Question NW610 to the Minister of Finance
19 May 2016 - NW610
Ntlangwini, Ms EN to ask the Minister of Finance
(1)What is the cost incurred by the SA Revenue Services for employing the services of a certain company as at the latest specified date for which information is available; (2) was an open tender system followed in appointing the specified company; if not, why not in each specified case?
The South African Revenue Service has submitted the following information. Please note that the Minister is unable to verify the content.
1.The cost incurred for the mandated work was:
- Gartner:
- Total Order: R157,442,590.00 (including contingencies of 10%)
- Paid to date: R60, 555, 640.00
2. No, an open tender was not followed for continuity, the Project was in two phases,
(a) in phase 1(diagnostic) of the project, the Gartner services were procured on the basis of an agreement for IT Consultancy services between SITA and Gartner.
(b) In phase 2 of the project, the services of Gartner were procured in terms of National Treasury regulation 16A6.4 read together with paragraph 10.5.2 of the Supply Chain Management practice note number 3/ 2003 for continuity purposes.