Question NW1269 to the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services
20 May 2016 - NW1269
Selfe, Mr J to ask the Minister of Justice and Correctional Services
(1)Whether he has received a parole request file of a certain person (details furnished) who was incarcerated for a life sentence at the Grootvlei Correctional Centre in Bloemfontein, Free State in 2002, from his department’s Correctional Supervision and Parole Board chairperson; if not, why not; if so, (2) Has he considered the specified offender’s request for parole; if not, why not; if so, (a) on what date(s) and (b) what were the outcomes; (3) (a) why have all the appointments the specified offender had scheduled with a psychiatrist as a prerequisite for parole consideration either been (i) cancelled and/or (ii) postponed indefinitely since October 2014 and (b) when will the specified offender be afforded the opportunity to meet with a psychiatrist?
(1) No, the mentioned offender was sentenced to 2 sentences of life incarceration on 20 March 2002 for multiple offences relating to murder, possession of firearms and ammunition as well as assault.
This implies that he completed 14 years of his sentence and his parole consideration is due after maximum credits were allocated to him as well as the granting of special remission of sentence.
His parole consideration documents (G326 parole profile report) have been prepared by the Case Management Committee but have not yet been submitted as a result of an outstanding Psychologist report.
(2) The Minister has not received the parole profile report of the offender in question and has not considered the offender for placement on parole.
(3)(a)(i) & (ii) No, appointments with a psychiatrist were cancelled or postponed.
(3)(b) The offender has been scheduled to be seen by a psychologist as from 9 May 2016. Once the comprehensive report has been prepared by the psychologist, the Case Management Committee will submit a recommendation to the Minister via the Parole Board.