Question NW2273 to the Minister of Electricity and Energy
08 January 2025 - NW2273
Komane, Mr LM to ask the Minister of Electricity and Energy
a) How does he justify the decision by Eskom to impose the rigid deadline of 24 November 2024 for prepaid meter upgrades, knowing that it forces vulnerable citizens to endure dangerous and overcrowded queues and (b) what intervention measures has (i) he and (ii) his department taken in this regard?
(a) Eskom started and communicated the KRN project with its customers in August 2023. The vast majority of its paying customers had already been converted to KRN2 by August 2024, as they were buying electricity
(i) With the known challenge of about 2 million Eskom customers having been zero buyers, it was anticipated that this group of customers would be reluctant to come forward for fear of being found out and in the hope that KRN2 rollover would not affect them. Eskom intensified messaging using social media, television, radio and direct messaging (SMSs) urging zero buyers to come forward and inviting them to present themselves at the Eskom hubs even after 24 November 2024.
(ii) The management of zero buyers continues to be one of the main focus areas.