Question NW47 to the Minister of Public Enterprises

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22 March 2023 - NW47

Profile picture: Essack, Mr F

Essack, Mr F to ask the Minister of Public Enterprises

What action has the Government taken to assist the SA Forestry Company Limited to lease state-registered land for its operations in order to meet the rising demand for timber; (2) Whether there has been any attempt to partner with rural communities in developing timber farming estates in order to improve rural economies; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? NW47E


According to the information received from SAFCOL


SAFCOL contacted the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE), and various other stakeholders for expanding its plantable area in the form of lease agreements. The stakeholders consist of:



Potential Plantable Area (ha)


DFFE Plantations in Mpumalanga

4 086


Mkhondo Municipality

2 528


Msunduzi Municipality

1 452


Madlangeni Community

1 100


Land under traditional authority

10 000



19 166


SAFCOL has formalised a land lease agreement with the Mamahlola community to operate their successfully claimed land as a timber estate as part of SAFCOL’s Woodbush plantation. A silviculture services contract has been ring-fenced for the community to allow them to participate in the timber farming activities on their land.

SAFCOL is in the process of negotiating with the Madlangeni community to lease their successfully claimed land for the purposes of re-establishing a commercial forestry estate (reforestation).

SAFCOL has formalised a Memorandum of Understanding with the nine communities in Entabeni to operate their claimed land as a timber estate as part of SAFCOL’s Entabeni plantation. SAFCOL’s information from the Land Claims Commission is that the transfer of the title deeds of the land to the communities are imminent. Upon transfer, SAFCOL will enter into a lease agreement with the communities. A sub-contracting opportunity to allow the communities to participate in timber logistics services has already been implemented.

SAFCOL has ring-fenced a silviculture services contract for the Kaapschehoop community to allow them to participate in timber farming activities on their claimed land. SAFCOL’s information from the Land Claims Commission is that the finalisation of the land claim is eminent. Upon finalisation and subsequent transfer of the land in title to the community, SAFCOL will enter into a lease agreement with the community.

Remarks: Reply: Approved / Not Approved

Jacky Molisane PJ Gordhan, MP

Acting Director-General Minister

Date: Date:

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