Question NW1827 to the Minister of Transport

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27 September 2016 - NW1827

Profile picture: Hoosen, Mr MH

Hoosen, Mr MH to ask the Minister of Transport

(a) What are the (i) time frames and (ii) milestones for the implementation of periodic testing of vehicles, (b) at what stage is her department in this regard, (c) what delays, if any, have taken place and (d) what steps were taken by her department to resolve the specified delays?


(a) (i) No time frames have been developed yet.

    (ii) Department is currently busy with development of a process to deal with fraud and corruption within the motor vehicles testing environment to ensure that issuance of fraudulent road worthy certificates is reduced and ultimately eradicated.

(b) The Department is currently engaging with the sector on the development of a system that may be used by the testing station when testing motor vehicles to ensure that vehicles presented for the test instead of only the documentation being submitted. It is common knowledge that, if one was used to buying a fraudulent road worthy certificate they can still continue buying it, therefore it is critical that the environment be cleaned before you introduce a requirement that will only generate money but not assisting us in dealing with unroadworthy motor vehicles.

(c) The consultation on the finalisation of the appropriate system that can be incorporated in the vehicles testing environment and the cost implications.

(d) Consultations are still ongoing and no further delays are anticipated. It must further be noted that Periodic Vehicle Testing alone will not alone have an impact on reduction of fatalities hence the support by traffic law enforcement is prioritised.


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