiday Inn Johannesburg Airport |
100 North Rand Road, Boksburg, 1462 |
Retirement celebration |
110 |
R 78 259.80 |
Southern Sun ORT Airport |
Jones Road, OR tambo International Airport, Kempton Park, 1620 |
HWSETA Social Development Stakeholder session |
60 |
R 88 698 |
Southern Sun ORT Airport |
Jones Road, OR tambo International Airport, Kempton Park, 1620 |
HWSETA Health Sector Stakeholder session |
60 |
R 123 712.05 |
Mercure Hotel East Gate |
33 Bradford Road, Bedfordview, 2008 |
Skills Development Workshop |
25 |
R 14 647.50 |
Skukuza Safari Lodge |
Kruger National Park Tshokwane, Skukuza Rest Camp, Skukuza, 1350 |
130 |
R 523 449 |
R 1 158 098.55 |
(a)(i) (aa) Total cost of events arranged for the past five years? |
R 5 450 467.67 |
(a)(i)(bb) Total cost of events arranged since 1 January 2024 to date? |
R 998 754.45 |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
The Capital Melrose |
Atholl Oaklands road, cnr, Kernick Ave, Melrose North, Johannesburg, 2196 |
Boardroom booking for an executive meeting. |
4 |
R 3 116.40 |
The Capital Melrose Arch |
Atholl Oaklands road, cnr, Kernick Ave, Melrose North, Johannesburg, 2196 |
Insurance Sector Student Fund (ISSF) Launch |
120 delegates |
R 48 617.50 |
CTICC, Cape Town |
Convention Square, 1 Lower Long Street, Cape Town, 8001 |
Ministerial Project and Rural Development Learnership Graduation Ceremony |
150 Delegates |
R 34 167.65 |
Bolivia Lodge |
Unnamed Road, Bendor, Polokwane, 0704 |
Ministerial Project and Rural Development Learnership Graduation Ceremony |
125 delegates |
R 112 865.05 |
Premier Richards Bay |
Richards Bay |
Ministerial Project and Rural Development Learnership Graduation Ceremony |
80 delegates |
R 80 660.00 |
Southern Sun Cape Sun |
23 Strand St, Cape Town City Centre, Cape Town, 8000 |
INSETA Graduation Ceremony for the Learning Division for Youth |
80 delegates |
R 75 031.04 |
A New Hotel Parktonian |
120 De Korte St, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2017 |
INSETA Graduation Ceremony for the Learning Division for Youth |
100 delegates |
R 76 108.00 |
Protea Hotel Clarens |
Corner Of Main &, Van Der Merwe St, Clarens, 9707 |
INSETA Graduation Ceremony for the Learning Division for Youth |
70 delegates |
R 37 863.20 |
Protea Hotel Wanderers |
Corner Corlette Drive And, Rudd Rd, Illovo, 2196 |
Annual General Meeting |
120 delegates |
R 143 212.16 |
Southern Sun Cape Sun |
23 Strand St, Cape Town City Centre, Cape Town, 8000 |
INSETA CEO Stakeholder Engagements |
100 delegates |
R 60 269.50 |
Radisson Blu Sandton |
Rivonia Rd, Daisy St, &, Sandton, 2196 |
INSETA CEO Stakeholder Engagements |
180 delegates |
R 117 708.00 |
Bolivia Lodge |
Unnamed Road, Bendor, Polokwane, 0704 |
INSETA CEO Stakeholder Engagements |
35 delegates |
R 25 010.00 |
Garden Court East London |
Corner John Bailie And, Moore St, Quigney, East London, 5200 |
INSETA CEO Stakeholder Engagements |
35 delegates |
R 18 820.00 |
Southern Sun Elangeni |
63 Snell Parade, North Beach, Durban, 4001 |
INSETA CEO Stakeholder Engagements |
70 delegates. |
R 49 780.00 |
Hilton Sandton |
138 Rivonia Rd, Sandown, Sandton, 2196 |
INSETA COO, Stakeholder Engagements |
9 delegates |
R 51 411.00 |
Memoire Venue |
Farm Valley, R374, Muldersdrift, 1747 |
Staff Development and Wellness Day |
115 delegates |
R 215 171.74 |
Southern Sun Rosebank |
Corner Tyrwitt and, Sturdee Ave, Rosebank, Johannesburg, 2132 |
Board Strategic Planning Session |
22 delegates |
R 20 547.50 |
Mabula Game Lodge |
Private Bag X1665, 0480 |
INSETA Strategic Planning |
37 delegates |
R 221 384.00 |
Raddisson Blu Sandton |
Rivonia Rd, Daisy St, &, Sandton, 2196 |
INSETA OPDR Planning Strategic Session. |
11 delegates |
R 7 849.30 |
Glen Burn |
Kromdraai Road, Zwartkops, Muldersdrift, 1747 |
Discretionary Grants Adjudication Committee meeting |
5 delegates |
R 20 499.08 |
The Radisson Blu Hotel Sandton |
Rivonia Rd, Daisy St, &, Sandton, 2196 |
Discretionary Grants Evaluation Committee meeting |
6 delegates |
R 19 122.40 |
The Maslow Hotel |
Rivonia Rd, Grayston Dr, Gauteng, Sandton, 2146 |
ISSF Anniversary |
120 delegates |
R 131 132.60 |
The Protea Hotel Fire & Ice! by Marriott® Durban |
14 Palm Boulevard Umhlanga Ridge, Umhlanga Rocks, Durban, 4320 |
INSETA Compliance Workshop |
26 delegates |
R 22 268.48 |
The Hyatt Regency Cape Town |
126 Buitengracht St, Cape Town City Centre, Cape Town, 8000 |
INSETA Compliance Workshop (Cape Town) |
36 delegates |
R 19 207.20 |
East London International Convention Centre |
Esplanade, 22 Esplanade St, Quigney, East London, 5201 |
INSETA Compliance Workshop. |
41 delegates. |
R 30 178.20 |
Marriott Johannesburg Melrose Arch |
42 The High St, Melrose, Johannesburg, 2076 |
INSETA Research Colloquium |
150 delegates |
R 180 987.32 |
Johannesburg Marriott Hotel Melrose Arch |
42 The High St, Melrose, Johannesburg, 2076 |
INSETA Board Meeting and Annual General Meeting |
150 delegates |
R 228 213.76 |
54 on Bath |
54 Bath Ave, Rosebank, Johannesburg, 2196 |
Venue for INSETA Interviews |
5 delegates |
R 5 962.50 |
BON Hotel Waterfront Richards Bay |
Corner of Bridgetown and, Pioneer Rd, TuziGazi Waterfront, Richards Bay, 3901 |
INSETA and Umfolozi TVET College Graduation Ceremony – Richards Bay, KZN |
76 Delegates |
R 123 350.08 |
N2 National, Ndabakazi, 4962 |
King Hintsa TVET College, Butterworth Graduation Ceremony |
76 delegates |
R 94 043.20 |
Mayfair Hotel |
35 Errol Spring Ave, Umtata Part 1, Mthatha, 5099 |
King Sabata Dalindyebo TVET College, Mthatha Graduation Ceremony |
72 delegates |
R 57 163.68 |
Graduation Decor (Remarkable Events) R 5 316.96 |
54 Bath Ave |
54 Bath Ave, Rosebank, Johannesburg, 219 |
INSETA Interviews in Johannesburg |
6 delegates |
R 6 402.40 |
Southern Sun Rosebank Hotel |
Corner Tyrwitt and, Sturdee Ave, Rosebank, Johannesburg, 2132 |
INSETA Board Risk Management Workshop |
24 delegates |
R 15 162.24 |
54 on Bath |
54 Bath Ave, Rosebank, Johannesburg, 219 |
Extended Executive Management Meeting |
25 delegates |
R 27 837.46 |
Protea Hotel Wanderers |
Corner Corlette Drive And, Rudd Rd, Illovo, 2196 |
Sector Skills Facilitator (SSF) Meeting |
20 delegates |
R 11 946.20 |
Capital On the Park |
101 Katherine St, Sandown, Sandton, 2031 |
INSETA Employment Equity Training, |
14 delegates |
R 23 033.01 |
54 on Bath Rosebank |
54 Bath Ave, Rosebank, Johannesburg, 219 |
INSETA Executive Induction Programme |
28 delegates |
R 27 793.20 |
Southern Sun Sandton |
123 Rivonia Rd, Sandown, Sandton, 2196 |
INSETA NSA Consultation |
42 delegates |
R 27 439.16 |
Radisson Blu Gautrain Hotel, Sandton Johannesburg |
Rivonia Rd & West St Sandton, Benmore, Johannesburg, 2196 |
INSETA Compliance Workshop |
141 delegates |
R 111 236.40 |
East London International Convention Centre |
Esplanade, 22 Esplanade St, Quigney, East London, 5201 |
INSETA Compliance Workshop: East London |
41 delegates |
R 30 178.20 |
The Protea Hotel Fire & Ice! by Marriott® Durban uMhlanga Ridge |
14 Palm Boulevard Umhlanga Ridge, Umhlanga Rocks, Durban, 4320 |
INSETA Compliance Workshop (Durban) |
R 18 507.60 |
The Capital Empire |
177 Empire Pl, Sandhurst, Sandton, 2196 |
INSETA Extended Executive Management Planning Session |
37 delegates |
R 20 786.60 |
Sun Meropa Hotel |
Meropa Casino & Entertainment World, 59 Prov Roodepoort St, Ivypark X14, Polokwane, 0699 |
INSETA CEO Stakeholder Engagement in Polokwane |
30 delegates |
R 21 242.40 |
Radisson Blu Port Elizabeth |
Nelson Mandela Bay, Marine Dr, Summerstrand, 9th Ave, & Gqeberha, 600 |
INSETA CEO Stakeholder Engagement in Port Elizabeth |
50 delegates |
R 82 680.00 |
Radisson Blu Umhlanga |
7 Lagoon Dr, Umhlanga, Durban, 4320 |
INSETA CEO Stakeholder Engagement in Durban |
50 delegates |
R 84 503.20 |
Southern Sun Cape Sun |
23 Strand St, Cape Town City Centre, Cape Town, 8000 |
INSETA CEO Stakeholder Engagement in Cape Town |
60 delegates |
R 66 838.57 |
The Capital on the Park |
101 Katherine St, Sandown, Sandton, 2031 |
INSETA Excellence Model Staff Workshop |
120 delegates |
R 77 433.80 |
The Radisson Blu Hotel Sandton |
Rivonia Rd, Daisy St, &, Sandton, 2196 |
Discretionery Grants Evaluation Committee Meeting |
6 delegates |
R 19 122.40 |
Radisson Blu Gautrain Hotel |
Rivonia Rd & West St Sandton, Benmore, Johannesburg, 2196 |
INSETA CEO Stakeholder Engagement |
200 delegates |
R 186 565.30 |
54 On Bath |
54 Bath Ave, Rosebank, Johannesburg, 2196 |
Human Resource Interviews |
6 delegates |
R 11 511.60 |
The Capital Empire |
177 Empire Pl, Sandhurst, Sandton, 2196 |
Discretionery Grants Adjudication Committee meeting in Johannesburg |
6 delegates |
R 19 779.60 |
Protea Hotel Wanderers |
Corner Corlette Drive And, Rudd Rd, Illovo, 2196 |
Board Strategic Planning Session |
22 delegates |
R 13 525.60 |
The Capital Empire |
177 Empire Pl, Sandhurst, Sandton, 2196 |
Stakeholder Consultative Meeting |
40 delegates |
R 27 772.00 |
Glenburn Lodge |
Kromdraai Road, Zwartkops, Muldersdrift, 1747 |
INSETA Discretionery Grants Evaluation Committee Sitting |
7 delegates |
R 74 206.36 |
Protea Hotel Wanderers |
Corner Corlette Drive And, Rudd Rd, Illovo, 2196 |
INSETA IT MIS workshop for stakeholders |
25 delegates |
R 16 006.00 |
Hilton Sandton |
138 Rivonia Rd, Sandown, Sandton, 2196 |
INSETA Discretionery Grants Evaluation Committee meeting |
6 delegates |
R 7 685.00 |
Protea Hotel Wanderers |
Corner Corlette Drive And, Rudd Rd, Illovo, 2196 |
PFMA Bid Committee Training |
16 delegates |
R 53 397.55 |
Riverside Sun |
Cnr. Wenning and, Emfuleni Dr, Vanderbijlpark S. W. 5, Vanderbijlpark, 1900 |
INSETA Discretionery Grants Evaluation Committee meeting 20th until the 22nd of April 2023 |
6 delegates |
R 28 078.02 |
The Houghton Hotel |
Lloys Ellis Ave, Houghton Estate, Johannesburg, 2198 |
Extended Executive Management meeting - April 2023 |
5 delegates |
R 5 057.57 |
Garden Court Nelson Mandela |
Corner Melbourne and Coronation Road &, Melbourne Rd, Walmer Estate, Cape Town, 8001 |
SASBO Graduation Venue – Cape Town |
100 delegates |
R 148 578.61 |
The Maslow Sandton |
Rivonia Rd, Grayston Dr, Gauteng, Sandton, 2146 |
SASBO Graduation Venue in Johannesburg |
150 delegates |
R 192 452.28 |
Radisson Blu Gautrain Hotel |
Rivonia Rd & West St Sandton, Benmore, Johannesburg, 2196 |
INSETA CEO Stakeholder Engagement in Johannesburg |
200 delegates |
R 186 565.30 |
The Radisson Blu Hotel Sandton |
Rivonia Rd, Daisy St, &, Sandton, 2196 |
Discretionery Grants Evaluation Committee meeting |
6 delegates. |
R 19 122.40 |
Protea Hotel Fire & Ice! by Marriott® Durban uMhlanga |
14 Palm Boulevard Umhlanga Ridge, Umhlanga Rocks, Durban, 4320 |
INSETA Compliance Workshop in Kwazulu Natal |
50 delegates |
R 34 344.00 |
The East London International Convention Centre |
Esplanade, 22 Esplanade St, Quigney, East London, 5201 |
INSETA Compliance Workshop in East London |
50 delegates |
R 34 831.60 |
Southern Sun Cape sun |
23 Strand St, Cape Town City Centre, Cape Town, 8000 |
INSETA Compliance Workshop in Cape Town |
50 delegates |
R 33 390.00 |
The Capital Empire |
177 Empire Pl, Sandhurst, Sandton, 2196 |
INSETA Compliance Workshop in Johannesburg |
150 delegates |
R 116 254.97 |
East London International Convention Centre |
Esplanade, 22 Esplanade St, Quigney, East London, 5201 |
ETQA Information Session Workshop, in East London on |
25 delegates. |
R 22 127.50 |
Radisson Blu GautrainSandton |
Rivonia Rd & West St Sandton, Benmore, Johannesburg, 2196 |
ETQA Information Session / Workshop in Johannesburg |
120 delegates |
R 98 071.20 |
The Splendid Inn by Premier Umhlanga |
1 Umhlanga Ridge Blvd, Umhlanga Ridge, Durban North, 4319 |
ETQA Information Session / Workshop in Durban |
50 delegates |
R 39 167.00 |
Taj Cape Town |
1 Wale Street corner Saint Georges Mall, Wale St, Cape Town City Centre, Cape Town, 8000 |
ETQA Information Session / Workshop in Cape Town |
40 delegates |
R 34 132.00 |
R 6,148.00 (AV system for Taj Cape Town) |
Holiday Inn Sandton |
Woodmead North Office Park, 54 Maxwell Dr, Sandton, 2191 |
QCTO Transition Committee Workshop |
14 delegates. |
R 7 939.40 |
Southern Sun Rosebank |
Corner Tyrwitt and, Sturdee Ave, Rosebank, Johannesburg, 2132 |
INSETA Interviews – 30 May 2023, 06 – 07 June 2023 |
Sandton Convention Centre |
161 Maude Street, Sandton, Gauteng, South Africa PO Box 782553 Sandton, 2146 |
INSETA Board Meeting and Annual General Meeting |
250 delegates |
R 461 692.73 |
Park Inn by Radisson |
118 Katherine St, Sandown, Johannesburg, 2196 |
Skills Sector Plan Workshop Venue - Cape Town |
20 delegates |
R 11 884.00 |
The Capital Empire |
177 Empire Pl, Sandhurst, Sandton, 2196 |
Discretionery Grants Adjudication Committee meeting |
6 delegates |
R 64 617.60 |
Garden Court South Beach |
73 Marine Parade, South Beach, Durban, 4001 |
WSP/ATR Workshop in Durban 17th of February 2023 |
50 delegates |
R 45 592.00 |
Anew Hotel Parktonian Hotel |
120 De Korte St, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2017 |
WSP/ATR Workshop in Johannesburg - 3rd of February 2023 |
100 delegates. |
R 63 241.00 |
Radisson Blu Port Elizabeth |
Nelson Mandela Bay, Marine Dr, Summerstrand, 9th Ave, & Gqeberha, 6001 |
WSP/ATR Workshop in Port Elizabeth |
30 delegates |
R 25 331.35 |
Fountains Hotel |
City Center, 1 St Georges Mall, Cape Town City Centre, Cape Town, 8001 |
WSP/ATR Workshop IN Cape Town 28th of February 2023 |
70 delegates. |
R 46 546.00 |
The Maslow Sandton |
Rivonia Rd, Grayston Dr, Gauteng, Sandton, 2146 |
Discretionery Grants Adjudication Committee meeting |
5 delegates. |
R 36 437.50 |
The Taj Cape Town |
1 Wale Street corner Saint Georges Mall, Wale St, Cape Town City Centre, Cape Town, 8000 |
INSETA MIS Enhancements for 2025/26 Mandatory grants Applications |
15 delegates |
R 10 414.50 |
The PROTEA Hotel Fire & Ice! by Marriott Durban Umhlanga Ridge. |
14 Palm Boulevard Umhlanga Ridge, Umhlanga Rocks, Durban, 4320 |
INSETA MIS Enhancements for 2025/26 Mandatory grants Applications in Durban |
15 delegates |
R 11 169.75 |
Blue Water Hotel |
175 Snell Parade, Marine Parade, Durban, 4056 |
INSETA Mandatory Grant Application Workshop in Durban 13th of March 2024 |
70 delegates. |
R 49 926.00 |
The Papper Club Hotel |
167 Loop St, Cape Town City Centre, Cape Town, 8005 |
INSETA Mandatory Grant Application Workshops in Cape Town on the 27th of March 2024 |
70 delegates. |
R 64 691.80 |
54 on Bath Rosebank |
54 Bath Ave, Rosebank, Johannesburg, 2196 |
INSETA Executive Induction Programme |
28 delegates. |
R 27 793.20 |
The Southern Sun Sandton |
123 Rivonia Rd, Sandown, Sandton, 2196 |
INSETA Internship Graduate Development Programme Exam Venue Hire in Gauteng Province |
26 students |
R 80 984.00 |
The Capital Empire |
177 Empire Pl, Sandhurst, Sandton, 2196 |
INSETA Stakeholder Consultative Meeting |
40 delegates |
R 27 772.00 |
Radisson Blu Gautrain Hotel |
Rivonia Rd & West St Sandton, Benmore, Johannesburg, 2196 |
INSETA Internship Graduate Development Programme Supplementary Exam Venue |
20 students |
R 7 950.00 |
(a)(i)(aa) Total cost of events arranged for the past five years? |
R 2 084 300.11 |
(a)(i)(bb) Total cost of events arranged since 1 January 2024 to date? |
R 989 107.65 |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
Sun arena conference center |
MANCO meeting |
LGSETA management |
261 697.04 |
Boesies Lake Umuzi |
SDF Forum |
Sdf and LGSETA |
35285 |
Emperors Palace |
40819.79 |
Drakensberg sun resort |
SDF Forum |
86 284.80 |
Emperors Palace |
206953.44 |
Crystal Lagoon lodge |
SDF Forum |
31 672.00 |
Jozini Tiger lodge |
SDF Forum |
72 716.00 |
Peermont Umfolozi hotel |
SDF Forum |
160 325.00 |
Anew Hotel highveld |
LGSETA workshop |
LGSETA employees |
35 042.50 |
Durban ICC |
LGSETA management |
76 069.88 |
Elangeni & Maharani |
LGSETA management |
125 028.60 |
Emperor Palace |
LGSETA Stakeholders |
304 174.04 |
Garden Court Ulundi |
SDF Forum |
70 598.60 |
Hilton Hotel Sandton |
LGSETA workshop |
LGSETA employees |
402 994.10 |
Ilanga Estate |
Free state imbizo |
LGSETA Stakeholders |
78 564.02 |
Protea hotel Mafikeng |
SDF Forum |
48 781.30 |
Kopano Mokeng |
SDF Forum |
47 294.00 |
The Spotted Grunter resort |
SDF Forum |
42 800.00 |
Protea Hotel landmark |
SDF Forum |
33 000.00 |
Durban ICC |
SDP conference |
76 791.34 |
Premier Hotel |
SDF Forum |
62 420.00 |
The Maslow |
Bid Committee |
LGSETA-Bid Committee |
67101.01 |
AHA Getaway |
Board Engagement |
175836 |
Ekhayeni-BFN |
Ekhayeni Conference |
50880 |
Sun Arena Conference Center |
Strategic Session |
LGSETA-Strategic Session |
480279.3 |
(a)(i)(aa) Total cost of events arranged for the past five years? |
R 7 257 105,23 |
(a)(i)(bb) Total cost of events arranged since 1 January 2024 to date? |
R4 533 175,79 |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
2020 |
Radisson Blu Gautrain, Sandton, Johannesburg Cnr Rivonnia Road and West Street |
Venue Rental |
34 delegates |
24 101,00 |
2021 |
Orion Hotel and Resorts at Velmore Hotel & Spa |
96 Main Road, Hennaps River Erasmia Pretoria |
Venue Rental |
36 delegates |
108 959,00 |
2022 |
Southern Sun Marine |
5th and 6th Avenue Marline Drive Port Elizabeth |
Special Functions |
14 235,00 |
Parktownian and Southern Sun |
2022/02/28 |
Special Functions |
40 248,00 |
River Meadow Manor |
1 Twin River Estate, Jan Smuts Avenue, Irene 0062 |
Venue Rental |
35 delegates |
57 460,00 |
Premier Hotel |
73 Geldiatoe Street, Rhoesfield, Johannesburg |
170 delegates |
117 760,00 |
Bitchwood Hotel |
Viewpoint Road, Brlett, Boksburg ,1459 |
Staff wellness |
300 delegates |
620 636,00 |
2023 |
Zudonetix (PTY)LTD |
5 Benmore Drive, Sandton, Gauteng |
IT Stat Session |
10 delegates |
10 750,00 |
Southern Sun -The Marine |
5th and 6th Avenue Marline Drive Port Elizabeth |
Special Functions |
12 200,00 |
Capital Empire |
177 Empire Place Cnr Rivonia, Sandton |
Special Functions |
20 delegates |
12 714,00 |
Anew Hotel Highveld |
Financial Square, Mandela St, Witbank Emalahleni |
Venue Rental |
14 650,00 |
Anew Hotel Highveld |
Financial Square, Mandela St, Witbank Emalahleni |
Venue Rental |
20 412,00 |
Captial Empire |
177 Empire Place Cnr Rivonia, Sandton |
Special Functions |
25 Delegates |
22 045,24 |
Radisson Blu Gautrain, Sandton, Johannesburg Cnr Rivonnia Road and West Street |
Risk Management meeting |
30 Delegates |
32 248,00 |
Capital Empire |
177 Empire Place Cnr Rivonia, Sandton |
Special Functions |
20 delegates |
39 200,00 |
Premier Hotel |
OR Tambo |
Internal stakeholder engangement and ops meeting |
86 delegates |
54 000,00 |
Southern Sun Elangeni Maharani |
63 Snell Parade Durban 4001 |
Auto Chamber 23 -24 November 2023 |
21 delegates |
82 403,80 |
Emperors Palace |
64 Jones Road. Kempton Park |
Venue Rental |
84 391,00 |
Rush t/a Garden Court Kings Beach |
La Roche Drive Humewood |
New Tyre Chamber 14-15 September 2023 |
24 delegates |
91 800,00 |
Anew Hotel Highveld |
Financial Square, Mandela St, Witbank Emalahleni |
Venue Rental |
109 594,00 |
Sandton Hotel |
2023/10/31 |
Special Functions |
119 425,00 |
Premier Hotel OR Tambo |
2023/06/30 |
Special Functions |
150 695,00 |
Increspec 2019 t/a Premier Hotel OR Tambo |
73 Gladiator Street, Rhodesfield, Johannesburg |
Policy Indaba Conference |
23 delegates |
154 095,00 |
Bitchwood Hotel |
Viewpoint Road, Brlett, Boksburg ,1459 |
Staff wellness |
300 delegates |
729 907,40 |
2024 |
Bloem Southern Sun |
Nelson Mandela Dr & 120 Melville Dr, Bloemfontein, 9301 |
Strategic Planning Session – Bloemfontein 21 June2024 |
10 delegates |
6 690,00 |
Radisson Red Rosebank |
4 Parks Boulevard, Oxford Parks Dunkeld, Johannesburg |
10 delegates |
6 950,00 |
Raddison Red, Rosebank |
4 Parks Boulevard, Oxford Parks Dunkeld Johannesburg |
Audit Meeting |
10 delegates |
7 100,00 |
Ashbrook Investments 72 t/a Raddison Blu Gauteng Hotel |
Corner Rivonia Road and West Street Sandton |
MANCO meeting |
20 delegates |
15 510,00 |
The Capital Hotel Empire |
177 Empire Sandton |
Risk Management Strat Session |
25 delegates |
16 125,00 |
Increspec 2019 t/a Premier Hotel OR Tambo |
73 Gladiator Street, Rhodesfield, Johannesburg |
AA and Senior Managers workshop |
35 delegates |
31 000,00 |
Radisson Red Rosebank |
4 Parks Boulevard Oxford Parks Dunkeld Johannesburg 2196 |
COO’s Office Accommodation and Venue Hire |
21 delegates |
32 660,00 |
Radisson Red Hotel |
4 Parks Boulveld Oxford Parks Dunkeld Johannesburg |
Venue Rental |
21 Delegates |
48 510,00 |
Southern Sun Hotel Interest t/a Southern Sun Cape Sun |
Strand Street Cape Twon 8000 |
merSETA Western Cape Stakeholder Engagement Session – 26 April 2024 |
60 delegates |
50 651,75 |
Increspec 2019 t/a Premier Hotel OR Tambo |
73 Gladiator Street, Rhodesfield, Johannesburg |
Internal Stakeholder Engagement |
69 delegates |
54 400,00 |
Emperors Palace |
64 Jones Road. Kempton Park |
EON Stakeholder Session |
100 delegates |
55 497,00 |
Emperors Palace t/a Peermont Global (Pty) Ltd |
64 Jones Road Kempton Park |
Auto Chambers 19 -20 September 2024 |
24 delegates |
61 340,00 |
Marriott Cape Town Crystal Tower |
Century City 7441, South Africa |
MPL Regional Office Vist by CSE |
100 delegates |
72 500,00 |
Kloofzizcht Lodge |
Muldersdrift |
AA and GSC Workshop |
30 delegates |
77 130,00 |
Zudonetix t/a Sandton Hotel |
5 Benmore Drive, Benmore Gardens |
AA Strat review workshop |
35 delegates |
79 860,00 |
Radisson Red Hotel |
24-Oct-24 |
Venue Rental |
89 320,00 |
Blem Spa Hotel & Conference Centre |
Rayton Road Lilvale Bloemfontein |
merSETA Free State Stakeholder Engagement Session – 16 February 2024 |
90 delegates |
91 180,00 |
Hotel Sky Sandton |
150 West Street Corner West Street and, Maude St, Sandton, 2031 |
MANCO Strategy Review Meeting |
68 Delegates |
92 480,00 |
Radisson Blu Hotel (Pty) Ltd |
Sandton Cnr Daisy and Rivonia, Sandton 2196 |
Admin Workshop |
66 Delegates |
100 920,00 |
The Venue at The Houghton Hotel |
The Houghton Hotel, Lloys Hills Avenue 2196 |
AA Strategy Review |
70 delegates |
103 135,80 |
Anew Hotel Witbank |
167 Jellico Street Witbank Emalahleni 1035 |
merSETA Mpumalanga/Limpopo Stakeholder Engagement Session – 13 March 2024 |
90 delegates |
123 764,00 |
Premier Hotel OR Tambo |
73 Gladiator Street, Rhodesfield, Johannesburg Gauteng.1620 |
Conference and workshop for course ware development material review for technical mentors’ meetings on the 19-21 June 2024 (Venue around OR Tambo Airport) |
30 delegates |
126 860,00 |
Emperors Palace |
64 Jones Road. Kempton Park |
Special Functions |
127 760,00 |
Emfuleni Resorts t/a Boardwalk Casino and Fish River Sun |
Corner Lodge and Beach Summerstrand Port Elizabeth 6001 |
merSETA Eastern Cape Stakeholder Engagement Session – 26 April 2024 |
100 delegates |
172 066,80 |
Protea Hotel Fire and Ice Marriott Pretoria Menlyn |
221 Garsfontein Road Menlyn 0181 |
merSETA Gauteng North Stakeholder Engagement Session – 07 March 2024 |
120 delegates |
246 716,30 |
Southern Sun Elangeni & Maharani |
63 Snell Parade Durban 4001 |
merSETA Kwa-Zulu Natal Stakeholder Engagement Session – 13 February 2024 |
180 delegates |
276 503,49 |
Southern Sun Hotel Interest t/a Southern Sun Cape Sun |
Strand Street Cape Twon 8000 |
merSETA Western Cape Stakeholder Engagement Session – 12 April 2024 |
180 delegates |
328 114,25 |
Emperors Palace t/a Peermont Global (Pty) Ltd |
64 Jones Road Kempton Park |
Inter Chambers Conférence 06 -07 February 2024. |
100 delegates |
436 376,00 |
Birchwood Hotel & OR Tambo Conference Centre |
Viewpoint Road Boksburg |
Gauteng South Stakeholder Engagement Session 14 March 2024 |
250 delegates |
453 150,00 |
Anew Hotel OR Tambo |
1 Country St, Lakefield, Benoni, 150 |
Staff wellness and Conferencing |
300 delegates |
800 204,00 |
Sun International Broadwalk |
Qheberha |
Conferencing & Accommodation for meeting |
Chambers Unit |
82185 |
The Catalyst Hotel by Newmark |
Sandton |
Conferencing & Accommodation for meeting |
Chambers Unit |
66225 |
The Venue @ The Houghton (African Pride) |
Melrose Arch |
Full Day Conferencing |
Gauteng South |
30104 |
Raddison Blu Sandton |
Sandton |
Full Day Conferencing & Accommodation for meeting |
Chambers Unit |
90907,4 |
Sun International Sibaya |
Umhlanga |
Full Day Conferencing & Accommodation for meeting |
Chambers Unit |
79280 |
(a)(i) (aa) Total cost of events arranged for the past five years? |
R 5 886 402.27 |
(a)(i)(bb) Total cost of events arranged since 1 January 2024 to date? |
R 2 966 160.02 |
Date |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost (R) |
(vi) Any additional items |
25 June 2020 |
Protea Hotel Fire & Ice |
Summit Place Precinct, 221 Garsfontein Rd, Menlyn |
EXCO Meeting |
Board Members Management |
10 106 |
16 – 20 November 2020 |
Radison Blu Gautrain Hotel |
Sandton |
Board Training facilitated by IODSA |
Board Members CEO |
132 352.72 |
20 November 2020 |
Radison Blu Gautrain Hotel |
Sandton |
Annual General Meeting |
Board Members Management |
151 976.52 |
25 November 2020 |
Premier Hotel Midrand |
187 Third Rd, Halfway Gardens, Midrand, 1682 |
AA Meeting |
Board Members Management |
33 389.49 |
26 November 2020 |
Premier Hotel Midrand |
187 Third Rd, Halfway Gardens, Midrand, 1682 |
Senior Manager 4IR Interviews |
Board Members Management |
28 119.74 |
02 May 2021 |
Intercontintental Hotel OR Tambo |
Johannesburg, 1619 |
Special Accounting Authority |
Board Members Management |
18 330 |
11 – 13 May 2021 |
Gallagher Convention Centre |
Midrand |
Employee General Meeting 2021 |
Employees |
276 646.57 |
31 May 2021 |
The Westin Hotel |
Convention Square, Lower Long St, Cape Town City Centre, Cape Town, 8000 |
AA meeting Stakeholder Engagement |
Board Members Management |
135 027 |
11 – 13 October 2021 |
Euphoria Golf & Lifestyle Estate |
R101, Mookgophong, 0560 |
Mict Seta Strategy Planning Session 2021 |
Board Members Management |
305 669.99 |
29 October 2021 |
The Capital Pearls, Durban |
Durban |
Executive Committee Meeting DUT Research Chairs Launch |
Board Members Management |
43 119.74 |
05 November 2021 |
Premier Hotel, Midrand |
187 Third Rd, Halfway Gardens, Midrand, 1682 |
Mict Seta Annual General Meeting 2021 |
Board Members Management |
139 277.09 |
13 November 2021 |
Premier Hotel, Midrand |
187 Third Rd, Halfway Gardens, Midrand, 1682 |
EXCO: Shortlisting for the Position of Chief Executive Officer |
Board Members Management |
5 045.00 |
25 November 2021 |
The Premier Hotel, Midrand |
187 Third Rd, Halfway Gardens, Midrand, 1682 |
Accounting Authority Meeting |
Board Members Management |
17 231.30 |
29 - 30 November 2021 |
The Capital 15 on Orange |
Cape Town |
Launch of MICT SETA and University of Western Cape Research Chairs Executive Committee Meeting |
Board Members Management |
106 212.95 |
10 - 11 February 2022 |
Premier Hotel Midrand |
187 Third Rd, Halfway Gardens, Midrand, 1682 |
Employee General Meeting 2022 |
Employees Chairperson of the Board |
171 371.68 |
24 -25 March 2022 |
Gallagher Convention Centre |
19 Richards Drive, Midrand |
Executive Committee and AA Meeting |
Board Members Management |
74 042.08 |
04 April 2022 |
Protea Hotel Fire & Ice |
Summit Place Precinct, 221 Garsfontein Rd, Menlyn |
Mict Seta Constitutional Workshop with Dhet |
Board Members Management |
50 297 |
28 – 29 March 2022 |
The Venue Melrose Arch |
17 The High Street Melrose Arch |
Roadshow |
Management |
170 660.00 |
28 -29 March 2022 |
Delivea Projects and Services |
6829 Waterberg Drive Kosmosdal |
Capacity Building and Expo |
Management |
428 886.00 |
25 & 30 April 2022 |
Protea Hotel Fire & Ice |
Summit Place Precinct, 221 Garsfontein Rd, Menlyn |
Special Ict Steering Committee Meeting Executive Committee Meeting |
Board Members Management |
12 720.00 |
16 May 2022 |
Gallagher Convention Centre |
19 Richards Drive, Midrand |
48 046.92 |
24 May 2022 |
Gallagher Convention Centre |
19 Richards Drive, Midrand |
Joined Special Arc Meeting |
Board Members Management |
29 146.31 |
26 May 2022 |
Gallagher Convention Centre |
19 Richards Drive, Midrand |
Special Accoutning Authority Meeting |
Board Members Management |
29 146.31 |
31 May 2022 |
Gallagher Convention Centre |
19 Richards Drive, Midrand |
Executive Committee Meeting |
Board Members Management |
20 668.16 |
06 June 2022 |
Gallagher Convention Centre |
19 Richards Drive, Midrand |
Special Governance & Startegy Committee Meeting and Continuation of EXCO IN-Committee Meeting |
Board Members Management |
15 426.46 |
13 June 2022 |
Gallagher Convention Centre |
19 Richards Drive, Midrand |
Special AA Meeting |
Board Members Management |
14 451.26 |
14 – 15 July 2022 |
Emperors Palace |
64 Jones Rd, Kempton Park, Johannesburg, 1620 |
Governance Lekgotla |
Board Members Management |
69 338.84 |
04 November 2022 |
The Maslow Hotel, Sandton |
Rivonia Rd, Grayston Dr, Gauteng, Sandton, 2146 |
Annual General Meeting |
Board Members Management |
293 531.93 |
07 – 08 November 2022 |
Kwa Maritane Bush lodge |
Pilanesberg, Noth West |
Mict Seta Strategy Plan Session |
Board Members Management |
370 219.47 |
21 February 2023 |
Protea Hotel Marriott, Willow Lake |
Bloemfontein |
Mict Seta 2023 Stakeholder Engagement Roadshow | Bloemfontein |
Management |
94 045.80 |
27 February 2023 |
Courtyard Hotel Waterfall City |
Midrand |
Social And Ethics Committee Training - Iodsa |
Board Members Management |
20 890.00 |
01 March 2023 |
Park Inn by Radison |
Polokwane |
Mict Seta 2023 Stakeholder Engagement Roadshow | Polokwane |
Management |
76 595.60 |
07 March 2023 |
Garend Court Kings Beach |
Port Elizabeth |
Mict Seta 2023 Stakeholder Engagement Roadshow | Port Elizabeth |
Management |
75 602.90 |
14 March 2023 |
Cape Town ICC |
Cape Town |
Mict Seta 2023 Stakeholder Engagement Roadshow | Cape Town |
Management |
210 613.18 |
23 March 2023 |
Galleghar Convention Centre |
Johannesburg |
MICT SETA 2023 Stakeholder Engagement Roadshow | JOHANNESBURG |
Management |
230 787.94 |
17 April 2023 |
Protea Hotel Midrand |
Johannesbusg |
Roadshow |
Stakeholders |
57 225.00 |
19 April 2023 |
Raddison Blu Durban |
Durban |
Roadshow |
Stakeholders |
80 030.00 |
20 April 2023 |
Raddison Blu Durban |
Durban |
Roadshow |
Stakeholders |
82 998.00 |
26 – 27 April 2023 |
Southern Sun Cape Town |
Cape Town |
Roadshow |
Stakeholders |
66 859.77 |
02 May 2023 |
Southern Sun the Marine |
Port Elizabert |
Roadshow |
Stakeholdes |
54 113.00 |
08 May 2023 |
Gallagher Covention Centre |
Johannesburg |
Roadshow |
Stakeholders |
119 499.80 |
31 May 2023 |
Raddison Blu PE |
Corner Marine Drive & 9th Avenue Summerstrand Gqeberha |
EXCO Meeting |
Board and Management |
59 148.00 |
10-11 August 2023 |
Premier Hotel Roodevalley |
81 Kameeldrift Road Kameeldrift East Pretoria |
Management Strategic Planning Session |
Management |
122 880.50 |
29, 30 & 31 August 2023 |
Zebuala Lodge Golf Estate & Spa |
Farm no. 54 KQ Mabula District Bela Bela |
EXCO Meeting, Board Strategic Planning Session, AA Meeting |
Board Members, Management |
365 459.40 |
Limpopo |
04 -07 September 2023 |
Protea Hotel Midrand |
14th Street Noordwyk EXT 20 Halfway House, Midrand |
Recruitment Training |
Management |
94 848.80 |
06-07 September 2023 |
Protea Hotel Midrand |
14th Street Noordwyk EXT 20 Halfway House, Midrand |
Risk Management Workshop |
Board Members, Management |
49 268.80 |
26 & 28 October 2023 |
Hotel Sky |
9 Lower Long Street Foreshore, Cape Town |
EXCO Meeting, AA Meeting |
Board Members, Management |
245 866.72 |
27 October 2023 |
Cape Town ICC |
1 Lower Long Street Cape Town |
Annual General Meeting |
Board Members, Management |
772 811.00 |
8 May 2024 |
Raddisson Blu Umhlanga |
7 Lagoon Drive Umhlanga Durban |
Stakeholder Road Show |
AA Chairperson, Management |
120 937.57 |
10 May 2024 |
Radisson Blu Summerstrand |
Corner Marine Drive & 9th Avenue Summerstrand Gqeberha |
Stakeholder Road Show |
AA Chairperson, Management |
106 715.50 |
13 - 14 May 2024 |
Cape Town ICC |
1 Lower Long Street Cape Town |
Stakeholder Road Show |
AA Chairperson, Management |
296 465.49 |
20 May 2024 |
Sandton Hotel |
5 Benmore Road Benmore Gardens |
Stakeholder Road Show |
AA Chairperson, Management |
250 613.15 |
Sandton Johannesburd |
12-13 August 2024 |
Premier Hotel Midrand |
187 Third Road Halfway Gardens Midrand |
Management Strategy Session |
Management |
94 138.60 |
27 – 28 August |
Protea Hotel Fire and Ice Menlyn |
Stakeholder |
111 512.00 |
20, 21 &22 August 2024 |
Anew Resort Hazyview |
Sabie Road: R536 Hazyview Mpumalanga |
Board Strategic Planning Session |
Board Members, Management |
504 875.88 |
23 August 2024 |
Anew Resort Hazyview |
Sabie Road: R536 Hazyview Mpumalanga |
Stakeholder |
30 740 |
27 August 2024 |
Gallagher Convention Centre |
Johannesburg |
Meeting with DHET |
DHET and MICT Official |
36 762.34 |
30 August 2024 |
Premier Hotel Midrand |
Midrand |
Stakeholder |
154 113.40 |
02 September 2024 |
The Capital Pearls |
Umhlanga |
Stakeholders |
117 325.04 |
04 September 2024 |
Premier Hotel Regent (East London) (PE) |
ICC for East London |
Stakeholders |
99 936.80 |
06 September 2024 |
The Capital on Orange |
Cape Town |
Stakeholders |
52 500 |
10 September 2024 |
Protea Hotel |
Kimberly |
Stakeholders |
22 837.50 |
13 September 2024 |
Protea Hotel Bloemfontein |
Bloemfontein |
Stakeholders |
52 500 |
17 September 2024 |
Fusion Boutique Hotel |
Polokwane |
Stakeholders |
114 419.34 |
19 September 2024 |
ANEW Resort Hunters Rest |
R24 Rustenburg/Krugersdorp Road, Rustenburg, 0300 |
Stakeholders |
79 820.65 |
08 November 2024 |
The Venue Melrose Arch |
17 High Street Melrose Johannesburg |
Annual General Meeting |
Board Members, Management |
719 946.76 |
(a)(i)(aa) Total cost of events arranged for the past five years? |
R5 807 922,78. |
(a)(i)(bb) Total cost of events arranged since 1 January 2024 to date? |
R 946 862.00 |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
1. Anew Hotel Parktonian |
Braamfontein, Johannesburg |
2020 Stakeholder Engagement Forum in Gauteng |
200 |
R79 800,00 |
2. Kopanong Hotel |
Benoni, Johannesburg |
DHET TVET College Council members |
400 |
R308 840,00 |
3. Skillfull 118 |
Cnr. Princess wales Terrace and carson o Gowrie, Parktown, Johannesburg |
Board Startegic Planning Session |
30 |
R23 400,00 |
3. Skillfull 118 |
Cnr Princess wales Terrace and carson o Gowrie, Parktown, Johannesburg |
Organised Labour Workshop |
100 |
R97 500,00 |
4. Anew Hotel Parktonian |
Braamfontein, Johannesburg |
Conference Package |
40 |
R15 200,00 |
5. Safari Hotel |
Donkerhoed Road, Rusternburg |
Learning Programme Project implementation Plan workshop |
60 |
R25 100,00 |
6. Polokwane Royal |
Suite 343 Polokwane Central |
Learning Programme Project implementation Plan workshop |
60 |
R16 905,00 |
7. Fortis Hotel |
Emalahleni |
Learning Programme Project implementation Plan workshop |
80 |
R27 500,00 |
8. Skillfull 118 |
Cnr. Princess wales Terrace and carson o Gowrie, Parktown, Johannesburg |
2018 Annual Consultative Conference |
75 |
R28 250,00 |
Mzingazi Golf Estate, Richardsbay |
Learning Programme Project implementation Plan workshop |
30 |
R12 230,00 |
10. Protea Hotel Balalaika |
Sandton, Johannesburg |
2019 Annual Consultative Conference |
200 |
R124 181,88 |
11. Skillfull 118 |
Cnr Princess wales Terrace and carson o Gowrie, Parktown, Johannesburg |
CEO Strategic Planning Session |
60 |
R60 000,00 |
12. Gold Reef City |
Ormonde, Johannesburg |
Operations Strategic Session |
30 |
R25 310,00 |
13. Skillfull 118 |
Cnr Princess wales Terrace and carson o Gowrie, Parktown, Johannesburg |
Board Startegic Planning Session |
23 |
R25 700,00 |
14. Anew Hotel Parktonian |
Braamfontein, Johannesburg |
Stakeholder Engagement Forum in Gauteng |
120 |
R58 800,00 |
15. Skillfull 118 |
Cnr Princess wales Terrace and carson o Gowrie, Parktown, Johannesburg |
WSP Workshop in Gauteng |
50 |
R33 250,00 |
16. Lekgotla Africa Events & Conference |
Centurion, Pretoria |
Stakeholder Engagement Forum in Gauteng |
120 |
R116 436,00 |
17. Lekgotla Africa Events & Conference |
Centurion, Pretoria |
Staff Engagement meeting |
161 |
R141 286,00 |
18. Anew Hotel Parktonian |
Braamfontein, Johannesburg |
2021 Annual Consultative Conference |
100 |
R108 500,00 |
19. The Shamrock lodge |
Bendor Park, Polokwane |
Student Orientation and signing of contract at Turfloop |
30 |
R6 600,00 |
20. Booysens Hotel |
Modeor, Johannesburg |
Board Meeting |
10 |
R1 800,00 |
21. ANew Hotel Parktonian |
Braamfontein, Johannesburg |
Conference |
100 |
R41 300,00 |
22. Thabo ECO Hotel |
Glenvista, Johannesburg |
Staff Engagement meeting |
160 |
R216 400,00 |
23. President Hotel (Free State) |
Navalsig, Bloemfontein |
Stakeholder Engagement Forum in Free State |
100 |
R51 047,00 |
24. Kedar Country Retreat |
Muldersdrift, Krugersdorp |
Stakeholder Engagement Forum in North West |
100 |
R42 550,00 |
25. Bolivia Lodge Polokwane |
Bendor Park, Polokwane |
Stakeholder Engagement Forum in Limpopo |
100 |
R33 000,00 |
26. Visit Vakasha Guest Lodge |
Ext. 10, Emalahleni |
Stakeholder Engagement Forum in Emalahleni |
100 |
R35 000,00 |
27. Cape Town Lodge Hotel |
101 Buitegracht Street, Cape Town |
WSP-ATR Workshop Western Cape |
20 |
R8 100,00 |
28. Bolivia Lodge Polokwane |
Bendor Park, Polokwane |
WSP-ATR Workshop Limpopo |
50 |
R18 000,00 |
29. SEGA Zone Trading |
40 Duncan Road, Emalahleni |
WSP-ATR Workshop Mpumalanga |
40 |
R14 600,00 |
30. Splendid Inn Pinetown |
65 Kings Road, Pinetown |
WSP-ATR Workshop Richards Bay |
15 |
R5 430,00 |
31. 54th On Bath |
Rosebank, Johannesburg |
WSP-ATR Workshop Gauteng |
100 |
R69 000,00 |
32. Anew Hotel Parktonian |
Braamfontein, Johannesburg |
2022 Annual Consultative Conference |
200 |
R443 459,36 |
33. Anew Hotel Capital |
Pretoria Central |
WSP-ATR workshop in Gauteng |
100 |
R40 500,00 |
34. Cape Town Lodge Hotel |
Cape Town CBD |
WSP-ATR workshop in Western Cape |
15 |
R7 025,00 |
35. Garden Court Kimberley |
Kimberley Central |
WSP-ATR workshop in Northern Cape |
20 |
R6 700,00 |
36. Protea Hotel Balalaika |
Sandton, Johannesburg |
CEO Strategic Planning Session |
60 |
R72 656,00 |
37. HTS Middleburg Skool |
Middleburg |
ILD Venue |
800 |
R533 000,00 |
38. The Ridgepoint Hotel |
Mandela Street, eMalahleni |
Board Strategic Session |
23 |
R32 600,00 |
39. Premier Hotel Midrand |
Halfway House, Midrand |
DHET CFO Forum |
45 |
R25 225,00 |
40. Skillfull 118 |
Cnr Princess wales Terrace and carson o Gowrie, Parktown, Johannesburg |
Board Task Team meeting |
8 |
R3 600,00 |
41. Manhattan Hotel |
247 Scheiding Street, Pretoria |
WSP-ATR conference Gauteng |
90 |
R35 010,00 |
43. Bolivia Lodge |
Bendor Park, Polokwane |
WSP-ATR conference Limpopo |
40 |
R18 000,00 |
44. Gallagher Conference centre |
Halfway House, Midrand |
My World and MQA year-end review workshop |
159 |
R178 033,80 |
45. Goldfields Casino and Entertainment Centre |
Goldfields Plaza, Welkom |
Stakeholder Engagement Forum Free State |
75 |
R41 713,04 |
46. Southern Sun Hemmingsways |
Cambridge West, East London |
Stakeholder Engagement Forum Eastern Cape |
50 |
R31 350,00 |
47. Anew Hotel Parktonian |
Braamfontein, Johannesburg |
2022 Annual Consultative Conference |
200 |
R443 459,36 |
48. Anew Hotel Capital |
Pretoria Central |
WSP-ATR workshop in Gauteng |
100 |
R40 500,00 |
49. Cape Town Lodge Hotel |
Cape Town CBD |
WSP-ATR workshop in Western Cape |
15 |
R7 025,00 |
50. Garden Court Kimberley |
Kimberley Central |
WSP-ATR workshop in Northern Cape |
20 |
R6 700,00 |
51. Protea Hotel Balalaika |
Sandton, Johannesburg |
CEO Strategic Planning Session |
60 |
R72 656,00 |
52. HTS Middleburg Skool |
Middleburg |
ILD Venue |
800 |
R533 000,00 |
53. The Ridgepoint Hotel |
Mandela Street, eMalahleni |
Board Strategic Session |
23 |
R32 600,00 |
54. Premier Hotel Midrand |
Halfway House, Midrand |
DHET CFO Forum |
45 |
R25 225,00 |
55. Skillfull 118 |
Cnr Princess wales Terrace and carson o Gowrie, Parktown, Johannesburg |
Board Task Team meeting |
8 |
R3 600,00 |
56. Manhattan Hotel |
247 Scheiding Street, Pretoria |
WSP-ATR conference Gauteng |
90 |
R35 010,00 |
57. Bolivia Lodge |
Bendor Park, Polokwane |
WSP-ATR conference Limpopo |
40 |
R18 000,00 |
58. Gallagher Conference centre |
Halfway House, Midrand |
My World and MQA year-end review workshop |
159 |
R178 033,80 |
59. Goldfields Casino and Entertainment Centre |
Goldfields Plaza, Welkom |
Stakeholder Engagement Forum Free State |
75 |
R41 713,04 |
60. Southern Sun Hemmingsways |
Cambridge West, East London |
Stakeholder Engagement Forum Eastern Cape |
50 |
R31 350,00 |
61. Canfields Country House |
Empangeni Central |
WSP-ATR Workshop |
20 |
R7 000,00 |
62. Alpha Logde |
Plot 159, Rietvlei, Rustenburg |
WSP-ATR Workshop |
80 |
R28 000,00 |
63. Visit Vakasha Guest Lodge |
45 Woltemade Street, Emalahleni |
wSP-ATR Workshop |
70 |
R26 600,00 |
64. Bolivia Lodge Polokwane |
Bendor Park, Polokwane |
WSP-ATR Workshop |
70 |
R25 200,00 |
65. Premier Hotel Midrand |
Halfway House Midrand |
Venue for SETA CEO Forum |
65 |
R37 125,00 |
66. Skillfull 118 |
Cnr Princess of WalesTerrace and Carson O Gowrie, parktown |
Venue for Board and NSA |
52 |
R36 300,00 |
67. Premier Hotel Midrand |
Halfway House Midrand |
Venue to host the DHET CFO Forum |
45 |
R24 575,00 |
68. Premier Hotel Midrand |
Halfway House Midrand |
Venue for SETA COO Forum |
60 |
R39 700,00 |
69. Garden Court Kimberly |
Kimberley Central |
WSP-ATR Workshop |
20 |
R6 700,00 |
70. Cape town Lodge Hotel |
101 Buitengracht street, Cape town, western cape |
WSP-ATR Workshop |
15 |
R7 025,00 |
71. Skillfull 118 |
Cnr Princess of WalesTerrace and Carson O Gowrie, parktown |
WSP-ATR Workshop |
80 |
R40 900,00 |
72. President Hotel Free State |
1 Union Avenue, Navalsig, Bloemfontein |
WSP-ATR Workshop |
50 |
R30 850,00 |
73.Anew Hotel Capital |
Pretoria Central |
WSP-ATR Workshop |
100 |
R40 500,00 |
74. Manhattan Hotel |
247 Scheiding Street, Pretoria |
WSP-ATR conference Gauteng |
90 |
R35 010,00 |
75. Bolivia Lodge |
Bendor Park, Polokwane |
WSP-ATR conference Limpopo |
40 |
R18 000,00 |
76. Gallagher Conference centre |
Halfway House, Midrand |
My World and MQA year-end review workshop |
159 |
R178 033,80 |
77. Goldfields Casino and Entertainment Centre |
Goldfields Plaza, Welkom |
Stakeholder Engagement Forum Free State |
75 |
R41 713,04 |
78. Southern Sun Hemmingsways |
Cambridge West, East London |
Stakeholder Engagement Forum Eastern Cape |
50 |
R31 350,00 |
79. Sandton Indaba |
Fourways, Sandton |
WSP-ATR Workshop |
70 |
R40 040,00 |
80. Orion Safari Hotel |
1 Donkerhoek Road, Rustenburg |
WSP-ATR Workshop |
40 |
R14 500,00 |
81. Fortis Hotel Witbank |
Emalahleni |
WSP-ATR Workshop |
45 |
R14 675,00 |
82. The Pyramid Conference Venue Centre |
Springfield, Johannesburg |
Stakeholder Engagement Forum |
100 |
R48 000,00 |
83. Canfields Country House |
Empangeni Central |
WSP-ATR Workshop |
20 |
R7 000,00 |
84. Alpha Logde |
Plot 159, Rietvlei, Rustenburg |
WSP-ATR Workshop |
80 |
R28 000,00 |
85. Visit Vakasha Guest Lodge |
45 Woltemade Street, Emalahleni |
wSP-ATR Workshop |
70 |
R26 600,00 |
86. Bolivia Lodge Polokwane |
Bendor Park, Polokwane |
WSP-ATR Workshop |
70 |
R25 200,00 |
87. Premier Hotel Midrand |
Halfway House Midrand |
Venue for SETA CEO Forum |
65 |
R37 125,00 |
88.No Limits Travel and Tours |
Birchwood, Kempton Park |
Mining Skills Lekgotla Event |
650 |
R2 000 344,70 |
89. Skillfull 118 |
Cnr Princess of WalesTerrace and Carson O Gowrie, parktown |
Venue for Board and NSA |
52 |
R36 300,00 |
(a)(i)(aa) Total cost of events arranged for the past five years? |
R2 566 363.94 |
(a)(i)(bb) Total cost of events arranged since 1 January 2024 to date? |
R344 058.30 |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
2019 - NSF did not incur venue costs. |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
2020 - most activities were on-line due to covid 19 and the government restrictions. |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
Hotel 224 |
Corner Francis Baard & Leyds, Arcadia |
Strategic Planning Session |
40 NSF officials |
R24 000.00 |
breakfast and lunch |
(b) breakdown of each venue for financial year 2022 with reference to |
(i) name of the venue |
(ii) address |
(iii) reason for venue hire |
(iv) event attendees |
(v) total cost |
(vi) any additional items |
The Lakes |
No 1 Country Lane, Lakefield Benoni |
presentation: Auditor General of South Africa Management report |
170 NSF officials |
R219 840.90 |
breakfast, lunch, transport, and parking |
ANEW Hotel |
Hatfield Pretoria |
Strategic Planning Session |
60 NSF officials |
R78 703.00 |
breakfast and lunch, and parking |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
Emperors Palace |
64 Jones Road Kempton Park 12620 |
staff planning workshop |
90 SDI and bursaries officials |
R474 997.93 |
Accommodation, breakfast, lunch, and parking |
P.O. Box 8120 Roggebaai 8012 |
NSF beneficiaries’ breakfast |
250 NSF officials including exco members |
R294 194.26 |
Accommodation, parking, and dinner |
Premier Hotel Roodevalley |
Plot 81, Zeekoegat, Kameeldrift East, 0039 |
identification and assessment of NSF’s strategic, operational and project risks, training of NSF risk champions and risk assurance providers |
252 NSF officials |
R362 128.75 |
Breakfast, lunch, parking, accommodation |
River Meadow Manor |
1 Twin River Estate, Jan Smuts Avenue, Irene 0062 |
MTT implementation roadmap workshop |
all NSF officials |
R424 321.00 |
Breakfast, lunch, and parking |
The Lakes Hotel and Conference Centre |
No 1 Country Lane, Lakefield Benoni |
NSF staff strategic planning |
250 officials |
R290 641.95 |
Breakfast, lunch, and parking |
Kievits Kroon Gauteng Wine |
41 Reier Road Kameeldrift East |
NSF officials meeting with the DG |
65 officials |
R49 803.75 |
Lunch |
The Capital Menlyn Maine |
DG and the Acting EO |
Forensic audit investigation briefing |
R3675.62 |
lunch |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
RH Hotel Pretoria |
Pretoria |
NSF quarter 2 & 3 performance information review session |
NSF staff |
R40 723.00 |
Breakfast, lunch, and parking |
hotel @ Hatfield |
1141 Burnett Street Hatfield |
quarterly performance review session |
40 NSF officials |
R48 065.80 |
Breakfast, lunch, and parking |
River Meadow Manor |
1 twin river estate, Jan Smuts Avenue, Irene 0062 |
Audit brief workshop |
60 NSF officials |
R163 419.50 |
Breakfast, lunch, and parking |
Tshwane North College |
Collegium @ TNC Pretoria Campus |
NSF compliance management policies workshop |
357 NSF officials |
R91 850.00 |
No |
R2 566 363.94 |
(a)(i)(aa) Total cost of events arranged for the past five years? |
R5,992,872.51 |
(a)(i)(bb) Total cost of events arranged since 1 January 2024 to date? |
R3,483,125.40 |
Doc. Date |
Description |
Debits |
Accommodation Venue:Office of the EO |
01-Apr-2019 |
NEXUSNsfas Conference13/04/201813/04/2018 |
4,021.13 |
4,021.13 |
31-Mar-2021 |
14,400.00 |
29-Mar-2021 |
ATLANTIS CORPOARTE TRAVEL-Venue for Strat Workshop 070802202 |
40,950.00 |
55,350.00 |
10-May-2021 |
ATLANTIS CORPOARTE TRAVEL-EXCO Induction with new CEO 041220 |
18,485.00 |
10-May-2021 |
ATLANTIS CORPOARTE TRAVEL-EXCO Induction with new CEO 041220 |
464.00 |
11-Jul-2021 |
ATLANTIS CORPOARTE TRAVEL-SRC & Universities Capacity Buildi |
54,600.00 |
01-Jul-2021 |
ATLANTIS CORPOARTE TRAVEL-Venue for Strat Workshop 070802202 |
9,280.50 |
01-Jul-2021 |
ATLANTIS CORPOARTE TRAVEL-Venue for Strat Workshop 070802202 |
7,663.61 |
30-Sep-2021 |
ATLANTIS CORPOARTE TRAVEL-Venue Stakeholder Engagement 20230 |
53,910.00 |
28-Oct-2021 |
16,180.00 |
08-Nov-2021 |
ATLANTIS CORPOARTE TRAVEL-Mr Nongogo meeting with Board Chai |
1,440.00 |
16-Nov-2021 |
ATLANTIS CORPOARTE TRAVEL-SRC Workshop Student Policy 151120 |
40,980.00 |
21-Feb-2022 |
ATLANTIS CORPOARTE TRAVEL-Venue for CEO Meetings 14122021 |
2,000.00 |
14-Mar-2022 |
ATLANTIS CORPOARTE TRAVEL-Venue hire Strat Session x 2 days |
82,440.00 |
18-Mar-2022 |
ATLANTIS CORPOARTE TRAVEL-Venue hire Strat Session x 1 days |
49,150.00 |
31-Mar-2022 |
ATLANTIS CORPOARTE TRAVEL-Venue for Close Out with Instituti |
10,160.00 |
31-Mar-2022 |
ATLANTIS CORPOARTE TRAVEL-Kenya/NSFAS delegates visit in Cap |
1,200.00 |
21-Apr-2022 |
ATLANTIS CORPOARTE TRAVEL-SRC Workshop venue P.E 08042022 |
12,872.00 |
06-Apr-2022 |
ATLANTIS CORPOARTE TRAVEL-Kenya/NSFAS delegates visit in Cap |
3,750.00 |
14-Apr-2022 |
ATLANTIS CORPOARTE TRAVEL-Durban Venue SRC Wkshop 06042022 |
10,420.00 |
30-Apr-2022 |
9,250.00 |
25-Aug-2022 |
ATLANTIS CORPORATE TRAVEL-Exec 3 day Strat Session 22-24/08/ |
19,800.00 |
22-Sep-2022 |
ATLANTIS -Executive Strat Session 20-22092022 |
38,362.50 |
22-Feb-2023 |
ATLANTIS CORPORATE TRAVEL-Rockefeller venue extras: 30 Mar - |
11,328.90 |
24-Mar-2023 |
TOU001:Mawada Ms Abdul2023/03/242023/03/24 |
455.40 |
23-Mar-2023 |
TOU001:Nsfas Mr Group2023/03/142023/03/15 |
49,996.00 |
156,234.80 |
04-Apr-2023 |
TOU001:Nsfas Mr Group2023/03/22 2023/03/23 |
4,360.00 |
04-Apr-2023 |
TOU001:Nsfas Mr Group2023/04/05 2023/04/07 |
56,935.00 |
06-Apr-2023 |
TOU001:Nsfas Group2023/03/08 2023/03/08 |
23,544.00 |
11-Apr-2023 |
TOU001:Nsfas Mr Group2023/04/03 2023/04/04 |
8,220.00 |
11-Apr-2023 |
TOU001:Nsfas Mr Group2023/03/30 2023/03/31 |
19,800.00 |
12-Apr-2023 |
TOU001:Nsfas Mr Group2023/02/17 2023/02/17 |
7,575.00 |
13-Apr-2023 |
TOU001:Nsfas Mr Group2023/03/02 2023/03/03 |
2,290.00 |
22-Jun-2023 |
TOU:Mnqanqeni, Abigail Ntombekhaya Ms Conference 23-24062023 |
382,500.00 |
13-Jul-2023 |
TOU:Nsfas Mr GroupTravel2023/07/142023/07/14 |
2,775.00 |
27-Jul-2023 |
TOU:Nsfas Mr GroupTravel2023/07/142023/07/14 |
27,750.00 |
28-Aug-2023 |
TOU:Nsfas Mr GroupTravel2023/08/082023/08/08 |
14,545.00 |
25-Oct-2023 |
TOU:ABDUL MAWADA MSMeeting with Minister2023/10/172023/10/17 |
20,767.40 |
22-Dec-2023 |
TOU:Nsfas Mr Groupconference2023/11/202023/11/21 |
23,700.00 |
22-Dec-2023 |
TOU:Nsfas Mr Groupdurban conference2023/11/222023/11/23 |
11,935.00 |
22-Dec-2023 |
TOU:Nsfas Mr Groupconference2023/11/202023/11/22 |
42,180.00 |
648,876.40 |
Accommodation Venue:Business Enablement |
10-Apr-2019 |
NEXUS:10 Pax Vanrensburg VPMO 2020 Projects10.04.2019 |
4,080.50 |
4,080.50 |
0.00 |
Accommodation Venue:Stakeholder Engagement |
12-Dec-2019 |
NEXUS:12pax Nsfas Conference29/10/201929/10/2019 |
2,100.00 |
Accommodation Venue:Stakeholder Engagement 2020 |
2,100.00 |
31-Mar-2022 |
6,180.00 |
31-Mar-2022 |
6,400.00 |
12,580.00 |
Accommodation Venue:Stakeholder Engagement 2023 |
31-May-2022 |
ATLANTIS CORPOARTE TRAVEL-Thilivhali CUT Engagement 26-29052 |
1,324.00 |
23-May-2022 |
ATLANTIS CORPOARTE TRAVEL-Venue Hire Clarens - Free State Is |
5,925.00 |
09-May-2022 |
ATLANTIS CORPORATE TRAVEL-Nsfas Delegates Grp 06/05/2022 |
8,215.00 |
24-Jun-2022 |
ATLANTIS CORPORATE TRAVEL-Ashley Barends Accommodation summi |
5,576.42 |
25-Oct-2022 |
ATLANTIS:Doyoyo Lutendo28/08/202202/09/2022 |
6,230.00 |
19-Oct-2022 |
ATLANTIS-Nsfas Delegates Venue Grp SAUS Workshop 13102022 |
4,090.72 |
21-Oct-2022 |
1,450.00 |
29-Oct-2022 |
ATLANTIS CORPORATE TRAVEL-Tsholofelo Zweni Application Driv |
5,240.00 |
29-Oct-2022 |
ATLANTIS CORPORATE TRAVEL-Tsholofelo Zweni Application Driv |
1,310.00 |
31-Oct-2022 |
ATLANTIS CORPORATE TRAVEL-Zukiswa Siyolo 20 Oct -4 Nov 22 |
4,267.69 |
43,628.83 |
Accommodation Venue: Marketing & Communications |
11-Aug-2022 |
ATLANTIS -Venue AAHEFA conference 25092022-30092022 |
479,607.62 |
30-Sep-2022 |
CTICC AAHEFA venue September 2022 |
898,035.77 |
23-Nov-2022 |
454,250.00 |
01-Dec-2022 |
TOU:Ruth Ntechane01-021222 |
673,497.50 |
31-Mar-2023 |
TOU001:Abigail Ntombekhaya Ms Mnqanqeni2023/04/052023/04/06 |
864.00 |
2,506,254.89 |
28-Feb-2023 |
898,035.77 |
898,035.77 |
Accommodation Venue: Business Operations |
229,410.84 |
229,410.84 |
Accommodation Venue: Office of the COO |
10-Apr-2019 |
NexusTshiwula S22/03/201922/03/2019 |
4,294.00 |
4,294.00 |
14-Mar-2022 |
15,200.00 |
15,200.00 |
Accommodation Venue: TVET Operations |
31-Mar-2022 |
ATLANTIS CORPOARTE TRAVEL-CJC meeting for TVETs 28/02-04/03/ |
45,375.00 |
45,375.00 |
Accommodation Venue: Office of the CFO |
31-Mar-2022 |
ATLANTIS CORPOARTE TRAVEL-2022/23 Annual Budget Planning Wor |
16,300.00 |
28-Mar-2022 |
31,040.00 |
47,340.00 |
19-Apr-2022 |
ATLANTIS:Abrahams Zenobia Ms15/03/202215/03/2022 |
16,300.00 |
16,300.00 |
Accommodation Venue:Office of the CIO |
21-Apr-2022 |
ATLANTIS CORPOARTE TRAVEL-ICT Strategy Workshop 14 April 202 |
28,710.00 |
28,710.00 |
13-May-2019 |
NEXUS:Van Rensburg VidaProject prioritization15.05.2019 |
9,802.48 |
31-May-2019 |
NEXUS:Twalo S 8paxNational Bargaining Forum mtng07.05.2019 |
6,410.00 |
35,442.48 |
27-May-2020 |
NEXUS:Nabela Pumela (3 Pax)CIO Psychometrics24.03.2020 |
3,925.00 |
28-May-2020 |
NEXUS:Pax 3COO Psychometrics16.03.2020 |
1,980.00 |
5,905.00 |
26-Aug-2022 |
ATLANTIS CORPORATE TRAVEL-Womans Day High Tea: 26 August 202 |
35,431.00 |
35,431.00 |
Accommodation Venue: DHET Administration |
31-Mar-2019 |
Nexus:25 PaxEC Institutions Intervention02.04.2019 |
8,432.00 |
03-Apr-2019 |
Nexus:Tshiwula SAdministrators EC Institutions Intervention0 |
1,320.00 |
30-Apr-2019 |
NEX:Tshiwula-STUT Meeting Pretoria20.02.2019 |
6,940.00 |
01-Apr-2019 |
NEXUSWorld Tb Day Task30/10/201830/10/2018 |
2,233.00 |
01-Apr-2019 |
NEXUSWorld Tb Day Task30/10/201830/10/2018 |
2,182.25 |
01-Apr-2019 |
NEXUSDisciplinary Hearings19/10/201819/10/2018 |
4,015.68 |
01-Apr-2019 |
NEXUSNsfas Venue Hire13/02/201913/02/2019 |
8,316.33 |
01-Apr-2019 |
8,250.00 |
01-Apr-2019 |
NEXUS-Pax30-East London Conference31/07/201831/07/2018 |
9,600.00 |
24-Jun-2019 |
NEXUS:Dr Carolissen Venue for Meeting with DHET13-130519 |
1,750.00 |
10-Jul-2019 |
NEXUS:Pax 250- Fapsa ConferenceFAPSA Conference25.06.2019 |
245,463.49 |
15-Jul-2019 |
NEXUS:Pax 25VC mtng in Johannesburg09.07.2019 |
13,408.00 |
18-Jul-2019 |
NEXUS:Tshiwula SivuyileVenue for the mtng Werstern Cape VC21 |
13,095.00 |
25-Jul-2019 |
NEXUS:Pax 8Venue Hire: Newlands Southern Sun09.07.2019 |
4,905.00 |
07-Aug-2019 |
NEXUS:Pax25-Tshiwula SVenue Mtng VC Pretoria08.07.2019 |
9,125.00 |
10-Oct-2019 |
NEXUS:Pax 25 Nsfas Wor (1)TVET Close Out06.02.2019 |
7,890.00 |
15-Nov-2019 |
NEXUS:Tshiwula Sivuyile MsRegional Weekly Meeting16.05.2019 |
4,340.00 |
28-Feb-2020 |
226,020.00 |
23-Mar-2020 |
NEXUS:Pax 10CEO interviews venue |
9,670.21 |
586,955.96 |
27-May-2020 |
NEXUS:Pax 10CEO interviews venue 09 March 202009.03.2020 |
-9,670.21 |
07-May-2020 |
NEXUS:Pax 8CIO INTERVIEW13.03.2020 |
6,775.00 |
27-May-2020 |
NEXUS:Pax 10CEO interviews venue09.03.2020 |
9,014.00 |
13-Jul-2020 |
NEXUS:Pax 10 Nabela PumelaVenue for Chief Interview21.02.202 |
11,095.00 |
16-Sep-2020 |
NEXUS:Abdul MStrat Session And Saus And SRC09-110920 |
10,350.00 |
27-Oct-2020 |
NEXUS:Pax 140 - Abdul MStrat Session And Saus And SRC Wksj09 |
185,902.50 |
223,136.50 |
24-May-2021 |
ATLANTIS CORPOARTE TRAVEL-Sivuyile Tshiwula Application Driv |
1,300.15 |
1,300.15 |
Accommodation: Venue Board |
27-Oct-2022 |
ATLANTIS CORPORATE TRAVEL-Ernest Khosa Fincom/Meeting 251020 |
4,900.00 |
4,900.00 |
11-Feb-2021 |
ATLANTIS CORPOARTE TRAVEL-Board Meeting 30 Jan 2021 |
5,600.00 |
24-Feb-2021 |
ATLANTIS CORPOARTE TRAVEL-Board Induction: 05-07 Jan 2021 |
39,535.00 |
31-Mar-2021 |
22,190.25 |
31-Mar-2021 |
84,415.00 |
29-Mar-2021 |
ATLANTIS CORPOARTE TRAVEL-Mr Ernest Khosa - venue for Meetin |
3,180.00 |
29-Mar-2021 |
ATLANTIS CORPOARTE TRAVEL-Board Strat Session 2502021 |
7,700.00 |
162,620.25 |
31-Mar-2021 |
-22,190.25 |
31-Mar-2021 |
-84,415.00 |
10-May-2021 |
17,550.00 |
10-May-2021 |
4,640.25 |
30-Jun-2021 |
25,280.00 |
01-Jul-2021 |
ATLANTIS CORPOARTE TRAVEL-Board Meeting Venue with the Minis |
25,750.00 |
01-Jul-2021 |
5,197.00 |
20-Sep-2021 |
ATLANTIS CORPOARTE TRAVEL-Mr Ernest Khosa Parliament 1808202 |
1,350.00 |
26-Oct-2021 |
ATLANTIS CORPOARTE TRAVEL-Ernest Khosa Mtng with the Ministe |
1,440.00 |
04-Nov-2021 |
ATLANTIS CORPOARTE TRAVEL-Mr Ernest Khosa Meeting with Minis |
1,425.74 |
08-Nov-2021 |
ATLANTIS CORPOARTE TRAVEL-Mr Ernest Khosa Meeting with Minis |
1,550.00 |
10-Nov-2021 |
ATLANTIS CORPOARTE TRAVEL-Mr Ernest Khosa Meeting with Minis |
1,425.74 |
30-Nov-2021 |
ATLANTIS CORPOARTE TRAVEL-Board Strategic Planning 17-19 No |
41,200.00 |
20,203.48 |
29-Sep-2022 |
ATLANTIS-Venue Board Strat Session &Team build Richards 1109 |
23,862.00 |
23,862.00 |
05-Sep-2023 |
TOU:GROUP NSFAS MRBoard Meeting2023/09/052023/09/05 |
4,600.00 |
22-Sep-2023 |
7,430.00 |
27-Sep-2023 |
TOU:GROUP NSFAS MRNSFAS Board Training2023/08/112023/08/11 |
3,767.08 |
15,797.08 |
5,992,872.51 |
Doc. Date |
Description |
Debits |
Accommodation Venue:Office of the EO |
623,901.40 |
01-Jan-2024 |
TOU:Nsfas Mr Groupquote for or tambo conference2023/12/12202 |
18,686.00 |
03-Jan-2024 |
TOU:Nsfas Mr GroupBoard Meeting2023/08/082023/08/08 |
13,433.00 |
06-Jan-2024 |
TOU:Nsfas Mr GroupNSFAS meeting with DDG DHET2023/11/202023/ |
6,400.00 |
Totals: Accommodation Venue:Office of the EO 2024 |
38,519.00 |
03-Jul-2024 |
15,704.60 |
03-Jul-2024 |
134,313.20 |
22-Jul-2024 |
TOU:MLISA AYABULELA MRNSFAS Conference2024/06/212024/06/21 |
17,470.25 |
13-Aug-2024 |
TOU:ABDUL MAWADA MSStudent Accommodation Workshop2024/08/132 |
67,537.20 |
14-Aug-2024 |
4,181.40 |
19-Aug-2024 |
TOU:ABDUL MAWADA MSStudent Accommodation Workshop2024/08/152 |
21,000.00 |
19-Aug-2024 |
TOU:ABDUL MAWADA MSStudent Accommodation Workshop2024/08/152 |
46,030.00 |
20-Aug-2024 |
TOU:ABDUL MAWADA MSStudent Accommodation Workshop2024/08/082 |
46,440.00 |
22-Aug-2024 |
TOU:ABDUL MAWADA MSPreparation for Student Accommodation Wor |
5,900.00 |
28-Aug-2024 |
TOU:ABDUL MAWADA MSStudent Accommodation Workshop2024/08/152 |
6,925.00 |
26-Sep-2024 |
-23,500.00 |
01-Sep-2024 |
229,805.00 |
03-Sep-2024 |
TOU:ABDUL MAWADA MSConference2024/08/222024/08/23 |
76,035.00 |
04-Sep-2024 |
TOU:MLISA AYABULELA MRConference2024/09/052024/09/05 |
52,727.00 |
04-Sep-2024 |
TOU:MLISA AYABULELA MRConference2024/09/052024/09/05 |
7,000.00 |
04-Sep-2024 |
TOU:MLISA AYABULELA MRConference2024/09/052024/09/05 |
52,727.50 |
12-Sep-2024 |
TOU:ABDUL MAWADA MSStudent Accommodation Workshop2024/09/062 |
109,750.00 |
12-Sep-2024 |
TOU:ABDUL MAWADA MSStudent Accommodation Workshop2024/09/062 |
73,500.00 |
18-Sep-2024 |
TOU:ABDUL MAWADA MSStudent Accommodation Workshop2024/08/312 |
61,810.00 |
24-Sep-2024 |
TOU:ABDUL MAWADA MSStudent Accommodation Workshop2024/09/092 |
49,500.00 |
07-Oct-2024 |
TOU:ZWENI TSHOLOFELO MSstrat session 07 Oct -09 Oct 2024/10/ |
143,790.00 |
16-Oct-2024 |
TOU:ABDUL MAWADA MSStudent Accommodation Workshop2024/08/072 |
240,865.00 |
18-Oct-2024 |
TOU:ABDUL MAWADA MSStudent Accommodation Workshop2024/08/292 |
90,000.00 |
19-Oct-2024 |
TOU:MLISA AYABULELA MRMeeting with Solution Partners 2024/09 |
9,546.00 |
Totals: Accommodation Venue:Office of the EO 2025 |
1,539,057.15 |
1,539,057.15 |
Accommodation Venue: Marketing & Communications |
898,035.77 |
Totals: Accommodation Venue: Marketing & Communications 2024 |
898,035.77 |
0.00 |
Accommodation Venue: Business Operations |
0.00 |
25-Apr-2024 |
TOU:Busisiwe ChulayoDHET NSFAS Task Team29-04-2024 30-04-202 |
42,000.00 |
Totals: Accommodation Venue: Business Operations 2025 |
42,000.00 |
42,000.00 |
Accommodation Venue: Office of the COO |
0.00 |
26-Aug-2024 |
TOU:CHULAYO BUSISIWE MISSStrategic Funders Briefing 2024/07/ |
8,775.00 |
Totals: Accommodation Venue: Office of the COO 2025 |
8,775.00 |
8,775.00 |
Accommodation Venue: HR Operations |
0.00 |
30-Aug-2024 |
-250,694.89 |
30-Aug-2024 |
250,694.89 |
30-Aug-2024 |
242,830.00 |
30-Aug-2024 |
19,575.00 |
04-Sep-2024 |
9,615.00 |
06-Sep-2024 |
1,500.00 |
06-Sep-2024 |
3,500.00 |
12-Sep-2024 |
TOU:TWALO HLISO SIPHOKAZI MSHR Strategy Session-2024/09/2520 |
40,020.00 |
Totals: Accommodation Venue: HR Operations 2025 |
317,040.00 |
317,040.00 |
Accommodation: Venue Board |
15,797.08 |
Totals: Accommodation: Venue Board 2024 |
15,797.08 |
0.00 |
3,483,125.40 |
(a)(i)(aa) Total cost of events arranged for the past five years? |
R1 120 345,65 |
(a)(i)(bb) Total cost of events arranged since 1 January 2024 to date? |
R345 443.10 |
Total cost for 01 January 2024 to date |
(i) Name of the venue |
Financial Year |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
Diep in die Berg |
2024/25 |
929 Disselboom Street, Wapadrand, Pretoria |
Strategic Planning |
PSETA employees |
R142 020.80 |
Not Applicable |
River Meadow Manor (Pty) Ltd |
2024/25 |
1 Twin River Estate, Jan Smuts Avenue, Irene 0062 |
AA Strategic Planning |
AA members |
R55 800.00 |
Not Applicable |
2024/25 |
1769 Candlewoods Lane, Candlewoods Country Estate, Louwlardia Ext 34, Centurion |
PSETA AA, Management and stakeholders |
R147 622.30 |
Not Applicable |
Total cost for the past Five years: R1 120 345,65 |
(i) Name of the venue |
Financial Year |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
Diep in die Berg |
2024/25 |
929 Disselboom Street, Wapadrand, Pretoria |
Strategic Planning |
PSETA employees |
R142 020.80 |
Not Applicable |
River Meadow Manor (Pty) Ltd |
2024/25 |
1 Twin River Estate, Jan Smuts Avenue, Irene 0062 |
AA Strategic Planning |
AA members |
R55 800.00 |
Not Applicable |
2024/25 |
1769 Candlewoods Lane, Candlewoods Country Estate, Louwlardia Ext 34, Centurion |
PSETA AA, Management and stakeholders |
R147 622.30 |
Not Applicable |
Diep in die Berg |
2023/24 |
929 Disselboom Street, Wapadrand, Pretoria |
Strategic Planning |
PSETA employees |
R59 822.60 |
Not Applicable |
2023/24 |
1769 Candlewoods Lane, Candlewoods Country Estate, Louwlardia Ext 34, Centurion |
Consultation |
PSETA AA, Management and stakeholders |
R38 627.00 |
Not Applicable |
Hatfield Hotel (2023) |
2023/24 |
1141 Burnett St, Hatfield, Pretoria, 8001 |
Breakfast meeting with interns |
PSETA interns |
R11 000.00 |
Not Applicable |
Protea Hotel Fire & Ice |
2023/24 |
Postnet Suite 136, Houghton, Gauteng |
PSETA AA, Management and stakeholders |
R210 847.95 |
Not Applicable |
Anew Hotel |
2023/24 |
1054 Burnett St, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0028 |
Research Colloquium |
SP&R |
R59 385.00 |
Not Applicable |
2022/23 |
1769 Candlewoods Lane, Candlewoods Country Estate, Louwlardia Ext 34, Centurion |
PSETA AA, Management and stakeholders |
R100 452.50 |
Not Applicable |
Premier Hotel Roodevalley |
2022/23 |
81 Kameeldrift Rd, Kameeldrift East, Pretoria, 0039 |
Strategic Planning |
PSETA employees |
R48 155.00 |
Not Applicable |
Protea Hotel Fire & Ice by Marriott PTA Menlyn |
2021/22 |
Summit Place Precinct, 221 Garsfontein Rd, De Beers, Pretoria, 0181 |
PSETA AA, Management and stakeholders |
R155 062.50 |
Not Applicable |
Destiny exclusive hotel |
2019/2020 |
154 3rd Ave, Bredell Kempton Park 1623 |
PSETA AA, Management and stakeholders |
91 550.00 |
Not Applicable |
(a)(i)(aa) Total cost of events arranged for the past five years? |
R1 420 186,22 |
(a)(i)(bb) Total cost of events arranged since 1 January 2024 to date? |
R 326 914.99 |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
Anew Hotel |
1054 Burnett St, Hatfield, Pretoria, 002 |
Reconstruction of Nated N4 – N6 Engineering |
70 |
R130 910.00 |
Radisson Hotel |
The Council and Committees Workshop and Council Meeting |
85 |
R373 158.69 |
Protea Hotel Loftus |
Loftus Park, Cnr Kirkness & Park Street, Arcadia Pretoria |
SAQA and QCTO Workshop for bilateral meeting between SAQA and QCTO to discuss issues of registration and guidelines on processes and outcomes |
30 |
R14 151.00 |
Protea Hotel Menlyn Fire & Ice |
221 Garsfontein Rd, De Beers, Pretoria, 0181 |
Capacitation Building Session for Quality Partners |
63 |
R32 388.30 |
Anew Hotel |
1054 Burnett St, Hatfield, Pretoria, 002 |
Capacitation Building Session for Quality Partners |
65 |
R32 992.50 |
Birchwood Hotel OR Tambo |
44 Viewpoint Street, Bartlett, Boksburg, 1459 |
Reconstruction of Nated N-4 to N-6 Engineering |
20 |
R93 948.01 |
OR Tambo Emperors Palace |
64 Jones Rd, Kempton Park, Jhb,1620 |
Reconstruction of Nated N-4 to N-6 Engineering |
20 |
R67 769.20 |
Anew Hotel Capital Pretoria |
1054 Burnett St, Hatfield, Pretoria, 002 |
Reconstruction of Nated N-4 to N-6 Engineering Studies SME |
20 |
R61 374.00 |
Anew Hotel Hatfield |
1054 Burnett St, Hatfield, Pretoria, 002 |
Reconstruction of Nated N-4 to N-6 Engineering Studies Working Group Sessions |
40 |
R46 269.00 |
Birchwood Hotel |
44 Viewpoint Street, Bartlett, Boksburg, 1459 |
Engagement Session for Qualification Development |
140 |
R76 860.00 |
Olive Convention Centre |
81 Somtseu Rd, North Beach, Durban, 4001 |
SME Capacity Building |
50 |
R69 610.20 |
Birchwood Hotel |
44 Viewpoint Street, Bartlett, Boksburg, 1459 |
SME Training Session |
137 |
R80 977,43 |
Premier Hotel Splendid Inn |
1 Umhlanga Ridge, Durban, North, 4319 |
SME Capacity Building |
50 |
R96 036,00 |
Pretoria Hotel Fire & Ice |
221 Garsfontein Rd, De Beers, Pretoria, 0181 |
Engagement session for qualifications development |
140 |
R70 560.00 |
Warmbaths Forever Resort |
1 Chris Hani Way, Bela-bela,1240 |
SME Capacity Building |
50 |
R69 610,20 |
Birchwood Hotel |
44 Viewpoint Street, Bartlett, Boksburg, 1459 |
SME Training Session- Gauteng |
137 |
R80 977.43 |
Premier Hotel Splendid Inn |
1 Umhlanga Ridge, Durban, North, 4319 |
SME Capacity Building |
50 |
R96 036.00 |
River Meadow |
Twin River Estates, 1 Jan Smuts Ave, Centurion,0062 |
The MANCOM Strategic planning workshop |
30 |
R95 325,80 |
26 Degrees South Hotel (7dg) |
Beyers Naude Drive Zwartkops, Muldersdrift,1747 |
Conferences and Workshop |
20 |
R56 212.53 |
CSIR International Convention Centre (Csi) |
CSIR Scienta 627-Jr, Pretoria,0081 |
Qcto- Quality Partner Forum Session |
30 |
R60 690.00 |
Premier Hotel O.R. Tambo (P26) |
73 Gladiator Street, Rhodesfield, Kempton Park,1619 |
Qcto Sme Capacity Buildin G |
60 |
R87 543.48 |
Premier Hotel O.R. Tambo (P26) |
73 Gladiator Street, Rhodesfield, Kempton Park,1619 |
Qcto Quality Partner Forum Session |
30 |
R67 600.00 |
Protea Hotel Fire & Ice Menlyn (Pf1) |
221 Garsfontein Rd, De Beers, Pretoria, 0181 |
Qcto-Qp Forum Meeting |
30 |
R41 217.39 |
73 Marine Parade South Beach |
20 |
R10,809.24 |
2 Holley Rd, Isando, Kempton Park |
20 |
R19,064.1 |
Jones Rd, Johannesburg,1627 |
20 |
R19,064.10 |
58 Old Pretoria Kempton Park Road Rietvleidam Centurion |
66 |
R75 383,64 |
(a)(i)(aa) Total cost of events arranged for the past five years? |
R1,856,927.65 |
(a)(i)(bb) Total cost of events arranged since 1 January 2024 to date? |
R4,966,014.43 |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
WedJ Mice – FY2019-20 |
Unit 46 Lombardy Business Park Pretoria East |
Management Strategic Session |
Services SETA Management |
R206,964.48 |
Accommodation and food |
Gallagher Convention Centre – FY2019-20 |
19 Richards Drive, Midrand, 1685 |
Annual General Meeting |
SETA staff, Board members & stakeholders |
R451,461.28 |
Food & security |
The Capital – FY2022-23 |
The Capital Empire 177 Empire Place Sandton, Johannesburg Gauteng 2196 |
Accounting Authority Strategic Planning Session |
Board members & SETA Executives |
R136,481.00 |
Accommodation and food |
Four Seasons Hotel - The Westcliff (through panel of providers) FY2022-23 |
67 Jan Smuts Avenue Johannesburg 2132 |
Annual General Meeting |
SETA staff, Board members & stakeholders |
R368,296.13 |
Food, videography, photography, technical stage set up & exhibition stands |
Kievits Kroon Gauteng Wine Estate (FY2023-24) |
Management Strategic Session |
Services SETA Management |
R243,304.76 |
Accommodation and food |
The Maslow Sandton (through panel of providers) FY2023-24 |
Corner Rivonia Road and Grayston Drive Johannesburg 2196 |
Annual General Meeting |
SETA staff, Board members & stakeholders |
R302,795.00 |
Food, videography & photography |
Drakenstein Municipality (Wellington) – through panel of providers (FY2023-24) |
1 Milner St Wellington, Cape Town 7655 |
Cape Winelands Occupational Qualifications Stakeholder workshop |
SETA staff members and stakeholders |
R147,625.00 |
PA sound system, audit and video recording, videography, photography, food and sitting equipment |
Intundla Game Lodge & Spa (FY2024-25) |
Portion 7 Boekenhoutskloof, R628, Bobbejaansberg Cullinan District Pretoria 0001 |
Chamber committees Strategic Session |
SETA chamber unit & chamber committee members |
R221,986.00 |
Accommodation and food |
Greytown Townhall - Umvoti Municipality (through panel of providers) FY2024-25 |
37/, 47 Bell St Greytown 3250 |
Youth Stakeholder Dialog Event |
SETA staff & stakeholders |
R946,200.00 |
Videography, photography, PA system, stage setup, stage furniture, projecting screens, community transport services, food, security, outside broadcasting services, speaker, project management fee |
Gallagher Convention Centre (through panel of providers) FY2024-25 |
19 Richards Drive, Midrand, 1685 |
Staff engagement with Accounting Authority |
SETA staff members and Board members |
R1,441,550.30 |
Videography, photography, food, gifts, visual/technical equipment, graphic screens, photobooth equipment & project management fee |
Gallagher Convention Centre (through panel of providers) FY2024-25 |
19 Richards Drive, Midrand, 1685 |
Organisational strategy session & gala dinner (2 days) |
SETA staff members |
R2,356,278.13 |
Accommodation, photography, videography, food, break-away rooms, PA sound system, graphic screens, transport services, trophies, certificates, gifts, performers & project management fee |
(a)(i)(aa) Total cost of events arranged for the past five years? |
R 216 918.50 |
(a)(i)(bb) Total cost of events arranged since 1 January 2024 to date? |
R 143 802.00 |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
Maslow Hotel Time Square |
Menlyn Maine |
Management Strat plan |
24 delegates (9 February 2022) |
R 13 920.00 |
None |
Protea Hotel OR Tambo Airport |
Cnr, York and Gladiator Street, Kempton Park |
Strategic Planning and Board Meeting |
28 delegates (17 March 2022) 21 delegates (18 March 2022) |
R 63 605.00 |
None |
Kleinkaap Boutique Hotel |
87 Jim Van Der Merwe St, Clubview, Centurion |
Staff strategic session |
91 delegates (13 February 2023) |
R 54 870.00 |
None |
The Capital Menlyn Maine |
Menlyn Maine |
Management Stra Plan |
24 delegates (27 February 2023) |
R 17 690.00 |
None |
Glenburn Lodge and Spa |
Kromdraai Road, Muldersdrift |
Strategic Planning and Board Meeting |
26 delegates (16 March 2023) 21 delegates (17 March 2023) |
R 66 833.50 |
None |
River meadow manor |
Twin River Estates, 1 Jan Smuts Ave, Centurion, |
Staff strategic session |
123 delegates (09 February 2024) |
R 71 150.00 |
None |
Kievietskroon Gauteng wine estate |
41 Reier Rd, Kameeldrift-East, Pretoria |
Management Strat plan |
26 delegates (29 February 2024) |
R 20 800.00 |
None |
Irene Country Lodge |
Nellmapius drive, Irene PO Box 842, Irene |
SAQA Board Strat Plan and Board meeting |
27 delegates (19 March 2024) 21 delegates (20 March 2024 – Board meeting) |
R 33 360.00 |
None |
Premier hotel Roodevalley |
81 Kameeldrift Rd, Kameeldrift East, |
International Secondary Certificate Task team report writing |
6 delegates (07 & 08 November 2024) |
R 18 492.00 |
None |
(a)(i)(aa) Total cost of events arranged for the past five years? |
R7,603,494.92 |
(a)(i)(bb) Total cost of events arranged since 1 January 2024 to date? |
R2,285,791.00 |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
Premier Hotels |
Board Meeting |
10,283.00 |
Protea Hotel Group |
Board Meeting |
12,277.22 |
Protea Hotel Group |
Board Meeting |
16,078.00 |
Premier Hotels |
Board Meeting |
15,750.00 |
Royal Elephant Hotel and Conference Centre |
Annual general Meeting |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
132,392.75 |
Guesthouses and Lodges |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
21,530.00 |
Holiday Inn Cape Town |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
23,125.00 |
Irene Country Club |
Annual General Meeting |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
134,006.50 |
Premier Hotels |
Board Workshop |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
124,902.00 |
Royal Elephant Hotel and Conference Centre |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
57,459.00 |
Protea Hotel Group |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
13,805.00 |
Riverside Lifestyle Resort (Par020) |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
392,872.35 |
Premier Hotels |
Board Meeting |
SASSETA Board Members |
38,868.00 |
Premier Hotels |
Board Meeting |
37,008.00 |
Velmore Hotel & Banqueting Estate |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
28,271.00 |
Burgers Park Hotel |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
79,100.00 |
Guesthouses and Lodges |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
63,940.00 |
Protea Hotel Group |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
56,190.00 |
Protea Hotel Group |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
23,895.00 |
Guesthouses and Lodges |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
23,810.00 |
Mercure Hotel Nelspruit |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
22,276.60 |
Deli One Catering (Pty)ltd |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
3,684.14 |
Southern Sun Gold Reef City |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
98,605.00 |
Irene Country Lodge * N/A G (Hwt.Ire) |
Board Meeting 19 Pax |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
67,113.00 |
Premier Hotel Midrand H (Hwt.Phz) |
SASSETS Chamber Members Incduction |
Chamber members |
85,880.00 |
Anew Hotel Centurion - H (Hwt.A0c) |
Occupational Development |
Qualification developers |
41,255.00 |
Premier Hotel Midrand - H (Hwt.Phz) |
Remo Workshop |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
19,329.00 |
Anew Hotel Centurion - H (Hwt.A0c) |
Qualification Development Session for Ds |
Qualification developers |
24,000.00 |
Mabula Game Lodge * N/A G (Hwt.Mp9) |
Board Strategic Planning (26pax) |
132,475.00 |
Anew Resort Hunters Rest - H (Hwt.Hx3) |
Manco Strategic Planning Session(16pax) |
SASSETA Management |
65,110.00 |
Anew Hotel Centurion - H (Hwt.A0c) |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
38,025.00 |
Protea Hotel Midrand - H (Hwt.Prm) |
Occupational Qualification Devel 15 Pax |
Qualification developers |
26,500.00 |
River Meadow Manor - H (Hwt.Rmw) |
RTMC Qualification Development 15pax |
Qualification developers |
28,580.00 |
River Meadow Manor - H (Hwt.Rmw) |
RTMC Qualification Development |
Qualification developers |
22,950.00 |
Indaba Hotel, Spa and Conference Centre - H (Hwt.Ind) |
SASSETA Chamber Committee Capacity Build |
Qualification developers |
65,365.34 |
River Meadow Manor - H (Hwt.Rmw) |
Qualification Development for Bomb |
Qualification developers |
40,600.00 |
Anew Hotel Centurion - H (Hwt.A0c) |
Rtmc Qualification Development 18 Pax |
Qualification developers |
25,200.00 |
Premier Hotel Midrand - H (Hwt.Phz) |
Exco Strategic Session 8pax |
4,830.00 |
Premier Hotel Midrand - H (Hwt.Phz) |
Board Training Workshop |
38,680.00 |
Maropeng Hotel - H (Hwt.Mfv) |
Manco Strategic Planning Session |
SASSETA Management Committee |
34,537.84 |
Anew Hotel Centurion - H (Hwt.A0c) |
Stakeholders Conference |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
25,500.00 |
Royal Elephant Hotel and Conference Centre - H (Hwt.Rnt) |
Stakeholders Conference |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
26,500.00 |
Gallagher Convention Centre (Hwt.Gaa) |
Stakeholders Conference |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
68,612.00 |
Mgb Hotel At 2 Ten - H (Hwt.2nd) |
Strategic Projects Graduation Ceremony |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
45,600.00 |
Protea Hotel Midrand - H (Hwt.Prm) |
ETQA Departmental Meeting |
9,300.00 |
Southern Sun Elangeni Maharani - H (Hwt.Hid) |
Stakeholders Conference |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
21,821.00 |
Khaya Ibhubesi * N/A G (Hwt.Khi) |
Stakeholders Conference |
Stakeholder meeting |
391,857.90 |
Thaba Eco Hotel - H (Hwt.Byx) |
Board Strategic Planning Sessions |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
139,774.40 |
Irene Country Lodge * N/A G (Hwt.Ire) |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
146,126.79 |
Protea Hotel Midrand - H (Hwt.Prm) |
Board Meetings |
Board Members |
8,710.00 |
Anew Hotel Hatfield Pretoria *** H (Hwt.Fhm) |
Anew Hotel Hatfield Pretoria (Fhm) |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
21,250.00 |
Khaya Ibhubesi * N/A G (Hwt.Khi) |
Khaprop Properties Khaya Ibhubesi (Khi) |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
18,399.02 |
Protea Hotel Midrand - H (Hwt.Prm) |
Board Meeting |
Board Members |
32,085.00 |
Premier Hotel Midrand - H (Hwt.Phz) |
Security Manager in Correction Enviromen |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
36,864.00 |
Premier Hotel Midrand - H (Hwt.Phz) |
Board Meeting |
Board Members |
15,360.00 |
Midrand Conference Centre - H (Hwt.Kdf) |
Capacity Building Workshop |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
107,070.00 |
Premier Hotel Midrand - H (Hwt.Phz) |
Skills Planning and Research Workshop |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
104,500.00 |
Protea Fire and Ice Cape Town - H (Hwt.Ext) |
WSP /ATR Roadshow |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
55,800.00 |
Protea Hotel Midrand - H (Hwt.Prm) |
Security Manager in Correctional Envirom |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
30,690.00 |
Southern Sun Elangeni Maharani - H (Hwt.Hid) |
Skills Planning Research |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
62,638.00 |
Midrand Conference Centre - H (Hwt.Kdf) |
QCTO Verification for Qualification: Dcs |
Programme verifiers |
10,450.00 |
Kloofzicht Lodge (Kfe) |
Chambers Workshop |
Chamber Members |
221,773.25 |
Protea Hotel Group |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
17,460.00 |
Hotel Osner |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
17,000.00 |
Premier Hotels |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
58,900.00 |
Premier Hotels |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
57,810.00 |
Premier Hotels |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
12,790.00 |
Regal Inn Midrand |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
40,050.03 |
Protea Hotel Group |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
8,120.00 |
Kievits Kroon Country Estate |
Board Strategic Planning Workshop |
82,491.60 |
Kwa Maritane |
Board Strategic Planning Workshop |
269,602.00 |
Legend Safari Villas (Pty) Ltd |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
366,894.00 |
Accolades Boutique Conference Venue |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
58,524.00 |
Royal Elephant Hotel and Conference Centre |
Annual General Meeting |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
186,507.30 |
Deli One Catering (Pty)ltd |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
9,266.70 |
Deli One Catering (Pty)ltd |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
19,980.01 |
Deli One Catering (Pty)ltd |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
8,510.00 |
Deli One Catering (Pty)ltd |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
9,775.58 |
Deli One Catering (Pty)ltd |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
2,428.80 |
Premier Hotels |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
41,500.00 |
Deli One Catering (Pty)ltd |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
19,980.00 |
Deli One Catering (Pty)ltd |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
1,876.80 |
Deli One Catering (Pty)ltd |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
22,701.00 |
Premier Hotels |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
61,716.00 |
Metcourt At Emperors Palace |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
123,130.00 |
Guesthouses and Lodges |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
29,450.00 |
Protea Hotel Group |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
22,214.00 |
Midrand Conference Centre |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
24,120.00 |
Boardwalk Hotel, Convention Centre & Spa |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
52,905.00 |
Southern Sun Emnotweni Sun (Par020) |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
26,672.00 |
Gallagher Convention Centre Limited |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
68,379.00 |
Garden Court King's Beach (Par020) |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
23,005.56 |
Garden Court Polokwane (Par020) |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
44,370.00 |
Premier Hotels |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
60,870.00 |
Accolades Boutique Conference Venue |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
42,600.00 |
Anew Resort Vulintaba |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
118,395.00 |
Royal Elephant Hotel and Conference Centre |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
28,368.55 |
Southern Sun Elangeni Maharani (Par020) |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
31,642.00 |
Premier Hotels |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
28,290.00 |
Csir Convention Centre |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
376,205.27 |
River Meadow Manor |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
17,630.00 |
Southern Sun Pretoria (Par020) |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
83,730.00 |
Southern Sun the Ridge (Par020) |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
112,425.00 |
Coffee Design Pty Ltd |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
19,124.62 |
Protea Hotel Group |
Strategic Planning Workshop |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
25,150.00 |
Kievits Kroon Country Estate |
Strategic Planning Workshop |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
193,030.00 |
The Houghton Hotel |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
8,973.00 |
Thaba Eco Hotel |
Board Strategic Planning Session |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
197,423.00 |
Metcourt At Emperors Palace |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
65,164.00 |
Midrand Conference Centre |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
78,340.00 |
Midrand Conference Centre |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
60,610.00 |
Keystone Active Pty Ltd |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
17,250.00 |
Midrand Conference Centre |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
27,360.00 |
Protea Hotel Group |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
31,962.00 |
Midrand Conference Centre |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
28,600.00 |
Protea Hotel Group |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
37,430.00 |
Protea Hotel Group |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
43,240.00 |
Royal Elephant Hotel and Conference Centre |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
55,815.00 |
Protea Hotel Group |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
40,720.00 |
Protea Hotel Group |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
26,880.00 |
Royal Elephant Hotel and Conference Centre |
Annual General Meeting |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
117,025.00 |
Courtyard Hotel Waterfall City |
Board Meeting |
14,603.00 |
Premier Hotels |
Stakeholder Capacitation Road Show |
SASSETA Stakeholders |
35,270.00 |
(a)(i)(aa) Total cost of events arranged for the past five years? |
R5 882 980,00 |
(a)(i)(bb) Total cost of events arranged since 1 January 2024 to date? |
R1 870 152,00 |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
Birchwood Hotel and Or Tambo |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R167 420,00 |
Hilton Hotels |
Durban |
Conference |
R68 300,00 |
Orion Safari Lodge |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R18 000,00 |
The Lakes Hotel and Conference Centre |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R154 125,00 |
Apollo Conferencing Hotel |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R64 888,00 |
Olive Convention Centre |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R72105,00 |
On The Summit Lodge |
East London |
Conference |
R15 203,00 |
Cedarwoods Of Sandton |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R85 640,00 |
The Lakes Hotel and Conference Centre |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R61 600,00
Randpark Club |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R84 137,00 |
Seven Villa Hotel & Spa |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R108 528,00 |
The Capital on the Park |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R160 083,00 |
The Capital on the Park |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R99 183,00 |
26 Degree South Hotel |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R162 160,00 |
26 Degree South Hotel |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R8 500,00 |
Apollo Hotel |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R125 000,00 |
Birchwood Executive Hotel |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R116 200,00 |
Bon Hotel Bloemfontein |
Bloemfontein |
Conference |
R8 180,00 |
Courtyard Hotel Port Elizabeth |
Port Elizabeth |
Conference |
R14 200,00 |
Ebundu Lodge |
Nelspruit |
Conference |
R7 510,00 |
Fusion Boutique Hotel |
Polokwane |
Conference |
R29 080,00 |
Garden Court Kimberley |
Kimberley |
Conference |
R5 600,00 |
Garden Court Victoria Junction |
Cape Town |
Conference |
R40 699,00 |
Glenburn Lodge |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R111 367,00 |
Holiday Inn Sandton Rivonia |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R70 596,00 |
Premier Hotel Regent |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R10 760,00 |
Radisson Hotel & Convention Centre |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R92 577,00 |
Randpark Club |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R87 314,00 |
Riverside Conference Centre |
Durban |
Conference |
R41 800,00 |
Sparkling Water Hotel & Spa |
Rustenburg |
Conference |
R15 200,00 |
The Capital Empire |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R88 133,00 |
The Capital on the Park |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R57 003,00 |
The Capital on the Park |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R39 952,00 |
The Capital on the Park |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R38 513,00 |
Birchwood Executive Hotel |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R170 759,00 |
Birchwood Executive Hotel |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R61 300,00 |
Birchwood Executive Hotel |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R56 600,00 |
Garden Court OR Tambo Airport |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R62 589,00 |
Garden Court OR Tambo Airport |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R52 626,00 |
Indaba Hotel Fourways |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R110 780,00 |
Indaba Hotel Fourways |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R380 340,00 |
Indaba Hotel Fourways |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R33 140,00 |
Indaba Hotel Fourways |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R101 811,00 |
Indaba Hotel Fourways |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R113 410,00 |
Marriot Cape Town Crystal Towers |
Cape Town |
Conference |
R24 925,00 |
Premier Hotel OR Tambo |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R15 300,00 |
Premier Hotel OR Tambo |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R73 070,00 |
Premier Hotel OR Tambo |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R63 550,00 |
Protea Hotel OR Tambo |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R54 024,00 |
Radisson Blu Gautrain Hotel |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R54 793,00 |
Southern Sun OR Tambo Airport |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R98 387,00 |
The Catalyst Hotel |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R121 865,00 |
Tsogo Sun The Edward |
Durban |
Conference |
R35 427,00 |
26 Degree South Hotel |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R224 500,00 |
ANEW Hotel OR Tambo |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R742 407,00 |
Garden Court OR Tambo Airport |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R65 342,00 |
Indaba Hotel Fourways |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R135 430,00 |
Indaba Hotel Fourways |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R140 388,00 |
Premier Hotel Midrand |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R148 860,00 |
Premier Hotel Midrand |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R130 840,00 |
Premier Hotel Midrand |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R42 860,00 |
Premier Hotel Midrand |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R46 250,00 |
Premier Hotel OR Tambo |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R48 850,00 |
The Capital Empire |
Johannesburg |
Conference |
R143 001,00 |
(a)(i)(aa) Total cost of events arranged for the past five years? |
R14 203 437,14 |
(a)(i)(bb) Total cost of events arranged since 1 January 2024 to date? |
R4 193 108,53 |
(i) Name of the venue |
(ii) Address |
(iii) Reason for venue hire |
(iv) Event attendees |
(v) Total cost |
(vi) Any additional items |
Various |
Various |
Various: Annual General Meetings Capacitation Sessions Training Sessions Stakeholder Engagements Staff Meetings Management Meetings Graduations Launches Conferences/Summits |
Various: Stakeholders Staff Board Members Training Providers Service Providers Institutions |
R320 698,23 |
2020 |
R879 826,02 |
2021 |
R4 129 648,87 |
2022 |
R4 690 265,49 |
2023 |
R4 193 108,53 |
2024 |
CONTACT: 012 312 5357
It is recommended that the Minister signs Parliamentary Question 1642.
DATE: 05/01/2025
06 January 2025 - RNW2271
Tafeni, Ms N to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure
Whether his department has leased any parcel of land from the Western Cape Provincial Government for purposes of erecting or establishing a water pump; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) where are the parcels of land and (b) what are the further relevant details?
1. The Department does not have a lease with the Provincial Government, for the purpose of erecting or establishing a water pump.
(a) Not applicable.
(b) Not applicable.
06 January 2025 - RNW2386
Zondi, Mr S to ask the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition
(1) With manufacturing contributing less than 13% to the gross domestic product in 2023, what specific, immediate steps is his department taking to (a) halt the decline and (b) stimulate growth in the sector; (2) how will his department assist smaller manufacturing firms to access global markets, given that over half of such firms currently export less than 5% of their output
1. (a)&(b)
The performance of the manufacturing sector cannot be analysed in isolation. The decline in economic growth was influenced by a myriad of factors such as significant rise in load-shedding, challenges with rail networks and ports, as well as global dynamics such as the geopolitical tensions, trade wars between our trading partners. Also, investment levels by the public sector, private sector and households have been low relative to the trading partners.
In addressing some of the challenges cited above, Government through initiatives such as Operation Vulindlela, the National Logistics Crisis Committee, and the National Electricity Crisis Committee has embarked on stabilising the supply of electricity and address the country’s logistical challenges. As a result strong growth in fixed investment has been registered with gross fixed capital formation as a share of GDP improving from its lows of 13.2% in 2021 to 15.2% in 2023.
Further, the Department is in the process of developing an industrial policy strategy that is predicated on the importance of the manufacturing sector as a core element. The Industrial Policy will seek to bring higher levels of employment. The Industrial Policy will anchor targeted sectoral interventions to drive economic growth, jobs and inclusion through expansive projects focusing on new drivers of growth. It will also focus on building long term competitiveness in new sectors such as the digital and green economy. Interventions will focus on actions to support new investment, new product development, or industrial processes that support the digital transformation and green transition.
A suite of interlocking and cross-cutting tools will be deployed across the economy such as:
- A system of industrial finance and incentives to promote competitiveness, attract investments; support and create jobs and infuse technology and innovation.
- Leveraging Spatial and Industrial Infrastructure in order to decentralise economic activities. This points to the critical role of SEZs and Industrial Parks (IPs) programme and investment facilitation programme.
- Leveraging B-BBEE legislation to deepen transformation, broaden economic participation through enterprise and skills development programmes.
- Leveraging procurement to raise aggregate domestic demand and boost production for both local and export opportunities, creating jobs in the associated supply chains. Localisation is one of the identified strategic policy instrument to drive industrial development through induced demand.
- Regional integration and export led industrialisation to foster upward movement in global value chains, leveraging on the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) and Preferential Trade Agreements.
(2) The Department provides support measures aimed at enhancing export readiness and creating market access opportunities, which also focusses on smaller manufacturing firms accessing global markets. In support of the South African economy transitioning to an export-oriented economy, the Department will expand and improve the effectiveness of current export support measures, as well as implement new export initiatives to facilitate the entry of additional exporters and further grow existing exports.
In the area of export development, the Department currently hosts awareness seminars in cooperation with provinces, aimed at profiling the opportunities linked to exporting and the support measures available to companies. The Department further undertakes training sessions as part of the Global Exporter Passport Programme (GEPP), aimed at upskilling exporters on international standards, compliance, and effective market entry strategies. Building on training initiatives, the department also selects qualifying companies to participate in the Partnering in Business with Germany mentoring programme. This programme, which is hosted in partnership with the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Change, is designed to train and mentor emerging exporters from South Africa to access the German market.
In order to promote South African exports, the Department funds the participation of South African exporters in select international exhibitions and missions through the Export Marketing and Investment Assistance (EMIA) scheme. In this regard, companies receive financial support related to air tickets, subsistence, space rental, stand building, freight forwarding and marketing. These companies participate in international and local exhibitions with the aim of unlocking export opportunities in sectors such as Aerospace and Defence; Agro-Processing; Automotive; Boat Building; Cosmetics; Mining and Capital Equipment; Oil and Gas; Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices; as well as Textiles, Clothing, Footwear and Leather to name a few.
The Department will in future implement export champions and export bridges programmes to facilitate greater participation of small firms in the export value chain.
06 January 2025 - RNW2366
Zondi, Mr S to ask the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition
With reference to the widespread sentiment that his department’s focus on protectionism, masterplans and selective, interventionist approach to regulating firms, especially in the realms of competition policy, has been counterproductive, what (a) are the relevant details of his department’s plan not to limit emerging firms from becoming sufficiently competitive in order to expand their share of the world’s demands for goods in this unfavourable economic climate, (b) is his department’s strategy to ensure that protectionist policies do not hinder the potential of South African firms and (c) are the further relevant details?
Competition Policy in South Africa was developed and is being implemented in the context of a relatively highly concentrated economy. This flows from the legacy of the political economy of our recent past with profound implications for consumers (relatively high prices of specific goods and services and significant increases in prices of certain goods including food). In essence, South Africa’s competition policy seeks to achieve economic competition and transformation to realise inclusive growth.
Competition policy is key in the creation of a climate conducive to investments (where investors know that their investments will not be undermined by the anti-competitive behaviour of their rivals and other players upstream or downstream) and supporting the participation of Small and Medium Enterprises and firms owned by Historically Disadvantaged Persons.
- the dtic is deploying its policy instruments to drive industrialisation (including global competitiveness of firms) without ignoring domestic economic imperatives like competition, transformation, innovation, and investments.
- the dtic is not pursuing protectionist policies but a policy mix that takes into account the realities of our economy (concentrated, low levels of transformation, low levels of innovation, low levels of investments, etc.). As such, markets cannot fix these challenges on their own but require the agile deployment of regulatory instruments.
- Finally, the benefits of competition policy to the South African economy are well documented including impact studies/other reviews on some of the market inquiries (e.g., Data Market Inquiry resulting in savings to the South African consumer in excess of R 2 billion, recent enforcement intervention by the Commission resulting in Johnson & Johnson abandoning its intentions to extend patents at a huge benefit for the fiscus and the economy on those drugs).
06 January 2025 - NW2396
Luthuli, Mr BN to ask the Minister of Employment and Labour
(a) What percentage reduction in the public sector wage bill does the Government expect to achieve by encouraging public servants to take early retirement and (b) how will the specified savings be reinvested?
(a) The question relates to a wage bill in the Public Sector. The line department that has both competency and authority to provide information in relation to the question asked here is the Department of Public Service and Administration.
(b) The Member is kindly encouraged to please request the information from the Minister of Public Service and Administration.
06 January 2025 - NW2408
Gasa, Mr MM to ask the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition
What are the reasons that his department permits the unchecked proliferation of online gambling, particularly sports betting, when it is clear that the practice is preying on the most vulnerable citizens, turning desperation into addiction rather than offering legitimate economic solutions;
- Online (interactive) gambling is unlawful in South Africa in terms of section 11 of the National Gambling Act, 2004 (Act No. 7 of 2004). Online betting or wagering is lawful in South Africa and is offered by licensed bookmakers. Gambling is a functional area of concurrent national and provincial legislative competence with regards to casinos, racing, gambling and wagering as provided in Schedule 4 of the Constitution, 1996. Provinces issue gambling licences. Section 30 of the National Gambling Act imposes on the Provincial Licensing Authorities (PLAs) responsibility to issue gambling licences and to monitor the licensees’ compliance with the licence conditions and the Act.
The department is aware of the growing challenge of illegal online gambling in South Africa. There is also a challenge of illegal sports betting activities identified, wherein bookmakers are offering online gambling illegally. The National Gambling Board (NGB) is working closely in collaboration with law enforcement agencies to combat illegal gambling in the country, including unlawful online gambling. The collaborations include awareness campaigns. To strengthen initiatives, this matter will be discussed in the National Gambling Policy Council between Minister, the Members of the Executive Council (MECs) in the provinces, PLAs and the NGB.
- The gambling industry plays a vital part in the economy, contributing significantly through revenue generation and job creation. Conversely, it also brings challenges, such as problem gambling and social issues, which require continued attention and responsive regulation. Provincial Licensing Authorities collect gambling revenues in the 9 provinces.
There is collaboration between the dtic, PLAs, the NGB and other institutions on issues of prevention of problem gambling through education and awareness programmes and workshops that take place annually in the nine provinces. The licensees (operators) contribute a certain percentage of their Gross Gambling Revenue (GGR) towards funding counselling and rehabilitation offered by the South African Responsible Gambling Foundation that works closely with the NGB.
3) Section 15 of the National Gambling Act, 2004 and Regulation 3 of the National Gambling Regulations, 2004 provides for gambling advertisement regulation, which ensures responsible advertisement that is not targeted at minors and vulnerable persons. To close the gaps in gambling advertising and its related negative impact on the vulnerable members of society, the comprehensive National Gambling Amendment Bill, 2016 was adopted by Cabinet in February 2016 and introduced in Parliament in August 2018 after undergoing legislative processes between 2016 and 2018. The Bill that was introduced had strengthened regulation on advertising to prevent unsolicited short message services (SMS) and multi-media messaging services (MMS) intended on enticing people to gamble.
Due to time constraints at the time, the Portfolio Committee resolved to concentrate on matters that were considered to be urgent before the end of the term and reduced the Bill. The reduced Bill had lapsed during the dissolution of the sixth Parliament and has been resuscitated by the seventh Parliament. The issues of gambling advertising were in the comprehensive Bill. The department plans to revisit the remaining amendments not in the current Bill in Parliament, including issues of advertising restrictions.
06 January 2025 - RNW2256
Mkhaliphi, Ms HO to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs
(1) Whether his department maintain and/or collect data on municipal managers in municipalities, if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, since 1 January 2024, (a) what is the total number of municipalities with acting municipal managers, (b) what are the further relevant details of each specified municipality and (c) for what period has each municipal manager been acting ?
(1) The Municipal Systems Act, 2000 empowers the Minister to make regulations or issue guidelines setting uniform standards for municipal staff systems and procedures. To ensure good governance, the Municipal Systems Act, and its Regulations oblige municipalities to submit reports on appointment processes and outcome of senior managers to the MECs for local government and the Minister who must exercise oversight over such appointment processes to ensure compliance with procedures as prescribed.
The below responses are based on information submitted by Provinces -
(a) Since 1 January 2024, there are nineteen (19) municipalities with acting municipal managers while six (6) municipalities with vacant municipal managers positions requested the MECs for local government in the province to second suitable persons in terms of section 54A (6) (a) of the Municipal Systems Act, to act in the advertised position until such time as a suitable candidate has been appointed.
(b) The further relevant details of each specified position are as follows: -
Municipality |
Detail/ Status of Recruitment |
Acting/ Secondment/ Appointment |
Eastern Cape |
Alfred Nzo DM |
Recruitment process is underway |
Acting incumbent |
Nelson Mandela Bay Metro |
The current City Manager is on suspension |
Secondment |
KwaZulu-Natal |
Ugu DM |
MEC letter supporting the appointment has been issued to the Municipality. MEC did not support the appointment due to the exceeded timeframes. The Municipality is yet to take remedial action. |
Secondment |
Umdoni LM |
The post was advertised with a closing date of 22 November 2024. |
Acting incumbent |
Umzumbe LM |
MEC letter supporting the appointment has been issued to the Municipality. The candidate will assume duties on 1 January 2025. |
Secondment |
Amajuba DM |
The post was advertised with a closing date of 14 October 2024. |
Acting incumbent |
Edumbe LM |
Shortlisting was conducted on 9 December 2024. Vetting process is underway. |
Acting incumbent |
Nongoma LM |
Council appointed MM in December 2024, however the appointed candidate attained basic competency outcome and as such, the MEC cannot support the appointment. |
Acting incumbent |
Jozini LM |
The shortlisting was held on 14 November 2024. The Municipality is in the process of subjecting recommended candidates to competency-based assessments. |
Acting incumbent |
uMfolozi LM |
The shortlisting was conducted on 13 December 2024. Interviews not yet confirmed. |
Acting incumbent |
Umhlathuze LM |
The post was advertised on 23 December 2024 with closing date of 20 January 2025. |
Acting incumbent |
Free State |
Letsemeng LM |
Recruitment process will resume in January 2025 |
Acting incumbent |
Kopanong LM |
The municipality announced the appointment on 03 December 2024, the MEC is awaiting the appointment report to assess compliance with Appointment Regulations |
Appointment finalised, no Acting incumbent |
Tokologo LM |
The Municipality is in the process of conducting interviews |
Acting incumbent |
North West |
Bojanala DM |
Recruitment process has been finalised, awaiting the municipal council to appoint. |
Appointment finalised. No Acting incumbent |
Madibeng LM |
Shortlisting was scheduled to take place on 4 and 5 December 2024 |
Acting incumbent |
Lekwa Teemane LM |
Recruitment process is underway |
Acting incumbent |
Gauteng |
Midvaal LM |
The post was advertised with the closing date of 18 December 2024. |
Acting incumbent |
Mpumalanga |
Mkhondo LM |
Shortlisting was finalised by the municipality on 1 October 2024 and interviews were conducted on 12 December 2024. Awaiting the Municipal Council to make an appointment. |
Appointment finalised. No Acting incumbent |
Limpopo |
Ba-Phalaborwa LM |
The post has not been advertised yet by the municipality |
Acting incumbent |
Thabazimbi LM |
The municipality was placed under section 139. The MEC has seconded an official from Limpopo COGHSTA to support the municipality |
Secondment |
Western Cape |
Theewaterskloof LM |
The post was advertised with the closing date of July 2024. The Municipality is experiencing severe governance issues. |
Acting incumbent |
George LM |
Municipality is in the process of finalising the appointment. |
Appointment finalised. No Acting incumbent |
Knysna LM |
The Municipality announced appointment on 22 November 2024. MEC is awaiting the appointment report to assess appointment on compliance with Appointment Regulations |
Appointment finalised. No Acting incumbent |
Prince Albert LM |
Recruitment process is underway |
Acting incumbent |
Northern Cape |
Magareng LM |
The municipality advertised the post and followed the recruitment, selection and appointment processes. However, after the MEC assessed the appointment report it was not in compliance with Appointment Regulations. Thus, the Municipal council could not resolve on the appointment. |
Acting incumbent |
Hantam LM |
The municipality advertised the post and followed the recruitment, selection and appointment processes. However, after the MEC assessed the appointment report it was not in compliance with Appointment Regulations. Thus, the Municipal council could not resolve on the appointment. |
Secondment |
ZF Magcawu DM |
The municipal Council appointed the Municipal Manager effective 1 December 2023, and the Municipal Manager resigned on 5 December 2023. Recruitment process is underway. |
Acting incumbent |
Renosterberg LM |
The municipality advertised the positions in August 2024 the recruitment is at an advanced stage. |
Acting incumbent |
Kheis LM |
Municipal Council took a resolution to request for support in terms of section 154 of the Constitution. Northern Cape COGTA seconded a person who will provide support to the municipality until the municipality fills the position. |
Secondment |
Thembelihle LM |
The appointment was concluded in December 2024. Council resolved to appoint from 1 January 2025. |
Appointment finalised, No Acting incumbent |
(c) The period each municipal manager has been acting is as follows:
Province |
Municipality |
Acting period |
Eastern Cape |
Alfred Nzo DM |
1 September 2024 – To date |
KwaZulu-Natal |
Umdoni LM |
04 October 2024 – To date |
Amajuba DM |
12 September 2024 – To date |
Edumbe LM |
1 September 2024 – To date |
Nongoma LM |
1 September 2024 – To date |
Jozini LM |
1 August 2024 – 30 December 2024 |
Mfolozi LM |
1 September 2024 – To date |
Umhlathuze LM |
1 December 2024 – To date |
Free State |
Letsemeng LM |
18 October 2024 – To date |
Tokologo LM |
1 December 2024 – To date |
North West |
Madibeng LM |
30 August 2024 – To date |
Lekwa Teemane LM |
1 August 2024 – To date |
Gauteng |
Midvaal LM |
1 December 2024 – To date |
Limpopo |
Ba-Phalaborwa LM |
9 October 2024 – To date |
Western Cape |
Theewaterskloof LM |
1 July 2024 to 30 October 2024 and was renewed for another 3 months |
Prince Albert LM |
1 September 2024 To date |
Northern Cape |
Magareng LM |
1 November 2022 – To date Acting appointment is being renewed every 3 months. |
ZF Magcawu DM |
5 December 2023 – To date |
Renosterberg LM |
1 August 2024 – To date |
06 January 2025 - NW2413
Booysen, Mr M to ask the Minister of Finance
(1) With reference to the meeting of the Standing Committee on Finance on 26 November 2024 to establish the reasons of noncompliance by municipalities and private security companies with the provisions of the Pension Fund Act, Act 24 of 1956, by not paying over contributions of employees to the fund, and considering the submission by the Pension Fund Adjudicator to the Committee that, amongst others, the long period of nonpayment of small businesses like black-owned private sector companies by government departments and entities such as Eskom and the failure by government departments and entities to pay the companies the rates as prescribed by the Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority (PSIRA) cause them not to comply with their legislated obligations like paying VAT and pension fund contributions, what steps will the National Treasury take against the defaulting (a) departments and (b) government entities;
- The Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) and its Regulations contains provisions that regulate the payment of suppliers. In addition, the National Treasury has issued an Instruction on the monthly reporting of exceptions which is further explained below. Section 38(1)(f) of the PFMA requires an accounting officer for a department, trading entities or constitutional institution to settle all contractual obligations and pay all money owing, including intergovernmental claims, within the prescribed or agreed period. Treasury Regulation 8.2.3 prescribes 30 days from receipt of an invoice as the prescribed period or, in the case of civil claims, from the date of settlement or court judgment.
National Treasury issued Instruction Note No. 34 which requires government departments to submit exception reports to the relevant treasuries on the number and rand value of invoices paid after 30 days from the date of receiving invoices, the number and rand value of invoices that are older than 30 days (which remained unpaid) and the reasons for the late and/or non-payment of the invoices. This Instruction is going through a revision to, amongst others, enforce consequence management in those institutions not paying suppliers on time and this will be done in collaboration with the relevant institutions such as the Public Service Commission and the Presidency.
The National Treasury established a central email address ([email protected]) to assist suppliers with queries on non-payment of invoices by organs of the state. Queries are followed up with institutions not paying suppliers on time and feedback is provided to suppliers with reasons for the late or non-payment of invoices and possible date for the payment or any other means to resolve queries (if there are no disputes). Queries related to provincial institutions are referred to provincial treasuries for intervention and escalation to the Chief Financial Officers of the relevant provincial institutions.
The National Treasury is also in the process of adapting the existing transversal systems to support government departments in tracking invoices captured on the system and to assist those departments that do not have a tracking system in place.
- Other than the monitoring and consequence management of late and/or non-payment of the invoices to suppliers, National Treasury cannot issue any circular compelling government departments and entities to pay PSIRA-regulated rates as these rates are issued in terms of regulations that are administered by PSIRA together with the Minister of Police.
Further, even if private security companies do not receive their PSIRA-regulated rates this does not allow for the non-payment of pension contributions as this breach constitutes a statutory offence.
National Treasury is engaging with the Department of Employment and Labour on the non-compliance with the Pension Funds Act provisions by the private sector security companies to remit retirement fund contributions to the Private Security Sector Provident Fund (PSSPF). The department is working on enhancing the enforcement of claims related to benefits provided by retirement funds under section 34A of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, by giving powers to the Labour Court, Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) or bargaining council to make an order or award towards the payment of outstanding amounts to the fund on behalf of the employees.
06 January 2025 - RNW2255
Maotwe, Ms OMC to ask the Minister of Finance
(1) Whether the National Treasury has implemented any measures to ensure that invoices for small businesses are paid within 30 days; if not, why not; if so, what measures; (2) whether he has found that the specified measures have had any impact; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?
- Yes, the national treasury has internal departmental controls to ensure that all invoices are paid within the prescribed period. NT has internal standard operating processes and procedures for invoice management. The process and procedures are revised as and when needed and communicated to the internal staff and suppliers. The latest processes and procedures were approved by the Acting Chief Financial Officer on 12 August 2024.
- National Treasury reports monthly to the accounting officer and executive authority through section 40 of the PFMA the status of invoice payment. NT did not encounter any invoices paid later than 30 days as from 1 April 2024 to date.
06 January 2025 - NW2387
Ngcobo, Mr S to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure
(1) (a) What are the specific timelines for his department to refurbish the Esplanade
The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure:
- The property is under the custodianship of Provincial Public Works.
- (a) Four (4) properties were identified for repurposing by the Department.
- 230 Dr Pixley Ka Isaka Ka Serne Street, (CGO Buiding)
- 98 Mahatma Gandhi Street, (Stability Unit, SAPS)
- 87 Peter Mokaba Road, (Excelsior Court)
- 240 Stalwart Simelane Street, (Natalia Court)
(b) All these properties have been included in the MOU that was signed between NDPWI, PPW and eThekwini Metro.
(i) The identified properties are earmarked to go through the Refurbish Operate and Transfer (ROT) programme.
(ii) The properties are in the process of being advertised.
06 January 2025 - RNW2305
De Blocq Van Scheltinga, Mr AD to ask the Minister of Mineral and Petroleum Resources
(1) What (a) specific measures has his department implemented to monitor and enforce compliance with the 1,5-hectare size restriction for sand mining operations in Gauteng and (b) total number of violations have been recorded in the past 24 months; (2) what (a) are the full details of the current enforcement strategy and resources allocated to combat illegal sand mining in Gauteng and (b) is the total number of enforcement officers dedicated to monitoring illegal sand mining activities and their geographical distribution; (3) (a) what is the current process for verifying and auditing the Environmental Management Plans submitted by sand mining operators and (b) how does his department ensure that the financial provisions for rehabilitation are adequate and properly secured; (4) what (a) total number of legal sand mining permits are currently active in Gauteng and (b) percentage of known sand mining operations are operating without proper permits or in violation of their permit conditions; (5) (a) what inter-departmental coordination exists between his department, the Department of Water and Sanitation and local municipalities to address illegal sand mining and (b) how has the coordination improved enforcement outcomes?
(2)(a) The plan of action entails amongst others joint operations within the hotspot areas and swift reaction to all known and reported complaints relating to illegal mining of any kind, including sand mining across the country, including Gauteng. (b) The enforcement officers are distributed evenly across the country, with a minimum of 3 inspectors allocated to attend to complaints at any given time. A total of 20 inspectors are dedicated to attend to matters relating to illegal mining across the country.
(5)(a) The department, SAPS (including other law enforcement agencies), Department of Water and Sanitation, other government departments including local municipalities are part of Mine Crime Combatting Forums as well as Task Teams attending to all mining related crimes including illegal mining. (b) These platforms have led to better cooperation and coordination in attending to illegal mining, and unauthorised use of water.
06 January 2025 - RNW2372
Letlape, Dr TKS to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development
Whether she will furnish Mr T K S Letlape with a complete breakdown of all official travel for (a) her and (b) the Deputy Minister since they assumed office, including the (i) purpose and justification for each trip, (ii) destination details, (iii) costs incurred, including but not limited to transport, accommodation, meals and other related incidental expenses, (iv) names and roles of all accompanying support staff and their respective costs and (v) additional costs associated with each specified trip; if not, why not, in each case; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?
(a) During the period from 09 July 2024 to 03 December 2024, the erstwhile Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development (Ms Thembi Simelane, MP) undertook twenty-one (21) official trips and of these three (3) were international trips at the cost of R471 949.39 and the remaining eighteen (18) trips were domestic trips amounting to R173 490.45.
Minister’s international trips she was accompanied by the Spokesperson: Mr Tsekiso Machike and the Minister’s Advisor: Adv. NF Mokhatla, the total cost for the support staff amounted to R325 644.71 for the Spokesperson and R199 323.49 for the Minister Advisor.
(b) The Deputy Minister during the period from 03 July 2024 to 09 December 2024 undertook twenty-seven (27) trips which were only domestic trips. The travel expenses amounted to R183 970.23.
In some of these trips the Deputy Minister was accompanied by the Personal Assistant: Ms Nomusa Ntuli and Parliamentary Officer: Mr Blendynn Williams. The travelling cost for the support staff amounted to R55 110.13 for the Personal Assistant and R26 907.35 for the Parliamentary Officer.
06 January 2025 - RNW2348
Kruger, Mr HC to ask the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs
With the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act, Act 16 of 2013 declared in some municipalities as unconstitutional, how will municipalities enforce zoning by-laws?
The Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act (SPLUMA) of 2013 aimed to provide a framework for spatial planning and land use management in South Africa. However, as you mentioned, some municipalities have had certain provisions declared unconstitutional. To enforce zoning by-laws, municipalities may consider the following options:
1. Amend by-laws: Municipalities can review and amend their zoning by-laws to align with the remaining constitutional provisions of SPLUMA and other relevant legislation.
2. Use remaining SPLUMA provisions: Municipalities can continue to use the remaining provisions of SPLUMA that have not been declared unconstitutional.
3. Rely on other legislation: Municipalities can rely on other relevant legislation, such as the Municipal Systems Act and the National Environmental Management Act, to enforce zoning by-laws.
4. Develop new by-laws: Municipalities can develop new zoning by-laws that comply with the Constitution and relevant legislation.
It is essential for municipalities to seek legal advice and consult with relevant stakeholders to ensure that their zoning by-laws are enforceable and compliant with the law.
06 January 2025 - RNW2290
Ngobeni, Ms LM to ask the Minister of Employment and Labour
(a) What is the status of the report of the investigation into the collapse of the building in George on 6 May 2024, (b) who has been ultimately identified as the person accountable for the incident, (c) to what extent were illegal foreign workers employed on the construction site and (d) what penalties will be imposed on the relevant developers found liable?
- The section 31 investigation is still underway. It is anticipated that the S31 investigation would be finalised by end of January 2025. The outcome of the investigation will inform the way forward.
- The investigation process has not been finalised yet. The subsections of part two of this question will probably be answered by the product of the investigation.
06 January 2025 - RNW2272
Tafeni, Ms N to ask the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure
Whether he has received any application from any private individual, since 3 July 2024, to sublet a piece of the land parcel leased from the Western Cape Provincial Government by his department for the sole purpose of farming; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?
The Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure:
The question appears to be directed to the Western Cape Provincial Government (to which is a different sphere of Government); therefore, we wish to request the Member to give more clarity and or specifics.
However, the Department continuously receives application, such applications as and when received the application gets informed about the status or plan of the property in question. Furthermore, the Department is intensifying its asset optimisation strategy to ensure sweating of all vacant properties and others to be used for public good.
06 January 2025 - RNW2360
Mashabela, Ms N to ask the Minister of Basic Education
What mechanisms has her department put in place to monitor the performance of (a) schools and (b) education programmes at the (i) provincial and (ii) district levels?
Section 8 of the National Education Policy Act, 1996 (Act No. 27 of 1996) (NEPA) mandates the Minister of Basic Education to ensure the standards of education provision, delivery and performance are monitored and evaluated annually or at specified intervals. This is aimed at assessing compliance with the Constitution and national education policy, particularly as determined in terms of section 3(3) of the NEPA.
To fulfil this obligation, the Minister of Basic Education, through various sections of the Department of Basic Education (DBE), has established mechanisms to monitor the performance of (a) schools; and (b) education programmes.
These mechanisms are applied at the (i) provincial and (ii) district levels, as outlined below:
(a) Performance of Schools
(i) Provincial Level
Provincial Education Departments (PEDs) monitor, evaluate, manage and support the performance of public schools within their jurisdiction and report on progress made in these schools to the DBE according to a defined schedule.
This schedule includes structured meetings between the Director-General (DG) of the DBE and the Heads of Provincial Education Departments (HoDs) at the Heads of Education Departments Committee (HEDCOM). During these meetings, various matters, ranging from curriculum to infrastructure, are discussed and recommendations are forwarded to the Council of Education Ministers (CEM), which includes the Members of the Executive Council (MECs) from all nine provinces, led by the Minister of Basic Education.
In addition, the DBE has advised that all nine provinces submit provincial reports to the DBE as required in terms of section 58B of the South African Schools Act, 1996 (Act No. 84 of 1996) (SASA). These reports list all schools identified as underperforming and detail the reasons for their underperformance and the strategies developed to improve their performance.
Through these mechanisms, the Minister of Basic Education is able to monitor provincial performance and use the information received to inform ongoing education policy development.
(ii) District Level
District Directors, appointed by Provincial Education Departments, oversee the monitoring, evaluation, management and support of public schools within their education districts. Their responsibilities in this regard cover school management, curriculum implementation, infrastructure oversight and extracurricular support.
District Directors report to their respective head offices, which consolidate these reports and present them to the DBE. Furthermore, DBE teams regularly visit education district offices to monitor and support curriculum implementation. Findings from these visits are compiled into reports presented at the HEDCOM and the CEM, enabling the Minister of Basic Education to remain informed and take appropriate action when required.
(b) Performance of Education Programmes
The DBE administers a wide range of education programmes, including curriculum-based and extracurricular initiatives. These programmes are managed through the DBE’s branches and the performance of these programmes are reported on to the Minister of Basic Education via the DG.
(i) Provincial Level
Provincial Education Departments implement education programmes in alignment with provincial and national objectives. Where appropriate, these programmes are streamlined, monitored, evaluated and supported by relevant DBE branches.
For example, the DBE branch responsible for Social Cohesion oversees extracurricular initiatives, such as the Moot Court Competition. This programme progresses from district to provincial and ultimately to national levels, with winners competing globally.
Continuous updates on these programmes are provided to the Minister of Basic Education.
(ii) District Level
Education district offices implement education programmes of their respective Provincial Education Departments and submit progress reports on the performance of these programmes to the head offices of their respective Provincial Education Departments. The DBE provides monitoring and support for district-level activities to ensure alignment with provincial and national objectives.
In summary, the mechanisms described above allow the Minister of Basic Education to monitor, evaluate and manage the performance of schools and education programmes at provincial and district levels, ensuring compliance with constitutional and policy standards.
06 January 2025 - RNW2378
Trollip, Mr A to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development
Whether any steps are being taken to review the inexplicable decision of the Legal Practice Council’s disciplinary committee to acquit Eastern Cape lawyer, Mr Steven Kuselo Gqeba, of misappropriating funds, despite only paying R50 000 of a R15 million medical negligence settlement into a trust account meant for a severely disabled child; if not, why not; if so what steps?
The misappropriation of funds or the failing to account for missing funds by any legal practitioner is a serious offence, more especially if it involves the most vulnerable. As the Honourable Member is aware, disciplinary proceedings against a legal practitioner falls within the area of responsibility of the Legal Practice Council (the LPC). The LPC is an independent body and any question regarding possible review proceedings should therefore be directed to the LPC.
To be of assistance, the LPC was approached regarding the concerns raised by the Honourable Member. We have been informed that in terms of the provisions of the Legal Practice Act 28 of 2014 (the Act) and the applicable rules, complaints against legal practitioners are investigated by the Investigation Committee and adjudicated by the Disciplinary Committee whose members are independent in that they are not elected members of the National or Provincial Council (the Council).
It is at the outset important to mention that following the Report of the Investigation Committee, Council launched an urgent application for an order suspending Mr Gqeba from practising as an attorney and for the appointment of a curator bonis to take control and manage the trust account of the practice of Mr Gqeba. This order was granted on 8 August 2023 and Mr Gqeba remains suspended from practising as an attorney with no access to the trust account of his practice.
Furthermore, decisions of the Disciplinary Committee only constitute an advice to the Council. The Council is the body entrusted in terms of the Act to uphold and regulate the legal profession in South Africa. It is empowered to accept or reject a decision by the Disciplinary Committee and is not bound by such decision.
Regarding the matter of Mr Gceba, the Disciplinary Committee concluded that he was not guilty on a charge of misappropriation of funds. He was, however, found guilty of having failed to account for the missing funds. The recommended sanction by the Disciplinary Committee is yet to be pronounced.
Under these circumstances, Council is yet to consider the report of the Disciplinary Committee once the processes are finalized.
06 January 2025 - NW2405
Mwali, Mr SG to ask the Minister of Finance
What is the timeline for employers who have withheld pension fund contributions to face criminal charges as the specified employers have contravened section 13A of the Pension Fund Act, Act 24 of 1956?
In terms of section 37(1) of the Pension Funds Act, 24 of 1956 (PFA), any person who contravenes or fails to comply with section 13A of the PFA, which regulates the payment of contributions, is guilty of an offence and liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding R10 million or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding 10 years, or to both such fine and such imprisonment.
Furthermore, in terms of paragraph 4(4)(a) of Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA)’s Conduct Standard 1 of 2022, which outlines the requirements related to the payment of pension fund contributions, any material contravention of section 13A(2)(b) or 13A(3)(a) of the PFA that continues for a period of 90 days must be reported by the board of the fund to the South African Police Service (SAPS) within 14 days after the expiration of the 90-day period.
Once the non-compliance is reported to SAPS, the timeline for initiating and conducting criminal proceedings falls under the jurisdiction of SAPS and the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA).
06 January 2025 - NW2395
Machi, Ms BE to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies
How will the Broadband and Digital Skills for Municipalities Programme of his department ensure that broadband infrastructure deployment reaches marginalised communities, especially those in rural and underdeveloped areas?
I have been advised by the Department as follows:-
The Department, in partnership with the British High Commission (BHC), launched the Broadband and Digital Skills Programme, a Digital Inclusion initiative aimed at bridging the digital skills divide and building capacity in municipalities. The programme, launched on 4 September 2024 in Limpopo, is part of the DCDT’s broader Digital and Future Skills Strategy, which guides the development of professional and societal digital skills needed for advancing South Africa’s digital economy.
This initiative focuses on enhancing service delivery in District Municipalities through digital skilling and capacity development, enabling communities to access digital technologies for socio-economic growth. The project is a collaboration between the DCDT, the South African Local Government Association, the BHC, and the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, targeting digital transformation within municipalities.
Aligned with the National Future Skills Strategy, specifically “Creating Society 4.0,” the programme aims to address the digital skills gap by equipping councillors and officials with digital expertise for community development and implementing the District Development Model. Additionally, it introduces municipal council members to broadband fundamentals, empowering them to foster smart community development and unlock digital opportunities within District Municipalities, including in rural and underdeveloped areas.
06 January 2025 - RNW2377
Trollip, Mr A to ask the Minister of Human Settlements
(1) Whether, with reference to the provision of housing in Mdantsane, Buffalo City, where promises of housing have been made since 2013, she will furnish Mr R A Trollip with the (a) 2013 list of 500 identified housing beneficiaries and (b) 2019 list of additional 1 000 identified housing beneficiaries; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) what (a) total budget was allocated for the provision of the specified 1 500 houses in Mdantsane in the 2013 14 financial year and (b) total amount of the allocated budget has been spent to date; (3) whether any tenders have been issued for the construction of housing in Mdantsane; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details of the (a) tenders and (b) amounts associated with each tender; (4) whether any houses been constructed for the community; if not, why not; if so, (a) what number and (b) who has occupied the houses?
- (a) and (b) The 2013 list of 500 identified housing beneficiaries and the 2019 list of the additional 1 000 identified housing beneficiaries have been consolidated into one list. 1 314 beneficiaries have been approved to date. The list is attached as Annexure A.
- (a) Allocated budget R 339,5 million. (b) Expenditure to date R 37,2 million.
- (a) The developer of the project is Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality, who appointed the Housing Development Agency as the Implementing Agent for the Mdantsane project, Zone 18 1500 units. Project is currently under construction.
- R 339, 5 million has been allocated to the project.
- (a) There are 104 houses completed to date.
- Approved beneficiaries have occupied the completed houses.
06 January 2025 - NW2411
Ngobeni, Ms LM to ask the Minister of Basic Education
Whether she will furnish Ms LM Ngobeni with a complete breakdown of all official travel for (a) her and (b) the Deputy Minister since they assumed office, including the (i) purpose and justification for each trip, (ii) destination details, (iii) costs incurred, including but not limited to transport, accommodation, meals and other related incidental expenses, (iv) names and roles of all accompanying support staff and their respective costs and (v) additional costs associated with each specified trip; if not, why not, in each case; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?
Please find attached the breakdown (Annexure A), as requested, which I am advised reflects the information requested.
Annexure A provides a complete breakdown of all official international travel for the Minister of Basic Education since she assumed office, including the (i) purpose and justification for each trip, (ii) destination details, (iii) costs incurred, including, but not limited, to transport, accommodation, meals and other related incidental expenses, (iv) names and roles of all accompanying support staff and their respective costs; and (v) additional costs associated with each specified trip.
With respect to the Minister’s travel to New York, neither the Minister nor support staff travelled to New York, as the final logistical arrangements and authorisations could not be secured. Presently, the Department’s travel agency is in the process of recouping the refunds associated with the trip.
Concerning the Minister’s travel to Qatar, the Department of Basic Education was responsible for the cost of officials within the Minister’s delegation. The high-level engagement in Qatar was facilitated by UNESCO, UNICEF and other partner and multilateral organisations, including the Education Above All Foundation (EEA). As is typical of such high-level meetings of multilateral organisations, the EEA provided for the Minister’s costs concerning flights, accommodation and ground transportation. Details of the costs covered by the EEA have been requested and may be provided to the Honourable Member once available.
Regarding the Minister’s travel to Brazil, the Department of Basic Education attended the fourth G20 education working group meeting from 29 to 31 October 2024 in Brazil. The Group of 20 Countries (G20) is a leading forum of major economies that seeks to develop global policies to address the world’s most pressing challenges.
The Education Working Group (EWG) was established in 2018 under the Argentinian Presidency. Both the Department of Basic Education (DBE) and the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) actively participate in this forum. Brazil held the G20 presidency in 2024. South Africa is a member of the Troika with India and Brazil, and It will hold the Presidency in 2025.
It is confirmed that the deputy minister has not been on any official international travel since she assumed office.