Question NW476 to the Minister of Environmental Affairs

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15 March 2016 - NW476

Profile picture: Basson, Ms J

Basson, Ms J to ask the Minister of Environmental Affairs

(1)(a) How many delegates from South Africa attended the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 21st Annual Conference of Parties held in Paris in France from 30 November 2015 to 12 December 2015; and (b) what are their (i) surnames, (ii) official designation and (iii) reasons for attending the conference; (2) (a) what was the total cost for the South African delegation’s attendance of the specified conference in terms of (i) flights, (ii) accommodation and (iii) any other relevant expense; and (b) who paid the specified costs in each case?


1. (a) The South African delegation comprised of representatives of all key national departments, local and provincial government, Members of Parliament and other key stakeholder groupings – such as business, civil society, and youth. In total, there were 134 South African delegates, including the Presidency team which only attended the Head of State High Level Session, held on 30 November 2015.

(b) (i) and (ii)

The list of names and official designation is attached as Annexure A.

(iii) South Africa negotiated in the UNFCCC COP21 meeting in its national capacity, played a role in the Africa Group and was the Chair of the Group of 77 and China. The formal negotiations had more than 76 agenda items, excluding those on the sub-agenda, which required South Africa’s engagement. African countries with smaller delegations cannot attend all the meetings, meaning that their needs and national interests are not adequately addressed. South Africa, as a member of the Africa Group, is therefore playing a larger role of also supporting the negotiation capacity of the Sothern African Developing Communities region and the broader Africa Group. In addition, South Africa was leading Africa in the negotiations under the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP) and numerous other issues. South Africa was also the chair of the Group of 77 and China, the negotiating group for 134 developing countries.

Dealing with the global challenge of climate change and securing a binding multilateral agreement that is ambitious, fair and effective in keeping global temperature increase to a maximum of 2 degrees Celsius; that balances development and environmental imperatives; and that enables developing countries to transition to lower carbon and climate resilient economies and societies is extremely complex. Each and every delegate that attended the COP 21 meeting played their part in ensuring an outcome of a universal agreement that is ambitious, fair and effective legally binding outcome.

2. (a) As the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) it would be difficult to give an exact figure of how much the total cost for South African delegation’s attendance.

(i), (ii) and (iii)




Accommodation for DEA Officials

R2 578 935.00

Rental for SA Delegation Operational Room and Meeting Rooms

R992 642.00

Furniture and Equipment Rental

R359 186.40

Flights (R21 139.72 approx. per person)

R697 610.76

Ground Transport in SA (R1 000.00 approx. per person)

R33 000.00

Ground Transport in Paris

R32 756.81

TOTAL: R4 694 131.00

(b) The Department of Environmental Affairs paid only for its officials as it was not responsible for the cost of travel for the whole South African delegation. Each Department, Province, Local Government and other organisations were responsible for their travel cost, accommodation and other expenses.


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