Questions and Replies

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01 March 2024 - NW167

Profile picture: Krumbock, Mr GR

Krumbock, Mr GR to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

Whether it is the policy position of her department to consider Hamas, that has been designated by certain countries like the United States of America and the European Union as a terrorist group, to be the legitimate government of the people of Gaza; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the reasons for such a consideration?


South Africa does not consider Hamas as a terrorist organisation in line with the United Nations. South Africa maintains open lines of communication with all Palestinian political formations, including Fatah, Hamas as well as with all other political factions.

01 March 2024 - NW170

Profile picture: Faber, Mr WF

Faber, Mr WF to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

Whether her department will furnish Mr W F Faber with a full list of all South African citizens who currently hold diplomatic passports?


(a) The full list of all South African citizens who currently hold diplomatic passports may not be divulged in terms of the following:

Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996;

South African Passports and Travel Documents Act, No. 04 of 1994;

Identification Act, No. 68 of 1997;

Promotion of Access to Information Act, No. 02 of 2000;

Protection of Personal Information Act, No 04 of 2013;

South African Passport and Travel Documents Regulations, 1996;

Intelligence Services Act, 2002 (Act No 65 of 2002)

Intelligence Services Oversight Act, 1994 (Act No 40 of 1994)

01 March 2024 - NW195

Profile picture: Mashabela, Ms N

Mashabela, Ms N to ask the Minister of Health

What (a) are the reasons that the Gauteng Department of Health failed to use over R2.6 billion of its budget in the 2022-23 financial year and (b)(i) total amount did each provincial health department fail to spend in their budgets in the 2022-23 financial year and (ii) what are the reasons that each provincial health department failed to spend all of its allocated budget?


Responses as received from the provincial departments of health.

a) (i) Gauteng Department of Health underspent the total allocated budget with R2.7 billion of which R937 million was for provincial equitable share and R1,7 billion for conditional grants,

The reasons for underspending are -

  • Late receipt of invoices and claims from suppliers that are subjected to a verification process.
  • The reduced number of nursing students enrolled for the academic year and delays in the submission of Non-Profit institution's claims.
  • Claims for the South African Cuban Doctor programme was received and subjected to reconciliation and review and could not be processed for payment at year-end.
  • Slow construction and contractors abandoning sites due to poor contractors performance.
  • Underspending on conditional grants was due to the unavailability of contracts, and probity audit processes towards procurement of high-value medical equipment that could not be delivered and paid at year end.
  • Underspending was also incurred due to price reductions of antiretroviral drugs, non-contracting of general practitioners performing voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) and shortage of condoms within the country.

Rollover application of R582.2 million was submitted and R279 million was approved as follows;

  • National Tertiary Services Grant R515.8 million requested and R226.8 approved
  • District Health Services Grant (HIV/AIDS component R38.4 million requested and R32.8 approved and
  • Statutory Human Resources component R27,9 million requested and R19.4 approved

b) (i) (ii) The following table reflects the details in this regard:

Name of the province

Underspending in 2022/2023 FY R’million

Reasons for underspending

Eastern Cape


R31.7 Conditional grants

R30.5 Voted funds

Delays in the payment of medico-legal settlement due to Trust registration delays by plaintiff attorneys.

The rollovers amount to R24,8 million for the National Tertiary Services Conditional Grant and R6,1 million for the District Health Programme Conditional Grant (Comprehensive HIV Component) has been approved.

Free State


R85 Conditional grant

-R89 voted funds

The underspending on the grant totalling R85 million was as a result of the process of reconciliation for payment at year end and could not be finalised.

The roll over amount of R84 million on Health Revitalization Grant was requested and approved to be spend in 2023/2024

Kwa Zulu Natal


The Province spent the total allocated budget in 2022/23 financial year.



R49.3 Conditional grant

R54.2 voted funds

The unspent budget of R103 million is attributable to delayed deliveries of medical equipment caused. The Department successfully secured R78 million through roll over request to be paid during 2023/2024 financial year.



R12.8 conditional grants

R12.5 Voted funds

Department experienced delays in the procurement of equipment due to revised Public Procurement Regulations.

Northern Cape


R131.3 conditional grants

R10.1 Voted funds

Underspent funds due to delay in the supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of the linear accelerator. National Health Insurance grant rollover amount was requested and R47,484 million was approved to be spent in 2023/24 financial year. National Health Revitalisation Grant underspent by R82,211 million, attributed by the delay in the monitoring and implementation of infrastructure projects.

North West


R200.6 conditional grants

-R209 voted funds

Delays in submission of invoices by service provider, late delivery of medical equipment (Catheterization and Lab Thyroid Stimulating Hormone).

Rollovers were requested and approved to be spent in 2023/24 financial year, Health Facility Revitalisation Grant - R178,9 million, National Tertiary Services Grant - R1,9 million and National Health Insurance Grant -R15 million

Western Cape


R14.4 conditional grants

R165.6 voted funds

Savings on approved post list due to delays in the filling of funded vacancies and in-year attrition rates.

Delayed in the implementation of contracts with training providers resulting in training that could not be implemented as planned. The use of covid-19 rapid ag tests instead of the more expensive laboratory based PCR tests and decrease in audit fees and legal fees.


01 March 2024 - NW169

Profile picture: Krumbock, Mr GR

Krumbock, Mr GR to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

What (a) is the position of the Republic on the current war in the Republic of Sudan and (b) steps will the Republic take to assist in bringing an end to the war?


It would be recalled that South Africa, immediately after the start of the hostilities, issued a statement wherein it strongly condemned the fighting and called for peace and calm among the parties involved in the conflict, in keeping with the AU objective of silencing the guns on the Continent. South Africa appealed to the different factions of the Sudanese army to immediately cease all fighting, spare the Sudanese people any further violence and immediately return to the negotiations table to agree on a sustainable military and security sector reform programme as part of the Final Agreement towards the restoration of a civilian-led transitional government in Sudan. South Africa also joined the UN Secretary-General in calling on the parties to return to the negotiating table and continue their dialogue with the aim of transiting the country to a civilian-led government.

Moreover, on 08 May 2023, South Africa issued a second statement, reiterating the centrality of the African Union and IGAD in the pre-negotiation and subsequent Jeddah talks to ensure long-lasting solutions to the challenges faced by Sudan, and commended the role played by the President of South Sudan, HE Salva Kiir, African leaders and others, who worked tirelessly to negotiate several cease-fire agreements between the parties. In keeping with the principle of African solutions to African problems, South Africa expressed the hope that the AU and IGAD will continue to play a central role in the current and subsequent talks and reiterated its call for both parties to negotiate an agreement that would end the conflict and alleviate the suffering of the Sudanese people, finally also noting that a peaceful Sudan, led by a civilian government, is essential not only for Sudan but also for the broader region and the Continent.

In addition, South Africa is guided by its Foreign Policy Objectives and its values of advancing peace on the continent and globally, informed by resolution of conflict through dialogue. South Africa in line with the prescripts of the African Union, supports the International Governmental Authority for Development stance taken during the 41st Summit in Dember 2023, urging the two warring parties to consider the principle of engaging face to face to among other, pave the way for a series of confidence-building measures that will lead to the launch of a political process and hopefully the end of hostilities.

01 March 2024 - NW203

Profile picture: Manyi, Mr M

Manyi, Mr M to ask the Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environmen

Whether cloud seeding technology has been utilized in the Republic in the past three years; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the primary objectives and/or purpose for the use?


Find here: Reply

01 March 2024 - NW168

Profile picture: Krumbock, Mr GR

Krumbock, Mr GR to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

What are the relevant details of any meeting and agreements she had reached with Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo in 2023 and/or during the period 1 January 2024 until the latest specified date?


There had been no meeting and agreements between the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation and General Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo in 2023 and/or during the period 1 January 2024 until the latest specified date.

01 March 2024 - NW194

Profile picture: Chirwa-Mpungose, Ms NN

Chirwa-Mpungose, Ms NN to ask the Minister of Health

(a) How will his department handle the failure to disclose/declare financial interests by healthcare workers in the 202324 financial year, (b) what are some of the reasons there is failure to comply with the processes of disclosure and (c) how does his department plan to empower healthcare workers with sufficient knowledge on disclosures, including why they are important and the technical aspect of making submissions easier?


a) The disclosure/ declaration of financial interests by employees in the public service is regulated by Regulation 18 of the Public Service Regulations, 2016, which requires designated employees to submit particulars of their financial interests to their respective heads of departments and non-compliance in this regard is handled in line with the provisions of Section 16A of the Public Service Act, which require the head of the department to take appropriate disciplinary steps against an employee who does not comply with a provision of a regulation.

b) Some of the reasons for failure to comply with the disclosure processes include forgetting the personal log-in details (usernames and passwords). In some instances, it is with regard to properties that employees acquired a long time ago and are no longer in possession of, but those properties are still registered in their names. As a result, they are of the view that they are not required to disclose such properties, while that is not the case.

c) Ethics Officers inform designated officials that are required to disclose their financial interests timeously before the period of disclosure starts and they are constantly reminded about the process of disclosing their financial interests. There are also dedicated officials who are responsible for providing assistance and technical support to all officials who are experiencing challenges in accessing the e-disclosure system.


01 March 2024 - NW176

Profile picture: Winkler-Lidgett, Ms HS

Winkler-Lidgett, Ms HS to ask the Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment

Whether it is the official position of (a) her department and (b) the SA National Biodiversity Institute that a legal, well-regulated trade in rhino horn is key to solving the rhino poaching crisis; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the full, relevant details of the official position?


Find here: Reply

01 March 2024 - NW141

Profile picture: Clarke, Ms M

Clarke, Ms M to ask the Minister of Health

What (a) is the current backlog on toxicology analysis at each forensic chemistry laboratory of the National Health Laboratory Service in each province, (b) what measures have been put in place to eradicate the backlog, (c) what total number of toxicology tests does each laboratory run on each day and (d) by what date will the backlog at each forensic laboratory in each province be eradicated?


According to the National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS):

a) Toxicology tests are conducted at three of the four Forensic Chemistry Laboratories namely, Cape Town, Johannesburg, and Pretoria. The toxicology tests are supposed to be tested within 90 days from the date the samples are registered in the testing laboratory. Any test that has not been completed and authorised within 90 days is classified as backlog. Multiple factors have contributed to the backlogs that developed at the three laboratories, including incomplete information on the request forms, inadequate infrastructure, aging analytic equipment, interruptions in power supply, inadequate water supply, the COVID-19 epidemic, and shortages in human resources.

The current backlog at the Cape Town Forensic Chemistry laboratory is 6,792 cases with Johannesburg and Pretoria laboratories at 15,358 and 16,824 cases respectively


b) The measures taken by the NHLS to eradicate the backlog include:

    • Increasing laboratory processing capacity to analyse samples and ensuring the optimal use of resources within the laboratories.
    • Acquiring additional laboratory space in Pretoria to process both the toxicology and blood alcohol samples.
    • New posts for toxicology analysts were created for the new laboratories in Pretoria.
    • The new toxicology laboratory will analyse new cases and the old laboratory will focus on the backlogged cases only.
    • Similar plans are in process to increase laboratory capacity for toxicology cases at the Johannesburg and Cape Town laboratories and to offer a toxicology service at the Durban laboratory.
    • The NHLS, in conjunction with the Forensic Pathology Services (FPS) in the Department of Health, is developing strategies to address ageing samples in the backlog and how to best manage these samples.

c) Each toxicology case that is registered in the laboratory may include a varying number of biological specimens that were taken during the autopsy and each specimen may require to be tested more than once or on different sets of instruments, depending on the test requirements. In the pre-analytic stage, specimens may require specialised preparation, depending on the tests that will be conducted.

As a result, it is difficult to quantify the number of toxicology tests that are processed in a day as tests run concurrently and completion periods differ vastly between cases. Hence, Toxicology cases are allocated in batches of 15 cases per analyst per month.

d) It is difficult to estimate when the backlog will be eradicated, however, the NHLS remains committed to improving service delivery at all four Forensic Chemistry Laboratories and to accelerating the reduction of the toxicology backlogs at these laboratories.


01 March 2024 - NW166

Profile picture: Powell, Ms EL

Powell, Ms EL to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

(1)What is the position of her department regarding the request by the Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on International Relations and Cooperation, Mr S O R Mahumapelo, to the Director-General of her department that all senior members of all official royal and traditional households throughout the Republic must be issued with diplomatic passports; (2) whether her department will accede to the request and issue the specified passports according to the request; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether any members of official royal and/or traditional households in the Republic have diplomatic passports issued by her department; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details of all the diplomatic passport holders from official royal and/or traditional households? NW172E


1. Diplomatic Passports are issued to the 13 recognised Kings, Queens and Principal Traditional Leaders as well as the spouse and the Personal Assistant when accompanying in terms of the South African Diplomatic Passport Policy.

2. Diplomatic Passports will only be issued to those who qualify in terms of the South African Diplomatic Passport Policy.

3. The details of any members of official royal an/ or traditional households in the Republic who have been issued with diplomatic passports may not be divulged in terms of the following:

Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996;

South African Passports and Travel Documents Act, No. 04 of 1994;

Identification Act, No. 68 of 1997;

Promotion of Access to Information Act, No. 02 of 2000;

Protection of Personal Information Act, No 04 of 2013;

South African Passport and Travel Documents Regulations, 1996;

Intelligence Services Act, 2002 (Act No 65 of 2002)

Intelligence Services Oversight Act, 1994 (Act No 40 of 1994)

01 March 2024 - NW128

Profile picture: Cebekhulu, Inkosi RN

Cebekhulu, Inkosi RN to ask the Minister in The Presidency for Electricity

Considering that during the State of the Nation Address (SONA) on 8 February 2024, the President, Mr M C Ramaphosa, promised the nation that loadshedding will soon be a thing of the past, and noting that following the SONA the Republic’s loadshedding stages escalated to stage 6, what are the full, relevant details of (a) all functional power plants across the Republic and (b) the plans that are in place to ensure that the electricity generated at the specified power plants will align with the promise that the President made on 8 February 2024?


In contextualising the Energy Availability Factor (EAF), one needs to understand the following equation:

EAF=100% Generation Available Capacity-% Unplanned Capability Load Factor (UCLF)-% Planned Capability Load Factor (PCLF) -% Other Capability Load Factor (OCLF).This means that the EAF is dependent on three variables, namely, Planned maintenance, Unplanned Outages as well as other outages. When either of these variables changes, the EAF is impacted negatively or positively depending on whether the variables increase or decrease respectively.

The EAF shown below depicts our performance over the past eight (8) years and also reflects the improvement when comparing January 2023 and January 2024. From January 2023 to January 2024, the unplanned outages have been decreasing as depicted on the graph below. In January 2023, UCLF was at 34% but it was 30% in January 2024. Other outages also saw a declining trend.  These other outages are unpredictable and outside management's control.

On the other hand, planned maintenance increased from September 2023 to December 2023 and January 2024. These outages are within management control in terms of whether to implement them or not and are essential for safety, statutory and performance improvement reasons. It does, however, mean that as planned maintenance necessarily increases, then EAF decreases. For example, planned maintenance was at 17.6% in January 2024 vs 13.5% in January 2023

(b) (i) The Eskom Board has approved the Generation plant recovery programme which details actions per power station that are in alignment with the President’s statement made during SONA.

(ii) Government has implemented the Energy Action Plan which also looks at energy crisis or resolutions. This runs at a government level and involves private business.


01 March 2024 - NW198

Profile picture: Mafanya, Mr WTI

Mafanya, Mr WTI to ask the Minister of Health

What (a) is the position of his department on the Public Service Commission investigation of the alleged irregular appointments in the Gauteng Department of Health in the past three years and (b) intervention steps has his department employed to resolve the matter?


a) The position of the department is to implement the recommendations of the Public service Commission (PSC).

b) The department has implemented some of the recommendations which have no financial implications, the implicated employees are still in the employ of the department and the findings have not been challenged by the implicated employees and/or the PSC reports have not been taken on judicial review.



01 March 2024 - NW204

Profile picture: Manyi, Mr M

Manyi, Mr M to ask the Minister of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment

(a) Which province in the Republic have employed cloud seeding techniques in the 2023-24 financial year, (b) what specific reasons and/or circumstances led to its usage in the specified province and (c) how does she ensure (i) regulation and (ii) oversight to safeguard environmental integrity and public welfare?


Find here: Reply

01 March 2024 - NW164

Profile picture: Powell, Ms EL

Powell, Ms EL to ask the Minister of International Relations and Cooperation

Whether the Government has received any (a) financial, (b) legal and/or (c) communications assistance from any specified (i) organisation and/or (ii) state in respect of the Republic’s litigation against Israel at the International Court of Justice over allegations that Israel is responsible for violations of the Genocide Convention in respect of its actions taken in the war between Israel and Gaza; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?


The Government of South Africa has not received any (a) financial, (b) legal and/or (c) communications assistance from any specified (i) organisation and/or (ii) state in respect of the Republic’s decision to institute legal proceedings at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against Israel under the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (“Genocide Convention”) with respect to the Israeli conduct in the present conflict in Gaza.

01 March 2024 - NW130

Profile picture: Ngcobo, Mr SL

Ngcobo, Mr SL to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(1) Whether, with regard to textbooks issued and/or funded by the government that are meant to be distributed to schools throughout the Republic, all (a) primary and (b) secondary schools have received their textbook allocation for the 2024 academic year; if not, why not, in each case; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (2) whether the total number of textbooks allocated for schools match the total number of enrolled students in both (a) primary and (b) secondary schools; if not, why not, in each case; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?


(1) The Department of Basic Education (DBE) has the responsibility to develop the National Catalogue which lists all Learning and Teaching Support Materials (LTSM) and from which Provinces have to procure for their  respective schools. Subsequently, the DBE develops a sector plan which is a guide for provinces to develop their aligned provincial management plans for procuring learning materials for the ensuing year. The Sector plan details the procurement activities and timeframes to be observed when procuring any learning material. The Sector plan is attached as reference, as to when provinces can start with the procurement processes.

(2) The procedure is that Provincial Education Departments (PEDs) receive their budget allocations from their respective Provincial Treasuries to carry out their activities, amongst which is the buying and distribution of textbooks relative to the number of enrolled learners per school (see attachment). The detailed information regarding receipt and amount of budgets / allocations received, can be requested from the Provincial  Education Departments. The Honourable Member is kindly advised to source the details from the Province(s) concerned.

29 February 2024 - NW15

Profile picture: Buthelezi, Ms SA

Buthelezi, Ms SA to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

Considering that the Blue Drop report showed that water supply systems across the Republic need an additional 400 qualified persons, consisting of 203 technical staff and 197 scientists, what plans has his department put in place to create internships emanating from the critical vacancies?


The shortfall referenced in the Drop Reports are shortages in technical skills at municipal level and it may be that the posts are filled but the staff involved are not appropriately qualified or registered. It is important to note that as much as half of the current shortage of process controllers could be addressed by training of existing staff to enable certification, rather than hiring new staff. The personnel issues are identified as one of the underlying main causes of poor performance in terms of the drop reports.

During the recent Summit held on 18 and 19 Jan 2024, this aspect was raised, and it was clear that there is a direct correlation between performance and availability of skills. The Summit was also attended by of the Energy & Water Sector Education and Training Authority (EWSETA), the Local Government Sector Education and Training Authority (LGSETA), the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA), the Water Service Institutions of South Africa and the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions (SACNASP) which all assist in the development of the necessary skills required in the Water Services Sector. These institutions all presented initiatives to assist municipalities to address some of the aspects around skills and capacity. The Department of Water Sanitation has also requested EWSETA to provide funding for training of process controllers (water and waste treatment works).

National government cannot legally hire staff or interns on behalf of municipalities. Therefore, the municipal leadership must prioritise the filling of positions with appropriately qualified staff and budget for this from revenue.


29 February 2024 - NW163

Profile picture: Hicklin, Ms MB

Hicklin, Ms MB to ask the Minister of Health

(1)Considering the role of the National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS) and with reference to a situational analysis that revealed that the NHLS has a spiralling debt crisis that currently sits at R1,2 billion, which implies that the NHLS is essentially operating with an unfunded mandate, what is his department’s plan of action to recover the millions of rands owed by Provincial Health Departments; (2) whether, in light of the National Institute of Communicable Diseases, National Institute of Occupational Health, Forensic Chemistry Laboratory Services (FCLS) and National Cancer Registry operating under unfunded mandates without funding from the National Treasury, the shortage of staff and rotations, especially in the FCLS, contributed to the creation of a backlog in the turnaround time for sample testing and results; if so, has the severe backlog affected the SA Police Service in the apprehension of suspects and/or the conviction of the alleged suspects?


According to the National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS):

1. The NHLS is currently working and communicating with the Provincial Departments of Health to collect all outstanding funds owed to the NHLS. Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Free State, and Western Cape have cleared the debt owed for the previous financial years and are paying their current debt timeously. North-West has cleared most of its historic debt and is paying towards the current debt. Gauteng has settled most of its historic debt and they are paying for the current debt but not in full. KwaZulu-Natal is paying its current debt in full. The NHLS is working closely with KwaZulu-Natal to come up with a solution regarding the outstanding disputed amount for the debt prior to the 2016/17 financial year. Therefore, most of the provinces are paying for the services rendered by the NHLS.

The NHLS acknowledges that fiscal constraints will impact negatively on the financial status of the provinces and the NHLS. However, the NHLS has implemented tight financial controls to maintain its financial stability.

(2) The National Treasury does provide funding to the National Institute of Communicable Diseases, National Institute of Occupational Health, Forensic Chemistry Laboratory Services (FCLS) and National Cancer Registry. However the funding is inadequate to meet the service demands so the NHLS has been cross-subsidizing the budgetary requirements for the Institutes and the Forensic Chemistry Laboratories to ensure an optimal staff complement and functional work environment to manage the current workload. The NHLS is not able to report on how challenges in service delivery experienced by the FCLs may have impacted the work of the SA Police Service.


29 February 2024 - NW193

Profile picture: Chirwa-Mpungose, Ms NN

Chirwa-Mpungose, Ms NN to ask the Minister of Health

(a) What total number of robberies have taken place in public healthcare facilities in each province over the past six months, (b)(i) which facilities were affected in each province and (ii) what total number of times did robbery take place in each facility and (c) how did his department respond to the robberies in terms of intervention?


According to information received from the Provincial Departments of Health, the responses are as follows:


a) One robbery and two-armed robberies.

b) (i) Empilweni TB Hospital, Helenvale and Zigidlo Clinic.

(ii) 1

(c) At Empilweni TB Hospital, the Security Company on-site decided to re-imburse its own personnel for the loss of their belongings (Security Officers). The criminal cases were opened at SAPS with CAS Number 11/09/2023 and 16/2/2024.


a) The Department has not experienced any robberies in the past six months.


a) Three robberies.

b) (i) Zola Clinic, Sebokeng Clinic and Rahima Moosa Hospital

(ii) 1

c) All robberies were reported to law enforcement agencies for further investigation.


a) One-armed robbery.

b) (i) Ndlangubo Clinic

(ii) 1

(c) SAPS was contacted and called to the crime scene and the criminal case was opened at SAPS with CAS Number 222/09/2023.


a) One-armed robbery.

b) (i) Zebediela Hospital.

(ii) 1

c) The criminal case was opened at SAPS with CAS Number 97/09/2023. Furthermore, the physical infrastructure of the guard house is being improved to include bullet proof and one way mirror from the inside only and the Hospital has been included in the SAPS patrol list.


a) One-armed robbery.

b) (i) Nkangala District, Empumelelweni CHC

(ii) 1

(c) The criminal case was opened at SAPS with CAS Number 135/11/2023. Furthermore, the Infrastructure Unit fixed the palisade fence that was broken.


The Department has not experienced any robberies in the past six months.


The Department has not experienced any robberies in the past six months.



a) One armed robbery.

(b) (i) Khayelitsha CHC in Site B

(ii) 1

(c) Immediately after the incident, the Department deployed the Provincial Security Team to safeguard the facility to provide additional support to the onsite security officers. Counselling Services and wellness debriefing were made available to staff based at the facility.

The CCTV camera system at the facility is currently undergoing upgrade and maintenance to include remote monitoring capabilities.

The Department is in the process of re-constructing the entrance into the facility. The new entrance will include a double gate vehicle lock system as well as turnstiles.



29 February 2024 - NW245

Profile picture: Terblanche, Mr OS

Terblanche, Mr OS to ask the Minister of Police

Whether he has found that the SA Police Service has the capacity to maintain law and order in the Republic, in light of the unprecedented crime wave that the Republic is currently experiencing, where an average of 75 murders and 115 cases of rape are reportedly daily; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?


Find here: Reply

29 February 2024 - NW196

Profile picture: Mashabela, Ms N

Mashabela, Ms N to ask the Minister of Health

What (a) options of contraceptives are offered in public clinics for sexual reproductive health rights and (b) is the name and method of each contraception?


a) The options are as follows:

  1. Permanent method
  2. Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives
  3. Short term hormonal contraceptives
  4. Barrier methods
  5. Emergency contraceptives

b) Name and method:

  1. Permanent method Sterilizations (Vasectomy and Tubaligations)
  2. Hormonal (Oral Contraceptive (OC), Subdermal implants and Injectables)
  3. Barrier (Intra uterine contraceptive device (IUCD) and Condoms)
  4. Emergency (Combined Oral Contraceptives and IUCD)


29 February 2024 - NW143

Profile picture: Clarke, Ms M

Clarke, Ms M to ask the Minister of Health

(1)How has the National Health Laboratory Service expanded the toxicology capacity in the forensic chemistry laboratories in (a) Cape Town, (b) Johannesburg and (c) Pretoria; (2) (a) what progress has been made in expanding the services of the Durban Forensic Chemistry Laboratory (FCL) to include toxicology testing and (b) by what date is it envisaged that the Durban FCL will be able to start toxicology analysis?


According to the National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS):

1. The NHLS is currently in the process of procuring additional analytical equipment and all vacant positions are being filled to ensure an effective staff complement.

a) Cape Town: the NHLS is in the process of procuring additional instruments to increase testing capacity;

​b) Johannesburg: a new building has been identified that will accommodate further expansion of the Johannesburg FCL and the procurement of new analytic instruments is underway for the Johannesburg FCL; and

c) Pretoria: new positions have been created in the new Pretoria laboratory, toxicology section, and the posts are currently being filled. All new toxicology samples will be referred to the new facility while the existing one focuses only on processing backlogged toxicology samples only.

2. (a) The NHLS is still in the process of identifying a suitable facility for the Durban Forensic Chemistry Laboratory that would accommodate a new toxicology section;

(b) the Durban FCL will start with toxicology testing as soon as the laboratory has relocated to a new suitable premise.


29 February 2024 - NW199

Profile picture: Mogale, Mr T

Mogale, Mr T to ask the Minister of Health

Whether he will furnish Mr T Mogale with the details of the food contract between the Gauteng Department of Health and the provincial government of Limpopo; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the full, relevant details?


The details of the food contract is as follows:

Tender Number: HEDP021/19/20

Duration: 01/07/2023 to 31/04/2024

Contract description: Supply and delivery of perishable provisions at all hospitals in the Limpopo Department of Health for 36 month.

Items covered in the tender:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • Bread
  • Chicken Breast and Wings
  • Fish
  • Full Cream Milk/ Low-fat milk
  • Eggs
  • Cheese
  • Yogurt plain low-fat
  • Mageu


29 February 2024 - NW52

Profile picture: Nolutshungu, Ms N

Nolutshungu, Ms N to ask the Minister of Transport

What is the (a) total number of cases (i) received and resolved since the establishment of the Road Accident Fund Call Centre, and (b) breakdown of cases that have been waiting for more than five years to be resolved?


The Customer Relations Management (CRM) solution is not a claims processing solution, but a customer contact solution that provides communication platform with claimants and other stakeholders, where claimants can interact with the RAF to enquire and follow up all claims related matters. The CRM solution intends to centralise and optimize all queries handling and become a central point for all key communication information.

(a)(i) Since inception of, a total of 201,663 cases were recorded within the Contact Centre. Of these, 193,640 cases were successfully resolved, resulting an overall resolution rate of 96.02%.

(b) None, CRM has been in operation for the past seven months to record, monitor and resolve claim related queries and complaints.


29 February 2024 - NW178

Profile picture: Phillips, Ms C

Phillips, Ms C to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

(1)Whether any water use licenses have been issued to the chrome wash plants that are being operated on portions 30, 31 and 32 of the Farm Waterval 306 JQ situated in Rustenburg and owned respectively by certain persons (names and details furnished); if not, what are the reasons that the chrome wash operations are allowed to operate; if so, on what date were they issued in each case; (2) (a) what actions will be taken against the (i) property owners and (ii) operators of the chrome wash plants and (b) on what date will the actions be taken?


According to the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) records, there is no water use authorisations that have been issued for water use activities associated with the chrome wash plants located on Portions 30, 31 and 32 of Farm Waterval 306 JQ in Rustenburg Local Municipality, North West.

The DWS has taken steps to address the alleged unlawful development of a chrome wash plants on Portions 30, 31 and 32 of Farm Waterval 306 JQ. The DWS in its regulatory role, has taken the following actions:

  • Site investigation was conducted on 19 February 2024 on Portions 30, 31 and 32 of Farm Waterval 306 JQ.
  • The DWS is in the process of issuing a Notice of Intention to issue a Directive in terms of National Water Act (Act 36 of 1998) to the companies and the property owners responsible for the unlawful water use through the development of chrome wash plants located on Portions 30, 31 and 32 of Farm Waterval 306 JQ.

Further administrative actions to be taken will be guided by the response to be received from the Chrome wash plant owners. Should the owners of these chrome wash plants fail to comply with the prescripts of the Notices issued, the DWS will proceed with further enforcement actions.


29 February 2024 - NO2

Profile picture: Loate, Mr T

Loate, Mr T to ask the Minister of Police

What steps has he taken since 27 February 2018 when he became the Minister of Police, to (a) combat and reduce the extent of infrastructure theft affecting state-owned enterprises such as Transnet, Telkom and Eskom that have been causing enormous harm to the economy and (b) take down, arrest and successfully prosecuted criminal syndicates dealing in state-owned infrastructure theft and their leaders?


Find here: Reply

29 February 2024 - NW4

Profile picture: Breedt, Ms T

Breedt, Ms T to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

Whether, with reference to her reply to question 3435 on 22 November 2023, she will furnish Ms T Breedt with an exact date and/or updated time frame for the tabling of the new Animal Welfare Bill in Parliament; if not, why not; if so, who is responsible for the drafting of the new Bill; (2) whether, since her reply to the specified question on the specified date, a tender has been issued for the drafting of the new Bill; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether she will furnish Ms T Breedt with a copy of the Memorandum of Understanding that was signed with the University of Pretoria for the drafting of the new Animal Welfare Bill; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) (a) by what date will the Animal Welfare colloquium take place, as referred to in the minutes of the Animal Welfare Working Group, dated 10 July 2023, and previously agreed to by her department and (b) under whose auspices will the colloquium be convened; (5) whether she will make a statement on the matter?


(1) No. It is not possible to determine the exact time frames due to the various processes that have to be undertaken prior to the introduction of a Bill to Parliament. As indicated in the reply to question 3435 on 22 November 2023, the first draft is expected to be completed by March 2024 and the Bill will follow the normal legislation-making process including processing through the relevant Directors-General Cluster System; conducting a Socio-Economic Impact Assessment; constitutional certification by the Office of the Chief State Law Advisor and obtaining Cabinet’s approval to gazette for public comments. Once the comments have been addressed, Cabinet’s approval will be sought for tabling the Bill to Parliament.

(2) No. DALRRD will not proceed with tenders for the drafting of the Animal Welfare Bill, the Bill is being drafted within the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD). The Department has previously responded that it added additional internal capacity in the form of three state veterinarians who are handling the animal welfare portfolio and therefore there is no need for the advertisement of a tender for the drafting of the Bill.

(3) No, because no Memorandum of Understanding has been signed with the University of Pretoria for the drafting of the new Animal Welfare Bill.

(4)(a) No date has been confirmed for the Animal Welfare colloquium; this will form part of the consultation process as indicated in response to part (1) above.


(5) No.

29 February 2024 - NW72

Profile picture: Mbabama, Ms TM

Mbabama, Ms TM to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

With reference to her reply to question 789 for oral reply on 29 November 2023 and her department’s strategy for expanding poultry farming in the Republic, (a) what percentage of the grant component in the Blended Finance Scheme is aimed at assisting small and mediumsized poultry producers to enter the sector, thus breaking the barriers caused by high input costs such as feed that accounts for almost 70% of production costs?


The Blended Finance Scheme grant allocation is 100% aimed at supporting black producers and entrepreneurs along the agricultural value chain of prioritised commodities. Poultry is one of the commodities prioritised in the Agriculture and Agro-processing Master Plan (AAMP) and as such support to qualifying and bankable small and medium sized poultry producers will always receive priority. The grant allocation is not ring-fenced in percentage per commodity; the total allocation is intended to be used to support all prioritised commodities in the AAMP.

29 February 2024 - NW239

Profile picture: Golding, Mr B C

Golding, Mr B C to ask the Minister of Police

What are the details of the contingency plans that the SA Police Service (SAPS) has put in place to ensure the safety of citizens and SAPS officers following the recent breakdown of the communication systems and radio networks of the SAPS in the Western Cape.


Find here: Reply

29 February 2024 - NW197

Profile picture: Mafanya, Mr WTI

Mafanya, Mr WTI to ask the Minister of Health

(a) How has he responded to the more than 800 incidences of food poisoning in Gauteng in a space of five months, (b) what steps of intervention have been taken to prevent such incidents in the future and (c) what initiatives have been taken to curb food poisoning in communities?


a) Response teams in all the affected areas were activated and investigations commenced immediately to try and establish the type of food consumed by the affected people.

  • Specimens were collected and sent to National Health laboratories to detect and identify the chemicals/organisms in the samples.
  • The Gauteng Provincial Public Health Directorate further established the Incident Management Team that meets twice a week to monitor the progress of the outbreak and the response by each thematic area such as Environmental Health, Communicable Disease Control, Surveillance Officers, South African Police Services and Consumer Services.

(b)-(c) Steps and initiatives:

  • Routine inspections are being conducted at food premises.
  • Routine food and water samples are being taken for microbiological and chemical analysis.
  • Joint operations are conducted with the following stakeholders: local councillors, consumer protection, metro police, border management, home affairs, and SAPS.
  • Health education and awareness are provided to all formal and informal food operators and surrounding community on food preparation, storage, and handling, including chemical poisoning handling. This intervention is especially focussed on food vendors close to schools.
  • Prohibition notices and fines are issued to owners of non-compliant premises.
  • All suspected food samples are taken to the laboratory for analysis.
  • All non-compliant foodstuffs were and will continue to be seized and disposed.
  • Radio health talks are done on different community radio stations to create awareness.
  • Health education and awareness campaigns are ongoing on food safety. This is being done on multimedia platforms e.g. TV, radio stations, social media and newsletters.
  • Draft SOPs have been developed with all relevant stakeholders on how to deal with foodborne illness.
  • Support visits are done to Early Development Centres to raise awareness.
  • Information sharing with relevant stakeholders is ongoing.


29 February 2024 - NW152

Profile picture: Joseph, Mr D

Joseph, Mr D to ask the Minister of Transport

(1)Whether the case between a certain person (name and details furnished) and the Road Accident Fund as the defendant was closed; if not, what are the reasons that the case is still open; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) what amount was paid to (a) the specified person directly, (b) to her attorneys or (c) into a trust fund?


This is a represented claim and Road Accident Fund is not allowed to give details of the claim to Parliament as is deemed personal as defined in the Protection of Personal Information Act, 4 of 2013 (“POPIA”).

The Road Accident Fund will contact the claimant / attorney to address any queries relating to the claim.

29 February 2024 - NW53

Profile picture: Makesini, Ms M

Makesini, Ms M to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

Whether he has taken any steps about the prevalence of pit toilets still being used by the residents in Wasbank, Ward 1, Endumeni Municipality in KwaZulu-Natal; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what time frames has he put in place to completely eradicate pit toilets in Wasbank?


The Endumeni Local Municipality, Ward 1 is made up of rural areas and a town called Wasbank. The town consists of a fully functional water supply and flush toilet systems inside the dwellings. The town does not have a conventional Wastewater Treatment Works but consists of conservancy tanks / septic tanks that are emptied by the municipality when full.

The uMzinyathi District Municipality is currently implementing the Endumeni Sanitation Project in the rural areas of Ibusi, Thelaphi, and Ruigterfontein. The project is intended to eradicate the sanitation backlogs in Endumeni Local Municipality Ward 1. The Endumeni Sanitation Project commenced on 08 March 2023 and is targeted for completion on 08 March 2024.


29 February 2024 - NW142

Profile picture: Clarke, Ms M

Clarke, Ms M to ask the Minister of Health

What (a)(i) is the current backlog of blood analysis at the Johannesburg Forensic Chemistry Laboratory, (ii) measures have been put in place to address the backlog and (iii) is the total number of blood analyses that are conducted on each day in the specified facility and (b) by what date will the backlog be eradicated?


According to the National Health Laboratory Service (NHLS):

a) (i) Blood Alcohol tests are conducted at all four Forensic Chemistry Laboratories in Cape Town, Durban, Johannesburg, and Pretoria. These test requests comprise the bulk of services delivered by the FCLs (more than 80% of all test requests received). The blood alcohol tests are supposed to be tested within 90 days from the time the samples are registered in the testing laboratory. Any test that has not been completed and authorised within 90 days is classified as backlog. There are no backlogs recorded at the Durban FCL and backlogs that were previously reported at the Cape Town and Pretoria FCLs have been cleared. The remaining backlog in blood alcohol tests is recorded at the Johannesburg FCL and is currently at 35,176 cases.

(ii) The Measures taken to eradicate the backlog include the following:

  • Additional space and analytic instruments have been acquired at the new Pretoria laboratory that accommodates the Pretoria Blood Alcohol section.
  • New samples for blood alcohol testing are referred to the Pretoria laboratory to reduce the number of samples referred to the Johannesburg laboratory.
  • Shift systems are in use for analysts at the Johannesburg FCL and a 30.5% reduction in the backlog has been achieved from 01 April 2023 to 31 January 2024.
  • A new building has been identified that will accommodate further expansion of the Johannesburg FCL and the procurement of new analytic instruments is underway for the Johannesburg FCL.

(iii) Blood alcohol samples in the Forensic Chemistry Laboratories are processed in batches of 150 samples per week per analyst. Each test is processed on two separate instruments as required for quality purposes and additional fluoride analysis is performed to confirm the validity of the sample. On average, 4000 samples are completed per month.


b) The backlog is expected to be cleared by over 8 months from 01 March 2024, with the current staff and instrument capacity.


29 February 2024 - NW138

Profile picture: Masipa, Mr NP

Masipa, Mr NP to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

What is the latest update on the production status of African Horse Sickness vaccines by the Onderstepoort Biological Products; (2) whether all horse owners and/or veterinary doctors who had placed vaccine orders from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2023 have received their orders; if not, (a) why not, (b) what challenges are causing delays and (c) what measures are being taken to ensure timely vaccine (i) production and (ii) delivery to farmers for animal vaccination; if so, what are the relevant details?


1. Production preparations for 2024 have commenced and 8 400 doses of African Horse Sickness vaccines have recently been released for the market.

2. No. However, most customers who confirmed their backorders have received what they ordered.

(a) The Onderstepoort Biological Products (OBP) system does not keep backorders. for more than 4 months, clients are expected to confirm or cancel. Some clients canceled, and some confirmed their orders.

(b) Delays are due to the breakdown of the freeze drier.

(c) OBP is servicing the current freeze drier.

(i) OBP will take delivery of a freeze drier in the second half of 2024 and is in the process of finalizing the procurement of another freeze drier. OBP is also inestigating contractual manufacturing opportunities.

(ii) OBP intends to make product available prior to the commencement of the vaccination season. All cooperatives and veterinarians will be kept informed about the status of vaccine availability monthly.

29 February 2024 - NW146

Profile picture: Moore, Mr S J

Moore, Mr S J to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

Whether, with reference to question 3359 on 8 November 2023, he will furnish Mr  S  J  Moore with a list of the names of (a) local and (b) provincial governments where his department has laid criminal charges regarding noncompliance with the National Water Act, Act 36 of 1998 (i) in the 2022-23 financial year and (ii) since 1 April 2023; including the status of each case in terms of the (aa) verdicts, (bb) pleas and (cc) fines in each case?


Table one (1) and two (2) below provides criminal cases opened by the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) during the 2022/23 financial year and from 1 April 2023 to date, respectively. The tables include the names of local and provincial governments charged for non-compliance with the National Water Act, Act 36 of 1998 and the status of the criminal cases verdicts, pleas, and fines.

Table 1: Criminal cases opened from 1 April 2022 31 March 2023


Assignment Level

Sector (a)(b)



Accused name(s) (Transgressor/Case Title)



Breede/Gouritz CMA

Local Government [WSA/WSP]



Discharge on substandard effluent into Huis River by Zoar WWTW, Kannaland Local Municipality, Zoar RE/78: Breede/Gouritz

The criminal case is under investigation. The Department has also taken administrative enforcement action against the Municipality. 


Limpopo Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]



Mogalakwena Wastewater Management Facilities, Mogalakwena Local Municipality, Mokopane town and Mahwelereng location: Limpopo

The criminal investigation is underway. The Department has also taken administrative enforcement action against the Municipality. 


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]



Steelpoort Wastewater Treatment Works, Greater Tubatse/Fetakgomo Local Municipality, Steelpoort: Olifants

 The criminal case is under investigation.


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]


CAS 333/10/2022

Pine Ridge pump station, Emalahleni Local Municipality, Unknown: Olifants

A criminal case was opened, and investigations were completed. The case docket was handed to DPP for decision. DPP currently working on finalising the charge sheet.



Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]


CAS 72/08/2022

Sehlakwane Peatland, Sekhukhune District Municipality, Unknown: Olifants

The criminal case is under investigation. 


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]



Emakhazeni Local Municipality Belfast Pump Station, Emakhazeni Local Municipality, Belfast Wastewater Treatment Works: Olifants

The criminal case is under investigation. 


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Government [National/Prov]



Metz Dam, LP Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Sekororo: Olifants

Investigation concluded and the case docket referred to NPA for decision. 


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]


CAS 24/10/2022 and CAS 665/08/2020

Emalahleni Local Municipality-Thubelihle Waste treatment Works, Emalahleni Local municipality: Olifants

A criminal case was opened, and investigations were completed. The case docket was handed to DPP for decision. DPP currently working on finalising the charge sheet.

Furthermore, The Department has also initiated administrative enforcement action against the Municipality.

The Department is also considering obtaining a court interdict against Emalahleni Local Municipality for non-compliances at Rietspruit WWTW, Riverview WWTW, Thubelihle WWTW Kriel WWTW. The Department has already consulted with a Counsel regarding the court interdict.



Gauteng Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]



Khutsong, Kokosi, Wedela & Welverdiend Waste Water Treatment Works, Merafong Local Municipality: Vaal

 No improvement at the works as spillages persist. Criminal case was opened in February 2023. Criminal investigations are underway. Environmental Management Inspector collected the Case Docket from SAPS on 09 May 2023 for further investigations


North West Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]



City of Tshwane Rooiwal Waste Water Treatment Works: Limpopo

 The case is still under investigation. The Department has also taken administrative enforcement action against the Municipality.


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]



Dennilton WWTW - Collector System (Sewage overflow), Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality, Moutse Mall Uitspanning 38 JS: Olifants

The criminal case is under investigation. The Department has also taken administrative enforcement action against the Municipality. 

Table 2: Criminal cases opened from 1 April 2023 to date.


Assignment Level

Sector (a)(b)



Accused name(s) (Transgressor/Case Title)



Free State Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]


CAS 53/08/2023 & 54/08/2023

Sewage spillages in Matlakeng near Zastron, Mohokare Local Municipality, Township of Matlakeng near Zastron: Orange

The criminal investigation is underway.


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]


CAS 139/11/2023

Sewage overflow at Cnr. Dirk Winterbach &, Marone Street, Fetakgomo Tubatse Municipality, Burgersfort: Olifants

Previous case CAS 327/04/2022 Burgersfort was reinstated and is awaiting prosecutor decision. New matter will be investigated.


Gauteng Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]


CAS 419/11/2023

Maluti-A-Phofung Loca Municipality-Phuthaditjhaba: Vaal

Criminal case was opened against the Municipality. The criminal case is under investigation. The Department has also taken administrative enforcement action against the Municipality.


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]


CAS 263/11/2023

Siyabuswa Wastewater Treatment Works, Dr JS Moroka Local Municipality, Siyabuswa Wastewater Treatment Works: Olifants

A criminal case was opened, and investigations were completed. The case docket has been handed to DPP for decision.


Gauteng Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]



Tshiame WWTWs, Maluti-A-Phofong, Tshiame WWTWs: Vaal

Criminal case was opened against the Municipality. The criminal case is under investigation. The Department has also taken administrative enforcement action against the Municipality.


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]


CAS 136/11/2023

Motetema WWTW, Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality, Motetema WWTW: Olifants

The criminal case is under investigation. The Department has also taken administrative enforcement action against the Municipality.


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]


CAS 121/11/2023

Groblersdal WWTW, Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality, Groblersdal WWTW: Olifants

The criminal case is under investigation. The Department has also taken administrative enforcement action against the Municipality.


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]


CAS 190/11/2023

Moganyaka Waste Water Treatment Works, Ephraim Mogale Local Municipality, Moganyaka waste water treatment works: Olifants

The criminal investigation is underway. The Department has also taken administrative enforcement action against the Municipality.


Gauteng Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]


CAS 50/11/2023

Kestell WWTW under Maluti-a-Phofung Local Municipality, Maluti-a-Phofung Local Municipality, Kestell WWTW: Vaal

Criminal case was opened against the Municipality. The criminal case is under investigation. The Department has also taken administrative enforcement action against the Municipality.


Gauteng Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]


CAS 389/11/2023

Harrismith Wastewater Treatment Works, Maluti-A-Phofung Local Municipality, Unknown: Vaal

Criminal case was opened against the Municipality. The criminal case is under investigation. The Department has also taken administrative enforcement action against the Municipality.


Gauteng Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]



Cornelia Wastewater Treatment Works, Mafube Local Municipality, Cornelia Wastewater Treatment Works: Vaal

Criminal case was opened against the Municipality. The criminal case is under investigation. The Department has also taken administrative enforcement action against the Municipality.


Eastern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]


CAS 88/11/2023

Elliot collector system, Chris Hani District Municipality, Elliot: Mzimvubu/Tsitsikamma

Investigation underway. Administrative action has also been taken against the Municipality.


Gauteng Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]


CAS 127/01/2024

Namahadi WWTW, Mafube Local Municipality, Namahadi WWTW: Vaal

Criminal case was opened against the Municipality. The Department has also taken administrative enforcement action against the Municipality.


North-West Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]


CAS 76/08/2023

Percy Steward WWTW, Krugersdorp Municipality (Mogale City), Portion 21 of the farm Sterkfontein 173 IQ: Limpopo

The criminal case is under investigation. The Department has also taken administrative enforcement action against the Municipality.


Limpopo Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]


CAS 59/05/2023

Rebone Ponds, Mogalakwena Municipality, Steiloop: Limpopo

The criminal investigation is underway. The Department has also taken administrative enforcement action against the Municipality.


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]


CAS 151/11/2023

Ephraem Mogale LM Marble Hall WWTW: Olifants

The criminal case is under investigation. The Department has also taken administrative enforcement action against the Municipality.


Limpopo Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]


CAS 229/11/2023

Modimolle Mookgophong LM: Modimolle Town Sewage Overflow from Manholes, Modimolle Mookgophong Local Municipality, Unknown: Limpopo

The criminal investigation is underway. The Department has also taken administrative enforcement action against the Municipality.


Eastern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]


CAS 12/12/2023

Alice Pump Stations, Amathole District Municipality, Raymond Mhlaba LM: Mzimvubu/Tsitsikamma

Investigation underway. Department has also taken administrative enforcement action against the Municipality.


North West Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]


CAS 127/09/2023

Johannesburg Water - Zandspruit Sewage Pumpstation, Mr N. Mukwevho: Limpopo

The criminal case is under investigation. The Department has also taken administrative enforcement action against the Municipality.


Gauteng Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]


CAS 93/01/2024

Villiers Wastewater Treatment Works (WWTW), Mafube Local Municipality: Vaal

Criminal case was opened against the Municipality. The criminal case is under investigation. The Department has also taken administrative enforcement action against the Municipality.


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]


CAS 404/10/2023

Malamulele Wastewater Treatment Works (WWTW), Thulamela Local Municipality, Vhembe DM: Olifants

A criminal case was opened, and investigations were completed. The case docket has been handed to DPP for decision.


Gauteng Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]



Tweeling Waste Water Treatment Works: Vaal

Criminal case was opened against the Municipality. The criminal case is under investigation. The Department has also taken administrative enforcement action against the Municipality.


Northern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]


CAS 100/11/2023

Bloemhof WWTW, Lekwa-Teemane Local Municipality, Bloemhof: Vaal

The case is still under investigation. The Department has also taken administrative enforcement action against the Municipality.


North West Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]


CAS 112/08/2023

Thabazimbi Waste Water Treatment Works, Thabazimbi Local Municipality, Portion 5 of the farm Donkerpoort 344 KQ: Limpopo

The criminal case is under investigation. The Department has also taken administrative enforcement action against the Municipality.


Free State Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]


CAS 45/09/2023

Koffiefontein WWTW, Letsemeng LM, Koffiefontein: Vaal

Criminal case was opened against the Municipality. The criminal case is under investigation. The Department has also taken administrative enforcement action against the Municipality.


Free State Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]


CAS 116/09/2023

Lindley WWTW, Nketoana Local Municipality, -: Orange

Criminal case was opened against the Municipality. The criminal case is under investigation. The Department has also taken administrative enforcement action against the Municipality.


North West Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]


CAS 55/10/2023

Ekurhuleni Municipality: Olfiantsfontein WWTW

Crocodile West/ Marico

Criminal case was opened against the Municipality. The criminal case is under investigation. The Department has also taken administrative enforcement action against the Municipality.


Mpumalanga Regional Office  

Local Government [WSA/WSP]


CAS 139/11/2023

Sekhukhume District: Moganyaka


Criminal case was opened against the Municipality. The criminal case is under investigation. The Department has also taken administrative enforcement action against the Municipality.


Mpumalanga Regional Office  

Local Government [WSA/WSP]


CAS 139/11/2023

Sekhukhume District Municipality: Burgersfort


Criminal case was opened against the Municipality. The criminal case is under investigation. The Department has also taken administrative enforcement action against the Municipality.


Mpumalanga Regional Office  

Local Government [WSA/WSP]


CAS 108/08/2023

Hlelo Lunathi: Hendrina


Case reopened due to recommendation of Public Prosecutor


Mpumalanga Regional Office  

Local Government [WSA/WSP]


CAS 10/10/2023

Mopani District Municipality: Hoedspruit Network & WWTW


Criminal case was opened against the Municipality. The criminal case is under investigation. The Department has also taken administrative enforcement action against the Municipality.


Limpopo Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP


CAS 404/10/2023

Mopani District Municipality: Giyani WWTW

Levuvu/ Letaba

Criminal case was opened against the Municipality. The criminal case is under investigation. The Department has also taken administrative enforcement action against the Municipality.



Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]


CAS 230/07/2023

Lephalale Local Municipality: Paarl WWTW

Criminal case was opened against the Municipality. The Department has also taken administrative enforcement action against the Municipality.


Free State Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]





City of Johannesburg Metro: Bushkoppies and Goudkoppies WWTW


Criminal case was opened against the Municipality. The criminal case is under investigation. The Department has also taken administrative enforcement action against the Municipality.


Free State Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]



Fezile Dabi DM / Ngwathe LM: Koppies WWTW


Criminal case was opened against the Municipality. The Department has also taken administrative enforcement action against the Municipality.


29 February 2024 - NW205

Profile picture: Mohlala, Ms MR

Mohlala, Ms MR to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

With reference to his address to residents in Verulam, Phoenix and oThongathi, north of Durban on 5 February 2024, what prompted his decision to advise the 64 municipalities whose water provision services have collapsed to outsource water provision to external service providers?


The Water Services Act distinguishes between the Water Service Authority (WSA) and Water Service Provider (WSP) functions at municipal level. Only a municipality can be allocated the power and function for the WSA function in terms of the Municipal Structures Act. The WSA function is the primary Constitutional role of municipalities with regard to water and sanitation services.

The key role of the WSA is to ensure that the WSP provides services which meet minimum norms and standards, and to deliver on the legislative and executive functions such as promulgation of by-laws, approval of integrated plans and budgets and approval and regulation of service delivery mechanisms. Very few municipalities are implementing their WSA function as envisaged in the Act.

The Water Services Act, read together with the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act provides that a WSA can approve any legal entity (municipality, municipal entity, another municipality, CBO, NGO, organ of state, private company, or water board) to function as a WSP in the municipality. However, almost all municipalities are currently both WSA and WSP (they have approved themselves as the sole WSP). The Water Services Act requires municipalities to manage and account for their WSA and WSP roles separately – but very few municipalities are doing this.

There is evidence that water services delivery performance shows an alarming declining trend, as illustrated by the Department’s Blue Drop, Green Drop and No Drop regulatory reports. Further, the recent cholera outbreak highlights the risks associated with allowing the trend to continue unabated. Many municipalities are in a vicious circle of decline with regard to their water and sanitation services. The main elements of this vicious circle are poor and declining services; reducing payment for services; poor governance, poor management and under- investment.

The Department of Water and Sanitation is actively intervening in poorly performing municipalities, and the Minister has been meeting with Mayors and agreeing on action plans to address issues. The DWS assists with its grants where possible and monitors and supports the municipalities with implementation of the action plans. Notwithstanding the above, municipal water and sanitation services continue to generally deteriorate. To break the vicious circle, it is necessary to ensure that water services are provided by professionally managed, capable, efficient and financially viable institutions.

On 18 and 19 January 2024, Minister Mchunu had a two-day Summit with all the water services authorities in the country, to discuss the results of the Drop reports. The drop reports found that, of the 144 water services authorities in the country, 67 had drinking water or wastewater systems in a critically bad state of performance. One of the resolutions of the Summit is that this group of water services authorities should initiate processes in terms of Section 78 of the Municipal Systems Act to review their Water Service Provider arrangements and to consider alternatives for more effective water service provision.


29 February 2024 - NW22

Profile picture: Cebekhulu, Inkosi RN

Cebekhulu, Inkosi RN to ask the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition

What measures has his department put in place to ensure that logistical woes, such as operational challenges and equipment failures at ports, do not impede the ability of the Republic to trade and export products, as was the case across three provinces in 2023?


A well-functioning transport and logistics system is vital to unlock the opportunities presented by trade, to grow the SA economy and create jobs.

The Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic) supports efforts by the Department of Public Enterprises (DPE) to address challenges at ports and find permanent and systemic solutions. A workstream has been put in place by DPE and the Presidency with the private sector, which enables skilled personnel to assist with improving the country’s logistics systems. the dtic attends the oversight meetings convened by the Presidency.

Companies from time to time approach the dtic with specific challenges relating to a shipment of cargo. the dtic engages Transnet on these in order to resolve them.

The DPE will be best placed to provide information on the measures taken to date to address the challenges and the progress made.


29 February 2024 - NW162

Profile picture: Hicklin, Ms MB

Hicklin, Ms MB to ask the Minister of Health

With regard to the Office of the Health Ombudsman (OHO), as revealed in the 202223 Budget Report, that there is a significant backlog in the cases to be adjudicated upon, (a) what impact of inadequate human resources contributed to the backlog, (b) how significant is the budget constraint in terms of the effectiveness of staff shortages and OHO's ability to fulfil its mandate and (c) what steps have been taken to address governance challenges experienced by the OHO?


According to the Health Ombud:

a) Since the inception of the Office of the Health Ombud (OHO) in 2016, there have been inadequate investigative human resources to support optimal functionality. Commencing with two senior investigators in 2017, OHO had only five investigative staff between 2018 – and 2023 (Two senior investigators and three investigators). Due to the severe staff shortages, the two senior investigators were tasked with administrative, management, and operational responsibilities, in addition to their technical investigative responsibilities. Therefore, only three investigators were attending to the complaints lodged. During this period, the OHO received 307 high and extreme-risk complaints. Despite the enormous workload, 148 complaints were resolved during this period, and a total of 159 complaints remain unresolved.

b) The OHO budget constitutes an average of 13% of the OHSC overall budget from 2016/17 to 2022/23. The OHO's budget increased by an average of 7% per year. The provision of short-term relief in the form of surplus funding from 2018/19 to 2023/24 was made to remedy this predicament. This funding was used to enable the hiring of contract staff on 12-month contracts during the 2023/24 financial period. Although the ad hoc funding helped to reduce the number of backlog cases, there remains a large number of unresolved cases, in addition to new cases.

In 2024/25 the OHO will work towards converting the current contracted staff into permanent employment to boost the number of investigators from the additional R10 Million allocated over the MTEF. However, additional funding will still be required to appoint permanent staff to augment the capacity and ensure that the mandate of OHO is fulfilled.

c) In 2022 a Health Ombud Bill was developed to address the governance challenges experienced by the Ombud. The Bill sought to establish the Health Ombud Office as an autonomous entity.

The Ombud Bill served at the Social Protection, Community and Human Development Cluster (SPCHD). The National Treasury raised concerns with the financial implications of creating a Schedule 3A Public entity considering the current economic and fiscal challenges.

The National Treasury recommended that the Department explore alternative options that would establish the independence of the Ombud – one such structure recommended was the Tax Ombud or a shared service option.

While the two options are being explored, the department has earmarked the budget of the OHO for the 2024/25 financial year. This approach would provide greater financial certainty to the Ombud so that the budget for human resources, equipment and other goods and services can be effected.



29 February 2024 - NW145

Profile picture: Moore, Mr S J

Moore, Mr S J to ask the Minister of Water and Sanitation

Whether, with reference to his reply to question 3359 on 8 November 2023, he will furnish Mr S J Moore with a list of the names of (a) local and (b) provincial governments that have been issued with (i) Notices of Intention to issue a directive and (ii) directives for the contravention of the National Water Act, Act 36 of 1998 (aa) in the 2022-23 financial year and (bb) since 1 April 2023?


The Department of Water and Sanitation, in terms of its regulatory role, issues notices of Intention to issue a directive and directives for the contravention of the National Water Act, Act 36 of 1998. Tables 1(a) and 2(b) below provide a list of issued (i) Notices of Intention to issue a Directive and (ii) Directives (aa) in the 2022-23 financial year and (bb) since 1 April 2023.

Table: 1(a): Notices issued in 2022/2023 Financial Year (aa)


  1. List of names on Notices issued

Responsible Office (Water Management Area)


Government Sphere

Facility Name


Breede/Gouritz CMA

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Remainder of ERF 1, Worcester, Breede Valley Municipality, Remainder of ERF 1, Worcester: Breede/Gouritz


Western Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Clanwilliam wwtw, Cederberg Municipality, Clanwilliam wwtw: Berg/Olifants


Northern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Vredesvallei Wastewater Treatment Works Kai! Garib Local Municipality, Riemvasmaak: Orange


Western Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Malfunctioning Pump Station, George Municipality, Eden Pump Station: Breede/Gouritz


North West Regional Office

Government [National/Prov]

Thaba Tshwane Voortrekkerhoogte,, Department of Defence Force , Pretoria town and townlands 351JR: Limpopo


Eastern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Kenton on Sea, Ndlambe Local Municipality, Keanton on Sea WWTW: Mzimvubu/Tsitsikamma


Eastern Cape Regional Office

Government [National/Prov]

Glen Grey Hospital WWTW, Department of Health, Lady Frere: Mzimvubu/Tsitsikamma


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Dr JS Moroka Local Municipality, Ms MM Mathebela, Weltevreden Water Treatment Works: Olifants


Northern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Noupoort WWTW, Umsobomvu Local Municipality, Unknown: Orange


Northern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Loeriesfontein Wastewater Treatment Works, Hantam Local Municipality, Loeriesfontein Farm: Orange


Northern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Calvinia Wastewater Treatment Works, Hantam Local Municipality, Calvinia Farm: Orange


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Sewage overflow near Pine Ridge new RDP houses, Emalahleni Local Municipality, Leeuwpoort 283 JS: Olifants


Northern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Victoria West Oxidation Ponds, Ubuntu Local Municipality, Ubuntu LM: Vaal


Northern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Hertzogville Oxidation Ponds, Tokologo Local Municipality, Hertzogville Oxidation Ponds: Orange


North-West Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Zinniaville Estate (service delivery, water supply and sewage leak complaints), Rustenburg Local Municipality, Zinneaville Estate in Rustenburg: Limpopo


Breede/Gouritz CMA

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Breede Valley Local Government, Wim Du Toit, Remaining Extent of Farm 381 Rawsonville, Wim Du Toit, Remaining Extent of Farm 381 Rawsonville: Breede/Gouritz


Northern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Norvalspont Wastewater Treatment Plant., Umsobomvu Local Municipality, Dapperfontein, Farm number 79, Portion 53: Orange


Northern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

De Aar Water Treatment Works, Emthanjeni Local Municipality, Farm Paarde Valley: Orange


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Emalahleni Local Municipality, The Municipal Manager: Mr H.S. Mayisela, Klarinet sewer pump station, Emalahleni Local Municipality: Olifants


Eastern Cape Regional Office

Government [National/Prov]

Willowvale Hospital WWTW, Dr. Wagner, Willowvale Hospital WWTW: Mzimvubu/Tsitsikamma


Northern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Carolusberg Wastewater Treatment Works, Nama-Khoi Local Municipality, Farm Carolusberg: Orange


Northern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Springbok WWTW, Nama-Khoi Local Municipality, Farm Springbok: Orange


Northern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Port Nolloth WWTW, Richtersveld Local Municipality, Farm Port Nolloth: Orange


Northern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Concordia WWTW, Nama-Khoi Local Municipality, Farm Concordia: Orange


Western Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Leeu Gamka Transnet Houses, Transnet, Leeu Gamka Transnet Houses, Transnet, Leeu Gamka Transnet Houses: Breede/Gouritz


Breede/Gouritz CMA

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Portion 17 of Farm Klip Heuwel 410, Mr. Thinus Kershoff, Amandel Plaas: Breede/Gouritz


Breede/Gouritz CMA

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

De Doorns Wastewater Treatment Works (WWTW), Breede Valley Municipality, Erf Number: RE/799: Breede/Gouritz


Breede/Gouritz CMA

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Villiersdorp Wastewater Treatment Works (WWTW), Theewaterskloof Municipality, Portion 7 of the farm Radyn No. 24: Breede/Gouritz


Breede/Gouritz CMA

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Robertson Wastewater Treatment Works, Langeberg Municipality, ERF Number: RE/2: Breede/Gouritz


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Nmakgale 464 Shakes Street, Mopani District Municipality, Nmakgale 464 Shakes Street: Olifants


Northern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Ga Segonyana LM - Kuruman sewage overflows, Ga Segonyana Local Municipality, Kuruman town: Vaal


Northern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Afrimat - Demaneng (Pty) Ltd, Katarien Deysel (Ops Manager - Diro Mine), Rust en Vrede, Portion 1 of Farm Mashwening 557: Vaal


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Molengroff Pump Station, Mopani District Municipality, Unknown: Olifants


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Leeuwfontein Wastewater Treatment Works, Greater Sekhukhune District Municipality: Olifants


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Flag Boshielo WTW, Ephraim Mogale Local Municipality, Sekhukhune District Municipality, Ephraim Mogale Local Municipality, Sekhukhune District Municip, Ephraim Mogale Local Municipality, Sekhukhune District Municipality: Olifants


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Emalahleni local municipality, Mr Sizwe Mayisela, Emalahleni Local Municipality: Olifants


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Dullstroom WWTWS, Emakhazeni Local Municipality, Unknown: Olifants


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Siyanqoba RDP Housing Settlement, Emalahleni Local Municipality, Leeuwpoort: Olifants


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Siyabuswa Wastewater Treatment Works, Dr JS Moroka Local Municipality, Siyabuswa Wastewater Treatment Works: Olifants


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Bronkhorspruit Sewer Pipeline next to Godrich Flour Mill, City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality, Bronkhorspruit Pipeline Next to Godriich Four Mill: Olifants


North West Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Oil Stench around Lindo Park, Kiner Park and Koedespoort, City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality, Derdepoort 327 JR: Limpopo


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Blinkpan Sewer Pump Station, Steve Tshwete Local Municipality, Blinkpan Sewer Pump Station: Olifants


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Kiewiet Street, Komati, Steve Tshwete Local Municipality, Steve Tshwete Local Municipality, Komati: Olifants


Western Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Laingvile WWTW (Sewage Overflow), Saldanha Bay LM, St Helena Bay: Berg/Olifants


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Pine Ridge pump station, Emalahleni Local Municipality, Unknown: Olifants


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Sehlakwane Peatland, Sekhukhune District Municipality, Unknown: Olifants


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Steve Tshwete Local Municipality, Steve Tshwete Local Municipality, : Olifants


Northern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Sol Plaatje LM Overflowing Manhole on 72 Study Street in Kimberley , Sol Plaatje Local Municipality , Fabricia: Vaal


Northern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Carnarvon WWTW, Kareeberg Municipality, Carnarvon 353: Orange


Eastern Cape Regional Office

Government [National/Prov]

Tsolo, Eskom CNS, Eskom, Tsolo, Eskom CNS: Mzimvubu/Tsitsikamma


Northern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

De Aar Water Treatment Works, Emthanjeni Local Municipality, Farm Paarde Valley: Orange


Northern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Williston WWTW, Karoo Hoogland LM, Williston Farm: Orange


Northern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Disposing of raw sewerage into the stormwater drainage at Corner Hoop Street and Kort Stree, Emthanjeni Local Municipality, De Aar: Orange


Gauteng Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Dipaleseng Local municipality, Nthorwane/Greylingstad WWTW, Dipaleseng Local Municipality, Dipaleseng Local Municipality Nthorwane/Greylingstad WWTW: Vaal


Northern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Bergsig WWTW, Nama Khoi , Bergsig: Orange


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Sekhukhune sewer network, Sekhukhune DM, Oosthuizen vervoer: Olifants


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Emakhazeni Local Municipality 34 Rotterdam Street, Municipal Manager, Unknown: Inkomati_Usuthu


Eastern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Addo WWTW and pump station, Sunday's River Local Municipality, Addo : Mzimvubu/Tsitsikamma


Gauteng Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Metsimaholo Local Municipality (Oranjeville Manhole overflowing into Vaal Dam), Metsimaholo Local Municipality, Unknown: Vaal


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Victor kanye local municipality-Manhole next to willow brook shopping centre, Victor kanye local municipality, manhole overflow next to willow brook shopping centre: Olifants


Eastern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Hankey Waste Water Treatment Works, Kouga Local Municipality, Jeffery's Bay: Mzimvubu/Tsitsikamma


Gauteng Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Perdekop Wastewater Treatment Works, Pixley Ka Seme Local Municipality, Unknown: Vaal


Northern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Kathu WWTW, Gamagara LM, John Taolo Gaetsewe DM: Vaal


Eastern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Ilinge Wastewater Treatment Works, Chris Hani District Municipality, : Mzimvubu/Tsitsikamma


Limpopo Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Siloam Wastewater treatment works, , : Limpopo


Limpopo Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Hlanganani Wastewater Treatment Works (WWTW) , Vhembe District Municipality TS Ndou, Nwaridi River: Limpopo


Eastern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Chris Hani DM - Tarkastad WWTW, , : Mzimvubu/Tsitsikamma


Eastern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Makana LM - Rini WWTW, Makana Local Municipality, Portion 8 of Tempe: Mzimvubu/Tsitsikamma


Eastern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Port Alfred WWTW, Ndlambe Local Municipality, Port Alfred WWTW: Mzimvubu/Tsitsikamma


Table: 1(b): Directives issued in 2022/2023 Financial Year (aa)


  1. List of Names on Issued Directives

Responsible Office (Water Management Area)


Government Sphere

Facility Name


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Emalahleni Local Municipality_Siyabonga Sewer Pump Station, Mr Selate Matlejwana, Emalahleni Local Municipality: Olifants


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Emalahleni Local Municipality_Klarinet Pump Station, Mr Selate Matlejwana, Emalahleni Local Municipality: Olifants


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Klipspruit WWTW, Emalahleni Local Municipality, Bulpan : Olifants


Limpopo Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Mogalakwena Wastewater Management Facilities, Mogalakwena Local Municipality, Mokopane town and Mahwelereng location: Limpopo


KwaZulu-Natal Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Mtunzini Waste Water Treatment Works, King Cetshwayo District Municipality, Umllazi River: Pongola/Mtamvuna


Eastern Cape Regional Office

Government [National/Prov]

Nompumelelo hospital WWTW, Department of Health, Nompumelelo Hospital WWTW: Mzimvubu/Tsitsikamma


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Emalahleni Local Municipality, The Municipal Manager: Mr H.S. Mayisela, Klarinet sewer pump station, emalahleni Local Municipality: Olifants


Gauteng Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

KLIP RIVER POLLUTION, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality, Klip River: Vaal


Western Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Leeu Gamka Transnet Houses, Transnet, Leeu Gamka Transnet Houses, Transnet, Leeu Gamka Transnet Houses: Breede/Gouritz


Gauteng Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Sky City, Cosmpolitan, E RESIDENTIAL TOWNSHIP ON PORTION 2, 31, 32, 33, 56, 57 & 58 OF THE FARM RIETSPRUIT 152 I.R waterval: Vaal


Limpopo Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Sewage flowing from 8 Spekboom Street in Lephalale, Lephalale Local Municipality, Onverwacht 503 LQ: Limpopo


Limpopo Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Ledibeng Eco Estate Manhole, Ledibeng eco estate, Ledibeng Eco Estate: Limpopo


Limpopo Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Campbell package plant, Vhembe district Municipality, Campbell Township: Limpopo


Northern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Ga Segonyana LM - Kuruman sewage overflows, Ga Segonyana Local Municipality, Kuruman town: Vaal


Gauteng Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Goudkoppies WWTW, City of Johannesburg Metropolitan, Goudkoppies WWTW: Vaal


Gauteng Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Grootvlei WWTW, Dipaleseng Local Municipality, Dipaleseng Local Municipality Grootvlei WWTW: Vaal


Gauteng Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Pollution of Kliprivier at R59 bridge Eikenhof (White Foam), Unknown, Zwartkop JES 143 IR: Vaal


Limpopo Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Thohoyandou WWTW, Vhembe District Municipality, All Pump Stations: Limpopo


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Pine Ridge pump station, Emalahleni Local Municipality, Unknown: Olifants


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Sehlakwane Peatland, Sekhukhune District Municipality, Unknown: Olifants


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Cypress Sewer Pump Station (Sewage overflow), Emalahleni LM, Tambotie Street Kriel WWTW: Olifants


Limpopo Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Biaba ponds Nzhelele, Vhembe Municipality, Biaba ponds Nzhelele: Limpopo


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

MOTETEMA WWTW, Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality, MOTETEMA WWTW: Olifants


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

GROBLERSDAL WWTW, Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality, GROBLERSDAL WWTW: Olifants


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

MARBLEHALL WWTW, Ephraim Mogale Local Municipality, MARBLEHALL WWTW: Olifants


Eastern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Addo WWTW and pump station, Sunday's River Local Municipality, Addo : Mzimvubu/Tsitsikamma


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Vilakazi Pump Station, Emalahleni LM, Emalahleni LM: Olifants


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Kriel -Ganala Waste Water Treatment Works, Emalahleni Municipality, Ganala Kriel WWTW: Olifants


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Clewer Sewage Spillages, Emalahleni LM, Brugspruit: Olifants


North West Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Mazista Package Plant, Kgetleng Rivier Local Municipality - Mr RJ Mogale, Farm 86: Limpopo


Gauteng Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Davel Wastewater Treatment Works, Msukaligwa Local Municipality, Davel WWTW: Vaal


Limpopo Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Rebone Ponds, Mogalakwena Municipality, Steiloop: Limpopo


Free State Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Kai! Garib Municipality - Rooiberg Dam, Kai! Garib Municipality, : Orange


Eastern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Middleburg WWTW, Chris Hani District Municipality: Mzimvubu/Tsitsikamma


Gauteng Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Amersfoort Waste Water Treatment Works, Dr Pixley Isaka Seme Local Municipality: Vaal


Eastern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Ilinge Wastewater Treatment Works, Chris Hani District Municipality, : Mzimvubu/Tsitsikamma


Eastern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Lady Frere Main Pump Station, Chris Hani District Municipality: Mzimvubu/Tsitsikamma


Gauteng Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Tweeling waste water treament works : Vaal


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Dennilton WWTW - Collector System (Sewage overflow), Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality, Moutse Mall Uitspanning 38 JS : Olifants


Limpopo Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Vleifontein Oxidation Ponds, Acting Technical Manager E.F Chauke, Vhembe District Municipality: Limpopo


Free State Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Wesselsbron and Monyakeng Sewage Spillage, Nala LM, Monyakeng: Vaal


Free State Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Koffiefontein WWTW, Letsemeng LM, Koffiefontein: Vaal


Eastern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Chris Hani DM - Tarkastad WWTW : Mzimvubu/Tsitsikamma


Eastern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Elliotdale Waste Water Treatment Works: Mzimvubu/Tsitsikamma

Table: 2(a): Notices issued in 2023/2024 Financial Year (bb)


  1. List of names on Notices issued

Responsible Office (Water Management Area)


Government Sphere

Facility Name


Free State Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Sewage spillage at 11 Buitekant Street, Brandfort, Masilonyana Municipality, Brandfort, Buitekant: Vaal


Breede/Gouritz CMA

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Nkomazi Local Municipality: Malelane Extension 8 Township, Mr. Xolani Timothy Mabila, Malelane Extension 8 Township: Inkomati_Usuthu


Western Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Stellenbosch waste water treatment works, Stellenbosch Municipality, Stellenbosch wwtw: Berg/Olifants


North West Regional Office

Government [National/Prov]

Construction of Mayibuye Primary School on a wetland, Gauteng Department of Education, Erf 2326 Commercia Extension 34 Township Tembisa: Limpopo


Breede/Gouritz CMA

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Knysna Knysna Municipality Main Sewer Line, Knysna Local Municipality, Erf 3503 (Rem), Knysna: Breede/Gouritz


Breede/Gouritz CMA

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Albertinia Watewater Treatment Works, Hessequa Local Municipality, Erf RE/2, Riversdale: Breede/Gouritz


KwaZulu-Natal Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Henley Dam, Umgeni Water, Farm Zwaartkop Bantu Location 4669 Subdivision 12, Piietermaritzburg: Pongola/Mtamvuna


Northern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Sol Plaatjie Sewer Infrastructure on 28 Central Road, Sol Plaatjie Local Municipality, Beaconsfield: Vaal


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Mopani District Municipality Raptors View Wildlife Estate Pump station, Mopani District Municipality, To be confirmed: Olifants


Free State Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Sewage spillages in Matlakeng near Zastron (CAS 53/082023, Mohokare Local Municipality, Township of Matlakeng near Zastron: Orange


Breede/Gouritz CMA

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Witsand Wastewater Treatment Works, Hessequa Local Municipality, Port Beaufort 484/65, Swellendam, Hessequa Local Municipality, Port Beaufort 484/65, Swellendam: Breede/Gouritz


Eastern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Jansenville Wastewater Treatment Works, Dr Beyers Naude Local Municipality, Jansenville: Mzimvubu/Tsitsikamma


Eastern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Rietbron WWTW, Dr Beyers Naude Local Municipality, Rietbron: Mzimvubu/Tsitsikamma


Gauteng Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Dam with a Safety Risk Willem Brummer Dam, Msukaligwa Local Municipality, Spitzkop 276 IS: Vaal


Free State Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Mashaeng Wastewater Treatment Works, Dihlabeng Local Municipality, Remainder of Groenfontein 881: Orange


Eastern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Cookhouse WWTW, Blue Crane Route Local Municipality, Great Fish River (Somerset East): Mzimvubu/Tsitsikamma


KwaZulu-Natal Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Umgeni Water board, Umgeni Water Board, Pietermaritzburg: Pongola/Mtamvuna


Free State Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Venterstad Wastewater Treatment Works, Joe Gqabi District Municipality, Barkly East: Orange


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Govan Mbeki Local Municipality - Leslie, Leandra, Govan Mbeki Local Municipality, TRichardt: Olifants


Breede/Gouritz CMA

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Discharge on substandard effluent into Huis River by Zoar WWTW , Kannaland Local Municipality, Zoar RE/78: Breede/Gouritz


Breede/Gouritz CMA

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Illegal dumping at near Theewaterskloof Dam causing pollution, Theewaterskloof, Theewaterskloof Municipality: Breede/Gouritz


Free State Regional Office

Government [National/Prov]

Green Drop score less than 30% Caledonspoort WWTW, Department of Public Works and Infrastructure, Caledonspoort: Orange


Free State Regional Office

Government [National/Prov]

Green Drop score less than 30% Dordrecht WWTW, Chris Hani District Municipality, Dordrecht: Orange


Free State Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Green Drop score less than 30% Koppies WWTW, Ngwathe Local Municipality, Koppies: Vaal


Free State Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Green Drop score less than 30% Thabong WWTW, Matjhabeng Local Municipality, Free State, Matjhabeng Local Municipality, Free State: Orange


Free State Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Green Drop score less than 30% Van Stadensrus WWTW, Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality, Mangaung: Orange


Free State Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Green Drop score less than 30% BFN-Bloemdustria WWTW, Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality, BFN-Bloemdustria: Orange


Free State Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Green Drop score less than 30% BFN - Northern Works (WWTW), Mangaung Local Municipality, Mangaung : Orange


Free State Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Green Drop score less than 30% Oppermansgronde WWTW, Letsemeng Local Municipality, Green Drop score less than 30%: Orange


Free State Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Green Drop score less than 30% Fauresmith WWTW, Kopanong Local Municipality, Fauresmith: Orange


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Lebowakgomo Wastewater Treatment Works, Capricorn District Municipality, Capricorn District Municipality: Olifants


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Tecroveer (Pty) (Ltd), Tabile Mapekula, Klipspruit Wastewater treatment plant: Olifants


Limpopo Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Thohoyandou P West manhole, Vhembe district Municipality, 665 Mphephu Drive: Limpopo


Limpopo Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Witpoort Oxidation Ponds, Lephalale Local Municipality, Witpoort: Limpopo


North West Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Swartdam Wastewater Treatment Works, Moretele Local Municipality, Farm Haakdoornfontein 55JR/3: Limpopo


North West Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Mothotlung Wastewater Treatment Works, Madibeng Local Municipality, Farm Hoeksfontein 247IQ/4: Limpopo


Western Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Woodbridge island Koeberg pump station Milnerton, City of Cape town, Woodbridge Island Milbnerto Koeberg pump station: Berg/Olifants


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

MOTETEMA WWTW, Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality, MOTETEMA WWTW: Olifants


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

GROBLERSDAL WWTW, Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality, GROBLERSDAL WWTW: Olifants


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Moganyaka Waste Water Treatment Works, Ephraim Mogale Local Municipality, Moganyaka waste water treatment works: Olifants


Western Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Pniel & Wemmershoek WWTW, Stellenbosch Local Municipality, Dwarsriver : Berg/Olifants


Free State Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Winburg Wastewater Treatment Works: Vaal


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Government [National/Prov]

Zonderwater Correctional Services, Zonderwater Correctional Services: Olifants


Eastern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Dr Beyers Naude LM - Steytlerville WWTW, Unknown, Mzimvubu/Tsitsikamma


Eastern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Dr Beyers Naude LM - Willowmore WWTW, Dr Beyers Naude LM,: Mzimvubu/Tsitsikamma


Northern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Disposing of raw sewerage into the stormwater drainage at Corner Hoop Street and Kort Street, Emthanjeni Local Municipality, De Aar: Vaal


Limpopo Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Vuwani Wastewater Treatment Works: Limpopo


Free State Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Green Drop score less than 30% Hoopstad WWTW, Tswelopele Local Municipality, Tswelopele: Vaal


Eastern Cape Regional Office

Government [National/Prov]

Efata Special School WWTW, Dept of Education, Mthata: Mzimvubu/Tsitsikamma

Table: 2(b): Directives issued in 2023/2024 Financial Year (bb)


  1. List of Names on Issued Directives

Responsible Office (Water Management Area)


Government Sphere

Facility Name


Free State Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Sewage spillage at 11 Buitekant Street, Brandfort, Masilonyana Municipality, Brandfort, Buitekant: Vaal


Inkomati/Usuthu CMA

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Sewage overflow from a manhole opposite railway line bridge, Mkhondo Local Municipality, Ethandukukhanya, Piet Retief: Inkomati_Usuthu


Inkomati/Usuthu CMA

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Sewage overflow at Phoswa Pump Station, Mkhondo Local Municipality, Ethandukukhanya, Piet Retief: Inkomati_Usuthu


Northern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Sol Plaatjie Sewer Infrastructure on 28 Central Road, Sol Plaatjie Local Municipality, Beaconsfield: Vaal


Eastern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Jansenville Wastewater Treatment Works, Dr Beyers Naude Local Municipality, Jansenville: Mzimvubu/Tsitsikamma


North West Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Fish Kill at Setumo Dam near Mahikeng , Ngaka Modiri Molema District Municipality, Molopo River: Vaal


Breede/Gouritz CMA

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Discharge on substandard effluent into Huis River by Zoar WWTW, Kannaland Local Municipality, Zoar RE/78: Breede/Gouritz


Limpopo Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Witpoort Oxidation Ponds, Lephalale Local Municipality, Witpoort: Limpopo


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Sewage overflow at Cnr. Dirk Winterbach &, Marone Street, Fetakgomo Tubatse Municipality, Burgersfort: Olifants


Northern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

De Aar Water Treatment Works, Emthanjeni Local Municipality, Farm Paarde Valley: Orange


North West Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Zeekoegat Wastewater Treatment Works, City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality, Portion 142 Zeekoegat 296 JR: Limpopo


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Giyani WWTW, Mopani District Municipality, Giyani: Olifants


Limpopo Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Mokopane WWTW, Mogalakwena Municipality, Mokopane WWTW: Limpopo


Mpumalanga Regional Office

Government [National/Prov]

Drakenisg Military Base WWTW, Department of Public Works, Limpopo, Drakensig, Hoedspruit: Olifants


North West Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Percy Steward WWTW, Krugersdorp Municipality (Mogale City), Portion 21 of the farm Sterkfontein 173 IQ: Limpopo


Eastern Cape Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Amathole District Municipality-Bedford WWTW: Mzimvubu/Tsitsikamma


Limpopo Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Nthabiseng Wastewater Treatment Works: Limpopo


Limpopo Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Mankweng WWTW: Limpopo


Limpopo Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Mhinga WWTW/ Oxidation ponds: Limpopo


Free State Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Setsoto Local Municipality, -, Clocolan WWTW: Orange


Free State Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Thaba Nchu WWTW, Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality, Moroka, Stationview, Bultfontein and Seroalo Pump Stations: Orange


Free State Regional Office

Local Government [WSA/WSP]

Oviston Wastewater Treatment Plant, Joe Gqabi Municipality, Barkly East: Orange


Eastern Cape Regional Office

Government [National/Prov]

Amalinda Central WWTW, Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality, Amalinda Central WWTW: Mzimvubu/Tsitsikamma


Eastern Cape Regional Office

Government [National/Prov]

Efata Special School WWTW, Dept of Education, Mthata: Mzimvubu/Tsitsikamma


29 February 2024 - NW54

Profile picture: Cuthbert, Mr MJ

Cuthbert, Mr MJ to ask the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition

Whether, with reference to his reply to question 4227 on 2 January 2024, he will furnish Mr M J Cuthbert with a (a) full list of companies under each of the investment sectors listed in Table 1 and (b) breakdown of each company, split by debt or Equity, for each investment sector?


The IDC’s investment portfolio in terms of exposure, is currently at R98.9 billion, made up of R65.7 billion (66%) in Debt and R33.2 billion (34%) in Equity. Debt investments are those that are classified as Solely Payments of Principal and Interest (SPPI) and Equity investments are classified as Non-SPPI. The Mining Sector comprises the most significant exposure at 38%, followed by Chemicals (17%) and Energy (12%). Details are as shown in Table 1 below.

Table 1: IDC Portfolio Per Sector


Full list of companies under each of the investment sectors listed in Table 1


29 February 2024 - NW17

Profile picture: Sithole, Mr KP

Sithole, Mr KP to ask the Minister of Transport

Considering that the Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa has, on numerous occasions, failed to deal with and provide answers to the issue of its abandoned buildings, which have over the years become a haven for criminals in the area, what plans does her department have to ensure that the abandoned buildings are secured and cannot be used to endanger those living in areas that surround it?


The Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA) has no record of what could be deemed abandoned buildings in its property portfolio. Where properties are either unoccupied or not optimally utilised, there are various strategies being applied to either refurbish or prepare such properties for possible development proposals from the open market. This process is ongoing. In cases where properties are earmarked for development, PRASA signs development leases with 3rd party developers for redevelopment as part of the commercialisation strategy to address unoccupied properties.

29 February 2024 - NW18

Profile picture: Majozi, Ms Z

Majozi, Ms Z to ask the Minister of Police

With reference to a fraudulent letter with the United Nations logo that Mr Nhlanhla Sizani allegedly submitted to the police, requesting a SA Police Service (SAPS) escort to visit polling stations during the 2021 local government elections and considering the financial loss the SAPS suffered due to this, what are the full (a) relevant details of the due diligence checks his department has in place in such instances and (b) full reasons that protocol was not followed to authenticate the specified person’s identity before availing state resources in this regard?


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29 February 2024 - NW192

Profile picture: Chirwa-Mpungose, Ms NN

Chirwa-Mpungose, Ms NN to ask the Minister of Health

In light of how Rahima Moosa Hospital is constantly targeted by criminality to the extent that the Gauteng Department of Health calls for heightened policing of the facility, (a) what has been the security capacitation efforts of the facility, (b) how does he plan to address the violent incidents that place the lives of patients, healthcare workers and the surrounding community members at risk in and around public healthcare facilities and (c) what are the innovative means his department has employed to deal with security threats in public healthcare facilities?


a) According to Gauteng Department of Health,

  • South African Police Services (SAPS) has been alerted of the incident and the Department has also requested regular patrols along the hospital boundaries.
  • Hospital security is also patrolling an additional 50 metre radius outside the hospital gates especially during shift changes.
  • The local community policing forum has also been involved to assist with pro-active policing and community patrols in the hospital vicinity

b) The Local Community Policing Forum has been involved to assist with proactive policing and community patrols in the vicinity of the hospital.

c) The hospital management is investigating the costs of setting up a mobile police unit outside the main gate of the hospital. The hospital is also engaging companies on modern access and key control system. The hospital has CCTV cameras in strategic places inside and outside the hospital, to ensure that staff and patients’ privacy is not compromised.



29 February 2024 - NW120

Profile picture: Breedt, Ms T

Breedt, Ms T to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

What steps will her department take to ensure that agriculture in the Republic will benefit from the new satellite technology for agriculture; (2) what steps will she take to ensure that her department has the necessary skills and understanding of the new technology to guide the agricultural sector of the Republic to be more productive and competitive in the world markets; (3) whether she will make a statement on the matter?


1. The Department already capitalizes on remote sensing capabilities offered by satellite technology, such as the Sentinel-Hub, to analyze agricultural lands. This technology provides insights into crop planting frequencies, moisture levels, and burn scars, employing various data standards including true colour composite, false colour composite, the Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), False Colour Urban composite, the Normalised Difference Moisture Index (NDMI), and Short-Wave Infrared composite (SWIR). These tools enable the monitoring of agricultural practices, vegetation health, and environmental changes, thereby supporting precision agriculture.

2. Through the strategic use of satellite and the deployment of drone technologies, the Department seeks to address current challenges and harness opportunities for growth and innovation within the sector. Recognizing the critical role of skilled personnel, the Department has a cadre of GISc professionals across all provinces, adept in leveraging remote sensing data for agricultural assessment and planning. To stay at the forefront of technological advancements, the Department has initiated a drone program aimed at augmenting satellite data with ultra-high-resolution imagery. This initiative includes training a new cohort of drone pilots, ensuring adherence to safety standards set by the South African Civil Aviation Authority, and facilitating the integration of remote sensing products into actionable agricultural insights. Furthermore, the Department is committed to enhancing the productivity and competitiveness of the South African agricultural sector on the global stage. By harnessing satellite data and advancing high-resolution remote sensing technologies, the Department aims to empower emerging farmers with precision agriculture techniques. These efforts are geared towards optimizing resource use, improving yield, and reducing operational costs through targeted application of fertilizers and pesticides.

3. No.

29 February 2024 - NW200

Profile picture: Mogale, Mr T

Mogale, Mr T to ask the Minister of Health

What are the reasons that the Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital is outsourcing the patient care of cancer patients requiring treatment?


Infrastructure and capacity to treat adults with cancer are variable throughout the country and thus Gauteng Province has the additional responsibility of rendering oncology services to its neighbouring Provinces. However, comprehensive oncology services in the Gauteng Department of Health (GDOH) are currently only rendered by Charlotte Maxeke Johannesburg Academic Hospital (CMJAH) and Steve Biko Academic Hospital (SBAH). This places a huge burden on service delivery for these two centres which according to the 2020 National Cancer Register (NCR) of South Africa are estimated to ensure that the 23 634 new people with cancer in the public health facilities in Gauteng Province are treated. With only two Central Hospitals rendering a comprehensive oncology service, long waiting times for diagnosis and treatment leads to disease progression and poorer cancer related outcomes. Lack of infrastructure and lack of human resources are also additional contributory factors to the extreme waiting times. The Department is thus outsourcing radiation oncology services to reduce the current radiotherapy waiting times at both CMAJH and SBAH.


29 February 2024 - NW55

Profile picture: Masipa, Mr NP

Masipa, Mr NP to ask the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development

What is the latest status update on the (a) labour tenancy claim and (b) relocation agreement between Mafube Coal Mine and the Mabhena family in Mpumalanga; (2) what progress has been made since the matter was referred to the Land Claims Court in terms of section 18(7) of the Land Reform (Labour Tenants) Act, Act No 3 of 1996, by officials from her department; (3) whether there has been any recent communication between her department and the affected families; if not, on what date can her department be expected to provide a briefing to the affected family and assist them in addressing the challenges they are currently facing; (4) what interim arrangements of support is her department providing to the family regarding their grievance of vandalised graves?


(1)(a) The Department of Agriculture Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) served the Mafube Coal Mine with section 17 notices under the Land Reform Labour Tenants Act, Act No 3 of 1996 (LTA). The landowners requested DALRRD to certify the relocation settlement. However, in terms of section 8 of LTA, only the Court can certify relocation of a labour tenant and determine if it is equitable redress. DALRRD working with the office of the Special Master of Labour Tenants (SMLT) is in the process of referring the labour tenancy claim to court.

(b) DALRRD has been presented with the relocation agreements signed by the Mabhena family and others by Mafube Coal Mine. The agreements were inconsistent with section 8 of LTA; hence the matter is being referred to court for a declaratory order if both parties agree.

2. The Mabhena family and others have signed the LA1 form to request legal representation from Legal Aid – South Africa (LASA). The application is being processed by the State Attorney and LASA.

3. Yes, DALRRD is in constant communication with the affected families and the latest meeting was in December 2023 including planned meetings to take place between the affected families, Department, SMLT and LASA in March 2024.

(4) None, since the matter of vandalized graves was never reported to DALRRD. However, DALRRD will investigate the allegations.

28 February 2024 - NO54

Profile picture: Meshoe, Rev KR

Meshoe, Rev KR to ask the Minister of Police

What (a) has he found to be the root causes of the prevalence of gangsterism in the Republic, besides unemployment and the peddling of drugs and (b) steps has his department taken to stop the spread of gangsterism, particularly in provinces where it has not traditionally been a challenge?


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28 February 2024 - NW241

Profile picture: Stubbe, Mr DJ

Stubbe, Mr DJ to ask the Minister in the Presidency

With reference to the proposed separation of the State Security Agency into a domestic and a foreign service, by what date is it envisaged that budgets for the proposed entities will be drawn up?


Currently, the State Security Agency (SSA) Budget is allocated according to the following Programmes:- 1) Administration, 2) Oversight and Control, 3) Domestic Intelligence, 4) Foreign Intelligence, 5) National Communication and 6) Intelligence Academy.

Therefore with few adjustments, it will be less complicated to draw up the budgets of the separated entities as soon as the Bill is promulgated into law. The National Treasury has been alerted to the possible separation of the entities and the need to make the relevant adjustment budgets.


Name :

Designation :

Contacts :

Recommended / Not recommended


Ambassador Nozuko Bam

Acting Director-General: State Security Agency


Approved / Not Approved


Khumbudzo Ntshavheni , MP,

Minister in The Presidency


28 February 2024 - NO53

Profile picture: Majozi, Ms Z

Majozi, Ms Z to ask the Minister of Police

With reference to the 2024 State of the Nation Address on 8 February 2024, wherein the President of the Republic, Mr M C Ramaphosa, stated that the Government has strengthen the ranks of the SA Police Service by recruiting 20 000 police officers over the past two years, and another 10 000 in the year to come, and considering that there is still a substantial shortage of police officers, especially in the Visible Policing Division, how will the 10 000 recruits be spread out across all nine provinces?


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28 February 2024 - NW175

Profile picture: King, Ms C

King, Ms C to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

What is the total number of students according to demographics of (a) race, (b) gender and (c) disability that each university has enrolled in each faculty in the 2024 academic year?


The Department is not in a position to share current (2024) enrolment data as the data has not been validated and audited at the university level. Ordinarily university audits are completed around July, Audited Disability enrolment stats have been disaggregated by race and gender in the table below. Unfortunately, DHET does not categorise student data in terms of the faculty they are located in.






Female Total


Male Total





No Info






No Info



Cape Peninsula University of Technology













Central University of Technology













Durban University of Technology













Mangosuthu University of Technology













Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University













North West University













Rhodes University













Sefako Makgatho University













Sol Plaatje University, Northern Cape













Tshwane University of Technology













University of  Fort Hare













University of Cape Town













University of Free State













University of Johannesburg













University of KwaZulu-Natal













University of Limpopo













University of Mpumalanga













University of Pretoria













University of South Africa













University of Stellenbosch













University of Venda













University of Western Cape













University of Witwatersrand













University of Zululand













Vaal University of Technology













Walter Sisulu University













28 February 2024 - NO3

Profile picture: Masuku, Mr MB

Masuku, Mr MB to ask the Minister of Police

Given that the SA Police Service has launched Operational Shanela in May 2023 as a high-density operation to combat crime, what (a) progress and (b) challenges have been encountered through Operation Shanela?


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