Questions and Replies

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25 November 2022 - NW3784

Profile picture: Msimang, Prof CT

Msimang, Prof CT to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services

(1)What total number of (a) prisons are currently overcrowded to date and (b) projects currently exist to capacitate the specified prisons with the required resources and equipment; (2) Whether there have been any links between the overcrowding of prisons and the health deterioration of some inmates; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) How has he found did overcrowding negatively impact the human incarceration, rehabilitative and human rights imperatives of his department?


(1) Attached as Annexure A.

(2) The Department does not have any evidence suggesting a link between overcrowding of prisons and the health deterioration of inmates. Inmates are provided with primary health care services in the correctional centres based on identified health needs and clinical conditions. Where applicable, inmates are referred to external public health facilities for secondary and tertiary levels of health care.

(3) Overcrowding places limitation in terms of space in the facilities for conducting group rehabilitation programmes.

Professionals share offices in some cases and that limits the number of inmates they can consult with per day since they have to alternate and share available common office spaces.


25 November 2022 - NW3874

Profile picture: Wessels, Mr W

Wessels, Mr W to ask the Minister of Finance

(1)Whether, with reference to his reply to question 2436 on 6 July 2022, he will (a) furnish Mr W W Wessels with the data as requested in the specified question, at the available level, from the 1994-95 financial year up to the latest specified date for which information is available and (b) indicate what total number of individuals were reached and/or benefited in each case; if not, why not, in each case; if so, what are the relevant details in each case; (2) whether, in cases where the data applicable to (1)(b) is not available in detail from the 1994-95 financial year to date, it will be provided on the level available; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details


With respect to historical spending on the detailed areas previously requested, the National Treasury previously provided a very detailed spreadsheet on each of those areas. This spreadsheet is attached again for your information. We are somewhat uncertain from your question, what further information you are seeking. With respect to beneficiary numbers for each of these services, these data are held by the line departments responsible for each of these services, e.g. the Department of Human Settlements for the number of houses built, or the Department of Higher education and Training for the number of NSFAS beneficiaries. You will need to approach the relevant departments for this information. However, with respect to the number of social grant beneficiaries historically, we are able to provide some information, as attached in the second accompanying spreadsheet.

25 November 2022 - NW3914

Profile picture: Madokwe, Ms P

Madokwe, Ms P to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

What (a) amount has Eskom invested in power generation since the start of load shedding in 2007 to date and (b) does he make of the concerns raised that Eskom has been producing less and less electricity over the years and had been requesting more funding in spite of significant investment over time?


(1)(a) Eskom spent a total of R632.9 billion (excluding capitalized interest) between the start of Financial Year (FY) 2008 (1 April 2007) and the end of FY 2021 (31 March 2021), of which R320.1 billion (50.6%) was focused on increasing installed generating capacity, at:

New stations

Return to Service (RTS) stations

1. Medupi

2. Kusile

3. Ingula

4. Sere

5. Angerlig

6. Gourikwa

1. Camden

2. Komati

3. Grootvlei

4. Arnot

During this period, total installed capacity increased by 19.9% from 43.0 Gigawatt (GW) to 51.1 GW.

The remainder of the capital spend relates to the expansion of power grids, the refurbishment of all plant and the acquisition of transport fleet, computing equipment, land, buildings, furniture, workshops, and other production equipment. During the period, over 23 000 km of transmission, distribution and reticulation voltage network was commissioned, with an excess of 96 000 transformers being installed, adding over 94 000 Megavolt-ampere (MVA) to the grid.

The annual capital expenditure grew from R23.4 billion in FY 2008 to a peak of R60 billion in FY 2017 during the peak of the generation capacity expansion programme, but subsequently returned to R24 billion in the FY 2021 period.

(b) Energy sales in the period reduced from 224.4 Terawatt-hour (TWh) in FY 2008 to 191.9 TWh in FY 2021 (an annual average contraction of 1.2%). However, the FY 2021 period was impacted by the initial stringent COVID-19 lockdowns, which saw sales decrease by 6.7% from 205.6 TWh in FY 2020 to the 191.9 TWh in FY 2021. Re-working the annual contraction to the end of FY 2020 results in an annual average contraction of 0.7%. In total, over the FY 2008 – FY 2021 period, Eskom sales amounted 3 004.4 TWh; estimated loadshedding impacts over the same period totalled 5.7 TWh (the equivalent of 0.2% of the total adjusted sales in the period).

While of significant impact to the economy, the underlying sales reduction over the period cannot be wholly attributed to the impact of loadshedding since underlying shifts to more energy efficient technologies and a shift/reduction in energy consumption across sectors because of other economic factors, also play a part.

Insofar as Eskom’s energy send out is concerned, cognisance must also be taken of the impact on the country, the Independent Power Producers (IPPs) programme had over the period. Eskom’s contribution has reduced from 95.4% of the energy needed to meet consumer demand in FY 2008 to 90.0% in FY 2021, with the IPP (introduced in FY 2011) contributing 6.0% of the supply in FY 2021 – the balance is linked to the import of energy. Finally, there must also be an appreciation that the Generation plant became 15 years older during this period.


25 November 2022 - NW3965

Profile picture: George, Dr DT

George, Dr DT to ask the Minister of Finance

Whether the National Treasury and the Department of Social Development have agreed on a comprehensive social relief package to address the growing levels of food insecurity in the Republic; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


The two departments are still engaging on this very complex policy framework given the challenges faced fiscally and the need for better economic growth. As Minister of Finance stated in the MTBPS, “Discussions on the future of the grant are on-going and involve very difficult trade-offs and financing decisions. Despite the provision made in this budget, I want to reiterate that any permanent extension or replacement will require permanent increases in revenue, reductions in spending elsewhere, or a combination of the two.”

Ongoing discussions on social relief responses involve the Department of Social Development, Presidency, Department of Employment and Labour, Department of Public Works and Infrastructure, and are exploring various options taking into account affordability, efficacy in addressing poverty, and possibilities of enabling developmental and long-term economic inclusion outcomes as opposed to focusing only on short term food provision.

DPME is coordinating some of the work assessing performance against the National Food and Nutrition Security Plan, 2018 - 2023. Assuming that 70% of social grant expenditure is spent on food, we estimated that approximately R182.1 billion was spent on food related interventions in 2021/22, as shown in Table 1 below. This includes spending on the school nutrition programme, feeding in ECD centres, clinic based nutritional support and other areas. In our view, the major problem pertaining to access to food is due to demand side factors, such as low household incomes, as opposed to supply side factors.

Table 1. Summary of food and nutrition spending

There is some evidence that child malnutrition and fatality rates from malnutrition have declined over the years (see table 12 and Figures 22 inserted in Annexure 1). There is also some indication that the substantial increase in social grants and UIF during COVID-19 gave some protection against hunger (see Figure 5).

Nevertheless, we acknowledge the pressures on households arising from substantially higher inflation. This is partly why the MTBPS indicates that the SRD 350 grant will be extended by a further year and why temporary support was given to cushion the fuel price increase. The MTBPS suggests that total non-interest expenditure will increase by R52.4 billion in 2023/24 (as compared to Budget 2022 projections). Extension of the SRD 350 grant will be by far the biggest item within this and this reflects prioritisation given to this area.


Chart, bar chart

Description automatically generated

25 November 2022 - NW4075

Profile picture: Maotwe, Ms OMC

Maotwe, Ms OMC to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

Whether he has found any misconduct on the part of any party and/or person involved with the sale of the SA Airways; if not, what were his findings in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?


No one has been found to be guilty of any misconduct with regards to the proposed sale of shares in SAA. There have been and continue to be, efforts to undermine the saving of the airline and sustain the national flag and brand.

If the negative forces succeed, some 900 jobs will be lost, the assets of the airline will be sold to competitors cheaply, and capacity will be reduced in South Africa and the traveling public will be exploited.


25 November 2022 - NW3730

Profile picture: Sithole, Mr KP

Sithole, Mr KP to ask the Minister of Transport

(1)Whether, considering that the report of the Auditor-General for the 2021-22 financial year states that one of the root causes for the lack of improved audit outcomes and the non-achievement of service delivery objectives is the inadequate monitoring of entities by accounting officers and authorities (details furnished), his department has plans in place to improve the quality of monitoring and oversight of grant management; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether his department has plans in place to build capacity and skills within the accounting officers and/or authorities in order to rectify the inadequacies in their monitoring of departmental entities; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


1. RRAMS and PRMG is managed through a Conditional Grant Framework which stipulates various responsibilities of the National Transferring Officer (NTO) and the Receiving Officer (RO). Monitoring is done quarterly and through bilaterals and intervention meetings.

There are also Roads Coordinating Body meetings of all Provinces that also help to interface with Provinces and Municipalities on performance and compliance matters.

2. RRAMS has a Capacity Human Development Provision where by the receiving authorities are at liberty to recruit requisite skills and competencies to perform the functions expected from this program.

With regards, the monitoring and oversight of Road Agencies, the capacity at Public Entity Oversight will augment the Roads Branch with highly skilled and experienced persons.

In addition, further training and development programmes will be implemented to further build capacity.

The receiving authorities have been advised to address the shortage of critical skills, which include CFOs and technically skilled personnel both at Provincial and Municipal levels. However, it is worth mentioning that it is difficult for Municipalities to keep these technical skills.

25 November 2022 - NW4125

Profile picture: Hlengwa, Ms MD

Hlengwa, Ms MD to ask the Minister of Health

(1)Whether, in light of the lack of human resources and shortage of equipment and medicine in hospitals and clinics which limit the right to health care for many South Africans on a daily basis, his department has put any measures in place to reduce the effects that the specified challenges have had on the quality of healthcare in the Republic and its communities; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the further, relevant details; (2) whether his department has mechanisms in place to address issues relating to (a) inadequate recruitment practices, especially in rural areas and (b) poor retention and staff mismanagement; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the further, relevant details?


1. As part of addressing the lack of human resources in hospitals and clinics, the Department of Health has developed and published (in February 2021), a 2030 Human Resources for Health Strategy that serves as a guideline of the Human Resources Agenda for the Public Health sector at various levels of care. The 2030 HRH Strategy modelling, indicates a current shortfall of skilled health professionals in South Africa and makes a call for investing in the Health workforce to address human resources deficits and inequalities across provinces and between private and public health sectors. However, due to stringent budgets, the implementation is at a snail’s pace.

Despite available limited resources, in the public service generally, the Department has managed put measures in place to close the vacancy-rate gap for health care related posts to 12.4% and administration positions to 11.80%, respectively, as at the 30 September 2022, across all the provinces.

In relation to Medical Equipment, the department has been experiencing budget cuts over the past few years impacting negatively on issues such as maintenance of equipment and facilities. However, new interventions in the form of conditional grants have been put in place to help provinces cope with revitalisation and maintenance backlogs.

The following are some of the conditional grants that have been introduced to help with acquisition, maintenance and revitalisation of facilities inclusive of Medical Equipment and are in addition to Equitable Share granted to provinces:

a) Health Facilities Revitalisation Grant (HFRG), Managed National Health, but transferred to provinces with conditions and oversight by National Health.

b) National Tertiary Services Grant (NTSG): Managed by National Health, but transferred to provinces for equipment gaps/shortages and repairs.

c) National Health Insurance Indirect Grant (In-kind grant): Managed and implemented under National Health through implementing agents.

Other interventions include:

a) Integration of maintenance plans and Service Level Agreements within transversal contracts administered under National Treasury to help ensure functioning equipment.

b) Development of Medical Equipment Maintenance Strategic Framework within the Office of the Chief Procurement Officer within National Treasury, and the related transversal Contract for Maintenance of Medical Equipment.

2. Provincial Departments of Health are implementing various plans that include the following:

  1. Annual Recruitment Plan – with prioritisation of critical posts where funding permits
  2. Utilisation of conditional grant funding where it allows for prioritisation of posts
  3. Filling of approved replacement posts
  4. Employment of health professionals on contract basis to strengthen capacity and where funding permits these contract employees are absorbed on permanent employment at the end of their contracts
  5. Awarding of bursaries yearly to internal and external candidates to study further in various disciplines where there are shortages
  6. Provision of internship and community service programme



25 November 2022 - NW4182

Profile picture: Kruger, Mr HC

Kruger, Mr HC to ask the Minister in The Presidency

Given that the President of the Republic, Mr M C Ramaphosa, has established the Red Tape Unit at the beginning of the year, (a) what is the definition that the specified unit uses to identify red tape and (b) does the unit enforce the use of the definition to all ministerial departments?


a) The red tape definition that the Red Tape Reduction Team in The Presidency is using at present is the following: “Red Tape can be defined as rules, regulations, and/or bureaucratic procedures and processes that are excessively complex and which impose unnecessary delay(s), inaction and/or costs that exceed their benefits, and/or is no longer effective in achieving the purpose for which they were originally created”. (Original source: Guidelines for Reducing Municipal Red Tape, 2013). The focus is specifically on red tape within government that inhibits economic growth and job creation in key areas of the economy, working with relevant role-players across government, and outside of government.

b) The Red Tape Reduction Team does not have enforcement powers but it does draw on the strategic leadership, convening and coordinating authority of The Presidency in working with departments and agencies firstly in identifying priority red tape issues and secondly in addressing them.

Thank You.

25 November 2022 - NW4046

Profile picture: Marais, Mr EJ

Marais, Mr EJ to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

What (a) was the total capital budget for Transnet Port Terminals (TPT) in the (i) 2018-19, (ii) 2019-20 (iii), 2020-21 and (iv) 2021-22 financial years and (b) is the breakdown of the capital allocations in each port operated by TPT?


According to the information received from Transnet

(a)– (b)

Capital Budget Detail for the period 2018/2019 to 2021/2022











Port of Durban





Port of East London





Port of Port Elizabeth





Port of Cape Town





Port of Saldanha





Port of Richards Bay





Port of Ngqura





Head office










25 November 2022 - NW4053

Profile picture: Ismail, Ms H

Ismail, Ms H to ask the Minister of Health

(1)What (a) was the budget for mental health in the past five financial years, (b) is the breakdown of the total number of (i) psychiatrists, (ii) mental health facilities and (iii) mental health awareness campaigns that are needed in his department; (2) what amount does his department need to adequately provide for the mental health needs of the Republic?


1. (a) In line with Mental Health Care Act, 2002 as well as the World Health Organization’s approach to mental health services delivery, mental health is integrated into the general health services environment from primary health care level upwards. This is because individuals with a mental health problem often have other comorbidities as well. The budget for mental health is therefore integrated into other health services budget and cannot be singled out. The only clear cut mental health budget is that of specialised psychiatric hospitals, subsidies to community based mental health services, contracted mental health services budget, Mental Health Review Boards budget and the recently allocated conditional grant for mental health. The table below depicts the budget for mental health per province in the past five financial years as provided by the provinces.







Eastern Cape

R776 812 825

R814 343 561

R842 019 615

R677 232 329

R685 291 223

Free State

R383 350 000

R373 432 000

R389 396 100

R374 545 000

R421 315 000


R270 849 000

R391 061 000

R505 703 059

R610 018 600

R664 723 555


R858 384 455

R922 424 520

R965 369 481

R1 002 502 520

R954 083 000


R517 009 000

R547 850 000

R567 535 000

R584 614 000

R611 386 000


R48 693 000

R53 692 707

R59 510 701

R65 118 946

R78 647 305

Northern Cape

R54 871 000

R85 205 000

R108 547 000

R119 510 000

R127 371 000

North West

R482 452 366

R506 307 086

R503 906 430

R542 408 696

R602 446 383

Western Cape

Figure not provided

R921 445 000

R984 102 000

R992 619 000

R1 042 290 000



R4 625 760 874

R4 926 089 386

R4 968 569 091

R5 189 492 466

(b)(i) The Department of Health’s Norms for Severe Psychiatric Conditions require a minimum of:

  • 1x psychiatrist for acute inpatient mental health services per 100 000 fifteen (15) years and older population.
  • 0.1x psychiatrist for medium to long stay inpatient mental health care per 100 000 fifteen (15) years and older population.
  • 0.25xpsychiatrists for ambulatory mental health services per 100 000 fifteen (15) years and older population.

In terms of the 2022 midterm population estimates the population of 15

years and older is 43 593 223.

In line with these norms that are based on the World Health Organisation model for mental health human resources, an estimated minimum number of psychiatrists required to service the 43 592 223 South Africa population of fifteen (15) years and older is 589.

There are no norms to estimate the number of psychiatrists needed for the below 15 years old population.

According to the Health Profession’s Council of South Africa registers, South Africa has 930 psychiatrists.

(ii) The Norms for Severe Psychiatric Conditions measure the mental health service needs through the number of beds required as opposed to number of mental health facilities. In terms of the norms, a population of 100 000 fifteen (15) years and older population require an estimated minimum of 28 beds for acute mental illness, 10 medium to long stay beds and 20 beds for community based residential mental health services. In this regard, the 43 592 223 fifteen (15) years and older South African population require an estimated minimum total of 25 283 mental health beds:

  • 12 206 beds for acute mental illness
  • 4359 medium to long stay mental health beds
  • 8718 community based residential mental health beds

According to the latest available statistics obtained from provinces South Africa has 19752 mental health beds.

(iii) Campaigning for increased awareness with regard to prevention of mental illness (adopting a healthy lifestyle), early detection and how to access mental health services when needed is a continuous process. The National Department and provincial health departments are currently doing so through door-to-door campaigns, pop-up stalls at events and in malls, community events, group and one-on-one counselling at health facilities, community radio slots and print media. These campaigns also focus on combating stigma that is associated with mental illness.

(2) Budgeting for health and other government services depends on the available resources. The World Health Organization recommends that countries allocate a minimum of between 5% and 10% of the country’s total health budget to mental health. The current estimates indicate that South Africa is spending 5% of its total health budget on mental health.



25 November 2022 - NW4022

Profile picture: Clarke, Ms M

Clarke, Ms M to ask the Minister of Health

(1)Whether, following reports that the current nursing shortage in public health care stands at 1 nurse per 218 patients, his department will form a partnership with Temporary Employment Services (TES) in terms of (a) training nurses and (b) induction courses; if not, why not; if so, by what date will this commence; (2) (a) what medical training will TES offer and (b) has the training been accredited; (3) (a) how is TES funded and (b)(i) what percentage of nurses are they able to train and (ii) at what total cost; (4) what training will be prioritised in terms of the agreements?


1. (a) The National Department does not have any agreement with Temporary Employment Services (TES) in terms of the training of nurses. The Department does not form partnerships with labour brokers or agencies for the training of nurses.

Prospective providers for Nursing Education programmes have to register with Department of Higher Education and need to apply for accreditation from the South African Nursing Council (SANC) and the Council on Higher Education (CHE). Applications are done per programme leading to registration in any of the prescribed categories of nursing according to the Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No 33 of 2005). The SANC accredits nursing education institutions and programmes in terms of professional integrity, standards of education, clinical training and placement in appropriate health facilities. SANC also consider whether programmes demonstrate relevance, responding to a specific population’s health service needs. The CHE accredit programmes based on the academic standards of Higher Education.

(b) Induction is done by the health establishment for every cohort of new recruits, focussing on, amongst other subjects, national-, provincial-, and the health establishment’s policies. Health professionals are additionally inducted on the health establishment’s standard operating procedures for the professional group. This function cannot be outsourced, as it forms an integral part of orientation of new employees to a workplace and is seen as letting new employees feel welcome and appreciated by their employers.

2. (a) The National Department of Health has no plans to utilize TES for medical training. Medical training is the exclusive domain of medical schools.

(b) The Department has not established the accreditation status of the TES training programmes

(3)(a), (b) (i), (ii) See reply to (1) (a) here above.



25 November 2022 - NW3936

Profile picture: Ismail, Ms H

Ismail, Ms H to ask the Minister of Health

(1)What (a) number of bursary programmes does his department run annually, (b) is the (i) total monetary value and (ii) breakdown of all programmes, (c) number of persons receive bursaries from his department annually and (d) total amount has his department lost because of the irregularities in the allocation of the specified bursaries; (2) whether any officials of his department have been suspended, disciplined and/or dismissed from his department because of the alleged irregularities; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details with regard to the (a) number of the officials who were suspended, disciplined and/or dismissed from his department, (b) date on which they were suspended, disciplined and/or dismissed, (c) positions of the officials against whom the steps were taken and (d) number of persons who have been found to have benefited irregularly from the bursaries and how they allegedly benefited irregularly; (3) whether any officials of his department have been suspended, disciplined or dismissed from his department because of the irregularities; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details with regard to the number and the positions of the officials?


(1. a) The National Department of Health has one Corporate Bursary Programme which targets only employees of the National Department of Health and its satellite offices.

(b) (i) The funding allocation for audited years:

Audited Year










The department has only 1 Corporate Service Bursary programme.

(c) Employees who received bursaries are as follows:

Audited Year

Number of beneficiaries






The Study Assistance Committee is finalizing the adjudication process

(d) The department did not encounter any irregularity for the audited financial years and as such did not lose any money. The programme is audited on a regular basis and no findings were flagged during the audited financial years.

(2) (a) there are no officials that were suspended, disciplined and/or dismissed because there has not been any reported irregularly in relation to the bursaries offered by the National Department of Health.

(b) based on the response in part (a) above, the question is therefore not applicable

(c) based on the response in part (a) above, the question is therefore not applicable

(d) based on the response in part (a) above, the question is therefore not applicable

(3) There are no officials that were suspended, disciplined and/or dismissed because there has not been any reported irregularly in relation to the bursaries offered by the National Department of Health



25 November 2022 - NW4044

Profile picture: Marais, Mr EJ

Marais, Mr EJ to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

What is the total (a) percentage and (b) monetary value of capital under-expenditure by the Transnet National Port Authority in the Port of (i) Richards Bay, (ii) Durban, (iii) East London, (iv) Ngqura, (v) Port Elizabeth, (vi) Mossel Bay, (vii) Cape Town and (viii) Saldanha Bay in each of the past four financial years?


According to the information received from Transnet

(a)– (b)

The total percentage and monetary value of capital under-expenditure by Transnet National Ports Authority in the past four (4) financial years, i.e., 2018/19 to 2021/22 has been 32%, translating into R 9 696 million under-expenditure. The proportion of the capital under-expenditure (both in monetary and percentages) per port and/or business unit is as shown in Table 1 on the following page.

Table 1: Under/ over-expenditure


Port/ BU

Under/ Over -expenditure

Under/ Over -expenditure

Under/ Over -expenditure

Under/ Over -expenditure

Under/ Over -expenditure
Over past 4 Years



- R 219m

- R 144m

- R 278m

- R 100m

R 1,883m









- R 305m

- R 905m

- R 317m

R 736m

- R 2,036m









- R 83m

- R 23m

- R 28m

R 56m

- R 429m









- R 245m

R 227m

- R 182m

- R 245m

- R 390m









- R 30m

- R 31m

- R 25m

R 22m

- R 362m









- R 27m

- R 10m

R 0m

- R 3m

- R 110m









- R 119m

- R 26m

- R 146m

R 148m

- R 844m









- R 243m

R 7m

- R 275m

- R 107m

- R 1,326m









- R 356m

- R 340m

- R 178m

- R 369m

- R 1,578m

  • 88%
  • 100%
  • 99%
  • 99%
  • 50%


- R 63m

R 149m

- R 54m

- R 119m

- R 426m

  • 34%


  • 52%
  • 38%
  • 20%


- R 40m

- R 13m

- R 21m

- R 40m

- R 312m

  • 76%
  • 32%
  • 71%
  • 62%
  • 51%

Grand Total Under-expenditure

- R 1,732m

- R 1,108m

- R 1,503m

- R 22m

- R 9,696m

  • 66%
  • 41%
  • 69%
  • 1%
  • 32%

NB – All negative amounts and percentages denote under-expenditure.


25 November 2022 - NW4291

Profile picture: Marais, Mr EJ

Marais, Mr EJ to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

In light of the fact that Transnet assisted Saldanha Bay harbour to upgrade their status as an entry harbour for passenger ships and/or cruise liners from 1 November 2022, what facilities will be (a) built and (b) upgraded to accommodate (i) customs and (ii) passengers getting off the specified ships for tourism activities?


According to the information received from Transnet:

a) An assessment was done by the Department of Transport, the Department of Home Affairs (Immigration Department) and the TNPA, and agreement was reached that there is currently no need for new infrastructure. Thus,

  1. No new customs facilities will be built; and
  2. No new infrastructure will be built to allow passengers to get off the specified ships for tourism facilities.

b) A few requirements were identified for the Port of Saldanha to attain Port of Entry Status. The requirements included identifying a suitable site and a housing facility to accommodate the relevant government departments; as well as an area to process the arriving passengers.

(i) The site identified and allocated for the Government Departments already has a housing facility equipped with running water, electricity, and connectivity. The identified housing facility is currently leased to the Department of Public Works on behalf of the Department of Home Affairs (Immigration Department). The assessing team has confirmed that the site meets the requirements from the TNPA for Port of Entry Status. Upgrades will only be undertaken as and when required.

ii) A temporary passenger facility will be erected as and when there is a need. Three sites have been identified for such erection and processing. As and when the demand proves necessary for permanent infrastructure development, new infrastructure will be developed to process passenger arrivals.


25 November 2022 - NW4042

Profile picture: Chetty, Mr M

Chetty, Mr M to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

What (a) was the total revenue for the Transnet National Ports Authority in each of the past four financial years and (b) proportion of revenue emanated from the Port of (i) Richards Bay, (ii) Durban, (iii) East London, (iv) Ngqura, (v) Port Elizabeth, (vi) Mossel Bay, (vii) Cape Town and (viii) Saldanha Bay?


According to the information received from Transnet

(a) and (b):

The table below shows Transnet National Ports Authority’s total revenue for the past four financial years from FY 2018/19 to FY 2021/22, as well as revenue contributions per port.









25 November 2022 - NW4289

Profile picture: Tshwaku, Mr M

Tshwaku, Mr M to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

What are the full details of the recent loan by Eskom from the World Bank, purportedly to help Eskom with the decommissioning of the Komati Power Station, (b) what are the reasons that the specified loan was necessary, (c) what will it be used for, (d) what total amount of money would be required for the decommissioning of more power stations in the Republic and (e) where will the money come from?


According to Information Received from Eskom:

a) The US$497 million (approximately R9 billion) World Bank concessional loan facility to Eskom for the repurposing of Komati Power Station, comprises US$439.5 million from the International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), a US$47.5 million facility from the Canada Clean Energy and Forest Climate Fund (CCEFCF) and a grant of US$10 million from the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP). The IBRD and CCEFCF facilities are both 20-year facilities, with the IBRD facility bearing an interest rate of SOFR (six months average secured overnight financing rate) plus 0.86% (approximately 2.88% all in as of 7 November 2022) and the CCEFCF facility bearing interest at a rate of 0.75%. The loans have a capital repayment grace period of five years and are then amortised over the remaining 15 years. The IBRD facility has a commitment fee of 0.25% per annum of the undrawn balance and a front-end fee of 0.25% of the full loan amount.

b) The loan allows Eskom to finance the repurposing of Komati Power Station at a concessional cost of funding and create jobs and opportunities for workers and communities that are impacted by the decommissioning of Komati.

c) The loan will be used to finance the decommissioning of the Komati Power Station, repurposing and repowering of the station and other elements of the Just Energy Transition (JET), including provision for the training of Eskom employees, community development and stakeholder initiatives. The repurposing will install 150MW of photovoltaic, 70MW wind generating capacity, 150MW from a Battery Energy Storage System and a synchronous condenser.

d) In line with the IRP 2019, Eskom plans to decommission and repurpose coal-fired power plants at Camden, Hendrina, and Grootvlei. In alignment with Eskom’s JET Strategy, repurposing of the retired capacity will mean replacement with renewable generation capacity, while considering the economic, social, and environmental challenges of the transition. The repurposing of these power stations is estimated to cost circa US$2.6 billion.

e) The funding is anticipated to come from a combination of development finance institutions, climate funds and the private sector.



25 November 2022 - NW3999

Profile picture: Siwisa, Ms AM

Siwisa, Ms AM to ask the Minister in the Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities

(1)(a) What initiatives has she taken regarding the shortage of shelters for gender-based violence victims and (b) how does her department assist the specified victims where there are no shelters; (2) Whether any assistance has been requested from the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure pertaining to the availability of buildings; if not, what are the reasons for not requesting such buildings; if so, what was the response regarding the request?


1. Shelters and interim housing arrangements do not fall within the department’s remit. However, the Department in its key role in overseeing the implementation of the National Strategic Plan on Gender-Based Violence and Femicide took the initiative and reached out to the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure pertaining the availability of unused government buildings to be used as shelters for abused women. Specifically, this effort aimed to (a) address the shortage of shelters for victims/survivors; and (b) ensure establishment of additional shelters in communities so that victims/survivors can better be served as well as accommodate LGBTQIA+ community, children and persons with disabilities.

2. The Department monitored the Department of public works and Infrastructure on the buildings they planned to offer to the Department of Social Development and also facilitated ongoing discussions between both departments to conclude on drafted Memorandums of Understandings (MOUs) on this initiative.


Approved by Minister

Ms M Nkoana-Mashabane, MP


25 November 2022 - NW4156

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy

(1)With reference to the complaints of dust pollution in the town Koingnaas in the Kamiesberg municipal area due to the dried-out tailings dams, what mining company will be responsible for rehabilitation now that West Coast Resources are in business rescue; (2) whether his department has done an impact study to establish the impact of the dust pollution on residents; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether his department intends to enforce rehabilitation; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, by what date will his department render assistance in this regard; (4) whether any mining rehabilitation has been done in the Kamiesberg area; if not, why not; if, so, (a) where and (b) by what company? NW5221E


(1) The Mining right is still active; therefore, West Coast Resources will still be liable and expected to carry-out the rehabilitation and environmental monitoring. In this case, part of the responsibility of the Business Rescue Practitioner will be handling the environmental obligation management as required by the National Environmental Management Act, (No.107 of 1998) (as amended).

(2) The inspection was conducted by the Department and Department Agri, Env Affairs, Rural Dev Land reform on the 02 August 2022 to assess the concern raised. The outcome of the inspection was that the mining operation had ceased and no activity was observed onsite.

The site visit was undertaken during the of windy season of the year and still none dust emission were observed. Normally Department would request dust monitoring to commence in case there is extreme dust emission within a timeframe of 3 months from the date the notice is issued and the submission of a Dust Management Plan for approval and implementation.

(3) The Mining Right is still active, the department has already enforced the obligation by the Right Holder to undertake the rehabilitation process and these proved to have been done and continuing.

(4) (a) mining area in Kamiesberg area. (b) The rehabilitation process has been undertaken by West Coast Resources (right holder).


25 November 2022 - NW3929

Profile picture: Tshwaku, Mr M

Tshwaku, Mr M to ask the Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition

Whether he has found that the Republic, through its industrial policy, is going backwards and de-industrialising; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; 2) by what date will the Republic stop exporting raw materials and start with the beneficiation of minerals especially chrome and platinum to create jobs; 3) whether he has found that industrialisation that is led by the State, in a similar fashion as in Vietnam and China, is the best way to practice industrialisation; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


During the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade talks that commenced in 1986, the National Party government of the time bound South Africa to substantial trade liberalization commitments that were incorporated in the terms of South Africa’s accession to the World Trade Organisation in 1994. Details of the background hereto was provided in a presentation made by the Ministry to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry on 15 November 2022. The rapid liberalization without supportive industrial policies to address the lack of competitiveness of major parts of the pre-1994 industrial base, led to a sharp decline in the proportion of GDP made up by manufacturing output, in other words, a de-industrialisation of the economy.

In 2019 at the start of the current Administration, the President outlined the basic elements of a ‘re-imagined industrial strategy’ that placed deeper local industrialisation at the core of public policy. Though interrupted by the global economic disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, key elements of this reindustrialization strategy are being implemented. These include the following:

  1. the focus on sector-level industrial plans agreed with business and labour, through a number of Master Plans agreed for a number of sectors, complemented by efforts during Covid-19 to build the medical industrial sector
  2. the Economic Reconstruction and Recovery plan and the Accord on Localisation agreed with social partners at Nedlac, covering 42 product categories and a number of value-chains
  3. protection of local industry through appropriate tariff increases on industrial and agricultural products; or where warranted, decreases in duties applicable through rebates of duty;
  4. industrial support measures to address structural inefficiencies and assist with structural transformation of sectors
  5. the focus on trade with the rest of the African continent, including through trade agreements such as the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (the AfCFTA); and
  6. the identification of and support to beneficiation and green industrial projects.

The Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry has been provided with periodic reports on progress made in these areas, including most recently with the detailed half-year report on the 2022/23 Annual Performance Plan, provided to the Committee on 1 November 2022. The Honourable Member is invited to consider the details provided therein.

Reports on mineral beneficiation have been provided in the quarterly updates by the Department to the Portfolio Committee. Our natural endowment of primary minerals and its beneficiation is an opportunity to promote further industrialisation. At the start of this year the dtic along with the IDC and the DMRE institutionalised the Inter-Agency Working Group on Minerals Beneficiation to align priorities and improve the impact. The Working Group focus currently is on Minerals that go into our renewable energy distribution and generation transition, including battery energy storage, and jewellery minerals.

With regards to Platinum Group Metals (PGMs), a PGMs roadmap is being worked on with Mintek with the departments responsible for mineral resources and energy (DMRE) and science and innovation (DSI) that includes projects focused on the hydrogen economy, batteries, new medical equipment and products, and catalysts.

The chrome beneficiation value-chain already focuses on stainless steel products manufacturing and smelting within the Republic. Impediments to our mineral endowment beneficiation strategies include inadequate freight rail infrastructure and the availability and price of energy.

South Africa is learning from experiences of industrialisation by a number of countries, including fast-growing Asian economies such as China, though conditions in each country are different. For example, China is able to leverage off its massive domestic market of 1,5 million consumers and its early phase of industrialisation was based inter alia on lower input costs that what applies in South Africa. To address scale, South Africa is working with neighbouring countries to finalise a free-trade agreement covering countries on the African continent to create a larger market for local producers. To address input costs, the focus will be on improved industrial dynamism and multi-factor productivity.

Our industrialisation efforts are focused on strategic industries, defined by their capacity to be labour absorbing or providers of critical public goods or significant earners of foreign exchange. Many of the world’s largest economies including the United States, China, India and countries in the European Union continue to actively protect and promote their domestic firms through a range of policy measures in order to retain and change the structure of their respective economies.

Government’s industrialisation initiatives such as encouraging localisation of production; social compacts in the form of Master Plans; strong industrial supply chains to underpin our response to COVID-19 and create an African medical productive hub; or our work on the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), have all sought to provide local industry with the space and opportunity to acquire the know-how and capabilities to develop dynamic firms, grow the economy, create jobs for the citizens of the South Africa.


25 November 2022 - NW4121

Profile picture: Buthelezi, Mr EM

Buthelezi, Mr EM to ask the Minister of Finance

With the National Treasury taking over Eskom’s debt as a way to ensure that the entity is financially sustainable, which translates to more money being allocated to the entity again to achieve its goal, (a) how does the National Treasury intend to balance the flow of Government’s money into Eskom, government debt and service delivery goals in all other government departments and (b) what are the relevant details of the assurance and/or empirical evidence that the National Treasury indicates that this debt transfer will indeed result in a sustainable Eskom and the entity will not need continuous support from the Government, considering the amount of work it still needs to do in order to be fully operational?


a) National Treasury is currently working on the detail execution plan for Eskom’s debt that will incorporate mechanisms that will not negatively impact the fiscus. As announced by the Minister of Finance in his Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement, the details of this plan will be announced at the Budget 2023.

b) Details of the various elements of the Eskom debt relief package, including mechanisms to tackle arrear debt, cost reflective tariffs, cost optimisation, and unbundling, amongst others, will be tabled at the Budget 2023, following the necessary approvals.

National Treasury is also engaging with the relevant stakeholders to ensure that the debt solution that will be implemented will turn Eskom into a sustainable entity that will not rely on the fiscus.

25 November 2022 - NW4288

Profile picture: Tshwaku, Mr M

Tshwaku, Mr M to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

Following the decommissioning of the Komati Power Station, what plans (a) does Eskom have in place to decommission more power stations over the next 10 years and (b) have been put in place to ensure that Eskom is able to replace the power generation capacity lost as a result of decommissioning power stations?


According to Information Received from Eskom:

a) In the next 10 years, up to the end of 2032, seven (7) stations, including Komati, are planned to be fully shut down and an additional two (2) are expected to have some units shut down. It should be noted that Eskom currently does not have plans to fully decommission these stations in line with the strategy for repurposing and repowering the sites in support of the Just Energy Transition (JET).

b)  Eskom plans to add 150 MW solar power, 600 MWh battery energy storage and 70 MW wind power to replace the shut-down capacity at Komati. Eskom notes that it is not expected that the full capacity of the coal stations to be shut down could be replaced on a 1-to-1 basis by repowering and repurposing with renewables. The responsibility of ensuring adequate capacity lies with the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) and those plans are reflected in the latest Integrated Resource Plan (IRP 2019). Eskom’s shutdown plans are generally in line with the assumptions in the IRP and in fact, the IRP assumed that 4 888 MW of coal stations would already be shut down by the end of 2022. Tutuka, however, is planned to be shut down earlier than assumed in the IRP due to techno-economic considerations.

Eskom is, however, committed to both improving the performance of the Generation fleet and introducing additional capacity, comprising both renewable and low carbo technologies, in order to assist the DMRE with guaranteeing adequate capacity to meet the electricity demands of the nation.


25 November 2022 - NW3995

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Health

With reference to the South Rand Hospital in Johannesburg, what (a) is the current staff complement, (b) was the absentee record (i) in each month (aa) in the (aaa) 2020-21 and (bbb) 2021-22 financial years and (bb) from 1 April 2022 to date and (c) processes, procedures and mechanisms are in place to ensure that staff is always present during all required working hours in each case?


(a) According to the South Rand hospital management the current staff complement in the hospital is six-hundred and twenty-nine (629) with a vacancy of twenty-six (26).

(b) (i)(aa)(aaa) Table 1 below indicate absentee record in each month for financial year 2020/21

Financial year 2020/21

Absentee record (raw number)

Absentee record (percentage) (N=629)






































Annual average



(b) (i)(bbb) Table 2 below indicate absentee record for financial year 2021/22

Financial year 2021/22

Absentee record (raw numbers

Absentee record (percentage)






































Annual Average



(bb) Table 3 below indicate absentee record for financial year 2022/23

Financial year 2022/23

Absentee record (raw numbers

Absentee record (percentage)





















(c) The hospital has processes, procedures and mechanisms to always ensure staff attendance

  • All employees are required to record their attendance in the Z8 register daily by entering the time they report for and leave work.
  • The leave register is also used to manage staff attendance for both sick and vacation.
  • Shift supervision in each department to verify employee attendance during all required working hours.


25 November 2022 - NW4118

Profile picture: Tshwaku, Mr M

Tshwaku, Mr M to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

What (a) impact will the decommissioning of the Komati Power Station have on the ability of Eskom to generate energy for the Republic and (b) are the suite of interventions that Eskom is making to ensure that it replaces lost generating ability as the specified power station had reached its sell-by date?


According to the information received from Eskom


When the last operating unit at Komati Power Station was shut down on 31 October 2022, this removed a potential 114 MW from the system. Before the shutdown of the Komati units, all nine units had a nominal capacity of 884 MW.


Eskom plans to add 150 MW solar, 150 MW wind and 70 MW wind power to replace this shut down capacity. Eskom notes that it is not expected that the full capacity of the coal stations to be shut down could be replaced on a 1-to-1 basis by repowering and repurposing with renewables. The responsibility of ensuring adequate capacity lies with the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) and those plans are reflected in the latest Integrated Resource Plan (IRP 2019). The shutdown of Komati is in line with the assumptions in the IRP and in fact, the IRP assumed that 4 888 MW of coal stations would already be shut down by the end of 2022.

Eskom is, however, committed to both improving the performance of the Generation fleet and introducing additional capacity, comprising both renewable and low carbon technologies, in order to assist the DMRE in guaranteeing adequate capacity to meet the electricity demands of the nation.

25 November 2022 - NW4043

Profile picture: Chetty, Mr M

Chetty, Mr M to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

What (a) was the total capital budget for the Transnet National Ports Authority in each of the past four financial years and (b) proportion of the capital budget was allocated to the Port of (i) Richards Bay, (ii) Durban, (iii) East London, (iv) Ngqura, (v) Port Elizabeth, (vi) Mossel Bay, (vii) Cape Town and (viii) Saldanha Bay?


According to the information received from Transnet

(a) – (b):

The total capital budget for Transnet National Ports Authority for the past four (4) financial years, i.e., 2018/19 to 2021/22 was R 9,611,861,186. The total per year and the corresponding proportion of the capital budget per port and/or business unit is as shown in .

Table 1: Capital Budget for the past four financial years


Ports/ BU

2018/19 (R)

2019/20 (R)

2020/21 (R)

2021/22 (R)

Budget Total 4 Years (R)


Richards Bay














East London














Port Elizabeth







Mossel Bay







Cape Town







Saldanha Bay





















Head Office







Grand Total







25 November 2022 - NW4076

Profile picture: Maotwe, Ms OMC

Maotwe, Ms OMC to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

What (a) procurement processes were followed when the Rand Merchant Bank, in which he owns shares, was appointed as transaction advisor to select a Strategic Equity Partner for the SA Airways and (b) role did he play in the appointment of the specified bank?


(1) (a) The process that was followed in appointing Rand Merchant Bank (RMB) as the transaction advisor was through competitive bidding process carried out by South African Airways (SAA). The Department opted to participate in the contract that had been concluded by another organ of state, in this case SAA.

(1) (b) Minister did not play a role in the appointment of RMB by SAA or the Department.


25 November 2022 - NW3850

Profile picture: De Freitas, Mr MS

De Freitas, Mr MS to ask the Minister of Health

(a) What total budget and/or grants were provided to the South Rand Hospital in Johannesburg (i) in the past three financial years and (ii) from 1 April 2022 to date, (b) what mechanisms and processes exist to ensure that the highest level of service is provided at the specified hospital and (c)(i) what is the current staff vacancy rate, (ii) what are the reasons that the specified positions have not yet been filled in each case, (iii) how are the functions being fulfilled whilst the respective posts are unfilled in each case and (iv) on what date will the current staff vacancies be filled in each case and (d) what are the time frames and deadlines for filling each vacancy?


According to information received from the Gauteng Provincial Department of Health, the response is as follows:

a) (i)–(ii) The total budget and/or grants provided to the South Rand Hospital in Johannesburg in the past three fiscal years and from 1 April 2022 to date



Budget allocated


Over/Under spending

i) Voted funds 2019/20


i) Voted funds 2020/21

R 302,152,000.00

R 318,170,000.00

-R 16,018,000.00

i) Voted funds 2021/22

R 310,035,000.00

R 339,099,000.00

- R 29,064,000.00)

ii) Voted funds 2022/23

R 328,027,000.00

R 161,235,000.00

R 166,792,000.00



Budget allocated


Over/Under spending

i) HIV Conditional grant 2019/20


i) HIV Conditional grant 2020/21

R 16,309,000.00

R 14,517,018.22

R 1,791,981.78

i)  HIV Conditional grant 2021/22

R 22,150,000.00

R 15,300,366.32

R 6,849,633.68

ii) HIV Conditional grant 2022/23

R 21,653,000.00

R 10,892,673.01

R 10,760,326.99


Budget allocated


Over/Under spending

i) COVID-19 Conditional grant 2019/20


i) COVID-19 Conditional grant 2020/21

R 5,199,000.00

R 6,694,786.78

-R 1,495,786.78

i) COVID-19 Conditional grant 2021/22

R 18,641,000.00

R 20,064,170.97

-R 1,423,170.97

ii) COVID-19 Conditional grant 2022/23

R 1,305, 000.00

R 1,497, 383.80

-R 192,383.80

b) The hospital conducts the mandate as stipulated by the strategic objectives of Gauteng Department of Health. It shares the vision of a responsive, value-based and people centred health system.

The hospital also ensures delivery of highest level of health care by strengthening clinical governance and building a culture and practice that ensures that quality assurance, patient safety and accountability are a priority.

To realize clinical effectiveness, the hospital’s management continue to monitor annual performance plan clinical indicators and make appropriate adjustments within the available human, material, and financial resources to ensure delivery of services.

c) (i) The current staff vacancy rate is s at 4% and is derived from the following:

  • Funded posts - 655
  • Filled posts - 629
  • Funded vacant posts – 26

(ii) All vacant posts are in the process of being filled and are at various stages of the recruitment and selection process.

iii) The provision of essential services continues despite the vacant posts within the hospital. The hospital renders effective and efficient health services with the available resources while awaiting the formal appointment of the officials in all the critical vacant posts.

iv) The process is currently at various stages of the recruitment and selection. Filling of the posts depends on a number of processes and cannot be definitely calculated at this stage. However, it is envisaged that a number of these posts will be filled by the first quarter of 2023.

d) It takes an average of 3 months to complete the recruitment and selection process for a position. The hospital will fill all the funded vacant posts by the first quarter of 2023.


25 November 2022 - NW4101

Profile picture: Thembekwayo, Dr S

Thembekwayo, Dr S to ask the Minister of Health

What are the relevant details of the measures that have been taken to intervene in the Oakley Clinic in Ward 24, Bushbuckridge, in respect of (a) posts that were advertised for nurses but have been frozen since 2019 and (b) COVID-19 staff who work as general workers?


a) There were no posts advertised for Oakley clinic. The facility was operationalized using nurses from the old clinic.

b) Oakley Clinic only received one (1) COVID-19 Professional Nurse on contract and she never worked as a general worker.



25 November 2022 - NW4055

Profile picture: Ismail, Ms H

Ismail, Ms H to ask the Minister of Health

What plans are in place to (a) strengthen the efforts to address the mental health of our people, particularly those living with chronic conditions such as HIV and tuberculosis, as they are at risk of developing mental health conditions, often suffering from depression and anxiety as they adjust to their diagnosis and adapt to living with a chronic infectious disease, and (b) implement effective interventions to reduce transmission of diseases especially among persons who are using needle-administered drugs?


a) The Department has prioritised Mental Health as an important aspect of health that is

crucial to the overall well-being of individuals and society. The Mental Health Care Act, 2002 (Act No.17 of 2002), its Regulations and guidelines as well as the National Mental Health Policy Framework and Strategic Plan 2013-2020 that is currently under review guide the efforts to address the mental health of our people.

There are many risk factors for developing mental health problems, and these include living with a chronic condition such as HIV, tuberculosis, cancers, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, women around childbirth and poverty. The Health Sector’s strategy is to focus on comprehensive efforts for prevention, early identification, early intervention and strengthening follow-up care for mental health problems at all the levels of the health care system as this would ensure that all at-risk populations are cared for. Among the plans that are in place to strengthen the efforts to address the mental health of our people, including those living with chronic conditions are the following:

  • Progressive integration of mental health into the general health service environment

including primary, secondary, and tertiary level health establishments as envisaged by the Mental Health Care Act, 2002, to among others improve access to mental health services and reduce the stigma associated with mental illness.

  • Improving skills and capacity of health care providers for early identification and

management of mental health problems at primary health care through training as well as complementing the numbers of available staff through contracting private mental health care providers (psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and occupational therapists) to render mental health services at primary health care level.

  • Strengthening clinical mental health skills among health care providers working in health

facilities listed to conduct 72-hours assessment of involuntary mental health care users as well as in mental health units that are attached to general hospitals.

  • Screening and management for common mental disorders including depression, anxiety and alcohol and other drugs abuse at primary health care.
  • Integration of mental health screening and referral in the school health programme as well as in the community health worker programme.
  • Using various platforms and media to educate the public on mental health issues in collaboration with other stakeholders including civil society.
  • Strengthening collaborations with other departments and stakeholders to ensure that the upstream determinants of mental health that lie within their mandates are addressed.

b) The updated National Health Sector HIV prevention Strategy (2020-2025), ensures that

combination HIV prevention strategies are employed for the people who inject drugs (PWID), and the strategy calls for capacity building and skilled health practitioners to deal with substance abuse disorders.

In terms of interventions to reduce transmission the following combination prevention interventions are available in the public health facilities for PWID:

Biomedical interventions: Collaboration with partners for needle exchange support programmes, male and female Condoms and lubricants, post-exposure prophylaxis for unintended exposure, and Pre-exposure prophylaxis (for prevention of acquisition), including monitoring of PrEP retention, HIV testing services (HTS) and referral to treatment for those who test HIV positive, STI management (screening and treatment).

Socio-behavioural interventions: Mental health screening, referral, and linkage to psychosocial support services. Accurate and appropriate sexual and reproductive health information and messages.



25 November 2022 - NW4231

Profile picture: Buthelezi, Ms SA

Buthelezi, Ms SA to ask the Minister of Human Settlements

Whether she will furnish Ms. SA Buthelezi with the details of how her department has addressed the project management shortfalls which resulted in the (a) delays and (b) lack of compliance in the construction of Temporary Relief Units (TRUs) in KwaZulu- Natal; if not why not; if so, what are the relevant details of (i) any measures that have been taken to increase project management capacity and (ii) the revised plan of her department to monitor the construction of TRUs to ensure quality completion of the promised units?


a) Several initiatives have been adopted by the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Human Settlements to address delays resulting in project management shortfalls. Firstly, additional service providers have been appointed to expedite the construction of Temporary Residential Units (TRUs).

Secondly, built environment professionals have been appointed to expenditure any land planning development required including Town and Regional Planners, Urban Planners, Civil Engineers, Quantity Surveyors, Environment Management Specialists, and Build Control Inspectors.

Thirdly, during the early stages of implementing recovery efforts, a need to appoint social facilitators was identified and this has since been addressed. Lastly, the Housing Development Agency (HDA) an entity of the National Department of Human Settlements has been appointed by the Province as a Project Manager. Therefore, any initial project management shortfalls have been adequately addressed and continue to be attended to as they arise.

b) The monitoring of the quality of TRUs occurs at various levels and by various spheres and entities of government. As a result, all TRUs constructed are in compliance with the norms and standards contained in the National Housing Code of 2009 and are subjected to quality control inspections by the Provincial quality assurors prior to payment of any service providers. In addition, both the National and the Provincial Departments conduct verification of the TRUs in order to ensure adherence to policy and construction standards. Furthermore, the Office of the Auditor-General as well as the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation conduct physical verification and quality assessment on samples of TRUs that have been constructed.

25 November 2022 - NW4081

Profile picture: Chirwa-Mpungose, Ms NN

Chirwa-Mpungose, Ms NN to ask the Minister of Health

Noting that there are over 3 800 healthcare facilities and 400 hospitals in the Republic, on what date will the rest of the hospitals and clinics be included in the exemption from load shedding?


A total of 213 hospitals has been submitted to Eskom to be considered for possible exclusion from loadshedding. About 67% of these hospitals are supplied by municipalities while Eskom supplies about 33% of the identified hospitals. Out of the 213 hospitals, 76 hospital has been exempted of which 25 are directly supplied by Eskom and 50 by Municipalities. The number of hospitals exempted to date have doubled since the meeting held on 22 September 2022 between Eskom and National Department of Health. It is still work in progress.


25 November 2022 - NW3765

Profile picture: Ceza, Mr K

Ceza, Mr K to ask the Minister of Human Settlements

What support mechanism has her department provided people left homeless after the floods particularly with regards to the total number of houses that need to be built in the aftermath of the KwaZulu - Natal flood disaster.


In response to the question raised, The KwaZulu -Natal Province accessed funds of R342 million from the Provincial Emergency Housing Grant to assist 4983 households and as of 17 October 2022 a total of 1 442 temporary residential units have been erected in various municipalities. The balance of the households will be assisted through other interventions. Hence the Kwa-Zulu-Natal Province has also through this Department and with the approval of the National Treasury sought consent to utilise the funding to accommodate the balance of the affected households in Transitional Emergency accommodation whilst a permanent solution is being addressed simultaneously.

25 November 2022 - NW4405

Profile picture: Spies, Ms ERJ

Spies, Ms ERJ to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy

What is the (a) total number of staff employed and/or provided as departmental support in (i) his and (ii) the Deputy Minister’s private offices and (b)(i) job title and (ii) annual remuneration package of each specified person?


a) i               17

ii              8

b) i & ii      see below spreadsheet.




Total Package




R1 739 784.00




R1 054 311.00





R170 474,58





R170 474,58




R241 544,70





R421 809,30




R290 046,81




R385 752,27




R523 675,65

























Total Package








R1 269 951








R170 474,58




R170 474,58




R202 018,83




R241 544,70




R380 055,81













25 November 2022 - NW4080

Profile picture: Chirwa-Mpungose, Ms NN

Chirwa-Mpungose, Ms NN to ask the Minister of Health

(1)What is the total number of community healthcare workers across the Republic who are currently on contract; (2) whether he has any intention to insource community healthcare workers; if not, why not; if so, (a) what number of such healthcare workers have been permanently absorbed into the system and (b) on what date will community healthcare workers be insourced and recognised as permanent personnel of the public health system?


(1) The total number of Community Healthcare Workers(CHWs) across the Republic who are currently on contract is 49,086.

(2) A three-year agreement is in place at the PHSDSBC for the continued public sector contracting of CHWs. Meanwhile the National Department of Health is working with the Department of Labour and with National Treasury to find a solution with regard to employment conditions of community health workers.

(a) There are no community health workers who have been absorbed on permanent basis. The NDoH has been informed that Gauteng Department of Health has embarked on a preferred recruitment strategy that resulted in 8,253 Community Health workers being appointed into different vacant posts in the province.

(b) This depends on the outcome of the work being done by the National Department of Health in collaboration with the Department of Labour and with National Treasury.



25 November 2022 - NW3788

Profile picture: Buthelezi, Mr EM

Buthelezi, Mr EM to ask the Minister of Finance

Whether any other companies with public sector and government-related contracts have been red-flagged for corruption and fraudulent practices as in the case of a certain company (name furnished) that has been banned from obtaining any government-related contracts by the National Treasury; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?


National Treasury receives an intention to restrict a supplier from an organ of the state; such a receipt triggers a review/analysis process based on the documents submitted by the state organ. A review/analysis entails that National Treasury must check if the state organ has complied with all restriction requirements (such as enforcing the audi alteram partem rule). Furthermore, a review/analysis entails that National Treasury must check if all restrictions' applicable laws were complied with; amongst others are:

  1. PFMA- General Conditions of Contract – Section 23.
  2. Preferential Procurement Regulations, Regulation 14.
  3. MFMA, Section 112.
  4. MFMA Regulations – Regulation 38.
  5. MFMA - General Conditions of Contract – Section 23.
  6. MFMA Circular 43.
  7. PFMA SCM Instruction Note 3 of 2021/2022, paragraph 6.

Suppose all supplier restriction requirements were met and the state organ also complied with all applicable laws; in that case, the National Treasury goes ahead to list the supplier on the National Treasury Database of Restricted Suppliers (publicly accessible). Otherwise, the National Treasury rejects an application to restrict a supplier and provides reasons for the rejection and where to fix it (if any).

Therefore, the trigger to restrict any supplier begins with each state organ's accounting officer/accounting authority or by court order, according to the applicable laws. The organ of the state must ensure that the restriction process followed is procedurally fair as per the applicable laws because National Treasury also checks all the applicable laws and requirements before a restriction is allowed.

National Treasury is not in a position to comment on whether companies have been red-flagged for corruption and fraudulent practices since such processes must be triggered by each state organ. Suppliers, directors, and/or shareholders that have been restricted may be accessed from the National Treasury website under the Database Of Restricted Suppliers.

25 November 2022 - NW3803

Profile picture: Gondwe, Dr M

Gondwe, Dr M to ask the Minister of Social Development

(1)With reference to her reply to question 2094 on 30 June 2022, on what date were criminal cases opened against the 198 public servants whose information was received by the SA Social Security Agency (SASSA) from her department on 29 March 2022; (2) With regard to the level 13 public servant who benefited from the R350 Social Relief of Distress Grant, (a) in which provincial department is the employee in question currently employed and (b) what total amount did the specified employee benefit in this regard; (3) what are the reasons that SASSA has not informed the relevant head of the provincial department that the employee in question is under investigation? NW4696E


1. Referral to law enforcement was done between 01 May and 30 June 2022. Referral was done to the South African Police Service Coordinators who were dully appointed to be the nodal points on the Project. The breakdown of cases referred is reflected on the table below:


Name of SAPS Coordinator to whom referral was made

Number of cases referred


Colonel Naidoo



Colonel Moahlodi



Brigader Ramokolo



Colonel Majola


Free State

Lt Col Mathakoe



Colonel Narayan


Eastern Cape

Colonel Dyasi





(a) The public servant occupying a level 13 position who benefitted from the R350 Social Relief of Distress is employed at Limpopo Provincial Department of Transport and Community Safety.

(b) The total amount the specified employee benefited in this regard is R350.00

(3) SASSA did in fact inform the province, through a letter dated 14 July 2022 addressed to the Director-General: Limpopo Office of the Premier, requesting for his intervention and coordination to institute disciplinary action and recovery/acknowledgement of debt from the officer. The letter was acknowledged by the Office of the Premier on 19 July 2022. A follow up letter was sent at the beginning of October 2022 for a status update, and SASSA is still awaiting a response.

25 November 2022 - NW3739

Profile picture: Madokwe, Ms P

Madokwe, Ms P to ask the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy

Given that more than a month has passed since the Jagersfontein tragedy, during which the lives of residents were abruptly destroyed, and that his department chose not to challenge a court ruling that transferred responsibility for tailing dams to the Department of Water Affairs and Sanitation, despite the fact that such dams had mining-related activities and consequences, what (a) are the reasons that his department did not challenge the ruling and (b) steps has he taken to address the issue in light of the negative effects of its previous inaction?


The Minister took Office in 2018, almost 11 years after the Free State High Court pronounced that his department cannot exercise jurisdiction under the MPRDA in relation to the tailings dumps in question.  Given the lapse of time the Department had attempted to remedy the situation through an amendment which was adopted in 2013, however the Bill lapsed with the end of term of the administration. The Department has resuscitated the amendment of the MPRDA to include tailing dams and an Amendment Bill will be submitted to the Legislature in due course.

25 November 2022 - NW4023

Profile picture: Clarke, Ms M

Clarke, Ms M to ask the Minister of Health

(1)Whether, given the damaging effect of load shedding on the public health sector, any studies have been done (a) nationally and (b) provincially to assess the power capacity needed in hospitals and clinics; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether any studies have been done (a) nationally and (b) provincially to ascertain what total number of hospitals and clinics have generation capabilities independent from Eskom, such as solar and/or wind energy; if not, why not; if so, will he furnish Mrs M O Clarke with the results of the specified studies; (3) whether any feasibility studies have been done nationally to provide public hospitals and clinics with facilities that will liberate them from dependence on Eskom's grid and empower them to generate their own electricity; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?



  1. The National Department of Health has provided Eskom with a total of 213 hospitals to be considered for possible exclusion from loadshedding. About 67% of these hospitals are supplied by municipalities while Eskom supplies about 33% of the identified hospitals. Out of the 213 hospitals, 76 hospital has been exempted of which 25 are directly supplied by Eskom and 50 by Municipalities. The number of hospitals exempted to date have doubled since the meeting held on 22 September 2022 between Eskom and National Department of Health.


2. The preliminary network analysis that has been conducted reveals that 25 hospital in various provinces can be excluded from loadshedding by building new infrastructure at the indicative cost of approximately R101 million rand. For hospitals deeply embedded in the Municipalities networks, Eskom will support the Department of Health in exploring possible options and can offer containerized PV(PhotoVoltaics) solutions where possible.

3. The National Department of Health in partnership with CSIR (Council for Scientific & Industrial Research) is currently conducting a due diligent exercise for the installation of solar panels at all our health facilities as a first or second or third power back-up mechanism (first being generators; second being solar panels; and third being Uninterrupted Power Suppliers). This due diligent exercise is inclusive of solar PV + battery storage as backup for the critical areas of the following hospital types based on an estimated demand profile

  • Clinics both 8 & 24 hours
  • Community Health Centres (CHCs):
  • District Hospitals
  • Regional Hospitals
  • Tertiary Hospitals
  • Central Hospitals
  • Specialized Hospitals

The purpose of the study is to identify a critical consumption for critical areas of each health facility so that the department can be able to roll-out the relevant solar energy for each health facility.



25 November 2022 - NW4054

Profile picture: Ismail, Ms H

Ismail, Ms H to ask the Minister of Health

By what date will the critical shortages of (a) contraceptives and (b) 1 500 other essential medicine supplies, including dosages of Metformin, Betagesic, Nepamol, Ponstan paediatric suppositories and pain patches and/or options to treat severe pain, be addressed as the shortages are putting persons’ lives at risk?


a) The supply constraints related to contraceptives have been resolved. Currently, there are no challenges related to the availability of contraceptives. As on 04 November 2022, availability of contraceptives across all facilities in the public sector was 91.3%.

b) It is the Departments of Health’s policy to ensure equitable access to quality healthcare through availability of safe, effective and cost-effective medicines at the appropriate level of care. The National Department of Health manages contracts of approximately 1 200 essential medicine items. Contracts are awarded to suppliers (manufacturers) following an open tender process in accordance with the Public Finance Management Act. Provinces procure medicines directly from contacted suppliers. Note that the public sector services the healthcare needs of 84% of South Africa’s population.

The NDOH continuously engages with the contracted suppliers to identify any possible supply challenges, to adjust the demand forecast (where necessary) and to work together to mitigate the risks. Furthermore, the NDOH established a decision-making forum where all provinces are represented; to identify interventions aimed at addressing any medicine supply challenges, to improve medicine availability and to reduce the potential impact of stock outs.

Where supply constraints are identified, the NDOH works with the provinces to identify and implement interventions to minimize stock outs and impact on patients. These interventions are informed by the cause of the supply challenge:

  • Where the supply constraint is due to operational matters e.g., machine breakdown, labor unrest, theft, post importation testing, etc. the NDOH would source products from alternative local suppliers with registered products using the quotation process.
  • Should the supply constraint result in a longer term supply challenge, such as regulatory matters including amendments to the dossier that requires approval from South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA), including a change/addition of an active pharmaceutical ingredient source and/or manufacturing site, the transfer of ownership of dossiers which results in a change of marketing authorization, delays in the issuing of the permits for imported medicines, manufactured products requiring additional quality checks by SAHPRA, etc. and no alternative local suppliers with registered products are available; an application would be made to SAHPRA for the acquisition of unregistered medicines for human use in South Africa Act use in terms of Section 21 of the Medicines and Related Substances Act

With regard to:

  • Metformin – there were no supply challenges in the public sector.
  • Betagesic – i.e. ibuprofen. There were no supply challenges as contracts were awarded to four different suppliers to ensure security of supply of ibuprofen.
  • Napamol – i.e. paracetamol 500 mg tablets. There were no supply challenges as contracts were awarded to four different suppliers to ensure security of supply of paracetamol.
  • Ponstan – i.e. mefenamic acid. This medicine is not an essential medicines and therefore there is no contract for this item.

The availability of ibuprofen and paracetamol at facility level as on 04 November 2022 was 92% and of metformin, 91.2%.

The question from the Honourable Ismail is reflective of stock outs experienced in the private sector over which the Department has no control. Private sector services the healthcare needs of only 16% of South Africa’s population.

Private sector pharmacies procure medicines from wholesalers based on Single Exit Price. In this context, there is no aggregation of demand. Furthermore, availability is dependent on market forces based on supply and demand. The situation makes the private sector vulnerable to supply challenges.

However, with the implementation of National Health Insurance, in the context of one health system, these supply challenges will also be addressed.



25 November 2022 - NW4212

Profile picture: Marais, Mr EJ

Marais, Mr EJ to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

In light of the fact that Transnet has budgeted R182 million for capital projects in the Saldanha Bay harbour in the current financial year, what (a) are the top 5 projects, (b) is the date of completion of each project and (c) is the link of each specified project with the Industrial Development Zone in Saldanha Bay?


According to the information received from Transnet

The top five capital projects for the Port of Saldanha are listed in the table below. These projects form the bulk of the R182m investment committed for 2022/23. The table includes the planned completion dates and link with the Saldanha Bay Industrial Development Zone.

Port of Saldanha
Top 5 Projects (a)

Planned Project Completion Date (b)

Link with Saldanha Bay Industrial Development Zone (SBIDZ) (c)

1. Bulk Electrical Power Supply and ancillary installation

30 June 2023

Project makes allowance for a tie-in of SBIDZ switching station with Port’s new main intake substation for supply of 16MVA electrical power to the SBIDZ over next 16 years

2. Security Requirements to Maintain ISPS Accreditation - Fencing

30 June 2023


3. Purchase of Fire and Emergency Services Appliances

01 June 2023


4. Dredging Requirements in the Port

30 May 2023

Planned dredging to maintain berth depth requirements associated with TNPA/ Saldehco Facility Operator Agreement, as per concluded Section 56 process. SBIDZ has sub-leasing agreement with Saldehco of 20ha.

Port of Saldanha
Top 5 Projects (a)

Planned Project Completion Date (b)

Link with Saldanha Bay Industrial Development Zone (SBIDZ) (c)

5. Refurbishment of Quay and Jetty Infrastructure - Fenders

14 March 2023



25 November 2022 - NW4049

Profile picture: Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI

Tarabella - Marchesi, Ms NI to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

Whether, with regard to the summons and investigation into (a) Transnet Port Terminals and (b) the Transnet National Ports Authority by the Competition Commission, as referred to on page 25 of the 2021 annual financial statements of Transnet, he will furnish Mrs N I Tarabella Marchesi with a copy of the (i) findings and (ii) monetary value of the fine that is contemplated and referred to in the specified statements; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant statements?


According to the information received from Transnet

(a) – (b) and (i) - (ii)

The Competition Commission (CC) is yet to make its final findings in relation to the CC investigations against TNPA and TPT. To this end there is no administrative fine imposed by the Commission against Transnet and any of its ODs, at this stage. The CC report will be made public once it is available.


25 November 2022 - NW3893

Profile picture: Buthelezi, Mr EM

Buthelezi, Mr EM to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

Whether, considering the ending of Transnet’s 12-day strike and the commitment made by the organisation to implement recovery plans, the specified recovery plans extend beyond the focus of stabilising performance operations to include financial compensation for small-scale farmers in rural areas that were heavily impacted by the strike; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


According to the information Received from Transnet:

Transnet contracting specifically precludes claims that are regarded as consequential losses by all our customers. Any possible financial losses by farmers as a result of the strike qualify as such and will therefore not be considered on the basis of the above exclusion. All farmers, small and large scale, are expected to have insurance in place to underwrite risks of this nature.


25 November 2022 - NW4100

Profile picture: Thembekwayo, Dr S

Thembekwayo, Dr S to ask the Minister of Health

(a) What are the reasons that Oakley Clinic in Ward 24 Bushbuckridge, Mpumalanga, has not yet been officially handed over despite having been completed in 2019 and (b) on what date will the clinic extend its operating hours to 24 hours as was promised?


a) Oakley Clinic is not a new clinic. It was operating in a 2 x 2 meter roomed structure since 1965 and later in 2016, it was operating in an Innovation Building Technology (IBT) structure. A new site was sourced for construction of an Ideal Clinic and construction started on 20 November 2017. The contractor completed the project and handed it officially over to the Department on 08 June 2020. On 09 June 2020 the clinic took occupation of the structure, and it is operated as an 8-hour facility as gazetted.

b) A feasibility study to operationalize the facility as a 24-hour facility, has been conducted. This exercise resulted in a recommendation that an open space inside the facility should be converted into a Maternity Obstetric Unit. This will be considered pending the availability of funds in the 2024-2025 financial year.


25 November 2022 - NW3679

Profile picture: Arries, Ms LH

Arries, Ms LH to ask the Minister of Social Development

What (a) total number of (i) refugees and (ii) asylum seekers are receiving the Social Relief of Distress Grant in the Republic and (b) is the total amount that was paid to this category of beneficiaries in the past five years?


a) (i) Refugees: 4 102

(ii) Asylum seekers: 15 258

NB: Figure are as at September 2022, the figure varies from month to month depending on the approvals.

b) (i) Refugees: R34 456 800.00

(ii) Asylum seekers: R63 113 750.00

NB: Figures are for the 2 years since Covid SRD R350 has been running.

25 November 2022 - NW4021

Profile picture: Clarke, Ms M

Clarke, Ms M to ask the Minister of Health

(1)Following reports that the current nursing shortage in public health care stands at 1 nurse per 218 patients and noting that a total number of 12 000 posts are vacant in the public health sector, (a) what steps has his department taken to fill such posts and (b)(i) in which provinces will the specified vacancies be filled and (ii) what number of the total number of vacant posts will be filled; (2) whether his department will be partnering with Temporary Employment Services to address the shortages; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what total number of posts in each province will be filled using the specified partnership?


After consulting with the Provincial Departments of Health, the Minister is convinced that Provincial Departments of Health have developed efficient and effective plans to ensure that despite financial challenges they encounter within the Cost of Employment (COE), viable plans have been developed to sustain service delivery across all nine Provinces. This is substantiated by the information in the table below:











1(a) what steps has his department taken to fill such posts

The Department has approved its Annual Recruitment Plan for 2022/23 which comprises 1057 critical posts (including nursing) to be filled. The funding emanated from equitable share and conditional grants.

Advertisements are published monthly and posts have been filled, whilst others are still in selection phases.

Due to the current pressure on the compensation of employees, the department has appointed a Recruitment Task Team that looks at reprioritization of critical posts in line with the available budget

As of the 30th September 2022, there were 4 392 unfunded vacant nursing posts in the organisational structure of the Gauteng Department of Health. The Department has requested for additional funds to fill the critical vacant nursing posts.

As at 31 October 2022, the Department has prioritized filling of 426 Nursing posts:

Professional Nurses 176

Staff Nurses 164

Nursing Assistants 86

The Department has advertised professional nurses’ posts, already shortlisted and interviews have been conducted.

The Department Annually identifies critical posts and demands that need to be filled throughout the year.

The Department has the following posts with no funding to fill them however, identified to be critical to ensure continuity of quality health care in the province.

The Department identified critical vacant nursing posts vacated prior to 01 April 2022 to be filled during the 2022/23 financial year within the available compensation of employees' budget. Posts are filled as soon as possible considering the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA)'s prescripts in terms of advertising, shortlisting, interviews and verification processes

The Department prioritised the filling of the critical and scarce skills within the nursing fraternity. The HR Plan addresses the need as a priority for the 2022/2023 financial

Vacancies are filled on a continuous basis through block adverts and recruitment throughout the year in response to the service demands.

1(b)(i) in which provinces will the specified vacancies be filled and (ii) what number of the total number of vacant posts will be filled)

The department prioritized the filling of 867 posts (i.e. 230 permanent vacant posts in different categories, including Operational Managers, Professional Nurses: General, Professional Nurses: Specialty, Staff Nurses and Nursing Assistants and 637 Professional Nurses: General under the Vaccination Programme for a contract period of twelve (12) months).

The department prioritized the filling of 477 nursing posts dependant on availability of the budget

Awaiting for approval of additional funds

The department prioritized the filling of nursing posts in levels of care as they become vacant

A total of 254 posts ranging from Nursing Manager to the level of Nursing Assistant will be filled

A total of 155 staff Nurses for various hospitals and PHC Centres and 142 posts that are vacated, earmarked to be filled by Specialised nurses in the following fields of speciality: Oncology, Trauma, Advanced Midwifery, Surgery, Ophthalmic, ICU, Theatre, and Nephrology.

A total of 233 nursing posts will be filled (Professional Nurses for District Health Services = 147and Professional Nurses for Hospital and Clinical Support Services = 86)

The department is prioritising the filling of speciality and supervisory/managerial posts. The following total number per category will be filled; Operational Manager General/Speciality – 30, Assistant Managers General/Speciality – 20 and Professional Nurse General/Speciality – 30. Total - 80

As at 17 October 2022, the Western Cape had 808 vacant funded nursing posts that are being in the process of being filled.

2. Eight Provincial Departments of Health conduct their own advertisement and recruitment processes; and do not involve any other Employment Services. Only the Western Cape has partnered with agency personnel to supplement its capacity details of which were not provided in the response.


25 November 2022 - NW4112

Profile picture: Mohlala, Ms MR


Whether her department conducted any investigation into illegal occupation of low-cost housing by government officials in the Free State; if not, why not; if so, what are the full, relevant details of the progress report of the investigation?


The Free State Provincial Department of Human Settlements has advised that its Security Management and Anti-Corruption (SMAC) unit conducted an investigation into illegally occupied low-cost housing in the following areas of Welkom, Warden, Sasolburg, Clarens, Schoonplaatz, Harrismith, and Mangaung Hillsideview. The Provincial Department states that the investigation was in response to the public outcry about the illegally occupied houses in the province, and that the aim was to determine the extent of illegal occupation of low-cost housing in the province.

The Provincial Department further indicates that the investigation though not necessarily targeting government officials, revealed that government officials were occupying some of the low-cost houses. In total 326 houses were found to be illegally occupied and 15 of those were occupied by government officials. For the benefit of the Member, detailed findings of the investigation to date is attached (Annexure as provided by the Free State Provincial Department of Human Settlements) however the investigations are still ongoing in order to establish the full extent of the illegal occupation of low-cost housing in the province.

25 November 2022 - NW3951

Profile picture: Cuthbert, Mr MJ

Cuthbert, Mr MJ to ask the Minister of Finance

What total amount in Rands and cents has been lost in revenue to the illicit trade in (a) tobacco and (b) alcohol industry in the period 1 March 2020 until 28 February 2022?



a) Illicit Cigarettes

(i) 01 April 2020 to 31 March 2021

The unit conducted 432 interventions during the period and has had 284 detentions of 91,790,304 cigarettes valued at R72,686,107.77

The unit has achieved 322 seizures of 89,356,949 cigarettes to the value of R102,878,429.40

(ii) 01 April 2021 to 31 March 2022

The unit conducted 102 interventions during the period and has had 106 detentions of 190,795,489 cigarettes valued at R273,527,115.63

The unit has achieved 97 seizures of 81,241,405 cigarettes to the value of R92,071,583.81

Illicit Tobacco

(iii) 01 April 2020 to 31 March 2021

The unit conducted 30 Illicit Tobacco interventions during the period and has had 9 detentions of 207,036 units valued at R5,240,665.00

The unit has achieved 7 seizures of 1,240 units (combination of weight in kg’s and boxes) Illicit Tobacco to the value of R19,282.00

(iv) 01 April 2021 to 31 March 2022

The unit conducted 45 Illicit Tobacco interventions during the period and has had 13 detentions of 536,774.50 units (combination of weight in kg’s and boxes) valued at R55,951,740.00

The unit has achieved 3 seizures of 23,039 units (combination of weight in kg’s and boxes) Illicit Tobacco to the value of R110,762.00


b) Illicit Alcohol

(i) 01 April 2020 to 31 March 2021

The unit conducted 56 Illicit Alcohol interventions during the period and has had 43 detentions of 227,292.53 units (combination of liters/ bottles & cans) valued at R9,376,353.83

The unit has achieved 25 seizures of 25,146,924.25 units of Illicit Alcohol to the value of R8,931,872.30

(ii) 01 April 2021 to 31 March 2022

The unit conducted 39 Illicit Alcohol interventions during the period and has had 35 detentions of 578,304.17 units (combination of liters/ bottles & cans) valued at R19,491,172.39.

The unit has achieved 11 seizures of 12,730.25 units of Illicit Alcohol to the value of R6,915,339.00

Summary of the above data.


01 April 2020 to 31 March 2021

Illicit Industry

Number Interventions










Illicit Cigarettes








Illicit Tobacco



207,036 units



1,240 units


Illicit Alcohol



227,292.53 units



25,146,924.25 units




01 April 2021 to 31 March 2022

Illicit Industry

Number Interventions










Illicit Cigarettes








Illicit Tobacco



207,036 units



1 240 units


Illicit Alcohol



578,304.17 units



12,730.25 units



25 November 2022 - NW3927

Profile picture: Msane, Ms TP

Msane, Ms TP to ask the Minister in the Presidency for Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities

Aside from drive shows, imbizos and other talk shops, what quantifiable action and measures has she and/or her Office implemented to reduce the rate of gender-based violence in the Republic?


In light of the department’s regulatory mandate, we have set out to ensure monitoring and evaluation is a key component of our work. It is important to note that the department is not a service delivery department, but play a key coordination and oversight role.

The department has been at the forefront of coordinating the implementation of the National Strategic Plan on Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (NSP on GBVF). The key quantifiable action and measure is the department’s monitoring of the implementation of the NSP on GBVF. This has been done through monthly reports that are sent to the President’s office, as well as accounting to the IMC and through the production of annual reports that are published.

A reflective report on the implementation of the NSP on GBVF for the period May 2020 to September 2022 was developed.

Overall, 65% of the indicators had substantial progress and this comprises 22% achieved and 43% in progress. From a total of 203 indicators, 44 (22%) were achieved as at September 2022; 88 (43%) were in progress; and 71 (35%) of the indicators were either not achieved within the set time frame or not started. The latest report is the, “Reflective report on the implementation of the South African NSP on GBVF”, which was used as the base document for the Second Presidential Summit held from 01st-2nd of November 2022.

Aside from drive shows, imbizos and other talk shops; other progress areas include:

  1. The development of the comprehensive GBVF Prevention strategy;
  2. A simplified summary version of the NSP on GBVF was developed to make it easy to sensitise and mobilise;
  3. Strategic guidance and support was provided to National and Provincial departments including municipalities on the integration of the priorities of the NSP on GBVF in Strategic and Annual Performance Plans, Integrated Development Plans and District Development Plans as part of ensuring budgeting;
  4. Coordinating the voluntary multisectoral END GBVF collective platform which successfully piloted 100-day rapid response challenges across the six pillars of the NSP on GBVF; and
  5. Out of 52 District and Metropolitan Municipalities, the establishment of 21 (40%) District level GBVF Rapid Response Teams in five provinces (KZN, EC, Northern Cape, Free State, and Mpumalanga) have been supported.

Lastly, the approach taken for the 16 days of activism is also programmatic as part of ensuring impact of initiatives. This year we have an initiative to empower women through self-defence which is a game-changer in addressing the GBVF scourge.


Approved by Minister

Ms M Nkoana-Mashabane, MP


25 November 2022 - NW4126

Profile picture: Hlengwa, Ms MD

Hlengwa, Ms MD to ask the Minister of Health

What (a) is the total number of legal and/or medical malpractice litigation cases that were instituted against his department in the 2021-22 financial year, (b)(i) total amount has been spent in compensation with regard to the specified cases and (ii) is the breakdown of the total amount according to each province in terms of (aa) pending and (bb) resolved cases and (c) are the most common types of issues related to the specified claims?


The following table reflects the response in this regard.

The National Department of Health is still consulting on this Parliamentary Question to provide the correct and full details to the Honourable Member and Parliament. The information will be provided as soon as it is ready, in a short time.


25 November 2022 - NW4432

Profile picture: Motsepe, Ms CCS

Motsepe, Ms CCS to ask the Minister of Human Settlements

On what date is it envisaged that adequate housing will be provided for residents of the Mzamo informal settlement in the Eastern Cape and (b) What are the further relevant details in this regard?


My Department in conjunction with the Eastern Cape Provincial Department of Human Settlements are not able to establish where the Mzamo informal settlement is hence I am not able to adequately respond to the Question. I therefore wish to request the Honourable Member to provide further details such as the municipal area or town where the Mzamo informal settlement is situated as this information will allow me to provide an adequate Reply to the Honourable Member’s Question.

25 November 2022 - NW4017

Profile picture: King, Ms C

King, Ms C to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

Whether, with reference to his comments during the oral question session of 28 September 2022 that training and skills development is done through the Eskom Academy of Learning, the specified academy is operational; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) what (i) total number of students are currently enrolled and (ii) courses are offered at the academy, (b) is work-based training done at Eskom sites (c) what total amount was budgeted for the academy (i) in the (aa) 2019-20, (bb) 2020-21 and (cc) 2021-22 financial years and (ii) from 1 April 2022?


According to Information Received from Eskom:

The Eskom Academy of Learning was referred to as the Eskom College and was established in 1984. During the last few years, it went through changes and recently the mandate of the Eskom Academy of Learning (EAL) is: “To build critical capabilities in order to create a highly responsive, multi-skilled, flexible and innovative workforce that adapts to future markets and the new world of work, through cross cutting learning offerings, while simultaneously leveraging the hospitality and capabilities”.

(a)(i) Training that is offered at the EAL is tailor-made for Eskom employees and Year-To-Date (YTD), October 2022, 30 717 employees attended various training interventions.

(a)(ii) The Eskom Academy of Learning provides the following learning and development


1. Leadership development:

Offers a suite of leadership development programmes tailored for Supervisors, Middle Managers and Senior Managers. These include but are not limited to:

  • 3X core Management Development Programmes (MDP) across all leadership segments.
  • 16X short courses. Most frequently booked: mentorship, tough conversations, personal resilience for leaders, leadership mindset.
  • 3X Transition Programme for new Senior Managers, Middle Managers and Supervisors.
  • Customised leadership offerings to address specific leadership competencies.

2. Functional training:

Offers training which is intended to enable employees to perform their duties and to ensure regulatory and legal compliance. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Project Management
  • Contract Management and Supply Chain Management e.g., suite of NEC, PIE, and Warehousing.
  • Safety, Environment and Quality courses.
  • Customer Services courses e.g., Care for Customers and Customer Revenue Billing.
  • Finance e.g., Cost Centre Owner and Forex.
  • Human Resources e.g., Performance Management and Employee Relations.
  • Legal and compliance e.g., Ethics and PFMA.
  • Security: National Key Point Management and Firm Arm handling.

3. Technical Training

The EAL offers on-site artisan training which comprises of Control, Measurement & Instrumentation, Electrical, Electrical Line Mechanic, Mechanical and Welding. Engineering training is also taking place at the EAL and at various sites of Eskom.

(b) On-job training is taking place within the different divisions at Business Unit level.

(c) The below table represents the overall Eskom training budget at organizational

level which is inclusive of the EAL’s budget.

Eskom annual training budget – R’m



(aa) 2019-2020

1 225

(bb) 2020-2021


(cc) 2021-2022

1 154

(dd) 2022-2023

1 141