Restructuring in the Department of Trade and Industry

The Department has been involved in an intensive reorganisation exercise for the last 11 months. In essence, DTI has set itself three (3) major targets to increase access to sustainable economic growth and increase in employment. These 3 major targets are:

These targets will drive the achievement of major advances in the following six (6) areas:

Substantial progress has already been made in re-organising the Department to meet these challenges. The previous ten (10) Chief Directorates with an amalgam of policy and implementation roles have been transformed into six (6) focussed units.

The establishment of two regulatory and administrative institutions will take place. These institutions will administer functions currently performed by the Department.


The new structures are being populated beginning at the highest levels. Two Deputy Director General posts have been filled and it is anticipated that the DD-G Group Systems and Support Services post will be filled by end September. A new Chair for the Board on Tariffs and Trade has been appointed. The post of Chief Operating Officer, CIPRO has been advertised and should be filled by the end of September.

Several new Chief Director, CEO, COO, and Director posts have been advertised and interviews for 10 of these posts will have been completed by the middle of September. This layer of new leadership will be involved in recruiting the level of Directors. Staff migrating from current posts will fill the majority of new posts. A target of 50% women representation in all new posts from Director level upwards has been set. Filling of all new posts and migration of staff into the new structures should be completed by March 2001.