Question NW2363 to the Minister of Finance

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14 September 2018 - NW2363

Profile picture: Gardee, Mr GA

Gardee, Mr GA to ask the Minister of Finance

What is the total amount that the Government spent on (a) cleaning and (b) gardening services (i) nationally, (ii) provincially and (iii) in the state-owned entities in the 2017-18 financial year?


Cleaning and gardening services­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­



Cleaning Services

Gardening Services




National Department


State Owned Entities

153 333

767 050

661 179

32 276

215 651

175 349


1 581 762

423 277

  1. This include minor assets like shovels, mops etc.
  2. These are general government units not state owned
  3. 20% of this data is imputed

The table above shows the distribution of 2017/18 spending on cleaning and garden services for the national and provincial spheres. Also included are state-owned entities, excluding the public corporations and other off-budget entities. National departments spent R153.5 million on cleaning and R32.3 million on garden services, while provinces spent R767 million and R215.6 million, and the public entities R661.2 million and R175.3 million on these services respectively.

Total spent was R1.6 billion on cleaning and R423.3 million on garden services, which is about 0.1% and 0.03% of total consolidated government spending respectively.

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