Question NW637 to the Minister of Transport

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17 May 2018 - NW637

Profile picture: Alberts, Mr ADW

Alberts, Mr ADW to ask the Minister of Transport

(1)Whether any new members on the Air Service Licensing Board were appointed in accordance with the Air Service Licensing Act, Act 115 of 1990, during the period 30 March 2017 to 26 February 2018; if so, (2) whether the specified persons appointed during the specified period possessed the required expertise and experience in aviation as determined by section 4(1) of the said Act; if so, in what way this expertise and experience had been verified; (3) whether consultation with the stakeholders took place as determined by section 4(2); if so, (a) on what date and (b) with whom such consultation was held; (4) whether the reappointment of the existing members had been considered during the specified period; if so, can he provide Adv A de W Alberts with a copy of the letter that was addressed to his department allegedly stating that consideration had been given to such reappointment and that a decision was taken against it and that his department had been instructed to advertise these posts?


1. With reference to the question of Hounarable Adv A De Albets, it should be clarified that the Minister of Transport is still investigating the appointment of the Air Service Licensing Board members, in order to determine if the Board was properly constituted in terms of the Air Licensing Act, Act 115 of 1990.

(2) to (4) Falls away

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