Question NW2248 to the Minister of Police

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08 January 2025 - NW2248

Profile picture: Reddy, Mr VG

Reddy, Mr VG to ask the Minister of Police

(1) Whether he has been informed of the case of a certain person (name and details furnished), who was dismissed in August 2020 via the Expeditious Disciplinary Process despite recommendations by commissioned officers indicating that the specified person committed no workplace offence; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;


(1) No, there were no details provided to the South African Police Service (SAPS) regarding this matter, as the actions described are not part of the SAPS’ internal administration protocols.

(2) None, in accordance with the SAPS’ Discipline Regulations, 2016, specifically Regulation 13, which states “In the event that an employee has been found guilty and sanctioned, such employee may within the time period determined in the Safety and Security Sectoral Bargaining Council (SSSBC) Constitution and Rules refer the matter to the Council for resolution.

(3) No, no locus standi has been received on the matter, as the SAPS’ internal remedies have been exhausted.