Question NW1060 to the Minister of Communications

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25 April 2016 - NW1060

Profile picture: Van Dyk, Ms V

Van Dyk, Ms V to ask the Minister of Communications

(1) How does the Media Development and Diversity Agency (MDDA) ensure that product owners of community print media who earn a profit do not remain dependent on funding from the MDDA; (2) whether the specified product owners receive constant support from the MDDA; if not, why not; if so, in what way; (3) whether she has found that grassroots print media projects who are self-established businesses are more likely to be successful, even though they do not receive funding from the MDDA; if so, how was this conclusion reached; (4) whether project owners of community print media projects supply monthly reports to the MDDA; if not, why not; if so, what are the details of each of these monthly reports provided to the MDDA?


(1) The MDDA covers funding for basic operational costs to “kickstart” a project, and this therefore necessitates that the business owners find other sources of income in order to cover expenses that are not catered for in the grant. Non-financial support in the form of training, negotiating printing discounts, liaising with the GCIS and Media Buyers for advertising revenue is the additional support that the MDDA provides in order to assist the businesses stand on their feet

(2) MDDA projects receive financial and non-financial support from the agency. The non-financial support continues to be offered to projects even after the grant funding is complete and it is in the form of Learning Forums and Training Workshops that are relevant to the needs of the projects.

(3) The MDDA provides support to both existing and start up applicants. This is based on the applications received for additional support for the already self-established to promote media development and diversity as mandated through the MDDA Act. The MDDA has not conducted any study to ascertain whether the self-established are more likely to succeed even though not funded, however it suffice to note that, out of the 68 projects that have been funded by the MDDA since inception, 45 are currently on our database, and we are of the opinion that the MDDA has made significant strides and impact in empowering publishers in these communities.

(4) The MDDA projects submit reports to the agency on a quarterly basis as outlined in the Schedule of Particulars. What is detailed in the reports is an account of how the funds were used. The contents of the reports are the following – narrative report, financial report, valid tax clearance certificate, bank statements, schedule of paid stipends and invoices.








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