Question NW2392 to the Mineral and Petroleum Resources

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11 December 2024 - NW2392

Profile picture: Mhlongo, Ms N

Mhlongo, Ms N to ask the Mineral and Petroleum Resources

With reference to the promulgation of the Artisanal and Small-scale Mining (ASM) policy framework and the establishment of the ASM Fund in partnership with the Industrial Development Corporation (details furnished), and noting that only 20 out of 114 applications for the ASM Fund in the 2023-24 financial year was approved, (a) what were the main reasons for the high rejection rate and (b) how can his department support unsuccessful applicants?


a) The applicants had to meet the requirements and criteria set in the advert and during the evaluation and those that were unsuccessful failed to meet the minimum requirements.

b) The department support all small-scale miners with their mining permit applications process (drafting sketch plans); financial assistance and payment of financial provision for rehabilitation guarantees. This service is available in all provinces through the provincial offices.

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