Question NO10 to the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development
09 October 2024 - NO10
Mathafa, Mr OM to ask the Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development
Considering that incidents of racism amongst young and old have been spiking in schools throughout the Republic, what steps has she taken to ensure that a culture of human rights and racial tolerance is embraced in schools?
- The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development is the custodian of the National Action Plan to Combat Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance as approved by Cabinet in February 2019. The Department is engaging the Department of Basic Education (DBE) at national and provincial level regarding media reports of alleged racist incidents. It has received and analysed the report of the School Governing Body, and is monitoring this matter as well as providing support to DBE. The outcome/report of the inquiry, currently conducted by the DBE, is awaited.
- The DOJ&CD intends to work with the DBE to compile a Policy on Racial Tolerance in Education, that will serve as a national policy to combat racism in the education sector. My department will also, later this year when the NAP convenes under my leadership, develop a toolkit to manage and eventually eliminate all forms of racism. Recommendations that schools need more support to cultivate a culture of belonging and inclusivity must be set up, strengthened and deepened, needs a collaborative effort. We need to intensify and/or revise our strategies to challenge and put a spotlight on identifying unconscious bias not just in schools, but in personal spaces.