Question NW3763 to the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture
02 November 2022 - NW3763
Madlingozi, Mr BS to ask the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture
(1). Whether, considering that his department has been funding music festivals through the Mzansi Golden Economy strategy, where it identified areas where employment creation is possible, he and/or his department followed up to ascertain if the monies given to the specified companies does indeed create a comprehensive drive to enhance social equity and competitiveness and encourage growth in employment-creating activities; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, will he furnish Mr B S Madlingozi with a thorough, extensive report in this regard?
(1). The Department funds music festivals in three different categories; National Flagships, Provincial Flagships, and the Cultural Events Open Call. These music festivals would vary from large scale, medium and smaller entry-level projects.
Music festivals are funded based on alignment into government mandate like job creation, enhancement of social equity and economic growth in areas where these projects are taking place. These projects would be implemented in line with the memorandum of agreements (MAOs) signed and the reporting should reflect the deliverables as agreed. The Department would also monitor that all procurement processes have been followed in the subcontracting processes that happens in this festival to ensure local economic empowerment and beneficiation of the SMMEs.