Question NW3691 to the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

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27 November 2017 - NW3691

Profile picture: Marais, Mr S

Marais, Mr S to ask the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans

(a) What is the capacity of the reserve Operational Emergency Care Practitioners, (b) has she found that this is a sustainable alternative, (c) was a cost-benefit analysis done in relation to having practitioners employed as permanent employees and (d) does the rule of the 180 days contract apply?


(a) The current structure for the Operational Emergency Care Practitioners is not sufficient. Within the budget constraints and the current human resource budget the SAMHS cannot appoint Operational Emergency Care Practitioners in the Regular Force. The Surgeon General had the foresight to train operational emergency care practitioners and translate these members to the Reserve Force.

(b) The training and translation of Operational Emergency Care Practitioners to the Reserve Force are being utilised by the SAMHS as a sustainable alternative.

(c) The utilisation of operational emergency care practitioners from the Reserve Force are more cost beneficial. Furthermore the capability of Reserves also provides a strategic reserve capability to the country of scarce skills for emergency care treatment and assist in alleviating unemployment.

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