Questions and Replies

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18 December 2020 - NW2173

Profile picture: Marawu, Ms TL

Marawu, Ms TL to ask the Minister of Communications

Whether, based on Mr Edwin Sodi’s recent testimony at the Judicial Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture, Corruption and Fraud in the Public Sector including Organs of State, which implicated her Deputy Minister as a beneficiary of Mr Sodi’s company, her Deputy Minister declared the funds she had received in accordance with the requirements of the Executive Members’ Ethics Act, Act 82 of 1998, to the Registrar of Members’ Interests in Parliament; if not, what (a) total number of contracts have been awarded to Mr Sodi’s company under her leadership in her (i) previous and (ii) current executive position and (b) is the monetary value of each specified contract so awarded?


I have been advised by the Deputy Minister as follows:

a) No payments were made in the current financial year as well as in the previous financial years.

b) Not applicable.





18 December 2020 - NW2193

Profile picture: King, Ms C

King, Ms C to ask the Minister of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation

What (a) total number of housing projects does her department have outstanding in the Buffalo City Municipality since 2016, (b) are the reasons for the delays and (c) date will the beneficiaries occupy the Reconstruction and Development Project housing units in the specified municipality?


(a) According to information received from the Eastern Cape Provincial Department of Human Settlements, there are six (6) Housing Projects outstanding since 2016.

Data on the Housing Subsidy System (HSS) captured by the Eastern Cape Province indicates that there are 72 projects within the Buffalo City Municipality, with 27 457 beneficiaries registered on them. Of these 72 projects, 27 projects have already been completed since April 2016.

A total of 45 projects have a “running” status which implies that some expenditure has been incurred. These are at various stages of progress but are yet to be completed.

A total of 17 895 housing units have been delivered in terms of the completed and partially completed (running) projects, as at 30 September 2020. This implies that 9 562 units are in projects that are to be completed in the coming years from the 45 (running) projects.

(b) The reasons for the delays in the housing projects are:

  • Lack of integrated planning between the Province and Metropolitan Municipality for the provision and linking of bulk infrastructure and the top structure development;
  • Delays in electricity connection leading to deferrals in occupation and sometimes illegal invasion;
  • Delays in beneficiary verification in cases where the applicant is deceased and heirloom is not confirmed;
  • Untraceable beneficiaries as well as illegal occupation of the completed units, especially those that are 95% completed, awaiting final inspections and electricity connection;
  • Poor performance of contractors

c) The Eastern Cape Provincial Business Plan (as revised) has indicated that 1 253 houses are planned to be delivered in Buffalo City Municipality during the current (2020/21) financial year. In the financial year 2021/22, 1 377 units are planned to be built by the Buffalo City Municipality, and in the 2022/23 financial year 1 380 units are planned to be constructed.

18 December 2020 - NW2121

Profile picture: Gondwe, Dr M

Gondwe, Dr M to ask the Minister of State Security

(a) What total number of recommendations in the High Level Review Panel of the State Security Agency (i) has been successfully implemented and (ii) still need to be implemented and (b)(i) on what date will the remaining recommendations be implemented and (ii) what are the timelines in this regard?


Reply to this Parliamentary Question has been logged with the Parliament Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence (JSCI), which has also received briefing on the Progress with regard to the implementation of the recommendations in the High Level Review Panel Report.

17 December 2020 - NW2752

Profile picture: Motsepe, Ms CCS

Motsepe, Ms CCS to ask the Minister of Health

What (a) total number of interns has his department employed to work at Jubilee Hospital in Hammanskraal in the past three years, (b) were the job categories of the interns and (c) total number of these interns were paid and/or given a stipend in each specified financial year?


According to the records received from the Gauteng Provincial Department of Health and confirmed by the PERSAL System –

a) there were only 6 students employed as medical interns, after completion of their studies, during the past three years period (i.e. 2018 to 2020) and no other professions including administration categories were placed or appointed for Internship at the Hospital during the said reporting period;

b) the medical interns were placed under supervision in the eight domains of medical rotation, i.e General Medicine; General Surgery; Paediatrics; Obstetrics and Gynaecology; Anesthesiology; Orthopaedics; Psychiatry; Family Medicine/Primary Care) as prescribed by the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA) and their log-books were signed off at the end of their two years of the internship period;

c) all medical interns in the Public Service are remunerated in accordance with the Occupational Specific Dispensation (OSD) for medical practitioners and as such all the six (6) medical interns at Jubilee Hospital were remunerated accordingly and did not receive a stipend


17 December 2020 - NW2680

Profile picture: Khanyile, Ms AT

Khanyile, Ms AT to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

What are the details of the steps his department will take to address the backlog caused by the halting of certain services due to the national lockdown to curb the spread of COVID-19?


  • We made an announcement through a government notice on 24 October 2020 to resume all services except Citizenship applications at the Civic Service Branch of the Department. The Department thereby issued a circular to all staff members, regarding Administrative Protocols for the Lockdown, Containment and management of the COVID-19 in the Department under lockdown level 1.
  • As a result, the Department has recalled 100% staff capacity, mainly in areas where there are backlogs in order to eliminate such backlogs. Under this circumstance, strict adherence to the lock down level 1 protocols is practiced to contain the spread of COVID 19 by ensuring that officials adhere to the protocols in the workplace by maintaining social distancing, adhering to personal hygiene practices (wearing of masks, sanitizing, washing of hands etc.), and further ensuring sufficient ventilation in all workspaces.


  • The Department furthermore engaged its stakeholders in the value chain of its products and services, in particular GPW (Government Printing Works) and Skynet courier services, to work overtime during the week as well as over the weekends to assist the Department in eliminating such backlogs.
  • Moreover, the Department has a Business Recovery Plan to deal with backlogs accumulated during lockdown period.


17 December 2020 - NW1793

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

(1)What total number of executive management positions are currently (a) vacant and/or (b) filled by a person in an acting capacity in (i) her department, (ii) the SA Broadcasting Corporation and (iii) each of the entities reporting to her; (2) (a) on what date was each specified position (i) vacated and (ii) filled by a person in an acting capacity and (b) what are the reasons for the (i) resignation, (ii) dismissal, (iii) suspension and (iv) special leave that resulted in the position becoming vacant in each case?


I have been advised by the Department and Entities as follows:

Department of Communications and Digital Technologies

(1)(a)(i) 3

(1)(b)(i) 4















Director-General: Communications and Digital Technologies (New)

The post of DG: DCDT is new from 1 April 2020 following the merger of the DoC and DCDT


(Post was advertised and recruitment process has commenced)

Transferred to another Government Department




DDG: ICT Policy and Strategy



(Post was advertised and recruitment process has commenced)


Found guilty of misconduct at disciplinary hearing and was dismissed.



CD: Postal Services


1/4/2018 to 31/3/2020

Appointed in a higher post in another Government Department




CD: Communications and Marketing



(Post was advertised and recruitment process is pending)


Found guilty of misconduct at disciplinary hearing and was dismissed.



CD: SOE Communication and Branding


06/08/2018 to 05/08/2019

Appointed in a State-Owned Entity






(1)(a)(iii) Three (3)

(b)(iii) Three (3) Chief Financial Officer; Executive: Finance; and Executive: Broadband.















Chief Financial Officer



Career growth




Executive: Finance



Career growth




Executive: Broadband

New position created in 2019









(1)(a)(i)(ii) One (1) i.e. the Company Secretary

(2)(b)(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The position of Company Secretary became vacant after 31 August 2019, following the resignation of the incumbent. (b) (ii) The position was filled by an External Attorney (“Juristic Person”) from 1 November 2019 to 31 May 2020 following an Open Tender process. When the contract for the External Attorney came to an end, the tender was re-advertised as per the requirements of the PFMA and National Treasury regulations. The tender closed on 22 June 2020, and the adjudication is in progress to appoint a new External Attorney as the Company Secretary (“Juristic Person”), for a 12-month period.














Company Secretary



Resignation pending Disciplinary Enquiry (Poor performance and absenteeism were the main charges)




Executive Human Resources



End of Contract - Retirement





  1. (a)(i)(iii) 5 (five)














Executive Corporate Services

01 July 2020

01 July 2020

(Post was advertised, and recruitment process has commenced)


(End of contract)




Chief Financial Officer

16 March 2020 due to suspension

17 March to 04 September 2020

N/A the incumbent CFO is back at work


Precautionary suspension/leave pending the outcome of disciplinary proceedings that were instituted against him.


Chief Operations Officer


N/A position frozen

COO became CEO of ICASA




General Manager: Compliance and Consumer Affairs



Incumbent had eight (8) months remaining of her five (5) contract and opted for early retirement.





(1) (a)(i)(ii) and (2)(b) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) One Executive position in the SABC is currently vacant – Group Executive: Governance & Assurance. This position became vacant on 31 January 2019 and was filled by a person in an acting capacity. The position became vacant due to the incumbent being dismissed for incapacity.


(1)(a)(iii) Two (2)

(1)(b)(iii) Two (2)














Chief financial officer



Expiry of contract




Executive Manager: Corporate Services




The Executive Manager: Corporate Services was dismissed based upon a number of charges. However, he was reinstated following a CCMA award, but elected to settle on the remainder of his contract.




(1)(a)(iii) Two (2)

(1)(b)(iii) Two (2)















Executive Strategy Management

Position was created in June 2017 never been filled






Executive: Service Management

Position created in 19/02/2020







(1) (a)(i)(ii) and (2)(b) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) There is one Executive Vacant Position, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The position is currently filled by the Chief Operations Officer (COO) who is acting as the CEO.

(2)(b)(i)(ii)(iii)(iv) see table below:














Chief Executive Officer

December 2017

Secondment from DCDT 03/2017,

Secondment 2018.

Acting 08/ 2018 -12/2019.

January 2020 till present.



Allegations of abuse and gross negligence. During the suspension, he resigned.



(1) (a)(i)(ii) and (2)(b) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) None


(1) (a)(i) Seven (7)

(b)(iii) Seven (7)

(2)(b)(i)(ii)(iii)(iv) see table below:














Group Chief Executive Officer





Early retirement




Chief Operations Officer






To enable independent investigation into serious allegations of misconduct contained in a Whistle Blower Report. Investigation completed and disciplinary processes commenced.


Group Executive Sales



Early retirement




Group Executive Governance



Voluntary resignation




Groups Executive Strategy & Sustainability



Voluntary resignation




Group Executive Human Resources




Voluntary resignation




Group Executive Supply & Chain Management





To enable independent investigation into serious allegations of misconduct contained in a Whistle Blower Report. Investigation completed and disciplinary processes commenced.





17 December 2020 - NW2927

Profile picture: van der Merwe, Ms LL

van der Merwe, Ms LL to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

(1)Following his comments that his department led by the Acting Director-General, Mr Jackie McKay, did due diligence to ensure that the self-proclaimed prophet Shepherd Bushiri and his wife Mary Bushiri were not on the plane with the President of Malawi, what does he make of reports that in fact his statements to Parliament on Tuesday 17 November were not correct and that the Bushiris did leave on the plane with the Malawian President; (2) whether he will launch an investigation into whether any officials of his department were involved in the unlawful exit of the Bushiris from the Republic; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the details of the investigation that will be conducted?


1. Honourable member, I told the committee what I know according to information at my disposal.  If some people have information to the contrary, then they are duty bound to bring it out into the open.  I suggest you approach them to provide proof of their statements. Honestly, I don’t know what they are talking about.

2. The total investigation around the whole Bushiri matter are being conducted by a Joint Team of the whole Justice, Peace and Crime Prevention Cluster. When it is completed, the country shall be informed accordingly.


17 December 2020 - NW2897

Profile picture: Tito, Ms LF

Tito, Ms LF to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

What number of offices of his department in each province are capacitated with the system of GENDER maker to assist transgender people to change their gender on their identity documents?


All 412 Offices of the Department of Home Affairs are capacitated to receive applications for the category of Alteration of Sex Description and Sex Status and are henceforth dispatched to Head Office for further processing. There is a back office unit at head office, Rectifications and Amendments Unit that implements the gender marker on the system to amend the status of transgender people by changing their gender on their respective identity documents, provided the applicants meet the requirements as per the regulations and standard operating procedures has been followed


17 December 2020 - NW2587

Profile picture: van der Merwe, Ms LL

van der Merwe, Ms LL to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

(1)Whether he has found that certain persons (names furnished) are within the borders of the Republic illegally; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the further relevant details; (2) (a) how did the illegality arise and (b) which officials will be held accountable; (3) what are the details of his plans to deal with the dire challenges of the immigration system such as (a) the ever-growing number of undocumented migrants within the Republic’s borders, (b) reports that illegal migrants are favoured for jobs, (c) corruption within his department which leads to the selling of South African documentation such as IDs and other permits and (d) an abuse of the refugee and asylum seeker system by some individuals?


(1) They were found to have been issued in June 2016 with permanent residence permits in terms of a provision in the Immigration Act 13 of 2020 they did not qualify for, not having met its requirements. The application did not, inter alia, comprise of proof of the financial guarantees (prescribed minimum net worth in the amount of R12 million plus an undertaking that the applicant will pay R120 000 to the Director-General).

(2)(a) A Non-Profit organisation was used to process the application, despite the fact that it is not regarded as a business.

(2)(b) The investigation is proceeding into the application and adjudication methods and disciplinary proceedings will be initiated on completion of the evidence collection process.

(3)(a) Inspectorate is engaged nationally in the detection of illegal immigration activity through investigations, joint operations with other law enforcement agencies and inspections of entities including businesses.

(3)(b) It is not apparent what reports are being referred to and therefore the question is not substantiated.

(3)(c) In mitigation, the Department has prioritised modernisation of its visa and permitting system to ensure that all priority categories of face value documents are subject to independent clearance phases through the use of an electronic Visa Adjudication System (VAS). Ongoing development of the VAS system is being undertaken to incorporate all categories of visas and permits and thus eliminate manual files and work processes.

(3)(d) The abuse of the asylum system in the main stems from porous borders and the delays in finalizing asylum applications. In this regard the department is finalizing the operationalization of the BMA, whilst amendments were made on the Refugee Act to allow proper capacity at SCRA and RAASA to be able to conclude asylum applications within the prescribed turnaround times.


17 December 2020 - NW2488

Profile picture: Roos, Mr AC

Roos, Mr AC to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

What (a) is the total backlog of (i) asylum applications of asylum seekers, (ii) the Refugee Appeal Board and (iii) the Standing Committee for Refugee Affairs and (b) total number of cases have been finalised in the period 1 April 2020 to 30 September 2020 by (i) the Refugee Appeal Board and (ii) the Standing Committee for Refugee Affairs?


(a)(i) As at 30 June 2020 there were 3656 cases at RSDO level.

(a)(ii) The total number of cases at the Refugee Appeal Board (Now Refugee Appeals Authority) is 123 424 as at 18 September 2020





No. of Cases heard

No. of Cases finalized and decisions issued

No. of cases Confirmed as unfounded

No of cases upheld

No of condonations dismissed

No of condonations granted

No of no show cases

No. of Cases referred back to RROs (RSDO)

No of cases cancelled



































































(a)(iii) The Standing Committee for Refugee Affairs (SCRA) has a backlog of 38185 cases for all the five centre with the majority of cases being at the Desmond Tutu RRO. These are active cases.

(b)(i) The Refugee Appeal Board (Now Refugee Appeals Authority) finalised 981 cases.

(b)(ii) SCRA has finalised 4672 cases.













These cases were only attended to at the Desmond Tutu RRO during the level 3-2 lock down.


17 December 2020 - NW2739

Profile picture: Roos, Mr AC

Roos, Mr AC to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

(1)What (a) number of offices of his department have been offline and unavailable to render services at any time during the month of October 2020 due to the system downtime and (b) has been the total number of downtime in hours for all offices of his department during the month of October 2020 due to (i) State Information and Technology Agency system downtime, (ii) power outages, (iii) faulty office equipment, (iv) last-mile connectivity problems and/or (v) any other specified reason; (2) whether his department has any mechanism in place to advise citizens that any specific office is offline so that they don’t waste time unnecessarily travelling to an office that is offline; if not, (3) whether there are any plans to introduce such an early warning system to prevent citizens from wasting time and money travelling to an office that is offline; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the details of the plans?


(1)(a) There were about 7 times in October where system was offline, impacting all Live Capture offices nationwide and there were also incidents affecting individual offices which caused downtime and these include photo booth not working, camera functionality etc.

(1)(b) The current report configuration does not store the downtime in hours but SITA has been requested to create this reports effective 1st of December 2020.

(1)(b)(i) State Information and Technology Agency system downtime,

There are a couple of issues that cause offline or refer to an office as offline. It can be infrastructure issues like cable theft, dependent on as external service provider, Server issues, power outages and application issues or office equipment issues.

(1)(b)(ii) power outages

A consolidated report from SITA is not available for this metric. SITA has been requested to make this report configuration effective 1st of December 2020. There were approximately 20 calls logged for office equipment like FLO (Front Line Officer), Photobooth and some scanners, which did not affect the whole office operations entirely.

(1)(b)(iii) faulty office equipment,

Workstations hardware for Live Capture System (Modernised offices) are actively supported through a 3 year warranty system; and are refreshed every 4 years as per the Tech Refresh Plan. When a workstation required replacement, there is a process to replace computers and peripheral devices that are stored for such purpose both at Head Office and Provincial Head Quarters.

(1)(b)(iv) last-mile connectivity problems and/or (v) any other specified reason

A consolidated report from SITA is not available for this metric. SITA has been requested to make this report configuration effective 1st of December 2020.

(1)(b)(v) Not applicable.

(2) No there is no mechanism in place to proactively inform citizens before travelling as outages are not known upfront or predictable. However Provincial Managers do engage local media to inform Public where major downtimes are experienced and clients are redirected to other offices

(3) The Department is still investigating various options to proactively engage citizens regarding the state of offices.


17 December 2020 - NW2309

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

1. With reference to industrial relations of the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC), which unions are recognised by the SABC management; 2. whether any other unions have not been recognised by the SABC management; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what criteria are used for the recognition of unions; 3. whether the processes in respect of the recognition of unions have been found to be fair and in compliance with the constitutional principles of freedom of association; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?


I have been advised by the SABC as follows:

1. There are two recognised unions, namely, BEMAWU and Communications Workers Union.

2. Prior to its deregistration, MWASA was not recognised by the SABC.  MWASA failed to fulfil the 500-membership threshold. The threshold was decided upon through a process of negotiation between the SABC and unions that were seeking recognition within the SABC.

MWASA had a limited organisational rights collective agreement because of its failure to secure the 500-member threshold. MWASA has since been de-registered by the Labour Registrar and thus no longer has a relationship with the SABC.

3. SABC believes the collective bargaining process between the parties which preceded the conclusion of the recognition agreements was fair as it culminated in the conclusion of the two recognition agreements with the two unions currently recognised by the SABC which were in line with the applicable provisions of employment law. SABC can confirm that to date neither CWU nor BEMAWU have challenged the fairness or otherwise of the recognition agreement.




17 December 2020 - NW2664

Profile picture: Ngwezi, Mr X

Ngwezi, Mr X to ask the Minister of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation

Whether her department has identified incidents where contractors were found to have been using underhanded practices to conduct unauthorised work on ablution and/or sanitation facilities in informal settlements to solicit payment from the council; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) in what total number of municipalities has the practice been identified as being rampant and (b) what measures has her department put in place to ensure that the procurement processes move along unaffected to effect the delivery of ablution and sanitation services?


The Department of Human Settlements has not been made aware or received reports of “underhanded practices” referred to in the question.

I would be grateful if the Honourable Member could provide me with more information on this matter for my department to investigate it further alternatively, the Honourable Member is urged to report such incidences to the law enforcement agencies.

17 December 2020 - NW2754

Profile picture: Thembekwayo, Dr S

Thembekwayo, Dr S to ask the Minister of Health

Whether he has been informed that the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Health has funded four groups of Orthodontist and Prosthetics, and that Groups A and B were placed in 2017 and 2018 respectively in Wentworth Hospital, while Groups C and D have not been placed since 2019; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the reasons that other groups of trained medical workers have not been placed in hospitals yet?


The KwaZulu Natal Provincial Department of Health provides students with bursaries with a view that they will return and serve back to the Department, this is done in good faith and is dependent on the Department having the necessary funding to employ the said bursary holders. Unfortunately, the KZN Department of Health is experiencing financial constraints and so is the entire Public Service.

It must be mentioned that the categories mentioned above which are Medical Orthotics and Prosthetics are not the only group of students that were funded by the Department and are yet to be placed for employment.

There are currently 39 bursary holders for Medical Orthotics and Prosthetics that are yet to be placed.

The KZN Health Department has confirmed that it is working with the Office of the Premier and KZN Treasury to find a solution in this regard.


17 December 2020 - NW2768

Profile picture: van der Merwe, Ms LL

van der Merwe, Ms LL to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

(1)What total number of staff members do the (a) Standing Committee for Refugee Affairs and (b) Refugee Appeal Board have in each province; (2) (a) what total number of appeals are the specified (i) committee and (ii) board currently seized with and (b) how long will it take to clear the backlog of cases that must be finalised; (3) (a) what total number of asylum seekers and/or refugee appeals were turned down over the past 10 years and (b)(i) how did his department ensure that those who were asked to leave the country did in fact do so and (ii) what number of the specified individuals were deported?


1(a) Standing Committee for Refugee Affairs (SCRA) has a Chairperson and 2 members at head office Pretoria (3). Admin Support staff at head office Pretoria is a total twelve (12).

There are no SCRA members at the regions, members at the head office from time to time visit the five centres on rotational basis., process is underway to appoint 2 Members for Desmond Tutu RRO; 1 for Cape Town and PE RRO; 1 for Durban RRO for a period of two years to attend to the backlog. Over and above that 2 additional Members shall be appointed for a period of five years to be based at the SCRA head office.

(1)(b) The Refugee Appeals Board (currently Refugee Appeals Authority) have the following staff in numbers :

  • Pretoria: 1 Member and Chairperson and 13 Admin staff/Officials,
  • Cape Town: 1 Member
  • Musina, Port Elizabeth and Durban have no staff

(2)(a)(i) SCRA has 29579 cases as at 11 November 2020

(2)(a)(ii) The total number of appeals is 123 424 as at 18 September 2020.

(2)(b)(i) It will take about 2 years to clear the SCRA backlog.

(2)(b)(ii) Based on the Auditor General’s 2019/2020 report if the current capacity of RAASA remains the same, it would take more than 60 years to clear the backlog. However currently, a plan is in place to increase the Authority’s capacity with 36 members, this will mean that the backlog can be cleared within 4 years.

(3)(a)(i) 317245

(3)(a)(ii) The total number of appeals rejected over the last 10 years is 13 572.

(3)(b)(i) Failed Asylum Seekers are either given an order to leave the Republic of South Africa or are detained for the purposes of deportation.

(3)(b)(ii) The records of failed Asylum Seekers who have been deported is as follows :

2015 - 1

2016 - 113

2017 - 561

2018- 110

2019 - 69

2020 - 22

It is only in recent years that we have been doing a breakdown of the analysis of deportees prior status.


17 December 2020 - NW2634

Profile picture: Mackenzie, Mr C

Mackenzie, Mr C to ask the Minister of Communications

Whether the South African Post Office currently holds and / or has ever held a corporate membership at the Irene Country Club in Tshwane; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details with regards to the (a) date the membership was taken out, (b) duration of the membership and (c) total cost of the membership broken down into annual payments since the inception of the membership?


I have been advised by the SAPO as follows:

Yes, the SAPO has held a membership at the Irene Country Club.

a) Initial membership commenced on 30/09/2012

b) The membership was from 30/09/2012 to 01/08/2020, for the approximately 8 years.

c) The total cost broken down into annual payments is as follows:





R79 036.80

Annual Membership


R87 679.68

Annual Membership


R87 679.68

Annual Membership


R66 112.90

Annual Membership


R71 102.55

Annual Membership


R75 368.70

Annual Membership


R70 079.67

Annual Membership


R80 591.62

Annual Membership


R617 651.60


SAPO further wishes to state that the last payment at the Irene Country Estate was in August 2019 and is terminated and will not be renewed under the circumstances.




17 December 2020 - NW2928

Profile picture: van der Merwe, Ms LL

van der Merwe, Ms LL to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

Following renewed attacks on truck drivers, what (a) progress has his department made to identify all undocumented and/or illegal migrants within the borders of the Republic and (b) has he done, in partnership with the Minister of Labour, to address the concerns of South African truck drivers and South Africans in general that illegal and/or undocumented migrants are preferred for low skilled or no skilled job opportunities?


a) The department continues through its inspectorate to actively conduct inspections and operations in partnership with other law enforcement agencies to deal with all transgressors of immigration legislation. The department has continued with its enforcement and deportation functions throughout the period of the lockdown.

b) With regard to the issues relating to migrant employment the Minister of Employment and Labour and the Minister of Home Affairs co-chair an inter-ministerial committee on migration which is preparing a programme to address these issues which include, amongst others, policy directives, international benchmarking and enforcement responses.


17 December 2020 - NW2181

Profile picture: Abrahams, Ms ALA

Abrahams, Ms ALA to ask the Minister of Social Development

(a) What are the full names of all staff currently employed in (i) her Private Office and (ii) the office of the Deputy Minister, (b) for each specified official, what (i) is the job title, (ii) are the relevant details of the annual salary and (iii) is the highest qualification obtained and (c) is she and/or the Deputy Minister directly and/or indirectly related to any staff member employed?


(a)(i) Private Office of the Minister

(a)(i) Full Names

(b)(i) Job Title

(b)(ii)Relevant details of the annual salary

(b)(iii) Highest qualification


Food Services Aid II

R184,359.00 per annum

Standard 8 (Practical) Certificate


Domestic Worker

R122,595.00 per annum

Grade 11 Certificate


Special Adviser IV

Total Cost-to-Employer (TCE) package R1,978,533.00 per annum

Bachelor of Journalism and Media Studies Degree, Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resources


Assistant Appointment Secretary

TCE package R733,257.00 per annum

Baccalaureus Artium Degree in Politics Philosophy and Economics



R265,302.00 per annum

Senior Certificate


Parliamentary and Cabinet Support

TCE package R1073,202.00 per annum

Master's Degree in Public Management


Media Liaison Officer

TCE package R1,073,202.00 per annum

Honours Degree in Journalism and Media Studies


Branch Administrator

R316,791.00 per annum

Senior Certificate


Domestic Worker

R122,595.00 per annum

Grade 11 Certificate


Food Services Aid II

R173,703.00 per annum

Certificate Form III


Private Secretary

TCE package R936,177.00 per annum

Standard 8 Certificate



R221,382.00 per annum

Senior Certificate


Chief of Staff

TCE package R1,308,345.00 per annum

Bachelor of Social Science Honours Degree in Policy and Development and National Diploma in Diplomacy


Community Outreach Officer

TCE package R1,057,326.00 per annum

BSc Degree in Science


Registry Clerk

R376,596.00 per annum

Bachelor of Arts in Media Studies


Chief Director: Research Monitoring and Evaluation

TCE package R1,308,345.00 per annum

Master of Arts Degree (Humanities) in Industrial Sociology


Personal Aide to the Chief Director: Research Monitoring and Evaluation

R173,703.00 per annum

Senior Certificate and N5 Certificate in Marketing Management

(a)(ii) Office of the Deputy Minister

(a)(ii) Full Names

(b)(i) Job Title

(b)(ii)Relevant details of the annual salary

(b)(iii) Highest qualification



R173,703.00 per annum

Senior Certificate


Senior Guiding Officer

R376,596.00 per annum

Senior Certificate


Chief Registry Clerk

R257,508.00 per annum

Senior Certificate


Parliamentary And Cabinet Coordinator

TCE package R733,257.00 per annum

Masters of Law Degree


Special Needs Coordinator

TCE package R744,255.00 per annum

Senior Certificate



R173,703.00 per annum

Senior Certificate


Community Outreach Officer

TCE package R766,764.00 per annum

Senior Certificate


Chief Registry Clerk

R257,508.00 per annum

Senior Certificate


Private Secretary

TCE package R908,694.00 per annum

Senior Certificate


Senior Administrative Officer

R316,791.00 per annum

Senior Certificate


Food Aid Services

R102,534.00 per annum

Senior Certificate


Domestic Worker

R122,595.00 per annum

Senior Certificate


Technical Specialist

TCE package R1,089,294.00 per annum

BA Degree in Development Studies



R208,584.00 per annum

Senior Certificate


Head Of Deputy Minister's Office

TCE package R1,057,326.00 per annum

Baccalaureus Artium Honours Degree in English


Domestic Worker

R122,595.00 per annum

Senior Certificate


Senior Guiding Officer

R393,783.00 per annum

Grade 11 Certificate

(c) The Deputy Minister is directly related to one of the staff members.

17 December 2020 - NW2831

Profile picture: Komane, Ms RN

Komane, Ms RN to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

What has he found to be causing delays with issuing of identity documents?


When level 5 lockdown was implemented on 27 March 2020, there were approximately 20 000 identity documents applications at the Department’s Back Office processing facility.

When the Department re-opened to capture first time applications, it was initially necessary for operations to be conducted with the most essential staff only to adhere to the limitations of the Disaster Management Act protocols (social distancing, wearing of masks, washing of hands as well as ensuring sufficient ventilation).

Furthermore, the Department’s operational facilities are generally open plan offices, consequently, as and when there are confirmed Covid-19 cases, the Department has to release officials who were in contact with a positive case, who must then isolate and are not available for duty, which also causes delays in the finalising and issuing of Identity documents.


17 December 2020 - NW3002

Profile picture: Winkler-Lidgett, Ms HS

Winkler-Lidgett, Ms HS to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology

With reference to the reply to question 2458 on 9 November 2020, what are the reasons that Esayidi Technical, Vocational, Education and Training (TVET) College received no funding for laptops considering that most of the attendant students hail from rural areas and impoverished circumstances and thus have limited to no access to resources to continue their academic work during the COVID-19 lockdown period; (2) whether he has been informed that Esayidi TVET students have not received laptops; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, on what date will Esayidi TVET receive funding for (a) data and (b) laptops?


(1) The Department has not received any funding from the National Treasury to provide laptops to Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college students. NSFAS has advised that there are savings from previous years of unutilised bursary funding that will cover the cost of laptops for NSFAS recipients in TVET colleges. The procurement of laptops by NSFAS is still underway and it is expected that these laptops will be distributed in the 2021 academic year once the process of identifying qualifying students has been completed.

(2) Going forward a proposal has been made that there should be a baseline increase in NSFAS funding for TVET colleges to accommodate this cost. Furthermore, TVET colleges will have to incorporate some funding into their annual budgets to cater for gadgets for new students entering the system. Given the relatively shorter time that some students spend in TVET colleges, a loan system might be considered by colleges to make the availability of devices to students affordable and sustainable. All TVET colleges will therefore be required to develop an institutional policy for the provision and/or loan of devices to students. The above response covers the distribution of laptops to NSFAS recipients in all TVET colleges and the anticipated period for distribution of these laptops.

17 December 2020 - NW3051

Profile picture: Ngcobo, Mr S

Ngcobo, Mr S to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

In view of his proposal of a university fee increase of no more than 4,7% for the 2021 academic year, following earlier announcements that fee structures for tuition and accommodation would largely remain even as learning was moved online for many students and that many students will not be occupying their accommodation for extended periods, (a) what rationale did he employ to arrive at such a bold proposal and (b) how does he intend to justify this proposal to students and parents, when his department has not increased its contribution to the university sector in preceding years and in view of the 2021-22 budget being reduced to fund the SA Airways business rescue plans?


(a)  It should be noted that fee increases were implemented for the 2020 academic year. The costs of providing tuition did not reduce as a result of the introduction of emergency remote multi-modal teaching and learning. In fact, universities, in many areas incurred increased costs, including the provision of electronic devices and data, improvements to learning management systems, the cost of health and safety and other costs. Given that no additional funding was available for this, the Department worked with universities to re-prioritise existing funding from earmarked funds, which were approved as a COVID Responsiveness Grant to support institutions and limit the effects of in-year subsidy reductions. The national framework for fees gazetted in October 2020 aimed to guide institutions on tuition and accommodation fees remaining at the same level for the academic year despite the extended academic year. 

Public universities have three main sources of income: State subsidies, tuition fees and other (third stream) income. The bulk of funding is received through subsidies and tuition fees. Tuition fees are determined by university Councils. 

However, since the agreement on a 0% increase on fees for 2016, there has been a sector-wide agreement/compact in place to ensure that fee increases be kept at an affordable rate, while the development of a policy framework is underway. In 2017 and 2018, this was set at a maximum of 8% increase, and in 2019 and 2020, the increases were CPI-linked, with CPI for tuition and CPI+2 for accommodation. This is determined based on the realistic cost increases incurred by institutions for their operations. 

It should also be noted that in 2016 when fees were not increased, university expenditure nonetheless increased, and although fees were charged to users/students at the same level as 2015, the cost of the gap between the fee income and required budget was covered by substantial funding from government, which resulted in a baseline increase in the subsidy budget in following years. In addition, through the gap grant (fee adjustment grant) provided from 2017 onwards, students with family incomes up to R600 000 received support from the government to cover the gap between the 2016 and increased fee required. 

The proposal is a reasonable one, given that universities have CPI-linked increases in costs and therefore require fee increases, and this increase is designed to balance the income requirements of universities, with keeping fee increases at reasonable levels. The proposals are also discussed extensively within the university system before being finalised. 

(b)  Through the compact on tuition fees, the State, working with universities, has kept university fees at affordable levels since 2015, while increasing support to poor and working-class students and providing relief to missing middle families. Universities cannot operate without tuition fee income, and the compact is focused on keeping fees at affordable levels for fee-paying individuals and the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) despite the fact that university subsidies have declined in 2020 due to COVID in particular.

17 December 2020 - NW2311

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

Whether (a) her department and (b) any entities reporting to her paid any bonuses to senior officials in the past two financial years; if so, in each specified case, (i) to whom and (ii) what total amount was paid; (2) whether the specified bonuses were performance-based; if not, what is the justification for each bonus; if so, in each case, from which budget were the performance bonuses paid; (3) whether, in each case, (a) a performance agreement was signed with the official and (b) regular performance assessments were conducted; if not, why not, in each case; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?


I have been advised by the Department and SOCs as follows:

As stated in the Annual Reports to Parliament for the said financial years regarding the department and entities, the details of the payments are as per the tables below, namely;

Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services

1(a) 2017/18:


(i)To whom

(ii)Amount Paid


Senior Managers

Yes, cash bonuses were paid to deserving senior managers in the 2017/18 and 2018/19 financial years

Performance bonuses paid for the 2017/18 financial year

The following senior managers received cash bonuses in the 2017/18 financial year:

  • Mr Shelembe O, DDG: ICT Enterprise Development and SOEs Oversight
  • Mr Osman F, Chief Director: Strategic Planning and Monitoring
  • Advocate Lyons-Grootboom S, Chief Director: Legal
  • Ms Maponya C, Director: HRD
  • Ms Beukes T, Director: HRA
  • Mr Wiltz A, Director: ICT Telecommunication and IT
  • Ms Lesufi C, Director: Telecommunications
  • Mr Motlatla JL, Information Technology Policy
  • Mr Mabuza, Director: Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Mr Musetha RD, Chief Director: Broadband Infraco
  • Mr Sono DA, Chief Director: Radio Frequency Spectrum
  • Mr Rabindhnath T, Director: E Skills

The total amount of cash bonuses paid to the senior managers above was R380 565.36 and the budget came from the 1.5% allocated budget from the compensation budget.



(i)To whom

(ii)Amount Paid



Performance bonuses paid for the 2018/19 financial year

The following senior managers received cash bonuses in the 2018/19 financial year:

  • Mr Mlambo B, Director: Parliamentary and Cabinet Support
  • Ms Sebastian P, Director: Parliament and Cabinet Support
  • Mr Mongala S, Director: Risk Management
  • Mr Osman F, Chief Director: Strategic Planning and Monitoring
  • Mr Maleka SM, Director: Strategic Planning
  • Mr Libago J, Director: Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Advocate Lyons-Grootboom S, Chief Director: Legal
  • Ms Maponya C, Director: HRD
  • Ms Masemola JK, CFO
  • Ms Motswoenyane E, Director: SCM
  • Mr Paterson JG, Director: Organisational Economic Cooperation Development
  • Mr Wiltz A, Director: ICT Telecommunication and IT
  • Ms Lesufi C, Director: Telecommunications
  • Mr Musetha RD, Chief Director: Broadband Infraco
  • Mr Gxotiwe S, Director: Broadband Infraco
  • Ms Langa R, Chief Director: Postal Sector
  • Ms Mandlanga NM, Chief Director: Telecommunications and IT
  • Ms Tsolo, P: Director: SOE Governance and Support
  • Ms Paul M, Chief Director: ICT Macro and Infrastructure Applications
  • Mr Pillay K, Chief Director: Cyber Security Operations
  • Ms Duma G, Director: Intergovernmental Coordination
  • Ms Mallela P, Director: Stakeholder Relations

The total amount of cash bonuses paid to the senior managers above was R499 660.23 and the budget came from the 1.5% allocated budget from the compensation budget.

  1. Yes, the bonuses were performance based. The senior managers were found to have performed above what was expected of them in relation to their signed performance agreements in the Moderation Committee meetings and the payment of incentives was approved by the Minister.

3(a) Yes, all senior managers were assessed based on signed performance agreements and performance assessments.

3(b) Yes, all senior managers who received bonuses had mid-term reviews with their supervisors.

Department of Communications

1(a) 2017/2018:-


(i)To whom

(ii)Amount Paid

Department of Communications (DoC)

Senior Managers

Yes, cash bonuses were paid to deserving senior managers in the 2017/18 and 2018/19 financial years

Performance bonuses paid 2017/18 financial year

The following senior managers received cash bonuses in the 2017/18 financial year:

  • Mr Kgarabjang T, Director: Legal Services
  • Mr Nieman F, Director: Financial Administration
  • Ms Phetla K, Director: Director: Strategic Planning and monitoring

The total amount of cash bonuses paid to the senior managers above was R303 455.68 and the budget came from the 1.5% allocated budget from the compensation budget.



(i)To whom

(ii)Amount Paid



Performance bonuses paid 2018/19 financial year

The following senior managers received cash bonuses in the 2018/19 financial year:

  • Mr Kgarabjang T, Director: Legal Services
  • Ms Mmushi T, Director: Internal Audit

The total amount of cash bonuses paid to the senior managers above was R163 241.04 and the budget came from the 1.5% allocated budget from the compensation budget.

  1. Yes, the bonuses were performance based. The senior managers were found to have performed above what was expected of them in relation to their signed performance agreements in the Moderation Committee meetings and the payment of incentives was approved by the Minister.

3(a) All senior managers were assessed based on signed performance agreements and performance assessments.

3(b) Yes, all senior managers who received bonuses had mid-term reviews against their signed PAs with their supervisors.

State Owned Entities



Financial Year

(i)To whom

(ii)Amount Paid


Yes, for FY 2018/19 only

  • Mr Peter Madavhu
  • Mr Louis Bezuidenhout
  • Ms Hendrina Williams


R93 979.00





Film and Publication Board


Yes, for FY 2018/19

  • Unathi Ndobeni


R79 743.23

Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA)

Yes, FY 2017/2018

  • Gidi Nkhetheleni Norman
  • Sookharan Anneal Kumar
  • Ngwepe Willington Alpheus
  • Van der Walt Maria Elizabeth
  • Nomtshongwana Anele Zandile
  • Maina Leah Watetu
  • Mngomezulu Portia Busisiwe
  • Khumalo Albert Junior
  • Kganakga Magobotla Daniel

TOTAL 2018

R1 813 700.24


Yes, FY 2018/2019

  • Gidi Nkhetheleni Norman
  • Sookharan Anneal Kumar
  • Ngwepe Willington Alpheus
  • Van der Walt Maria Elizabeth
  • Nomtshongwana Anele Zandile
  • Maina Leah Watetu
  • Mngomezulu Portia Busisiwe
  • Khumalo Albert Junior
  • Kganakga Magobotla Daniel

TOTAL 2019

R2 222 738.77

Broadband Infraco (BBI)





Yes, FY 2018/19 only

  • Mr Doc Fick
  • Mr Phuthi Phukubje

TOTAL 2018/19

R 394 326.00


Yes, FY 2017/18 &

FY 2018/19

  • Mr Mlamli Booi
  • Mr Tebogo Leshaope
  • Mr Siphamandla Mthethwa

TOTAL 2017/18 FY

R2 192 805.64


TOTAL 2018/19 FY

R3 250 597.17

State Information Technology Agency (SITA)

Yes, 2018/19 only

  • Ms Mimi Le Roux
  • Mr Lance Williams
  • Mr Sidima Ntsangani
  • Mr Ntutule Tshenye
  • Mr Ken Weinand
  • Ms Makgopolo Mkwanazi
  • Mr Setumo Mohapi


R348 761. 91













2. ZADNA, FPB, ICASA , Nemisa, Sentech, and SITA indicated that the bonuses paid were performance-based. (The question is not applicable to the SABC, BBI, Postbank , USAASA and SAPO as no bonuses were paid during the during the financial years in question)

3(a)&(b) ZADNA, FPB, ICASA, BBI, Nemisa, Sentech and SITA confirmed that performance agreements were signed and regular performance assessments were conducted. (The question is not applicable to the SABC, BBI, Postbank , USAASA and SAPO as no bonuses were paid during the during financial years in question)





17 December 2020 - NW2544

Profile picture: Clarke, Ms M

Clarke, Ms M to ask the Minister of Communications

With reference to the announcement made by the President, Mr M C Ramaphosa, on 9 April 2019 of a 30-member Presidential Fourth Industrial Revolution Commission to provide the Republic with a digital transformation strategy plan, (a) what are the names of the current members of the specified commission, (b) what are the reasons that the commission only present the plan to the President in August 2020 and (c) on what date will her department be presented with the commission’s report?


I have been advised as follows:

  1. Names of current members of the Presidential Commission on the Fourth Industrial Revolution:
  • Prof. Tshilidzi Marwala
  • Prof. Chris Adendorff
  • Ms Beth Arendse
  • Mr Mpho Dagada
  • Mr Thulani Dlamini
  • Mr Abdul Esakjee
  • Dr Bernard Fanaroff
  • Dr Micheal Gastrow
  • Mr Xolile George
  • Ms Chairmaine Houvet
  • Dr Prince Jaca
  • Mr Tervern Jaftha
  • Mr Shameel Joosub
  • Ms Nomso Kana
  • Ms Marinda Kellerman (resigned)
  • Mr Baxolile Mabinya
  • Mr Rendani Mamphiswana
  • Ms Lindiwe Matlali
  • Ms Busisiwe Mbuyisa
  • Ms Nomvula Mkhonza
  • Mr Vukani Mngxati
  • Mr Joseph Ndaba
  • Dr Nompumelelo Happworth-Obokoh
  • Mr Rendani Ramabulana
  • Dr Leon Rolls
  • Mr Rob Shuter
  • Dr Sibongiseni Thotsejane
  • Mr Aubrey Tsabalala
  • Mr Gerhard van Deventer
  • Mr Ben Venter
  • Ms S’onqoba Vuba

b) Mr Andile NgcabaThe advent of the COVID-19 in March 2020 prompted that the planned presentation to the President in March 2020 be postponed accommodating the availability of the President. The confirmed date for presentation to the President was 06 August 2020. The diagnostic report was also presented to the President on 07 November 2019.

c) The report was presented to the department on 21 January 2020.





17 December 2020 - NW2742

Profile picture: Chirwa-Mpungose, Ms NN

Chirwa-Mpungose, Ms NN to ask the Minister of Health

What is the (a) total number of graduate doctors in the Republic who (i) are waiting to be placed as interns and (ii) have been interns but are currently unemployed and (b) reason for the delay in the placing of the graduates in hospitals in order to complete their training?


a) The total number of graduate doctors in the Republic –

(i) are waiting to be placed as interns is zero for the Annual January 2021 Cycle;

(ii) also, there are no interns currently unemployed.

The National Departmernt of Health has allocated a total of 2,367 medical interns and 1,693 community service: medical service officers who are eligible and qualifying South African Citizens and Permanent Residents to posts.

b) Only applicants who meet the requirements in accordance with employment Regulations in South Africa and are able to commence duty on 01 January 2021 have been allocated.


17 December 2020 - NW2877

Profile picture: Ceza, Mr K

Ceza, Mr K to ask the Minister of Health

What urgent actions has his department taken to deal with the (a) overflow of patients, (b) infrastructure debilitation, (c) lack of essential (i) medication and/or drugs and (ii) equipment, (d) dysfunctional water tanks, (e) staff (i) demotivation and/or (ii) resignations and (f) laundry dysfunctionality at the Witbank Provincial Hospital in Emalahleni, Mpumalanga?


Information is being collated from all the provinces to enable us to respond to these questions. The full details will be furnished to Parliament as soon as they are received from the provinces.


17 December 2020 - NW2677

Profile picture: van der Merwe, Ms LL

van der Merwe, Ms LL to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

What (a) total number of temporary asylum seeker permits are currently active as at 1 November 2020 and (b) total number of asylum seekers and/or refugee appeals were turned down over the past 10 years?


a) Based on data extracted 11 November 2020 there are 175 461 persons with section 22 permits active.

b) The total number of appeals that were turned down over the past 10 years is 13 572 (as at 12 November 2020).



17 December 2020 - NW2483

Profile picture: Mabika, Mr M

Mabika, Mr M to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

Since opening international borders under the risk-based approach travel regulations released by national government on 30 September 2020, (a) what total number of applications for business travel has his department received from (i) Germany, (ii) the United Kingdom, (iii) the United States of America, (iv) France, (v) the Netherlands, (vi) Switzerland and (vii) Japan, (b) what total number of the specified applications were (i) approved and (ii) rejected and (c) what was the average turnaround time for each of the listed countries?


a) The total number of applications for business travel received from 1 October to 11 November 2020 was 8,878. Applications are not separated, or processed according to nationality.

b) (i) Approved: 6,778. This figure includes business people including South African permanent residents and long-term visa holders who used this e-mail address. 2,100 applications were in process up until the 11 November 2020.

(ii) Rejected: None. Those who did not meet the requirements were requested to submit outstanding information and their cases were approved once the information was received.

c) All cases are finalised between 1 to 10 days.



17 December 2020 - NW2827

Profile picture: Chabangu, Mr M

Chabangu, Mr M to ask the Minister of Health

(a) On what date will the project commence to refurbish the wards at Dr George Mukhari Academic Hospital in Ga-Rankuwa and (b) what amount is budgeted for the project?


According to the Gauteng Provincial Department of Health,

a) The project of refurbishing the eight (8) wards as, indicated in the response to Question 2743 by Ms N Chirwa was successfully completed and the wards are fully operational. Below are the dates of occupation achieved for each of the wards:


Ward 1: 13 July 2020

Ward 2: 08 July 2020

Ward 3: 31 July 2020

Ward 4: 28 August 2020

Ward 5: 13 July 2020

Ward 6: 08 July 2020

Ward 7: 28 August 2020

Ward 8: 28 August 2020

b) The refurbishment project was done at a cost of R186,000,000.


17 December 2020 - NW2357

Profile picture: Graham-Maré, Ms SJ

Graham-Maré, Ms SJ to ask the Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies

(a) What (i) provision has the Post Office made to meet the increase in the numbers of beneficiaries eligible for the Social Relief of Distress Grant payable at the Post Office and (ii) is being done to address the backlog where the Post Office in smaller towns does not have sufficient money to make the payments, (b) which beneficiaries get preference when the cash resources are low and (c) what are the time frames for addressing the backlog of beneficiaries who still have outstanding grants owed to them; (2) whether there is a record of which Post Offices have not been able to meet the demand; if not, why not; if so, what are the names of such Post Offices in each (a) town and (b) province? NW2931E


I have been advised by the SAPO as follows:

(1)(a)(i) Available staff members within the SAPO Regions (even from other Business Units) are being utilised to assist with queue management, and the scanning of beneficiaries to ensure that they all have correct SMSes and proper identification documents to speed up the payment process.

(ii) There is no backlog in essence, as all validated beneficiaries (appropriate SMSes and Identification) and the allocated queue numbers (branch capacity) for that specific day are assisted. Cash ordering for payments at branches are done in accordance with predictive models of number of SASSA beneficiaries to collect their payments from the particular Branch on a daily basis. Many clients, however, arrive at Post Offices, having not yet applied for the SRD, not yet approved or prematurely on receipt of only their registration SMSes. The queue management is assisting in this regard and also to educate and inform beneficiaries on what to do.

(b) With the screening of beneficiaries whilst in queue, preference is normally given to those who possess appropriate SMSes to collect their grants. Queue card number systems have also been introduced in Regions which has improved the operations and cash handling and have reduced the influx of beneficiaries without appropriate SMSes.

(c) SRD Grant payments are done continuously throughout the month, except during the first 3–4 days when regular social grants are being paid.

(2)(a)(b) SAPO Branches are generally able to deal with the demand for a specific day, taking into consideration the number of beneficiaries the branch is able to assist per day. Beneficiaries who are not assisted on the day are given a number to return and are then prioritised in the queue. Some SAPO Branches may have been closed due to operational or financial reasons and clients are then referred to the nearest alternative available branches.




17 December 2020 - NW2310

Profile picture: Van Damme, Ms PT

Van Damme, Ms PT to ask the Minister of Communications

What is the total number of (a) legal matters in which the SA Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) was the defendant in the past two financial years up to the latest specified date for which information is available and (b) the specified legal matters that were dealt with by (i) the State Attorney and (ii) private counsel during the specified periods; (2) what (a) are the reasons that her department was not represented by the State Attorney in each specified case and (b) total amounts were paid by the SABC to (i) the State Attorney and (ii) private counsel during the specified periods?


I have been advised by the SABC as follows:

1. (a) 87

(b)(i) 0

(ii) 29

2. (a) There was no reason for the department to be represented in these matters as they related to the operations of the SABC.

(b) (i) 0

(ii) R 65 351 000.00




17 December 2020 - NW2738

Profile picture: Roos, Mr AC

Roos, Mr AC to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

Whether the website of the SA High Commission in London, which has been dysfunctional for several months, is due to technical matter that is being attended to; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what is the time frame for the website to return to being functional?


The South African High Commission in London’s contract with its service provider, which hosted the website, expired in August 2020 and it took longer than expected to enter into a contract with a new service provider and to update the content. However, the new website ( has been operational since November 2020 and allows High Commission staff to manage the content directly. Civic and immigration documentation is now available for download directly from the website.

17 December 2020 - NW2946

Profile picture: Roos, Mr AC

Roos, Mr AC to ask the Minister of Home Affairs

With reference to the Home Affairs office in Nigel which was offline from 13/11/2020 until 18/11/2020 due to a faulty data line, (a) why did it take four working days to repair the faulty data line, (b) which entity and/or service provider is responsible for resolving issues on the data line, (c) what is the resolution turnaround time on a faulty data line as per the service level agreement with the responsible entity and/or service provider, (d) what penalties and/or actions will be taken against the responsible entity and/or service provider in cases where the resolution time exceeded the service level agreement time and (e) why was a mobile unit not provided outside the office to assist citizens while the office was offline for four days?


(a) SITA was notified on Friday 13 November 2020 about the faulty data line in Nigel office and were supposed to dispatch the Telkom technician to the site but that did not materialise. Later that day after a remote diagnosis SITA called the DHA Regional IT Officer informing her that there is no sound from the office’s router, they suspected that it was switched off and then asked her to confirm if it had power. It was confirmed to SITA that power was on for the router and pictures were sent as proof and that is when the latter confirmed that it implies that there was nothing wrong on their side with reference number: Ref 20894281

On Monday,16 November 2020 the Regional IT Officer revisited Nigel to check the equipment in liaison with the departmental HQ networks technician and that is when it was confirmed that indeed the router was not responding as the Network Card slot was dead. The card slot was changed but unfortunately that slot was not configured as the password to configure was not working, all passwords were tried and still did not work. On the 17 November 2020, the networks technician managed to crack the password, did new configurations on the other slot and inserted the router as they had removed it on 16 November 2020 and that caused a delay. The matter was resolved late and thus clients could not be assisted and were only attended to on 18 November 2020.

(b) SITA and the internal DHA IT Infrastructure team were responsible for resolving the problem.

(c) In Terms of the Service Level Agreements between SITA and DHA the following are adhered to:

  • Mean time to respond is 4 Hours
  • Mean Time to Resolve is 16 Hours

(d) The penalties are applied when Service Level Agreements are not met by the service provider in this case the responsibility was on both DHA IT and State Information Technology Agency and the contracts management team will advise on the penalties to be levied if any, due to shared responsibilities.

(e) The allocated and limited number of mobile units have a set schedule and were already deployed as confirmed with various stakeholders as they relieve the offices when there is high influx of clients for management of queues.


17 December 2020 - NW2583

Profile picture: Phillips, Ms C

Phillips, Ms C to ask the Minister of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation

On what date will the (a) eight new boreholes in Redirele, Derby, in the North West be electrified and provide water to the community and (b) pumps at the existing two boreholes be replaced and/or repaired?


Honourable Member, the provision of water to communities is the responsibility of Water Services Authorities (municipalities). The electrification of the boreholes in Redirele Village, including the maintenance of boreholes is the responsibility of Kgetleng Rivier Local Municipality (KRLM).

I wish to point out that the legislative mandate of the Department of Water and Sanitation is to ensure that the country’s water resources are protected, managed, used, developed, conserved and controlled sustainably for the benefit of all people and the environment.

The Water Services Act, 1997 refers to municipalities as Water Service Authorities (WSAs) responsible for distribution (reticulation) of water and to supply sanitation services. The Water Services Act in section 3 outlines the right of access to basic water supply and sanitation which mandates that “everyone has a right of access to basic water supply and basic sanitation” and places the responsibility on Water Services Authorities to ensure that they develop a Water Services Development Plan (WSDP) to ensure the realisation of this right.

Section 11 of the Water Services Act, 1997 mandates that “every Water Services Authority has the duty to all consumers or potential consumers in its area of jurisdiction to progressively ensure efficient, affordable, economical and sustainable access to water services.”

16 December 2020 - NW3073

Profile picture: Mokgotho, Ms SM

Mokgotho, Ms SM to ask the Minister of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation

With regard to the community of Ward 12 in the Moses Kotane Local Municipality, North West, who have been promised houses since 2005, and the fact that the specified municipality brought bricks and crusher to more than 50 houses at Lotwane, Niniva, Selosesha and Stateng sections in order to build Reconstruction and Development Programme houses, yet to date the municipality has not built those houses, what actions has she taken to ensure that the specified communities have houses?


The North West Provincial Department of Cooperative Governance, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs has indicated that the village is known as Ramokokastad which is located in Ward 12 in the area of jurisdiction of the Moses Kotane Local Municipality. Initially, the Peoples Housing Programme project consisted of 200 housing units of which 145 houses were constructed during 2004. In 2005, the National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC) required all home builders to enrol building projects and therefore the project was stopped to enable the developers to meet the requirements. However, the developers failed to register as required by the NHBRC and the project was thus not completed.

In June 2019, the Provincial Department appointed a developer to unblock the project and to construct the remaining 55 houses. To date, 52 houses have been completed and the remaining 3 houses are at completion stage of which the installation of ceilings, painting and the clearing of rubble are in progress.

16 December 2020 - NW2904

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Tourism

(1)(a) On what date did she sign her performance contract, (b) how often is her performance assessed and reviewed and (c) what are the details of her performance results to date; (2) what are (a) her main Key Performance Indicators in her performance contract and (b) the (i) measurables and (ii) deadlines in each case?


President Cyril Ramaphosa has signed performance agreements with all Ministers to strengthen the capacity of the State and increase accountability.

These agreements, which are based on the targets contained in the Medium-Term Strategic Framework – have been made public so that the people of South Africa can hold those who they elected into office to account.

Copies are available at:

16 December 2020 - NW2143

Profile picture: Seitlholo, Mr IS

Seitlholo, Mr IS to ask the Minister of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation

Whether she was informed that her department conducted water tests on samples that were taken from Tlapeng Village in Ward 9 of the Greater Taung Local Municipality, North West, in 2012; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) has she been informed that to date her department has not released the report and (b) what are the results of the tests?


Honourable Member, the legislative mandate of the Department of Water and Sanitation is to ensure that the country’s water resources are protected, managed, used, developed, conserved and controlled in a sustainable manner for the benefit of all people and the environment.

The Water Services Act, 1997 refers to municipalities as Water Service Authorities (WSAs) responsible for distribution (reticulation) of water and to supply sanitation services. The Water Services Act in section 3 outlines the right of access to basic water supply and sanitation which mandates that “everyone has a right of access to basic water supply and basic sanitation” and places the responsibility on Water Services Authorities to ensure that they develop a Water Services Development Plan (WSDP) to ensure the realisation of this right.

Section 11 of the Water Services Act, 1997 mandates that “every Water Services Authority has the duty to all consumers or potential consumers in its area of jurisdiction to progressively ensure efficient, affordable, economical and sustainable access to water services.”

The Dr Ruth Segomotsi Mompati District (DM) is a Water Service Authority (WSA) with a mandate for the provision of water and sanitation services within its jurisdiction in the North West Province. The Municipality is responsible for ensuring good quality of potable water in the area. The Honourable Member is therefore referred to the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) for the outcome of any tests carried out by the municipality.

16 December 2020 - NW2617

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Tourism

With reference to her Budget Vote speech, Vote No 33, on 22 July 2020, what (a) is (i) she and (ii) her department doing to mitigate the gross domestic product contraction and job losses, (b) are her department’s plans in this regard and (c) are the (i) time frames, (ii) timelines and (iii) deadlines in this regard?


a) (i) and (ii)The Department, working with the sector has followed government’s risk-adjusted strategy for the phased re-opening of economic activities.

b) and (c) (i),(ii) and (iii)The associated timelines are contained in the tabled Strategic Plan 2020/21 – 2024/25 as well as the reviewed and retabled Annual Performance Plans 2020/21 – 2022/23.

16 December 2020 - NW3065

Profile picture: Mohlala, Ms MR

Mohlala, Ms MR to ask the Minister of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation

In light of the fact that water resources management in the Republic is reliant on the ability of establishing catchment management agencies to devolve resource management from national to regional, what are the reasons that the Republic only has two established catchment management agencies?


The Department of Water and Sanitation had initially planned to establish nineteen (19) Catchment Management Agencies (CMAs) but this number was later rationalised to nine (9) in March 2012.

In line with the 2013 Presidential Review Committee on State-owned Entities, the DWS has continued to review institutional arrangements for water sector entities, taking into account a number of principles in analysing the options to improve operational efficiencies and reduce costs through consolidation and rationalisation of CMAs.

I have therefore recently approved a reconfiguration and establishment of six (6) CMAs as follows:

  • Inkomati-Pongola.
  • Breede-Gouritz-Olifants.
  • Limpopo-Olifants.
  • Mhlatuze-Umzimkhulu.
  • Vaal-Orange.
  • Mzimvubu-Tsitsikama.

Further, I have appointed Advisory Committees for the Breede-Gouritz-Olifants, Limpopo-Olifants, Mhlatuze-Umzimkhulu and Vaal-Orange CMAs in terms of section 81(3) of the National Water Act (Act 36 of 1998). The responsibility of the Advisory Committees is to recommend a list of organs of state and bodies representing different sectors within the Water Management Areas of the CMAs which should be represented on the Governing Boards of the proposed CMAs.

16 December 2020 - NW2881

Profile picture: Mohlala, Ms MR

Mohlala, Ms MR to ask the Minister of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation

With regard to her new proposal of giving persons land instead of houses, (a) on what date will the specified programme begin and (b) what assurances will she give that the programme will not further entrench apartheid spatial planning, wherein black people were forced to live in areas far away from city centres?


(a) The rapid land release programme has commenced through the reprioritisation of the budget allocation for the 2020/21 Human Settlements Development Grant and the Urban Settlements Development Grant.

(b) The land that is released to beneficiaries to build houses for themselves is primarily identified within the declared priority development areas.

The priority development areas are intended to advance Human Settlements Spatial Transformation and Consolidation by ensuring that the delivery of housing is used to foster new integrated, functional and inclusive urban forms that can overcome apartheid spatial patterns.

Typically, these land parcels are well located areas that provide convenient access to social amenities such as schools, health facilities and job opportunities. For example, Elijah Barayi, Westonaria Borwa and Montrose Mega projects located within the Gauteng West Rand have serviced sites earmarked for Rapid Land Release as part of Mega human settlements development and make provision for the required socio-economic amenities.

Therefore, the Rapid Land Release Plan will not compromise the spatial transformation agenda.

16 December 2020 - NW2954

Profile picture: Basson, Mr LJ

Basson, Mr LJ to ask the Minister of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation

(1)Whether, with reference to her department's National Norms and Standards for Domestic Water and Sanitation Services: Version 3, published in Gazette Notice 982 in the Government Gazette 41100 of 8 September 2017 (details furnished), the status of the specified norms and standards is currently legal; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether she will furnish Mr L J Basson with a (a) roadmap and (b) timeline on the date the public participation process will commence in which comments on the norms and standards will be sought; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) what is the envisaged date when her department intends to (a) finalise and (b) approve the norms and standards for implementation?


(1) The status of the National Norms and Standards for Domestic Water and Sanitation Services: Version 3 published in Gazette Notice 982 in the Government Gazette 41100 of 8 September 2017 for public comments has not been finalized and therefore it is not legal as yet. There were numerous concerns raised by stakeholders and such concerns were found to be material through a legal opinion that was sought by the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) after the consultation process was finalized.

While the DWS is reviewing the National Norms and Standards for Domestic Water and Sanitation Services, the regulations relating to compulsory National Standards for Water and Sanitation Supply GNR.509 of 08 June 2001, issued in terms of the Water Services Act, Act 108 of 1997 remain legally applicable. Therefore, there is no lacuna in law.

(2) A roadmap and timelines on the date of the public participation process will be furnished to the Honourable Member once the norms and standard have been finalised.

(3) It is envisaged that the review or amendment of the norms and standards will be finalized and approved in the next financial year (2021/22).

16 December 2020 - NW3013

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Tourism

(a) What (i) criteria and (ii) scientific data are used to create the red list of high-risk countries from which persons are permitted to travel to the Republic, (b) on what date is the list updated and (c) what criteria determines that the list needs to be updated?


The Department of Tourism does not handle scientific data dealing with the determination of red list of high-risk countries. The matter falls within the mandate of the Department of Health.

(a)– (c) Not applicable

16 December 2020 - NW2745

Profile picture: Moteka, Mr PG

Moteka, Mr PG to ask the Minister of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation

On what date is it envisaged that her department will finish building the incomplete Reconstruction and Development Project Houses at Ward 20 at Magolaneng in the Makhuduthamaga Local Municipality, Limpopo, as the houses have been standing incomplete for three years?


Honourable Member, government is no longer building Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) houses. RDP houses were discontinued as soon as Cabinet adopted the Comprehensive Plan for the Development of Sustainable Human Settlements in 2004 setting new standards for housing typologies for government houses referred to as BNG houses.

The Department Human Settlements in Limpopo has advised that the name of the village referred to in the question is Ga-Rantho, but it is commonly referred to as Magolaneng. The Magolaneng village is located in the area of jurisdiction of the Makhuduthamaga Local Municipality in Ward 20. During 2017/18 a contractor was appointed to construct 230 houses of which 5 houses were to be constructed in Magolaneng village.

The contractor’s contract was terminated due to poor workmanship after 176 housing units were completed. Subsequently, two contractors were appointed in March 2020 to complete the units, however, due to the national lockdown work only commenced in August 2020.

The new contractors have started with construction in the nearby village of Mahlolwaneng and it is expected that they will then move to Ga-Rantho (Magolaneng) to finish the incomplete 5 houses.

The project is expected to be completed by the end of the financial year.

16 December 2020 - NW2526

Profile picture: Sithole, Mr KP

Sithole, Mr KP to ask the Minister of Tourism

Whether there are any plans to invest in tourism subsidies to encourage domestic demand as some of the industry’s biggest market countries have been categorised as high risk and therefore banned from leisure travel into the Republic; if not, what contingency plans are in place, beyond the already distributed relief fund, to support the industry in the event of a second wave of Covid-19 infections; if so, (a) what is the budget allocation for the subsidies and (b) will she furnish Mr K P Sithole with the (i) details of how subsidies will be allocated and (ii) criteria for selecting successful applicants?


(a)-(b) (i) and (ii)

There is neither a policy decision nor a plan to subsidise domestic travel, however engagements with the sector aimed to encourage responsible pricing that would stimulate increase in domestic leisure travel. There is also no additional financial relief measure specific to the sector at this stage owing to the constraints in the fiscal environment. However, tourism businesses are encouraged to make use of the R200 billion credit guarantee scheme/facility that was setup between the Reserve Bank, commercial banks and the National Treasury.

16 December 2020 - NW2688

Profile picture: Singh, Mr N

Singh, Mr N to ask the Minister of Tourism

With reference to her reply to question 2286 on 30 October 2020, what are the reasons that (a) tour guides who are registered with the relevant provincial registrars and (b) freelance tour guides who are not registered with the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) as employees, and therefore qualify for the financial relief amount of R1 500 for three months, are in actual fact not receiving the money because they are still erroneously listed on the UIF, even though they are not eligible for UIF compensation and not paying UIF contributions?


The Tourist Guide Relief Fund is meant to benefit tourist guide who are freelancers because they would not be eligible to claim for the TERS. A decision on whether a tourist guide is a freelancer or not, is employed and/or receives UIF payment is based on information contained within a database held by the Unemployment Insurance Fund. Decision on whether a tourist guide qualifies to receive the relief payment or not were taken on the basis of the information received from the UIF as the sole custodian of such information. Tourist guides who may have queries regarding their UIF related information should direct such to the UIF accordingly.

16 December 2020 - NW2215

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Tourism

(a) What steps has she taken in the past three years to date in the tourism and hospitality sector to make it more representative of (i) gender, (ii) race, (ii) physically challenged and (iv) youth, (b) what are the successes that have been achieved, (c) how are these successes measured, (d) what is the total number of long-term jobs that were created and (e) what jobs were created?


a) (i)- (iv) Steps that were taken in the past three years by the Department to make the tourism and hospitality sector more representative.

Whilst the government sets the policy framework through the B-BBEE Act and sector specific Codes as as amended, the private sector has a significant role to play in the changing of the partterns of ownership and mining full participation of designate group in the sector. Departmental efforts alone can never bring the desired change in terms of transformation. All programmes in the department are implemented with a bias towards supporting designated groups i.e. Women, Youth and Persons living with disabilities; and tourism development in rural areas amongst others. Departmental interventions include amongst others, skills development, market access, product development and enhancement, development finance, business development and supporting National Treasury in guiding public sector expenditure on tourism services. It is also worth noting that department‘s own expenditure is driven by the principles and prescripts that guides transformation.

(b) and (c) The Honourable member is referred to the past three years’ Annual Performance Reports as well as the Quarterly Performance Reports that were presented to the Portfolio Committee on Tourism for the detail and final numbers of all beneficiaries that completed the programmes of the department.

The Honourable Member is further referred to the detailed presentation made by the Tourism B-BBEE Charter Council to the Portfolio Committee on Tourism on 29 October 2019 on the State of Transformation in Tourism. The Department implements all its programmes in line with the Tourism B-BBEE Codes and provides support to the work done by the Charter Council.

(d) Not applicable, the question is about transformation of the sector.

(e) Not applicable.

16 December 2020 - NW3066

Profile picture: Mohlala, Ms MR

Mohlala, Ms MR to ask the Minister of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation

With regard to the District Development Model being touted as a panacea to address the dysfunctionality of the implementation of the Intergovernmental Relations and Co-operative Governance Framework to deal with concurrent functions of water resources and water services provision in the Republic, what are the relevant details of the (a) risks and (b) mitigation strategies that have been identified by her department to ensure the successful implementation of the District Development Model?


Honourable Member, the District Development Model (DDM) will go a long way in ensuring an operational model for improved cooperative governance that promotes the need to shift to a joint development planning approach

The model was launched last year and as we were piloting it in a number of districts, the COVID-19 pandemic befell us and altered some of our plans.

The Departments of Water and Sanitation intends to take advantage of the model and work closely with COGTA to ensure its successful implementation. It intends to employ the following strategies:

  • the Department of Water and Sanitation working with COGTA, through the Municipal Infrastructure Support Agency (MISA), will establish a Project Management Unit at a Provincial level that shall support all District Municipalities to roll out the Model.
  • DWS intends to work with District Municipalities in the planning and implementation of Infrastructure Projects, with MISA assisting in a support role for Monitoring and Evaluation of the DDM.
  • It will utilise integrated planning to address challenges of misalignment of plans of all Sector Plans, to enable all spheres to focus on One Plan at District Levels, financial resources appropriated correctly for each financial year outputs is crucial.
  • Identification of priorities over five-year term period, and development of integrated plans.
  • Long term (10 years) implementation plans that are aligned to the National Water and Sanitation Master Plan should also be developed
  • A Human Resource Plan to be developed for each District Municipality and Water Services Authorities in relation to critical skills including technical, financial and project management
  • Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) must be encouraged for possible funding of the catalytic infrastructure projects.

16 December 2020 - NW2598

Profile picture: Powell, Ms EL

Powell, Ms EL to ask the Minister of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation

Whether she will provide proof and documentation of (a)(i) tender advertisements and/or (ii) requests for quotations and the placement thereof, (b) competitive bids received, (c) requests for quotations received and (d) all contracts of award for the purposes of the construction of Mdantsane temporary residential units for Duncan Village in the Eastern Cape; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?


(a) I have been informed that a request for quotations was placed on the following panels: The Housing Development Agency’s panel of contractors, database for innovative technologies from the National Home Builders Registration Council, the database of Temporary Residential Accommodations (TRA’s) from the National Department of Human Settlements and databases of various Provincial Departments of Human Settlements. The request for proposals is attached as Annexure A.

(b) Not applicable.

(c)&(d) A total of 32 requests for quotations were received from prospective service providers. Further details of the quotations received are available for viewing at the premises of the HDA Head Office: Block A, 6-10 Riviera Road Office Park, Killarney. The records include personal information. This is in accordance with Section 19(1) of the Protection of Personal Information Act, 2013 (Act No. 4 of 2013).

Further, I am constrained and prohibited by the document titled “Guide to Parliamentary Questions in the National Assembly” from providing the Honourable Member with the names of the companies. The document referred to states that:

Questions are to be framed as concisely as possible. All unnecessary adjectives, references and quotations are omitted. Names of persons, bodies and, for example, newspapers are only used in questions if the facts surrounding the case have been proven. As the mere mention of such names could be construed as publicity for or against them, it should be clear that this practice is highly undesirable. If a question will be unintelligible without mentioning such names, the Departments concerned are notified of the name (-s) and this phrase is used: ".......a certain person (name furnished)”


15 December 2020 - NW3053

Profile picture: Cebekhulu, Inkosi RN

Cebekhulu, Inkosi RN to ask the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition

What (a) steps is his department taking to resolve outstanding grievances of musicians on the payment of royalties, (b) initiatives are being undertaken by his department to ensure a more efficient and transparent process in distributing royalties and (c) reforms have been made to modernise organisations responsible for the collection of royalties?


I am advised by the Commissioner of the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) of the following:

a) The CIPC held a meeting with the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC), which is a big user of sound recordings for needle-time rights to establish a working relationship between the two entities. In terms of the envisaged working relationship, the SABC will share with CIPC the data/information on the use of sound recordings. The data/ information from SABC, will be used to verify distributions made by Collecting Societies (SAMPRA and IMPRA) in this regard. Data/information on usage in simple terms determines how much performing artists and owners of sound recordings must get as their royalty for the use of their music repertoire.

b) The data / information from SABC, which shows how many sound recordings were used or played, will be made available to CIPC and Collecting Societies. This will create transparency and efficiency in the distribution process of royalties. Of the two Collecting Societies that CIPC is regulating, an audit has been performed on SAMPRA processes and systems to ensure transparency and a further audit to all distributions will be performed. A tracking register has been developed with SAMPRA to track the improvement on its systems and processes.

CIPC has also embarked on robust education and awareness sessions to the performing artists and owners of sound recordings. The sessions explain their rights as members of the Collecting Societies so that they can enforce accountability and transparency in the manner in which such Collecting Societies run their business. This is also to ensure good governance.

c) CIPC has requested the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in writing to send a mission to South Africa for technical assistance to Collecting Societies and big users such as SABC on how best to generate data / information on use of sound recordings using new technological system. This will, in our view create a more transparent system and accountability.


15 December 2020 - NW3034

Profile picture: Schreiber, Dr LA

Schreiber, Dr LA to ask the Minister of Small Business Development

What is the current total Rand value of her department’s backlog for paying service providers within 30 days in compliance with the provisions of the Public Finance Management Act, Act 1 of 1999?


The Department of Small Business Development (DSBD) does not have a backlog of service providers’ invoices that prevents the Department from paying within 30 days as per Section 38 (1)(f) of the Public Finance Management Act.

Also, the Small Enterprise Development Agency (Seda) has no backlog. At the end of November 2020 did not have any creditors not paid within 30 days.

The total value of the Small Enterprise Finance Agency (sefa) invoices backlog by end of November 2020 amounted to R57 435.60. This amount relates to two service providers as follows:

Name of Service Provider

Invoice Number

Invoice Date



Sisanda Property Valuers



R9 453.00

Sisanda Property Valuers was appointed to assist with valuation services. The service provider invoiced sefa under a different company name: Liquidation Station (Pty) Ltd, which is not aligned with their original proposal. The email enquiry was sent to Sisanda Property Valuers to clarify the matter as they did not declare this information on the quotation. In their response Sisanda indicated that they secured a joint venture agreement with Liquidation Station (Pty) Ltd. sefa Supply Chain Management requested Sisanda Property Valuers to submit the JV documents/board resolution as proof to substantiate their claim. Multiple follow-up emails were sent to Sisanda Property Valuers and to date they have not responded.

Refinitiv UK Limited



R47 982.60

A Purchase Order (PO) was issued to Refinitiv UK Limited, the service provider then raised an additional subscription invoice that exceeds the approved original PO amount. A submission for the additional invoice has been approved by the relevant business unit and the additional invoice will be settled by 18 December 2020.



R57 435.60




















15 December 2020 - NW3097

Profile picture: Kruger, Mr HC

Kruger, Mr HC to ask the Minister of Small Business Development

With reference to the (a) letter, dated 31 July 2020, and (b) list of unpaid invoices sent to her by Mr H C C Krüger, what are the reasons that she has not yet responded to the specified letter?


It is not normal practice for the Minister to ignore correspondence from stakeholders of the Department; and in particular from members of the Portfolio Committee on Small Business Development. The Honourable Member can be assured that the matters raised in the letter are a subject that the Minister prioritises and feels strongly about. The Honourable Member can be further assured that the Minister has raised these concerns with the Minister of Finance. However, as previously indicated in a reply to a written parliamentary question on this matter, the Office of the Chief Procurement Officer, which is situated within National Treasury, is entrusted with this responsibility and therefore the letter is requested to be re-directed to the Ministry of Finance.

Further to this, the letter was sent directly to the Minister’s inbox at a time when the Minister was in the midst of working on the department’s response to the impact of COVID-19 on small, medium and micro enterprises and co-operatives in South Africa. This, together with her numerous other commitments, does mean at times the Minister may not be able to immediately respond to the huge amount of correspondence sent directly to the Minister’s inbox, without copying the supporting officials. For this exact reason, there are a number of officials that are assigned to assist the Minister to timeously attend to correspondence and the office of the Honourable Member is requested to copy the officials in correspondence with the Minister as they were not copied the letter that was sent to the Minister in July 2020. The officials are: