Question NW1966 to the Mr D R Ryder (DA) asked the Minister of Public Works
10 July 2018 - NW1966
Ryder, Mr D to ask the Mr D R Ryder (DA) asked the Minister of Public Works
(1) Following the recent Cabinet reshuffle made by the President, Mr M C Ramaphosa, have all new Ministers been housed in designated Ministerial houses; if not, (a) what is the name of each Minister who has not yet been accommodated in a designated Ministerial house, (b) why has each specified Minister not yet taken up residence in the designated Ministerial house, (c)(i) where is each specified Minister currently being accommodated and (ii) what is the monthly cost and (d) by what date is each Minister expected to be accommodated in a designated Ministerial residence; (2) have all former Ministers vacated the Ministerial houses; if not, (a) what is the name of each former Minister who has not yet done so, (b) what is the monthly cost to the Government in this regard and (c)(i) by what date is each former Minister required to vacate the house(s) and (ii) what steps has his department taken to ensure compliance?
(1) Yes, all newly appointed Ministers and Deputy Ministers have occupied their allocated Ministerial Residences.
As such (b), (c) (i) and (ii) and (d) fall away.
(2) Yes, all former Ministers have vacated the Ministerial houses.
As such (a), (b), (c) (i) and (ii) fall away.