Question NW922 to the Minister of Energy
06 July 2018 - NW922
Groenewald, Dr PJ to ask the Minister of Energy
Whether the oil-drilling rig currently anchored in Mossel Bay is hired by PetroSA; if so, (a) for what purpose, (b) from which date to which date is the lease agreement, (c) what is the amount for the term of the lease agreement, (d) from which date to which date is the oil-drilling rig in operation, (e) who is the owner of the oil-drilling rig and (f) from which date to which date will it be anchored in Mossel Bay; (2) whether PetroSA has any obligations regarding support and maintenance of the oil-drilling rig; if so, (a) what are the relevant details of the support and maintenance thereof and (b) what is the monthly cost thereof; (3) whether he will make a statement on the matter? NW981E]
The oil production facility that is anchored in Mossel Bay is owned and managed by PetroSA. The vessel is not an oil drilling rig but an oil production facility, called the Orca. The facility resembles an oil drilling rig because it was converted from an oil drilling rig to become an oil production facility. The monthly costs to maintain the ORCA in its current location is approximately R2 million.