Question NW472 to the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

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22 March 2024 - NW472

Profile picture: Chirwa-Mpungose, Ms NN

Chirwa-Mpungose, Ms NN to ask the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation

(1)What total number of (a) applications did the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) receive for the 2024 academic year, (b) applicants (i) qualified and (ii) did not qualify, (c) applications were (i) approved and (ii) rejected and (d) applications of the qualifying students (i) were approved, (ii) are undergoing appeals and (iii) will not be catered for by NSFAS; (2) what were the common reasons for rejection of NSFAS applications?


1. (a) NSFAS received 1,936,330 bursary applications for the 2024 academic year (to date i.e. 07 March 2024).

(b) (i) The total number of applicants that qualified is 1 258 509.

(ii) The total number of applicants that did not qualify is 230 669.

(c)(i) Total number that was approved is 1 258 509.

(ii) Total number that was rejected is 230 669.

(d) (i) 1 258 509 of the qualifying students were approved.

(ii) 19 149 have submitted appeals.

(iii) 230 669 will not be catered for as they have been rejected.

2. The common reasons for rejection of the bursary applications at NSFAS are based on the following.

a) financial eligibility criteria where family income is above the NSFAS threshold of R350 000,

b) failure to meet academic eligibility criteria, such as the N+ rule.

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