Question NW3418 to the Minister of Basic Education to ask the Minister of Basic Education

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25 October 2022 - NW3418

Profile picture: Thembekwayo, Dr S

Thembekwayo, Dr S to ask the Minister of Basic Education to ask the Minister of Basic Education

How does her department intend to deal with the number of systematic challenges such as inequality, poverty and the low morale of overworked teachers?


How the National Teaching Awards assist in improving teacher morale:

  • It influences educators who participate in district, provincial and national awards in both personal and professional ways;
  • Recognition at the NTA is empowering and serves as an affirmation and validation of the hard work in the classroom;
  • The NTA establishes through compliments and words of congratulations a sense of respect for teachers;
  • Teachers develop positive feelings about the profession and develop a sense of pride in being a teacher or school leaders who are making a difference in the lives of their learners;
  • The recognition provided for their hard work in the class and in the school as a whole is appreciated not only by themselves but also by the communities that they serve;
  • Participants in the awards develop a sense of honour and pride and believe in themselves as individuals who are making a positive contribution to society;
  • They feel honoured, proud and humbled to be recognised;
  • Their confidence in the profession is boosted.  They can take more risks and try new things in the classroom and the school as a whole; and
  • They are inspired to be a better teacher.  It encourages the educator to continue to strive for excellence.

* How the National Teachers' Day SHERO Awards are also contributing in improving teacher morale;

SHERO Awards serve as an affirmation that working in partnership with the private sector can be beneficial and motivating to both the school and teachers.

  • The awards bring positive recognition not only to the winning teachers but also to their schools and communities.
  • It enhances the teacher’s credibility with parents and the community.
  • It is beneficial for career-pathing when applying for posts at other schools.
  • The awards also provide an added opportunity for professional development and sharing good practices with colleagues.
  • They develop confidence and are willing to take on the challenge of new leadership roles.
  • They are more motivated to try new strategies and methods in the classroom.

* Impact of the Presidential Youth Employment Initiative through the employment of Education Assistants and General School Assistants and how it is assisting in alleviating the work-load of teachers; and

  • Provides an income for poor/unemployed households;
  • Creating job opportunities for the unemployed youth;
  • Providing on-the-job training that will assist in career-pathing; and
  • Provides an opportunity to gain experience in pursuing self-sustainable entrepreneurial activities.

*How the DBE is supporting teachers.

  • Provides support to teachers via online and face-to-face support in enhancing their skills for the 21st Century (e.g. Coding and Robotics)
  • Support in providing conducive conditions of service through engagements at the ELRC
  • Collaborating with provinces to support employee health and wellness.
  • Addressing the needs of teachers through regular engagements with provinces.
  • Closely monitor PEDs to ensure that allocated teacher posts are filled timeously to avoid additional workload for educators. This includes the provisioning of substitutes for posts temporarily vacated and the appointment of temporary educators against vacant promotional posts.
  • Ensure that all provinces have Employee Wellness Programmes in place and, in terms of the obligation, report the DBE and unions on their programmes through the Education Labour Relations Council (ELRC).
  • Closely monitor PEDs to ensure that they comply with the implementation of the post-provisioning policy to ensure that posts are allocated to schools.


Addressing inequality in education

In terms of recruitment and selection, all departments (National and Provincial) are obliged to implement the Employment Equity Act provisions in their selection procedures. The Act promotes equity in the workplace and ensures that all employees including educators receive equal opportunities and that they are treated fairly. The Act also protects educators from unfair discrimination. All departments report on an annual basis on the implementation of the Act to the Department of Labour.

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