Question NW2242 to the Mr D J Stubbe (DA) to ask the Minister of Police
05 September 2018 - NW2242
Stubbe, Mr DJ to ask the Mr D J Stubbe (DA) to ask the Minister of Police
(1) (a) When was a contract first entered into for the lease of the building that is currently being used as the Rietvale Satellite Police Station in the Northern Cape, (b) at the time of first entering into the lease, (i) to whom did the building belong and (ii) with whom was the lease entered into, (c) what were the original terms of the lease and ( d) what are the costs of the rental agreement; (2) whether, since entering into the lease, the ownership of the building has changed hands; if so, (a) who is the new owner of the building, (b) with whom is the lease agreement currently signed and (c) on what date does the current lease agreement end?
(1 )(b)(i) The building belonged to Mrs DJE Pretorius.
(1 )(b)(ii) The lease contract was between Mrs DJE Pretorius, as the lessor and the National Department of Public Works (NDPW), as the lessee.
(1 )(c) The responsibilities of the lessor are as follows:
~ Assessment rates and fixed municipal levies, including all related increases.
~ Any related insurance of the premises and increases, thereof.
~ Normal maintenance and repairs (including painting) of both the interior and exterior of the premises, including the exterior of the premises of the high-rise building.
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