










1.         These comments are directed to :


            1.1        The Minister of Justice and Constitutional

                        Development (Ref Mr J.J. Labuschagne)

                        Private Bag X81





                        [email protected]


            1.2        The Director-General

                        (Attention : Mr M. Peter)

                        Department of Provincial and Local Government

                        Private Bag X804






                        Fax : 012 – 3344828


                        [email protected]



2.         These two Bills are inter-related and both have as their primary objective the excision and removal of the local municipality of Matatiele from the province of KwaZulu-Natal and its inclusion in the province of the Eastern Cape.


3.         These comments are submitted by the Matatiele/Maluti Mass Action Committee which consists of the following organizations :


            Poverty Alleviation Network

            Cedarville and District Farmers Association

            Matatiele Chamber of Commerce

            Governing Body of the King Edward High School

            George Moshesh Tribal Authority

            Maluti Chamber of Business

            Matatiele and Maluti Council of Churches

            Moharane Community Based Organization

            Zizaneke Preschool Training Project


            which are representative of the broad spectrum of the residents of the affected area.

4.         The Committee opposes the excision and removal of Matatiele to the Eastern Cape Province and supports its present geographical position in the province of KwaZulu-Natal.


5.         The Committee conducted litigation against the Government on this issue and the detail thereof is set out full in the papers in Case No. CCT 73/05 and in summary in the following judgments :-


                        Matatiele Municipality and Others v President of the Republic           of South Africa & Others 2006 (5) BCLR 622 (CC) (Report No. 1)


                        Matatiele Municipality and Others v President of the Republic           of South Africa and Others 2007 (1) BCLR 47 (CC) (Report No.         2)


6.         The Committee was successful in obtaining an order that the legislative instruments facilitating the removal of Matatiele to the province of the Eastern Cape were invalid by reason of the failure of the KwaZulu-Natal Provincial legislature to facilitate public involvement as required by section 118 (1)(a) of the Constitution. The invalidity was suspended for a period of 18 months, during which period Parliament was afforded the opportunity to correct the constitutional defect.


7.         This memorandum and the submissions address the merits of the objective of the two Bills which is to remove the municipality of Matatiele from KwaZulu-Natal to the Eastern Cape.


8.         The Committee bona fide believes that they have the support of an overwhelming majority of the citizens of the municipality of Matatiele. There is also substantial majority support from the citizens of the Maluti area.


9.         The Committee intends to demand its right to public involvement in terms of Section 118 (1)(a) of the Constitution from the KwaZulu-Natal legislature and requires as an absolute minimum :-


9.1        public meetings conducted by independent or multi-party groups in the area of Matatiele to engage and be responsive to the wishes of the people of Matatiele.


9.2        An opportunity to address the legislature on the occasion that the vote is taken on the issue of the exercise of approval or a veto of the Bill amending the Constitution.


10.        The Committee asserts to the National Assembly and the National Council of Provinces that the majority of the citizens of Matatiele do not wish to live in the Eastern Cape Province. They wish to live in the KwaZulu-Natal Province.


11.        Whereas they have very good reasons for wanting to remain in the province of KwaZulu-Natal they have not been given any good or convincing reasons for the removal of Matatiele to the Eastern Cape Province.


12.        The Constitutional Court has affirmed that the citizens of Matatiele have constitutional rights to have a preference :-


“[79]           In addition the legislation involved was a constitutional amendment that would alter the boundary of KwaZulu-Natal and would have the effect of relocating whole communities from one province to another. This legislation had a direct and profound impact on a discrete and identifiable section of the population – the people of Matatiele. By a stroke of a pen, they were relocated from the province of KwaZulu-Natal into the province of the Eastern Cape. It is true, they were not physically relocated; they remain in the same homes, in the same streets for those who live in towns, in the same neighbourhoods and retain the same neighbours. But the difference is this : they now live in another province, which is not their choice. The attachment of individuals to the provinces in which they live should not be underestimated. Indeed there are “natural sentiments and affections which grow up for places [in] which persons have long resided; the attachments to [province], to home and to family, on which is based all that is dearest and most valuable in life.


[80]  But there is more at stake here. The amendment affects one of the fundamental rights of citizenship; the right “to enter, to remain in and to reside anywhere in, the Republic.” Citizens of South Africa, whether rich or poor, have the right to live in the province of their choice. And if the right to freedom of movement and residence guaranteed in the Bill of Rights is to have any meaning, it must include the right of every citizen of this country to enter any province for purposes of establishing residence therein.


[81]   The proposed boundary alteration threatened an important and not easily reversible change to the provincial status of a clearly defined section of the population. The consequences of the amendment are of considerable symbolic importance. They affect the identity of the people to be transferred. They are of great practical importance too, They change the structures and personnel responsible for welfare payments, health services and education.”


Extract from Report No. 2 : paras 79 – 81


13.        It follows, therefore, that it is not for the Committee to prove that there are good reasons for Matatiele to stay in KwaZulu-Natal but for the Government to prove that there are compelling reasons to move Matatiele to the Eastern Cape.


14.        The Constitutional Court has also stressed the importance of the goal of establishment of a society based on democratic values and social justice and that the Constitution lays down “the foundations for a democratic and open society in which government is based on the will of the people.” This means that what the government must ensure is accountability, responsiveness, openness and transparency.


See Report No. 2 : para 65


15.        This is also based on the constitutional commitment to human dignity and self-respect.


                                                See Report No. 2 : para 66


16.        The citizens of Matatiele have not been dealt with in any of these required principles.


17.        The Government, including The National Assembly and the National Council of Provinces did not act in an accountable, responsive, open or transparent manner. Nor did they afford the people of Matatiele the basic rights of dignity and self-respect.


18.        The Committee says this because :-


18.1      The National Assembly and the National Council of Provinces did not in a material sense enlighten themselves as to the merits of the removal of Matatiele from KwaZulu-Natal.


18.2      The debate in the National Assembly is a model of superficiality and lack of substance. The transcript of this debate was put up as an exhibit in the Constitutional Court Case p 462-472. Certain reasons were given to motivate the passing of the Bill. None of these reasons were relied upon in the Constitutional Court case in the affidavits filed by the Minister of Provincial and Local Government.


18.3      The Bill passed by the casting vote of the Speaker.


18.4      In assessing the performance of the Government, the Constitutional Court stated :-

            “[84] The Court is unanimous in holding that its work has not been facilitated by the lack of candour on the part of government as to why it was regarded as appropriate to place Matatiele Municipality in the Eastern Cape. In keeping with the constitutional values of accountability, responsiveness and openness, the Directions will give the second and third respondents the opportunity to provide further information concerning the objectives sought to be pursued by the relocation of Matatiele to the Eastern Cape. Such information could be of considerable assistance to the Court in finalizing this matter.”

See Report No. 1 : para 84


18.5      The objective behind the two Bills must, it has been held, be rational.


18.6      To date the National Government has given conflicting and contradictory reasons for the removal of Matatiele to the Eastern Cape.


19.        The people of Matatiele are a discrete group whose views could easily be obtained.


20.        Parliament has a duty to be transparent and responsive in its actions towards the people of Matatiele and it therefore has a duty to inform itself fully on the pros and cons of the objectives behind the Bills.


21.        In the premises the Committee contends that “public involvement” in the context of this special case as required by Sections 59 and 72 of Constitution requires Parliament in both of its houses to afford the people of Matatiele public participation in the legislative process in order that Parliament may inform itself fully as to what it is doing and be meaningfully responsive to the views of the people of Matatiele.


22.        Already it seems that the Government has made up its mind to press ahead with the Bills despite the opposition of the people of Matatiele.


23.        The considered decision of the Municipal Demarcation Board, after a thorough process which involved the gathering of information and views from all stakeholders, was that Matatiele should stay in the Sisonke District (in KwaZulu-Natal) where it should be joined by the Maluti area. A copy of this re-determination of municipal boundaries is annexed hereto marked “A”.


24.        It must be recognized that the Municipal Demarcation Board took into account the Demarcation objectives and relevant factors to be considered in terms of Sections 24 and 25 of the Local Government : Municipal Demarcation Act No. 27 of 1998. The Committee submits that these are the factors to be considered as rational factors. Other political or “political deal” factors are ulterior and cannot be bona fide or rational.


25.        On a consideration of all relevant factors the Committee submits that the conclusion must be that Matatiele stays in KwaZulu-Natal.


26.        A full case with reasons was presented to the Board in the form of comments in September 2005. These submissions are still valid and follow the factors referred to in Section 25 of the abovementioned Act. A copy of these representations is annexed hereto marked “B”. Similar representations were made to Parliament and Provincial and Local Government Portfolio Committee.


27.        Reference is also made to the extract from the Municipal Demarcation Board’s press statement which deals with the KwaZulu-Natal border which was issued on 20th October 2005 :


KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape municipalities

As was the case during the investigations conducted and public hearing held by the Trengove Commission in 1995/1996, many diverse views on how these municipalities should be configured, still exist. Some submissions suggested that services in KZN are much better than in the Eastern Cape. The Board received a number of well motivated submissions to include the Maluti area into Matatiele, and supports the persons and institutions that made submissions in this regard. The inclusion of Matatiele into Alfred Nzo, however, was rejected by some in many well motivated submissions. The Board also received submissions requesting changes to other municipal boundaries in that area, and a review the boundaries of areas such as Mt Ayliff, Mt. Fletcher, Mbizane, Ntabankulu, Elundini, Mount Frere, Umhlontlo may be desirable. For the same reasons as mentioned under the Limpopo/Mpumalanga municipalities, the Board will not be able to finalise these before the elections, but will give further attention to them after the elections.

After having considered all requests and submissions taking into account Sections 24 and 25 of the Demarcation Act, the Board provisionally re-determined the boundaries of Sisonke District Municipality (DC43), Matatiele Local Municipality (KZ5a3), Alfred Nzo District Municipality (DC44), O.R. Tambo District Municipality and Umzimvubu Local Municipality (EC05b2), as follows :-


.           The Maluti area, is excluded from the municipal area of Umzimvubu Local Municipality and included into Matatiele Local Municipality in Sisonke District Municipality.


.           The declaration of the district management area (DCDMA44) is withdrawn and the DMA is excluded from the municipal area of Alfred Nzo District Municipality and included into the municipal area of Matatiele Local Municipality in Sisonke District Municipality.


.           Umzimkulu Local Municipality is excluded from the municipal area of Alfred Nzo District Municipality (DC44), and included into the municipal area of Sisonke District Municipality (DC43).


.           Umzimvubu, excluding the Maluti area, is excluded from the municipal area of Alfred Nzo District Municipality, and included into the O.R. Tambo District Municipality.”


            (Despite these findings it was a matter of public record that the Minister instructed the Municipal Demarcation Board to make a final determination consistent with the Bills that were before Parliament in December 2005).


28.        The Committee believes and submits that the Municipal Demarcation Board process and its decision was credible and thorough and that it came to the correct decision after considering the appropriate and relevant factors.

29.        The reasons for the removal of Matatiele from KwaZulu-Natal given by the Government are not satisfactory.


30.        In the Constitutional Court the Government Respondents at first gave no reasons for the removal of Matatiele from KwaZulu-Natal. This was commented on adversely in the extract reprinted above.


Report No. 1 : para 84


31.        The Minister for Provincial and Local Government in a further supplementary affidavit gave the following reasons for the removal of Matatiele from KwaZulu-Natal :-


            31.1      Maluti and Matatiele are or should be one area;


31.2      This whole area is more culturally connected with the Eastern Cape and in this he stated that the AmaHlubi who populate the area are a segment of the Xhosa group with whom they speak the same language and share the same traditional values and practices.


31.3      Poor towns in the Eastern Cape such as Mount Ayliff, Mount Frere, Mt Fletcher and Qumbu are dependant on the Matatiele town for their economic needs.


31.4      Matatiele was part of a wider area of the Eastern Cape with whom it should share its economic fate and facilities such as sporting, cultural, civil and public facilities.


31.5      Alfred Nzo District Municipality is spatially closer to Matatiele than Sisonke District Municipality.


31.6      The government had the objective of doing away with cross-jurisdictional enclaves and cross-boundary municipalities.


32.        It will be noted that nowhere in the government reasoning is the preference of the citizens taken into account.


33.        It is also submitted by the Committee that the reasons given by the Minister are insubstantial and in most cases fallacious.


34.        These reasons are answered (as they were in the case) as follows :-


34.1      Matatiele is not and never was a cross-jurisdictional enclave or a cross-boundary municipality. The jurisdictional fact on which the Government based its original motivation is therefore false.


34.2      The Municipal Demarcation Board thoroughly considered all the developmental and spatial factors and came to a considered decision. The Board did not find any compelling economic or other reason why Matatiele should move to the Eastern Cape.


34.3      If Maluti is to be added to Matatiele then there is still every reason, as the Board found, that the combined area should stay in KwaZulu-Natal.


34.4      It is simply not true that the people in the area are largely linked to the Xhosa culturally. The AmaHlubi people speak isiZulu, Xhosa and Sotho because of their geographical position but they are spiritually and culturally linked with the people of Estcourt in KwaZulu-Natal who are Zulus. They are not connected culturally with the people of the Eastern Cape. The history of the people of Langalibalele is a matter of record.


34.5      The geography supposed by the Minister is erroneous. The towns in the Eastern Cape mentioned by him are on the N2 from Pietermaritzburg to Umtata. These towns have no link with Matatiele at all. Only Mt Fletcher is close to Matatiele but it “looks to” Kokstad and not Matatiele.


34.6      The economic dependence assumed by the Minister is geographically impossible.


34.7      The facts show that Matatiele is spatially closer to KwaZulu-Natal in every respect. Economically and culturally it looks east to KwaZulu-Natal and not towards the Eastern Cape.


34.8      The citizens of Matatiele who are required to travel to their capital must travel about 7 hours to Bisho (if they were in the Eastern Cape) or two hours to Pietermaritzburg (if they were in KwaZulu-Natal).


35.        The Minister has also referred to the difference in the numbers of people in KwaZulu-Natal (9761 032) to the Eastern Cape (6 503 201). However, it must be recorded that in removing Umzimkulu from the Eastern Cape to KwaZulu-Natal the Eastern Cape lost 174 338 people to KwaZulu-natal. It is ludicrous to suggest that the people of Matatiele (number 16 226 people) must be used to address the imbalance.


            In any event it is recognized that the people of Umzimkulu are very happy to be moved into KwaZulu-Natal. One has to ask oneself why this is.


36.        It is therefore submitted that the Government decision which is being placed before Parliament is a misdirection on a huge scale and should be rejected by Parliament.


37.        The Committee humbly requests that the Bills be withdrawn.


DATED  this 18th day of JUNE 2007.


Austen Smith on behalf of the

Matatiele/Maluti Mass Action Committee

Walmsley House

191 Pietermaritz Street
























2007/Matatiele/Matatiele Representations Comments on Bills