From:WT Janse van Rensburg

Sent: Thursday 14 June 2007 – 22:46 pm

Via: Email

Contents of Message:


For the attention of: Ms Albertina Kakaza

Mr Langa Zita


Portfolio Committee

Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism

Nuclear Energy Hearings

Dear Sir




I wish to submit the brief précis below of the following study by two experts Storm van Leeuwen and Phillip Smith, one is a chemist and energy specialist, the other is a nuclear physicist. Their study is one of several which come to the same conclusion that debunk the argument being put forth by the pro-nuclear lobby that nuclear energy mitigates against CO² emissions and therefore is the answer to climate change. It is not.


To make matters worse, SA’s nuclear bosses have said they “intend studying the full fuel cycle” and will be spending huge amounts of public money reinventing the wheel considering that much of this work has already been studied internationally if they only cared to access it.


The entire study mentioned herein is about 2.3 Mb in size. It can be downloaded from the download links are in various places on the page and totals 10 files (2.3 Mb). This includes rebuttals to arguments by proponents of nuclear energy.


Thank you for taking the initiative to call for public submissions. I respectfully wish to draw your attention to the fact that the short notice given for such prevents true justice to the importance of the issue. It is my humble opinion that in order to come to an informed viewpoint, a Nuclear and Energy Summit is required so that meaningful and a balanced input involving all stakeholders, expertsacceptable to environmental groups and civil society can avoid autocratic and one-sided decisions detrimental to this country for centuries.


A democratic process that delivers a positive and publicly-backed plan (based on the best information available in the world and not pro-nuclear propaganda) is more likely to find an acceptable solution for South Africa’s energy requirements.


Yours truly


WT Janse van Rensburg


NW Province