Question NW615 to the Minister of Public Service and Administration

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12 September 2024 - NW615

Profile picture: Tikana-Gxothiwe, Ms W

Tikana-Gxothiwe, Ms W to ask the Minister of Public Service and Administration

What (a) is the progress on the implementation of the professionalisation framework in the three spheres of government and (b) are the details of his plan to adapt the public service remuneration standards to enable state organs to attract and retain specialised skills through effective reward systems?


a) The MPSA is responsible to ensure implementation of the framework within the public service (national and provincial department. Significant strides have been made by the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA), and these include the following: a) Amendments to the Public Service Regulations were issued in October 2023 to ensure alignment with the framework b) MPSA led provincial outreach in the first quarter of 24/25 FY c) The MPSA issued 5 Directives for implementation in the public service focusing on Human Resources, institutionalising Ethics Officer work; Discipline Management and others as part of implementing the proffessionalisation agenda. These were issued in the last quarter of 2023/24 and first quarter of 24/25 FY. The Directive on Human Resource Management and Development for the Professionalisation of Public Service Volume 01 issued on 16 February 2024, is foundational in establishing a meritocratic recruitment and selection process that rigorously evaluates candidates based on their competencies, skills, and knowledge. It stipulates that all national and provincial departments undertake thorough integrity and competency assessments, acquire a pre-entry certificate for entry into the Senior Management Service (SMS), and complete mandatory technical assessments as integral selection process components.

Furthermore, the provincial outreach specifically targeting Senior Managers within the provincial spheres of government continue. These sessions are crucial for aligning leadership at all levels with the Professionalisation Framework principles and addressing specific challenges and opportunities within the provincial contexts.

In addition to direct intervention, the DPSA is committed to supporting the continuous implementation of the Framework across national and provincial departments. This support is extended through workshops designed to educate and train departmental staff on the new standards and processes. Moreover, the DPSA provides formalised responses to enquiries typically directed towards the Minister or the Director-General, ensuring that all departments receive timely and accurate information to facilitate compliance and alignment with the Framework.

To further solidify the MPSA’s commitment to professionalisation, the Director-General has issued several circulars that articulate the government’s strategic intentions and provide detailed guidance on operationalising the Professionalisation Framework. These circulars serve as an essential resource for all departments, helping to clarify expectations and reinforce the shift towards a more professional, accountable, and service-oriented public service.

The DPSA's efforts to implement the Professionalisation Framework are comprehensive and multi-faceted, reflecting a deep commitment to enhancing the quality of public service across all levels of government. Through these initiatives, the DPSA aims to foster a culture of excellence and integrity that meets the needs of the South African public efficiently and effectively.

b) As stated earlier, the Amendment Public Service Regulations 2016 was issued in October 2023. The amendments amongst others, enables counter offers to bring in new skills or retain currents whenever possible. Furthermore, the DPSA is currently in the process to finalise the development of the Remuneration Policy for the Public Service. This Policy is aligned to the needs for state efficiency, effectiveness, and the realization of government goals and objectives through appropriate remuneration regime in its various dynamics across the Public Service including the organs of State. Furthermore, the Remuneration Policy will promote, direct and encourage justifiable, effective, efficient and sustainable remuneration practices that will simultaneously ensure the attraction, recruitment and retention of talented and professional individuals to enhance productivity. This Policy provides for the review of the Incentive Policy Framework, this aimed to incentivise / reward good performers and bring elements for non-incentive rewards across the Public Service including State organs.

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