Total Land Delivered since 1994

Total size of land delivered from 1994 to 31 December 2004 is about 3,536,756.06 hectares. This includes land delivered through the restitution, redistribution and state land. The total number of household/individuals that have benefited from land reform is over 1,028,887.

Redistribution delivered 1,780,260,35 hectares, tenure reform contributed 171, 554.72 while 772, 626.00 hectares of Stateland was delivered. The Commission on Restitution of Land Rights had settled 57,257 claims by 31 December 2004, benefiting 164,103 households who now have access to a total of 812,315 hectares.



DLA-land(former SADT-land):


Finacial Assistance Agric. Land ( Falaland):


Other Public Works Dept. land


Land for housing project




of Land Rights

In an endeavour to meet the Presidential directive to complete the restitution process in the next three years, the Commission on Restitution of Land Rights has developed an implementation plan in conjunction with all Members of Executive Councils (MECs) responsible for land affairs, provincial departments of Agriculture, as well as provincial and district offices of the Department of Land Affairs, in a number of provinces the Premiers either participated actively or dedicated staff from their offices to contribute meaningfully towards the development of the provincial plans to enhance the prospects of success of the implementation plan.

By the end of December 2004, there were 22,437 claims yet to be settled. Of these, 13 237 are urban while 9,200 are rural. As indicated by the Minister, the Commission plans to complete all restitution claims within the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) period, with more emphasis on rural claims, which are much more complex and time consuming.