Daily Schedule for 2025-01-28
NB: Please note that this document is subject to frequent updating. Stakeholders wishing to attend meetings listed here should contact the relevant contact numbers to ascertain whether the agendas for the meetings have been amended. For contact numbers see Appendix A.
PC on Agriculture, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the external expert on the food safety implications of the contamination of food products from spaza shops by an agricultural pesticide that resulted in several deaths in two provinces]. Virtual Platform, 09:00 – 10:30.
Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, (National Assembly), [Engagement with the Minister regarding allegations of governance failures at the SABS and related matters, and any plans to mitigate against this] Virtual Meeting Platform, 10:00-13:00.
Standing Committee on Public Accounts, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the Special Investigating Unit on the investigation conducted into the Department of Defence, Department of Military Veterans, and Denel], M514, Marks Building, 09:30-14:30.
Portfolio Committee on Water and Sanitation, (National Assembly), [Consideration and adoption of the Committee’s First Term Programme. Consideration and adoption of minutes dated 19 & 26 November 2024. Consideration and adoption of the committee report on the Petition from Germiston residents.] Virtual meeting platform, 09:00 – 13:00
Portfolio Committee on Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities (National Assembly), [Consideration of public commentary on the shortlisted candidates to fill vacancies on the NYDA Board, Briefing by the Committee Secretary on the State Security Agency and Parliamentary Human Resources reports on the security screening and verification of qualifications of shortlisted candidates to fill vacancies on the NYDA Board, Briefing by the Content Advisor on the proposed questions for consideration on the SDP to Departments of Basic Education and Social Development, Adoption of the Committee Programme and outstanding minutes[, Virtual meeting platform, 10:00 – 13:00
Portfolio Committee on Land Reform and Rural Development, (National Assembly), [The Portfolio Committee will discuss the recent developments at Ingonyama Trust Board, the postponement of the oversight visit and future oversight activities on the ITB], Virtual meeting platform, 09:30 – 13:00
Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans, (National Assembly), [Consideration of the PCDMV first term programme, Update by the SA Military Health Service (SAMHS) on the status of SAMHS pharmacies and reports of pharmacies that were set for closure, Consideration of outstanding minutes]. S12A, NCOP Building, 10:00-13:00
Portfolio Committee on Social Development, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the Department of Social Development on the progress made on the drafting of the Children’s Amendment Bill; Consideration and adoption of the draft 4th term committee programme; Adoption of outstanding minutes and reports] Virtual Meeting Platform: 09:00 – 13:00.
Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the NCC on its amended/revised APP and 2nd quarter financial and non-financial performance for the 2024/25 financial year, Briefing by the DTIC and the NCC on its response to the national disaster of classified foodborne illnesses], S35, 1st floor, NCOP, 09:30-13:00
Portfolio Committee on Public Works and Infrastructure, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the DPWI and IDT on: Plans to ensure financial viability of the IDT through recouping fees owed from client departments among others plans to sustain the entity through project rollout and details of provinces and municipal sites where IDT projects are situated Consideration and adoption of minutes] Physical WS3/116, 3rd floor, 90 Plein Street, 09:30-12:30.
Portfolio Committee on Electricity and Energy, (National Assembly), Briefing by the Auditor-General of SA (AGSA) on the audit outcomes of Eskom for the 2023/2024 Financial Year. Consideration and adoption of all outstanding minutes]. Virtual meeting platform,10:00-13:00.
Standing Committee on Public Accounts, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the Auditor General on the Annual Reports and Financial Statements, and by the SIU on the Investigations conducted into the following Municipalities: Alfred Nzo, Buffalo City, Tshwane and Johannesburg], M514, Marks Building, 09:30 – 15:30.
Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, (National Assembly), [Consideration and adoption of First Term Programme 30 January to 4 April 2025, Consideration and adoption of outstanding minutes and reports], M515, Marks Building, 09:30-13:00
Portfolio Committee on Electricity and Energy, (National Assembly), [Briefing by Eskom on their 2023/2024 Financial Year Annual Report. Venue Virtual platform], 09:30-13:00
Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements (National Assembly), [Briefing by the Minister of Human Settlements on the following: Constitutional Court Judgment on the City of Cape’s implementation of the national housing program: emergency accommodation, Human Rights Commission report on poor workmanship by the Northwest Department of Human Settlements and non-payment of contractors by North-West Provincial Department of Human Settlements], M515, 5th floor, Marks Building, 09:30-13:00.
Standing Committee on The Auditor General (National Assembly), [Follow-up meeting with the National Treasury to discuss matters related to the finances and funding of the Auditor-General of South Africa. Adoption of the SCoAG’s report on the AGSA’s draft 2025-2028 strategic plan and budget, and 2025 audit directives and adoption of Committee minute: 06 December 2024.] Virtual meeting platform, 09:00-13:00
Portfolio Committee on Sport, Arts and Culture (National Assembly), [Consideration and adoption of the draft First Term Programme for 2025,,Consideration and adoption of committee minutes (29 November and 04 December 2024), , Tabling of names for the Advisory Panel for the National Council for Library and Information Services (NCLIS), Briefing by the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture on the 2024/25 2nd Quarter Performance Report], Committee Room M201, 2nd Floor, Marks Building , 09:30- 12:45
Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, (National Assembly), [Meeting with the Standing Committee on Finance to engage the banking sector on competition, the provision of credit for productive activities, and transformation], Good Hope Chamber, 10:00-17:00, Joint meeting with SC on Finance.
Portfolio Committee on Correctional Services, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the Department of Correctional Services on infrastructure projects including progress on the Memorandum of Understanding on Infrastructure Projects with the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure, Progress on Baviaansport and Modderbee Correctional Centre Kitchen Projects, Briefing by the Department of Correctional Services on the incarceration of foreign nationals in their facilities and the number of bed spaces available in correctional centres], S26, 1st floor, NCOP, 10:00 – 13:00.
Portfolio Committee on Environment, Forestry and Fisheries, (National Assembly), [Consideration and adoption of the First Term Programme; Adoption of the previous minutes;•Briefing by the Parliamentary Legal Services and the DFFE on the proposed reclaiming of land for purposes other than state infrastructure, particularly Sections 7C(4) through (8) of the Integrated Coastal Management Act; and,Briefing by the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment including the Marine Living Resources Fund on their First and Second Quarter Reports for the 2024/25 financial year.], Training Room, 6th Floor Foretrust Building, Foreshore, 10:00 -14:00.
Portfolio Committee on Communications and Digital Technologies (National Assembly), [Adoption of the First Term Committee Programme 2025.Engagement with Research ICT Africa on the imperatives of the G20 and its impact to Africa. Briefing by the DCDT on G20 priorities and expected outcomes of the ICT Sector. Briefing by the DCDT on the update of ratification and implementation of International Treaties and Memoranda of Understanding. Adoption of minutes Parliament], M314, Marks Building, 10:00-13:00
Portfolio Committee on Basic Education, (National Assembly), [Engagement with DBE on 2025 State-of-School Readiness (incl. ECD, LTSM, NSNP + Scholar Transport), Consideration of Draft Minutes and Draft Reports], S26, NCOP, 09:30 – 12:30
Portfolio Committee on Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities (National Assembly), [Briefing by the Commission for Gender Equality on research report pertaining to learner pregnancy and progress report on implementation of recommendations, Briefing by the Gender Commission for Gender Equality on 2nd and 3rd Quarterly reports], Virtual meeting platform, 09:00-13:00
Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the SABS on its amended/revised APP and 2nd quarter financial and non-financial performance for the 2024/25 financial year] [Status report on SABS response to the Cyber-attack on its IT system], M515, 5th floor, Marks Building, 09:30-13:00
Portfolio Committee on Public Works and Infrastructure, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the DPWI, DPSA and National Treasury on the business model of a properly operationalized PMTE that has the legal and administrative tools to reclaim debt owed and trade the value of the government’s property portfolio, Consideration and adoption of minutes], M201, 2nd floor, Marks building, 09:30-12:30.
Portfolio Committee on Public Works and Infrastructure, (National Assembly), [Joint meeting with the PC on Basic Education on the petition referred on 29 November 2024, from the school governing body of Leruntse Lesedi High School, North-West province, calling on the Assembly to investigate the dilapidated infrastructure at their school. (Mr N P Pharamela)], Good Hope Chamber, 09:30 – 12:30.
Portfolio Committee on Communications and Digital Technologies (National Assembly), [Briefing by ICASA on critical steps to address: (i) Cost-to-Communicate; (ii) Spectrum Management (iii) Data Analysis; (iv) QoS of Network Operators, Broadcasting Service Operators and other License holders; (v) ICASA Business Plan and Funding Model; (vi) Inquiry into subscription television broadcasting services in South Africa. Adoption of minutes] Room 1, Financial and Fiscal Commission (FFC) Building, 11th Floor, Grand Parade, 33 Heerengracht St, Cape Town, 10:00-13:00
Portfolio Committee on Basic Education, (National Assembly), [Engagement with DBE and Umalusi on 2024 NSC Examinations Outcomes + Second Chance Matric Programme, Engagement on Petition from the SGB of Leruntse Lesedi High School, North- West Province, calling on the Assembly to investigate the dilapidated infrastructure at their school. (Mr N P Pharamela), Consideration of Draft Minutes and Draft Reports], Good Hope Chamber, 09:30 – 12:30
Portfolio Committee on Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities (National Assembly), [Briefing by the Department of Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities and the Audit and Risk Committee on the 2nd and 3rd quarterly reports for 2024/25, Briefing by the Department on the establishment of the National Council on Gender Based Violence and Femicide, Briefing on the country report to be submitted to CSW69 (2025) on the review of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform of Action], Room 1, NSFAS Building , 09:30-13:00
Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans (National Assembly), [Briefing by the DMV on its 2024/25 Quarter 3 expenditure and performance report, Update by the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans on the status of the DMV Verification Panel, Update by the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans on the status of the South African National Military Veterans Association (SANVMA) and planned Conference, Consideration of outstanding minutes]. Committee Room 1, Upper Ground, 90 Plein Building, 10:00-13:00
Portfolio Committee on Public Works and Infrastructure, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the DPWI, Parliament and DBSA on the restoration of the National Assembly and Old Assembly project, Consideration and adoption of minutes], M201, 2nd floor, Marks building 09:30 – 12:30.
Portfolio Committee on Communications and Digital Technologies (National Assembly), [Briefing by the DCDT on the SABC Bill public hearing submissions. Presentation by CADs on the SITA oversight report, Adoption of SITA oversight report Adoption of minutes]. Room 1, Financial and Fiscal Commission (FFC) Building, 11th Floor, Grand Parade, 33 Heerengracht St, Cape Town, 10:00-13:00
Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, (National Assembly), [Briefing by Ms E Powell, Member of Parliament on the Private Members Bill – Proposed amendments to the Prevention of Illegal Eviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land (PIE) Bill, Response by the Department of Human Settlements], S35, NCOP Building, 09:30-13:00.
Portfolio Committee on Communications and Digital Technologies (National Assembly), [Briefing by GSMA on the recently launched report on “Driving Digital Transformation in the Economy of South Africa “Briefing by the DCDT on the progress implementation of the PC4IR Report and the Digital Economy Masterplan, Adoption of minutes], M46, Marks Building, 10:00-13:00
Portfolio Committee on Communications and Digital Technologies (National Assembly), [Briefing by GCIS on the progress towards the finalization of the (i) GCIS White Paper Draft Policy; (ii) filling of critical vacancies; (iii) the status update on governance of the Boards of Entities; (vi) relevance and adaptability of the GCIS to deliver government information in a digital economy. Briefing by GCIS on the introduction and presentation of the MAC Charter Council and mandate of the Charter to achieve transformational goals]. Room 1, Financial and Fiscal Commission (FFC) Building, 11th Floor, Grand Parade, 33 Heerengracht St, Cape Town, 10:00-13:00
Portfolio Committee on Communications and Digital Technologies (National Assembly), [Deliberations by the Committee on DCDT responses to the submissions on the SABC Bill public hearings. Adoption of minutes], Room 1, Financial and Fiscal Commission (FFC) Building, 11th Floor, Grand Parade, 33 Heerengracht St, Cape Town, 14:00 – 16:00
Portfolio Committee on Basic Education, (National Assembly), [Engagement with DBE, KZN, Provincial and National Treasury on the unfolding crisis and challenges face by the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Education, Briefing by DBE on Updated Status Report on ECD Integrations processes, Consideration of Draft Minutes and Draft Reports], Committee room 5, 90 Plein Street, 09:30-12:30
Portfolio Committee on Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities (National Assembly), Briefing by the Department of Basic Education (Northern Cape, Limpopo, Free State, North-West, KZN) on the implementation of the Sanitary Dignity Programme, learner pregnancy and the exclusion from the education system of children with disabilities], Room 1 M46, Castel of Good Hope, 09:30-13:00
Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans (National Assembly), [Briefing by the DOD on 2024/25 Quarter 3 expenditure and performance report, Briefing by the Chief of the SANDF on the administration of consequence management in the Force and slow progress of Boards of Inquiry related to Irregular, Fruitless and Wasteful Expenditure, Consideration of outstanding minutes. Parliament], M201, 2nd floor, Marks Building, 10:00-13:00
Portfolio Committee on Public Works and Infrastructure, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the DPWI on progress regarding outstanding legislation (Public Works Bill, Infrastructure Development Bill, CBE Bill and CIDB Bill, Consideration and adoption of minute], Committee room 5, 5th floor, 90 Plein Street, 09:30 – 12:30.
Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements (National Assembly), [Briefing by Petitioners – Mr Phoswa about the Upgrading of Slovo Park Informal Settlements and Compliance with the High Court Order 2016], Virtual meeting platform, 09:00-13:00
Portfolio Committee on Communications and Digital Technologies (National Assembly), [Presentations by the MNOs on progress made on (i) USO and Enterprise and Supplier Development (ESD); (ii) Compliance with the Competition Commission order as well the ICASA license conditions; (iii) Cyber security challenges. Adoption of minutes], S12A, Ground Floor, NCOP Building, 10:00-16:00
Portfolio Committee on Public Works and Infrastructure, (National Assembly), [Committee Strategic Planning Session (2024 – 2029)], Good Hope Chambers, 09:30 – 12:30.
Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements (National Assembly), [Briefing by the Department of Human Settlement on the Fourth Quarter Report National Department of Human Settlements], Virtual Platform: Time 09:00-13:00
Portfolio Committee on Public Works and Infrastructure, (National Assembly), [Committee Strategic Planning Session (2024 – 2029)], M46, Upper ground, Marks building, 09:30 – 12:30.
Portfolio Committee on Public Works and Infrastructure, (National Assembly), [Committee Strategic Planning Session (2024 – 2029)], Good Hope Chamber, 09:30 – 12:30.
Portfolio Committee on Communications and Digital Technologies (National Assembly), [Briefing by the DCDT on (i) implementation of the new structure; (ii) NGN spectrum policy; (iii) Digital Migration and the impact on broadcasting services to communities; (v) filling of critical vacancies of Entities; (vi) the status update on governance of the Boards of Entities. Adoption of minutes. Adoption of minutes], Room 1, NFSAS Building, 4 Christiaan Barnard St, Cape Town, 10:00-13:00
Portfolio Committee on Basic Education, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the Department of Basic Education on the Analysis, Implications and Impact of the President’s SONA 2025, Engagement with DBE on School Maintenance and Upkeep (Strategies, Capacity and Funding), Consideration of Draft Minutes and Draft Reports], Good Hope Chamber, 09:30-12:30
Portfolio Committee on Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities (National Assembly), [Briefing by the Content Advisor and Committee Secretary on the process for the establishment of National Council on Gender-Based Violence and Femicide], Virtual meeting platform, 09:00-10:00
Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans (National Assembly), [Joint briefing by the National Treasury and the DOD on its engagements to develop a new Human Resources strategy to ensure force rejuvenation in accordance with the 6th Parliaments PCDMV recommendation, Update on plans by the DOD to establish Memoranda of Understanding with other government departments to assist with exiting SANDF members to aid the new Human Resources strategy, Consideration of outstanding minutes], Committee Room 1 Upper Ground, 90 Plein Building, 10:00-13:00
Portfolio Committee on Public Works and Infrastructure, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the DPWI & PMTE on the 2024/25 3rd quarter performance. Consideration, and adoption of minutes.], Committee room 4, 4th floor, 90 Plein Street, 09:30 – 12:30.
Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements (National Assembly), [Following up on Ga-Rankuwa/Mabopane Petitions and Breede Valley], S26, NCOP, 09:30-13:00
Portfolio Committee on Communications and Digital Technologies (National Assembly), [Update by NEMISA on the implementation of the National Digital and Future Skills Strategy. Briefing by MICSETA on the implementation of the National Digital and Future Skills Strategy. Briefing by the Competition Commission on the Data Services market inquiry. Adoption of minutes], Room 1, NFSAS Building, 4 Christiaan Barnard St, Cape Town, 10:00-13:00
Portfolio Committee on Basic Education, (National Assembly), [Budget Review – Department of Basic Education (DBE) (Incl. Sector Plan, Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan), Consideration of Draft Minutes and Draft Reports], Committee room 4, 90 Plein Street , 09:30-12:30
Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans (National Assembly), [Background briefing by the Office of the AGSA on Irregular Expenditure related to Project Thusano, Briefing by the Chief of the SANDF and Chief Financial Officer of the DOD on the new contract signed under Project Thusano with effect from January 2025, what it entails, how it differs from the previous contract and how it addresses previous AGSA findings, Consideration of outstanding minutes], M515, 5th floor, Marks Building, 10:00-13:00
Portfolio Committee on Public Works and Infrastructure, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the Department of Public Works & Infrastructure (DPWI) and Property Management Trading Entity (PMTE) on the Audit Action Plan, Briefing by the Department of Public Works & Infrastructure (DPWI) and Property Management Trading Entity (PMTE) on the 2025/26 Annual Performance Plans, Consideration and adoption of minutes], Committee room 4, 4th floor, 90 Plein Street Building, 09:30 – 12:30.
Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements (National Assembly), [Briefing by the metropolitan municipalities on the performance of the Urban Development Grant (USDG) and the Management of Beneficiary List Buffalo City, Nelson Mandela Bay, Mangaung, eThekwini.], NFSAS Building: Halyard Offices, 16th Floor Room 1, 09:00-13:00
Portfolio Committee on Communications and Digital Technologies (National Assembly), [Briefing by ICASA on critical steps to address: (i) Market Inquiry on Signal Distribution; (ii) Inquiry into User and Subscriber Charter; (iii) Update on the Amendment of Regulation of Interception of Communications and provision of communication‑related information Act (RICA); (vi) SAPO Regulations; (vii) Sports Broadcasting Regulations; (viii) Update on the monitoring of the implementation of the Universal Service Obligations emanating from the Spectrum Auction. Adoption of minutes], Room 1, NFSAS Building, 4 Christiaan Barnard St, Cape Town, 10:00-13:00
Portfolio Committee on Basic Education, (National Assembly), [Budget Review:South African Council for Educators (SACE) - Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and Training (Umalusi), Consideration of Draft Minutes and Draft Reports], WS3/116, 3rd floor, 90 Plein Street, 09:30-12:30
Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans (National Assembly), [Briefing by the Military Veterans Appeal Board on its functions, impact and challenges, Consideration of outstanding minutes], M314, 3rd floor, Marks Building, 10:00-13:00
Portfolio Committee on Public Works and Infrastructure, (National Assembly), [Briefing by the Public Works Entities on the 2025/26 Annual Performance, Plans: Independent, Development Trust (IDT), Agreement SA, Construction Industry, Development Board (cidb), Council for the Built Environment (CBE), Consideration and adoption of minutes], Committee room 4, 4th floor, 90 Plein Street, 09:30 – 12:30.
Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements, (National Assembly), [Meeting with service providers for alternative technologies], Committee Room 2, 90 Plein Street, 09:30-13:00
Portfolio Committee on Communications and Digital Technologies (National Assembly), [Briefing by the DCDT, GCIS and Entities on the audit action plans on the recommendations of AGSA. Briefing by DCDT, GCIS and their Entities on the 2024/25 First and Second Quarter Expenditure and Financial Reports. Adoption of minutes], Room 1, Financial and Fiscal Commission (FFC) Building 11th Floor, Grand Parade, 33 Heerengracht St, Cape Town,10:00-17:00.
Portfolio Committee on Basic Education, (National Assembly), [Engagement with DBE, GDE and WCED on issues pertaining to learner admissions, learner migration trends gaps and backlogs in learner placements, Engagement with DBE on Update Progress Report on Ministerial Task Team Report on History as a Compulsory Subject (Findings, Recommendations and Implementation), Consideration of Draft Minutes and Draft Reports], M201, Marks building, 09:30-12:30
Portfolio Committee on Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities (National Assembly), [Briefing by the Department of Social Development on the implementation of the Sanitary Dignity Programme and report on funding crisis of NGOs/NPOs focused on Women, Youth and Persons with Disabilities], Room 1, NSFAS Building, 09:00-13:00
Portfolio Committee on Public Works and Infrastructure, (National Assembly), [Consideration and adoption of the 2025/26 Budget Vote Report, Consideration and adoption of the 2024/25 3rd Quarter Report, Consideration and adoption of the Committee Strategic Plan (2024 – 2029), Consideration and adoption of minutes.], Committee room 2, Upper ground, 90 Plein Street, 09:30 – 12:30.
Portfolio Committee on Basic Education, (National Assembly), [Engagement with DBE, GDE and WCED on issues pertaining to learner admissions, learner migration trends gaps and backlogs in learner placements, Engagement with DBE on Update Progress Report on Ministerial Task Team Report on History as a Compulsory Subject (Findings, Recommendations and Implementation), Consideration of Draft Minutes and Draft Reports], M201, Marks building, 09:30-12:30
Portfolio Committee on Basic Education, (National Assembly), [Engagement on DBE Third Quarterly Report 2024/25, Engagement with DBE on a comprehensive Action Plan with timeframes to address AGSA’s audit findings, Consideration of Draft Minutes and Draft Reports], M46, Marks building, 09:30-12:30
Portfolio Committee on Communications and Digital Technologies (National Assembly), [Presentation on State Digital Infrastructure Company by the Department and the related stakeholders: COGTA, Eskom, Transnet, PRASA and SANRAL. Briefing by the DCDT on the progress update with the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) on the Country’s Satellite Space Program. Adoption of minutes], Good Hope Chamber, 10:00-13:00
Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans (National Assembly), [ Introductory briefing by Denel on its various divisions and challenges faced, Update on the status of outstanding Denel Annual Reports, Consideration of outstanding minutes], S35, 1st floor, NCOP Building, 10:00-13:00
Meeting Cancellations
Committee |
Date |
Agenda |
Reason |
Approved Local Trips
Committee |
Date |
Destination |
Purpose |
Approved Workshops
Committee |
Date |
Destination |
Purpose |
Committee |
Date |
Destination |
Purpose |
Cancelled/Postponed Local/ International Trips |
Committee |
Date |
Destination |
Reason |
Joint Committee on Ethics and Members’ |
Ms Junilla Du Pokoy – Executive Secretary: Joint Committee on Ethics and Members’ Interests |
083 406 5510 |
Joint Standing Committee on Intelligence |
Committee Coordinator: Alutho Sombexe |
021 403 2793 |
Joint Standing Committee on Defence |
CS: Nandipha Maxhegwana |
021 403 3689 |
Joint Standing Committee on the Financial Management of Parliament |
CS: Cindy Balie |
021 403 3667 |
Committee on Multi-Party Women’s Caucus |
CS: Nomaxhosa Mooi (Stand-in): |
021 403 8278 |
Constitutional Review Committee |
CS: Pilate Gwebu |
021 403 8257 |
Portfolio Committee on Agriculture |
CS: Albertina Kakaza |
021 403 3765 |
Portfolio Committee on Basic Education |
CS: Llewellyn Brown |
021 403 3764 |
Portfolio Committee on Communications and Digital Technologies |
CS: Hajiera Salie |
021 403 8264 |
Portfolio Committee on Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs |
CS: Shereen Cassiem |
021 403 3769 |
Portfolio Committee on Correctional Services |
CS: Siyabamkela Mthonjeni Email: |
021 403 3734 |
Portfolio Committee on Defence and Military Veterans |
CS: Nandipha Maxhegwana ( Stand-in) |
021 403 3796 |
Portfolio Committee on Employment and Labour |
CS: Zolani Sakasa |
021 403 3735 |
Portfolio Committee on Electricity and Energy |
CS: Arico Kotze Email: |
021 403 3662 |
Portfolio Committee on Forestry, Fisheries and Environment |
CS: Tyhileka Madubela Email: |
021 403 3713 |
Portfolio Committee on Health |
CS: Vuyokazi Majalamba Email: |
021 403 3770 |
Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training |
CS: Anele Kabingesi Email: |
021 403 3760 |
Portfolio Committee on Home Affairs |
CS: Eddie Mathonsi |
021 403 3826 |
Portfolio Committee on Human Settlements |
CS: Kholiswa Pasiya-Mndende Email: |
021 403 3725 |
Portfolio Committee on International Relations and Cooperation |
CS: Lubabalo Sigwela |
021 403 3808 |
Portfolio Committee on Justice and |
CS: Vhonani Ramaano |
021 403 3820 |
Portfolio Committee on Land and Rural Development |
CAD: Tshililo Manenzhe |
021 403 8114 |
Portfolio Committee on Mineral and Petroleum Resources |
CS: Ayanda Boss |
021 403 3768 |
Portfolio Committee on Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation |
CS: Mandy Balie |
083 709 8431 |
Portfolio Committee on Police |
CS: Babalwa Mbengo |
021 403 3741 |
Portfolio Committee on Public Service and Administration |
CS: Masixole Zibeko |
021 403 8445 |
Portfolio Committee on Public Works |
CS: Nola Matinise |
021 403 3780 |
Portfolio Committee on Science, Technology and Innovation |
CS: Shanaaz Isaacs Email: |
021 403 3763 |
Portfolio Committee on Small Business Development |
CS: King Kunene |
021 403 3772 |
Portfolio Committee on Social Development |
CS: Lindiwe Ntsabo |
021 403 8230 |
Portfolio Committee on Sport, Arts and Culture |
CS: Ajabulile Mtiya |
021 403 8106 |
Portfolio Committee on Tourism |
CS: Disang Mocumi |
021 403 8115 |
Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition |
CS: Andre Hermans |
021 403 3776 |
Portfolio Committee on Transport |
CS: Valerie Carelse |
021 403 3272 |
Portfolio Committee on Water and Sanitation |
CS: Nosipho Bavuma |
060 550 9892 |
Portfolio Committee on Women, Youth and |
CS: Neliswa Nobatana |
021 403 3840 |
Standing Committee on Appropriations |
CS: Darrin Arends |
021 403 8105 |
Standing Committee on the Auditor-General |
CS: Cindy Balie (Stand-in) |
083 709 8444 |
Standing Committee on Finance |
CS: Allan Wicomb |
021 403 3759 |
Standing Committee on Public Accounts |
CS: Ntombi Nkabinde Email: |
021 403 2376 |
Select Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Mineral Resources |
CS: Asgar Bawa |
021 403 3762 |
Select Committee on Appropriations |
CS: Lubabalo Nodada |
021 403 3669 |
Select Committee on Cooperative Governance and |
CS: Moses Manele |
021 403 3823 |
Select Committee on Economic Development and Trade |
CS: Beverly Walters (Stand-in) |
021 403 3138 |
Select Committee on Education, Sciences and |
CS: Noluthando Skaka |
021 403 3751 |
Select Committee on Finance |
CS: Nkululeko Mangweni |
021 403 3782 |
Select Committee on Public Petitions and |
CS: Nkanyiso Mkhize |
021 403 8086 |
Select Committee on Public Infrastructure and Minister in Presidency |
CS: Hlupheka Mtileni |
021 403 8077 |
Select Committee on Security and Justice |
CS: Gurshwyn Dixon |
021 403 3771 |
Select Committee on Social Services |
CS: Marcelle Williams Email: |
021 403 3799 |