Question NW544 to the Minister of Basic Education to ask the Minister of Basic Education

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08 March 2023 - NW544

Profile picture: Van Der Walt, Ms D

Van Der Walt, Ms D to ask the Minister of Basic Education to ask the Minister of Basic Education

(a) What total number of learners are currently beneficiaries of the National School Nutrition Programme and (b) who is tasked with compiling and overseeing a healthy nutritional menu?


a) 9 689 300 learners are beneficiaries of the National School Nutrition Programme.

b) The Department of Basic Education through the National School Nutrition Programme (NSNP) oversees the menu compilation in line with the conditions as set out in the Conditional Grant Framework. The DBE has in its employ a qualified Dietician and Nutritionists who are tasked to review and assess healthy nutritional menus for each Provincial Education Department during the annual business planning process.  The DBE periodically liaises with the Department of Health to align with health and food safety standards/Regulations.

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