Question NW152 to the Minister of Social Development
20 May 2016 - NW152
Hoosen, Mr MH to ask the Minister of Social Development
(1) What amount did her department transfer to the SA Council for Social Service Professions (SACSSP) in the (a) 2012-13, (b) 2013-14 and (c) 2014-15 financial years; 2) what was the rationale behind the (a) financial transfer or (b) nontransfer to the SACSSP in each specified financial year; (3) what was the audit opinion received by the SACSSP for each specified financial year?
1. The Department of Social Development transfered the following amounts respectively:
(a) 2012-13 : Amount transfered was R1 550 000.00
(b) 2013-14 : Amount transferred was R1 628 000.00; and
(c) 2014-15 : The Council was not funded for this financial year
2. (a)
The SACSSP is a statutory body established in terms of the Social Service Professions Act, (Act 110 of 1978) as amended. It has the primary aim of guiding and regulating practitioners within the sector and protecting the interest of the public at large.
The SACSSP has been funded in line with the Policy on Financial Awards to Service Providers for the development, management and implementation of projects linked to the departmental mandate and key strategic objectives.
As the lead employing organ of state and key role player in planning, supporting and ensuring that there is adequate workforce to provide services, the Department has to ensure support to the Council in order for it to meet its statutory obligations.
For the financial years 2012-13 and 2013-14, the Council was funded in order to implement the current Social Service Professions Act, (Act 110 of 1978), deliver on its core mandate, priorities and ensure effective regulation of the Social Service Practitioners.
(b) the rationale behind the non-transfer of funds to the SACSSP in respect of the 2014-15 financial year was mainly to allow the SACSSP an opportunity to finalise the implementation of objectives funded in the previous financial years, utilizing funds rolled over to the 2014/15 financial year but also to develop and present an expenditure plan linked to the said funds. The Department continued to monitor compliance and performance in the 2014/15 financial year.
3. The audit opinions received by the SACSSP for each specified financial years were as follows:
2012-13 financial year
The opinion received on the financial performance of the Council presented a fair view on the financial performance of the Council in accordance with the accepted accounting principles.
2013-14 and 2014-15
For both specified financial years, the Council received qualified audit opinions although the financial statements presented a fairly financial position of the SACSSP in line with the accepted accounting principles.