Hansard: NA: Unrevised Hansard

House: National Assembly

Date of Meeting: 26 Apr 2022


No summary available.


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The House met at 12:00.

The House Chairperson (Mr C T Frolick) took the Chair and requested members to observe a moment of silence for prayer or meditation.


The HOUSE CHAIRPERSON (Mr C T Frolick): Hon members, before we proceed with today’s business, I wish to announce that the vacancy which occurred in the NA due to the passing of Mr M S Sokatsha has been filled by the nomination of Mr N V Xaba with effect from 18 April 2022. The vacancy which occurred owing to the resignation of Ms A Dlodlo had been filled by the nomination of Dr J Nothnagel 22 with effect from 18 April 2022. The members have made and subscribed the oath in the Speaker’s Office. I wish to welcome the hon members. Are they in the House, hon Chief Whip? Are they here? Can they rise so that we can see them? Okay, they are not here yet, thank you very much.
Lastly, in the interest of safety for all present in the Chamber, please keep your masks on and sit in your designated area. Thank you. The only item in the Order Paper is a motion in the name of the Chief Whip of the Majority Party. I now recognise the hon Chief Whip of the Majority Party.

(Draft Resolution)

UMBHEXESHI OYINTLOKO WEQELA ELILAWULAYO: Sikhulu esi siphakamiso sifuna ukuba ndize apha ngaphambili eqongeni:
The Chief Whip of the Majority Party moved:
That the House –
(1) notes the devastation caused by the recent floods in KwaZulu-Natal and some parts of the Eastern Cape;

Izikhukhula ezithe zanzakalisa zaphinda zabulala ngezantyala-ntyala zemvula zishiye ilizwe lethu likhala.

(2) further notes that on 18 April 2022 President Cyril Ramaphosa declared the national state of disaster and announced some of the relief measures instituted by government in the affected areas;
(3) cognisant that Parliament has the constitutional obligation to oversee the implementation of the said relief measures by government;
(4) resolves, with the concurrence of the National Council of Provinces, in accordance with Joint Rule 138, to establish an Hoc Joint Committee on Flood Disaster Relief and Recovery, the committee to –
(a) engage the relevant government departments and entities to assess the overall impact of the damage, response and relief measures by government;
(b) oversee the response and implementation of thenrelief measures by government;
(c) confer with those committees who have a direct interest in the events to facilitate co-ordinated
(d) exercise those powers in Joint Rule 32 in the furtherance of its mandate;
(e) consist of 11 members from the National Assembly, ANC 6, DA 2, EFF 1 and other parties 2 and 9 members from the National Council of Provinces;
(f) report by 30 November 2022.
I so move.
Declarations of vote:
The CHIEF WHIP OF THE OPPOSITION: House Chairperson, the devastation has been huge and Parliament has an obligation to make sure that all efforts are taken to make sure that we assist those that all those that have been so devastated. We therefore wholeheartedly agree with this motion and the ad hoc committee. Thank you very much.

Ms H O MKHALIPHI: Chairperson,
Siyi-EFF siyalamukela lelikomidi elihlongozwayo futhi
siyaleseka kakhulu. Siyazi futhi nokuthi abantu baKwaZulu-
Natal kanye naseMpumakoloni bayalidinga kakhulu.
We welcome this ad hoc committee. Thank you.
Dr W J BOSHOFF: Agb Huisvoorsitter, die Vryheidsfront Plus
ondersteun die instelling van hierdie komitee, alhoewel dit
vir ons ’n probleem is dat so min van die kleinere opposisie
partye deelneem.
Die vernietiging wat plaasgevind het is nie net ’n natuurlike
ramp nie; dit is ook ’n mensgemaakte ramp veroorsaak deur die
swak instandhouding van infrastruktuur. Die VF Plus aanvaar
dat dit ook deel van hierdie komitee se taakbeskrywing sal
wees om dit te ondersoek. Dankie.

Mr S N SWART: House Chairperson, the ACDP supports this motion setting up this very important ad hoc committee. We support the terms of reference which are very explicit, particularly the issues relating to overseeing the responsible implementation of relief measures and confirm with other
committees. I think it’s very important that there are other committees of Parliament that will also be exercising oversight.
We also understand the number of the joint committee due to the fact that obviously there is often quorum issues. We would have liked to have seen more parties involved. But that doesn’t stop any Member of Parliament participating in the committee sitting although they would not be able to vote on
the outcome of the report. With those few words, the ACDP supports the motion. I thank you.
Mnu N L S KWANKWA: Siyi-UDM siyasixhasa esi siphakamiso kuba ngenene nange nyaniso abantu baKwaZulu-Natal naseMpuma Koloni
baya ludinga olu ncedo. Umnqweno wethu ke kodwa ngowokuba xa kusekwa ikomiti elolu hlobo, ngakumbi xa kucaca ukuba sonke
siyasebenzisana ...

... and there are no contentious issues that will need
voting, we accommodate as many political parties as possible.
Ingxaki esinayo, la maqela opolitiko mancinci asoloko ephethwe
ngokungathi azinkedama, ayabonelelwa njee ukuba angene phaya
axokomezelele, abe engengawo amalungu ekomiti. Ngaphandle nje
kwaloo nto siyalixhasa eli nyathelo ngelithi masiqhube nalo,
sisebenzisane kwaye sakhe uMzantsi Afrika sisonke.
Thank you.
Mnu V ZUNGULA: Siyi-ATM siyasixhasa esi siphakamiso ukuba
siqhube senze lo msebenzi waso. Soleka ngesicelo sokuba le
komiti mayingajongi kuphela isehlo saKwaZulu-Natal naseMpuma
Koloni koko ijonge uMzantsi Afrika uphela. Ekuqaleni konyaka
bekukho izikhukhula ebezenzeke kumhlaba wakwaGompo kwaye
nanamhlanje zisekhona ePort St Johns naseLusikisiki. Sicela ke
ijonge ilizwe lonke le komiti. Ndiyafuna ukubethelela kumazwi
kagxa wam, ohloniphekileyo uKwankwa xa esithi makhe sikhangele
ukuba asinakwazi na ukufaka ...

... as many political parties as possible.
Noko lo mba, ayingomba otshisa ibunzi nonokwenza ukuba kubekho
ingxwabangxwaba nokulwa siphakathi kuwo. Yiyo lento sisithi la
maqela mancinci makangaqingqelwa anikwe amalungu amabini
kuphela ...
... but let us try to accommodate as many political parties
as possible.
Mr A M SHAIK-EMAM: Thank you, Chairperson. The NFP will support this great initiative and I think it is long overdue.
However, the concerns we have to raise here is that many of us, political parties, have constituencies based in KwaZulu-Natal who have been badly affected by this devastation and natural disaster. We want to appeal to you, House Chairperson and the committee to try and accommodate as many political parties as possible in this ad hoc committee even if it means that they would be alternates with no voting rights. But will have a greater participation in the entire committee to ensure that effective oversight is conducted. We will support the
committee. Thank you, House Chairperson.
Mr S M JAFTA: Thank you, House Chairperson.
Abantu bakwaZulu-Natal balimele kakhulu zezi zikhukhula ze
mvula ...
... therefore, as the AIC there is no way we cannot support
the formation of the committee that will bring about
assistance and relief to the people of KwaZulu-Natal and the
part of the Eastern Cape. Therefore, we will support the
formation of the ad hoc committee. I thank you.
weNdlu. Ngiyabingela kuMalunga aleNdlu, nakubaPhatsiswa
labakhona kuleNdlu, singuKhongolose sibonga kutsi tonkhe
tinhlangano tetepolitiki letikhona kuleNdlu tiyakusekela
kusungulwa kwalelikomidi lelifaka letiNdlu tesishayaMtsetfo

letimbili. Lelikomidi litawenta lomsebenti ngaphandle
kwekupolitika ngawo. Litawubuka tonkhe letinhlekelele eveni
lonkhe, naleletehlele sifundza sakaKwaZulu-Natal kanye
nesifundza saseMphumakoloni.
Sitawubuka kutsi letinsita letifakwe nguhulumende kanye
neminikelo lekhishwe bosomabizinisi bakulelive isetjentiswa
ngendlela lokungiyo. Letinsita kufanele tiye kubantfu
labafanele, kantsi futsi lelikomidi litawusebentisana nato
tonkhe tinhlaka letikhona kanye naletakhiwe nguMengameli
walelive. Litawubuka nokutsi kute umuntfu lotawutsatsa
ngokukhwabanisa afake eskhwameni sakhe kuloku lokufanele
kuncedze bantfu, kwakhe imigwaco nemabloho ladzilikile kanye
netindlu tebantfu.
Lelikomidi lesikhashana litawube libuke loko nekutsi konkhe
kuhamba ngendlela lefanele. Singasebentisi lenhlekelele kutsi
sitiganyise. Letinsita letikhona atiye kubantfu
labahlukumetekile kute bakhone kusitakala. Kubuhlungu
Senta simemetelo kuvelonkhe kutsi asinikeleni ngaloko
lesinako, sibabeke emkhulekweni ngekusebentisana nebetenkholo
nabononkhe baholi labakhona emiphakatsini. Inhlangano

yaKhongolose iyakusekela lokuphakanyiswa kwalelikomidi
lesikhashana futsi sifisa kubona bulungiswa benteka kubantfu
labahlukunyetwe tikhukhula. Ngiyabonga.
The HOUSE CHAIRPERSON (Mr C T Frolick): Hon members, I will
now put the motion. Are there any objections? Agreed to.
Hon members, you are reminded that the Hybrid Joint Sitting on
the address by the hon President of the Republic on the
devastation caused by the catastrophic flooding along parts of
the eastern coast will take place at 2pm this afternoon.
The House adjourned at 12:15.



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