Hansard: NCOP: Unrevised hansard
House: National Council of Provinces
Date of Meeting: 09 Dec 2020
No summary available.
The Council met at 10:02.
The Chairperson took the Chair and requested members to observe a moment of silence for prayers or meditation.
The Chairperson announced that the virtual sitting constituted a sitting of the National Council of Provinces.
(Draft Resolution)
The Chief Whip of the Council moved: That the Council resolves that Rule 239(1), which provides inter alia that the consideration of a Bill may not commence before at least three working days have lapsed since the committee’s report
was tabled, be suspended for the purposes of consideration of Second Adjustments Appropriation Bill.
Question put: That the Motion be agreed to.
IN FAVOUR: Eastern Cape, Free State, Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Northern Cape, North West, Western Cape.
Motion agreed to in accordance with section 65 of the Constitution.
(Draft Resolution)
The CHIEF WHIP OF THE COUNCIL: Chairperson, I hereby move:
That the Council—
(1) notes the amended Rules of the Political Office- Bearers Pension Fund;
(2) also notes that the Rules of the Political Office- Bearers Pension Fund require that, after a general election, permanent delegates to the National Council of Provinces must elect one permanent delegate as trustee and one as an alternate to serve on the Board of Trustees of the Fund; and
(3) re-appoints Mr Archibold Jomo Nyambi as trustee, and Ms Dikeledi Gladys Mahlangu as an alternate.
Question put: That the Motion be agreed to.
IN FAVOUR: Eastern Cape, Free State, Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Northern Cape, North West, Western Cape.
Motion agreed to in accordance with section 65 of the Constitution.
Ms D G MAHLANGU: Hon Chairperson of the NCOP, Ministry of Treasury, permanent and special delegates present, fellow South Africans, good morning. I am, once more, honoured to table before this House a report on the Proposed Division of Revenue and Conditional Grant for Provinces and Local Government Allocation for 2021-22 on behalf of the Select Committee on Appropriations.
The committee unanimously adopted the report while the DA, FF Plus and the EFF reserved their rights. In terms of public participation, we had, upon the tabling of the 2020 Medium Term Budget Policy Statement, MTBPS, the committee received presentations from the Minister and the National Treasury and in compliance with section 214(2) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, the committee consulted with the Finance and Fiscal Commission, FFC, and the South African Local Government Association, Salga. Further consultations will continue after the tabling of the 2021 division of revenue Bill by the Minister next year, 2021. In order to facilitate public participation, newspapers advertisements were placed in all 11 official languages calling for public comments.
In response, written submissions were received from the Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse, OUTA; the Congress of South African Trade Unions, COSATU; the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF); the Western Cape Commissioner for Children, WCCC; the Centre for Early Childhood Development; the South African National Child Rights Coalition, SANCRC; Amandla.Mobi; Mr C Seloane; and Dear South Africa. During a joint public hearing on 27 November 2020, oral submissions were also made by OUTA; COSATU; UNICEF; the WCCC and the Centre for Early Childhood Development.
The 2020 MTBPS proposes a fiscal consolidation to stabilise debt and promote economic growth. The spending reductions will lower the budget deficit and are weighted towards the wage bill to shift the composition of spending from consumption to investment. At the same time, reductions will require both improvements in efficiency and high-level decisions on government priorities. Finally, government will implement the principles of zero-based budgeting to address the negative impact of waste and unsustainable incremental increases to spending.
Whilst processing the Bill, the committee made the following observations and recommendations: National Treasury and the Department of Co-operative Governance, together with their provincial counterparts, should ensure that concrete measures are put in place to reduce the adverse impact of the reduced provincial and municipal equitable share and conditional grant allocations, proposed for the 2021-22 MTEF, on the core business and frontline service delivery. The current review of the provincial equitable share, PES, formula, to refine it to assist in addressing the costs associated with service delivery in rural and urban locations, is long overdue and should be expedited.
A differential approach should be adopted, taking into account different provincial and municipal circumstances while addressing the gap between the most rural areas, that solely rely on national government transfers, and those with additional revenue sources. The proposed reductions should not affect the recent increase of 6,3% in municipal wages as part of the multi-year wage agreement as we see in the public sector provincially and nationally. Parliament and provincial legislatures should continue to monitor progress over the 2021-22 MTEF period.
National Treasury and the Department of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation, should take steps to ensure that the title deeds restoration component within the Human Settlements Development Grant continues to achieve its intended objective - to eradicate the backlog in providing title deeds to subsidised houses delivered before 2014 - after the conditional grant reconfiguration. Both departments should ensure that the portion meant for title deeds restoration is not swallowed up by inefficiencies and the cost of backlogs in the Human Settlements Development Grant projects.
Treasury and the Department of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation, provincial treasuries and metropolitan municipalities ensure that proper grant management systems and the requisite capacity to implement the new grant are put in place, in compliance with the grant framework; and that informal settlements continue to be upgraded in major cities. Furthermore, government should expedite the process of addressing the spatial framework of apartheid to ensure that people are able to access equal opportunities wherever they are in South Africa. Parliament and provincial legislatures, through their various human settlements portfolio and select
committees, should enhance their in-year monitoring of the grant to ensure better service delivery and value for money.
The National Treasury and the Department of Transport, together with provincial transport departments and the affected municipalities, should ensure that the launching and implementation of the Integrated Public Transport Network programme is enhanced and expedited, to ensure cost-effective and reliable public transport to commuters, particularly those who rely on public transport to go to work.
National Treasury, the Department of Transport and its provincial counterparts, should ensure that intergovernmental mechanisms are utilised to provide adequate support to those cities still struggling to implement the programme, before taking any drastic decisions, such as the stoppage of funds, as this may continue to perpetuate inequalities.
Whilst the committee welcomes the proposed introduction in 2021-22 of an indirect component, funded from the direct component to the Municipal Infrastructure Grant, MIG, to assist municipalities to improve their asset management practices; steps should be taken to ensure that this does not
impact negatively on the completion of planned projects already budgeted for, and those in the implementation phase or near completion, funded through the MIG allocation.
While the committee notes the progress made with the draft Municipal Fiscal Powers and Functions Amendment Bill, planned to be submitted to Parliament in 2021-22; and which proposes new, uniform regulations for development charges with the intention to enhance the revenue-raising framework for municipalities; the Bill should be expedited and submitted to Parliament for consideration as soon as possible, to improve municipal revenue, given the economic impact of COVID-19.
Parliament should continue to monitor progress in this regard.
Whilst the committee welcomes the initiative to update the original municipal borrowing policy framework in order to increase the term maturity of borrowing; improve the secondary market for trade of municipal debt instruments; and further define the role of development finance institutions, DFIs, to avoid crowding out the private sector; steps should be taken to put in place proper municipal debt management systems, and to improve revenue collection; in order to
improve financial sustainability, management of municipal debts and avoid over-indebtedness.
National Treasury should ensure that the district development model is adequately funded, in order to contribute to local economic recovery; and both National Treasury and the Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs, should provide clarity regarding operational modalities and how it will impact on existing intergovernmental relations reforms at local government level.
In conclusion, hon Chairperson, I wish to thank all committee members, provincial committee members, committee stakeholders, media and general public which made written and oral submissions to the committee as well as the committee support staff. Without these role players, the process would not have been a success. The committee recommends to the House that the Bill be adopted without amendments.
Angithoke kuSihlalo, isitjhaba sekethu seSewula Afrika. Niziphathe kuhle, nibe noKresimusi omuhle namalanga
wokuphumula amnandi. Nibuthane neenhliziyo zipharumelane. Ngiyathokoza.
The CHAIRPERSON OF THE NCOP: Thank you very much hon Mahlangu. Yesterday, hon Mahlangu, you would have observed that the Minister of Finance was with us in the virtual sitting and today we note that Minister Mboweni is also present in this sitting. So, welcome, to the Minister.
Debate concluded.
Declarations of vote:
Ms C LABUSCHAGNE: Hon Chairperson, during the select committee deliberations we once again saw how the ANC-led government’s mismanagement of our finances left the people of South Africa down.
On countless occasions in the past the DA warned government that the continuous bailouts to the failing SOEs will have huge negative effect on the delivery of basic services. The DA was again proven right when the SAA received R10,5 billion as a bailout. And yes, hon Minster, that is what it is — a bailout.
This bailout once again led to reduction in the amounts that municipalities will receive in order to deliver basic services. It is with great concern that we note that the government guarantees to SOEs now amounts to 10,5% of the GDP. Let us however not only look at what the DA says about this report. Let us look at what other entities say about this.
According to the FFC it is unclear how municipalities will maintain the provision of services to poor households in light of the fact that the local government’s equitable share will decline by 9% in the 2021-22 financial year. The FFC also told the committee that government’s macroeconomic forecasts were, and I quote, “generally overoptimistic which had significant consequences for the credibility of the MTEF”.
This over optimism was evident when government decided not to honour its three-year wage agreement without the concern of the various trade unions involved. Both the FFC and Public Benefit Organisation, PBO, raised concerns at the lack of implementation of the 2020-21 led of the multiyear agreement will present on uncertainty for provincial budgets.
In addressing our spending trend, PBO told the committee that many policies were designed and adopted without considering their total costs and affordability. The Congress of South African Trade Unions told our committee that there was a broad thrust of issues which government had failed to address, and said that government should have focused on the four fundamental root causes which were wasteful expenditure
... I’m so sorry, Chairperson, I’m just here with technology. Wasteful expenditure, corruption and loss of revenue, distressed SOEs and a stagnant economy.
A number of provinces again asked for additional funding in order to alleviate the effects that this crippling drought has on their agricultural sector. But yet again, to no avail. Various provinces also asked that the review of the provincial equitable share formula must be expedited and must address the costs associated with service delivery in rural and urban locations.
It really is notable how all of these issues that were addressed by these other properties and provinces were raised by the DA in the past and is yet again ignored by the ANC-led government. The Western Cape does not support this Bill.
Ms M L MAMAREGANE: Hon Chairperson, the Report of the Select Committee on Appropriations on the Proposed Division of Revenue and the Conditional Grant Allocations to Provinces and Local Government as contained in the 2020 Medium-Term Budget Policy, MTBP statement dated 08 December 2020. Hon Chair, the Cocid-19 pandemic has shown how important it is to invest social programmes. It has shown that many of South Africans public services including the public health system. It remained underfunded despite increased investment since the democratic breakthrough.
Owing to the lockdown measures to curb the pandemic, the high levels of inequality have now worsened. In this context it is inevitable that the government’s responses to the pandemic should be more focused on maximising available resources to protect socioeconomic rights to support access to water and sanitation, food security, realigned healthcare and education system.
Hon Chair, the 2020 MTBPS has affirmed government’s policy to fiscal consolidations which focus on the stabilisation of debt and promote economic growth. The ANC supports the argument in the report that the reductions in spending
require improvements, efficiency and focus on spending instead on sections such as infrastructure that have a greatest multiplier effect of investment fiscal resources.
The reduction in the local government equitable share in 2021-22 will cause challenges for many municipalities especially if we consider the many serious financial sustainability issues. The ANC knows the concerns expressed that local government was set to contribute R440 million through the R10,5 billion for South African Airways, SAA to implement its business rescue plan and the fact that the conditional grants have also formed part of the reprioritisation of funds.
We welcome the composition of expenditure shift towards greater levels of investments by government. While they cash transfer as well as increase resources to essential social and public services are welcome, we believe that our country still needs a massive fiscal stimulus will direct resources towards expanding domestic productive capacity. In this regard South Africa’s coal fired power stations which have been the backbone of the economy will be decommissioned and
replaced by a new fleet of renewal electricity generation plants, thus bringing in the investment and energy security.
As we adopt the report of the Select Committee on Appropriation, we must be assured that with the leadership of the ANC South Africa will overcome the current challenges through co-operation across the spheres of government and working with the social partners. [Time expired.]
Debate concluded.
Question put: That the Report be adopted.
IN FAVOUR: Eastern Cape, Free State, Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, Northern Cape, North West.
AGAINST: Western Cape.
Agreed to in terms of Section 65 of the Constitution.
(Consideration of Votes and Schedule)
Vote No 1 – Presidency – put.
Declarations of vote:
Mnr S F DU TOIT: Agb Voorsitter, die presidentiële werkskeppingsinisiatief, al kos dit die belastingbetaler ‘n paar miljard rand, is niks anders as ‘n goedkoop politieke foefie om dit te laat blyk dat die regering – en meer spesifiek, die President – die belange van Suid-Afrikaners op die hart dra.
The Presidential Youth Employment Intervention has nothing more than cheap gimmick although it cost us billions to win votes and try to keep face with the constituency. False hope a pair dreams to lose of contentment all is what you want. We do not need short terms solutions for long problems, Chair.
Politieke beloftes van werkskeppingsprobleme blyk onbeplan en irrasioneel te wees, siende dat die toenemende beperkte
fiskale klimaat aansienlik druk op die belastingbetalers plaas.
Implimenteringsflaters word vanaf Presidensie to Presidensie oorgedra en herhaal sonder dat daar verantwoordelikheid vir die tekortkominge aanvaar word. Die gerieflike blaamverskuiwingstegniek word telkens gebruik.
Mr President, South Africa doesn’t need to be seduced and mesmerised by promises of temporary jobs, I must say, shows before a municipal election. It might raise questions. The intent of job creation might even give people hope and a sense by the President might even care about the wellbeing of all South Africans or not only those that form part of the circle of friends.
These temporary jobs come at a price, a high one, I must add. Why didn’t the President rather focus on stimulating the economy and done away with legislation like black economic empowerment, BEE, and affirmative action.
South Africa needs permanent employment for its work force, permanent employment that’s created by the private sector not government. Challenges in schools, the shortage of educators and the social workers are not temporary problems, Chair; these challenges will not go away in three months’ time.
Government Wage Bill is a great concern and is a huge burden on the fiscus.
Local economies are macrocosms that depict the microcosm positively if government doesn’t meddle in the economy. The FF Plus wants equal opportunities for South Africa. We want permanent jobs. The presidency must stop keeping South Africans dependent, by doing so you forced them to survive instead of allowing them to prosper. Thank you, Chair.
Mr S J MOHAI: Chairperson, the ANC rises in support of Vote No 1 – Presidency. In considering the adjusted vote of funds for the presidency, our point of departure must be whether this has a material impact upon the facilitation of a programme that response to the electoral mandate that response to the Medium Term Strategic Framework outputs and whether it has an impact upon the capacitating, thus, integrity of the state.
The economic recovery and reconstruction plan and the funds allocated to the industrialisation programme in the Second Adjustment Appropriation Bill, all required presidency with capacity to co-ordinate, planning, co-ordination oversight and mobilisation and support.
We are fully aware that the reduction on the presidential vote are funded mainly from savings accrued and it is the ANC considered view that this adjustment will not have a material impact upon the constitutional and policy responsibilities of the presidency. Our support for this vote is grounded on the evidence and facts that they have emerged since the Sixth administration has taken office and the stewardship and guidance that the presidency has provided to the nation.
The integrated government wide response to Covid-19 pandemic under the leadership of the President especially the focus on economic recovery, rooting out corruption will go down the archives of history as among the best movement of thought leadership in a situation of unprecedented crisis. This has been also widely accepted by the World Health Organisation that the ANC does provide necessary vision to lead the country. I thank you, Chairperson.
The CHAIRPERSON OF THE NCOP: Thank you very much. I have been informed that the DA wishes to call for a division. Hon Labuschagne, can you confirm this and having confirmed, can you also have a confirmation of the full support.
Ms C LABUSCHAGNE: Thank you, Chairperson. Yes, the DA objects and calls for a division.
Ms M O MOKAUSE: Chairperson?
The CHAIRPERSON OF THE NCOP: Thank you very much. Can we have an indication of who else support this? [Interjections.]
Ms M O MOKAUSE: Chairperson? Chair? Chairperson, why is the EFF not called for a declaration?
The CHAIRPERSON OF THE NCOP: We will come to that, Mokause. Mokause you want to take us back, Okay. Let’s hear you.
Declaration of vote:
Ms M O MOKAUSE: I am not taking you back. It’s right there on the paper in front of you that the EFF would like to make a declaration. Chairperson, the EFF rejects this vote. What we
are rejecting is a spineless President who is failing to lead, whom his people are still living under apartheid spatial planning, segregated under apartheid laws to please his white masters.
We are unfortunate in the middle of crisis in a middle of a pandemic with the President who cannot take a decision, a President who is not decisive and a President who is unable to lead.
We have in the past told the President about things that can be done that do not require legislation and can safe money that can be spend somewhere where it is needed. We have in the past said to the President, do away with Deputy Ministers. We have seen in the middle of this pandemic how useless they are
What is more concerning is that the President has failed to deal with corruption decisively, instead of dealing with corruption had lines by firing people and taking upon himself to open criminal charges as some of these people work in his office.
The President has done absolutely nothing. So, we cannot support a spineless man to lead this country. Therefore, the EFF reject this vote.
The CHAIRPERSON OF THE NCOP: lastly note ... Can I please make a request make ...
The CHIEF WHIP OF THE NCOP: Chair, can I rise on a point of order?
The CHAIRPERSON OF THE NCOP: Just a minute, Chief Whip. a
request to all political parties that when called upon to
make a declaration please do so. So, remain alert, respond timorously so that indeed the programme cannot be ...
Ms M O MOKAUSE: Chairperson, there is absolutely no need to be dramatic here, you never called the EFF to make a declaration, instead you run for your white masters, the DA.
AN HON MEMBER: Chairperson, on a point of order.
The CHAIRPERSON OF THE NCOP: Mokause, I think you are really going beyond the boundary. This talking about white masters and so on is completely out of order. All I am saying, I want to repeat this because it should not be repeated otherwise it will waste a lot of our time. If called upon to make a declaration, please do so and ... [Interjections.] We will proceed, members.
Division demanded.
The Council divided.
Vote agreed to.
Vote No 2 – Parliament - put
Declarations of vote:
Ms M O MOKAUSE: Chairperson, the information that you got is wrong. The EFF is declaring on Parliament Vote. Why are you forever having such wrong information?
The CHAIRPERSON OF THE NCOP: Please proceed.
Ms M O MOKAUSE: Chairperson, the EFF rejects this Budget Vote
– Parliament. In fact, we are rejecting the Minister of Finance, Tito Mboweni’s austerity Budget. As members of this Council who are elected to represent our respective provinces, we should be ashamed of ourselves to rubberstamp the Executive Bills without due consideration like we are some subcommittee in the ruling party.
To agree to a budget cut of Parliament under the auspices of economic crisis when in reality we are dealing with the ideology of austerity, is misguided and reduces this Council, like the NA, to absolutely nothing. Here in this Council we don’t have capacity, for example, to support members adequately with the drafting of legislation. This is just but one example. So, we cannot support such a budget which comes from one man and a ruling party that feels that they want to do the budget cut and cannot consult other parties.
Therefore, as the EFF, we stand in objection of this Budget Vote.
Ms D G MAHLANGU: Hon Chair, we have repeatedly stated that, considering the vote of funds for Parliament together with departmental votes of funds, is a breach of separation of powers. The budget of Parliament cannot continue to be dealt with as if it were a departmental vote upon which Parliament must take a decision. This is a contradiction.
We have in Parliament the Joint Standing Committee on Financial Management of Parliament whose scope of work includes oversight over the budget of Parliament. What we have to do as Parliament is to introduce the necessary legislative amendment to the Financial Management of Parliament Act and where necessary, the Money Bills Act. This should be assigned by the Joint Standing Committee to Parliament’s legal team to draft the necessary legislative amendment so that we can introduce the Amendment Bill before February 2022 budget to bring the budget allocation of Parliament in line with the Judiciary and the Executive.
Hon Chairperson, it is no secret that Parliament is underfunded in terms of the vast oversight work that it has to carry out – support to members and constituency work; and the weight of ensuring that an effective programme of
Parliament is run to meet the people’s needs. Notwithstanding that, the ANC supports Vote 2 – Parliament. Thank you.
Division demanded.
The Council divided.
Vote agreed to.
Vote No 3 – Co-operative Governance – put.
Declarations of vote:
Mr S ZANDAMELA: Chairperson, while we welcome the efforts in terms of the adjustments of the budget of the department to cater for the added responsibilities given to the department, we, in principle, object to the Budget Vote of the Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs. Thank you, Chair. The EFF will not support this Vote.
Mr S F DU TOIT: Hon Chair, local government is supposed to be the backbone of the economy, the beacon of hope, the
foundation of good governance and the template of excellence. Instead, it is the opposite. It’s the blueprint of the moral fibre of cadres and politicians that carefully planned local government into unsightly ... [Inaudible.] ... no pun intended: smell of rotten effluent.
The number of unsustainable municipalities in the country is increasing. More funding is needed to sustain local municipalities, and the deep-rooted rot of corruption and cadre protection must first be uprooted. In spite of the huge shortfall of funds at municipal and provincial levels, provinces and municipalities will be seeing R17 billion less. If the wage bill negotiations don’t go as Treasury envisions, conditional grants and the goods and services budget at the provincial and local spheres will feel the brunt.
According to the Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse, Outa, there seems to be an inability to resolve the perceptual lack of water supply to many communities in South Africa. This demonstrates a lack of planning, co-ordination and implementation of different levels of government. This is a matter that needs a separate annual review by Parliament.
During the presentations, Outa also highlighted the following. At local government level, Outa has consistently highlighted that municipalities are not delivering good value for money. Services are not being rendered to the requisite standards despite consistent budget allocations.
The challenges at local government level are moderate and are repeatedly highlighted in the Auditor-General’s Municipal Finance Management Act reports, or MFMA reports, and they too are negative and repeatedly reported in the media. We are concerned that while many municipalities launch from bad to worse, residents in these municipalities are the net losers.
Conditional grants for local government were reduced by R3,7 billion in the supplementary budget. And now they will be reduced by a further R569 million because of the adjustments to fund SA Airways’ business rescue plan. They noted that under the Department of Co-operative Government and Traditional Affairs’ Programme 5: Local government support and intervention management, the municipal infrastructure grant was receiving R180 million less.
Voorsitter, voorwaardelike toekennings vir plaaslike regering was tydens die Aanwasbegroting met R3,7 miljard verminder en nou weer met R569 miljoen negatief aangepas om SAL te finansier.
The plea is the same in all departments: Implement consequence management in local government, root out corruption, prioritise developmental projects and plan ahead. The FF Plus doesn’t support this Vote.
Mr T S C DODOVU: Chair, the ANC supports Vote 3: Co-operative Governance. We do so because we accept that the Second Adjustments Appropriation Bill takes place under very difficult conditions as the global economy has shrunk owing to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Most municipalities have been negatively affected by a significant drop in revenue collection. The impact of this has already been felt and the knock-on effect will be felt into the 2021-22 financial year.
The ANC notes the introduction of the informal settlements upgrading partnership grant for provinces and metropolitan
municipalities, which seeks to empower communities to improve their living conditions. Currently, this grant will enable households living in informal settlements to have access to quality basic services. This is a welcome initiative as it will build on the realisation of a developmental local government.
The ability of municipalities to provide reliable services has been affected by the deteriorating water services and the ageing electrical distribution infrastructure, which often lead to protests and subsequent damage to existing municipal infrastructure.
The ANC welcomes the adjustments to the municipal infrastructure grant as these will address technical skills and inadequate spending on repairs and maintenance.
The ANC notes that during the 2021 Medium-Term Expenditure Framework period, transfers to provinces and municipalities are going below the predicted inflation rate and this will have a negative impact on the provision of quality services to communities.
This programme and the mechanisms of the district development plan should be prioritised by the department as they are designed to improve service delivery and address planning and co-ordination challenges. This programme requires adequate resources so that it can reinforce local economic development in support of South Africa’s Economic Reconstruction and Recovery plan. On this basis, going forward, the ANC supports Vote 3, hon Chair. Thank you very much.
Division demanded.
The Council divided:
AYES: 37: Bartlett, B M; Bebee, L C; Carrim, Y I; Dangor, M; Dichaba, L; Dodovu, T S C; Dube-Ncube, N; Gillion, M N; Govender, M; Landsman, E R; Latchminarain, M; Lekganyane, N M; Lucas, S E; Lwana, V G; Mahlangu, D G; Maleka, A D; Mamaregane, M L; Matibe, T B; Mkiva, Z; Mlombo, F V; Mmoiemang, K M; Modise, T C; Mohai, S J; Monyamane, S; Moshodi, M L; Motswana, A; Mthethwa, M E; Mvoko, G M; Nchabeleng, M E; Ndongeni, N; Ngwenya, W; Njandu, E Z; Nkosi, N E; Ntsube, I; Nyambi, A J; Sekoati, S C; Shaikh, S;
NOES: 11: Aucamp, W A S; Christians, D C; Cloete, A B; Du Toit, S F; Labuschagne, C; Mokause M O; Moletsane, M S; Nhanha, M; Ryder, D R; Smit, C F B; Visser, C.
Vote agreed to.
Vote No 4 – Government Communication and Information System – put.
Declarations of vote:
Ms M O MOKAUSE: Hon Chairperson, I will take it on behalf of hon Arnolds. Hon Chairperson of the Council, the EFF rejects this Budget Vote of Government Communication and Information System, GCIS. Although the National Treasury has appropriated GCIS with an additional R60 million we believe that this money will not be used to what its intended purpose, but it would rather line the pockets of the corrupt government official who are with close proximity to the ANC leadership.
The corruption and looting of state-funds and resources happens here at GCIS. It has become so brazen that those closest to the President are implicated, eat with all those who are in the high ranks of the ANC.
The President’s spokesperson Khusela Diko, is a perfect example of what exactly is transpiring within the ANC-led government.
This department is failing dismally, even though it is appropriated extra funds. Chairperson, therefore, we as the EFF, cannot support this Vote. Thank you.
G MAHLANGU: Empa ha o na kgotso.
O MOKAUSE: E teng, o a tseba.
ZANDAMELA: Kgotso ya eng?
G MAHLANGU: Wena Zandamela.
ZANDAMELA: O batla kgotso. Re a sebetsa.
Nksz N E NKOSI: Authule wena, Zandamela. Aume mkhaya. Authule, Zandamela, yazi.
Ms C LABUSCHAGNE: Hon Chairperson, on a point of order.
My point of order is: We have a discussion here that nobody understands.
Moh M O MOKAUSE: [Go sa utlwagale.] a tsamaise Ntlo. Ga re mo utlwe le go mo utlwa.
A ko le mmitseng, a ko le mmitseng a tle go [Go sa utlwagale.]
The CHAIRPERSON OF THE NCOP: I have called on hon Matibe. Hon Matibe is not there. Hon Mmoiemang will replace the hon Matibe. Hon Mmoiemang.
Mr T B MATIBE: Chairperson, I am here.
The CHAIRPERSON OF THE NCOP: Please proceed.
Mr T B MATIBE: Hon Chairperson, I rise on behalf of the ANC in support of the adjusted Budget Vote No 4 of Government Communication and Information System, GCIS.
The CHAIRPERSON OF THE NCOP: Hon Matibe, please proceed with the Declaration of Vote on Government Communication and Information System!
Hon Matibe, please proceed! There being a problem we will then move on to voting.
Mr T B MATIBE: Chairperson, can you hear me?
The CHAIRPERSON OF THE NCOP: Hon Matibe, please proceed!
Mr T B MATIBE: Hon Chairperson, I rise on behalf of the ANC in support of the adjusted Budget No 4 for Government Communication and Information System, GCIS.
The CHAIRPERSON OF THE NCOP: There seem to be a problem. We will proceed with a call for a division requested by the DA. We shall ask the hon Labuschagne to please indicate if this
is the case. If is indeed the case confirm the four people who are in support. Hello! Please proceed.
Division demanded.
The Council divided.
Vote agreed to.
Vote No 5 – Home Affairs – put
Declarations of vote:
Ms C VISSER: Hon Chair, hon members and fellow South Africans, it should be noted that the devastation of the South African economy is not only due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but the many years of revenue mismanagement and looting of fiscal funds has resulted in the dismal situation facing the country which the future generations will continue to pay for. The Department of Home Affairs will also be affected by the budget cuts. How can the government take millions of rands away from government departments, the
security clusters such as Home Affairs, which provide daily basic social services to the South African population and allocate them to the SA Airways, SAA? An amount of
R2,5 billion has been allocated to SAA, but only R1,6 billion has been allocated to Home Affairs to run immigration and deal with the massive problem of our porous borders. This shows where the priorities of the ANC government lie. It is about time that the ANC government puts the poor and vulnerable first instead of SAA. The DA does not support this Vote.
Ms M O MOKAUSE: Chairperson, the EFF does not support the Budget Vote cut of the Department of Home Affairs. Home Affairs is one of the most crucial departments that government should actually be supporting and making sure that funds are allocated for this department.
In this very same the department’s staff is not capacitated. The Department of Home Affairs does not have proper infrastructure to deal with service delivery towards our community. Corruption has halted every service that needs to go to our people - ordinary people of this country. We are seeing corruption, corruption in this department. We are
seeing members of this department taking bribes and issuing wrong identifications to ordinary people. This is why we are not supporting this budget cut because in issuing such wrong identification document it clearly tells you that there is no proper infrastructure to trace every document that comes out of the Department of Home Affirms. Therefore, we are rejecting this Budget Vote’s cut. Thank you.
Ms E N NKOSI: Chairperson, the ANC supports Budget Vote 5. Considering the state of security in our country, the ANC 54th national conference noted the challenges of underfunding of the Department of Home Affairs yet it has a major impact on national security, social cohesion and the achievement of the country’s national goals. The conference resolved that legislation should be developed to reposition the department as a core security department with adequate resources to enable it to achieve its vision of a modern and secure department to expedite the finalisation and implementation of the boarder management authority legislation.
One of the department’s strategic priorities is to establish the boarder management authority. Previously, the main
challenge of the establishment has been the delay to pass legislation.
After deliberations and engagements during the parliamentary processes this year, the President signed the Bill into Law. The medium-term priorities for the peace and security cluster include fighting crime and securing the territorial integrity of the Republic. In this regard funds have been set aside to establish boarder management authority.
The Department of Home Affairs indicated that the border management agency, BMA, will be rolled out incrementally in different phases. This will assist in dealing with our porous borders which pose a threat to the safety and wellbeing of our country, her people and our economy. This is in line with the economy, reconstruction and recovery plan as tabled by the President and in line with the National Development Plan. The BMA will ensure secure migration and address the challenge of porous borders in line with the policies of the ANC. Therefore, the ANC supports Vote 27. Thank you, hon Chair.
Mr M NHANHA: Chairperson, on a point of order: Out of respect for hon Nkosi because it was her maiden speech, I am now confused. Are we dealing with Vote 4, Vote 5 or Vote 45?
An hon member: [Laughter.] You are out of order, Nhanha.
An hon member: Chairperson, for a record hon Nkosi should have said Vote 5.
Ms E N NKOSI: I said it’s Vote 5, Chairperson. Thank you.
Division demanded.
The Council divided:
Vote agreed to.
Vote No 6 – International Relations and Co-operation - put
Question put
Vote No 7 – National School of Governance - put
Question put
Vote No 8 – National Treasury - put
Declarations of vote:
Mr M S MOLETSANE: Chairperson, at the beginning of levels of lockdown regulations the EFF lauded the government’s swift and decisive actions to allocate adequate funding towards the fight against the spread of Covid-19.
The EFF went as far as committing 30% from the salaries of all its public representatives to donate to the solidarity fund in unity with the government in its attempt to save lives and flatten the curve.
However, the EFF has noted with concern reports of corruption and mismanagement related to tenders and Covid-19 relief funds at various levels of the government.
We have also noted with concern the Auditor-General’s municipal report. It has become evident that the government lacks the capacity and systems to monitor Covid-19 expenditure and enforce strict penalties and consequences for those found in contravention of processes.
The EFF has been vocal about the model used to distribute funds and believes the model ought to be revisited.
Therefore, the EFF doesn’t support. Thank you, Chair.
Mr S F DU TOIT: Hon Chairperson, National Treasury has a very important role to play to the economic growth and development and good governance, social progress and rising living
standards though accountability, economical efficiency, equitability, sustainable management of public finances, maintenance of macroeconomic and financial sector stability and effective financial regulation of the economy.
The question is: Did they succeed in their mandate and purpose?
Chair, we are not here to beat around the bush. We, as Parliament, must also fulfil our mandate to hold the different departments accountable. We must give praise where it’s due and also identify areas where much attention is needed.
National and local treasuries are not doing enough monitoring of our local governments. This is to the frustration of the communities.
The number of municipalities that were placed under administration in the past year increased and municipalities and provincial legislatures are not being brought to book for mismanagement and corruption.
South Africa was promised that the covid relief funds would be safe and that measures would be in place to prevent any misconduct from taking place. [Laughter.] Famous last words.
For the past 26 years National Treasury has had the difficult task of ensuring that there were funds available to spend in the country.
For 26 years National Treasury has failed to hold the executive to account. They seem to have been directed by political influence. A very difficult position to be in.
The year 2021 could be ridden by community protest action and municipal unrest that will further impact negatively on the country; service delivery and municipal rates collection.
Die tyd het aangebreek dat die regeringsafdelings nie meer as silos werk nie, maar as gesamentlik moet poog om Nasionale Tesourie te ondersteun om wel booswigte tot verantwoording te roep sodat hulle aan die pen kan ry.
Die VF Plus versoek dat Nasionale Tesourie moet toesien dat die hoof finansiële beamptes by munisipaliteite wat hulself skuldig maak aan wandade vervolg word. Die VF Plus dring daarop aan dat forensiese finansiële oudits gedoen moet word in munisipaliteite met bedenklike finansiële omstandighede.
The FF-Plus also applaud the National Treasury employees; they do perform their latter, to the benefit of all South Africans.
We can’t, however, support this Bill. Thank you, Chair.
Mr Y I CARRIM: Chairperson, firstly, I’m not sure either Mr Moletsane or Mr du Toit dealt specifically with the appropriations as it applies to Treasury, they are dealing more with general appropriations issues.
But, nevertheless, it’s easy to respond. Mr Moletsane knows also well that the issues he’s raising for, within the health portfolio, and the solidarity fund of course falls within the trade and industry, Department of Trade, Industry and Competition, as it is now called.
But, nevertheless, let’s deal with the facts. Of course the ANC Members of Parliament, MPs, have given substantially more to the solidarity fund, substantially more certainly than the EFF and obviously, no matter who gave what and how much in Parliament and elsewhere, the fact is the solidarity fund has to be rigorously monitored and subject to scrutiny, and in fact that’s exactly what happened in the NA two weeks ago, Mr Moletsane.
Secondly, Mr du Toit talks about corruption [Inaudible.] of course we all share his concerns but he must also acknowledge that things have been happening in this area. I mean every other day the Hawks are swooping on some or other individual or organization. The Special Investigative Unit, SIU, not least, I think on Monday, that we had the SIU descend on the Lottery Commission.
Also, on the matter of municipal issues, we all agree ... in fact the budget of National Treasury, interestingly, has taken money away from several programmes in local government that our advisors looked at it carefully that, in fact, it looks on the surface as if there’s a major [Inaudible.] but if you look carefully at the budgets votes and allocations
you’ll see it doesn’t substantially undermine the existing programmes and those that are proposed.
I thank you, Chairperson. We obviously support this vote.
Question put.
Division demanded.
Bells rung for 30 seconds.
Vote agreed to.
Vote No 9 – Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation - put
Declarations of votes made on behalf of the Economic Freedom Fighters and African National Congress.
Declarations of vote:
Ms M O MOKAUSE: Deputy Chairperson, we have in the past alluded to the uselessness of this department because this department ...
The DEPUTY CHAIRPERSON: Hon Mokause, you are using very strong words
Ms M O MOKAUSE: Deputy Chairperson, please don’t disturb me.
The DEPUTY CHAIRPERSON: You are using very strong words. I am the presiding officer and I am telling you that speaking about uselessness is a strong word. I am just noting it and you may continue.
Ms M O MOKAUSE: Deputy Chairperson this word is allowed in this council. This department has failed dismally to carry out its mandate of supporting government programmes. We have seen in the past the unrest throughout the country, yet we have such a department which is supposed to do monitoring, which is supposed to assess service delivery throughout government department and actually advise government on what needs to happen. Has that happen? No! That is why we are saying this department is absolutely useless.
We have called on government to shift budget allocated to this department to another department like we have said about the useless Deputy Ministers throughout government departments. The EFF does not support this budget.
Mr I NTSUBE: Hon Deputy Chairperson, the ANC rises in support of the vote of the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation. The Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation is crucial in ensuring that monitoring and evaluation framework are in place to enable government to measure its policy impact, quality of expenditure and identify shortcoming.
The reprioritisation of this department’s Vote will not negatively affect the overall responsibilities of the department and should continue to enhance the planning and performance of the policy impact thereof. The reprioritisation takes place within the Medium Terms Strategic Framework and are mainly generated from saving cost by risk adjusted strategy to deal with COVID-19 pandemic.
The Vote is informed by the policy framework of the National Development Plan which first pronounced the theoretical
understanding of the building of the capabilities of the state back in 2011. Through this reprioritisation, the Vote will increase performance inspection and unannounced visit as part of improving the performance of public services in putting our people first.
We understand well that the adjustment will have some impact on the introduction of efficiency enhancing initiative such as e-Cabinet and the full operationalisation of new units such as project management office in the Presidency. However, we remain adamant that an adjustment is in the interest of ensuring overall safety of South Africans.
The Vote remains through to the commitment of strengthening governance, increasing accountability, strengthening the co- ordination of intergovernmental relations and planning enhanced resolving challenges. Thank you very much hon Deputy Chairperson.
Vote agreed to (Democratic Alliance, Economic Freedom Fighters, Freedom Front Plus and Inkatha Freedom Party dissenting).
Vote No 10 – Public Enterprises – put
Declarations of votes made on behalf of the Democratic Alliance, Economic Freedom Fighters and African National Congress.
Declarations of vote:
Mr M NHANHA: Hon Deputy Chairperson, hon members, supposedly primary mandate of state-owned enterprises, SOEs in a developing country is economic growth. This is a socialist model whose intention is to place the state at the centre, be a player, a referee, and a linesman at the same time.
Needless to mention, and I guess we now all know that this philosophy is not working and it will never work as it has failed in countries all around the world and has left a trail of economic destruction and misery for the citizens.
So, we should not be surprised when our SOEs are running at a loss, continuously draining the fiscus. Yes Mr Minister, with perpetual bailouts at huge costs to taxpayer and investor confidence.
Hon members, lets call it what it is; state interference has a forgone conclusion which is failure in capital letters. As Albert Einstein once said:
“A definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results”
Colleagues, this is not an ideology but rather logical. When one approach has failed, you have to try a qualitatively different one. Otherwise, with the best wheel in the world, it is more of the same because structurally, it is the same with the same incentives, loopholes and dead hand of an incapable state. Hon members, in good conscious, the DA cannot support this adjustment budget. Thank you.
Ms M O MOKAUSE: Deputy Chairperson, I will be taking the declaration on behalf of hon Arnolds. The EFF rejects this Budget Vote of the Department of Public Enterprises. Deputy Chairperson, what we see if we hold up a mirror and reflect on the performance of this department is absolute corruption, absolute maladministration, political interference and incapable governance.
The Department of Public Enterprises’ mandate is to drive investment, job creation and to provide decisive strategic direction to state-owned entities and we haven’t witnessed that. Under directionless of Minister Jamnadas Gordhan, all state-owned entities have failed due to political interference, corruption and mismanagement. And with all the influence from Mr Cyril Ramaphosa’s handlers, they are now pushing for every state-owned entity to be privatised.
Instead of ensuring that SOEs are well run, effective and efficient, Jamnadas’ only mission is privatisation. The ANC government has grounded and collapsed South African Airways, SAA. We are therefore as the EFF say; we are not going to support mediocrity. Thank you
Mr T B MATIBE: Deputy Chairperson, I hope you can hear me now.
The DEPUTY CHAIRPERSON OF THE NCOP: I can hear you. Just speak a little bit louder but we can hear you.
Mr T B MATIBE: Deputy Chairperson, the ANC supports the Second Adjustment Appropriation Bill for Public Enterprise,
Vote 10. The adjustment of Public Enterprise budget has not negatively impacted on the programmes of the department to ensure that state-owned entities, SOEs achieve governance operational and financial stability.
The creation of three operating divisions of Eskom or general relation transmission and distribution has occurred and the legal separation is still to occur. This will generate electricity into the grid and the issue of municipal debts needs to be expeditiously resolved and the municipalities in good financial standing must be allowed to engage in distribution.
Transnet, while not financially depending on government, can certainly improve its business model to ensure development. Its investment programme of R153 billion will certainly and positively contribute to the economic recovery and the development plan. The opposition, of course, focuses only on the allocation of South African Airways, SAA to implement its business rescue plan on the basis that government is moving away from its transformation goals.
This is a blink out vision which is unable to view that this funding in the Bill is being based on government’s legal obligation as the shareholder. So, calling it whatever names is something else, but it is government that has a legal obligation to as a shareholder to be able to deal with that. Government guarantees amounting to 10,5% of GDP which is far too high.
The financial stabilisation of SOEs must result in reduction of dependants by these entities on fiscus as this will reduce upward pressure of fiscal debt. The work of State-Owned Enterprise Council must begin in earnest to ensure overall improvement in the performance of SOEs. The entities must be restored to operational efficiency to ensure economic development and job creation.
The ANC therefore supports the Second Appropriation Bill and requests that the House approves Vote 10 for Public Enterprises. I thank you, Deputy Chairperson. [Applause.]
Division demanded.
The Council divided:
AYES: 40: Bartlett, B M; Bebee, L C; Carrim, Y I; Dangor, M; Dliso, J V; Dodovu, T S C; Dube-Ncube N; Gillion, M N; Govender, M; Landsman, E R; Latchminarain, M; K; Lekganyane, N M; Lucas, S E; Lwana, V G; Mahlangu, D G; Maleka, A D; Mamaregane, M L; M I; Matibe, T B; Mkhatshwa, P V; Mkiva, Z; Mlombo, F V; Mmoiemang, K M; Modise, T C; Mohai, S J; Monyamane, S; Moshodi, M L; Motswana, A; Mthethwa, M E; Mvoko, G M; Nchabeleng, M E; Ndongeni, N; Ngwenya, W; Njandu, E Z; Nkosi, N E; Ntshangase, B; Ntsube, I; Nyambi, A J; Sekoati, S C; Shaikh, S; Sibhidla-Saphetha, N N.
NOES: 11: Aucamp, W A S; Christians, D C; Cloete, A B; Du Toit, S F; Labuschagne, C; Mokause M O; Moletsane, M S; Nhanha, M; Ryder, D R; Smit, C F B; Visser, C;
Vote agreed to
Vote No 11 – Public Service and Administration – put
Declarations of votes made on behalf of the Democratic Alliance, Economic Freedom Fighters and African National Congress.
Declarations of vote:
Mr D R RYDER: Thank you, hon Deputy Chair. I am making declaration on behalf of Tim Brauteseth. Deputy Chairperson
... [Inaudible.] ... the Minister of Finance has promised the country that the state would not increase the public sector wages. He went as far as freezing wages, but not only for this year but also for the next three years.
In an environment where salaries and debts account for approximately 80% of every rand spent in South Africa, one would assume that responsible fiscal policy would at least put a break on the Public Wage Bill. Last week, the hon Mboweni offered to buy ... [Inaudible.] ... and the unions are offering them R27 billion wage increase. Not ... [Inaudible.] ... has been done to ensure the patronage of the loyal cadres many of whom cannot run a bus, let alone run a petty cash to a department.
This step is of course reminiscent of the strategies of another nationalist government that in the late 1990s boosted government wages and slashed interest rates in a desperate attempt to avoid an electoral threshing. We all know how that one ended. It would certainly seem that the ANC frequent the
same economic blueprint shop as ... [Inaudible.] ... or perhaps, they are on the same whatsupp group. Either way it will all end in tears and economic ruin. While wages will increase, accountability will decrease as the Minister Mchunu ducks and dives all queries related to the lifestyle audits for the Cabinet, for director-generals, DGs and for senior management. Certainly, a case of the ANC having their lavish cake and gulping it down greedily.
This Budget is in direct contradiction to President Ramaphosa’s economic reform plan. It is tantamount to committing physical treason against 60 million South African citizens. The DA cannot in good conscience support this Budget. Thank you, Deputy Chair.
The DEPUTY CHAIRPERSON OF THE NCOP: Thank you, hon Ryder. Hon Mokause from the EFF.
Ms M O MOKAUSE: It’s hon Zandamela.
The DEPUTY CHAIRPERSON OF THE NCOP: Hon Zandamela from the EFF, would you then continue. Hon Zandamela, are you experiencing challenges?
Mr S ZANDAMELA: Yes, Chairperson.
The DEPUTY CHAIRPERSON OF THE NCOP: Okay, hon Zandamela, would you continue? It seems as if you are experiencing challenges, or are you on the platform? You have muted yourself, hon Zandamela, you have muted yourself. So, let’s continue in the mean time. We would request from the ANC, hon MMoeiemang, Mosimane Kgape.
Mr M K MMOIEMANG: Ke go tlotlile Motlatsamodulasetulo wa Ntlo ya Bosetšhaba ya dikgotla tsa diporofense.
Allow me on behalf of the ANC to rise in support of Vote number 11 of the Department of Public Service and Administration. Hon Deputy Chair, the adjusted Vote will continue the going work of enhancing the existing norms and standards ... [Inaudible.]... service is upheld. The strengthening of monitoring mechanisms to improve the quality and compliance of service delivery improvement plan is quite critical as it advances the ANC’s primary objective through the funds that Parliament appropriates to the departments and
their entities. The aim is to improve the quality of service delivery to the masses of our people at local, provincial and national government levels.
We also support this Budget because it also supports the Office of Standards and Compliance which is critically charged with the responsibility to ensure that indeed lifestyle audit is conducted as a display of our commitment to a free corrupt South Africa. We have listened to hon Ryder in his lamentation about what they refer to as the wage Bill. When examining the origin of his utterances hon Deputy Chair, clearly, it is deeply rooted in the 1979 globally emergence of an all out attack on public service in favour of privatisation. In ideological terms, we refer to this as the neoliberalism, one of the most destructive theories that has destabilised the public service more than assisting it.
For the ANC, the public service must remain an employer of choice and it is not up for sale to the highest bidder to fragment service increases ... [Inaudible.] ... to a nation that cannot afford to pay for services and is the antithesis of a developmental state. The public service requires skills and cannot afford to lose them as responding to the Covid-19
pandemic has demonstrated. AS the ANC we support Budget Vote number 11. Thank you, hon Deputy Chairperson.
Mr S ZANDAMELA: Thank you, hon Deputy Chairperson. The department is required to facilitate the support to improve service delivery human resource management, accountability management, anticorruption and integrity. At the moment on the above mentioned responsibilities the department is failing dismally. We therefore, as the EFF do not support the Budget Adjustment Appropriation Bill. Thank you, hon Zandamela.
Division demanded.
The Council divided:
Vote agreed to.
Vote 12 – Public Service Commission – put.
Declarations of vote:
Mr S ZANDAMELA: Deputy Chairperson, again the department is expected to promote the constitutionally prescribed values and principles governing public administration in the Public Service. The Public Service continues to be part of corrupt activities. The EFF therefore does not support this budget adjustment. Thank you, Deputy Chair.
The DEPUTY CHAIRPERSON OF THE NCOP: Hon Landsman of the ANC! Hon Landsman! {Interjections.]
He indicated earlier that there is a problem.
Mr E R LANDSMAN: The network is a little bit bad here. Can I please do this without the camera, Chair?
The DEPUTY CHAIRPERSON OF THE NCOP: Yes, you can close the video as long as you are audible.
Mr E R LANDSMAN: Thank you, Chair.
Continue, hon Landsman!
Mr E R LANDSMAN: Yes, Chair. Just one minute. The network was
... Eish!
The ANC rises in support of Vote 12 – the Public Service Commission. The adjustment vote will continue to enhance the work of the Public Service Commission in setting the values and the principles of governing the Public Service Commission in delivering on its mandate. The challenges speak to the very issues of much of its informed research led by scientific changes in the functioning of Public Service.
As the ANC, we urge the Public Service Commission to continue investigating cases of alleged corruption within the Public Service and restore the integrity of the Public Service Commission. Key challenges remain in ensuring transparency in public procurement, better detection and prevention of corruption, as well as practices that arise from management of human resources and the inability to do service delivery in the public service.
The ANC and its government is solution-oriented, unlike the opposition who can never find any achievement and speak negatively. Yet they are beneficiaries of the Public Service who seek to only criticise.
We note that the Public Service Commission attained 100% performance in its anti-corruption programme carrying out its public administration and investigation for rewarding of high standards and professional acting conduct. Thank you.
Question put.
Vote agreed to.
Vote 13 – Public Works and Infrastructure – put.
Declarations of vote:
Mr D R RYDER: Deputy Chairperson, again on behalf of Tim Brauteseth, infrastructure development is the backbone of a sustainable growth for South Africa. It is the bedrock for creating an environment that is attractive to investors. At
the heart of this endeavour is the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure.
In this environment, with particular reference to the economic carnage that has been caused by the glorious Marxist style Covid-19 lockdown strategy, replete with corruption and power policies of the ANC, one would assume that this Budget would allocate more funds to those vital infrastructure projects and not less. Sadly, one would be mistaken and naïve to expect this government to do anything sensible. The Budget is taking R234 million form Public Works and Infrastructure to fund SAA and another R44 million for the National School of Government. The bulk of the diverted funding comes from a non-state sector, a non-profit organisation - the Expanded Public Works Programme - which has still not been implemented. And as a result 55 thousand people have not worked for nine months of this year. No doubt they will be more than thrilled that the money they should have earned is being used to bail out the SAA.
A R40 million washing line at Beitbridge - an ANC vanity project - a private school for public servants and costly prestige projects to feather the nests of the government
elite will be the legacy of the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure for 2020.
Deputy Chair, this budget is in direct contradiction to President Ramaphosa’s economic reformed plan, and the DA cannot support it. I thank you.
Mr K MOTSAMAI: Deputy Chairperson, the EFF rejects the Budget Vote of Public Works and Infrastructure because it is not helping anyone on this issue. With that, the EFF rejects the Budget Vote.
Mr M K MMOIEMANG: Hon Deputy Chairperson, the ANC rises in support of the Second Adjustment Appropriation Bill, Vote 13
– the Public Works and Infrastructure department – which indeed has a critical role to play in the developmental programme of the developmental state, in particular infrastructure and job creation as envisaged by the economic reconstruction and development plan. This economic plan was indeed developed to ensure development and economic growth, particularly within the context of what we are going through.
But of course we note improvement in terms of the gross domestic product. Infrastructure projects which have high job creation have indeed been transferred to the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure, and these projects will require detailed planning and meticulous execution to ensure maximum value from money spent in terms of budget constraints.
At the centre also is our programme of the Expanded Public Works Programme which speaks to job creation, particularly within our marginalised communities, the working class and the poor. Therefore, the budget’s programme in terms of the Expanded Public Works Programme speaks to that. The department will need to ensure its efficiency, particularly with regard to its improvement around its ability and capacity to spend.
The ANC also appreciates the achievement of a clean audit as it is part and parcel of our overall programme to ensure that there is one in governance.
While the ANC supports Vote 13, there are of course a number of areas we need to note around the shift of R44,3 million to
the National School of Government, which is an integral part of the ANC-led government’s contribution to the professionalisation of the state. But there is also the need to appreciate the good work that has been done. Furthermore, we also appreciate the need to build the department’s capacity to be able to spend, particularly with regard to the R181 million that has been indicated.
We note of course, hon Deputy Chair, ...
... die suur druiwe vanaf die opposisie se kant.
We know that hon Minister De Lille showed them flames, and she continues to do so. As the ANC we rise in support of this Second Adjustment Appropriation Bill – Vote 13.
Thank you, Chair.
Question put.
Division demanded.
Vote agreed to.
Vote No 14 – Statistics South Africa – put.
Declarations of votes made on behalf of the Economic Freedom Fighters and African National Congress.
Declarations of vote:
Mr M O MOKAUSE: Thank you, Deputy Chairperson of the Council. The EFF rejects the imposed budget to Statistics South Africa. For the longest time even during the time of the previous Statistician-General, Dr Pali Lehohla, we were consistent as the EFF for to have an additional and much needed funding to Statistics South Africa. The quality of personnel required as Statistics South Africa will not come cheap. Year in year out Statistics South Africa, Stats, come to Parliament to tell us that they have to cancel studies due to lack of funding. The failure to fund Statistics South Africa is a deliberate sabotage by the sitting government.
Statistics should form part of the basics of government and policy-making as one of the most important ingredients. We ought to know how many people live where, what people are buying, where people are accessing medical assistance, who is employed and who is unemployed. Yet, government finds it fit in this day and era to cut budget of Statistics South Africa. Yet, hence we are saying it is an imposed budget towards Statistics South Africa and a deliberate act of sabotage.
Therefore, the EFF will not support this Budget Vote Statistics South Africa. Thank you.
Ms M N GILLION: Hon Deputy Chairperson, the ANC rise in support of the Vote on Statistics South Africa. We do so very conscious of the fact that budgetary adjustment and Stats SA have had an impact under institution’s ability to carry out specific reasons, yet the equality that is needed to inform the ANC government and what needs to be adjusted in terms of both the regulatory environment and financial support. The statistical analysis carried out by the institution continues to play a critical role informing both the public and private sector on decision-making.
We applaud Stats SA for having achieved their performance targets under such budget constraints noting the reduction allocation of R126 million in the entity. We need to say this, levels of cuts are not sustainable and as we already know this is having an impact under optimal performance of the entity. The work of Stats SA enhances decision-making of those who are deciding to invest or increase the investment in the country and therefore prolonged reductions works against the policy initiatives.
There is no doubt, Deputy Chairperson, that this is an area of specialised skills and we need to retain such skills within the public service. The entity is core to developing the capacity to deliver well-targeted public services and to address high levels of poverty and inequality. The ANC takes seriously the work conducted by this entity under this budget constraint. We note the high vacancy rates in the entity and urge that the environment that create the prospects are filling vacant posts and particularly those in provincial governments are seriously considered. The ANC supports this Budget Vote. Thank you.
Question put.
Vote agreed to.
Vote No 15 – Traditional Affairs – put.
Declaration of vote:
Mr Z MKIVA: Deputy Chairperson, the ANC is fully in favour of this Budget Vote as the hon Gillion has carefully articulated efficiently our view on why we support this Vote. I wouldn’t be making any further inputs other than just to second what she has said. Thank you, Deputy Chair.
Question put.
Vote agreed to (Democratic Alliance, Economic Freedom Fighters and Freedom Front Plus dissenting).
Vote No 16 – Basic Education - put
Declarations of votes made on behalf of the Economic Freedom Fighters, Freedom Front Plus and African National Congress.
Declarations of vote:
Ms M O MOKAUSE: Deputy Chairperson, I will be taking the declaration on behalf of Lehihi. The Eff is still against the Department of Basic Education and to send the kids back to school in the middle of a pandemic. Teachers were vulnerable and found without proper personal protective equipment, PPEs. Schools were promised PPEs for the learners and teachers, but it is since immersed that many schools were reopened without PPEs whilst others received inadequate PPEs that were not in line with the required standard of safety, Deputy Chairperson, where you delivered PPEs in Khutlo-Tharo Secondary School in Sebokeng, Tokelo Secondary School in Evaton, Qwelang Primary School and many other schools throughout the country.
There was no training for teachers on how to handle cases of the coronavirus disease 2019, Covid-19. The ruling party has spent the last 20 years looting monies meant for building decent classrooms. We are seeing it throughout the country, particularly in the Eastern Cape where kids are still learning under the trees and in Limpopo where kids are still using pit toilets and where kids are still falling and dying into pit toilets.
Therefore, we cannot support such budget where it is imposed and where we feel it is just mediocrity. Our kids are still in danger of this pandemic without proper PPEs at the level of the school. Our kids still do not have classrooms. Our kids still do not have proper sanitations at the level of the school. Therefore, we reject this Budget Vote. Thank you.
Mnr S F DU TOIT: Agb Adjunkvoorsitter, ons huidige onderwysstelsel en die stand van skole laat veel te wense oor. Vandalisme, ‘n kultuur van afbreek en verwoes, die afwesigheid van die vermoë by sommige om hulself beskaafd uit te druk sonder om leerders – kinders – aan trouma en ontwrigting bloot te stel wanneer daar na anargistiese optrede oorgegaan word, laat ‘n ruimte in die opvoeding van vele.
Soos u wel weet, sukkel skole tans, buiten die onnodige druk wat weens die inperking op die onderwysstelsel geplaas is, om kop bo water te hou.
The proposed shift of a total of R28,6 million from the school infrastructure backlogs grant procurement for teaching toolkits and computers audit costs and the maintenance of the Funza Lushaka information management system doesn’t solve the problem. During the presentations we received it was clear that there are huge infrastructure shortages ... [Virtual connectivity lost.] ... like other schools provided with water through accelerated school infrastructure delivery initiatives per year, three out of a target of 125, and that target was then reduced to a 100.
The same with the number of schools provided with sanitation facilities through the accelerated school infrastructure delivery initiatives per year. Four out of a target of 691 and then that target was reduced to 600.
John Dewey said: “Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.” Let us prepare our children for life, Deputy Chair, by allowing them to live life to the fullest while they can as they should. Thank you, Deputy Chair.
Ms N NDONGENI: Thank you, Deputy Chairperson. The Department of Basic Education has been one of the most responsive department under the pandemic recognising the number of learners and the staff under the ... [Inaudible.] ... The implementation of the risk adjusted strategy in reopening schools has enabled learners to continue learning while the Grade 12 complete their studies this year. Despite the risk of the pandemic, our schools have been placed on safety for learners with minimal fatalities. The second adjustment budget includes a proposed virement totalling R28,6 million to be shifted from the school infrastructure backlogs grant for the procurement of teaching, toolkits and computers.
The adjustment includes a roll-over of R474 million for school’s infrastructure backlogs to provide safety sanitation facility at all public schools. The pandemic has displayed the level of inequality in our schools. The fact that other schools have access to water and sanitation whilst schools in most rural and underdevelopment areas lack such basic services should remain a priority to the department. The rollover to enabled the continuation of the school infrastructure projects to improve the quality of teaching and learning should be welcomed and commended.
The opposition calls for failures in Basic Education do not take into consideration the tremendous progress which has been made since the dawn of the democracy. We, today, have a National School Nutrition Programme, transport support and have narrowed the inequality among schools that were designed for white and that of black people. Many of our schools have an access to basic services such as water, sanitation and electricity. Quality education is no more a preserved of the privileged party, is for all South Africans.
The African National Congress supports the budget adjustment Vote of the Basic Education as it is preserved much needed allocation to address infrastructure backlogs. The creation of a prosperous society will be realised when all our people earn an education which will enables them to contribute to the political social economical life of our society. I thank you, Deputy Chair. The ANC supports the budget.
Question put.
Division demanded.
The Council divided:
Ayes: 37: Bartlett, B M; Bebee, L C; Carrim, Y I; Dangor, M; Dichaba, L; Dliso, J V; Dodovu, T S C; Gillion, M N; Landsman, E R; Latchminarain, M; Lekganyane, N M; Lwana, V G; Mahlangu, D G; Maleka, A D; Mamaregane, M L; Matibe, T B; Mbonyana, S; Mkhatshwa, P V; Mkiva, Z; Mlombo, F V; Mmoiemang, K M; Modise, T C; Mohai, S J; Moshodi, M L; Motswana, A; Mthethwa, M E; Mvoko, G M; Nchabeleng, M E; Ndongeni, N; Ngwenya, W; Njandu, E Z; Nkosi, N E; Ntshangase, B; Ntsube, I; Nyambi, A J; Sekoati, S C; Shaikh, S; Sibhidla- Saphetha, N N.
Noes: 9: Aucamp, W A S; Christians, D C; Cloete, A B; Du Toit, S F; Labuschagne, C; Mokause M O; Nhanha, M; Ryder, D R; Smit, C F B; Visser, C.
Vote agreed to.
Vote No 17 – Higher Education and Training - put
Division demanded.
The Council divided:
AYES: AYES: 38: Bartlett, B M; Bebee, L C; Carrim, Y I; Dangor, M; Dichaba, L; Dliso, J V; Dodovu, T S C; Gillion, M N; Landsman, E R; Latchminarain, M;Lekganyane, M; Lwana, V G; Mahlangu, D G; Maleka, A D; Mamaregane, M L;Matibe, T B; Mbonyana, S; Mkhatshwa, P V; Mkiva , Z; Mlombo, F V; Mmoiemang, K M; Modise, T C; Mohai, S J; Moshodi, M L; Motswana, A; Mthethwa, M E; Mvoko, G M; Nchabeleng, M E; Ndongeni, N; Ngwenya, W; Njandu, E Z; Nkosi, N E; Ntshangase, B; Ntsube, I; Nyambi, A J;Sekoati, S C; Shaikh, S; Sibhidla- Saphetha, N N
NOES: 11: Aucamp, W A S; Christians, D C; Cloete, A B; Du Toit, S F; Labuschagne, C; Mokause M O; Motsamai, K T; Nhanha, M; Ryder, D R; Smit, C F B; Visser, C.
Vote agreed to
Afternoon Sitting
Business suspended at 12:59 Business Resumed at 13:30
Vote No 18 – Health - put
Declarations of vote:
The HOUSE CHAIRPERSON (Mr A J Nyambi): Let’s get to the declarations of vote. Hon Bara for the DA,
Ms D C CHRISTIANS: Hon House Chairperson ... [Interjections.]
Ms D C CHRISTIANS: ... this is hon Christians speaking, I will be doing the declaration.
The HOUSE CHAIRPERSON (Mr A J Nyambi): You can do it, hon Christians.
Ms D C CHRISTIANS: Thank you very much. Hon House Chairperson, the country is experiencing a resurgence in COVID-19 and South Africans need to be more vigilant than during the initial outbreak. We all need to remain mindful that the spreading or curbing of the virus depends on our actions. Many people have lost their lives and we would like to express our condolences to their families and friends. To
those battling the effects of the virus, we wish you a speedy and complete recovery.
We want to emphasise vigilance, but at the same time we emphasise that we cannot have the entire country under lockdown again. We remain in support of the economy being opened for citizens to work and provide for their families. We have lost too many livelihoods and this in turn has increased the burden on government to provide ... [Inaudible.]
We also note the corrupt individuals and politicians who saw this as an opportunity to accumulate money for themselves. We want to call upon the government to come to a speedy conclusion in regard to the many outstanding cases.
Furthermore, the reduction of R376 million to this budget is extremely concerning and considering the impact that COVID-19 has had on the finances of the health facilities across the country, this is even more concerning.
Chairperson, additionally, there has been an indication of a report that South Africa has missed the payment deadline for participation in the COVID-19 initiative and that could have
given the country access to a COVID-19 vaccine. This is extremely troublesome. This could have been the solution to preventing many more deaths and given the economy a chance to recover swiftly.
More importantly, what is notably absent from the South African government’s plan is a vaccine roll-out strategy without which we cannot and will not defeat this pandemic. The DA does not support this budget. Thank you.
Ms M O MOKAUSE: House Chairperson, we would like to place it on record that we do not support this Budget Vote. It is not clear how much the department has spent on the Cuban doctors who were flown into the country to assist with flattening the COVID-19 curve nor is it clear how long they are contracted to be in this country, how much this will cost in total and if their presence here has yielded positive results. The country has not been taken into confidence relating to that.
To date, there is no clear indication of the number of deaths of the health care workers due to COVID-19. What we are hearing is a round up number from the Minister of Health, who was for some time also away due to this infection. Despite
the allocation of funds towards the health department, there has been little to no substantive change to the state of public health care in this country. We had made the call as the EFF that clinics should be open 24 hours. Rural areas still do not have clinics which are open. If there is a clinic, it is a white elephant without water, proper infrastructure and without health care professionals.
Therefore, the EFF rejects this budget. Thank you.
Mr A B CLOETE: House Chairperson, anyone who would have looked through this budget would have asked, “What”? “Huh”? And rightly so, how is it possible that R376 million has been reallocated from this department? How is it possible that a R118 million will not be available for communicable diseases in a time where the fight against COVID-19 and Aids should be intensified? How is it possible that medical facilities will now have R52 million less?
Well, the ANC’s answer is, “we need to save SAA” No, Chair, we need to save South Africans who are dying or being infected. Who will gain from the SA Airways, SAA? A few. Who will be affected, millions of South Africans who’ll need medical care. In the meantime, anyone in this House who has
spoken against COVID-19 regulations was branded as denialists.
The ANC now has shown that they are the true denialists. Their virtue signalling with masks and constant reminder of the so-called “new normal” is made null and void with this budget, as it has always been. If Government was truly committed to the wellbeing of the people, they would not have even suggested taking away from health, especially so that they can salvage what is left of the step-uncle in prison, the SAA.
En nou hoor ons van nog ‘n ANC geldmaakskema – die plan om ‘n staatsbeheerde farmaseutiese maatskappy te stig. Nog ‘n staatsentiteit wat nog ‘n las op die belastingbetalers gaan wees.
Weereens moet mens vra, “Huh? Wat?”
I’m also wondering why the department’s Budgetary Review and Recommendation Report, BRRR, is not even ... [Inaudible.] in
the National Assembly. So, this is a disgrace and the FF Plus cannot support this budget.
Ms M N GILLION: House Chairperson. The ANC rises in support of the Second Adjustment Appropriation Bill and Budget Vote
18. Health care workers have played a crucial and pivotal role during this global pandemic. The outbreak of the coronavirus in our country has proven beyond reasonable doubt that our health care system especially in the rural areas and townships needs the services of these health care workers as they were at the forefront of mass screening and testing, treating and many other programmes that took place since the outbreak of COVID-19 in the country.
The ANC thus welcomes the provisional allocation of
R19,6 billion set aside in the special adjustment budget, mainly for job creation and protection. For the health sector, an additional allocation of funds will be directed towards Programme 3 and 6. Under Programme 3, an additional R213 371 000 for the appointment and training of community health workers and team leaders for outreach. Under Programme 6, an additional R180,2 million has been allocated for the appointed of enrolled assistants and auxiliary nurses. We
note with concern that the large reduction in the provincial equitable which is the main funding instrument for health will require a significant restructuring of provincial health services. We hope that this will not result in a contraction in the availability and quality of key services in this sector. A United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund commented that there were a number of really encouraging developments for children in Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement, MTBPS, including the continued investment in community health workers as one of the most efficient and equitable ways to expand access to primary health care.
We wish to call on the department to continue waging a relentless war against this pandemic and we remain confident that the allocated funds in this budget will go a long way towards servicing the needs of the country in an effort to save lives and promoting the health of all people of South Africa through an accessible, caring and high-quality health system based on the primary health care approach. Hon House Chair, the ANC supports the Second Adjustment Appropriation Bill. I thank you.
Division demanded.
The Council divided:
AYES: 36: Bartlett, B M; Bebee, L C; Dangor, M; Dichaba, L; Dliso, J V; Dodovu, T S C; Gillion, M N; Landsman, E R; Latchminarain, M; Lekganyane, N M; Lucas, S E; Lwana, V G; Mahlangu, D G; Maleka, A D; Mamaregane, M L; Matibe, T B; Mbonyana, S; Mkhatshwa, P V; Mkiva, Z; Mlombo, F V; Mmoiemang, K M; Modise, T C; Mohai , S J; Monyamane, S; Moshodi, M L; Motswana, A; Mthethwa, M E; Mvoko, G M; Nchabeleng, M E; Ndongeni, N; Ngwenya, W; Njandu, E Z; Nkosi, N E; Ntsube, I; Nyambi, A J; Sekoati, S C; Shaikh, S; Sibhidla-Saphetha, N N.
NOES: 11: Aucamp, W A S; Christians, D C; Cloete, A B; Du Toit, S F; Labuschagne, C; Mokause M O; Motsamai, K T; Nhanha, M; Ryder, D R; Smit, C F B; Visser, C.
Vote agreed to
Vote No 19 – Social Development – put
Declarations of Vote:
Ms D C CHRISTIANS: Hon House Chairperson, the Department of Social Development ... [Inaudible.] ... There is a noisy background, hon House Chairperson.
An HON MEMBER: Again, hon Dodovu.
The HOUSE CHAIRPERSON (Mr A J Nyambi): Hon Dodovu, Please!
Ms D C CHRISTIANS: Thank you, hon House Chairperson.
Mr T S C DODOVU: Chair, what am I doing?
Ms D C CHRISTIANS: The Department of Social Development has failed the people of South Africa long before COVID-19 and lockdown. This pandemic merely highlighted the plight of vulnerable South Africans and the department’s inability to adequately assist the poor and destitute.
The South African Social Security Agency, SASSA, and the National Development Agency, NDA, did not receive clean audits with both entities showing material noncompliance with legislation, and the NDA showing further material findings on performance information with supply chain management being
the biggest concern. There are still just under 9000 qualified yet unemployed social workers in the country. Social workers who could have made all the difference in communities during the lockdown period. Instead, only 200 of these social workers were employed on a contract basis over the last ... [Inaudible.].
When will the department employ sufficient social workers to assist our communities that continue to regress in terms of gender violence, mental health and substance abuse issues as well as foster care placement and a host of other societal problems?
Sadly, House Chairperson, there are still destitute people waiting on the R350 social relief. Many of them whom, to date, have not received any indication as to why they did not receive the relief assistance even though they qualified for it.
It has also come to light during a written question posed to this department that there are no dedicated staff members assigned to the special COVID-19 social relief of distress appeal process even though this is a billion-rand project.
There has been an increase in the number of vulnerable people, especially the unemployed aged, and South Africans continue to battle poverty and gender-based violence with little or no assistance from the department.
In the National Assembly last week, the Minister admitted that the Department of Social Development’s budget is not sufficient to make a meaningful impact on the lives of the vulnerable and lift them out of poverty. What did the Minister of Social Development do to urgently convince her Cabinet colleagues that bailing out the SAA was an immoral decision when South Africans are suffering in poverty and that the R10,5 billion could have been better spent within the Department of Social Development. The DA does not support this budget. Thank you.
Ms M O MOKAUSE: House Chairperson, we have lost all hope in the ability of this department to lead the kind of change needed at this moment in the history of this country. In the midst of this pandemic, they have failed to rise and lead the nation. They have chosen instead to loot, stealing even the most basic interventions such as food parcels and we have never seen any arrests whatsoever from the side of the ruling
party or any other punishment. This is how you have normalised corruption as the ruling party.
Despite the EFF’s call that no politicians should be involved in the distribution of food parcels, food parcels were given to corrupt politicians throughout the country. We have seen Mayors in the forefront of distribution of food parcels here in my own hometown Kurman in John Taolo Gaetsewe Municipality, but we have never seen any other punishment throughout.
Thousands of South Africans continue to go to bed hungry yet this department continues to be allocated monies.
Chairperson, in the Free State, centres used to house and cater for homeless people are not operating at a full capacity. The homeless have been left vulnerable with no shelter, food and access to health care services. This is not only in the Free State; it is happening throughout South Africa. Therefore, the EFF cannot support this Budget Vote.
Thank you, Chair.
Ms A D MALEKA: House Chair, the ANC rises in support of the adjustment to this Vote. We do so because of the impact this adjustment has on supporting and providing relief to the poor
and the most vulnerable. The unforeseeable and unavoidable expenditure in the Vote is allocated to fund the extension of the special COVID-19 social relief of distress grant for the three months until the end of next month.
It is allocated for food relief as part of the social relief of distress grant. An allocation has been made to the Early Childhood Development, ECD, programme to support ECDs as a result of the disruption of ECD services during the COVID-19 lockdown. This allocation also provided unemployment support to ECD-related workers to a period of six months and top-up payment to employed ECD workers for compliance support duties and to also sustain temporary social workers and ECD centres registration officers.
Hon House Cahir, whilst the opposition that the DA and the EFF have complained about without providing solution about the manner in which the R350 SRD grant has been administered, we have received a firm commitment from the department and SASSA that the challenges that confronted the system are being systematically addressed. We are aware of these challenges and we are keeping a firm eye on the commitment made. Unlike the opposition parties, ours is to be solutions-
based and working with communities through our constituencies to address challenges raised on the administration of the grant.
The adjustments in this Vote are important because they contribute extremely in supporting the unemployed, food relief to fight hunger, and support the substantive of ECDs. It is aligned to government’s commitment that within the next decade no person in South Africa will go hungry, which is fundamental to our efforts to eradicate poverty and reduce inequality. Furthermore, this Vote is important to ensuring that young people are employed in social economic jobs such as the ECD centres. House Chair, the ANC supports Vote 19.
Thank you.
Division demanded.
Council divided:
Vote agreed to.
Vote 20 – Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities – put.
Declaration(s) of Vote:
Ms M O MOKAUSE: House Chairperson, the ANC-led government continues to loot and mismanage COVID-19 relief funds, which were meant to take care of the poor and the vulnerable. At the centre of the most affected by this corruption are women, youth and persons with disabilities. With the distribution of additional grant fund, no consideration was given to persons with disabilities to apply for an access of such funds.
This government continues to fail to take care of the abled body citizens, what more about people who are disabled.
There’s an absolute need, House Chairperson, to separate budget dedicated to assisting people living with disabilities, putting them at a centre of support, an intervention, instead of leaving them at the margins of an afterthought.
Chairperson, this government does not care about young people and persons with disabilities, who find themselves at the receiving end of unemployment and socioeconomic factor
affecting this country. Therefore, the EFF will not support this budget. Thank you.
Ms M L MAMAREGANE: Chairperson, the ANC rises in support of Vote 20, Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities. This vote of funds directly speaks to the response of the ANC government to the COVID-19 pandemic. We have witnessed how the pandemic has exacerbated the socioeconomic challenges of our people, and women have been mainly affected. The ANC government has demonstrated and has been globally recognised as having brought about solutions to reduce the impact and the effect of the pandemic.
This has included an increase to grants, additional grants to unemployment, all of which is designed to curb the economic impact of the pandemic. A high number of female-headed households has benefited from the grant, given that over
30 million households are primarily led by women. This adjusted vote will continue the work of advocating for the rights of the vulnerable groups like women and youth.
We call on provincial and local government spheres to prioritise that national campaign of gender-based violence,
GBV, femicide and the plight of children being killed and abused. This vote must assist in the improvement of safety for children and allocation of funds to the office of the rights of the child. The ANC believes that women empowerment is one of the tools that can assist in our society of gender- based violence and femicide.
This entails that provincial and local government should improve equity across social, local planning and budgeting. The ANC ... [Inaudible.] ... in building safer communities where women, children and Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex, LGBQI, are protected. This adjusted vote is crucial in ensuring that government policies on the rights of women and vulnerable groups are bringing about change. ... [Inaudible.] ... Thank you.
Division demanded.
The Council divided:
[Take in from Minutes.]
Vote agreed to.
Vote No 21 – Civilian Secretariat for Police Service – put.
Declaration of Vote:
Ms M BARTLETT: As the ANC, we rise in support of Vote No 21 – Civilian Secretariat for Police Service that Covid-19 has impacted on the lack of achievements of some of the thugs of Civilian Secretariat for the Police. This department ...
Sorry, Chair.
The HOUSE CHAIRPERSON (Mr A J Nyambi): No, you are protected, continue.
Ms M BARTLETT: This department face an important role in ensuring transformation and accountability of the Police Service. This is done in line with the values we are advancing of a developmental state.
The vote has also been infected by re-inevitable, a necessary budget readjustment as part of government response to the national state of disaster. We are facing as well the need to stabilise the fiscus. The ANC support this Budget Vote as it will enable the department to contribute to the National Development Plan, NDP, with a fare division of ensuring that
people are and feel safe. We support this Budget Vote because it will ensure that a Civilian Secretariat for Police Service contribute to the anticrime campaigns to the roadblocks as well as contribution to gender-based violence and femicide.
We support the Budget Vote because it will enable the department to implement the e-policing framework to necessitate the SAPS to quickly adapt in the main current in each approach to crime prevention.
As the ANC, we support Vote No 21 – Civilian Secretariat for Police Service. I thank you.
Vote agreed to.
Vote No 22 – Correctional Services – put.
Vote agreed to (Democratic Alliance, Economic Freedom Fighters, Inkatha Freedom Party and Freedom Front Plus dissenting).
Vote No 23 – Defence – put.
Division demanded.
The Council divided:
Vote agreed to.
Vote No 24 – Independent Police Investigative Directorate – put.
Declarations of votes made on behalf of the Democratic Alliance, Economic Freedom Fighters and African National Congress.
Division demanded.
The Council divided:
Vote agreed to.
Vote No 25 – Justice and Constitutional Development – put
Vote agreed to (Democratic Alliance, Economic Freedom Fighters and Freedom Front Plus dissenting).
Vote No 26 – Military Veterans – put
Vote agreed to (Democratic Alliance, Economic Freedom Fighters and Freedom Front Plus dissenting).
Vote No 27 – Office of the Chief Justice - put
Declaration of vote made on behalf of the Economic Freedom Fighters.
Declaration of Vote:
Ms M O MOKAUSE: Thank you, House Chairperson. The EFF rejects the Budget adjustment for the Office of the Chief Justice. We are not rejecting the work done by the Chief Justice and Judiciary; we are objecting what is called an imposed Budget to the Office of the Chief Justice by a spineless Minister of Finance, Mr Tito Mboweni, who continues to cut the very most important Budgets. At least ... [Interjections.] ...
The HOUSE CHAIRPERSON (Mr A J Nyambi): ... EFF, are you still making a declaration?
Ms M O MOKAUSE: I am talking.
The CHIEF WHIP OF THE COUNCIL: No, no. There is nothing like talking, no, no. There is no talking, either a declaration or nothing.
Ms M O MOKAUSE: I am speaking ...
The CHIEF WHIP OF THE COUNCIL: ... don’t abuse the presiding officers, please.
Ms M O MOKAUSE: ... can’t you hear? Why are you interjecting?
The HOUSE CHAIRPERSON (Mr A J Nyambi): ... Mokause! Can you do the declarations?
Ms M O MOKAUSE: ... why are you interjecting?
The CHIEF WHIP OF THE COUNCIL: No, you are abusing the presiding officer
Ms M O MOKAUSE: No! I am speaking here.
The HOUSE CHAIRPERSON (Mr A J Nyambi): Hon Mokause!
AN HON MEMBER: What is going on?
Ms M O MOKAUSE: Chairperson, it is actually shocking that the statistics of gender-based violence were reported to the increase but because the Minister of Finance is blinded by his own austerity agenda, he couldn’t even spare a Budget for the Office of the Chief Justice. This is unforgivable. House Chairperson, I am not abusing you I am making a declaration. Failure to fund the Office of the Chief Justice and the entire judiciary, as a consequence, is the way of deliberately undermining the work of the judiciary, especially to those who do not want their friends and spokesperson to be prosecuted.
Perhaps it is about time that we find a different way of funding and allocating Budget to judiciary, independently so,
from the government of the Republic of South Africa and Mr Tito Mboweni.
For years under the ruling party our judiciary has lost skills in critical areas. We need to relook at the model of funding the judiciary in this country; we need to make courts accessible for people living with disability; we need translators including translation of judgements into all languages not only Afrikaans and apartheid language and English and we also need courts that are well maintained to create a conducive working environment. This is the only way we will begin to create a justice system that will restore the dignity of victims of crime. House Chairperson, we are not objecting to the work of the Office of the Chief Justice, but to the Budget cuts by the Minister of Finance. Thank you.
Vote agreed to (Democratic Alliance, Economic Freedom Fighters and Freedom Front Plus dissenting).
Vote No 28 – Police – put.
Declarations of votes made on behalf of the Democratic Alliance, Economic Freedom Fighters, Freedom Front Plus and African National Congress.
Declarations of Vote:
Mr C F B SMIT: Thank you, hon House Chair. I will be delivering this on behalf of the hon George Mikhalakis. Hon House Chair ... [Interjections.] ...
The HOUSE CHAIRPERSON (Mr A J Nyambi): ... hon Smit! ... EFF,
it is hon ... Okay!
Mr C F B SMIT: Can you hear me, hon Chair? Hon Chair, can you hear me?
The HOUSE CHAIRPERSON (Mr A J Nyambi): Yes, I can hear you, hon Smit.
Mr C F B SMIT: Thank you very much.
The HOUSE CHAIRPERSON (Mr A J Nyambi): You are recognised and you can continue.
Mr C F B SMIT: Hon House Chair, here we are again, six months later, discussing the Department of Police where nothing has improved yet again. The South African Police Service, Saps, Budget totals R96,8 billion, the second largest Budget of all the departments yet in 2019-20 it under spent by
R754 million. That is double the Budget of the grossly under funded Independent Police Investigative Directorate, Ipid, which is supposed to be capacitated to rid the Saps for all the criminals in its mess.
In this year, Saps also failed to achieve most of its performance targets and the police population ratio now stands at 1:40, the worst in more that six years. Half of the police vehicles in this country are standing; unusable, resources and training at station level is of substandard.
Forensic laboratories are overwhelmed and under funded. Criminal intelligence is nonexistent and fruitless, wasteful and unauthorised expenditure are as high as ever, yet there is no shortage in very important person, VIP, protection and top range generals. Many of whom are still being investigated by Ipid without conclusion and are receiving fat salaries. We will not support this Budget. Thank you.
Ms M O MOKAUSE: House Chairperson, I would be taking this on behalf of hon Motsamai. The EFF would like to put it on record that we do not support this Budget. There is no capacity at all in the SA Police Service but what we are seeing is mediocrity. We see government using police to fight political battles, especially in the Western Cape, where police are used to shoot rubber bullets on innocent protesters who are protesting on issues that are affecting ordinary people of the Western Cape and South Africa, service delivery issues and racism has clouded the province itself.
There is no capacity to deal with petty crime in the SA Police Service. There is no capacity to deal with gender- based violent crimes at the level of the police station, yet they continue to receive more monies. House Chairperson, the EFF rejects this Budget. Thank you.
Mr S F DU TOIT: Am I audible, House Chair?
Mr S F DU TOIT: Chair, according to the Britannica the police typically are responsible for maintaining public order and
safety, enforcing law, preventing, detecting and investigating criminal activities. The police are supposed to be trusted by the people, they are supposed to be a beacon of hope, refuge, a pillar of pride and haven of safety for the vulnerable and the weak.
Kan ons met ‘n oop gemoed sê dat hierdie kwaliteite in alle manne en vroue in blou gesien word? Indien nie, hoekom nie?
House Chair, a Budget of R1 million is shifted within the visible policing programme to pay donations to nonprofit institutions. Only ... [Inaudible.] ... was proposed that such received R5,85 billion less this year, of that the most significant portion comes from visible policing, R3,6 billion followed by administration which will receive R1 billion less. The detective services which will receive R802 million less, the crime intelligence which will receive R203 million less and the protection and security services which will receive R109,5 million less. These proposed reductions will undoubtedly impact on Saps performance. The police detection
rate for contact crimes per year is 48,6% Chair. That is
367 000 out of 756 000 rounded off.
Deur die SAPD se begroting te sny veroorsaak dit onherstelbare burgerlike wanvertroue in die vermoë van die polisie. Die VF Plus bedank elke polisielid wat, ten spyte van die institisionele en politieke uitdagings, nog steeds Suid-Afrika met durf en trots dien en beskerm. Suid- Afrikaners het al lankal hoop in die regering verloor. Ons kan nie bekostig om die bietjie vertroue wat daar in ons polisiediens gesetel is ook verlore gaan nie.
House Chair, it is evident that the ruling party might be using the Budget Adjustment Appropriations Bill to turn down the heat on themselves since police, Independent Police Investigative Directorate, Ipid, and the Department of Justice and Correctional Service are being restrained due to Budget cuts.
Misdaad kan weer weens verskeie faktore gedurende die komende jaar toeneem, end it is duidelik dat die polisie se hande deur die regering self vasgemaak word. Die VF Plus pleit weereens met elke burger om hulself binne die raamwerk van die wet te bemagtig. Wees bedag! Wees paraat! Wees ‘n teenstander van misdaad en nie ‘n slagoffer nie.
South Africa, this is an urgent plea to be vigilant. Be an adversary in the face of danger not a victim. Thank you, House Chair.
Mr S F DU TOIT: Chair, on a point of order if you could, please, have a look in the comment section, there are acquisitions made by the ... I won’t say by the hon Mokause, because she is not honourable at all with regard to the hon Cloete. Please, ask her to refrain from using language like that.
Ms M O MOKAUSE: I am not refraining on anything! I’m not refraining on anything! Racist are too consecutive and we will respond ... [Inaudible.] ...
The HOUSE CHAIRPERSON (Mr A J Nyambi): ... hon Du Toit, ... [Inaudible.] ... but I will ... [Inaudible.] ...
Ms M O MOKAUSE: We will respond accordingly, we will not let racists here bully us ...
Mr S F DU TOIT: ... if there is any ... [Inaudible.] ... that are ... is racist, then hon Mokause must call it out now.
Otherwise, that is a false accusation.
The HOUSE CHAIRPERSON (Mr A J Nyambi): Hon members! Hon Du Toit!
Ms M O MOKAUSE: I said it already, we are bullied! Racist!
The HOUSE CHAIRPERSON (Mr A J Nyambi): ... hon Du Toit! Order members! Hon members, the Chairperson once remarked that whatever we put in the comments section is also part of the session. However, I haven’t seen what is there. So, I will not entertain it. Let’s move straight to the call of a division by the DA.
Mr S F DU TOIT: Just turning a blind eye, House Chair. By staying quiet you also admit into that acquisition.
The HOUSE CHAIRPERSON (Mr A J Nyambi): No, it will be attended to hon Du Toit. I am saying that anything that is put on the comment is part of the session. However, I have not seen it. I am saying that we will look at it and we will make an appropriate ruling. That is what I am saying.
Division demanded.
The Council divided:
Vote agreed to.
Vote No 29 – Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development – put.
Declarations of Vote:
Mr C F B SMIT: Hon House Chair, firstly I want to say all the glory goes to the farmers and the agricultural sector for being the hearers hearing this year with Covid-19, and that it is no offence to the department to dismally fail them as the Department of Agriculture also only achieved 69% of their targets.
In terms of the Department of Land Reform and Rural Development who failed to submit their annual report, should I say more than “sies”. You refused to give tribal communities the dignity of a title deed for their homes.
Budget cuts for the department contradict the President’s recovery plan. So, it is clear that you want to fail in that too.
We as the DA cannot support this budget. Thank you.
Mr A B CLOETE: Chairperson, sorry we indicated that we won’t be doing a declaration here. Thank you.
The HOUSE CHAIRPERSON: Thank you, hon Cloete.
The EFF, hon Arnolds!
Ms M O MOKAUSE: House Chairperson, they will not speak when we speak.
Chairperson, we want to put it on record that we are not supporting this Vote. The monopoly of food production in South Africa and Africa as a whole does not belong to white racists of this country. It belongs to all of us, including black farmers.
Chairperson, in times of economic and social crisis, historically agriculture has always been a sector that fires up growth all over the world. This is so because agriculture is a catalyst to every other economic activity. People need food before they can endeavour to other activities. Instead of realising this potential here and nurturing an army of aspirant black farmers, we are basically killing off the sector. Instead, we are listening to all the crime fouls from white farmers forgetting about our very own black farmers.
The Auditor General found that the department could not even account for the number of hectors ploughed as a result of their support. For the fourth call of the Covid-19 National Disaster Agricultural Support Fund for Smallholder and
Communal Farmers, there were 673 approved applicants whose ID numbers were invalid. Where did that money go to, Chairperson? That should be question.
Chairperson, there is a lot of looting in this department, and there is a lot of gate-keeping relating to food production. Hence I said food production here in South Africa and Africa does not belong to white farmers only. Consider black farmers. Therefore, Chairperson, we are not going to support this Vote.
Ms T C MODISE: House Chair!
Hon Modise from the ANC, continue.
Ms T C MODISE: Deputy Chairperson, good afternoon. Deputy Chairperson, let me say that before the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, the rating agency had downgraded our economy to a junk status. While the 2020 February budget tried to respond to the challenge faced by our slow-growing economy, it soon had to be revised. The Department of
Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development has to revise its annual performance plan.
The 2020 MTBPS proposed a fiscal consolidation in order to stabilise the national debt and promote economic growth. The economic reconstruction and recovery plan has identified amongst others agriculture as one of the key productive sector. We have the potential to create masses of employment and help grow the economy in order to achieve its needed new policy framework.
The purpose of Vote 29 is to provide equitable access to land, integrated rural development, sustainable agriculture and food security for all. As the ANC we declare our full support for Vote 29. In rightfully doing so, we have noted the following adjustments as a result of reprioritisation of the budget - the reduction of R1,895 billion under food security, land redistribution and restitution programmes. The funds were intended, among others, to support 145 thousand subsidence and smallholder producers and a placement of 255 unemployed agriculture graduates in farming over the MTEF period. The funds were reprioritised towards Covid-19 farmers’ relief fund.
A new indicator was indicated in the revised annual performance plan of the department with the target to support
50 thousand subsistence producers through these funds. The reduction in conditional grant in the municipality will negatively affect implementation programmes such as Ilima/Letsema, Land Care Programme meant to assist vulnerable South Africans in order to achieve agricultural production. This programme was further adjusted downwards by R5,083 million from R54,815 million. The adjusted budgets that relate to the infrastructure under the Comprehensive Agricultural Support Programme are worrisome, and we have indicated the importance of the alignment of the budget of the ERRP because the infrastructure-led growth is one of the pillars of our economy recovery plan.
In conclusion, Deputy Chairperson, we note the presidential stimulus package and welcome the initiative by the department’s revised budget under the current constrained fiscus and refer to the call by the ANC on social compacting to help the economy grow.
Hon Deputy Chairperson, the department has tried its level best, although the opposition don’t even recognise that. As the ANC we support Budget Vote 29.
I thank you, hon Deputy Chair.
Agreed to.
Vote No 30 – Communication and Digital Technologies
Question put.
Vote agreed to (Democratic Alliance, Economic Freedom Fighters and Freedom Front Plus dissenting).
Vote No 31 – Employment and Labour
Question put.
Division demanded.
The Council divided [Take in from minutes.]
Vote accordingly agreed to.
Vote No 32 - Environment, Forestry and Fisheries– put
Vote agreed to (Freedom Front Plus, Economic Freedom Fighters and Democratic Alliance dissenting).
Vote No 33 - Human Settlements
Vote agreed to (Freedom Front Plus, Democratic Alliance and Economic Freedom Fighters dissenting).
Vote No 34 - Mineral Resources and Energy
Declarations of votes made on behalf of the Democratic Alliance and African National Congress.
Declarations of vote:
Mr C F B SMIT: Thank you, Deputy Chair, the Department of Mineral Resource and Energy, did quite well in terms of their financial compliance but unfortunately that does not reflect
in the actual performance. The Department of Mineral Resource and Energy failed dismally, with the fact that they only achieved 52% of their targets.
This department keeps on fantasizing about the unaffordable nuclear deal with Russia which is concerning the department’s leadership. We as DA cannot support.
Ms T C MODISE: Thank you very much Deputy Chairperson, the ANC supports adjustment budget vote 34. The necessity of the Adjustment Appropriation Bill was due to the ANC- led government intervention to combat the impact of global
COVID-19 pandemic and save life. It is also the necessity due to low economic growth resulting in physical constrain.
The mining and energy sector continue to function under the Disaster Management Regulation, to ensure that the economy was functional. Budget adjustment to the department programme have been an impact to ability of the department to roll out electrification to few households than was expected.
However, the continuation of this programme in the next financial year and future will ensure that the household in
all community will be electrified. The ANC supports budget vote 34, Deputy Chair. Thank you.
Question put
Division demanded.
The Council divided [Take in from minutes.]
Vote accordingly agreed to.
Vote No 35 - Science & Innovations
Agreed to.
Vote No 36 - Small Business Development
Division demanded.
The Council divided:
Agreed to.
Vote No 37 - Sports, Arts and Culture
Agreed to.
Vote No 38 - Tourism
Declarations of Vote:
Ms M O MOKAUSE: Chairperson, thank you very much. Allow me to speak without a video I’m experiencing connection problems here.
Chairperson the EFF will not support this vote much of the tourism industry is still dominated by white owned businesses claiming a large stake of the tourism sector. This department chairperson lacks the will to provide strategy and leadership in terms of transformation in the tourism sector.
Black business owners in the industry are left to operate in the margins primarily in townships and around the country. It is evident that the department does not have clear policy coordination between township and rural development and tourism development in order to deal with accesses ability of infrastructure.
An example of this is the lack of tourist information centres in rural municipalities. The department is not doing enough to develop community based tourism that will bring wider benefits to rural communities and townships. We see those previously advantaged only benefiting from this sector.
Therefore, the EFF will not support this budget. Thank you.
Ms M L MOSHODI: House Chair, this year was extremely challenging to the tourism sector, world wide lockdown. The grounding of airlines, empty hotel rooms and tour busses that remain part for many months are amongst the example of the impact of Covid-19 on the sector.
Hon Chairperson, as a result, one billion of the department’s 2020 budget was adjusted to another vote. The recovery in South Africa will be difficult because the physical stimulate
measures to protect companies and jobs are unlikely to address the deep structural problems which were pressing on the tourism industry even before the crisis. This is through the slow pace of transformation and concentration of business opportunities around the big metro.
When the tourism came to a complete halt, government provided R200 million tourism relief funds to the sector that was [Inaudible] by the South African tourism. True to form the rights means challenge in court, the inclusive of triple Broad-based Black Economic, BBE in the criteria for the funds and the Minister was taken to court by AfriForum and Solidarity.
Hon Chairperson, what the AfriForum and Solidarity and their political party who is in Parliament represented by the DA and the FFPlus does not realise is that transformation and inclusive economic growth is ultimately beneficial to all South Africans including their white and wealthy constituencies.
Hon Chairperson, the ANC calls of National Treasury to allocate more funds in the budget to the department in order
to aim the recovery and create jobs. Government must consider re-reface funding to promote tourism development in villages, townships, and small towns.
Hon Chairperson, the department and SA tourism must ensure that the expenditure of the fund corresponds with achievement of the most strategic objective. Hon Chairperson, they must also strengthen internal controls and address any funding by Auditor General.
We must support the dialog between the Minister and the tourism industry representatives’ aim and developing a plan of action for reviving tourism. Hon Chair, we believe that in order for South Africans to be completive distinction, there has to be corroboration between government and the industry. As the ANC hon Chairperson we support the budget vote 38. I thank you Chairperson.
Division demanded.
The Council divided
Agreed to.
Vote 39 – Trade, Industry and Competition
Declarations of Vote:
Ms M O MOKAUSE: deputy Chairperson, the EFF rejects the vote because of the department’s failure to respond to the unemployment crisis in South Africa. The department made a commitment to revitalise industrial parks in order to turn rural areas and township into sustainable hubs of economic activities in order to reduce unemployment.
An amount of R189 million was set aside to prioritise parks under the custodianship of the department but to date none of that money has been channelled adequately in order to serve its intended purpose.
The revitalisation process is instrumental in the creation of job opportunities for those communities close to the
industrial parks such as Zwelitsha in the Eastern Cape which was embarked for refurbishment of an old factory for the purposes of manufacturing Personal Protective Equipment, PPE.
Many of these industrial parks are still in the first phase of revitalisation with little to no progress being made.
Those that are operating face many challenges such as the Nonkwankwa industrial park in greater Tzaneen municipality where there’s no access to water. Therefore, we are not supporting this budget vote. Thank you so much.
Mr M DANGOR: Deputy Chair, the Second Adjustment Appropriation Bill was presented under challenging social and economic conditions. These challenging conditions are the result of the Covid-19 pandemic which has turned the South African economy and the rest of the global economy upside down.
The South African economy is expected to contract by 7.8% and the unemployment rate is at 0.8%. According to Statistics SA, in addition to these challenges, government needs to reduce the debt in the pace of low revenue collection. This means difficult choices will have to be made inevitably, difficult
choices which must be made include the budget cuts and the movement of funds between votes.
For some time there has been concern regarding the infrastructure challenges and the South African Bureau of Standards, SABS. The shipping of the R10 million towards the industrial competitiveness and the programme to fund infrastructure upgrades for the SABS is a welcomed intervention.
Our support for this budget as the ANC is inspired by the Table being of the economic reconstruction and the recovery plan by President Ramaphosa over a month ago in Parliament. Amongst the key priority interventions in the employment orientations strategic local is the orientation of strategic localisation, reindustrialisation and export promotion.
The Department of Trade, Industry and Competition, DTIC is central to our localisation, reindustrialisation and export of promotion agenda. The development in finalisation of the industry master plans is promised on job creation and economic growth which will be enhanced through the local
promotion of trade. The ANC supports vote 59 of the trade industry and competition. Thank you very much Chairperson.
Division demanded.
The Council divided:
Agreed to.
Vote No 40 – Transport – put.
Declarations of Vote:
Ms M O MOKAUSE: Hon Deputy Chairperson, the conditions of South African public transport sector are dire. For an example, a taxi rank in townships such as a Highway Taxi Rang in Mdantsane in the Eastern Cape is overcrowded, dirty and unsafe, specifically for young girls and women; they are
vulnerable to abuse. The taxi rank in Kuruman, Kimberley in the Northern Cape, Mthatha Taxi Rank in the Eastern Cape, and Vryburg in the North West are just the examples of the overcrowded and dirty taxi ranks where commuters are exposed to.
There is a serious concern about the bus companies that are supported by government being allowed to operate without adhering to road safety measures putting the lives of many commuters at risk. Rail travel in Gauteng province is nonexistent. Also in the Western Cape, the infrastructure and systems has collapsed leaving many commuters who find railway travel more affordable, unable to travel to and from work.
The department has failed to ensure the safety of the commuters and compliance of public transport service providers. Chairperson, we are not in support of this Budget Vote, thank you.
Mr K M MMOIEMANG: Hon Deputy Chair, I rise on behalf of the ANC to express our support to the Second Adjustment Appropriation Bill for Vote 40. This support is informed by the following: the challenges that we have around economic growth and also the rising public debt but more than that
made worse by the pandemic which had a devastating impact on the transport sector.
There are a number of challenges that were affected but our view as the ANC is that those challenges will not negatively impact on the work of the department. This is informed by the fact that there have been a number of tangible programmes in depth recovering the sector from the challenges that it had. Also, more than that it is to ensure that indeed the department is able to generate income and to include its ability to sustain itself financially. This is particularly given the fact that there are a number of areas that are very critical in terms of our socioeconomic programmes, amongst them is the provision of efficient public transport, is one of them. This will create jobs and also to put the department in a much progressive position as an enabler of the job creation. This will ensure that the department becomes the driving force behind the critical infrastructure development projects that are within the transport sector in particular rail and road.
Therefore the investment in rail infrastructure is premised on the need to ensure that safety is at the centre of it but
more than that the maintenance and development of the existing infrastructure is important. Our clarion call to our communities is to safeguard the rail access and ensure that the destruction and vandalism that is currently unfolding is indeed attended to.
What impress us also is the relook of the operating model of Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa, Prasa which is geared towards turning it around. We are looking forward to the manner in which the department will be ensuring that the transport is funded to ensure that integrated development of public transport in particular is giving its centrality to the working class and the poor. This will ensure that they are taken to their workplaces.
We are looking forward also to the department to support local government sphere around the integrated public transport network which is operating within the local government sphere. The view is to ensure that that assistance must be upped. Of course we are mindful of the environment that is taking place particularly the environment around
R2,3 billion that is shifted from various capital projects to
fund the financial assets of Airports Company of South Africa, Acsa within the civil aviation programme.
More than that, the proposed move of the R155,5 million that shifted from road transport to the SA Civil Aviation Authority. We are mindful of the fact that this environment and movement will not affect the rail and road infrastructure development precisely by virtue of the fact that we want to have and ensure that there is efficiency in terms of the transport particularly in its critical role in economic developments. The ANC supports the Second Appropriation Bill, Vote 40 and makes the humble appeal to the House to approve Vote 40 for Transport. Thank you very much hon Deputy Chairperson.
Division demanded.
The Council divided
AYES: 38 [Taken from the minutes.]
NOES: 10: [Taken from the minutes.]
Vote agreed to.
TAKE 533 - STARTS AT: 15:29
Vote No 41 – Water and Sanitation – put
Declarations of vote:
Mr A B CLOETE: Deputy Chairperson, let’s all agree. We need water and sanitation upgrades and maintenance and we need them desperately. The ANC has gone about this backwards and the Minister herself said she had sleepless nights about how failing municipalities are not able to pay water bills. So, the R35 million this department receives additionally is a drop in the ocean of what is actually needed to improve what is becoming a water crisis in our country. What’s the use of infrastructure development if the downward spiral of municipalities means that water will not be able to reach South Africans?
Let me give you an example, Deputy Chair. Two municipalities in the Free State, i.e. Mangaung and Matjhabeng, owe their
water boards billions and it seems there’s no viable long- term solution to these ongoing legal tussles except for provincial governments to bail out these municipalities; and the result is, there is simply no money to bail out these municipalities who ought to be self-reliant and self- sufficient. They are not; and this is where we are now.
This is the legacy of the ANC’s policy of nonpayment pre- 1994. The woes for the ANC started there because, if someone always receives services for free, why would they then suddenly start paying? And also, who will pay if there are very little services? The woes will continue because the ANC got it wrong in the first place. Just as municipalities are wasting funds, this budget is also a waste and ultimately, our communities will continue to suffer. This begs the question: What is the ANC busy doing with water in South Africa? Are they really committed to ensuring that water boards and municipalities are on good terms? For how long will water be available? Or are we seeing a type of coup de tat with the aim to nationalise our water as well? These are the questions. So, this budget cannot be supported, Deputy Chair.
Mr E Z NJADU: Hon Deputy Chair and members, the ANC will have a declaration on Vote 41 – Water and Sanitation. The ANC rises in support of the Second Adjustment Appropriations Bill on Budget Vote 41. The ANC has long committed to accelerate the roll-out of massive economic and social infrastructure programmes such as water supply to unlock economic opportunities, create jobs and improve the quality of life of our people. Water continues to be identified as a catalyst to realise this vision.
As the ANC, we welcome the priority set out by government for community development. The funds in this sanction will assist the water sector since the deteriorating water services infrastructure affects the ability of municipalities to provide reliable services to our people. This is further exacerbated by weak technical skills and inadequate spending on repairs and maintenance. To mitigate this, we welcome government’s initiative to consider in a programmatic approach asset management while relevant departments such as the Department of Water and Sanitation undertake institutional reviews.
We are concerned that under Programme 3: Water and Infrastructure Development, R306,534 million in unspent funds is roll-over for national Covid-19 drought emergency interventions as the department has been at the forefront in the implementation of water supply interventions across the country in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. We urge that they ensure allocated funds are efficiently and effectively spent for their intended purpose.
Lastly, it is through this Second Adjustment Budget that South Africa is able to pursue its objective of ensuring the availability of water resources facilitates equitable and sustainable socioeconomic development; and ensure universal access to water and sanitation services. The ANC supports the Second Adjustment Appropriations Bill. Thank you very much, hon Deputy Chair.
Agreed to (Democratic Alliance, Economic Freedom Fighters and Freedom Front Plus dissenting).
Schedule put and agreed to. (Democratic Alliance, Economic Freedom Fighters and Freedom Front Plus dissenting).
Ms D G MAHLANGU: Deputy Chair, hon Minister, permanent and special delegates present in the House, fellow South Africans, good afternoon. Hon Chair, it is once more an honour and privilege to table to this House, a report of the 2020 Second Adjustments Appropriation Bill on behalf of the Select Committee On Appropriations, in the National Council of Provinces, NCOP.
I am happy to report to this House that, the committee has unanimously adopted the Bill without amendments, while the DA reserved its right to adopt the Bill and the FF Plus and the EFF did not support the Bill.
Deputy Chair, in terms of public participation, to facilitate public participation and involvement, and in compliance with section 72 of our Constitution, the general public and all interested stakeholders were invited to make written submissions and comments to the Bill. The committee was also briefed by Financial and Fiscal Commission, FFC and the Parliamentary Budget Office, PBO.
During a public hearing, held on 27 November 2020, oral submissions were made by the Public Service Accountability Monitor, PSAM and the C19 People’s Coalition. Hon Chair, as the process unfolds, the committee made the following recommendations for the Bill: The Minister of Finance should approve the overall rollover amount of R1,6 billion provided for in the Bill, for the 2020-21 Second Adjustments Appropriation Bill as well as virements exceeding eight percent in accordance with the Public Finance Management Act, Act 29 of 1999, and ensure that only projects near completion are approved to fiscal dumping, a much spike or underspending by the end of the financial year, March 20201.
The Minister of Finance; Social Development; Health; Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development; Environment, Forestry and Fisheries; Sports, Arts and Culture and Transport should ensure that, proper management systems as defined by Chapter Five, section 38 of the Public Finance Management Act, Act 29 of 1999, PFMA and Treasury Regulations, are put in place for the effective use of the R19,6 billion set aside in the 2020 Special Adjustment Budget, to address the impact of COVID-19 in various sectors and in different interventions including job creation, food
relief and social relief of distress. Where noncompliance persists, consequence management mechanisms should be implemented, considered or must be enforced, as required by chapter 10
Hon Deputy Chair, section 81 of the PFMA, Treasury Regulations and other applicable legal prescripts must be applicable without delay. The Minister of Finance should approve the following in-year spending adjustment,
R23 billion for Eskom, R6,5 billion for the SA Airways to settle its guaranteed debt and interest, R84,7 million for the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa, Icasa, for licencing the high demand spectrum as well as a reduction in the amount of R36,5 billion from compensation of employees as a result of the salary freeze.
Furthermore, the Minister of Finance should ensure that National Treasury submits a detailed report and conditions to the committee before the 2021 Budget is tabled, regarding the use of R10,5 billion allocation earmarked for the SA Airways, SAA business rescue plan. Government should expedite the establishment of the proposed Presidential State-Owned Enterprises Council to provide strategic oversight of state-
owned enterprises, SOEs and ensure that their dependence on the fiscus is reduced by addressing their financial, operational, business and funding models.
The Minister of Finance and Minster of Health should ensure that, funds are made available to build the requisite capacity to implement the National Health Insurance, given the effects of COVID-19. This should form part of the efforts to ensure that, over the medium term, greater efficiency and reprioritisation is achieved, to protect service delivery in areas such as primary health care, immunisation and HIV prevention and treatment.
Deputy Chair, the Minister of Finance and Minister of Tourism, should ensure that adequate capacity is developed and proper financial management systems are put in place as required by section 38 of the PFMA, Treasury Regulations and other applicable prescripts for effective use of the
R540 million set aside for the Tourism Equity Fund, to support black owned and commercially viable enterprises to acquire shares in tourism enterprises.
This should include the short-term Tourism Relief Fund extended to mid-2021, which aims to assist eligible small medium and micro-sized enterprises with working capital. The Tourism industry is one of the sectors that contributes significantly to the South African economy, therefore it is important to unlock it.
The Minister of Finance and Minister of Police should ensure that, the factor that led to delays in the procurement and the delivery of Personal Protective Equipment, PPEs in the SA Police Service, are investigated and addressed, to avoid similar challenges being encountered in future procurement projects, especially given the high risk posed by COVID-19.
Given the gradually increasing cost of the Commission of Inquiry into Allegations of State Capture, which requires government to move funds from other programmes to ensure that investigations are conducted. The Minister of Finance and the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development should ensure that, proper planning and budgeting is done for the commission to conduct its investigations without fear or favour, and to conclude its work as soon as possible.
Deputy Chair, whilst the committee acknowledges that, the issue of illicit financial flows is the responsibility of National Treasury and the SA Revenue Service. It recommends that National Treasury together with other affected organs of state, expedite the work that is being done to address these issues, as the country needs the funds that are being lost through these financial flows more than ever before.
Repeated parliamentary committee reports have made numerous recommendations with regards to this issue, and Parliament will continue to monitor progress in this regard. The Minister of Finance together with Cabinet of the Republic, should take drastic steps to ensure that challenges encountered with the disbursement of funds in the bank loan guarantee schemes, as part of unlocking the private sector to booster economic recovery, are addressed and that, South African developmental finance institutions are also considered for participation in the scheme without crowding out the private sector. Parliament will continue to monitor progress in this regard.
The National Treasury should improve its public participation programme and feedback mechanisms, with regards to zero-based
budgeting and other critical programmes to ensure that, civil society submissions are taken into consideration.
Furthermore, hon Deputy Chair, the National Treasury should furnish Parliament with details on how zero-based budgeting will be operationalised and what effect it will have on the current budget cycle.
Whilst the committee agrees with the need to establish the Public Sector Wage Bill, government should ensure that the salary freeze should not result in the public sector brain drain, with critical government positions not attracting the required scarce skills and expertise needed to deliver quality services to the people.
The committee also encourages both government and public sector unions to address all matters related to wage negotiations in the Public Service Coordinating Bargaining Council.
Hon Deputy Chair, The National Treasury and the department of Social Development should ensure that, adequate responses are provided to any correspondence from civil society organisations regarding sectoral issues, and expedite the
processes of migrating the early childhood development programmes from the Department of Social Development to the Department of Basic Education.
The Minister of Social Development should ensure that, unregistered and illegal Early Childhood Development, ECD programmes are investigated and the necessary remedial actions are taken into consideration, without compromising ECD services.
Hon Deputy Chair and hon members, the National Treasury should commit to more engagement with departments affected by in-year spending adjustment, and should be required to report on the consultations conducted before the committee processes its budget. The limited available time to interact with stakeholders when processing budget, should be addressed by the administrative and political leadership of Parliament.
Hon Deputy Chair, chairpersons of parliamentary committees should engage each other, to determine how ...[Inaudible] ... can contribute more effectively to the processes. I want to thank everybody as I did previously, members and everybody who contributed hon Chair.
I further want to say on behalf of the committee, we recommend to the House that the Bill should be adopted without amendment. Thank you very much hon Chair, all the members and South Africans. Please take care during the festive season and stay safe. Ngiyathokoza (Thank you).
Question Put.
Declaration(s) of vote:
Mnr S F DU TOIT: Agb Adjunkvoorsitter, dit is duidelik dat daar geen twyfel meer is dat Suid-Afrika in ’n geweldige finansiële krisis is nie en dat dit nie die gevolg van enige gebeurtenis in die verlede is nie. Dit moet in totaliteit voor die deur van die ANC gelê word.
Yes, spatial planning was addressed but at bloated costs due to tenderpreneurs and corruption. Structural reforms were instituted upside down, which resulted in an unstable economy that doesn’t allow for spontaneous growth in a volatile and regulated arena.
The Appropriation Bill is, and has been in line with the integrated development plan, IDP, and the National Development Plan, NDP, thus being in line with the political ideology and the agenda of the combined ANC-SA Communist Party and their affiliates. It has therefore been in line with the twisted basket of socialist, Marxist and communist financial approach that the ruling party advocates and promotes. The Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse, Outa, put it in a nutshell:
The South African government has reached the limits of its ability to fund its expenditure via taxes, excise duties and user charges. Nondiscretionary spending, which includes the wage bill and debt servicing costs, crowds out social and infrastructure investment. To fund the growing deficit and debt obligations, South Africa is forced to breach the limit which it can safely borrow.
South Africa needs to undertake fiscal consolidation in order to restore its fiscal balance. Increasing tax rates is not only regressive, but it will hamper the economy from recovery. In order to restore fiscal balance, cost reduction strategies need to be utilised and applied in a
manner that preserves social spending to support the most vulnerable and protects human rights realisation.
Die irrasionele vermindering en verhoging van toekennings aan verskillende begrotingsposte is duidelik polities van aard.
Die huidige finansiële situasie in die land herinner aan ’n veldbrand in die koppe van Rustenburg. Ons sien die rook; ons voel die vlamme; die hande wat kom help is min maar gewillig. Die vuur kan nie noodwendig dadelik geblus word nie. Dus word water hier en daar gespuit om uit pligsbesef op te tree. In baie sulke gevalle, is die enigste manier om te verhoed dat die vuur onherstelbare verwoesting saai, is om vuur met vuur te beveg, of om die dryfmiddel of brandbare materiaal heeltemaal uit die pad te skraap en te verwyder.
With reference to the hon Wessels in the National Assembly, this is not an Appropriation Bill that government can be proud of. Government must take note that the time for political games is over. We do not have the financial stamina for that. Government cannot ration their stockpile anymore.
The time has come to rid the ship of the rodents. The FF Plus does not support this Bill. Thank you, Chair.
Plus is finished. The IFP? The IFP is not present. The EFF?
Ms M O MOKAUSE: Chairperson, we won’t be making a declaration but we are objecting to the Bill.
An HON MEMBER: Okay Olive, thanks.
Mr D R RYDER: Thank you very much, Deputy Chairperson.
‘n AGB LID: [Onhoorbaar.] ... mooi praat jong.
Mr D R RYDER: [Inaudible.] ... is a convoluted, complex and detailed document. There is often a tendency to delve deeply into the detail ... [Inaudible.] ... focus on individual allocation. However, taking a step back and looking at the
overall appropriation gives an idea of the mood, focus and priorities of the President and his Cabinet.
The Finance Minister has made it quite clear that the decisions that we are asked to approve today are Cabinet decisions, not his alone. I certainly don’t blame him for trying to distance himself from this schizophrenic collection of compromises, payoffs and repayments. The Bill before us gives us a taste of the divisions and power plays that are taking place in that Cabinet; divisions that are replicated throughout the governing party and all of its structures.
So, what we see are slashes to the departments and projects which should be receiving more funding. We see money taken from key departments like Health, Education and Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation. We see money being taken from provincial and local government where service delivery rarely happens and where revenue collection took a massive hit during the lockdown. We see funds being diverted to failing state-owned entities, SOEs.
We see funds being spent to put jackboots on the ground. Now let me be clear. The military needs funding but they need it
for equipment maintenance and technology enhancements, not for Orwellian deployments against our own citizens. When I saw the lists of what was to be cut out of the Budget just to fund the SA Airways, SAA, it made me feel physically sick.
The sacrifices are huge.
However, the biggest problem with this Budget is the wishful dream that much of the shortfall will be funded by a decision of the courts to allow the government to go back on its wage deal with employees. As much as the DA agrees that the wage bill needs a substantial trimming, the reliance on this is gambling with the economy. Not even the Minister’s own comrades are supporting this, with the standing Committee on Public Service and Administration openly voicing their doubts.
We have been double downgraded firmly in junk but the Minister has doubled down as well, and if his gamble doesn’t pay off, we are going to end up looking for lenders that will either reject us or charge us rates that will leave us as beggars for years to come.
The debt levels are already too high. We are sentencing our children to spend ... [Inaudible.] ... their lives paying off our debts. This Adjustments Appropriation is going to hurt us
Mr D R RYDER: ... for years and is therefore rejected along with the recommendations in the report.
Mr Y I CARRIM: Thank you, Deputy Chairperson. The thing that strikes you about the opposition parties is that they, you know, offer these glib statements about COVID-19 but for the most part they haven’t internalised it. This is the biggest crisis, not ... just us but the world has had since 1918 and it has got far more disastrous consequences than any other pandemic in the last 102 years.
So, what is this about? Governments all over the world, not just our one, are battling, floundering and fumbling to find
the right balances; to get the right fiscal and monetary balances in an unprecedented situation. Look at the nightmare in Europe, the UK and, not least, the USA. Our government is also facing the challenges. There are no certainties, no clear answers, and that’s ... [Inaudible.] ... to race, but look, appropriations, as Dikeledi Mahlangu says, is about finding the trade-offs or balances, and if that’s true about all appropriations Bills and budgets as a whole, it’s even far more of a case, certainly now.
Where are the answers from the opposition about ... take the money from here ... this particular Vote? Rather put it there. These are the reasons. Take something from this subprogramme and put it there. These are the reasons. There’s no such thing. There’s just bluster, and reject, reject, reject for the sake of rejecting.
If you take the FF Plus, they talk about over-regulation. Now, if anything, what this COVID has taught us is that the state needs to intervene. It’s not the commandist, neo- Stalinist economies he is thinking about. Can you imagine this government opting? It’s a social democracy; something
between the free market ... total freedom that the FF Plus seems to want, and state commandism.
Secondly, I think to describe Minister Tito Mboweni now as a Marxist really takes the cake. Like many other comrades in the ANC, I have no doubt he was substantially influenced by Marxism until 1990. I have no doubt he has a very firm grasp of it but he certainly, Mr Fanie du Toit ... You can say many things you’ve said about him but that he’s a Marxist now is really absurd.
Now, you know, you have divide and rule. Here is Mr Ryder complaining the ANC’s operating ... [Inaudible.] ... the verkrampte Broederbond and the National Party. So he is now dividing the Minister of Finance from the rest of the government and the ANC. It can’t be done. When you talk of Orwellian deployment, you talk about this appropriation and the budget ... [Inaudible.] ... hurting us ... [Inaudible.]
... long time to come.
Mr Fanie du Toit talks about rodents and ships, and so on. It could be very evocative, Mr Fanie. Who are the rodents you are talking about?
However, coming back to this point here. You know, we have our problems as the ANC. The people in Mongolia and Alaska know about it. Yet, every time I hear the opposition parties, I think, thank God that there’s an ANC in power. I shudder to think if ever any of these people were to come to power; if any of these people ... [Inaudible.] ... opposition ... [Time expired.] [Interjections.]
HON MEMBERS: Malibongwe! {Interjections.] [Applause.]
Division demanded.
The Council divided.
Bill agreed to in accordance with section 75 of the Constitution.
The CHIEF WHIP OF THE NCOP: Deputy Chairperson of the NCOP, fellow colleagues, Minister Mboweni, MECs present, distinguished special delegates, the SA Local Government Association, Salga, fellow South Africans, once more we have reached that moment of the year when we have to part ways, to down tools, to join our families and constituencies for the festive season. This is indeed a special moment for our loved ones and the people we serve. A moment we must appreciate as the people located at the cutting edge of service to our people, united in our diversity. It should also be a moment for critical reflection.
First and foremost, we must reflect on how best we both as a collective and as individuals we’ve thrown our weight behind the ... [Inaudible.] task of transforming the National Council of Provinces into a genuine custodian of provincial interests in the national sphere of government. Secondly, what must we do to improve our service to the people of South Africa as ambassadors of provincial and local government in the national Parliament? These are certainly not easy questions, but each one of us must endeavour to reflect on these very involved and complex questions. As we rise to
close this year, we really look back at the last 10 months with a great sense of pride and confidence of a brighter in the work of this august House. Firstly, we have mobilised our efforts to combat collectively the ... [Inaudible.] chaos and toxic culture of placing party political contestations ahead of collective interests and aspirations of South African people.
This year alone there were critical moments where we spoke with one voice on fundamental issues which affect our people across provinces. This is a supreme test of responsible leadership. We have also demonstrated a great sense of honesty is expressing our differences on fundamental questions of policy as evidence of multiparty Parliament that this House is. This has been indeed inspiring and demonstrates the maturing nature of our democracy.
At the core of these success stories is the evolving assault on blind majoritarianism which locates party political interests above superior logic and political persuasion, in equal measure fighting the disposition of some minority parties to privilege blind opposition which opposes for the sake of opposing? It is a culture we must nurture, defend,
and consolidate into the posterity. The year 2020 was indeed a difficult year for Parliament and for our people, but it has been a great one too. We have lost many South Africans; some of them our colleagues and our economy have been adversely affected. This has impacted on many of our plans and is destroying the livelihoods of our people.
Nevertheless, we have consistently demonstrated a deep sense of collective leadership, empathy and solidarity in the midst of this deadly COVID-19 pandemic.
We have indeed authored an indelible script that will be encrypted in history books for many generations to come. For me personally, as the Chief Whip of the Council, it has been tremendous joy working with every single one of you. The fierce howling from opposition benches and the rumbling replies from the ruling party have all been a demonstration of how vibrant democracy has become. I will dearly miss the combination of jabs and cheers in areas that best illuminates our diversity and strength in the unity of the opposites.
Lastly, we dip our heads in honour of many hon members and colleagues who have passed on this year due to COVID-19 and other illnesses. They remain a permanent part of this august
House, and our hearts shall remain with their families. We must also honour those among us who have survived the demon of COVID-19. They have indeed authored hope to many South Africans that this battle can be won. We also wish hon Mandla Rayi a speedy recovery. He could not join us because of ill health. Allow me, hon members, Chairperson; allow me, with these few remarks, to wish all of you and your families all the best for this festive season. For those who will be travelling, may the universe secure you a safe journey back home until we meet again next year. Happy Christmas and a prosperous new year, I thank you. [Applause.]
Ms C LABUSCHAGNE: Hon Deputy Chair, hon Minister, hon members and fellow South Africans we have come to the parliamentary end of the historic year. We started this year with some stark realities as stated in the President’s state of the nation address speech delivered on 13 February 2020 which reads as follows:
Our country is facing a stark reality. Our economy has not grown at any meaningful rate for over a decade. Even as jobs are being created, the rate of unemployment is deepening. The recovery of our economy has stalled as
persistent energy shortages have disrupted businesses and people’s lives. Several state-owned enterprises, SOEs are in distress, and our public finances are under severe pressure.
With that back drop of which we enter the... [sound disturbances.]
The DEPUTY CHAIRPERSON OF THE NCOP: Hon Labuschagne, just a moment. Hon Dodovu really, it is becoming too much. So, hon Labuschagne sorry you may continue.
Ms C LABUSCHAGNE: Thank you Chair. We all remember the hard lockdown first started in March this year with the aim to get our health facilities and services ready to be able to flatten the curve as well as save lives. This was followed by various levels of lockdown with devastating socioeconomic consequences on the majority of South Africans that will not be equal rise within the next four years.
This is still the stark reality as we are experiencing a surge of corona virus infections in some parts of our country again. Our public finances are even more challenged as it is
clearly demonstrated by the Adjustment Appropriation Bill we have just voted on. Furthermore, corruption is still another stark reality despite the fact that the President has also declared war on corruption.
As if this is in itself not more than enough to cope with, failing local governments’ not in delivering basic services to their communities for a reality across the country. The stark reality for the NCOP as the institution in normal circumstances is to adhere to and fulfil our constitutional mandate and it comes with prices more certainly to ensure that we address the issues of our provinces on a national level and specifically in the legislature process.
We have to adjust the way we conduct business of Parliament which is still serving the public we represent to ensure change is needed. With this in mind, I would like to reflect few issues and the activities of the NCOP in 2020. We recognise and applaud the NCOP for utilising and services ... [Inaudible.] knowledge in Parliament to continue working during lockdown on virtual platforms of Zoom and Microsoft word.
Some of us are still struggling with connectivity that we hopefully will be addressed as virtual meeting to Parliament is one of the positive results of the coronavirus crisis that I think should be utilised in future as it is cost and time saving. We urge the Presiding Officers, Chiefs and Chairs of Select Committees and Whips of committees as well as members to go out against party political decisions in Select Committees that underm9ine the rule of law as well as the constitutional function of the NCOP as was the case in the recommendations 6 139 on March. Decisions like that do not only cost the taxpayer’s money in our dire economic circumstances. It furthermore undermines the image of the NCOP as they are supposed to be a respected institution representing and fighting for the people without fear or favour.
On the same note we welcome the formation of the ad hoc committee to address section 100 Intervention in North West province again. It was not without a fight led by the DA our institution should stand out as being recognised integrity which implies that the political parties should have robust debates on policies, budgets and the impact of legislation
not about following procedures and processes seek out in the Constitution, Rules and Adopted practises.
Still on more or less on the same principle for one side a decision must be taken on what the department has been prioritised for oversight on the impact of the coronavirus crisis as well as the full matter of this oversight but still that does not exist in the rules of the NCOP. Despite new innovative ways of conducting plenary and committees on virtual platforms, then who’s committee of the NCOP [Inaudible.] never met to either discuss or adjust any of these new rules made by us weeks ago.
We recognise the fight to keep the executive accountable by oral questions in the leg part of 2020 and welcome the new formula of recognising members for follow up questions. We welcome the focus of local governments in Local Government Week as well as it focuses on section 139 and section 154 in the Provincial Week. We again urge all members to be responsible and accountable in our decisions regarding interventions.
We recognise the NCOP’s role in the various Sectoral issues addressed by Parliament in 2020. We welcome the focus on gender-based violence and we would welcome and arrive to bring evidence-based change in declining numbers in gender- based violence in future.
We are proud to have introduced the first climate change debate held in the NCOP on March 2020 and hope that the NCOP will embrace our mandate of elevating the issues of provinces to the national level with climate change issues to be reflected in our policies, legislation, budgets and strategic plans of all departments as well as assessing the impacts of these in our communities.
It should be logic that some focus should be on the importance of our natural resources such as power, water and an environment in balance with human activity to ensure sustainability. We urge the selection of these to focus on the impact of legislation to initiate the review of legislation that prove challenges may implemented and find innovative ways to amend and adjust policies and legislation to the benefit of our people and economy.
That is one of our constitutional mandates that we are still lacking as proved by some of the Bills being sent back to Parliament by the Presidency. These Bills were all passed in the NCOP against public participation, oppositions’ input and even some legal opinions.
We urge the NCOP to remember the stark reality of the South African’s state of the nation address before the coronavirus crisis hit us. Not to reflect every challenge and difficulty to the coronavirus crisis but to clearly evaluate and differentiate for us to be able to address the realities as well as impacts of the virus and lives and livelihoods.
I want to pay a tribute to all frontline healthcare workers. All healthcare workers and essential services workers potentially sacrificed their safety to be of service to us. Thank you to all other public servants, NGOs, community-based organisations CBOs, faith-based organisations, FBOs, businesses and individuals who contributed financially and in any other way to help us cope during this crisis.
We cannot end this financial year without recognising the loss of the loved one due to the virus. Our heartfelt
condolences to each and every person, colleagues and that all families who made through the life changing experience of losing a loved one.
Lastly, I want to pay tribute to the staff who carried the behind-the –scenes workload during this difficult year. You were very often than once who had to deal with people’s fear, frustrations and anger. Thank you for being patient, professional at addressing the issues.
Thank you to the Presiding Officers, the Chief Whip, the opposition and all other colleagues from all other parties for the robust discussions and interactions. We believe this is one way of ensuring that we would pull our row as representatives of the people who elected us. I am very proud of being part of the current year team and cannot praise and thank my fellow DA colleagues for the dedication, hard work, enthusiasm, care and professional way that they demonstrated values and the principles of freedom, fairness, opportunities and diversity in the daily parliamentary activities. It is a privilege to serve with you.
I want to wish us all a time of rest and reflection, a time to refuel and renew for the challenges of many things that we want. I would like to bless us all for the peaceful and joyous festive season with family and friends, remembering the basic rules of living with Covid-19 - #mask up, wash hands and sanitise, keep your distance, open doors and windows and avoid crowds and close contact. I thank you.
Ms M O MOKAUSE: Deputy Chairperson of the Council, we have come to the end of yet another year as delegates to this Council and representatives of our people’s aspiration and hopes of the future.
This has been a year like no other. Our nation like the rest of the world has been unplugged into fear and uncertainty brought about by coronavirus. Our state has been exposed for what it truly is, a mere arrangement for protecting white wealth and being a buffer between our people’s anger and the continuing injustices and the opulent lifestyles of the rich who are largely the decedents of the land thieves.
As the rich hold themselves up in their high walls yards, bought themselves health supplements and emptied shelves at
supermarkets to ensure their survival at the beginning of the pandemic. The vast majority of our people who are black people suffered crippling anxiety because they did not know where their next meal was going to come from or whether or not their hospitals which have been dysfunctional for years would be able to take care of them when they get sick.
The entire nation looked on as food funds resources meant to alleviate the suffering of the poor were once again redirected to the bottomless pockets of the ruling party elites. House Chairperson 2021 has to be the year that our people cement their breakup with a party that has overseen the deepening of their suffering.
The EFF has, as always been on the side of the people. We initiated the South African Reserve Bank Amendment Bill to nationalise the South African Reserve Bank and put it under the ownership of the people as a whole. We initiated and tabled the National Health Amendment Bill in order to legislate the clinics to open for 24hours throughout the country.
Chairperson, we have also ensured that walk towards the amendment of section 25 of the Constitution continues because we know that if it were for the ruling party, then our work would be long forgotten by now.
Chairperson our representatives in the NA, legislatures throughout the country and councils throughout municipalities including delegates here in this Council have made a huge sacrifice and donated 33% of their salaries towards the solidarity fund in order to assist government’s response to coronavirus.
On the ground, we have been the ever present voice of our people, the black majority of this country fighting racism whenever it raises its ugly hand. From Clicks to Senekal to our own Brackenfell which belongs to black people.
Racists know that whenever the EFF comes, they must hide their stinking tales and their red necks. Despite all this, a lot more still needs to happen. It is for this reason that we urge South Africans from all walks of life to take good care of themselves. This country will go back to its rightful owners, the black majority.
Coronavirus is still with us, it is still dangerous and it still kills. Let us observe safety protocol as we enjoy this festive break. Those who drink must do so in moderation. Let us reduce gatherings and try and stay at home as much as possible. Our health and safety depends solemnly on us. From us the EFF to you, happy holidays. Let us meet on the ground come 2021. Thank you Chairperson.
Mr A B CLOETE: Chairperson, 2020 was the year of the so- called new normal. It was the year in which we were infected
– infected by a virus that almost brought the world to a standstill. We were infected by masks which have basically become part of our faces and latched onto us as we even lost the ability to see people smile. We were infected with the ability to breathe easily, and our right to life, to oxygen, was restricted. We were infected by regulations upon regulations – apparently to protect ourselves and other.
We were told that this is the new normal.
Chair, with this, no-one can breathe.
Ons mag nie toelaat dat dinge nie normaal word nie. Niemand sê Covid-19 is nie ‘n realiteit nie. Vriende en familie na aan ons is geaffekteer. Sommige van ons het geliefdes verloor. In ons eie midde het ons kollegas verloor.
Maar ons mag nie toelaat dat ons so beperk en ingeperk word nie. Ons mag nie aanvaar dat ons ... [Onhoorbaar.] Ons mag nie toelaat dat ons vryheid gesteel word onder die dekmantel dat dit vir ons eie beswil is nie. Ons mag nie toelaat dat ons vryheid ingeboet word nie; dit mag nooit die nuwe normaal wees nie.
Chair, acts of carnage in our streets and in front of our schools and more farm attacks with more brutality may never be normal. [Interjections.] Political elites receiving Covid-
19 contracts, the Eastern Cape’s Ubermeds-scooter ambulance failure, disregard for the law and the Zondo Commission may never be the new normal. Allowing government to bail out SAA again to the peril of our healthcare system may not be the new normal.
In the meantime, unemployment reached new levels and our state funds are exhausted. Our municipalities remain to be not self-reliant and a general mess.
So, for many, 2020 was a dark year with very little light at the end of the tunnel.
And yet, ordinary South Africans made it through the year. We have shown that our ability to survive is stronger than our seemingly overwhelming problems.
Ons het oorleef, want ons het ‘n belangrike les geleer: Ons het geleer ons leef nie vir onsself nie. Sommige het hulle werk verloor. Sommige kon vir dae nie eet nie. Ons verantwoordelikheid teenoor mekaar het sterker geword en dié wat kan het dié wat nie kan nie gehelp. Dit is waar ons krag lê.
Sommige van ons doen self. Waar die staat nie kon of wou help nie, het ons self. Waar sommiges wou breek, het sommige gebou en skoongemaak. Waar ander wou moor en die regering nie daarin geslaag het om moorde en misdaad te bekamp nie, het
ander ingespring, patrollies gedoen en ons gemeenskappe veilig gehou.
Ons weet nou gemeenskappe wat omgee is sterk gemeenskappe. Daardie gemeenskappe het saamgestaan en sterk gestaan.
Dit is ‘n nuwe normaal: ‘n Nuwe normaal waar burgers self doen waar die regering misluk het of die staat ons eenvoudig nie gehelp het nie.
Maybe C S Lewis coined it perfectly when he said:
The State exists simply to promote and to protect the ordinary happiness of human beings in this life. That is what the State is there for. And unless they are helping to increase and prolong and protect that, all the laws, parliaments, armies, courts, police, economics, etc... are simply a waste of time.
Hopelik is volgende jaar die jaar waarin gewone mense hulle eie nuwe normaal gaan skep, ‘n normaal waar ons vryhede
beskerm word, sterker en veiliger gemeenskappe gebou word en die regering uiteindelik sy plek begin besef.
Die VF Plus wens elkeen ‘n geseende Kersfees toe en mag die boodskap van Christus se liefde en hoop opnuut in ons harte ingeets word. Dankie. [Tussenwerpsels.]
The DEPUTY CHAIRPERSON OF THE NCOP: Agb Mokause, kan jy ons tog toelaat?
The CHAIRPERSON OF THE NCOP: Greeting to all delegates; the Minister of Finance, Tito Mboweni; the Deputy Chairperson of the National Council of Provinces, hon Sylvia Lukas; House Chairperson for Committees and Oversight, hon J Nyambi; House Chairperson for International Relations and Members’ Support, hon W Ngwenya; Chief Whip of the NCOP, hon S Mohai; SA Local Government Association, Salga, representatives; permanent and special delegates; ladies and gentlemen, it is not everyday that we get to say good farewell to one another.
It is therefore a special moment to pause and look back in examination of our effort in the NCOP and the raged difficult road we have travelled during the year. We started off the
year with the finalisation of the strategic plan of the sixth Parliament. The plan set out two main priorities of strengthening oversight and accountability; and enhancing public involvement.
We also identified the need to strengthen oversight and accountability between the three spheres of government, in particular, the sixth Parliament committed itself to the following: Improving committee oversight work; improving the effectiveness of public hearings; enhancing research and legal support; improving the capacity of Members of Parliament, MPs; improving monitoring, tracking and evaluation; using modern technology; and ensuring efficiency, productivity and cost saving.
Little did we know that as early as the first quarter of this calendar year, our plans would be threatened by the spread of coronavirus, Covid-19, here and abroad. One notes the devastation and the debilitating effect in China, in Italy, in Spain, in England, the Americas, in Africa, across the Caribbean and indeed elsewhere.
As we speak, Covid-19 cases in South Africa stand at about 821 000. Parliament temporarily held its activities back as a precautionary measure. The aim was to drastically limit the numbers of people at the precincts, in Cape Town and at the off-site parliamentary activities/venues.
We salute all those who passed on, as well as all the frontline health workers and those who deliver similar services. Given the indispensable role of Parliament in our democracy, even in times of disaster, we were able to quickly put in place the necessary information and communications technology infrastructure to ensure that the work of the institution continue through virtual meetings.
We were aware that our country’s terrain would present us with challenges when it comes to connectivity, which is a matter I guess that still confronts us as we move into the future. We reframed the rules to make provisions for virtual House sittings and the sittings of committees. We directed the administration to take every possible step to eliminate any possible compromise as a result of parliamentary processes and procedures applicable during this period.
I am not one to sing praises in every available instance, but I am happy to say that we have done sterling work in spite of the circumstances. For example, in respect of legislation, we have passed 21 Bills this year, which includes the following: National Public Health Institute of South Africa Bill, under section 76; Division of Revenue and Division of Revenue Amendment Bills, under section 76; Disaster Management Tax and Relief Bill; under section 77; Prescription of Civil and Criminal Matters - Sexual Offences - Amendment Bill, under section 75; and the Local Government Municipal Structures Amendment Bill, under section 76.
In respect of question, 2020 compared favourably with 2019, which was an election year. In 2019, a total of 538 written and oral questions were put to the executive and answered. Once in 2020, the total was 958. Our observations are thus, in the beginning of the sixth Parliament, the majority of questions from MPs solicited responses on the thematic areas of the National Development Plan.
There was an increase of questions in respect of quality health care, clean environment, quality of education, skills development, housing, water, electricity and sanitation. In
respect of the NCOP flagship programmes, we successfully implemented the NCOP Provincial Week and the NCOP Local Government Week programmes. Going into the future, we need to ensure that the outcomes of these engagements are followed up.
We initiated the number of ministerial briefings towards enhancing co-operation amongst the three spheres of government to combat the spread of the coronavirus, and to address the economic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. The purpose was to ensure that the three spheres of government work together in response to the impact of Covid-19 pandemic.
The briefings were as follows: The Ministerial Briefing on Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs and Health on
25 May 2020; the Ministerial Briefing on Education on 25 June 2020; the Ministerial Briefing on Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation on 7 July 2020; the Ministerial Briefing on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development on 25 August 2020; the Ministerial Briefing on Small Business Development on 1 September 2020; the Ministerial Briefing on Employment and Labour on 13 October 2020; and the Ministerial Briefing
Poverty Index and Poverty Lines in South Africa on 20 October 2020.
This past week, we hosted the briefing by the interministerial task team on Section 100 interventions in North West province, which was initiated in 2018. The aim of the briefing was to ensure that all of us are exposed to the detail of this important exercise.
As you are aware, the NCOP has handled very few section 100 interventions since its inception. The last similar intervention in a province by a national government was in Limpopo during the fourth Parliament. I will, in due course, provide direction on how the NCOP will process the report of the interministerial team in this regard.
I wish to thank the people of South Africa, permanent and special delegates, the representatives of SA Local Government Association, led by its leadership of organised local government, and our partner institution for a great working relationship over the course of this year.
I would also like to thank the Presiding Officers for their great support and leadership: The Deputy Chairperson for leading sectoral work that included important initiatives, such as Women’s Chapter Review; the House Chairperson of Committees and Oversight for collaborative efforts with the National Assembly, and ensuring that the committees have the necessary support, even under virtual working conditions; and the House Chairperson for International Relations and Members’ Support for initiating work that seeks to ensure that members operate in a conducive environment.
Many of us would agree that 2020 was a very tough and testing year. We thank the administration of Parliament for ensuring that Parliament transitioned to a virtual paradigm in response to the global pandemic. We are aware that this imposes and imposed extreme pressure on the staff and personnel, particularly on our information and communications technology support team. Our ICT team were instrumental in the transformation of the skills of many MPs, from the beginners to intermediary and advanced levels in the use of modern tools of work.
I would like to thank the Acting Secretary of Parliament, Ms Baby Tyawa, for leading and co-ordinating our response to the Covid-19 pandemic, with due care for all categories of MPs, members and staff. We appreciate the work of the Secretary of the NCOP, Adv Modibedi Phindela, and his team, for consistent and professional support for the Presiding Officers and delegates to the NCOP. Mr Godfrey Mokate, the Executive Director of the Office of the Chairperson of the NCOP has worked tirelessly to lead and co-ordinate personal and behind-the-scene support to the Presiding Officers.
The disruption caused by Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in the virtual workplace, flexibility and savings in cost, in terms of conducting parliamentary work. However, its effect should be measured by the extent to which it has assisted us to become a responsive people’s Parliament. Therefore, we must identify the possible impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic to our work, as well as associated risks, and ensure that we derive lessons for the future.
The developments regarding the search for Covid-19 vaccine in different parts of the world are most welcome. However, we know that it will take a longer time before these vaccines
are generally available. Until then, the solution remains: Ensuring personal hygiene and good health practices; practicing social distancing at all times; wearing a mask over your mouth and nose, especially when in public spaces; and washing your hands regularly with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based sanitiser.
Let us all practice extreme care during this festive season, as we interact with family members and friends. Let nobody contribute to any death in whatever way that can be avoided, especially when help in the form of vaccine is on its way.
Tomorrow marks the end of 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against and Children campaign. However, given the scourge of gender-based violence in the country, we must not forget that the 16 days campaign forms the centre point of government’s comprehensive 365 days of activism. We must all play our part.
I wish you a great festive break. May you please find time to relax so that you can come back fresh and re-energised next year. 2021 is an important year in our national political calendar.
Apart from 2021 Local government Elections, we will continue to grapple with seeking to build our economy, fighting unemployment, addressing inequality, and battle poverty over all.
We are not where we were in 1994; we are not where we should be in 2020. The future beckons and a national democratic society is within grasp. Thank you very much. [Applause.]
The DEPUTY CHAIRPERSON OF THE NCOP: Allow me, before I adjourn the House ... [Interjections.] May I order the House
... [Interjections.] Order! The House is not yet adjourned and I also want just to say something to you. Before we ... [Inaudible.] ... today, the House sitting, I just also want to say: The year 2020 was a very difficult year, when we were fighting the dual pandemic of violence against women and children, as well as Covid-19.
We want to think and reflect on all of those that passed away and all of those that were at the forefront of making sure that they work with us in the fight against both the pandemics that we spoke about. Also, before we conclude, let us remember: The late Auditor-General, Mr Kimi Makwetu –
someone that we worked with; Prof Daniel Plaatjies – someone that we worked with in the Finance and Fiscal Commission; as well as our own member, hon Mmola, who also succumbed to Covid-19.
I want us to remember them for the contribution that they have made during our lifetime of working, as working people; and also want to emphasise that Covid-19 is a reality, for those that do not realise it. Please, during these holidays, make sure that you are at the forefront of advocating the importance that we should - co-ordinated – fight against this pandemic.
Let me then conclude by thanking the Minister of Finance whom today attended this plenary session. I particularly thank the Chairperson of the NCOP for his guidance and leadership throughout the year, and also for his patience with people like me, who are little bit impatient and hot headed. I want to really thank the Chief Whip, for your leadership and your guidance throughout, and also for your patience. You are one of the people that are very supportive. We really want to thank you for being the kind of person that you are.
Adv Phindela and your team – our offices - we want to thank you because, like hon Labuschagne have said, “It is those that are working in the backroom that are ensuring our success. So, we want to express our appreciation to them also. Let us all have joyous holidays.
For those that observe Christmas, may it be a Christ feast for you; and may 2021 be a year of decisive action for all of us. As you travel, travel safely. As you are going home, take time out to rest and make sure that you come back refreshed – God willing - all of you. We wish you the best of the best.
Debate concluded.
The Council adjourned and rose at 16:46.
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