Question NW1458 to the Minister of Public Enterprises
20 May 2016 - NW1458
Groenewald, Mr HB to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises
(a) How many (i) Chief Executive Officers and (ii) Chief Financial Officers has the SA Airways (SAA) had since 1 January 2005, (b) who are the persons in each case, (c) what is the date on which each specified person (i) assumed duty and (ii) left duty, (d) what is/are the reason/reasons that each specified person left the service of the SAA, (e) (i) which persons did not complete their periods of service and (ii) what was/were the reason/reasons in this regard, (f) what was the remuneration package of each specified person, (g) what remuneration did each specified person receive upon leaving each post and (h) what was the reason that each specified person received the specified remuneration?
SAA currently reports to National Treasury. The Honorable Member is advised to direct his question to the Minister Finance.