Question NW3752 to the Minister of Basic Education to ask the Minister of Basic Education

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02 November 2022 - NW3752

Profile picture: Thembekwayo, Dr S

Thembekwayo, Dr S to ask the Minister of Basic Education to ask the Minister of Basic Education

What consequence management measures have been undertaken to deal with repeated fines by the Auditor-General for non-improvement pertaining to the implementation of consequence management and improved control on measures of irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure?


Measure to deal with consequence management on cases of Irregular Expenditure

  1. The Department has implemented consequence management through the Labour Relations. On some of the cases investigation was completed for officials in the Department, progressive disciplinary process was taken where final written warning and cautionary letters were issued. Other cases of disciplinary processes are still in progress
  2. For the irregular expenditure that affected the Implementing Agents the letters were issued to the CEOs of each Implementing Agent to provide response on consequence management taken and corrective action to improve the control environment especially within the Supply Chain Management. The progress reported so far is that the DBSA has received approval for condonation of R800 million on irregular expenditure incurred because of non- compliance with local content requirement.

Measure taken to deal with consequence management for fruitless and wasteful expenditure

  1. On consequence management of other cases; the disciplinary process within the Department is still in progress.
  2. The Adopt – a -school project , the process of recovery was followed as handled by the Legal Services and subsequently the arbitration process was taken, and final recommendation was obtained from senior counsel to write off the debt.
  3. The case on Kha Ri Gude, there was internal investigation in 2017/18 financial year, and the case was referred to the HAWKS, as it is still under investigation. There were some recoveries of some monies on stipend as payments were stopped.
  4. A case, for Department of Roads and Public Works (DRPW) – EC; it was investigated and referred to the HAWKS for further criminal prosecution.
  5. Other cases are still under investigation.

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