Question NW3009 to the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture
18 October 2023 - NW3009
Mhlongo, Mr TW to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture
Whether there is a company that monitors airplay of the South African music across all radio stations; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what were the reasons that his department saw it fit to award a certain company (name and details furnished) money to establish a company that monitors airplay of the South African music in 2021?
There are a number of private companies offering music monitoring services in the country. However, affordability can be a significant challenge for many artists, especially emerging and independent ones. While private music monitoring services offer valuable benefits, they may not be accessible to all due to associated costs. The department has in 2021 supported Away from Here Trading to run a pilot project to test and validate new technologies, methodologies, or processes for monitoring music airplay.
The pilot project collected data on the airplay of music across various platforms and locations. This data is invaluable for tracking how, when, and where music is played, which is essential for accurate royalty distribution.
Monitoring music airplay is essential for artists and copyright holders as it ensures fair compensation, transparency, and recognition in the music industry. It also provides government with data-driven insights that inform strategic decisions on matters pertaining to
protection of intellectual property rights, as we support the economic and cultural contributions of the music sector.