Question NW1766 to the Minister of Police

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08 January 2025 - NW1766

Profile picture: Gana, Mr M

Gana, Mr M to ask the Minister of Police

(1) What (a) are the reasons that 900 000 suspects were arrested in Operation Shanela and (b) is the breakdown of the offences that each specified suspect was arrested for;


(1)(a) The suspects arrested through Operation Shanela, which involves weekly high-density operations in prioritised station precincts, are arrested for various crimes that were committed and include both suspects (wanted persons) and accused persons. By implication, the number of persons that are arrested through Operation Shanela increases on a weekly basis and, as at 29 December 2024, a total of 1 075 107 suspects had been arrested by the South African Police Service (SAPS). This total comprises of 845 317 persons who were arrested as suspects in respect of specific crimes and a total of 227 790 suspects who had been circulated as wanted suspects, by the SAPS’ Detective Service capability, and who had been traced and subsequently arrested.

(1)(b) The breakdown in terms of the crimes for which the above-mentioned 1 1075 107 suspects were arrested is indicated in the table below:

Crimes in respect of which arrests were made

Total number of arrests

Contravening the Firearms Control Act, 2000 (Act No 60 of 2000)

6 631

Illegal possession of firearms

8 445

Illegal possession of ammunition

7 503

Illegal possession of explosives


Possession of a dangerous weapon

24 706

Dealing in drugs

27 173

Failure to keep prescribed records (2nd Hand Dealers)

1 714

Possession of illegal cigarettes

3 604

Illegal dealing in liquor

36 751

Second Hand Goods Act

3 059

Possession of counterfeit goods

6 920

Possession of gold bearing material

1 361

Possession of precious metals


Possession of drugs

98 323

Attempted business robbery


Attempted house robbery



1 714

Robbery aggravating (armed robbery)- not listed elsewhere

6 788

Robbery, business

3 227

Robbery, residence

4 019


11 237

Attempted Murder

8 762


16 438

Attempted Rape


Assault GBH

119 991

Assault Common

72 878

Burglary (Business premises)

6 566

Burglary (Residential)

18 989

Theft of motor vehicle and motorcycle

1 421

Theft off or from motor vehicle

4 078

Malicious Damage to Property

25 450

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs

34 044

Illegal migrants

89 442

Wild Life Act


Illicit mining

7 175

Wanted suspects (see footnote)

25 598

Human Trafficking


Other crimes Total

157 488


845 317

Grand Total, including wanted suspects arrested by the SAPS’ Detective Service

1 075 107

(2) It should be noted that with regard to arrests that are made during the course of the execution of Operation Shanela, the SAPS applies case docket management only in respect of the 17 community-reported crimes, due to the large number of arrests that are effected. Arrests during Operation Shanela, therefore, include the 17 community-reported crimes and other crimes, including, for example less serious crimes that are related to by-law contraventions. The totals that are provided for the various subdivisions of the response to paragraph (2), will, therefore, not be equal to the total number of arrests that are reflected in the response to paragraph (1), i.e. 1 075 107.

(2)(a) As at 2024-12-29, total of 21 104 suspects have been released due to insufficient evidence.


(2)(b) A total of 386 198 cases are currently before the courts.

(2)(c)(i) A total of 210 693 suspects have previous convictions.

(2)(c)(ii) A total of 131 590 suspects were released on bail.