The role of DEA T Presentation to the Portfolio Committee: June 2007

The Intergovernmental Context

·         DME main department responsible for nuclear issues - policy and legislation as well as National Nuclear Regulator. Includes policy on radioactive waste management


·         DPE as custodian of state owned enterprises as role in relation to establishment of facilities


·         DST role in relation to custodianship of R+D


·         Deat has limited regulatory role - no policy role


DEA T's Role

·         Establishment of nuclear facilities is a listed activity in terms of EIA Regulations


·         DEAT responsible for authorising applications for nuclear related EIAs


·         Also role in relation to nuclear waste to the extent that it is not dealt with by other legislation. (NNR Act, Nuclear Act, Health legislation)


Managing Nuclear EIAs


·         Deat authorising body


·         Currently two applications - PBMR and conventional nuclear


·         MOU with the NNR. NNR responsible for licencing safety case and DEAT responsible for EIA authorisation. DEA T represented on NNR Board.


·         Agreement that the two bodies will not duplicate or repeat each others' work environment & tourism


In assessing technical issues DEA T establishes panel of national and international nuclear experts


All existing government policies, legislation and prescripts taken into account in decision making


DEA T takes decisions on nuclear issues in relation to the facts of the given application and in the context of established policy and legislation.